Dear LIB readers: I need help with my wife | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 1 October 2012

Dear LIB readers: I need help with my wife

From a male LIB reader:
Dear Linda, please I need help from readers and doctors in the house. I am married but I have an issue with making love to my wife. The reason is that the lubrication from her while we make love is dirty and whitish and has a kind of odour, instead of pure and colorless. And I feel some how each time we are in bed. Please I want to know if there is anything she needs to do to make the whitish discharge stop and have the normal odour. When I say whitish, it's not the ovulation thing. Please I need help. Thanks


  1. Your wife probably has candidiaisis. she needs a treatment of an anti fungal. ASAP. no need to fear.

    1. Too bad.... Sometimes orthodox medicine might not be the solution. Let's go HERBAL. Visit this blog. or cal 08169281298

    2. For the love of God go to the clinic!!! This is not a professional place to get help...mschewwww

  2. Thats a candida infection.. Its not abnormal cos candida is a normal fungi in the vagina of females, plus its d no2 cause of vaginal inflamm in females... Is she diabetic or on OCP? Those r one f d causes.... Nyways she needs to take antifungal drugs ... fluconazole, Clotrimazole.. and she'l be just fine..
    Dr O..

  3. maybe she has thrush....tell her to go see a doctor...

  4. it! Do you make this up Linda because there's no news or gossip? Umm let me see what John Doe can do ..... You know there's a doctors office in your town right ?

    1. I jst tire. Linda r u sure ur nt making it up? Seriously go nd c a doctor its nt dt hard! Pls this is nt even an iSsue! NEXT

  5. She has a yeast infection that needs to be treated. Women who are pregnant or are not expecting have that issues at times.It is hormonal imbalance and can be rectified by seeing a gynecologist who can prescribe yeast infection meds or she can buy Monistat off the counter.She can also eat yogurt and wear airer clothes like skirts instead of is a known issue that affects women from time to time.

    1. Women who are pregnant or are not expecting? So u mean women full stop.

  6. She has a yeast infection that needs to be treated. Women who are pregnant or are not expecting have that issues at times.It is hormonal imbalance and can be rectified by seeing a gynecologist who can prescribe yeast infection meds or she can buy Monistat off the counter.She can also eat yogurt and wear airer clothes like skirts instead of is a known issue that affects women from time to time.

  7. What do you want to hear? LIB is not a hospital waiting room you know?! Find your way to a hospital for professional help ASAP.

    1. Abi ooo . I tire for all this people

    2. Abi ooo . I tire for all this people

    3. Uneducated idiot.

    4. No, since he wants advise 4 his wife's "situation", let's gve him abeg. so Mr. Man, what u'l do, take ur wife 2 an olumber olumber church (I'm sure u kno d "OO"church) and tell them she is possessed wit an evil spirit of discharge. Trust me, they kno what 2 do there 2 take care of her ok? Make sure u update us afterwrds ok?

    5. Hahahahahahaha......oh Raylah, no kee me wit laff really " evil spirit of discharge"....lmao

  8. She probably has a chronic infection there. Let her have a swab and tests and she could use vagina wash while she awaits the test results

  9. Ewwwwwwww muccor? kai

  10. What's the odour? Is it fishy? Anyways, get her metronidazole (Flagyl) tablets 400mg 2ce a day for about 5 days.....

    1. ode! Do u knw d function of metronidazole? I bet u don't!
      My dear confused nd desperate writer, go meet any pharmacist. Ask of oxofloxacin or fluconazole. It works on candidiasis nd other related urinary tract infections nd yeast as well.


  11. Hmmmm whitish colour, lemme sit on d fence and watch some LIBers speak out of experience, trust anonymous comments to plenty today. Lolz
    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  12. Ewwwwww muccus? kai

    1. Don't be a waste of space. If u've got no suggestions, pls lay off or go hibernate somewhere. In my opinion problems such as these are better sorted with your doctor. Take your wife to a doctor who will then carry out a proper diagnosis of her condition.

  13. Sorry but what exactly are we supposed to do or say? No one here can change the color or smell of your wife's "lubrication"

  14. Lol it's simple, either yeast or bacterial infection, it's common in women! She should go see her Gynecologist, get a vaginal culture, 1 wk of flagyl and 1 wk of vaginal cream inserted and she'll be good to go.

