34% of Nigerians believe indecent dressing is main cause of rape | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday 12 October 2013

34% of Nigerians believe indecent dressing is main cause of rape

The NOI Polls, which is an opinion polling and research organisation, established by the current Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and named after her, yesterday released results from its poll carried out in January 2013, in commemoration of the International Day of the Girl Child.
NOI Polls revealed:
“In order to commemorate this event and honour the girl child this special day, NOI Polls Limited released one of the polls we conducted in the first quarter of the year 2013, which was focused on the challenges faced by the girl child in Nigeria and indeed the world over as a result of the incidence of rape among women in the society. 
34 percent of the participants believed that indecent dressing was the main cause of rape in the society; 18 percent believed unemployment was the cause; nine percent believed it was caused by lack of moral values and another nine percent believed it was caused by the inability to control sexual urges; seven percent said it was caused by faulty upbringing. Five percent of the participants believed rape was caused by illiteracy about women’s rights, ungodliness and bad company.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

100% true

Anonymous said...

yeap very true.....nt as if it is d only reason for rape....it jst d pioneer reason for d rape of our young ladies

Anonymous said...

Kadashians wanna be

Unknown said...

Lol..nice rating!

Anonymous said...

This isn't a national case. Let everyone control their own eyes.

Although, it's pretty disgusting seeing dark or fat-striped body parts exposed. Some people need to learn to dress.

Why would anyone want to rape a half naked person? What's so new about thighs and falsies? I don't see people raping mad women or men along the road.

Anonymous said...

No be Naija people, they will never put blame where it should be. Indecency causes rape, availability of excess funds leads to corruption.A woman that gains weight is the cause of her loose husband. The husband that has fallen on hard times is the cause of his sugar daddy chasing wife. It has nothing to do with lack of discipline and self-control.

Unknown said...

Make dem park well

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

The way girls dress these days...I just pity for prostitutes. Their customers cant identify them again.

But then, we should also blame the men who can't control themselves when they see a lady dressed promiscuously, if asked, every man would claim they can never rape a lady whether they see her dressed raunchily or not, so we should blame the dogs of men who can't control themselves too.


Its not an excuse,but indecent dressing contributes in no small measure.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Mich said...

Not to go with the majority but I think they kinda have a valid point considering how conservative the majority of Nigerians are.
Women still get looked at in "some kinda way" when they wear certain types of clothing...what we fail to realize is that the word "indecent" is quite relative;what you consider indecent might be the direct opposite to another.
However,I think to a large degree,the major reason for rape would be the inabilty of men to control their sexual urge(s). I mean,a man who has strong moral values and has been able to subdue his sexual urge would hardly get turned on when he sees a woman in "indecent clothes".
But then again,such men aren't easy to come by,are they? If that's the case,then maybe the women should bend a little and reduce the "indecency" in their clothing.
Fact is,real men don't rape...only cowards do.

Unknown said...

then Noi should comeup wiv a better orientation to educate the girls abt indecence.

Unknown said...

Not really the cause but a contributing factor.

Janelicious said...

not that am surpporting indecent dressing buh some man are animals that even when a gurl is well covered up some useless animals still carry on with their evil act,we ladies should cultivate the habit of dressing decently and stop xposing our God given curve body and beauty for public eye.

nma said...

I don't belive rape is caused by indecent dressing,

Unknown said...

To me is the inability to control sexual urge, especially from men.

oyakhilome eroms said...

I totally agree.however, paedophilia(which is another form of rape)can't be traced to indecent dressing. Ladies,please be less daring in this "show my flesh" competition that is the vogue now.

Unknown said...

Because there are no laws protecting women and child from molestation and any form if abuses.... Such heinous acts are condoned. Even in "normal" societies "molestation" still occurs.

In places like Nigeria where there is no rehabilitation or counseling support for ra.pe victims...victims after such trauma has no where to go or find support. It sucks.

Most ra,pis,ts in Nigeria don't go to jail, they get bailed out or nothing ever happens to them. It sucks! Ra,pi,sts spread STDS and HIV. Its very sad.

Firm, Flatten and Correct your Posture in a snap click here

Anonymous said...

I concor with d indecent dressing

Anonymous said...

A bunch of constantly horny men, runz girls/ whores, sluts, tramps that is what is now tradition in Nigeria. A sodom and gomorrah country. Keep it up niajas hahahahaha the wrought of God is upon you people, just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

Am in support of raping but!I think its true! Girls should hide their stuffs a little! how can u wear skimpy dress to a party or gathering and expect a drunk guy not to misbehave? (Akinyemi)

James said...

Adds up to 82%, not 100% so...

zino said...

Partially true,indecent dressing is one of d reasons for rape and sori to say,I won't b surprised if christ embassy gals are d ones on the pics cos na their way

Olivia said...

I am not trying to make excuses for rapist or supporting them in any way but i kinda agree with this poll. You don't go about dressing provocatively and expect people not to react. Everyone is wired differently if you can control yourself the person next you can't. At the end of the day they are just humans, mere mortals not supreme beings. So if we can dress more decently I think it will go a long way #IMO

Unknown said...

