'Quote me, pastors use Juju to hold their members! - Guru Maharaj Ji | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 15 January 2013

'Quote me, pastors use Juju to hold their members! - Guru Maharaj Ji

If you don't know Sat Guru Maharaj Ji, then I can't help you...:-). Below is what he told Sun Newspaper in a recent interview...
Quote me: all of them (pastors) use juju. How can a pastor touch somebody and he falls down? That one is juju at work. Our people are very foolish and ignorant. How can you touch somebody and he falls down? There is something behind this.
Today, we are in a world of falsehood. And if you look at what is happening, you wouldn’t blame the pastors, you would blame our law, which is lax. I said this because if some of these pastors that have been duping people had been brought to book, there would have been sanity. These pastors that are pushing people down, and are saying they are healing them, they should tell us the source of their power. If, as a pastor, you receive your power from Ifa, Ogun or Orunmila, and you are giving credit to another person, this means that you are a saboteur. You are in actual fact a murderer because you are robbing Peter to pay Paul.
See the full SUN Newspaper interview after the cut...

He is 65. He is at an age when his peers have started coming to terms with the onset of old age. It is an age when his contemporaries have started seeing their grand children, some luckier ones, great grand children. 

Paradoxically, it is an age Sat Guru Maharaj Ji, the Ibadan, Oyo State-based self-acclaimed Living Perfect Master, has come out to shock the world with an unabashed antagonism to the sacred institution of marriage.

In a recent encounter with the bearded one at his hilltop commune on the outskirts of the Oyo State capital, the reclusive spiritualist declared that, for him, marriage is a taboo. It is a no-go area. He has never given it a thought and never will do so because, to him, marriage is an unnecessary distraction. “I challenge anybody who says she is Maharaj Ji’s wife to come out,” he declared matter-of-factly.
“I challenge anybody who says she has children for Maharaj Ji to come out. I don’t have any biological children. My children are my followers. I’m the father of creation. … I don’t have any biological child, and I’m not married to any woman. I don’t have a wife. “I’ve never thought about marriage, and I will never do so, because there is a war going on, and the war is between light and darkness. Until the war is over, anybody who gets involved with marriage will always be in trouble. …
My advice to the young men of these days is that they should not get married. This is not the time to go into marriage because the situation is not conducive.” This is not the only bombshell that the man in Ibadan dropped during the interview. He also threw darts at pastors, men of God, who he accused of using diabolical means to hoodwink their teeming followers.
“Quote me,” he declared, his eyes like balls of fire, “all of them use juju. How can a pastor touch somebody and he falls down? That one is juju at work. Our people are very foolish and ignorant.
How can you touch somebody and he falls down? There is something behind this.” Well, what else can we say other than to urge you to sit back and devour the full interview? It is Sat Guru Maharaj Ji verbatim. Like you have never read him before. Excerpts:

How do you feel hitting 65 in a country like Nigeria where life expectancy is below 50?
To put it mildly, I feel fantastic in the sense that, for the first time, several church leaders, political leaders and other prominent members of the society not only met each other but also interacted freely at the ceremony (his birthday party). I’m happy that the grace of Maharaj Ji has made us all to survive in the last 38 years of this ministry. There was nothing some people didn’t do to frustrate us, especially those groups that have been tormenting the Black race for centuries. They are not happy that Maharaj Ji has espoused the true name of God. They were wondering that how can I just come like that and all of a sudden I put a stop to all what they had been doing to dupe almost everybody. I felt so good for being able to stand as the representative of God, our Creator on this earth.
From what you have just said, you claimed some pastors and top political leaders in the country were here to celebrate with you…

(Cuts in…) Yes. Many of them were here. It was not a secret. They came here to felicitate with me and also to receive knowledge, which will help them in their ministries. Some of them even expressed the wish to see me in privacy and I obliged them.

Still talking about your 65 years on earth, what was the turning point in your life? What was that point in your life where you made a 360 degree-turn and you experienced the transformation that led you to where you are today?
That was in 1975. I was in Europe to attend a course in marketing at the Institute of Marketing in London. Two years later, I heard about Sat Guru Maharaj Ji of the time saying that there was a power within us that knows everything, and that until you experience this power, you are not complete.
Unknown to me, he had already given a lecture in one of the universities in America, University of Pennsylvania, on July 15, 1976, telling the audience that there is somebody coming from the most populous nation in Black Africa who is going to take over from him. I received knowledge from him on January 1, 1980, and that was the beginning of this journey, which has enabled human beings to know that we can overcome our pains, and agonies when we receive knowledge. When I received this knowledge from my master, a baton of change took place and I had to return to Nigeria to spread the good news and begin my mission. I came back on July 15, 1980. On that eventful flight on the Nigeria Airways plane that brought me home was the late T.O.S. Benson. On arrival, I headed for Adegbola Street, in Ikeja where some people were waiting for me.

What happened thereafter?
I wrote to almost all our leaders drawing their attention to the urgent need to allow me to start a radio and television programme, to explain the phenomenon called Maharaj Ji. Among those prominent Nigerians that initially gave me audience were the late Chief M.K.O. Abiola, and the late governor of old Rivers State, Chief Melford Okilo, and the Emir of Kano, Alhaji Ado Bayero. But when it became obvious that the colonial forces were still holding some of our leaders under the false belief that Jesus is the way, that Mohammed is the way, some of these eminent Nigerians later blocked me from seeing them again.  So, most of our leaders didn’t really understand my mission. Due to this non-challant attitude of our leaders, I then took up a job with the defunct Nigeria Airways as private secretary to the Marketing Director, Chief Okim. I worked there for about a year, and I used the money that I saved to hire an apartment at 33, Shittu Thompson Street in Ikeja, which later became the universal headquarters of my mission. Immediately I got the place, I resigned from Nigeria Airways because God told me the time has come for my mission to start.

