Dear LIB readers: What's your thoughts on Nigeria's anti-gay law? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 14 January 2014

Dear LIB readers: What's your thoughts on Nigeria's anti-gay law?

President Jonathan yesterday Monday Jan. 13th reportedly signed a bill that criminalizes same-sex relationships and gay rights groups in Nigeria. The bill contains penalties of up to 14 years in prison.

Some people feel making this into law can get people unjustly killed or jailed and there are those who feel that Nigerians should be worried now because this is a homophobic country. And in all sincerity I am also worried. I hope incidences like Aluu4 doesn't become rampant. People who are mistaken to be gay can get lynched by a mob because our government has officially made it a crime. You know how we like to take laws in our own hands and enforce jungle justice. Hopefully this doesn't happen.

What's your take on the new anti-gay law?


  1. Don't care. I'm indifferent

    1. What is a sane man looking for in another man's anus if not for the work of devil. This new world order will not work in nigeria. We say to NO TO GAYS.

    2. Perfect bill

    3. What is a sane man looking for in another man's anus if not for the work of devil. This new world order will not work in nigeria. We say to NO TO GAYS.

    4. America and all other countries really need to shut the fuck up. Its up to us if we do not want to be a part of your buttfucking world where kids have 2 moms or dads as opposed to the natural way God intended it. Imagine the hypocrisy! The US states on all their documents that "in GOD we trust" and yet it's ok for a kid to grow up thinking there is nothing wrong with engaging in sex or marriage with someone of the same sex. They honestly need to keep their fugde packing noses out of our business. I personally have nothing against the gays..but fuck if I would ever be in support of GAY MARRIAGE in my fucking country. GTFOH

    5. Polygamy is In Nigeria let's deal with that one first.

    6. I care about the light sentence. It should be reviewed upward.

      A life sentence sounds more like a proper deterrent. Nonsense!


  2. All I know is that I am not in support of gay

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  3. Wats happens to human right?these people are human beings for crying out loud and not animalls,everybody has a right to choose a religion and think people shld have a right to choose their sexuality too.

  4. 100% in support of the bill

  5. The white man is very
    clever. He came quietly
    and peaceably with his
    religion. We were amused
    at his foolishness and
    allowed him to stay. Now
    he has won our brothers,
    and our clan can no longer
    act like one. He has put a
    knife on the things that
    held us together and we
    have fallen apart."
    No other other comment rightly answer this question than this quote by late Chinua Achebe. If we continue following the whitman oneday we will wakeup to discover that murder is nolonger an offence.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. U took the word right outta my mouth!!! Let's put religion aside and fink straight for once..even if GEJ didn't pass the bill people will still talk and act as the case may be.the question is "is being gay good?" *sighs* Yorubas say that nkan ti o da oni oruko meji,kodaa!!! God help us all

    2. Well said Bonario.and "things fall apart the centre cannot hold.the world is almost falling apart cos of dis gay issue.all I can say is let God be the judge.

  6. Thinking along the same lines as u linda. Now if a guy's dress sense seemingly portrays being gay, he will called gay & sent to jail for no just cause or evidence. I don't support the bill. We have more issues. Like anti kidnapping bill,political theft bill etc

  7. ndubuisi onyeali14 January 2014 at 13:49

    Mr president has done a great job. Kudos 2 him

  8. This is the best thing that has happened to us as a nation

  9. I tink its gud becos I don't see anytin interesting about sleeping with same sex its bad n a taboo it should not be practise n people who practise it should be purnish so dey can realise how Devilish it is n its not Recognise in d bible so I tink d FG made a wise decision

  10. Well,it has given room for jungle justice and the rest,,,,it is d most senseless law ever.....there are so many important issues nigeria is facing as a country....the government has to focus on those lingering problems than focusing on issues dat doesn't really matter right now....we need development,we need security as citizens of this great country me this is rubbish.....

  11. Itz simply an act of no idea dat prompted this sickly thought......mstchewww.........SKITTISH....

  12. Its Okay... Of course, I don't think we want Gay in our Country but that doesn't mean we should stone someone to death because we THINK he is a Gay.


  13. The law was hastily signed and they didn't give it a second thought.
    I think they were very stupid for signing it. Leave the gays alone !!!

  14. Dear Linda, these are our fucking thoughts...

    These so called celebrities most especially the washed up ones should give it a rest for goodness sakes!!

    What makes these western countries think they can dictate what they wish to Africans? Why aren't they asking the Arab gulf countries with their draconian laws and total absence of freedom speech to establish democracy and grant freedom and equality to their citizens? Why is it Africans they think they can dictate to and cherry pick what they consider faults in our system?

    As much as I do not care whom or what a man decides to have sex with, I do not condone them doing so in public or forcing the rest of us straight people to accept their queer and totally un-African ways....

    And yes we may have a tonne of other disgusting problems and social ills but that doesn't mean we shouldn't tackle this gay issue viogorously either. I hate it when gay rights supporters easily cite all the other mess in Nigeria as a sign that we have not got our priorities sorted out!!

    Abi, you be closet gay Linda??

  15. God will punish homosexuals if they violate His will. Government creates better opportunity for all through quality education, economic development, infrastructure, healthcare and so on.

  16. Almost all the people in Nigeriia are now secretly bisexual that's y dey r so upset! Anyway if I catch you I will snap you and giv it to the appropriate authorities... Dunno y we can't do the right thing and stop following the western world blindly .Both Islam and christianity do not accept bisexuality so what are you upset about?

  17. I totally support that law. If there are no cockroaches in your cupboard then, there is no need to fear.

  18. I strongly concur with it....

  19. NO TO ANTI GAY RIGHT!! #Period!! How do i explain to my future kids that there uncle wants to get married to another uncle?? Rubish!! Its better they practice in secrecy and not in the open..