Indecent dresin is a factor 2 gtin raped? -fact indecent dresin is d main cos of gtin raped?-MYTH!!! Wat do u xpet pple 2 say wen more dan half of nigeria's population aint educated??D main reason is UNCONTROLABLE LIBIDO,sum men/women jst can't control demselves,dey turn wild wen dey gt horny! *ONYX GODWIN*

Anonymous said...

Its indecent dressing jare,Most girl want 2 go naked 2 show how sexy dey re or 2 b place among relevant person. In all they look trashy and prone 2 rape. FiNEWiNe

kunle said...

I strongly with the indecent dressing. I don't think the social research was conducted. Did they take cognizance of wrong environment or location, time and peer group. Learn the secrets to burning fat and eating healthy

Unknown said...

Well,I think its true to and extent but also having self control and good moral values is a big deal as far as am concerned.

Anonymous said...

that one na Mumum talks,what do dey mean by indecent dressing? Make them come Europ,America and oder civilized Continents and see what dey wear.Africa in a Lawless continent my God help us .

kunle said...

*i am strongly against....

ary said...

That might be a contributing factor, but anybody who has rape in them will rape a woman irrespective of what she wears. Yes some women dress provocatively, but that isn't an invitation to have sex or rape her. Rape is in the mind and head.

Unknown said...

i think indecent dressing isnt the major reason. what's the health condition when one cant control their sexual urge? yes that + !..........fill in the gap.


I'd like to hear someday that NOI Polls asked Nigerians what they feel about this administration.

Anonymous said...

I dnt believe indecent dressing is the main cause of rape because most of those that gets raped are not people that dress indecently. In more developed countries where the level of indecent dressing is really high,the level of rape cases is quite low.the main cause for me is lack of public safety and secuirity in the country.

Unknown said...

I think lack of morals, cos nobody no matter how indecent they are wants to be raped. If the girls have morals, they'll dress decently and if the men have morals, they can resist temptation.

Anonymous said...

Them when dey rape 6,7,8,9,10,11 years etc ,those Children them self dress indecent self abi? Make una lef mater for matayas Boy/ Man when done useless done useless.

Anonymous said...

It's typical blame culture of Nigerians. Nobody is accountable for their actions , it's always the devil caused it or in this case dressing of a woman. So how come the mad woman walking around naked is not chosen for rape activities. A rapist is a weak, coward that cannot control his animalistic instincts. A born basterd whose male organs control his brain. The only person worse than a rapist is one who would blame the victim for the rape.

Oluwa Jerry said...

All those who dress like dis ar all ashewo dat always wants to do kerewawa everytime

Anonymous said...

inability to control sexual urges and illiteracy about women's right, for me are the cause of rape! Rape is not to and never be justified by skimpy dressing... *Floetry in Motion*

Toyin said...

And this are the same people that will one day be presidents and law makers.in Nigeria,Africa,we blame everyone and everything for the wrongs we do.so,what's the poll for theft,kidnappings,terrorist attacks etc.a rapist is a rapist.dont blame someone else for your lack of respect for others.so what's the explanation for those filthy men that rape children.what excuse is most suitable for brothers/cousins that rape their own siblings.the list goes on.i know it says 34%,but that's too high a figure and this depicts our society and where we are.this is the reason why rapes go un reported.simply because it is my fault for wearing a mini skirt.

Unknown said...

all of the above.including girls that eat guys money and thnk they can get away with it

Anonymous said...

Rape is mostly caused by indecent dressing,cus a man sexual moral gets high wen he sees a lady half naked,u can neva get attracted (rape thought) to a lady in her long free gown or skirt or even trouser,dis kind girls for dis pics re so ready for rape.

Cute G said...

All above reasons r correct.But I think its becos of Moral Decadence nd d view of women as a weaker sex.

Unknown said...

its a thing of the mind those 34% of men are rapist themselves if a gurl dressed up showing cleavage and you try to woo her and she refused you let her be but forcing her is devilish and not an.excuse at all

Unknown said...

its a thing of the mind those 34% of men are rapist themselves if a gurl dressed up showing cleavage and you try to woo her and she refused you let her be but forcing her is devilish and not an.excuse at all

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Anonymous said...

Olosho tins joor...#dope boi

Anonymous said...

hmmm...all d above put 2geda is true

Anonymous said...

NOI for president!!! NOI and Fashola as vice! NOI is one of the few politicians that actually care about Nigerians believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

Lailai...I totally disagree. Which kain poll b dat? Though a certain percentage of it mite be,but I think it is more of a psychological disorder thing and bad upbringing. They should go and interview rapist and victims of rape and come back wit their results.#Chikena#...314cc792

Anonymous said...



Up until 50 years or so ago, most if not all of our grand parents were living BUTT ASS NAKED!!!

Was rape this rampant then???


People always complain about how we copy the worst things of western culture but never mention that 'this skimpy oufit' excuse used to justified rape, is one of them!! It was imported from the west, with clothing in most part!!

