Video: Woman caught with guns inside garri bags | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 14 April 2012

Video: Woman caught with guns inside garri bags

Incredible! Watch video HERE


  1. All I see is a middle aged woman sitting on the floor, with her arms bleeding, with bags around her and guns being held by soldiers.

  2. wow!Things are happening oh!!!!!!!

  3. linda seriously wtf is this mortein background nonsense on your blog?? its awful! obviously youre getting paid to put it up so fair play but just an FYI - it is horrible

    1. Hater oshi.....FYI-the ad is so cool!

    2. Shut up! Go read other blogs! Dumb Ass!

    3. Fanks to d 2 pple dat replied meroh...well dont gat anyffin to say xcept its kald ads!if u dey vex,go hug transformer!!!

    4. @Ceezar. Those people that replied are not 'people'. It's linda herself doing the replying. Na today

  4. How did guns get into her sack of garri for heaven sake! She brought ds upon herself!

  5. Linda,please,kindly remove this from your blog.

    She is innocent until proven otherwise.

    It's a shameless way to treat a woman.Did you see the stab wounds?



  6. This is simply absurd! I don't care if the woman had bombs in her knickers!! The way those so called ambassadors of peace (soldiers) handle the issue was so wrong. Who gave them the right to cut the poor woman's arms, and kick her in the back like she's some price of dead animal. That's the problem with Nigerian authority. No proper investigation was carried out and they're already threatening to kill her. What if it was an accident? What if she had absolutely nothing to do with the guns? And then they put it on the Internet??? For what? To benefit who? This is wrong!!

    ~ Menakaya's Baby.

  7. Police brutality!!!


    Linda do you know this website posts everything you put up. In the same chronological order?
    I know you also get stuff from other websites. But seriously, its d same chronological order!

    1. A popular ndi igbo grp on facebk does same thing!word for word nd same order too!plagiarism at its worst!

  9. My God what is this world coming too

  10. WTF....whoooaaa....unbelievable

  11. This is unbelievable! who could have thought this woman was capable of doing such a thing!

  12. i still say it the poor ones are very wicked those military ppl self they mercy for the woman

  13. OH MY GOD! THAT'S MEAN!!! SHE'S AN 'OLD' 'WOMAN' for crying out loud!!! they already stabbed her on her arms as well!!!

  14. NYC-1 says: Base on the video, no one knows for sure if those things were planted or not. Scenario 1: The exhibit is from her: You don't maltreat or torture a suspect. Scenario 2: The exhibit is not from her: You are assaulting an innocent person.

    Observation: Nigeria army needs re-orientation. This brute force is uncalled for. Why kill a fly with a hammer?

    Anyone under duress will say things he or she did or did not do. Don't they have common sense? What is 'talk' 'talk' 'talk'?

  15. charge her to court. it is wrong to beat her that way. what if the guns were guns planted on her.

  16. pls IGP train your men not to be so barbaric. what if the guns were planted on her or what if the woman was threatened to carry the guns.

  17. ROTFLMAO!!! See the blood abeg

  18. When will law enforcement in our Country learn to conduct itself in public. The video shows us up in a bad light, why could they not arrest the woman and conduct their interragation at the station?

  19. Linda's Bodyguard15 April 2012 at 01:39

    Damm! That's all I gat to say.

  20. this is a crazy world

  21. Crude, stone-age interrogation method!!! I weep for Nigeria!! How are they sure she knew that the guns were in her garri bags?

  22. These soldiers are really really joking with this woman. Why is she still not talking after 2min of the video. Na woman sha.

  23. Why are they beating the woman?This is rubbish.Arrest her and take her to the Police station and have her charged for the crime.There should not be any jungle justice...This action by the military has defeated the whole essence of crime prevention.I hate this backward behaviors by our Police and military.
    Am sorry but this is all wrong.

  24. She looks battered and very bloody already; trust Nigerians. I'm sure she was free for all. Wait a minute! What in the world was she doing with rifles?

  25. Give us the full story, Linda, otherwise the post would be a joke.

  26. I applaud the security agencies for catching this, but the video shows our security agents still have a long way to go in terms of professionalism. The woman was wounded and bleeding. At least, they should have given her some first aid to stop the bleeding. And an army officer kicked her! How can you do that?

  27. I applaud the security agencies for catching this but the video shows the lack of professionalism of the security personnel involved. The woman was wounded and bleeding. At least, they should have applied some first aid to stop the bleeding. And of the agents kicked her! How can you do that?

  28. Yeee pari pa! Guns in garri! Wonders shall never end. She should be punished accordingly.

  29. Very Shocked. That happened up North right? Na God go help us.

  30. Wow... This is unreal!

  31. NAIJA! I come dey fear to go open linda's profile oo! Nice catch, linda and the crew involved in exposin dis weaked soul!