  15. tell her to go see a gynaecologist...she seems to have an infection!!

  16. Buy her canestene to insert in her private part .and the canestene lotion to rub in her vagina it will work ....or she can go on anti biotics.

  17. It is normal for some women to have discharges. However, it could also be a signal of some certain type of Sti.

    If its not Sti, then discharge should not smell and should not be too frequent.

    Google and the doctor should be your very good friends.

  18. She might be having infections which she neglected and has culminated 2 d stinking smell.try visiting d lab

  19. Your wife has bacterial vaginitis. It is actually more common than a yeast infection. She needs to go and get Vandazole (metronidazole vaginal gel) and abstain from sex while taking it and 7 days thereafter. Not sure how you will tell her though

  20. I don't get why u have to ask LIBer's,there's a reason some peeps spend sm 5-6yrs in sch. They call them Doctors.. Eva heard of dat word??

    1. 5-6 abi 9-10,mtcheeeewwww

    2. Thank you very much very foolish 2 come here 2 seek help instead speaking to his wife nd make his way 2 d hospital he is waiting 4 us 2 say leave her she has a disease pshewwwwww

  21. Go to the doctor..............

  22. Your wife has what we call 'O ta Garri'.....It, pussy wey dey chop Garri.
    Remedy: Pour dry Garri inside her pussy..the chemical for the garri will suck away the dirty Lubricant for her Pussy.It is proven and tested.

    1. Lmao!!! Mr Bazooka, U be native doctor?? Dis ur remedy ehn, na wa ooo

    2. BLOOD OF JESUS!!!!!

    3. I just died laughing

  23. I knew so many men will start picking on their wives because of that topic of washing pucci with clean hands and water . Secondly I am ure many people would have had issues with their spouse with those topic of he can't make me cum and he doesn't give head talks because of what they have heard from some faceless anonymous bragging about their spouse.

    The point is if you allow everything you read online or blogs scatter your relationship na u know. Don't come here to read and take on your spouse o. Don't start picking on your spouse because of what u read here o,read and comment for fun o,bcos what we comment here most times are not what most of us really are or do,some of us comment perfectly like we have everything whereas we know where it pinches us,some of us criticize people whereas we know we can't come close to their level,some of us talk anything bcos no one sees us or how we look . Some of us praise ourselves about perfect life,relationship,health,marriage and more all because it's on blogs/Internet and no one sees or know us.

    My brother carry your wife issue jeje to ur doctor and sort things out not bring her private life here. We can't solve it as most of us will start telling you how ours is clean and smooth ,some will tell u it's dirty that theirs don't smell and they are the best. Some will tell u things that will make u hate ur wife an want to leave her if u don't have a thick skin.

    It's hard to find honest and real people in real life talkless of the ones on Internet. So brace up dude and sort your family issues outside here.
    I bet you or someone here has been affect negatively from those reader mails . Some would have picked on their partner bcos of this whole thing online. Good luck just an advice.

    1. No one likes long comment. No one read this epistle, short n sweet pls

  24. I think this kind of thing should not be posted here...except to make people read. He knows what to do-seek advice from a doctor, NOT LIB readers #Doctorsneedjobs

  25. You have to discuss it with her and find out if has itching, redness and soreness around her vulva (which is the outer part, between her legs). It is possible it is normal discharge, which should be white, not clear, unless during ovulation. If it is off-white, frothy and most importantly has an odour there are three possibilities: bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis and trichomoniasis. The most common cause bacterial vaginosis. MOST IMPORTANTLY, have her see a doctor and both of you should work through it together.

  26. Let her use hot water,JIK n sponge 2 wash her pussy well....den b4 U̶̲̥̅̊ nack again,rub grease 4 der...gudluck

  27. go to the doctor. it could be thrush, but it could also be bacterial vaginosis. Does your wife complain of any symptoms like itching. If it's thrush, the odour shouldn't be distinctively unpleasant. please avoid washes as they can irritate further. Antifungals and anti bacterials are two different animals so a test should be done if it's something she hasnt had before

  28. Please take your wife to see a doctor, LIB is not a GP's office. And speak to her about it, marriage is about communication.