If skimpy outfits are the cause, how come women were walking butt naked then and were not massively raped?? How come women still get raped in countries like Afghanistan, Iran???

So men could control themselves back then, why cant they do the same now???

If there is anything INDECENT about rape, it is the comportment of rapists who feel intitled to women's bodies and the dirty mentality of misogynists always trying to control women' body and sexuality!1

A woman could be walking naked, that gives NO ONE the right to abuse. Nakedness, is NOT an excuse for rape!!! It doesnt explain, justify bla blah ..... rape!! LOOK AT FACTS AND OUR HISTORY!!!

People rape because they are sadist with no self control who think they are entitled to others' bodies and enjoy inflicting pain. It is so sad to see how we have regressed as a people and think that our grandmas were safer while living naked than our women today!

Isnt the very definition of a civilized person the ability to control oneself?? What to say of a people who men are losing their self-control and feel justified in doing so??

Isnt this savagery?

Have men suddenly become savages with no self-control?

Stop justifying REGRESSION and BACKWARDNESS and the sexual degradation and exploitation of women and stop raising men with no self-control!!

If we start living our lives by the rules of rapists, we will have to cover ourselves from head to toes, not go outside, basically relinquish our rights as WOMEN but most importantly HUMAN BEINGS! This already happens in many countries yet women are not safer there because misogynists always want more!! Do you remember this story Linda posted few months ago about a woman in Iran who won an election but some men were saying she was unfit because 'too attractive' and her beauty would distract men and lead to unmoral things??? Do you remember that??

When we try to excuse rape by blaming the victim for her clothing, her behaviour, instead of focusing on the rapist, we are slowly creating a environment like that, were simply being attractive or a woman, even if you are fully covered, is a CRIME!!

I dont want that to happen to my people!!! Actually I think that things were better when we naked, we didnt have this dirty puritan mentality and the superficiality of fashion!

Women do WHATEVER you want with your body, wear short as short as you want, because it is YOUR body!! If someone feel entitled to abuse you because of the way you dress, please FEEL ENTITLED TO STAB THEM REPEATEDLY because of they way they abuse you.

No excuse for rapists, only death!Bye!

Anonymous said...

I disagree with d'34%, i blived its lack of sex control, i hv seen a situation whereby a gurl who covers up veri well was raped is dat 1 indiscent dressin again!?

Iwyn. said...

Is indecent dressing jare, notin more notin less!

vershima kenneth said...

linda my own z dat i like pics, d ones u tuk in lndn pls can u keep postng more of ur pics....;)

Unknown said...

What do I think is the cause of rape? Hmmmmmm those guls in that pics showing the colour of their panties to guys who cares to look that's all

Anonymous said...

that's such a primitive way of thinking. you cant attribute indecent dressing to all cases of rape. whether one is dressed up like an eskimo or comes out in bra and panties, some wicked men would still commit the act.

Unknown said...

make that 35 percent cos i'll go with indecent dressing... FTC

Anonymous said...

there is no justifiable reason for a guy to rape a girl, I don't care if she is walking the street naked or if the guy has been jobless for 80 years of his life. The only reason that will make a guy rape a girl is if he lacks moral values and if his generations are cursed right from his mother's womb. Bullshit, I can believe Nigerians encourage rape by saying its coz of the way girls dress.

Unknown said...

Real women don't expose der body or dress to capture guys,why dem dey even wear cloth 4 body?dey gotta make a change tho.@rexo6

Anonymous said...

Yes na...y won't it be??...wen babes r tryin 2 be like Linda Ikeji n showin off dem thighs!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol.... D earring tho, e be like horse-tail. Not all dat are raped were indecently dressed

Anonymous said...

This is BS, rape is about control and power, not indecency, wat kind of stupid poll is that,may God help nigerians

Anonymous said...

Yes ooo!that's where I work!aint easy been in the polling centre,calling different folks for their opinions.Most people think we are frauds!

Anonymous said...

This is ludacris , rape and what you wear are two different things after all school children in nigeria are raped everyday and I doubt that the typical ugly nigerian uniform would be considered indecent.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who agrees with this poll is stupid and ignorant

Anonymous said...

Dey wi nt comment nw o coz dey knw dey'r guilty

Anonymous said...

Bullshit, they rape in Saudi Arabia, and those women are never indecent most of the time. I blame the nigerians that listed that as an excuse, now any thug can say it was how she dressed

Unknown said...

Some how true...this dude jamal

Alaska said...

Indecent dressing is d cause of so many rape cases.

Hajjo said...

I mean did u expect anythng else? From a country dat hs been "over-religionized" n forgotten wat it means to be humane? Pervs always looking for who to blame....mstcheww.
Wo, even if d girl walks naked, it is not enuf reason to rape her! Shikenan.

Lisa, London said...

Rape is caused 100% by RAPISTS

LoladeCERTIFIED said...

B4 nko???? dress dt wd u make u loose all ya sense of dignity....

Anonymous said...

All this poll says is that Nigerians need to be more educated on the matter.

Unknown said...

So 34% Nigerians are dumb.

Anonymous said...

