Obama vs Romney: Romney wins first presidential debate? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 4 October 2012

Obama vs Romney: Romney wins first presidential debate?

President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney squared off in their first face-to-face presidential debate last night Wednesday Oct 3rd, and according to CNN phone poll, Romney won by a margin. 67% for Romney and 25% for Obama

Romney needed a win, and from what I'm reading online, it looks like he got it. I didn't watch the debate...was sleeping...but they say Romney came out swinging. Did you watch the debate? Did it harm Obama?


  1. Lindiway I was snoring next to u,didn't watch it either, this is no gud news for d Obama camp.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

    1. Lmao. Chaiii u no go kill person

  2. Replies
    1. Actually I watched d debate and romney was rantling like a toy even interferin obama whn he was talkin. Obama was laid down like he knew wat he was doin. They stil hav 2more debates so am stil waitin. I giv it 2 romney cos he spoke, but americans don't nid som1 wit plenty talk nd less action. Wil definitely vote 4 d candidate dat wil provide free health care and financial aid or student loan.

  3. I didn't watch it too. I really wish I did

  4. The moderator Jim Lehrer had absolutely no backbone. He couldn't control the debate. They were just walking all over him. Sometimes I felt he favored Romney. Several times I felt like punching his face. I hope the moderator for next week is not like Jim Lehrer because I can't stand people that can't control a debate.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yeah, I was awake just to watch it and Obama was astonished. If we are to go by the debate, Mitt is the President already!!!.

  6. It didn't harm Obama, I understood how he allowed that happened. Romney was absolutely rude, cutting out both the Prez and the commentator, he spoke way above his time & u could tell that he had an agenda, but the worse he did was not explaining anything. He was there to personally attack the president instead of persuading the American people to vote for him. I was disappointed by the Prez.,and all I would say is that Romney did well than predicted. However, this is just the 1st debate, we have too more left.

  7. Its obvious black Barack is slowly losin his once magical hold on d american audience......guess dey're jst damn tird of being diplomatically lied to.......*WMF*

    1. I side wit u. Obama is d most sneaky piece of shit u kno. Un4tunately it myt b 10 years or more b4 d truth comes out. I sha pity 4 those who still luv him as president.

  8. Who cares they can fly for all i care

    1. @ohalete iheanyi,u be fool, ‎​ℓ̊ know u won't care blc u я̩̥̊ a nobody,poor boy!

  9. For those who missed it! 1st Presidential Debate: Barack Obama vs. Romney, you now have the opportunity of watching this debate. But when will Nigeria evolve to this stage….till thy kingdom come

  10. Debates never determine who wins elections. If it did, we would have had President Kerry. The fact is Romney came out prepared but full of Lies. He denied every program he had ever proposed and that left Obama flustered. This election Comes down to Who the American people trust and Electoral Votes.

    1. Tank u so much, u nailed my points exactly. Like I said earlier, am lookin 4 a president dat can give me free health care if I don't hav d money.

    2. You couldn't have said it any better! Impressive comment!

  11. Linda u fall my hand y didnt u watch it if it is going for award nite nd fashion week u will go. Na wa o post dis comment o

  12. For those of us in the U.S romney didn't win shit but he managed to deny all the controversial parts of his policies saying that was not his plan. he also failed to say anythinh concrete he was going to do

  13. My take? ROmney would say anything just to have his way. But what da heck? I'm not American. Make I face 9ja, abi? :-)

  14. Am not really surprised that Obama lost out in d 1st debate. He's yet †Ơ̴̴͡ recover from the wedding anniversary sex session with his wife the previous night. The next 2 debate will buttress my point. *wink*

  15. Linda i am in the USA and i saw the debate Romney did not win! though Eloquent speaker but Obama was More Believable and thats the key!

  16. Yes! Romney did win the debate. I watched it along with millions of others and it was clear who was in control of his debates. However, those who really know what Romney stands for know he hasn't really won anything yet..Lets talk about that 47% and those swiss accts and see what he has to say then

  17. I watched oh bt struggled 2 understand the debate cos wat they were debating abt nigeria is no way close to achieving it such as d medicare, social security and benefits

  18. The results will be out in 3-4 days. Romney is just a lying bastard, he lied throughout the debate. He cannot possibly win & if he does, that is saying a lot about Americans. Republicans are a bunch of lying bastards!!!!!

  19. he was totally out gunned. i pray obama doesnt win really.

  20. ROmney came out swinging...Obama came out sleeping. It was quite a whooping!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I watched the US Presidential Debate last night. CNN debate pundits think Romney had a better debate. That’s their perception. But as you know, perception is more critical than even reality.

    Personally, I think on substance, Obama was better. Romney didn’t give specifics on the key issues. So, why is he PERCEIVED to have had a better debate?

    Here’s why.