  29. It is very bad I once suffered dis and it could delay her chance of getting pregnant.

  30. Lmaoooo u re so mean.yes.I love that.go see ur

  31. haba....
    Take a trip to a Medical Doctor...
    sorry I mearnt an enlightened Medical Doctor who will carry out tests, diagnose and Prescribe drugs. Then maybe she will need to disinfect the panties and all where possible.
    dont mind all tis online counsel Oo. let a Medical Practioner see her pronto and that should not be an excuse for you to hump around. lol cheers

  32. I wonder why u have to ask this here..the first thing is to talk to your wife about it and then take her to the hospital..there are still doctors in the world you know..
    Totally unnecessary to be asked here,totally.
    @zoelanda..good one!

    Is like some people just enjoy having their issues discussed by unknown persons and enjoy seeing hundreds of comments..

  33. Tomorrow somebody will ask LIB readers what to take or do when having a headache..

  34. @Anonymous at October 1, 2012 11:33 PM- Very funny, I could not help laughing my head off at your comments, lol- that said, this guy sounds like a big FOOL- is Linda Ikeji now a medical doctor???

  35. Stop cumming inside your wife..thats why her vagina stinks! She needs to get treated for yeast too. Most importantly, stop cumming inside of her!

    1. Where should he come , inside your Anus, Anumanu. As for Linda, this your made up story is just for hit sake. No man will come to this place and discuss his wife.

  36. Go 4 swap test its notin tu worry abt

  37. Yeah his wife probably has bacterial vaginosis. she needs a metronidazole 2% gel to be inserted vaginally for 7 days. Be aware that metronidazole tends to cause yeast infections which will also require treatment. She should see a gynecologist so she can get checked out and prescribed the proper medication

  38. Its a normal symtom of infection in women probably candidasis,she should get gyno-datrin and insert every night in her vagina and also take diflucan its an anti-fungal.

  39. your wife needs to know how to clean herself ...a vagina can be cleaned wit just basic water no soap needed ..but u need to know how to do it..the odour is from accumulated vaginal discharge and of course when ,she reaches her peak point while havin sex smells like something died in there....its all in her hygiene techniques,its not science,just knowing how to clean urself as a woman

  40. Go to doctor abeg,Linda ibeji no be clinic...mschew

  41. Husband: how many sexual partners do you have? You might have given her the infection by having multiple partners. You also have it but yours is systemic instead of a secretion you can see. You should both be treated for yeast infection. And wear a condom if you are a cheater.

  42. Its a yeast infection n its very easy to treat. Ode

  43. use a condom and watch it change, that is ur old sperm in her. chikena

  44. Hahahaha bro have u not heard d'doctors,,,go n'consult one na,,lib readers are aint saint nor vagina doctors

  45. Sorry to know that Sir. Please, tell your wife to insert a ball of cotton wool into plain, natural yoghurt into her vagina every night for a week and a halff to two weeks and also eat fresh yoghurt during this period. She needs to abstain from soft drinks and drink lots of water. God willing, this should clear her issues up in no time. God bless your marriage, sir.

  46. Stupid post.

    Why come on a blog to ask anonymous people about a medical condition.

    How old are you?

    You need to grow up quick!

    1. Linda made up the story. Slow news day.

  47. U see y sum marriages end in divorce? U cnt talk 2ur wife abt her smelling vijayjay yet u cn ask readers on LIB fr advice. U aren't a normal man abeg. What is wrong with u tkng her 2d hosp fr treatment? I just dey vex.

  48. Both of u need to be treated 4 yeast infection.go see ur dr

  49. yeast infection or thrush??

  50. U also need 2 take woteva test and treatment she's taking 2 avoid reinfection.

  51. it is called bacterial vaginosis. it is not an occurs when the ph balance of the vagina is upset. she need to see her gynecologist asap.

  52. While you were dating her, did u guys ever have sex? If u did, did u notice this discharge? I think you love your wife talk it with her and in the end see a professional together.ok. Meanwhile regular wash and easing of herself will be advisable before sex. It's nothing big bro, hande it.....

  53. LMAO some lib readers are mean tho!!kai


  55. Ask your wife to go and see her last doctor that did abortion to her,,,from there she may know the best medication to use and stop it all,,thx,from swiss

  56. Take her to an OB-GYN. Good luck!

  57. Ur wife puts some concotion she got frm her native Doctor inside her vaginA which is supposed to make u love her more,unfortunately it is causing d discharge and working against her and frm all indications,she does not even know how u bad u feel.She thiNks d jazz is working!
    She needs deliverance!