  20. i hate dis new law..we ar in democrazy rule.d citizen shuld ve d rte 2 do wot dey pleases.rubish

  21. Its like saying the govt shouldn't make armed robbery a criminal offence....wht the govt has done is to stem the tide of this dangerous and demonic trend 4RM being celebrated like its done in other climes!

  22. Gel is an aimless president to pass such law,not every guy dat behaves lik a lady is practicing gaysm,dis will inncently take lives,is totally wrong

    1. The presidency officially made it a crime, does that mean he legalised lynching or people taking laws into their own hands? If u are caught/accused, u will be tried in a court of law and convicted if found guilty. People should think their brains before they comment. Why are u worried if u are not gay. Live right and be free!!!!

    2. I can't help but wonder why our leaders are chasing shadows. Gaysm is not the problem of Nigeria because we've always and will continue to condemn such practice. Uncle Jonathan should tell us the consequences that will face the Aviation Minister, let's start with that first.

  23. I support the bill, so no going back, this is Nigeria not America or Europe. Intact they deserve death penalty.

  24. To my own point of viwe I think it a good law

  25. Is good and same tym bad becos Nigeria is not an organized country .let's just hope it works out fine.

  26. making it a law will never solve this, I blv this ppl need care nd exppsition

  27. If we've noticed, Nigerians brk d law on daily basis & walk free so d law aint my business but if fellow man near me and as much as me go enter jail 4 murder. Umu anuman neme homo

  28. In fact they deserve death penalty

  29. Denrele would want to cringe where he is now cause he's been denied forever access to PDA to his man to be!!


  30. To me, making being gay illegal is like making being black illegal. There is no biological evidence to prove that these people choose to be how they are. It could be a genetic thing embedded in their genes for all we know. I am highly disappointed in Nigeria. It's a different thing if we make gay marriages illegal as some may argue that it's meant to be between a man and a woman.

    1. Seriously comparing gay to skin colour? Are you that stupid without limitation? Go ahead and endorse the ex governor of Zamfara then because as far as he iss concerned, he didn't pick to be in love with a 13year old.

      You are such an incredible idiot. Gosh!

      Common sense dictates that dick complements a pussy. A dick does not complement a dick nor a pussy complement a pussy.

      Because you possess a driver's licence, go drive on the wrong side of the road. Think man.

    2. Am sure no biological evidence also makes a thief or a robber chose his profession. You pple can put up dumb defences atimes.

  31. Well said! Personally, i think ppl shud be left to do wat suits dem. So far dey r not forcing it down d throat of odas. Der r more pressing issues the govt of nigeria needs to address. We do not want a repeat of the Aluu4 case really, cos nigerians can like to take laws in their own hands.

  32. I am behind the government 100%, we are not Sodom and Gomorrah. anybody caught in such should be punished. let's live rite with God.

  33. Welcome development. Say No to Gay, pussy too sweet and women yapa...Stop fucking assholes... You wanna fuck assholes? Have your woman give you hers, its called ANAL. God bless u Jona and for this u have my vote lol

  34. In my own opinion, gay guys shouldnt be allowed but lesbians should deal...

  35. For the sake of ignorant pple who will use this as an oppurtunity to start causing harm to people, this is where am against this, but other than that I don't and will never support any form of gay/lesbianism so for me thiss is okay.

  36. Linda, abeg! Abeg!! Abeg!!!, nothin like Aluu4 here. Dis is d 1st time President Jonathan has done somthing right. Africa is №†̥ europe biko, if dey feel same-sex relationships and gay rights is good, let dem all com out n protest like other gay pple do in europe. SHAMELESS pple.


  37. Good move.we need it.

  38. Linda,let's call a spade a spade,been gay is not normal and it is unGodly,why should a man sleep with a man or a woman with a woman,why should we feel wise and change God's order?have u seen a male dog doing a male dog b4?or a lion,gorila,rat doing one of same sex with it b4?

    So why should we believe God made mistakes with us?

    For 1s I support Evander Holyfield on his take about the gay society and I think they need fixing,Fixing thru prayers and medical help,

    We are Africans, we are supposed to be the only set of cultured people left on earth to save the world from Doom's day,the Nigerian government should please not allow this evil to enter into our society...


    I "El Toro" say I am in total support of the ban on gay marraiges and any unGodly union of people of same sex by the Nigerian senate

  39. A country that does not support gay right supports God's doctrine!

  40. ahn ahn they should take it easy nah. they didnt say dont have sex with your fellow man, just kip it private. hehehe

  41. Iinda are u gay. Tell moi I won't tell anybody. Post my comment if u are nt gay

  42. D bill is d most stupiest of all bill. We ve more important matter than dat bill.they shld do something abt our educational system n d corruption in d country than d gay bill

  43. Hmmm! Allah created Adam n Hauwa(Eve) not two males, abeg e do me jor, sick lunatics calling themselves gay! Mtscheeew!

  44. I support the anti-gay law.....

  45. Nigeria is a religious country, christians n muslim and dis two religion doesn't support same sex marriage. So without any fear, doubt or vinsism i support d federal government.

  46. Nigeria is a religious country, christians n muslim and dis two religion doesn't support same sex marriage. So without any fear, doubt or vinsism i support d federal government.