This is true... women should learn how to dress decent and stop mis leading and tempting men around the world

Anonymous said...

so 2ru

Anonymous said...

Well sometymes it culd b indecent dressing.buh d fact still remains dat guyz cnt control dere sexual urge abegii

THEOGEJ.. said...

D way you dress d way you will b address...but dat still doesn't justify any to Rape....d level of moral decadence is quite alarming...God help us..

ericmars said...

its simple.....dats d problem!!

Anonymous said...

I luv sexy dressn oh,bt nt 2 d extend of bin naked...Abeg Dat1 no follow''''

Unknown said...

Yes..coz wen she's shakin dt booty,..nigga's can't control d sexual urge,pesin lyk "bonario"#jus kidding

Lady G said...

Anyone that believes rape is caused by indecent dressing should be checked. Because a lady is walking down the street and dressed in what you as an individual marks as indecent does not take away her fundamental human right and give you permission to rape her. Rape is caused by hypersexual men or women that can not control their sexual drives. Period

Anonymous said...

Rapists do not need an excuse to rape. While i advocate for decency at all times, it should never use it as an excuse to rape anyone. No means NO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

@chux.com.....going naked is the order of the day.rape is it's complement.water can not start an engine only petrol does.

Anonymous said...

I luv sexy dressing oh,bt not 2 d extend of bn naked...Abeg Dat1 no follow...

Gracee said...


Anonymous said...

Ohhhh please indecent dressn my foot, so wat Wud u say bout a man raping a 2yr old huh? Did she dress indecently too? Incase dey Havnt realized teenagers nd children re d once bin raped on a daly basis dis dayz. Talk bout indecent dress..smh

Anonymous said...

Yea its true

Lynnajade said...

Wow! 34%??? Indecent dressing or not NO means NO!

Anonymous said...

I dont believe is indecent dressing. What about those raping little children under 5yr? Its demonic

Anonymous said...

How about a poll on the performance of President Jonathan and a poll on the performance of all his useless ministers?

That is what we need. Not a poll on how some bitches are putting themselves at risk of being raped.

No matter what, a bitch will always be a bitch, and not all women dresses like bitches, though a significant number of them does acts like bitches because that is what they really are.

Even New York Police Department will tell you that if you dress and walk like a BITCH, men will treat you like a bitch and that might include you being slapped around and raped.

Ladies, how do you expect a man to treat you like a queen if your mannerism is devoid of a queen?


Anonymous said...

whether indecent dressing or not. Rape is wrong!!!!!

Anonymous said...

fela song was performed live on jimmy fallon yesterday was soo superexcited about it

Anonymous said...

I go with the indecent dressing.... It's way too bad now... Vtwi

Anonymous said...

Linda dis na big lie, how many runs girls that dresses any how have been raped, do they mean to say that those little girls that men rape dress provocatively NO! America ladies don't dress decently and there is low rape over there, Post my comment o

Mikebuddy said...

indecent dressing is bad but doesn't make people to rape. It make dem to be more sexually active. Demon possessed people are d ones who rape. Cowards! Dat can't approach a lady in a decent way.

Anonymous said...

Linda yes ooOoo dress d way u wan to address must we go naked before we kno our dressing is gud pls we should learn to dress well lili my comment ooOo

ᶥᵗˢ Mz didi said...

See earring of life

Anonymous said...

This so indecent,may God help Us.

Daniel Omede said...

most of those reasons are concrete but i still believe that indecent dressing is a big factor.

Anonymous said...

naija and ways of looking for excuses, US has indecent dressing all over the place,yet ppl dont rape like 9jas dos....na joblessness dey worry the bois, idle mind is a devils workshop.....

Yetinde said...

Even women under hijabs can be raped,its african mentality jare,but even girls decently dressed are also raped,its african mentality,seeing is believing fin but God will still punish rapists wherever dey are.


d tin is most people think rape or rapist are motived by gals dat are already dressed almost nude but think its d oda way round i tink they want to c want they av not seen b/4 not wat they are used to if u get my drift so also gals who cover demselives frm to toe shud also or b most careful becoz mst men likes war u dot want to give dem n disregard wat is all up in their face so preachers daughter also knw it is u they would want likely go 4 b/4 those gals that show their yansh every where ok..........BEWARE

Anonymous said...

Serzly, indecent dressing is wat I feel is d cause too tho dere r oda causes too buh I feel dats d major cause

pwitie B said...

Personally I dnt tink its not indecent dressin not lyk I support it tho bt men rape even little girls what do u mek out of dat was it bcos they indecently dressed? I doubt dat ad wen u look at d western countries d ar d most indecent dressers yet d rate of rape cases are minimal so I support d 9percent who relates it 2 lack of moral values ad d inability2 control sexual urges.

Anonymous said...

Libers,pls I want to ask. How many guys are too much for a 31yr old to date before we say they are too much. I did a reality check on myself and found out I ve slept with 22 guys already including 1 rape. All relationship except the rape.

Anonymous said...

34%??? Well i guessed i wasnt part of d participants.
Dressing 4me ranks no1 wt 50% nt otherwise statd above.wats illiteracy??,doz wu indulge in it are mostly literates,expecially in d urban cities.