  58. She definitely has some sort of infection and needs to see a doctor ASAP. Check urself as well cause probably gave u. Both of u need to be treated if not you will give it back to her if she gets treated alone.

  59. i tire for all of you o.which they all of una turn doctor. from bacterial to fungi to candida tovaginal inflamm abi na inflamation. simply tell the writer to go see a doctor you are all prescribing medications for her. please if you want to help your wife go to the nearest hospital and dont listen to all this LIB doctors. they all graduated from university of LIB

  60. she has a vaginal infection. she should go see a doctor ASAP

  61. It is normal in female esp those that use poty when deficating to have urinary tract infection.All women are at risk of because of their anatomy — specifically, the short distance from the urethra to the anus
    and the urethral opening to the bladder.

  62. Most likely candida... So don't be afraid... It's very common and natural with females...she needs an antifungal... I'll recommend tabs fluconazole 150mg stat

  63. Is it everything u go to a doctor

  64. vaginal candidiasis. Dude please take your wife to the doctor. Do you also need directions to the nearest hospital??

  65. This is a case of Magun. Her old BF put it there to punish her.
    Just joking. Tell her she might have an infection/ visit thr dr with her

  66. Looooooool.... Doctors?? Nah, Never heard of the word...... Ewu!!

  67. Get her flagyl 400mg three times daily for seven days. Then clotrimazole pressaries one every night inside her privates for six days. Please next time don't wait this long. Take her to a doc

    Dr trim

  68. Lmao..........hahahahahaha. Okbye

  69. Please go and see a gynaecologist asap.they need to take a sample of the fluid from her vagina and testt it in the lab,not merely by all the assumptions here.please do this quickly,rather than going to buy all the creams the others have mentioned 2u.they may not be wrrong but u have to do things properly!!!Goddluck on this

  70. Lmao libers the doctors lolololol all manner of diagnosis and prescription rotfl libers libers una try o anyway no be this olodo dey here dey ask ppl he no sabi doctors msheewww

  71. She has an infection which cld b fungal,bacterial or viral.she needs 2 c a Dr 4 treatment. usually men r d carriers(rights reservd),dy dnt manifest it while d woman gets it 4rm dm n manifests it.since both of u sleep 2geda,d chances of cross infection iz advice,both of u shld see d dr.its well.

  72. Its a fungal infection also known as thrush..n its NOT part of da normal vaginal flora! Fungus wuld naturally grow in place of da NORMAL bactarias if she's da type of woman dat washes her V area wiv femme wash..or if she's diabetic,immunosuppressed( has Hiv or pregnant) or if u guys r into using 'funny sex toys'..she wuld nid to do an ECS mcs or an Hvs..let her take dis for now... pess mycoten(inserted tru da vagina) I nocte(at night) for 6nights,cap fluconazole(taken tru da mouth) 200mg dly for 6days..avoid sex for 7days..she's to be reviewed wiv da test r to be taken b4 commencing da antifungals..she's Gona be fine..

  73. Da test result is to be reviewed by a gynecologist..

  74. Pls take her to a gynecologist.....from what u said, its either bacteria vaginosis or candidiasis which are treatable.....but its best u let a colleague see the cause is treated to prevent recurrence....

  75. Is this the right place to cure ur wife's infection?instead of taking her to the hospital u are here disgracing urself..abeg next

    1. Rinse her virgina with coca-cola for 5 days make sure it's the can coke. Her pussy will shrink and taste sweeter. Trust me am a doctor.

  76. Ignorant ppl, if sm of u guys actually shut up, we will assume u v smthng upstairs. Dnt expose urselves. He specifically added “readers & doctors in the house” if u can't help, go away. Dnt cm here & bring dat nigerian I too knw attitude; talking trash...

  77. LIB readers cant stop to amaze me with their comments..*WOW* no signs of empathy from some sha...

  78. Could it be yeast infection?
    Well she rili needs to see the doctor so long she doesn't feel pains

  79. Now dis is why I hate the 69 position at least I enjoy getting a bj but licking a woman's yeast infection, candi what ever hell no

  80. Tell her to c a welder 2 weld ha cave so it would cum out again....NA HERE BE HOSPITAL ABI?!!??!!

  81. Tell her to c a welder 2 weld ha cave so it would cum out again....NA HERE BE HOSPITAL ABI?!!??!!

  82. Pls she should go and see a doctor, or don't u know this is a health issue and not r/ship matters. She should endeavour to wear flimsy inner wears so as not to sweat the vagina

  83. she needs prayers...444

  84. Dude! You wud have told us your name and maybe posted your picture too, since you want to make your private life public. Haven't you heard of the word "Doctor"?