    Speaking in a one-on-one setting is different from addressing a huge (40m people and more) audience. One-on-one, round-table, small audience talk suits an Obama who can be “professorial”. It allows him to, as they say, “wax lyrical”.

    However, a huge audience calls for a different tactic. It calls for what is called MAGIC 7 in presentation. Those who have attended my Effective Presentation Skill Course would recognize this.

    And it is the reason why Steve Jobs Stanford Graduation Speech is often regarded as one of the best (if not the best) ever in America.

    Magic 7 allows you to bring structure to your speech, by providing what I call “anchors” for your presentation. The anchors help your audience to understand, retain and easily retrieve your message.

    Magic 7 basically says that there is a limit to what the human brain can comprehend and retain. And this number is around 7 items. Therefore, your job as a speaker (including as a writer) is to “structure” whatever you want to say into not more than 7 categories. The less, the better.

    In the Steve Jobs Stanford graduation speech, he used three “anchors” what he referred to as “stories”. He said:

    “Today, I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories.

    “My first story is about connecting the dots…”

    “My second story is about love and loss…”

    “My third story is about death…”

    (You can google the speech for the full transcript: Steve Jobs Stanford Graduation Speech)

    Every time I play this tape to my students in class, all can remember the speech, aided by the three “anchors”, the three stories.

    Now, back to yesterday’s U.S. Presidential debate. Governor Romney in his opening statement last night, used anchors, unlike President Obama. Here’s what he said:

    “First, education…..”
    “The second area, taxation...”
    “The third area, energy….”
    “And finally, with regards to the tax cuts…”

    Now, those who PERCEIVE that Romney won the debate say so, because they have the benefit of the “anchors” he provided early on – education, tax, energy, or better ETE.

    Obama said so much, perhaps, more (he spoke for more minutes than Romney), yet, it’s difficult for people to recall specifically what he said.

    Because the President did not provide “anchors”.

    If you remember the last Nigerian Presidential Debate, Shekarau used this tactic to good effect. And it made many Nigerians begin to regard him as competent, intelligent, and eloquent.

    Thank you and warm regards

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I don't understand why this explanatory comment is Anonymous. Regardless, Thank you.

    3. Is this Muyiwa Fadugba???

    4. Is this Muyiwa Fadugba???

    5. Yesso why are you anonymous? Please how can u be reached? Do you have a website or email address. I like your presentation.

  22. i think Obama let his anniversary get to his head...
    although he kept tackle Romney for always saying 'he would solve things' and not saying 'how he would solve them'....
    meanwhile Romney was direct and kept attacking the president's previous performance...
    in all, points to Romney but I feel Obama is still in it...
    the first time in years Obama has been off his game

  23. Ok o @ Anon 1:26 PM, you got my attention. Cld you give your details?

  24. 67 and 25 don't add up to 100. So what's up?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The remaining are undecided

  25. Just because someone talks a lot doesn't mean they make any sense - Mitt Romney is the perfect example.

  26. @ Anon 1:26 PM, nice summary! Please who are you? u sound very intelligent to be commenting on this low IQ blog........I hope people take out time to read ur comment...

    1. It a low IQ blog huh?very happy u admitting your below the par mind because u just described yourself too.As our elders say: if u using a finger to point at somebody,remember the remaining four point back @ u!Idiot!

  27. Romney couldn't explain or go into details of what he will do. He wasn't specific at all. He couldn't say exactly what he is going to do. Romney just kept on talking over the moderator.

    I love Obama but his approach to the debate, whether it was the democrat's strategy or excitement of his anniversary or exhaustion from a long day's work, was disappointing.I expected more from Obama. I hope Obama owns it in the debate on the 16th. I already know who I am voting for in November regardless of the debate. A president for the ELITE or a president for the PEOPLE. The choice is yours.

  28. Obama got his ass handed to him by Romney unfortunately

  29. I really woke up to watch but my black and white tv messed up!! Seriously, debate or no debate, Romney isn't no match for Obama.. Wouldn't miss other debates sha !! .. Shewen

  30. Romney won because he was more passionate with his lies. The same man who was a failure as a governor but a success at vulture capitalism. He will take America back if he wins.

  31. Romney won because he was more passionate with his lies. The same man who was a failure as a governor but a success at vulture capitalism. He will take America back if he wins.
    There's a theory going around social media in the States that Obama deliberately let Romney hang himself! Don't forget the right wing/neo-con media is the one saying Romney won.

  32. Yes I watched everyday goddamn thing last with my boyfriend, I was pretty disappointed in obama but am sure he will soon bounce back because I have I high hope in him. Btw, Romney is a big fact liar...