Anonymous said...

Men don suffer!shebi all dis half naked dressing is just 2 seduce men.okoooo

Princy said...

Am not buyin indecent dressin as the cause abeg

Unknown said...

What are the solutions to it.

Anonymous said...

Unemployment is surely not one dem

Anonymous said...

Thats a shame to NOI ,She should know better .Biased statistics.Rape is inherent in the country because of the weak security enfrcement and blame on rape victimes ,like having indecent dressing .come to US and see what girsl are wearing ,doesnt mean they will be raped

Jade said...

It has very lil to do with indecent dressing. I mean children and girls fully clothed in hijab get raped. I think the law enforcement agencies should be more supportive to victims n stiffer measures put in place for culprits.

Unknown said...

hv nufin 2 say.bt doz gurl'z pix luk gorgeous 2 mi...

KC said...

Amazingly disgusting results....

Aymii said...

I don't agree with indecent dressing being the major cause of rape..... I'd much rather go with Lack of moral values and inability to control sexual urges! .........Any man who is well brought up will respect women and never force himself on one..............Sex is supposed to occur when two adults BOTH CONSENT! ....a Rapist has no regard for women and on top of that can't control his urge...........we even have some despicable ones that rape children below 10 years......who will now tell me that the 8 year old child dressed indecently????........ As is written "the heart of man is desperately wicked"......hence different kinds of evil abound! ...... In Nigeria, women hardly report rape incidents due to fear of stigmatization, Ostracism, and shame.....we need stiffer penalties for rape, and women have to be enlightened, so they know thier rights and have courage to report to appropriate authority when molested.............

Anonymous said...

True 2 an xtent bt how come they didn't include 'D DEVIL'cos d@'s wat most of dem say

Anonymous said...

Inabilty to control urge is still the main reason, although there are other contributory factors the rate at which children below age 10 are being abused even by close relatives is terrifing I work in an hospital setting... Its pathetic

Anonymous said...

I think the main reason is still inability to *contol their urge*(rapist) the rate at which children below age 10 are being abused sexually*even* by close relatives is pathetic, or do this kids to put their boobs on display?

wise ass said...

Nigerians and ignorance. Let them go to other countries and see what is called indecent dressing. Men can't control themselves bcos of how d media has portrayed women, and women are to blame for accepting to participate in suggestive shows. This is just d beginning. Nigerian girls don't dress indecent, some of them are just too endowed to ignore.

Onyinye said...

though i dnt undstnd d way sum gurls fink xf buh i agr33 wif dm all dis factors mentioned also contribute 2 rape most especially d indecent dressing which has widely eaten deep into our society @ large,if u dnt wear et dy wil call u mbeke or u nat a watsup gurl bt dey dnt knw dh dy re endangerin their lifes cuz if anyfn happen now who z 2 blame???of cus we all d answr pls we gurls shuld try as much as possible 2 start covering our best commodities if u geh wah ah mean.

Anonymous said...

This makes me sick to the pit of my stomach. It just goes to show nigerians and their level of development so no surprises. Like all under developed countries on earth women are second class citizens next to the ape like men. Therefore any crime committed against the woman is always her fault. There is no reason on earth to rape a woman. Even if she walks naked. Na you get your thing. Not the thing get you. So control it.

Anonymous said...

Rape is more likely to be due to a sad lack of self-control by the rapist and widespread corruption in law enforcement and the administration of justice. The end result is a culture of impunity that emboldens sundry criminals who can come up with the money to buy their way out of the punishment that they richly deserve.

Anonymous said...

Wetin dey worry Linda wey she never gree post peeps coments since

Unknown said...

Plss friends visit http://tinyurl.com/API-Employ/?id=dharmiejuliet. For mouth waterin offers,thanks..love yah all..mmwwaahh

MY TURN said...

oh please the innocent little girls being raped don't dress indecently now haba lets not talk BS HERE.The polls are incorrect

Anonymous said...

Please! The cause of rape is the inability to hold back sexual urges, period. If that 38% like, make them go Yankee go rape girl because of her dressing. Weak ass men.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I think I support that too, indecent dressing is the Major cause of rape today. Have you ever heard of the Latin Maxima:-
"Erectus Penitus non Conscientus" meaning, " An Erect Penis has no conscience". So, sometimes the ladies just bring it upon themselves with all their assets dancing everwhere. (˘̯˘ )

Anonymous said...

Well. Some people are just born wild animals even if you tie ur head to ur toes they are still gonna rape you. The ones raping kids is it their dressing 2? Only God can help us

Anonymous said...

You don't expose your money in transparent suit-case or leather bag flaunting it around and expect not to get robbed or even mobbed. Nuff said. While it's imperative to stress that every guy is expected to be disciplined, Indecent dressing in an indecent location around indecent guys will only result in a descent to an indecent outcome vis a vis, rape.

Anonymous said...

Abeg comot e.

Bonita Bislam said...

Evn if u dress lik a nun,a desperate man must burn wit incandescent desire...So I partially agree wit d polls

Anonymous said...