In a mission like this, you can’t afford to wait because there are instructions and directions being given every minute. How I got the house where we started was a miracle because the spiritual mandate was that we had to start using a new house. I was contemplating on how to get such a house, when one Chief Onifade came to know more about Maharaj Ji. I just asked him two questions. Number one, I asked him: Are you a Yoruba man? He said ‘yes’. I then told him that we are looking for a new house. He went away, only to come back the second day and informed me that he had got a place for us. He, however, added that the landlord demanded for a year rent. I told Baba that he should plead with them that they should allow us to pay for six months. I gave Baba N450, but Baba later added another N450 to make payment for a year rent. That was the beginning of my mission.
I didn’t come to Ibadan immediately. When we started in Lagos, something happened that forced us to have an extension, and what happened? The northern oligarchy, the feudalists, who didn’t come out then as Boko Haram actually were finding a way to stop my mission. To achieve their objective, they used the former military governor of Lagos State, Gen. Raji Rasaki to stop us from using Thompson Street in Lagos as our headquarters.

But luckily for us, one Mama came one day from Ibadan, and she told us about available large expanse of land in Ibadan. I sent a delegation to follow her to find out exactly the true position of things. My position as a Perfect Living Master has always been to find out things before I take position. I then asked Mama about the original owner, and she said it belonged to one Chief Ogundimu. I was later taken to his place, and he agreed to sell the land to me. We met a pastor who had a church around the area and he vehemently opposed my members and me. He said we won’t be allowed to stay there, but Chief Ogundimu stood his ground and later insisted that he would sell the land to us.

I was shocked by the pastor’s action. I couldn’t understand why he opposed our coming to the place. Perhaps he felt that customers coming into his church might be diverted to our place. But the pastor was ignorant. He didn’t know that the Perfect Living Master had come to stay there. He should have allowed his members to come to me for knowledge. But like most of the pastors have been doing, he held his church members hostage with juju.

Are you saying that pastors use juju?
Yes. Quote me: all of them use juju. How can a pastor touch somebody and he falls down? That one is juju at work. Our people are very foolish and ignorant. How can you touch somebody and he falls down? There is something behind this.
Today, we are in a world of falsehood. And if you look at what is happening, you wouldn’t blame the pastors, you would blame our law, which is lax. I said this because if some of these pastors that have been duping people had been brought to book, there would have been sanity. These pastors that are pushing people down, and are saying they are healing them, they should tell us the source of their power. If, as a pastor, you receive your power from Ifa, Ogun or Orunmila, and you are giving credit to another person, this means that you are a saboteur. You are in actual fact a murderer because you are robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Is it true, as some people have claimed, that some religious leaders often come to your headquarters here in Ibadan to consult you?

It is true. At times, they send their representatives. But I clearly remember that the General Overseer of Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor William Kumuyi, came to see me at our Lagos headquarters in Iju, Lagos, sometime in 1987. It is a public place, he was there, and people saw him. But he went back, never to come back to fulfill his promise to come for knowledge. And without knowledge, there is no way anybody can make it.

When Pastor Kumuyi came that time, was it on a courtesy visit?
You don’t go to a place where they acquire knowledge on a courtesy visit. His visit was more than a courtesy visit. But like I said, he never came back to acquire knowledge. What many people don’t know is that the Creator has come down. Somebody of his calibre doesn’t come here on courtesy visit, it goes beyond that. Kumuyi had come for salvation but he didn’t exercise sufficient patience as he left without acquiring knowledge. There are many others that have come like that. My mission is to give light to the world, to bring people out of darkness into light. I’m the father of everybody, the entire human race.

You may then wonder, what about the White people? Are you also their father? I will say ‘yes’. There was a time they were not Whites. They were Blacks then. But, suddenly, something happened many years ago, that drove them under water. And they stayed there for so long. And by the time they came out, their skin had changed. This is why you now have dichotomy between them and us. Due to the fact that they stayed for so long under the water, by the time they came out, their character had changed. This is why you see most White people being rascals, impatient, restless and erratic.
But Maharj Ji, being a loving father, made it possible for the energy in Blacks to mix up with that of the whites to give world peace. Before Maharaj Ji came, the supremacy of the white man was unshakeable. But when I came, everything changed. I’m the source of life, everybody should come close to me, and know Maharaj Ji as not only helping the Black man to realize his potentialities, but also as the power that has helped the white man. Otherwise, this world would have disappeared.
And don’t mind the whites with their propaganda that they have been using to brainwash the Blackman. For example, for how long have they been telling us that Jesus is coming? They have been saying so since I was very young, and now I’m 65 years old, and yet He has not come. But there is one thing that people should realize about the coming of Jesus Christ, and that is, instead of Jesus coming in a white body, it is somebody in a black body who came to rescue the world. And that is my humble self, Sat Guru Maharaj Ji.

Is it also true, as some people claimed, that some of our political leaders often come here?
Yes. Some of them come here. Even my position demands that I should be with them everytime. They have been coming here, and I have also been with them since 1983, 1984 and 1985. Again, I used to write letters to them, counseling them on how to move the nation forward. But, unfortunately, some religious leaders have held them hostage, deceiving them, and shielding some of them from knowing the truth. Yet, these pastors, who claim to have knowledge and power, couldn’t see vision about all these plane crashes all over the place.