  85. she likely suffering 4rm sexualy transmitted infections nd she go 4 medical check up.likewise u 2to 2 trace whr d cause is coming 4rm.

  86. maybe the best is to go see a doc #naijaviddy say so

  87. she likely suffering 4rm sexualy transmitted infections nd she go 4 medical check up.likewise u 2to 2 trace whr d cause is coming 4rm.

  88. Why are some people not sensitive,is it just a portion of career pole on LIB, obviously we have doctors in d house so let dem speak,and to many lady's have dis thingy,buh dey think it's normal ,instead of dem to learn .....mmsshheeeww.... Me for one , I have learnt dat even common flagyl can do the trick.....Biko mr man, let ur wife use the flagyl and enjoy ur love making to her......

  89. Your wife has Bacteria Vaginitis.....go google it and buy her the meds for it.....and if u are a gud husband you will take her to the doctors instead of asking here on linda ikeji.

  90. It sounds like your wife has Bacterial Vaginosis and not thrush.

  91. What nonsense! Go to the doctor for crying out loud.This is not a question for LIB readers.KIA!!!

  92. She should see a gyno urgently for the appropriate tests and treatment. Don't indulge in self medications.

  93. Mtsheeew! U seriously need advice and u think coming to LIB is the best place, u r a big Joke!infact methinks U r d wife in dis story stop fronting as d husband and deal wit ur condition appropraitely!

  94. Is she also bedridden? Or is there any other reason why she's not gone to see a Doctor?

  95. It's nothing really abnormal except if left over a long period of time which could lead into an unpleasant situation.. So pls get her to go for a swab test otherwise known as vaginal culture to determine the particular organism at play first. Pharm. K

  96. lin lin let me cal u in chinese way i knw u are d one who mk up dis story just to entertain us,we knw who u are and we knw what u can do,but pls search for news dis is nt sweet.

  97. See your mouth like "Doctors in the House"! Did you send them to medical school? You don't want to pay for medicals so you are here for free medical advice. I hope the place won't start smelling like a dead rat soon

  98. As a physician: it is either 3 things that are the most common causes of vulvovaginitis

    Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomonas infection and Candida infection

    This is from Marx: Rosen's Emergency Medicine, 7th ed.

    Table 96-4 -- Characteristics of Vulvovaginitis by Cause

    Bacterial vaginosis,

    PH: >4.5

    DISCHARGE APPEARANCE: Gray, white, milky/creamy; amine odor present

    Wet mount: Clue cells present

    Treatment: Metronidazole, 500 mg PO bid × 7 days or clindamycin cream 2% intravaginally qhs × 7 days or metronidazole gel 0.75% intravaginally bid × 5 days

    Trichomonas infection

    PH: >4.5

    DISCHARGE APPEARANCE: Gray, yellow, greenish, or white; often frothy; homogeneous

    Wet Mount: Trichomonads present

    Treatment: Metronidazole (Flagyl) 2 g PO × 1 or tinidazole 2 g PO × 1 or metronidazole 500 mg PO bid × 7 days

    Candida infection

    PH: <4.5
    DISCHARGE APPEARANCE: White, often curdy

    Wet Mount: Mycelia present

    Treatment: Fluconazole 150 mg PO × 1 or intravaginal agents

  99. Pls go and see a doctor abi u wan use herp 2 treat her?

  100. It could be female cu,. watch some more porn movies and learn lol

  101. The second comment got it correctly. Just treated mine. Doctor told me not to wear nylon pants, never use tissue paper during menstruation and also reduce my sugar intake as it could be also traced to diabetis. Take flagyl,deflucan by pfizer, i can't remember the one to insert virginally. Also Use Daktarin viginal cream also(use externally). That will solve your wife's problem

  102. While she is treating her self u av to abstain n also treat itself cow yeast infection can also infect u if u av had sex with her while she was infected if u don't treat urself u will end up infecting her again after she has treated herself

  103. It's so freaking amazing what some people bring on to this blog.
    To the person who has posted this issue, what made you think you would get the right answer from LIB? This is a platform of different opinions and not a medical forum. If you love your wife, take her (or advise her) to go see a doctor who would carry out the necessary tests on her and know what to treat her with rather than washing your "dirty linen" out here in the public.
    As a relationship expert, I can see you and your wife do not have any form of intimacy else this issue would not even get out of your bedroom. Communicate with your wife, and let her know your observation without hurting her feelings. Your Time Has Come!