Yes indecent dressing sure takes 70% of it all. 1st to comment

Anonymous said...

Well said,indecent dressing promotes rape,http://tinyurl.com/API-Employ/?id=nkiru224

loudmouth said...

Well bad upribinging,nd bad enviroment coupled in jobleSsness and uncontolable sexaul urge. And the victims seductive appearance... This are the varriables that mostly lead to rape..... Not all together ertime tho

Unknown said...

For some people indecent dressing causes rape... For me it's just lack of self control and some mental instability but either ways girls should know that dressing indecently won't do them any good..for a party that I understand,but occasionally,now that's a problem.personally no girl I will be engaged to will dress in such manner.... When you show the whole world your package tell me what's left for your hubby?.

Anonymous said...

Because having men control their diabolical impulses would be too much to ask.

I wonder about the children and elderly women who are raped everyday in Nigeria, I wonder what their fault is for being raped.

Anonymous said...

Not practically true but it may lead to it

Anonymous said...

These ladies a dressed quite trashy. Looks like people don't know the difference....
Don't know about rape though. Men should learn to control their urges.
No excuse for committing a crime and destroying peoples lives

Anonymous said...

Bla bla bla bla,guyz r just dogs 4get d dressing tin if dem 1 rape u dem go rape u.


Anonymous said...

Ii fink indecent dressing is the main cos of rap 1st to comment wow

Anonymous said...

That's probably 34 percent of twisted minds, n perverts. Our society has taught their sons to rape bcz dey itemize females.. Nothin to do wf indecent dressing.. Every comment anywher involvin females either has whore, or bitch as description.. Even if dts wat Ȋ̝̊̅† is, what we're U̶̲̥̅̊ taught at home? Why shud ladies be scared of guys dey grew up with? Of takin walks alone? N den men will excuse Ȋ̝̊̅† abi? Its nt abt sex, its abt power..power dt their sleazy slimy low self esteem cnt let dem attain.. Very unhealthy masculinity. Tho indecent dressing on its own is wrong buh why do we stray frm d point? D very young females dt get raped r indecent too abi? Rubbish!

Anonymous said...

Linda u avn't posted any comment sinc morning,bet yyyy? Are u dat busy. Get an assistant asap.

Anonymous said...

That 34% is victim blaming. Are hostages responsible for their own kidnappings? Did they entice the criminals by going to school, driving a car or walking on a particular road from work? Screwy logic that's faulty under all circumstances shouldn't stand only to trivialize crimes against women.

Anonymous said...

Unemployment is surely not one of d reasons behind rape cases

Mimi Ubini said...

Lmao, true talk, especially in universities.

Anonymous said...

You justify rape?! Pls take down this ur post PC! So women in KSA that had been rape is bcos of their dressing? I see no difference btwn u and kenny st brown... Ignoramus!!!! *FIM*

Anonymous said...

Least I forgot child rape ehn PC?! Is. It indecent dressing?! Meaning to say u can and will rape a girl with skimpy clothes?! *FiM*

Anonymous said...

#Gbamest !!!! I know a man(over 40 and single) who act a fool; licks lips, dazed,get sweaty when he sees a woman with huge breast! He kind may rape if left in a room with him... *Ada NNewi*

Anonymous said...

I believe if you feel it's the major cause then you are one of the people encouraging rape.when the devils are done they'll say "she was indecently dressed".I ask is that enough reason? What of those all covered up and still get raped? How about the young children and babies that get raped? Are they indecently dressed too! Pls let us not be stupid and keep giving the animals an excuse for this monstrous act.half naked or not no woman should be raped.what is wrong is wrong regardless.pls be wise,lets nt teach our male children dt once a lady shows a lil too much skin it's okay to rape her.and consider that what is indecent to u is just okay to the next person.we are not retarded in this country we are fully developed homo sapiens.this monstrous act should be condemned no matter what

Anonymous said...

You justify rape?! Pls take down this ur post PC! So women in KSA that had been rape is bcos of their dressing? I see no difference btwn u and kenny st brown... Ignoramus!!!! *FIM*

sdk's first lady said...

Tnx 4 ur comment

Unknown said...

It's a contributing factor.. Some people just have that urge.. It doesn't manifests until a half naked bofoon walks down the street and claims she's a fashionista,then the whole intention of rape begins to evolve.. You mustn't be naked to impress men.. Indecent is indecent period it's not sexy it's not classy...

Anonymous said...

Have been to Germany?! Naked beach?! There's no rape case there... Rape is caused by (serial) Rapist!! QED

Anonymous said...

10% true... What about india?? India is the worst even tho the always cover their body the rape... Abegi eh, rape is too much urge of sex and if it get to the extent of forcing somebody he's mentally ill and if it gets higher to even beat of kill d person that person is posses

Anonymous said...

yawning... wondering which saliva string is longer. Ppl can't be this ignorant! So a toddler wearing a pull-up deserves rape? Remember children are the majority of victims.

Anonymous said...