Our leaders should remove this wool that has been used to cover their faces by these religious leaders. There is no way you claim to be a servant of the Most High, and He will not reveal events that are to happen to you. But do these religious leaders see anything? Our leaders need life and they want to enjoy it. There are so many things missing in the life of somebody who doesn’t have knowledge from Guru Maharaj Ji. How I wish that this interview will come out raw and everything I said should be published, and I dare anybody to challenge me.

A lot of things are going wrong in this country, and those people you expect to speak out, especially religious leaders, are keeping quiet. Church leaders are not talking. We are in a state of confusion where the rich are getting richer, and the poor getting poorer. This is one of the reasons why I have come to redeem mankind. If Maharaj Ji had not come on July 17, 1980, Nigeria would have been in a complete mess. I had not even used half of the power I have. Had I have done so, I would have dealt with many people, especially those that have looted our treasury. But I’m not Moses, an apostle of fire for fire. I love everybody and I will like evil people to retrace their steps, otherwise they will face destruction.

So, who is Guru Maharaj Ji? Some people claim that you are an Indian, others says you are a Hausa man while others say you are a Camerounian. Who are you?
Guru Maharaj Ji is an Ibadan man. But I was born on December 20, 1947, on the day of the eclipse of the sun in far away Ghana. I was carried in my mother’s womb, spiritually, for nine years. I was born in the gold-mining town of Obuasi in Ghana. My father’s name is Alan Ibrahim and my mother’s name, Madam Senatu Amope. They are both Nigerians. I was second to the last in a family of 17 children. I was given the name Mohammed Shuaibu Ayobami Ajirobatan.

Are you from a polygamous home?
No. All of us were born by my mother. However, my mother was first married to a mining engineer, Pa Ajala. It was after his death that our mother married my father. For my primary school education, I attended Methodist School, and from there, I proceeded to Methodist Middle School also at Obuasi. By 1960, I completed my middle school. Thereafter, I was taken to my senior sister who worked with Ghana Police in the Squadron Unit. While there with her in Accra, I enlisted at Kwame Nkrumah Pioneer Institute, located at Old Polo Ground in Accra. On the completion of my studies there, I moved down to Nigeria. From then on, things started changing.

As a kid, one believed that whatever advice elders give you, you must take it. So, when my mother advised me to go and stay with my senior sister and her husband who was a member of the then Western Region’s House of Assembly, I agreed. The couple was staying in Iseyin. There, I enrolled in a secretarial school. I remember it was there I did my RSA and Pitman professional examinations. Few years later, I was taken to another senior sister who was married to a cocoa merchant in Sekona, Osun State. I stayed there for some time. While I was there, one of my uncles, Professor Haruna Balogun, asked me to see him. On getting to his house in Lagos, he enrolled me in a commercial institute owned by one Papa Afuwape. It was when I was there that I was informed about a vacancy in a transport company. I was hired as secretary to the Transport Manager. This was in 1969. I was later transferred to the General Manager’s office. I later joined another establishment, YWC under Lady Alakija. I stayed there for a year before I joined another company owned by late Chief Lekan Salami in Ibadan. It was while I was there that I secured employment with a clearing and forwarding company at Apapa in Lagos.

It was from this company that I travelled outside the country in July 1975. But I remember that day of my departure, there was a coup d’etat led by General Murtala Muhammed who toppled the then Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon. When I arrived London for the first time in my life, I saw a mad white man. I shouted, and my friends asked why. I told them that I never knew that a white man could also run mad. I encountered some problems over accommodation. When I arrived London, I had to leave Chapters Street where I first stayed because the landlord and I had a mild disagreement while having discussion over Nigeria.

In the second place where I stayed, I got the accommodation through a woman I met by providence. I told the woman that I had accommodation problem and she assured me that the problem would be solved. She later invited me to her house where she stayed with her children.
As we entered the house, right in the foyer, there was this photograph of the master before me; the one that prophesied about me in 1976. I now asked this woman: ‘who is this man?’ She said that is Sat Guru of this age. The woman later told me that the man, that is Sat Guru, would solve any problem I have. She said Maharaj Ji would solve all my problems. She now invited me to Maharaj Ji’s place of worship called Sat Sang. For me to hear the man speaking, I was overwhelmed with joy. That was it. I immediately felt that this was where I belonged. This was how I received knowledge, and became a child of light. When you are in knowledge, materialism has no meaning to you. You control and dominate your environment.

There is this controversy about your marital status. Some people claim that you are married with children while others say you are a divorcee. Which is which?
There should be no controversy. Guru Maharaj Ji has come to this planet to offer life and knowledge to people. So, anybody that receives knowledge from me is my child, a bona fide one. Those who receive knowledge from me are my children. I don’t have any biological child, and I’m not married to any woman. I don’t have a wife.

Why? You are 65, and …
(Cuts in…) It’s like this. For any sincere and honest somebody, you find out that even if you are blessed, this is not the time for somebody to think about marriage. For me, I’ve never thought about marriage, and I will never do so, because there is a war going on, and the war is between light and darkness. Until the war is over, anybody who gets involved with marriage will always be in trouble. For now, I’m not thinking of marriage. The war against the forces of darkness is on and that battle must be won. Marriage can wait.

At 65, you say marriage can wait?
Yes. I have a mission. Marriage will be a distraction. I must defeat forces of darkness. Marriage is not in my agenda. This is not the time to go into marriage. I challenge anybody who says she is Maharaj Ji’s wife to come out. I challenge anybody who says she has children for Maharaj Ji to come out. I don’t have any biological children. My children are my followers. I’m the father of creation.  So, everybody, including Christians and Muslims, I’m their father. Before I left for Europe and till I came back, I was never married. Even up till now, I’m not married to anybody. My advice to the young men of these days is that they should not get married. This is not the time to go into marriage because the situation is not conducive. However, for anybody that insists, I have no opposition. After all, some of my members are married.