  47. When u learn to b abit liberal,less judgemental,less selfish,more spiritual,less religious,moderately cultural,u wud c life in a more clearer perspective,+bviously,this would cause problems,people would b unjustly killed,people would b blackmailed for things that they not guilty of but on d suface might look that way,simpl things lk holding hands n putting one's hands across a frnd's neck could get people lynched,what goes on abt 2 consenting adult's sexual preference shdnt b our business but theirs,gay has always been in nigeria n how has that affected us?rather than concentrate on better things,d GEJ govt decided to wat?win cheap popularity n get a pat on d back?at d 11th hour on something totally non of anyone's biz?another reason to hate gej cos most homophobes r most likely queer,I don't c hw bin queer affects anyone @mj

  48. Let there be a referendum and it will surprise you that about 95% of the population will be against it. This isn't the western world. We have our ideals. Yes we thank the world of civilisation but it doesn't mean we should blindly follow the western world.

    I don't think being gay should be criminalised but I also think they should keep their business to themselves. What is the point of screaming it to the world that you are gay. What advantage or pity are you after advocating gay rights. How many straight people want straight rights. Let's focus on human rights

    I like the law except the punitive part. Do you want your kids at a very young age thinking two men kissing on the streets is ok? Really? When they grow, they can make the choice. So, no to the bars and clubs, and no to them adopting kids

  49. My candid opinion is that our leader are busy chasing shadows. We have more pressing issues to content with, beyond the infantile debate as to which ethnic group produced the first person to eat 'ponmo' in Nigeria!". SMH 4 Naija

  50. People may take laws into their hands- dat fear is understandable.But the truth must be told.Our Nigerian society is dilapidated already. Encouraging and supporting gay rights makes the situation worse- we may not see the effects now but later in the future. I strongly support the president.

  51. Me like it. I've had several embarrasment from my fellow guys, both on social network, sch, church etc. Let them come again..police one way.(14yrs things on my mind) who will be my 1st victim?. Rubbish!! Its so disgusting.

  52. I tink its selfish,denyin its citizens dier rights n isnt anybody's culture, pple dnt choose to b gay,dey were born dat way... i can imagin wat will b happening to effeminate guys nw...

    1. Effeminate guys like u, rubbish who wil deliver d baby dat u nd ur gay partner wil adopt. Do it in ur rooms privately like we all knw ur doing already but gettn married legally datz in ur dreams.

  53. My take is that our law makers should begin now to enact a law that criminalises marrying own sister or brother. I have a feeling that the proponents of this gay madness will switch to that side when they are done with forcing gay down our throats.

  54. Is that what's eating Nigeria up? F**k them!

    -Blunt Ibo boy-

  55. looking at it from angle, i actually agre. i hope this isnt the beginning of a lot more lynching and jungle justice. its actually pretty scary!
    14 yrs in prison for someone choosing a different lifestyle is ridiculous, i just dont get it. they should decide not to legalise gay marriage not punish them.
    its just crazy. this gay stuff has been in existence for years, its not affecting anyone.
    i am just short of words... aluu 4 scared the living hell outta me, i dont want it to re-occur.

  56. IF I may quote you Ms. Linda Ikeji:

    "And in all sincerity I am also worried. I hope incidences like Aluu4 doesn't become rampant. People who are mistaken to be gay can get lynched by a mob because our government has officially made it a crime. You know how we li".

    Dear Linda, in all sincerity, YOU ARE A SUSPECT!!!

  57. This country is a joke. I don't know how passing this law will make our lives more better. It doesn't stop corruption, failing education, bad roads, dey can't even give us light even with privatisation. More of Aluu4 coming. They just forgot that they are humans first.

  58. Let's put into consideration the benefits of this new development.
    Its despicable nd has its health hazzard.
    Putting laws into our hands shd be ruled out nd shd have its own penalties.
    I think it shd be hitherto implemented...Thank you!!!

  59. Wateva,but am sure if Gej has been doing tins right..pple wnt really criticize dis

  60. Well my take on Nigeria passing anti gay law, is to show how backward thinking Nigeria really is at list for another 100 years. according to many studies there are over 20 million homosexuals in Nigeria male and female this people need to live their life which ever way the want instead of pretending to be who the are not religion and culture have nothing to do with this. it's a right for every human been to live marry whom ever the want. the did not choose to be gay. the are born that way. one group of people i truly hate with every hatred i have in my body is those who bring religion into this issue.

  61. The whole gay rights thing is fresh, i dont think its reasonable to expect the world to welcome the idea with open arms and just let gay people be, it takes time to work issues like this into a system, especially in a place like Africa where religion and culture comes before logic and reasoning.. i think criminalizing homosexuality is only a first reaction, over time people will learn to understand that it actually does no harm whatsoever. it really should not be my business what two grown men or two grown women do in private. Africa being a mostly HYPOCRITIC continent has not really taken a solid stand against 'child abuse, marriage and labour', in this same Africa. already there are areas where gay people are being lynched in Nigeria, criminalizing it by law will only lead to more lynchings because already, Nigeria still suffers a lack of education that should lead people to think Logically'. once, i used to really speak out against homosexuality because i failed to address the issue for what it is.. you might want to see homosexuality as a psychological sickness, but its not madness.i dont support refering to homosexuality as psychological sickness... i think we would all be fine the moment we understand that being gay or lesbian really does no harm, it does not affect the stock market in any way. and to all the christians who like to quote the bible and cite sodom and gomorrah, the question for you is "WHAT WOULD JESUS DO?" answer that and your life will be better. I am not a christian by the way lol

  62. Is she kidding me? Well i do give ur president an applause.

  63. Naa linda,dnt tink it will come to dat...Gays/Lesbians acts are all evil habits and those involved will rot in HELL with or without this bill passed,except they turn to JESUS..But I sha support the. Law!!Kapish!!