No is not. i bet the 34% are the judgmental women who don't like to see minis them girls are wearing. I'm not into indecent dressing. Rape is mental disease; Is sickness; Lets call it what it is and stop looking for someone to blame.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

@Anonymous12:33, 12:39, 12:54; Are you reading my comment or someone else's comment? Where in my comment did I justify rape? I was blaming rape on the men who do it and not necessarily the indecent dressing of girls, so what you referring to? You sound confused!

Anonymous said...

Armed robbery, kidnapping and boko haram caused by poverty. Awon olodo! Trying to blame their inadequacy and madness on the society


People looking for excuse to be beasts...
A rapist is a maniac. Simple...
They aren't different from people suffering from one form of maniacal tendency or the other like kleptomaniacs, etc...
Maniacs just cant find genuine reason for their sick proclivity...
For me, they are possessed!
How do you explain the rape of a two year old girl child???
How did she seduce you???
The rape of a 7 year old???
The rape of an 80 year old, wrinkled, flat-chested grandmother, etc???
The stories are everywhere..
Rapists are even found the most in countries like Pakistan and India were violence against women is recorded the highest..
And there, women practically move around all covered up to their eyes in purdah...
The high rate of rape against women in Nigeria is explainable far beyond dress mode..
Rapists will always be rapists unless reined in by an efficient criminal justice system..
They would, however, always find convenient excuse for their despicable, maniacal tendency!!!!


Take it from me..
Rapists are maniacs..
Two, they are men suffering deep-seated and desperate inferiority complex!
You don't take the pictures of two ladies at a nightclub and tag it, "Nigerian women are indecently dressed..."
That is disingenuous, to say the least!
Why don't you take the pictures of women in office settings or in churches, etc and splash, "Nigerian women are indecently dressed...."
A nightclub, to all intent and purposes, is a place men and women are seemingly permitted to dress and act slovenly...
The occasion determines dress-sense...
Our people should grow up and into the century puleeeaaaasssssss!!!

jaybeyblu said...

Whatttt???! Inability to control sexual urges and lack of respect for women are definitely d top reasons! Indecent dressing my ass! All em fashion designers and nudist wen dey c body everyday for don rape all d girls tire b that one na.

Anonymous said...

Abegi make I hear word.If conji catch u what are red light district meant for?silly excuses.

Anonymous said...

Rape has nothing to do with sexual attraction. Rape is an act of violence,hate and domination..
However decent dressings shows u are a woman of enourmous drink,courageous and a woman with values.

BLESSING said...

Yes na!indecent dressing can cause rape.Ladies b warned! Mek sure dat u r wt ur man,if u must dress indecently.

Anonymous said...

Anon@12:53. I was going to leave a comment, then came across your Enlightenment campaign. I agree with you 150%. The only thing I would add is that I wish there was a vigilant group who can fish out these fucking idiots who think they have a Right to Take and castrate them, under general anesthetic and in a sterile environment not becos of the kindness of our hearts but for the sake of them living to see their mutilated bodies every day and remember what caused it.

Anonymous said...

Rape is an unnatural response. It is not a solution to a problem. Am a man I cannot understand how one can get sexually arose from a hostile vagina. Sorry to be crude. But am going to break it down. An arose vagina is wet and welcoming it s part of the pleasure. A vagina that is not ready is dry , infact it is a weapon on its own. But there has to be something very very wrong in your head to get pleasure from a forced situation. How can you justify dragging your prick on boney dry flesh. Abi your prick is made out if leather, you no dey wound. So naked flesh gets you arose. Reach out for the Vaseline and do a DIY job on yourself. A real man respects women. A rapist is a flawed mentally sick individual who has no respect for himself or others.

Anonymous said...

Why don't they just blame women for being women. Rape is not a right. We need to focus on educating the male Off spring of some idiots on how to control themselves. Train your children. Their rights end when it starts to infringe on another persons rights. So what is decent dressing. Who draws the line on what is decent dressing. Even if a woman covers up from head to her little toe , maybe her feminine voice will be a reason for the rape. Ignorance is of satan. For me and those who realise that the victim is not the cause of rape, may our children never meet with those that believe that the victim is the cause of rape. Let those idiots keep breeding with themselves until they start raping their own mothers and their sins will wipe them off the face of the earth

Unknown said...

To sum extend

Anonymous said...

its surprises me that even NOI will have such an unrealistic research published in her name...the only reason is lack of self control as a result of insanity and if problem is not checked those people making this assumption will get a taste of this horrible pill. Indecent dressing is not a cause of rape in any case rather allowing rapist to go unpurnished is the major reason. I am sure thier kids dress this way but they protect them with thier filthy names, high walls and armed securities.

Anonymous said...

@blessing , be sure to walk around with a man everywhere you go. Even the dirty slippers on your feet is enough to cause a rapist to attack you oh. And it will be your fault for wearing dirty slippers to attract the prick of a poor rapist.

Anonymous said...

Rapist, no need reason. All they need is the sickness in the head, the justification, which in Nigeria has already been given, a victim , old mama, their own mama depending on the level of the sickness, small pickin, woman or man infact dead or alive as long as orifice is available .That's all. Indecent dress Ke. The rapist has already undressed the victim in their minds. What excites them is the atrocity. I watch a programme once when they interviewed a rapist and according to him he could never get an erection from normal relationship it always had to be rape.