Is it true, as some people claimed, that you once said that you would never die?
When one is transformed into spirituality, you no longer talk about death. Man is talking about mortality and immortality because he accepted teachings brought by the Europeans without finding out how true these teachings are. When you talk about death, it negates the principles of our existence. They say God is light, and in Him there is no darkness, and darkness can’t comprehend it. So, why is death coming in?

The true name of our creator is Maharaj Ji, and with my coming, light has come. Now, the light will be guiding my followers wherever they are going, so that with the knowledge they have acquired they will not commit sin. As it was written in the Bible that the wages of sin is death, but the moment you are lifted above, you will live in the spirit, and when you live in the spirit you will have knowledge.
Since I live in the spirit, and I’m the fountain of knowledge, I’m immortal. I can’t die. Why should I die physically? I can’t die physically. I will not die. Even it is said in the Scripture that man is the perfect image of God. Can God die? Since I’m a perfect image of God, I can’t die. Is it a sin to live till eternity? I have both the physical body and the spirit. If you look at the Scriptures, where did you see or read about people seeing dead bodies of previous masters like Moses, Elijah and others. Death means nothing to me – man is an image of the creator, so I don’t believe in death.


  1. Is only God who knows the true. May he alone protect us!


    1. JESUS still loves u guru.Repent before it is too late for u.

    2. How come nobody wrote "first to comment on this post" LOL! So una fear guguru maraji??
      May God help us all, amen!

      ****Mufasa Said

    3. =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º‎​=)) funny dude! Nice one.

  2. After this lengthy write-up, all I can say is that, as a christian, I see all this as BLASPHEMY!! Period!!

    1. Thank u my dear.JESUS is the ONLY SAVIOUR.

    2. May God save our souls

    3. Exactly!.........the content and lenght of this story has made me speechless

  3. Them falling isn't juju. I dnt remember what it's called but it's about knowing where to touch and the right amount of pressure. Or acting .....for most of them.

  4. let leave God to do the judgement...thy shall not judge nor condemn

  5. This man is still alive!

    1. he will soon be in hell fire If he does not repent and accept JESUS CHRIST.

  6. Well satru guru maraji plssssss ur nt my father aiit??I respect ur blive tho,buh plssss dnt call urself my father.....ah

  7. Is this man ok?he made some valid points though,but also said a lot of trash.

    1. God bless you, he made valid points but... Nvm

  8. Gosh!! Too many info! My eyes were turning as I was reading it.. Someone shud pls summarize it pls!

    1. The na me of the man in question is satru Guru Maraji and 1. He said he is ur father 2. He said his mother did not carry him for nine months but nine years 3. He said he has come to save u 4. He said that the jesus u have been waiting for has come since and he is the one 5. He said past Kumuyi came to his church to collect light but he saw too much light so he ran 6. He said his powers have been the one holding Nigeria and that its only little he has used yet we have plane crash everyday and boko haram 7. Finally he said you must go to school to learn how to be patient while reading an article and to learn how to draw points from there, that he is sure that if its a dick u are fucking you must see to the end that the guy would have almost lost his life before u let go off his cock.

  9. longtime o..where has this guy been?

    Signs of endtime
    Infact,I'm short of words

    1. thank u my dear.BLASPHEMY .For me it is JESUS CHRIST forever and ever.

  11. U can see dat d man is not totally sane

  12. Dis Guru Maraji or wateva he calls himself his completely psychotic nd Insane.....All rubbish!

  13. Indeed d world is cming to an end y wud a man call himself a creator nd one who can't die.no worry na God knw ur tym

    1. S̶̲̥̅̊W̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊T̶̲̥̅̊S̶̲̥̅̊ H̶̲̥̅̊O̶̲̥̅̊N̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ S̶̲̥̅̊U̶̲̥̅̊G̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̥̅̊R̶̲̥̅̊16 January 2013 at 07:59

      I agree Ŵi̶̲̅τ U̶̲̥̅̊ ma ϑε̲ãr......na only Gôd̶̲̥̅̊ knw him time....U̶̲̥̅̊'r vry rit dear

  14. I tot this deranged MoFo was long dead!......anybody that takes this Man seriously is really wasting his time!@came to save the world!!....weldone Voltron Mahraji!
    Am not surprised if he says MOGs use charms cos I know he must have had some of them as customers!
    Chai,God help mi to make heaven o,cos hell won't be easy....will be full of lunatics and. pshycophats like this!

    1. Very funny.... U cracked me up wit ur comment

    2. Hahahahahhahahhahahah... Can't stp laffin

    3. Love ur comment, made me laff. Lord have mercy on us, for we do not know who are Ur true followers.

  15. is he still alive?

  16. Yeye man! Name dem make we know nau? Shee u no get members again u dey vex?

  17. Back to sender. My husband must come this year!!!!! Every satanic utterance by guru maharaji die by fire! Na ur bia bia make. Woman run from u! U don collect all the pikin for ur abuna do juju. Dem don finis now u wan use oda guys own

    1. LMAO!!! Don't worry u will get married! Even the bible tells us that there is no wisdom, there is no counsel, there is no understandn against God so this man is a liar!

      ****Mufasa Said

    2. I am your husband. I am here already but u can't see me because u are not looking very well for. You have been looking in the wrong places for me. I can see and I tried to connect with u but you refused to connect. I am tired of waiting for you. Please connect before I see another baby to connect with.

  18. *Im lipsealed* I've nevr heard of dz Man...