  64. I am not here to claim I'm holier but same sex affair is not normal. How can a man stay & be fantasizing about another man's ass? Its so abnormal. The only way to stop people from seeing something as normal when its not is by condemning it & putting a penalty to scare people from doing it. If timely measures are not taken to stop this day men will be allowed by law to f*ck animals or take animals as spouses or that be seen as normal. I love what GEJ did. & I wonder why Linda is so active in fighting for the gay rights. Are u one of them my sister? I won't be surprised if u are....but please let's call evil what it is. Man is created to f*ck woman & not man on man, woman on woman nor man on animal. Satan is using this to rob us the 'humaness' in us. My dad didn't marry a man & I came from the union between a sane morally-sound man & a woman. So I support GEJ. Say no to Gay! Gay is wrong! Gay is abnormal! Gay is inhuman!

    & more over Nigeria has too many problems now not to talk of adding this one to the list!
    Kudos GEJ on this one!
    No time!!!!

    My 2kobo tho...

  65. I support GEJ for d law coz its a sin.

  66. Human right taking over the laws of God!foolish gay people,jonathan go ahead jor

  67. Please Lib bear with me that this is peoples ways of life, so i don't the why President Jonathan Intrude into other peoples affair, first we all know that Nigeria practice freedom of marriage, this is not the major problem at hand in Nigeria, our problem is bokoharm. for all the guys in Nigeria Kudos, intrepid there most be solution. Thanks to the all the fans of

  68. GOD almighty created us all with different peculiarities, abilities and uniqueness. The genesis of this Nation's problem is lack of mutual respect for one another. Like seriously their are better/importantant issues/problems to attend to! Our so called bad luck jojotan aint worth it! He's such a weakly. Corruption is still at its peak! Poverty,bad road,security p e.t.c

  69. I think its a great move by GEJ... Cos it is really getting serious... And at the same time I think there lots of important issues to tackle.... I don't think any Gay will publicly or bold enough to get married in this our country...

  70. It's a step in the right direction. I must commend Mr. President for that decision. God created us Male and Female, Adam and Eve and commanded us to go and multiply. There's no way two women or two men can multiply that is pro-create without the help of the opposite sex. Those against the signing of this bill should be checked. Thanks you Linda dear for asking.

  71. Our president has gone and done it. He has singlehandedly made Nigeria more hated than it already is. Why was it easier to sign this bill than one that protects female children's innocence? The president clearly doesn't know his priorities.

  72. I'm loving it. The level of moral depravity in d world is alarming, if this little law helps reduce it, then by all means. No to homosexualism

  73. we dnt wnt same sex marriage here

  74. Gay people should keep their relationship at home and they won't have any issues. Please we should stand for something or fall for nothing. Being Gay is immoral and satanic. They should all go for counselling and deliverance. I love all human beings but doesn't mean we should condone trash.Fully in support of the Bill.m

  75. well i feel d penalty ws too stiff ..13 yrs oouch das a vry long jail term should b reduce n i wish d same jail term goes for our corrupt leaders

  76. Dis is a very crios nd sensitive mata ooo,, wat happened to freedom of "xpression"???? People can be rongly convicted for dis.. Som people re jst soo. Clueless nd insensitive... Dis is a civilizd era for geez sake... Let people live deir lives jooor

  77. Personally i commend d bill. Gay is alien n we should reject it.
    N anybody hu doesnt like it should move to USA

  78. It's a step in the right direction. I must commend Mr. President for that decision. God created us Male and Female, Adam and Eve and commanded us to go and multiply. There's no way two women or two men can multiply that is pro-create without the help of the opposite sex. Those against the signing of this bill should be checked. Thanks you Linda dear for asking.

  79. Is good,we r makin our nation holy.we r africans cos d white does it does nt mean we shuld. I support d president n his cabinet

  80. lynda, u be gay? abi which one be your own? wedo not want gay in our country simple!

  81. Na dem sabi,make all em Gays cum out oº°˚˚˚°Âº,make we sabi dem.
    Dat way,we can kill dem nd take ova deir women.

  82. It sucks. The president nd wuevr enacted dis law blows. I dunno wats up wif Nigeria following the bad trends instead of the good ones. So what some people re gay? What concern z it of the president wu has made himself our very own earth god? Wotevr happend to enacting a law on the exploitation of our oil reserviors? Of making sure kids stay in school instead of making it owk for them to be raped in d name of marraige nd constitution? Making sure our futures re secure? I'm seriously dumbfounded on the kinda bills that re passed into law in dis country wifawt evn asking the opinions of the proliteriates. I can't wait to leave dis messed up country nd I sure am nt proud I turned up here. Mtsheew

  83. The anti gay law is pure nonsense..if two pple of same sex should decide to f**k eachother its no one's business as far as its nt affecting anyone.its nt as if a gay will rape u if u don't nt saying it should be legalized but there's no need of signing such for those talking abt d bible..let God be the judge,its btw them and their God..even those fornicating self will also go to hell,no sin is greater than another..premarital sex is also a sin...don't judge

  84. i think is is a stupid law Nigeria has more problems than the gay community let them be.

  85. Na Pussy sure pass. I go D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ fuck pussy till i see male dog D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ fuck anoda male dog.
    Ntn sweeter dan pussy.

  86. That's great, its good that nigerians are taking a bold step against the western powers. No religion, I mean no religion on earth accept this practice, and I believe thosee supporting them r worshipping the devil. Remember before one is convicted he/she most be found guilty, so I don't see any case of ppl being killed innocently

  87. 4rm biblical sense of view gay practice is very wrong if d only way 2 reduce d practice is by law den i support d prseident 100%

  88. I love gays and lesbians but the act just like fornication ,stealing is a sin as a Christian d bible is my reference and I can not apologise for that,so the act shld be discourage.