Anonymous said...

You are in support of Raping??? *confused*

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think I support that too, indecent dressing is the Major cause of rape today. Have you ever heard of the Latin Maxima:-
"Erectus Penitus non Conscientus" meaning, " An Erect Penis has no conscience". So, sometimes the ladies just bring it upon themselves with all their assets dancing everywhere. (˘̯˘ ). There are oda factors too, but as we know, Men are moved by what they see, and Women are moved by what they hear.

Anonymous said...

Rape is an ungodly act, if a lady is dressed indecently simply get disgusted n turn away , but when d rights of women are not upheld n a man knows he will get away with it, he'll do it. If so many gals have been raped, so many guys are rapists too! Even some LIBers!Pls let's stop this act!

The after effects on the lady isn't pretty, d flashbacks n other reactions, you wouldn't want your loved ones to go through! Pls men help protect ladies n don't be the one to destroy her.

Anonymous said...

Wen wizkid , p square n oda celebs showcase their wealth- y not go n have some, Rob them n say they showed too much wealth and you are suffering!

A woman shows some flesh and you want to have some! What right do you have to do that!

If that's the case y not b proud to be a rapist, since you are educating indecent gals how to dress!

This is the case where a gal steals Maggi or #500bn, and she is strippd naked n big sticks are shoved into her vagina - ungodlinessn wickedness!

Men stop being beasts n protect gals!

Anonymous said...

If u found out she has HIV or anoda disease , n she is putting on bikini or totally naked, would she still b attractive ?
Ur mind s twisted, a man that rapes is unwell, his tots n fantasies has turned him into a beast!

Anonymous said...

No means no!!! Stop rape today!!!

Anonymous said...

Hypocrites..always the first to blame the victim..misplaced priorities...how about blaming the rapists with no self control...Naija always try to prove say na their morals high pass..fakers!

Jade said...

God bless you! I couldn't agree more. So if men wake up tomorrow and suddenly decide women wearing hijab are sexier and more seductive that women in skimpy clothes,then women will no longer wear hijab for fear of being raped abi?. Rapists are savages period! They are the only ones accountable for their actions

Jade said...

Those fools blaming rape on indecent dressing make it sound like men are savages that have no control over their urges. A man/ woman who doesn't understand "NO" is a savage. Boys/men get raped too you know.

Jade said...

Any decent person will tell you that sex is best when the other party consents. Face it guys,rape is rape! No excuses.

Mena UkodoisReady said...

I would like to know the exact questions asked and how the sample group were selected. Any researcher can manipulate figures to serve an agenda.

Since this is about the Girl Child,
the babies/ toddlers being raped are dressed as babies/ toddlers

the many little girls being raped whether in their homes, in school, or on the street while they sell in traffic are dressed as little girls

the many muslim women raped during wars are not just decently dressed but are properly covered with perhaps just their eyes in view

Yet oddly enough the naked mad woman is not gangraped, neither is the semi naked female prostitute. how is this so?

Rape is about power and domination over a woman.

At the most basic level it is ultimately humiliation.

We live in a patriachal society so this things are always blamed on the female victims even by females but watch how even more crazy, psychotic and evil these rapist are becoming, soon it will be the turn of our boys or men to be raped and worse in their anus..then the story will change.

HardTALK said...

Linda you are an independent, well to do, beautiful, adult, career focused single female and therefore a figure for disrespect by our culture, I am surprised you didnt give a stong disapproval to this kind of statement in this article as you do to other trivial issues like best rapper.

Biko to me maleness and rapeism go hand in hand. i'm deeply sad and disgusted. there can be no unity when men or women wish depraved horror upon their mothers (yes those raped will bcome mothers) based upon their dressing. there can be no LOVE when black men use THE INSTRUMENT OF PLEASURE AND MANIFESTATION THE DIVINING ROD as a weapon of mass destruction.

and when we talk about the rapeism by African men we are called bitter and angry and man hating. but THIS SHIT can fly without a WORD.

A rapist aint crazy, he is a MAN doing what MEN DO to try and assert POWER AND AUTHORITY over Powerful women.

AIDS infected Men in south africa rape babies because they believe their innocence will cure them of their disease!

we need to discuss the inherent rapist in the African male collective. because this isn't about being drunk or clothing being too revealing or being in a dark alley. this is about a MAN expressing a DESIRE for a woman to be destroyed. to be assaulted, to be beaten and degraded, to have her soul split, to fragment her being.

Our IGNORANCE to what rape is, perpetuates this sickness. this is a very REAL element among African males supported by ignorant women. it is a depraved debase part of them that is REAL and ABUNDANT in this country

Anonymous said...

Lol and the 4,4,5 year olds also do indecent dressing.

Anonymous said...


Mia. E

Anonymous said...

You have mentioned very attention-grabbing points.
Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Under Armour was second and adidas was third with sixteen percent
and seven percent, respectively.

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