  19. One word...INSANE...lamzzzzz

  20. And I guess he is the one supplying the "juju" to them.

    Yes, its true, there are so many fakes out there, but it does not change the fact that the Lord God Almighty remains the All Powerful One and He can and still works wonders whenever He chooses and through whomever He pleases.

    I hate it when people indirectly ascribe power to the devil!

    1. thank u and God bless u.Only JESUS can deliver u.Period.

  21. Lord have mercy oh! Pls tender mercy o'lord.

  22. Very shallow i must say. All you need is the Holy Spirit and you will know the truth

  23. shayo mastor....guess you have drank ogogoro

    1. Buhahahahaha.O Lord Jesus

    2. S̶̲̥̅̊W̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊T̶̲̥̅̊S̶̲̥̅̊ H̶̲̥̅̊O̶̲̥̅̊N̶̲̥̅̊E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ S̶̲̥̅̊U̶̲̥̅̊G̶̲̥̅̊A̶̲̥̅̊R̶̲̥̅̊16 January 2013 at 09:14

      =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°​=))am telling u .........na real shayo master.....Ά̲̣̥ big DrUnk!

  24. Bloody imbecil!

    1. say that again.The guru need JESUS.

  25. May God have mercy upon your soul

  26. Lol joker! This one is meant to be in an asylum

  27. I hate this man

  28. Geeez...can thunder just strike this mad goat dead...he will die a painful death..he's so cursed.

  29. Mental case! Thank goodness He moved from Ghana.

  30. joker lets wait and see if you will die or not malam brain

    1. I see hin tryn so hard to incure the wrath of even boko haram... #ablaze he shall soon be lmao

  31. Hahaha, dis is one of a kind, he's realy insane!!! White ppl stayed inside the water for too long, jesus is black!!! Big joker, pls yaba left is still open what kind of knowledge does he claim to have? This is child talk. At 65?

  32. it is never too late for him to repent,bcos for my pastor to visited him, the man need salvation may God have mercy upon your soul

  33. D first comment has killed it all. Lwkmd4here. Chei @ asylum. Haha. As for u Mr "can't die", we wld sit back nd watch u till then.

  34. Dis man is very funny...KMT o jare...linda abeg post my comment o...

  35. Monkey......u are the father of urself not of the nation.my God reigneth

  36. Ramblings of a madman...next

  37. This guy is sick!!!!!!!!

  38. This man is sick!!!!!!!

  39. Linda ada ikeji this was too long! After my days in UBTH never knew I could come across a long write up! As for sat guru! Its obvious he's gone senile! How can a juju himself say people are using juju! Who doesn't know that dis man is the cause of all the accidents in ibadan! Someone that lives on hibiscus flower and red arosa! This is clearly another case of acute schizoprenia!

    1. Honestly, He doesnt use juju. My family worshiped him for about 9years, he just finds a way to brainwash his followers and make them believe they are on the right path, such ignorance! He would have been a very wonderful pastor, he only chose the wrong religion. Thank U Jesus for showing us the way thru Pastor Adeboye.

  40. This man is seriously sick.

  41. God is this Man on dis earth...God is soo kind n merciful if not dis aint suppose 2be existing

  42. Hmmmm.... My condolences; this man has gone coo-coo stark raving mAaaaaaaad!!!

  43. Foolish man seeking for notice becos he is broke you re going to hellllll nonsense mchewWwwwwwwww

  44. Confused modafucker.

  45. Oga,They use juju 2 hold dia members & u use holy ghost abi ?

  46. Dis man is so brainless

  47. Well paul in the bible says in his own opinion, we shouldn't marry but if you burn with passion marry. Catholic priests don't marry so if guru's people no wan marry, no wahala.

  48. He won't die whn his parent gave birth to him was he 65,signs of end time,God almighty should help us all

  49. Total joke.... He needs total healing!!!

  50. The guy is on the highest brand of ganja

  51. This man is rily crazy .and 2 tink he has followers....Na wah o.d interviewer even try sef...I no fit siddon wit dis useless man...........UNDISPUTED

  52. Oloshi...mad man who born dis man olodo

  53. may God help us 2 know d ryt frm d wrong, dis man is really in d dark

  54. Deekay isn't it demonic possession?

  55. Diz man x α psycho!

  56. may God help us cos we dot know d wrong and d write, bt in anyway talk ur own who did u blive in, pastor or dis man??

  57. Hahahahaha...rotlmao...dis is d most hilarious interview I've ever read. If I interviewd dat dude, he'll chase me out cos I'l laff mannerlessly!!!.In summary, he is jst a confused man hidden from the real truth and looking for cheap attention....


    1. @anon 9.18 u r a bigger fool then...farabale n read wat he wrote abi na cyber cafe u dey

  59. I jst cnt stop laughin @guru's foolishness n stupidity.indeed he has gone insane!!! Stupid man

  60. Toksyb: Linda well done, dint believe I read dat Joke.... Pls he shld join dem Ali Baba,yaw,basket mouth,AY for d next crack ya ribs....LMAO very funny
    Saying white men was under d water,his not a nigerian its so obvious.....Omo Ghana

  61. Simply put he suffers from grandiose delusions...

  62. so the whites where stuck under water for sometime and that's how whey got their skin? i see!

  63. Pst kumuyi visited u and neva returned 4 instructions bt his church stil grew..... Using a humble man to gain popularity..... Dis guru is a fool n wil die a slow painful death.... He's nt going to live 4eva cos even his master died.... IDIOT

    1. Thank u o! I wonder why the interviewer ddnt ask him where his master go? Whether he die or nt.... Mcheww! I still pray he doesn't lose his soul, cos hell is no place u want even ur enemies to go... Lwkm @ hez every1s father .. Idiat, he be father to himself abeg..