    1. You better tell your boyfriend to make u his wife instead of using you to release sexual tension.What were U doing in his house at 2 a.m

  33. Its all about strategy.He played low and set up a bait for Romney to shine and allowed him to exhaush all he (Romney) have in his basket.Two more debates to go and you will see d Vintage oratorial Obama (eventho I feel his magic wand is wanning out;the current economic realities is not helping his case at d moment).Morever,he has to be Presidential and not allowed a cocky Romney throws filth at him.

    But d Romney camp shud not rejoice just yet instead they should be bother why Obama dint use the "47 %", " Romney tax records" and "d tax cut for d middle class" advantage that are well documented against them.

    The next two debates promises to be interesting.

    --Nothing is impossible to he/she who believes--

  34. I hate when people display ignorance malignantly. Obama understood what America needed and he took his time to explain his policies and how he intend to achieve his goals unlike rude Romm that's doesn't understand a sh#t about American politics, making empty promises without any concrete mode of achieving them. He's gonna create 12 million new jobs. HOW? Return medicare $178 fund. HOW? Republicans are rude as they are, can only make the rich richer and the middle class poor. My vote for OBAMA.

  35. sure, Romey came out swiging, to me Obama was below what was expected

    Get all the latest gist here

  36. Flip floping for the moment just to make a point will not win an election. Romney was aggressive changing his stance yet again. Right after the debate, his camp started denying he meant all the things he said. go figure

    Obama's strategy, I think was to be heard above the din and for people to understand what he plans to do for the economy. No 47% talk, that's debatable whether it would have been a nail in Ronmey's confirm. Romney has already lost that argument and is still not likable and not dependable. Not helped by his ever changing positions.

    I look forward to the next two debates

  37. I watched it and I'm surprised Romney won. Romney is a flipflopper as usual. The only thing he kept on saying was, "we'll give it back to the states." No substance as usual.

  38. Romney gave Obama a heavy bashing !! And honestly i think Americans should vote Romney. Obama is simply clueless ..

  39. romney was on point though, but americans must understand it is only he that wears d shoe dat knows where it hurts....obama was just answering questions from romney but couldn't give romney much to ponder Abt cos he ain't in white house. Obama was talking realistically while romney was talking based on ideas

  40. 67 and 25. the rest said i don't care or undecided. study up

  41. It was a draw as neither gave details on all the issues. Same thing said on BBC and sky this morning

  42. For those, like myself, who missed the live debate, here is an interesting URL

  43. All am worried abt is sesame street..mitt wants to stop funding PBS...poor Bigbird..novote for romney

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Did u listen to that tape at all?

  45. This first debate shows romney won but we cnt conclude till its over.yeah romney put up an aggressive personality which suprised a lot of ppl as against obama's rather calm approach which got a lot of ppl frustrated.cos we know the obama we'talking abt her,and he def didnt show up what ppl expected last night.what i do think is that obama has put up a rather unusual strategy which is gon pull romney dwn soon,watch and see!it aint over till its over!

  46. U.S debate, wen wil Nigeria hold their own? I love 2 watch Gej debatin on election.bt (for were)

  47. I watched it. I thought Obama did better. Romney was not specific at all and just kept ranting and interrupting the moderator and Obama.

  48. If na GEJ, he go run. E no go fit talk. I hope you silly Nigerians that voted for GEJ can see the stuff presidential candidates are made of. I hope we will not repeat the mistake come 2015. You guys are saying now that Romney lied and that he filibustered. But what of GEJ who said nothing in 2007, ran away from all avenues to debate the issues, and simply showed he was not ready for the job. Yet many of you kept aping that there was no alternative!!!!! I watched the american debate and will watch the remaining ones, just to learn lessons on how to run a proper democracy. If Obama loses this election, so be it.

  49. HOw does this concern linda ikeji or nigeria??? if only we cared as much for our own country. hisss.

  50. @ Anon 1:26

    Thank you, for you sensible comment. Please, can you start a blog or something, because people using their logic, commonsense is very rear nowadays.

  51. is not only muyiwa fadugba, its AIZE OBAYAN

  52. I watched it and I think Obama won. First, body language. Obama was addressing Americans not just there for a debate like Romney who was facing Obama most of the time. Romney was also too aggresive- he kept interupting and twice indirectly insulted Obama (when he implied Obama was a liar and when he said obama's sponsors were the main recipients of one of his policies). Obama didn't come to attack, he came to explain. I think he came to test the strenght of his oponnent and would deliver next time. This isn't to say obama did too well either as he also made some misleading statements but I think he won.

  53. linda it was so boring they were only talking abut 'Medi care , Obama care <raising of taxes
    that was the worst thing i have ever watched.

  54. PS romney is so annoying and boring

    abeg may i go sleep

  55. i wonder where the support for obama is coming from, ist because obama is 'BLACK' then isnt that racism, john terry can be excused then.
    When are we goin to discuss 9ja issue pls?

  56. Fianlly, obama won the elections! What would be on Romney's mind now?


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