  104. Your wife has an infection called thrush, get her a canesteen duo,it's 2in1, the tablet and the cream, and some antibiotics too, she has to use it for 7days, and you need the cream for yourself too cos you've been in and out of her, you have to use the cream for your penis as well otherwise the infection will continue.....the information is inside the leaflet.


  105. Please take her to the hospital.

  106. It's not an infection. It's a condition called bacterial vaginosis. Its has to do with an imbalance of the ph level of the vagina. Which brings about an influx of bad bacteria. Doesnt mean shes dirty. It can happen to anyone. She should use flagyl and ciprotab for seven days with pessaries like canesten or nystatin. While using it, she should get probiotics containing l.acidophilus one of the good bacterias found in the vagina. Forever living has it. She should use one beadlet daily while using the antibiotics and for at least a month afterwards. This is to ensure that the condition doesn't reoccur. Trust me, I'm talking from experience. I had to do a lot of research

  107. Yeast infection niyen tell her to get candisol

  108. U seem to forget dat we hv doctors who r also LIBers who r meant to consult for free by the virtue of our communication on dis platform. Candida is a common infection with ladies who dont pay proper attention to dia pussy. And it can easily be cured using either of the drugs mentioned above earlier (canestene, metronidazole, bionistaten, mycoten etc) cream, inserts and tablets for 5 - 7 days and its gone. Tnks LIBer doctors for saving us time n money. Tnks to linda too for bringing up issues like dis for those who don't hv the guts to ask.

  109. It's not an infection. It's a condition called bacterial vaginosis. Its has to do with an imbalance of the ph level of the vagina. Which brings about an influx of bad bacteria. Doesnt mean shes dirty. It can happen to anyone. She should use flagyl and ciprotab for seven days with pessaries like canesten or nystatin. While using it, she should get probiotics containing l.acidophilus one of the good bacterias found in the vagina. Forever living has it. She should use one beadlet daily while using the antibiotics and for at least a month afterwards. This is to ensure that the condition doesn't reoccur. Trust me, I'm talking from experience. I had to do a lot of research

  110. I am sorry but what sort of stupid wife do you have! The Problem here should be 'my wife is negligent". I mean these are common everyday issues. That you get once or twice in your life, easy to treat and well known. Why hasn't she gone to even the common bloody chemist?

    Canesten duo would do the trick. Or Diflucan (fluconazole) to treat the fungal infection.

    She should avoid the following for the future

    1) wash underwear with (non -bio) detergent. aka nothing scented of strong. ALSO make sure it's properly rinsed and all detergent off before drying

    2) wash you vagina with only clean hand and warm water! trust me the worse thing you can do is use soaps. Especially scented ( an infected vagina smell can not be masked with anything). If you get hold of FemFresh( not a soap but PH neutraliser that would be great).

    3) Cranberry juice and yoghurts can help.

    The fact remains that you are the one noticing this and not your wife from all indications. We women need to get ourselves in check.

  111. Pls dats an infection,let her go 4 test,let her test 4 HVS,Urine culture

  112. dont u know where hospital is? shm...

  113. linda go and bring us d new jist going on in other sites that talks about 3 out of 10men in nigeria nt being d real father of there children,is so interesting.

  114. Buy Diflucan, ytacan -insertion and cream- A woman that has sex, wears tampon should take diflucan at the end of every moonth or bi-monthly. No biggie.

  115. yeast infection. Get her canestene. problem solved.

  116. Take her to the doctor biko!

  117. Yikes!! Dat sounds repulsive. Well, mr.white i cn't gv u sum tips of advice coz am not in d position 2 do so.. I ain't a doc..(wud prefer a gynaecologist if i wanted).(better still u cud use 'ambi pur' when u want to go down there).so,i opine dat u go see a notable doc 4 pussies.. Cheers. Linda,pls ma comment,i want it posted.