  64. @anon 9.18 criticisizing @ my family worshipped -u are the bigger fool!!!!! U can go back to to pry sch or pick up brighter grammar for a better understanding of English Language. @ my family worshipped was thanking God for showing them the way through Pastor Adeboye. How does that amount to worshiping him? U just allowed ur mouth to run like tap water. Address the issue and stop attacking persons. Dumb skull!!!

  65. Bonario's Father15 January 2013 at 22:28

    This guy has gone bunkers..May God deliver him.

  66. mstchewwwww.... who is listening to this man... the fact that u dont believe or cannot comprehend the power of God does not mean all pastors use juju... we know some do... thanks for the stale news but some of them manifest the raw power of God.

    next pls....

  67. Da truth is always bitter,it is left 4 da wise to understand da truth abt christianity,da guru has said it ol

  68. the man's story and discussion is disjointed and without substance,for someone who calls himself a perfect master he does not have much to show for it compared to the men of GODs he is casting aspersions on.
    what exactly has he achieved in his 38yrs of ministry?t b joshua has sent many through university and given a lot of scholarships e.t.c we know what redeemed,deeper life have done but his own is just making mouth
    im surprised the reporter did not ask him about the controversy of the dead body found near his place and the funny going ons about him being accused of using human beings and others for rituals and occultic practises

    my conclusion is that he is just making noise,hollow assertions with no foundations whatsoever

  69. Jesus is d only way to GOD.it is also written in the bible that during endtime that their will be false prophets,nations will fight against nation,father will kill son and son will kill their fathers,so all this are signs of endtime.JESUS is coming soon!!!

  70. Kumuyi may have come to preach salvation to you, now ur using his name to gain say trash. God will purnish ur mouth.

  71. U guys shld look at d order side,he has said is own,dere is no smoke without fire.I pray God shld arrested him n change him 4 gud.pls no insult just saying.

  72. My people perish bcoz of lack of knowledge. Guru Maraji pls repent and give ur life to God before its too late. Jesus loves and care for ur soul, don't let the devil ve d last laugh.

  73. Guru is Mentally deranged!!! Men of God use juju. U wey dey share food...u dey use jazz.
    Olofofo.... We re!!!
    Infact people who follow u r already doomed..

  74. Please help ṁ̭̥̈̅̄ξ ask him, where ïs̶̲̥̅̊ dat sat guru maraj ji he heard of in 1975 while he was in Europe... DEAD I̶̲̥̅̊ guess... Jesus remains †ђξ only way!

  75. Who is this man who blasphemes God? God will strike you dead if you do not repent. And it is not late to repent and accept Jesus as your only Lord and Saviour.


  77. Chai!!! So all dis The Sun pipo actually walked into dis man's then only to interview him... Pipo cn risk dia lives ooo

  78. Only God knows the truth. May HE help us with the right guidance.

  79. JESUS is d only way, light and life. JESUS is my father!

  80. bla bla bla.... too lengthy, this guy is confused as hell.

  81. Some humans and their sense of reasoning.if u don't want people to get married,how then will they have kids?weren't u born from a married woman? Did it affect u in any way?then u now want people not to marrry.I reject it.my hubby is on his way here.as for me and my house,we'd continue to serve the lord

    Pretty tricky

  82. Way too long...cnt read..

  83. You're not my father oo... Mad man seeking attention. May God forgive you. See hw dirty he looks.

  84. Sat Guru maharaj ji is hilarious man!! Lmfao... I basically laughed all through... The world is filled with so many people and their many ideas about creation. I find this one particularly hilarious. I can't believe some people are taking this seriously.smh


    Yet, these pastors, who claim to have knowledge and power, couldn’t see vision about all these plane crashes all over the place.

    There is no way you claim to be a servant of the Most High, and He will not reveal events that are to happen to you. But do these religious leaders see anything?


    1. Anon 1:43AM, b deceiving ursef & odas by thinking it's by d prediction of events dat makes a man to b frm God. Arrant nonsense!
      Don't use purported miracles, prediction of events or acts of philanthropy as criteria for approving dis sort of devilish & wicked men in sheep's clothing. B warned and come out frm dis satanic bondage b4 it's too late.
      Dia ar many dubious & demonic ppl who trvl to India to acquire diabolic powers to set up 'churches' or prayer houses so as to beguile d weak & place dem unda perpetual bondages.
      Mat.24: many shall com & say dey ar Christ; prophets shall arise & deceive many just like TB, Guru, OOO & oda fake prophets ar deceiving u & many odas. Dey tk pleasure in making human sacrifices to Lucipher & so dey acquire more powers to delude men d more. Any man who engages in practices contrary to d holy writ belongs to d kingdom of darkness.
      If u tink d likes Guru or TB ar frm God, u ar of all men most miserable! U beta com out frm ur delusion.

      A true servant of God does nt use mystical powers or practice voodoo or witchcrafty. Dia ar many anti-christ arnd us.
      D Holy Bible remains d guide for any1 who aspires to serve d Almighty God. Mystic books and fake prophets will lead u to doom.
      It's nt all dat glitters is gold. Beware, devil can perform miracles & see visions.
      Only Jesus Christ is d Way, d Truth & d Life.


  86. I didn't bother to read, just saw the headline.

    One thing I know is when you need a miracle, you will believe.

    Visit www.thebanquethall.blogspot.com for your daily Word. Keep God first and please like us on Facebook. God bless you.

  87. No guidance, truly a lost man. May he get it upright with his followers. www.fastweightlosstipsnigeria.blogspot.com/

  88. I dnt knw if this man is joking, he has assumed the role of saviour and immortality at the same time.. Abeg Christ is one and the only one..

