Diesel Fumes Cause Cancer - World Health Organisation | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 13 June 2012

Diesel Fumes Cause Cancer - World Health Organisation

The World Health Organization (WHO) said yesterday June 12th that exhaust fumes from diesel engines do cause cancer.

In an announcement that caused concern in the auto industry, the France-based International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the WHO, reclassified diesel exhausts from its group 2A of probable carcinogens to its group 1 of substances that have definite links to cancer.

The experts, who said their decision was unanimous and based on "compelling" scientific evidence, urged people worldwide to reduce their exposure to diesel fumes as much as possible.

It concluded that the exhausts were definitely a cause of lung cancer and may also cause tumours in the bladder

The decision was the result of a week-long meeting of independent experts who assessed the latest scientific evidence on the cancer-causing potential of diesel and gasoline exhausts.

It puts diesel exhaust fumes in the same risk category as a number of other noxious substances including asbestos, arsenic, mustard gas, alcohol and tobacco.

Source: WHO/Reuters


  1. Linda may God bless you for putting this on your blog. I always argued it that this diesel fume pollution cause a lot of damages. People beta beware. It's dangerous. Some are too fond of staying close to generator that uses diesel and i always warn but some just feel you "too know" too much. Nuffsaid.

  2. this nah shocking news ohhh as diesel plenty for naija well well ohhh

  3. I am surprised none of you knew this earlier. Of course they do!

    However, I wouldn't say they CAUSE cancer per se. Nothing in particular causes cancer. Instead, they INCREASE RISKS of cancer. Two entirely different terms. Take note.

  4. You must be reading a lot.
    Good stuff and thanks for informing us on that

    Dahlia Voka

  5. everything causes cancer

  6. With the rate at which Nigerians inhale okada fumes, generator fumes and all the fumes from road unworthy cars, so help us God!

  7. With the rate at which Nigerians inhale okada fumes, generating set fumes and even road unworthy motor, so help us God! Amen.

  8. Na inhale I mean o, unanticipated sorry o

  9. "Diesel Fumes Cause Cancer - Who Health Organisation"

    I really don't like the way you headed this article.

    Writing "Who Health Organisation" is like writing "World Health Organisation Health Organisation."

    Simply write "WHO" or "World Health Organisation."

    That headline is not correct logically speaking.

    1. "I really don't like the way..." Correct in love, diminish criticism, it speaks measures about the sort of person u truly are.

    2. Honestly,I cant make out d sense in ur ''logical correction'',can u pls make ur correction clearer ? Its rather ambiguous.

  10. Diesel fumes..........this means we are all liable to cancer considering our environment..........this bad
    there should be a regulatory body to check vehicles and the state of performance.

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    1. Oh! There is, we have our friendly VIOs to do that for us.

  11. The government have to live up to this challenge and put up a regulatory body in place.

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  12. We in africa inhale it more but they in developed countries have the ailment more. i can't marry the two.- KC

  13. God pls save us from Cancer! Its a nightmare! Linda, if u like dont post my comment as usual u hear? Wetin i do u go pass Saidu and BB Porsche own and i wont apologize o....lol! Love u gal!

  14. Then almost everyone in Nigeria, India, Haiti & Mexico (these are some really bad diesel polluted areas) would have or should have cancer. They need to get busy and find a cure for the big C instead. They won't because pharmaceutical companies will almost go burst.

  15. lol did you mean "World Health Organization" and not "Who health organization?"

  16. In the title, did you mean "WORLD health organiZation"? or "WHO health organiZation" - as a joke?!

  17. Thanks for the information. Na wa :/

    part 5: http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2012/06/lifes-choice-5.html

  18. I know its unrelated but Linda have you seen this about Kanye and Kim.K


    PS. Marry Me? Y/N :)

  19. ive known dat since na . wen we go dey go-slow dey inhale tins den gen set nd industrial fumes. our air is so filled wit a lot of rubish . not onli cigarette causes lung cancer even a cold can cause it too .lost a colleague to lung cancer #sad face#

  20. Linda and other LIB readers. this is a very important one that we all need to lend our voices to. Just yesterday myself and my wife had to drive no less than 5 minutes through a dense smoke trail behind a heavy lorry. Its amazing that the agencies (LASTMA, FRSC FEPA etc.) are focusing on other issues while such cars are still on Nigerian roads. I felt so powerless. I honestly wished i could come out of my car to order the vehicle off the road.

    We all need to get our authorities to get these sort of cars off our roads!!!! Its so unfortunate.

  21. Na waoh very soon, the air we breathe can cause cancer, anyway diesel fumes aren't meant for the lungs.This life sef,cant one live long again?

  22. Na everything dey cause cancer these days! Very soon, drinking water and fresh air would soon cause cancer! Smh!!!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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