  89. Evry tin goodluck does ppl wil want to criticize.....even the aluu 4 was der any law dat permits jungle justise by the president....if u dnt want to get killed dnt act gay....if u dnt want to get arrested dnt post a pic of weed, coke or gun on social media simple......d next tin u wil hear is Apc using it for campaign agaist goodluck....Smh

  90. Say No to evil......I like d Law

  91. Don't blame gej!those fat fools in national assembly floor are to be blamed!!they can never pass bills that will better the lives of nigerians....even the led''mumus''are clapping and supporting them while they loot and fly to gay countries to enjoy their stolen or no gay nigeria society is filled with beasts!animals!I blame america for popularizing this shit!!

  92. Pls I support jare.......hopefully nobody wil b mobbed except caught in action. This is d first reasonable tin GEJ has done

  93. Linda there is no justification whatsoever in heaven and on earth to encourage gay laws or gay rights. It is forbidden and anybody who indulges in it should not only be stonned bt also burnt alive. Kuddos Mr President

  94. Personally i believe every adult has a right to his/her sexual orientation, this law would only make matters worse as not only the gays
    can be jailed, but anyone else who seems to be in support, and trust the Nigerian police when they begin to enforce this law, even the innocent won't be spared.

  95. How could u link ALUU 4 with gayism. Was that the reason they were killed? There is no co-relation to their lynching with the law that was just passed. Why would u be worried with the passage of this law? Unless u are telling us you are a lesbian. This Linda I am suspecting you oo. U even went further by posting anti-gay bill board. A law that has not completely landed u are already showing ur reservation. How do u know that people will start mistaking gay people for innocent persons to wld won't to lynch them? Better know how u make ur opinion on this ur blog before u start misleading people. It's ur blog for sure and u hv right to ur opinion, but the way u go about it matter a lot. I hv always regarded u in high esteem but this one is a no no for me. A word is enough for the wise. If u like post.#walking away and rolling my eyes#

  96. When the likes of the hausa senator is marrying 13-15 urs old girls when he's clocking a century, no laws were signed against child marriage, pedophilia, rape, incest, but he is quick to sign an anti-gay law. Misplaced priorities GEJ?

  97. If you are pissed with the Gay law. That means 'You are Gay' and u should be called for questioning... #KILL GAYS# *Chu'Chu*

  98. So now if I'm going inside my room/bed with my boyfriend or new catch...police will follow me???perhaps if am holding/cuddling a guy someone would up to me and say ur under arrest??this pathetic!!I so much like boys and how I wish this first timers will stop coming back for more.

  99. I 110% of it and I don't believe any body would be a victim of it. The law has been spelt out.lets all be guided!

  100. Nigerians should be weary of silly laws passed by governments to distract us all from what really happening in the country. Instead of creating jobs & improving infrastructure they find time to worry about what adults do in private. This is happening all over Africa. We the people join in chorus to lynch & maim people. Wake up Naija wake up Africa. You then run from these African countries going abroad for better life where homos are legal. These people want to distract you when they are stealing state money.

  101. If he was 2 supot gay practice it will still be us dt will say end tym tins now he said no hez done d greatest evil, we nid God

  102. GEJ may not have pleased the sons and daughters of men but certainly he has pleased God almighty and that is what matters. For those of you who are calling Mr President names, I pity all of you....guess u want Nigeria to be as corrupt as the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah.

  103. for all thoes fighting against and ranting against this anti gay law... i dey suspect una... abeg its a good thing joor!

  104. gud decision,jona get it no 2015 seat fr u sha o.

  105. Dear Linda,
    My question is, should siblings be allowed to marry siblings? Stay with me.

    My point is, where do you draw the line? I personally don't care who you marry but I also am smart enough to know that it opens a gateway to men/women trying to marry young kids, siblings marrying each other and people having multiple husbands and wives. You have to think all of these things are okay otherwise your stopping them from being happy as well which is hypocrisy. Equality doesn't stop with gay marrage, it just starts with it.

    We need to put an end to this madness. Because America endorses gay marriage doesn't mean we all have to follow suit.

  106. Extremists exist no doubt but the legislation is a proactive move against the homosexual influences which has riddled the western world. The law does not prescribe lynching. No one has been reportedly lynched so far for being perceived as gay. Homophobia in Nigeria does not generate the deep sense of emotions that theft, kidnapping and cultism do.

  107. This is my first comment on LIB.. I strongly believe the enactment of this law is the most reasonable thing GEJ has ever done in his presidency. I STRONGLY CONDEMN GAY PEOPLE... They should not be found anywhere in our society!.. Gays/Lesbians should be sent to JAIL

  108. We say no to GAYS we HATE them. We love our women.

  109. Its sad that a country that doesnt have steady power supply n water is concerned abt who I choose to have sex not straight I was born dis way...nigeria is a sad sad country...and to think d likes of yerima r free from jail sentences...the cold wind is getting colder

  110. You're very wrong in your thinking because lynching people to death still remains a crime irrespective of what they did. Linda what you're saying is akin to supporting a repeal of laws against stealing cos you're afraid people may be lynched for stealing. I hope you're not dubiously trying to twist people's sympathy for the Aluu 4 victims to garner sympathy for homosexuality which majority of Nigerians are against. Nigeria is a homophobic country not because our government has laws against homosexuality, but because an overwhelming majority of Nigerians are against the practice itself.