  89. Alhamdulialah that I'm a muslim.

  90. May God Almighty have mercy on ur soul!!!my dear pld repent b4 its too late!

  91. He can't die! His master could not tell him that was a lie because he died before he could! Anyways, Nice one on "white men staying under water for years". Nice yab o! ..abi he couldn't have been serious about that na.. Guys was he really serious?... Wait! What the hell happened to drowning? Olodo!

  92. LWTMB white ppl where under water for very long too fing hilarious LOOOOOOOOOOOL

  93. This fool ruined my family..scarred me for life.

  94. LWKMD+I think someone is under τ̣̣ђё influence of Alchol.....Go take a seat Man(Several seats)

  95. May GOD save us from all ds evil people

  96. LMA0.... Guru mahraji ji has plenty wives and children o,he used to reside at coker village,iganmu lagos many years ago,this man is a clown. Wetin GOD go judge plenty.....hahahahaha

  97. Only God knows the truth


  98. Olorun kuu suuru!!(God's patience is infinite)..JESUS CHRIST YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER!

  99. I lived near his branch in Festac for many yrs, he used to throw food to his followers from the balcony,they used to go round in d mornings removing flowers, heard they used to eat them.the sick was also treated there

  100. this man gives confusion a whole new meaning. he's neither here nor there. quoting scriptures to back up his foolishness. i can't help but laugh at the blacks that stayed under water for a long time and then turned white. Guru Maharaji or whatever you call yourself, my almighy God pass you.

  101. Pls someone shud tell dis man 2 shut up!..evrytin he says here is story!..story frm a tormented soul!..dis is serious OCCULTISM!..I pity any1 dat tinks its true!..so,he tinks he is d saviour of mankind??..whitemen were under water 4 a long time & it led 2 dier color??..if he hd said dey came 4rm baboons,it wud av bin less foolish*laffs*.can u pipl remember dat man in lagos,dat sed he wud die & resurrect n 3 days just lik our Lord Jesus?..didn't he die like a chicken?..by God's grace,am foreva a Christian & OCCultists lik u can NEVA deceive mua!..pls giv ur lif 2 Christ wile u stil can!

  102. Guys...the most difficult thing is not to believe in something..all he is saying now is what he believe, good for him...but for me and my household we shall hold on to Jesus the son of the Living God beacuse for me he is the only WAY

  103. eheheheheheeheheheheheheheheeheh only God knows who is truly serving him

  104. I know for a fact that this demented soul has succeeded in deflowering hundreds of innocent young girls kept in his care in the name of Blessing them, in fact in some cases siblings from the same family all fell victim to him, some were forced to have abortions even...it tears me apart to think that ignorant souls in search of salvation are still falling prey to this very this delusional liar my only solace is in the certainty that he will not escape God's judgement.

    1. Oh so you know about that? So its a past time with him? God will judge him a million times over!! Wicked demonic man!! Pervert!

  105. Father of ursef,mchewwww,*ugly goblin*nxt pls....

  106. I would love to read more interviews from him. This guy is serzly cracking me up . Deranged pple can be soooo funny. Cos they dish it out as it comes. LMFAO!

  107. I think he's making some sense anyway, i am not religious,i am very inquisitive, never bash people when you don't really understand their opinions,actually,the stories in the Bible are highly questionable,some moderate Christians choose to believe a literal translation of some parts of the bible, such as Jesus' birth & the resurrection, yet choose not to accept the Noah's Ark story.They pick and choose which stories to accept literally and which are symbolic...what i am saying in a nutshell is that no religion has the evidence..:)..Every logical argument about religion always boils down to the indefensible statement,"Well,it's what i believe and I'm just gonna go with it!

  108. all said well. for many of u rebuking, condemning Guru. by God i see no difference btw u and him. He is unguarded likewise u. All of u who believe that Jesus(peace b upon him) is ur Saviour, Lord, sustainer and cherisher other than d God of Jesus and d entire universe are commitin d same blasphemy like Guru. u all need repentance b4 it is late. Neither Jesus nor Guru can forgiv u and admit u into paradise or hell, it is d decision of d Almighty God.

    1. Stupid comment frm 1 of dos terrorists killing christians in d north. Nemesis wil soon catch up on u & ur BH members marauding as 1 Nigeria proponents.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. All of u caling Guru to accept Jesus(peace b upon him) and repent to him are all d same in d sight of God. Is Jesus(pbuh)God? He is a human being like u, a great prophet of God. u must all repent to God 4 ur disbelief and blasphemy. we hav only one God who forgives n accepts repentance. u re even confused more than Guru. Seek God's guidance

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. If u think u av juju, make use of ur juju alone and don`t afflict others with ur juju cos der is a greater juju and dats my heavenly GOD. I am born to have my HUSBAND and my beautiful CHILDREN.