  118. My dear, first of all take her to a lab to do a proper Vagina swab test, that is for her to determine the kind of infection and to know the kind of drug that will be reactive or resistant to the infection. By doing so you dnt endanger ur body by self medication. Its not a big trouble if u treat it in time and very well, becos if it stays long in the body there wud be risk of infertility....wish u luck


  120. Linda be real like seriosly is this a clinic or medical blog, go to the hosiptal and get a life on your way there, illetrates the time you spent waiting for blog comments your wife would ave been using the medication by now

  121. Go to the doctor ASAP, it's probably and infection and you need to treat it before it begins to affect her fertility.
    The treatment would usually be some pills and cream and the infection should clear within a week or two.

  122. Have a discussion withur wife. Let her know about the problem. Then seek a doctor help.

  123. Its normal to have the white stuff coming out while making love to her. that is what protect her vagina from bacteria. some people refer to it as "cream" but if it has a bad smell, then she should visit a doc.
    if you are not a picky man and no odor, you will be happy you made her creamy.

  124. Can you all PLEASE read this extremely interesting article I bumped into called THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CHRONIC WIFE BEATERS.

  125. she should see a gynecologist, he would be the best person to tell the kinda infection she has.

  126. I suggest u take ur wife to the hospital, we cant just prescsibe drugs for her cos infection is
    different in individuals.

  127. There's nothing i wont see on this LIB...Oga is it dat u cant pay to see a doctor abi ur just been very stewpid ni??? LIB Hospital is not what you need for quick result u hear!!! Nonsense mtchwwwwww!!!

  128. Do the needfull and stop complaning bro. see ur Doctor

  129. sweets honey sugar!2 October 2012 at 11:34

    @Zoelanda I wonder too! I dnt undersand ds kind f dumb questIon wen dctors have not gone into exinctin I wonder why u shuld come here and ask silly questIon! Well u can like 2 visit yaba left if u av nevba heard f a gynaelcologist b4! Mstcheeeeeew!

  130. Tanx Pearvillez and Zoelander. U no knw road to hospital? Y talk about ds here? Issues like ds shld b told to a doctor not advertised 4 public scrutiny. Our helpful replies wl stl send u back to a doc. Smtn u clearly dint think about. Anyways, uv bin given sm answers. Scram to d hospital already!

  131. my friend take her to the hospital and stop disturbing our eyes here, NEXT!

  132. Definately an infection left untreated. Take her2 see a Gynaecologist. :)

  133. Nawa oo.i dont get why some people are this rude.the guy simply asked for help,and if u know u cant help in anyway,then dont bother clicking on the post.Hateful human need help too.

  134. Iam still surprised as to why a married man wil send an email about a private issue with his wife. You should respect her and keep your marital life private. I'll advice that you seek medical attention and let her gt tested and have prescribed drugs based on the diagnosis of the result. Iam a practising microbiologist and we deal with lots of med cases like this daily so pls visit a good hosp

  135. She most likely has bacterial vaginitis , also known as BV . She needs antibiotics to treat it . I would recommend flagyl 500mg, twice daily for seven days. You should also take it and both of you refrain from intercourse while on the medication. Gd luck

  136. She probably has bacterial vaginosis if it smells bad. Candida typically does not smell bad, and is a thick white discharge. BV is not sexually transmitted, and is caused by a change in vaginal ph and BV overgrowth. It is treated with Metronidazole. I will advise she see a doctor though.

  137. @Dr.o, Candida is a yeast, not a fungus, and it does not smell.
    She probably has BV.

  138. Take her to a doctor, and she would be placed on drugs. Finito

  139. i think a bottle of OTA PIA-PIA wil do d magic 4 u..fulstop.

  140. Critical observer2 October 2012 at 17:58

    oga ask gugu(google)!

  141. nasty....he needs to talk to a doc not LIB!!
    Is he well??? KMTTT

    I am not going to ask you to check out the link below =)

  142. @Dr S: Candida is a type of yeast and yeast is a FUNGUS.

    Yeasts are eukaryotic microorganisms classified in the kingdom Fungi, with 1,500 species currently described[1] (estimated to be only 1% of all fungal species).

    Yeasts of the Candida genus are another group of opportunistic pathogens that causes oral and vaginal infections in humans, known as candidiasis.