  111. This is totally wrong, Jonathan most times reasons tru his anus

  112. That 1 na their own cup of tea

  113. This is my first comment on LIB.. I strongly believe the enactment of this law is the most reasonable thing GEJ has ever done in his presidency. I STRONGLY CONDEMN GAY PEOPLE... They should not be found anywhere in our society!.. Gays/Lesbians should be sent to JAIL

  114. I don't support anti gay law n I don't support gay marriage law either, they should just allow them to do their thing after all prison changes no one n who says they are not doing homo in prison already.

  115. we need a faggot reporting bureau

  116. Its totally wrong Jonathan shouldn't be doing this at this time, its really a wrong timing

  117. death to all male fags!!! but lebians are cool! *santa clause laugh*

  118. @ Ayo Sogunro:As a lawyer,I believe that recognition of gay union in whatever form,is a phenomenon which is antithetical to our core values and social norm.

  119. Dear Linda. We can't grow without God in thesr country. If only you know how the founding fathers of America and so many other great countries knew and loved God. The results is what we see today. Been gay is a crime. Why should you put an institution around it. The same for stealing and killing! These laws were given to us directly from God. So why do we not accept cleptos and killers? Is it also ok to carry guns because Americans can stroll into walmart and buy it?
    We need to get up pray for Nigeria. Same sex will not leave any values for our children in the future. Can u imagine been raisedd by 2men? The list is. Endless. If you are we won't kill you just say so. Meanwhile Nigeria is for God. We won't add to our many problems by kicking out the family sytem.
    Love, Chess.

  120. Like seriously dis is Soooo Bad, plsss wat was GEJ even thinking , dat sentencing dem 14 yrs in prison will change dem, d thruth. Of d matter is dis!! He is wrsning their situation , bcus in dose same prison gay is being practise unbashedly .... So wats his Point...Nigeria alwys doing fins upside dwn..... SUCR'e. Pls Linda post ma comment.. Biko

  121. If I see hmmmm. I will report, take my word for it

  122. Linda!! Im more suprised at you!! You too?!! You are worried they passed the law?!! Honestly are u worried that if u steal or lie u might get lynched? So why worried for the gay law? the law will only lynch u if you practice it, u guys are always ready not to take a firm stand against whats wrong and the society is daily drifting away from God, meen! its more worrisome when everybody handle this stuff with kid gloves, what do u want the kids growing up to think, this stuff should be enforced and those caught should be confined somewhere where special doctors can counsel them, the law should also stand up and protect people from general jungle justice on any crime and not only gay, im annoyed

  123. Linda I share ur opinion on dis.Nigerians r too sensitiv 2certain ish nd just lik u pointed out incidences of Aluu 4 may repeat itslf.

  124. please Linda, I suggest you becareful before you are mistaken...

  125. The earlıer we accept the fact dat we r blaqs n caneva b whıtes,the beta 4 us! well,ı gotta b selfısh n be cool wıddıt!..

  126. debere emesiofor14 January 2014 at 15:08

    2014 gbosaa for our President, that's gud one.Good luck carry go joo.don't mind d foolish one's.

  127. If I see hmmmm. I will report, take my word for it

  128. You just tell me wat sending a gay or lesbian citizen to jail will achieve....Mr president has further showed theiinternational community that he is not only clueless but nigerians to hold religious beliefs so strongly while we remain d most dubious set of people in dis one chooses too be a minority....leave the gays alone....linda pls post my comment u never do!

  129. Well said,14yrs won't stop em frm doing dia shii codely or secretly,gej's problem should b he's political rivals,using ph as a case study,DZ political shii has taken d beta part of our youth'dey shud look 4 a beta solution b4 it escalates,nat passing a useless law......Let God b d judge**divy** my opinion sha

  130. debere emesiofor14 January 2014 at 15:11

    2014 gbosaa for our President. Good luck don't mind d foolish ones. Were by ur side joo.

  131. Otito diri Jeso...

  132. Yea I tink d House of Assembly shd revisit this !I am nt a fan of homosexuality @all!!!but if a human life is goin 2 be compromised in d process then I dnt wnt d law! Dnt wnt pple to be victims of jungle justice/mob.infact any1 caught in d act of jungle justice shd be punishable by death!Najia lik to tk laws in2 der hands.let's remb these pple r Humans and der only crime is dt its against natural law!dey dint harm any1.I ws in support of d bill but nw tinkin abt it, cnt blame dem for being d way dey r.who knws it cld've be any1...God help us!but Man and Man is d worst! Mstewww*disgusted*

  133. debere emesiofor14 January 2014 at 15:13

    Good one.

  134. But I tink ds gay ish is psychological why wld a woman prefer a rubber thing(vibrator) to d real warm thing and a man havn al d rite tins to touch wld prefer hard hairy chest and rigid body! Smh cnt undastnd it!

  135. Irrelevant! Freedom to love and be loved and QUIT unnecessary condemnation.
    ~D great anonymous!

  136. That one concern them!ah wan even do the tin with one boy in met in the church on xmas eve..em still dey form don jazzy for me bet all na wash!!nigeria is a lawless nation!sharia law no work na anti gay law go come work??make go watch black breeders a beg

  137. As it is written in the bible that a man should not put on anything that of woman likewise woman - man, but people did not understand this scripture b/cos they are canal minded, it's means that one ie. a man or woman should not have feelings like an opposite sex ie man to feel like a woman and desire his fellow man just like a woman or a woman to start feeling like a man - desire to be with her fellow woman. They are all been possess by evil spirit and needs serious deliverance, may God help them all. That's why there's no true love in the world anymore, men ended up hating woman likewise woman -man. God who is Love is what's connect man and woman.