  113. This is satan personified.Please don\'t grant audience to lunatics like this one.

  114. After all bin said, Jesus is still d only way. It will b very painful if on d last day we see guru in heaven en we don't make it. Y nt let us check ourselves very well en be in line with God's way en leave guru alone to his fate. Jesus is merciful, he can still save him


  116. Anonymous 12:28 i totally agree with you.Another issue here is that ppl tend to worship Man rather than God IT self.God is neither man or woman.The only way shower we have is the holy spirit.There are other holy books one can get fact from, and even the history of all the religion are also in achive for us to read up and know who is fooling who.Though Sat Guru made some good point like "i can never die" He was not referring to the physical body,definately he will drop the phisical body but SOUL can never die.He is saying things beyond this physical life,He was saying them as SOUL WHICH CAN NEVER DIE.We should all know that we are made of the image of God as SOUL not as HUMAN.God is SPIRIT so also we are.Guru is god so also you and i.We are all entittle to these ESSENCE which is God.God is LOVE,and is also the OCEAN OF MERCY.God does not kill,judge,hate neither is God jealous.We have gods that are jealous,conderms,distroys,kill,etc,But God in his infinite mercy is beyond all these attributes.So please pple try and seek more spiritual truth than being ignorant of the truth,because TRUTH is not easily accepted.Yet we all know it as SOUL.MORESO,we should please be aware of the 5 passions of the mind which destroys man.VANITY,ATTACHMENT,GREED,LUST,ANGER.We should walk on ourselves and see how God will be pleased with us than having negative thoughts for one another.May the blessings of God be.

  117. @ White men stayed under water for so long....I guess that was during the time of Noah and the white (then black) happened to be those who did not heed the call to the Ark of Salvation....lmao! Jesus knew from the beginning who He was when He came down to Earth. How come our dear Guru needed someone to tell him he was the father of everyone? Throughout the Bible, there were just 2 people who didn't die physically - Elijah and Enoch. Even at that, they disappeared from the Earth. Yet, you believe you wouldn't die; who u wan take dat resemble? Your long-dead master?.... We understand that there might be Pastors who use juju to touch and make people fall; what about those that fall by themselves without being touched? I can go on and on punctuating all his claims but is there a need?

    An urgent advice: it is not too late to run to JEHOVAH GOD for forgiveness and acceptance into HIS fold...

  118. To the Muslims calling Christians 'confused' and saying Christ is not the way, could you pls heed the wordings of your ;Suratul Kafirun? "to you belong your religion and to me belong mine.....? I wouldn't have commented on Guru whatever if he didn't cross the line to mention Jesus because whatever he thinks of himself is his bloody business! All I can do is advice him on the way I'm convinced is right. To me, Christ is one body with God. Take it or live with the headache! There is a need for a higher and deeper level of spiritual understanding to appreciate who Christ is and how different He is from the messengers/prophets God sent. I rest my case......

  119. It"s better not to be born than following this man and believing his words...

  120. OMG..he's so silly!..."There was a time they were not Whites. They were Blacks then. But, suddenly, something happened many years ago, that drove them under water. And they stayed there for so long. And by the time they came out, their skin had changed. This is why you now have dichotomy between them and us. Due to the fact that they stayed for so long under the water, by the time they came out, their character had changed. This is why you see most White people being rascals, impatient, restless and erratic.
    But Maharj Ji, being a loving father, made it possible for the energy in Blacks to mix up with that of the whites to give world peace."
    I'm dumbfounded!..under d water?so later they now emerged? A whole race?submerged under the water?...interesting.why didn't we go with them,how come they didn't get eaten up by sharks?.so water makes u light skinned!..ha!dear bleachers can u hear?no need to waste your time again and bleach just go under water!..stupid OLD FOOL..!why the hell did I read all dis shit?...

  121. It"s better not to be born than following this man and believing his words...

  122. Anonymous 12:17pm.pls b quiet if u don't knw anytin reasonable 2 say!..am sure u're a muslim,an Olumba(occultist) or even an atheist!..4 us Christians,Our Lord Jesus is D One who saves,our Saviour!...anitin u don't understand about HIM,pls ask HIM!..hope u understand nw??..

  123. Learn about the holy ghost power mixed with the power of God almighty,I thought Guru was dead long time now his back with madness

  124. Constant personal relationship with Jesus Christ: the son of David that s what matters to me not personal relationship with a Pastor. I, wife and children we disbosom that Jesus is Lord and the Light of the Word till eternity. Expand

  125. Don't mind him he is EVIL. I live about a clique away 4rm him @ odo ona area. My dear pple u dont want 2 get close 2 him cuz if u do, only God can save u. B warned!

  126. If u believe in juju then u believe their is a power that can throw men to the ground then u believe there are different powers good and evil. If Good its called Light,Truth n life and if evil, its called darkness, lies and death. Knowing this means u know of Jesus and the devil. Knowing jesus means u knw d knw there is the holy spirit. Then u experience that power which is the holy spirit and you call it juju cos you havent met with him yet! Mercy i pray for you guru wa???

  127. pls non of u shuld comment bad abt him ooo. coz he knws mre abt u dan ur parent do. i attended a skul in kaduna medi where hip place of worship was opp d skul. every one was scared of him. do u knw hw many time he xcped death_ mostly wit al d riot dat took place in kd. gve to siza wat blngs to sizer na eshemomoh

  128. pls non of u shuld comment bad abt him ooo. coz he knws mre abt u dan ur parent do. i attended a skul in kaduna medi where hip place of worship was opp d skul. every one was scared of him. do u knw hw many time he xcped death_ mostly wit al d riot dat took place in kd. gve to siza wat blngs to sizer na eshemomoh

  129. We shouldn't condemn a man wen we are men, we should jxt pray 2 God 2 touch dis man heart.... Amen

  130. We shouldn't condemn a man wen we are men, we should jxt pray 2 God 2 touch dis man heart.... Amen

  131. He made some points I must confess. But there are a lot of holes in his story like humans being under water for so long....o well...God is d ultimate judge. I'm sure we will all d dazed at that day. But, I won't be surprised if he even makes heaven and our highest spiritually leader falls short cos the gospel has been altered. We continue to look On God, Through our master and Saviour Jesus, by the power and light of the Holy Spirit. Amen

  132. Alhamdulilah am a Muslim ,., Allah(God) save us from the torment of hell fire and guide us thru the right path...AMEN


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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