    What type of medical school did you go to? You missed the classification of unicellular and multicellular organisms in basic biology class in secondary school. Its like saying a python is a snake but not a reptile. Please don't believe everyone that comes here and says they are speaking as a doctor.

  143. She probably have candida if it's whitish and curdish (chunky looking). If it smells like fish then it's probably BV. She can use flagyl (metronidazole) to treat it.

  144. It is NOT a resident microbiota if it SMELLS fishy. See a gyn.

    How Can I Prevent Yeast Infections?

    What you wear — or don't wear — can help you avoid a yeast infection. Yeast grows best in a warm, moist environment: think wet bathing suits, tight jeans, and stretchy exercise gear. Nylon underwear, pantyhose, and other synthetic materials that trap moisture also make yeast infections more likely.

    Some girls may react to certain dyes or perfumes in soaps, bath gels or lotions, sanitary products, and laundry detergents. When the reaction causes irritation, that can set the stage for a yeast infection. Your best bet is to steer clear of perfumed products and to use mild and fragrance-free products when possible.

    To help keep your vaginal area dry, try switching to all-cotton underwear and make sure you carefully dry off after you shower. If you can, wear cotton underwear to bed or don't wear any, and always wash and thoroughly dry your underwear before wearing them. Don't lounge around in a wet bathing suit and avoid jeans or pantyhose that are too tight.

    Don't take leftover antibiotics or someone else's antibiotics if you think you have an infection. Only take antibiotics when and how they're prescribed for you.

  145. Fluconazole 150mg orally just one dose, Metronidazole 400mg orally three times daily for 10days, Clotrimaxole 100mg inserted deep into the vagina at night for 6days and Ofloxacin 400mg orally twice daily for 10days. BEST OF LUCK!!! These drugs in total shd cost you about 5000naira. I am an obstetrician/gynaecologist working with Uni. Of calabar teach. Hosp.

  146. Silly husband. Sorry but are we all doctors? Go and see a medical doctor joor! Next story. Sit down there until you become sterile with disease.

  147. nawa all this pple rushing and saying she has candida infection...did any1 try to first figure out what he meant by dirty and whitish???what does dirty and white look like????!!!and then number 2 he shud go to the may even be an old forgotten tampoon..Yes it Mr man take her to the hospital for proper check up..

  148. your wife PUSSY dey

    U sure sayu never give her STI my brother

  149. Linda dis ur blog sha. See comments. All d same I love ur blog, people must respond

  150. does she like smoothes? if so add spinach too it. it will stop smelling.

  151. Akuko uwa!!! Hia is hospital abi? Ok. UR WIFE HAS AIDS and U MITE HAVE IT TOO!!! Hop ur happy naw. U can now confirm @ a hospital. Dalu!!!

  152. Obgyn in UCTH....what happened to your medical ethics????u dont know the cause...u havnt even examined her and u are already prescribing...smh....

  153. looooool October 2, 2012 10:39 PM...Thank you biko...let him not go to hospital and ask for help he shud be here asking lib readers...they will prescribe prescription of life for u...loooool...multiple diagnosis already,u better run to hospital and see dr o..

  154. Dr P...Dr S is is a yeast but not a Fungus....go and read ur microbiology textbook u ll know y... :p

  155. Totally nonsense! Go get a new wife. What kinda women is she? Don't know she's smelly and all that. Oh, and u shame on ya for sticking in there! Dirty sef - Yuck!! Linda plz no more dummies!!

  156. This guy asked advice from Doctors in the house. so many fools are here wagging their tongue. what you dont know, you should keep away from it including advice in matters of this sort. pls if you are not a doctor, keep ur smelling gutter closed and lets those that have useful comments talk.

  157. Anon 11:11am, do not come 2 public places and show ur ignorance and stupidity.. Candida infections do not giv smelly vagina discharge.. She probably has bacterial vaginosis in which case metronidazole 400mg 2x daily is in order...

  158. it is called candidiasis, act quick b4 u r infected, cos i know ryt now ur immune system is gettin weak frm fightin it, it will soon get weary and a disease ensues frm tis present infection(cos u hv it ryt nw)

    act bro

  159. Hello. And Bye.

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  162. You should both be checked you could be sick also and not know it. Doesn't make sense she get treated and you have the same problem. Soon as you have sex with her the problem could just come back again. Its most likely something common like yeast or bacterial vaginocis. Take care


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