  138. a bad developement

    My room mate has gone on food riot

    Crying ooooooo


  139. i will say kudos to the govt for the law..since the U.S govt have forcing to nigeria to legalize same sex i thankGod stood their ground and banned they stuff...this is to remind everybody that we are african with our customs and tradition which is against it,we are not like the europeans or the americans that promotes nonsense all in the name of F.H.R

  140. Nooooooooooooooo 2 same sex marriage! Thiz hypocrites here cryn wolf once supportd d bill 2 b passd wen it ws stil rumuord now it has bin signed u hav changd lyk d chameleon dt u r.hw many of u r prdcts of same sex marriage?

  141. That one concern them!ah wan even do the tin with one boy in met in the church on xmas eve..em still dey form don jazzy for me bet all na wash!!nigeria is a lawless nation!sharia law no work na anti gay law go come work??make go watch black breeders a beg

  142. Nooooooooooooooo 2 same sex marriage! Thiz hypocrites here cryn wolf once supportd d bill 2 b passd wen it ws stil rumuord now it has bin signed u hav changd lyk d chameleon dt u r.hw many of u r prdcts of same sex marriage?

  143. Lesbianism cool at least a 3some can b involved....but male to male dat shii shld be life imprisonment...

  144. Hiss linda neva posts my comments

  145. I'm in full support of the law but I feel the timing is wrong cos we have other pressing problems facing us than gay rights. Again I feel the punishment is too much. All the same Kudos to GEJ now go n gt other things right pls

  146. I vehemently support the Law. Nigeria is neither Sodom nor Gommorrah.

  147. what else do you expect when you put a 'slave' in charge of a 'kingdom'? I am not homophobic and i believe sex is better with the opposite sex.. But what happens to their own right to be different? Aren't the humans because the find pleasure in what we see as a 'devilish' act.. I would never support my child to be gay,but i'd definitely not send him to prison eida

  148. My thought is if you are gay go to countries where your type is accepted PERIOD!!!!!. DONT FORCE YOUR SHIT ON US!!!!

  149. A welcomed development. GOD bless nigeria.

  150. The more I think about this nd try to make excuses in my mind for d govt it still doesn't sit well with me.I for one still cannot understand why a man will want to sleep with a man,I knw nd agree dat its not natural.but I also knw dat these people re humans nd nobody made us God over them not even our govt ve d right to do dat.biblically speaking gay is a sin as much as telling lies,adultery,fornication nd d rest but judgement belongs to God.dat is my take on this.

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. i totally commens GEJ Jonathan on this anti gay law, yes we have too many problems we dont need more! to all those who think otherwise, must we imbibe all the ills of the western world? they have made beastiality legal, how horrible is dat, men can now sleep wid and marry animals, none of our business right? how terrible and unconducise our society is going get if we keep quiet, very soon it will be legal to sleep with ur own children! afterall they are urs, none of the law's business !

  153. I provide my own electricity,water,road,security and even job bcos i av a govt whc is nt doing anytin for me,bt ds same govt wants to choose wat i do wit my sexual orientation? No bleeding way! I decide wat i do wit my life. Same sex marriage is d least of our problems in ds country! Treat d important issues first and let's see to same sex marriage!

  154. kudos GEJ...linda you are 32 and not married...are you sure you are not g$y or le$b@?

  155. Let's call a spade a spade, it isn't right. Its an abominable act but I think dis new law might make nigerians who practise it to @least showcase their sexuality behind close doors .These Aluu4 case is not d ist time it has happened Linda, not becos it was recorded n u think its d first.I want to tell u that it has happened to my blood brother (21_1_2009) @ Absu.Here is my number 08098567068 if u wanna hear more about it. So let's not use d issue of nigerians taken laws into their hands to condone evil n always imiatiating d white people.

  156. 101% supported, GEJ kudos.
    when you do good, i go support, if u do bad, i go follow harrass you.

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. Oya o,asylum seekers make your case for western Europe now o,this is your fantastic chance to relocate. Bona nnwanne u no wan come live for Europe? "Please help me,am being persecuted for my sexuality"! Nigerians are such God botherers,God this,God that,it is really tiresome listening to them.

  159. not sure alot of pple understand what it means to be gay, or to be str8, i swear, call it what ever you may, truth be told there are pple who in this world who are born different and even every individual is different to another.just as some will claim bestiality will be next but then that's a whole entire realm which even i do not support, but where two consenting male or female adult choose to touch themselves then its not one's biz, and where it is without consent then i will be the first to carry stone, homosexuality has been in out society decades and centuries before the white man came so why deceiving ourselves, do you even know if your brother or sister under the same roof could be gay?


  160. For Gay right or not? The argument for against is that it is anti-religious, anti-culture and anti-nature. People who use religion to argue against are basically the same ones who practice sex-before-marriage, or lust after someone. Need I remind you that these are condemned by Christianity and Islam. Who here (who condemn homosexuality) can say in his/her heart of hearts that he/she has not committed any form of a sexual sin?
    On the other hand, people who argue for Gay right base on the premises that it is not a choice or feeling and what not. Is it a way of life, or a desire...? Is it not these desires that have bring people to have sexual experience with Animals, or want to cheat on their wives or husbands or practice polygamy and yet we judge them.
    So, basically, people should stop being hypocritical. You are either for or against. Be a virgin as religion says and then frown upon sexual sins or go against it and don't frown against the rapist, the cheats e.t.c
    If there's a vote today for Gay rights. In my opinion, I will surely vote against it. But I will respect any one as a human being.
    So the summary of my Novel is that we should not condemn a situation until we are entirely against it. Hypocrisy is the very fabric of that which is holding us back as Nigerians, as a people.

  161. Human rights ko,animal rights ni!Soon bestiality 'll become an issue for debate.You don't see anyone questioning America for bombing and killing innocents all in the name of fishing out terrorists.Nigeria's a sovereign country that should have its own indigenous laws not a copied handbook..

  162. am sooooo in support of this new law,the institution of marriage must be protected simple and short,its a union between a man and a woman and not a man and a man or a woman and a woman

  163. Am so pissed right now! Damn! For God's sake, what is right in same sex marriage? What? They don't deserve any rights, they are abnormal as far as am concerned, they should correct their heads and get their standard rights, which is 'HUMAN RIGHT' and not 'gay rights'. Even an animal craves for the opposite sex , talk more of a HUMAN.. This is the only time we are standing up against the white man and his SATANIC development and am proud of this country! Jonathan has earned a fan... The hypocrites are all against it why? Reasons known to them. In this country, the only blog that keeps talking about the Aluu four is Linda, and now the anti gay rights has been signed and they suddenly feel concerned! Wickedness, sheer wickedness... And believe it or not, moslems in this country are part of the reasons why this law is here, left for the Christians, they would have influenced it because some of this personalities speaking out claim to be christians, we all know they are not anyway... Ignorance or hatred for a law is not an excuse, if you don't like the law, then fly the hell out! No one will notice. Infact it will make the population reduce and enhance speedy development.. SOMY


  165. Fully in support of the law in body, soul and spirit.
    The gay thing is one of the nonsense going around like every other 21st century diseases.
    Must we follow the Western world into the grave??
    Human right my foot! What is the origin of marriage and the originator of marriage approve of the gay contraption??


  167. Judging from the mentality of most Nigerian's, I support u on this one Linda. People might get killed or jailed, based on mere suspision.

  168. It baffles me to see some celebrities in Nigeria taking sides with the Gay right ish just to be regarded as human rights activist or earn cheap respect outside Nigeria.. All these guys are perverts, how could you support an act that depicts the doctrines of God in the name human right supporter that is if they're not one bcos that's how I see it! How can u possibly support an impression that God did wrong in creating us the way we were born?. Let's face the truth before the wrath of God befalls on us, we all know Nigeria has some many issues to tackle but ignoring this one will make everything worse bcos when these perverts compares us to civilized countries they forget that these are advanced countries with social benefits, welfares, good medical system and so on! I've seen a man die of pile because of anal sexual activities he participated in. I support Jonathan on this one even if we've always done it wrongly at least for the first time we've done something right, something that will save our generations from a fatal destructions in the future yet to come. We've proving to the Americans that we ain't cowards, if they love Africa this much why do they fold their hands and watch poor African States kill them selves in the name of war and only interferes in crisis among oil rich countries because of selfish gains.. To Hell with them! support this and the next step will be to introduce church of Satan in Nigeria and also advertise it.

  169. Even before this latest move by President Jonathan, the law provides expressly in the Criminal Code that homosexuality is a criminal offense...
    There is nothing novel about this only reinforces the fact that homosexuality is a crime!!!
    The western world got to this sorry pass with homosexuality, once the practice was decriminalized...
    Indeed, all over the world until recently homosexuality was regarded a crime!
    The decriminalization of homosexuality naturally graduates into calls for recognition of same-sex marriages and civil unions..
    In Nigeria homosexuality remains a taboo, A CRIME!!!!!!!
    And that puts paid to any possibility of gay marriages in Nigeria!!!!


  171. I am in full support of anti-gay bill passed by the President. We cant allow our society degenerate to Sodom.

  172. May all the people trying to set up the Devils order/standard in Nigeria be consumed and destroyed by Holy Ghost Fire, it is better for few to be destroyed than for all to be destroyed. I hope fellow christians stop being indifferent and realize they are not fighting against flesh but against principalities and powers that want to set up a devlish agenda on the wings of liberalism.

  173. In my opinion, I really don't like this. Honestly, I'm worried about this. It's just like you rightly said Linda "People who are mistaken to be gay can get lynched by a mob because our government has officially made it a crime". I really pray and hope this doesn't happen. The thing is, there are angry Nigerians who always wait for the slightest opportunity to vent out their frustrations on people who are believed or said to commit a crime. There are more important issues to be addressed than this one. Will the anti-gay law give Nigerians Light? Will it create employment opportunities? Will it put food on their tables? Anti-gay law or not, it won't change our present situation in this country. What we need to do is wake up and get things working and anti-gay law is certainly not one of the ways to do so. And Oh! Like it or not, the so called "crime" will still be committed behind closed doors. So, this anti-gay law doesn't change a thing.

  174. My take on this issue is where in the world have we seen any male/male or female/female creature or animal or insect courting each other or having sex? Nature needs positive to make negative work ,just like electricity. If 2 males or 2 females sleep with each other,will dey be able to produce kids? Why do females during lesbianism buy penis like toys to use for Sex? I feel gay is sick,demonic and needs medical and spiritual care. How can humans stoop so low mentally and practise what no animal or creature can degrade itself to carry out? Its not in our culture,its not befitting to human race,as sperms from 2 men can never form a baby,neither does 2 ovary eggs,so man is made woman and woman for man. Govt has done,lethal injection sef for gay people,donate their organ to people who deserve to use it for survival.

  175. not sure alot of pple understand what it means to be gay, or to be str8, i swear, call it what ever you may, truth be told there are pple who in this world who are born different and even every individual is different to another.just as some will claim bestiality will be next but then that's a whole entire realm which even i do not support, but where two consenting male or female adult choose to touch themselves then its not one's biz, and where it is without consent then i will be the first to carry stone, homosexuality has been in out society decades and centuries before the white man came so why deceiving ourselves, do you even know if your brother or sister under the same roof could be gay?


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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