  32. i have wept bitterly n all dat erupts from my mouth is "even if''???? should a human be treated by miscreants as such who are not any better? who gave them the right to beat a human/woman to the point of bleeding? she did not resist the authorities in any way so why condemn her to such public dehumanization?? only if the so called green dressed devils knew their job, they would know that an abuse such as their acts is a crime as well? of course they are the untouchables...wat do they care?????human right activists are you sleeping????people in power do u c dis? lady jonathan blocking d road for ur useless arrival..dis is wat matters!!!!!! events like these are wat calls for national views not ur damn arrival.....GEJ how dare you be silent? Army general abi sergeant corporal abeg una dey see....may God deliver 9ja o...and all its evil doers dressed in the robes of foolish authority.....linda i suggest you venture into collecting petitions abi signatures of true patriotic citizens,true nigerians and true humans both in diaspora/home in issues like this and hopefully someday....God would himself would come down again, dressed in one of those coloured robes and seated somewhere in ask rock to bring justice for the people...we should be the voice of the voiceless....perhaps the poor woman is struggling to recover from those wounds internally n externally, perhaps she has been unduly resigned to her marker.... rilli speechless.....wat is d difference between this woman and ibori? btw her and ibori's many brothers and sisters in power? shall we ask on d difference between her and cecilia?????? rill wat is d difference....if she is indeed guilty? smh.....

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. RULE OF LAW! Who attacked her and slashed her arms? Who threatened to kill her? Animals!!!!Arrest and detain her, allow the course of justice to flow. let the court of law decide.

  35. You HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME ,WHO WOULD EVER SUSPECT THIS WOMAN ..but the jungle justice in naija never gets better ,she shoud have just been arrested and let te kaw take its course ,whats with all the cuts and slashes on her arm?,gosh but woman strong sha ,after all these cuts ,she never stll talk

  36. I really hope that whatever she was paid is worth what she is and will go through. Foolish woman

  37. OMG!! She is just a courier. her job is to deliver the 'goods'.

  38. This must have been a tip off! Don't think ordinarily they wd tear a sac of garri looking for guns! But this shows that we have to police ourselves and that's the only way we can fight this menace successfully! At this point also, i really don't pity the woman with her bloodied hands! Those guns she's transporting have caused grief and sorrow in other people's lives!! Thumbs up to our military!

  39. My goodness! Why are people treated this way by the force in Nigeria ? This is beyond appalling. I don't know if she is guilty or not but her confession is made under duress..there is a forum where this sort of thing is addressed,it's called a COURT! This is just cringe worthy.

  40. Our security agents are still crude,cutting the woman is it part of investigation?though they tried by busting the armed smuggler,but they are crude.we still in d 16 century

  41. It could be possible this woman never knew there were guns in the bags of garri.

  42. Heheehheehe! Chai! No be small ass woman

  43. Linda the biggest threat to nigeria's unity is not boko haram,they are the faceless people like this one that have just been caught.The woman is definitely from bayelsa they have taken over this country and now they are the only people known as niger deltan origins.
    No urobo minister ,no ishekiri ministers ,no calabar they have destroyed others to get to where they are now.Their father EK Clarke lives in aso rock the militant have so much money now is unreal.So which other ethnic group is coming up with their own demand? We are in trouble.This country will be 100years old in 2014 amalgamation so i guess that oyibo man wen put us together go dey sey shit this people are doing exactly what i expect.Lord Lugard you try sha.

    1. Shut up your stupid mouth!! How can u just conclude dat she is from bayelsa.

  44. Hey! I don't understand. This is like the worst ineffective interrogation method I have ever watched. Also it's clearly evident that Nigeria is in trouble!

  45. God! This is unreal. What is this country turning into? Afghanistan?

  46. All of you feeling sorry for the woman and shouting brutality hmmmmmmm how do you all think these weapons used by boko haram and armed robbers get into circulation ,do you know how many weapons have passed through these roads,and the mules that have carried them across are most likely women and chIldren .
    Pls get down from your high horse and stop talking about fundamental human rights , justice for the woman , just maybe if you have lost a relative , friend , or collegue from the menace of terrorist or armed attack then you would know that the woman does not deserve pity , after all we can see that the sacks of garri belonged to her and trust Nigerian woman , knowing she is on tape would have screamed her innocence
    The security operatives would have acted on tip off , pls let us commend dem instead of this nonsense .

  47. Hnnnn...dat woman is a boko, God will contuine 2 expose dem.

  48. Anybody blaming those military guys have clearly Neva been attacked or bereaved by the activities of these unscrupulous elements! Those military personnels have seen so much that her tears mean nothing! I would say this, this woman would not bulge to mannerly interrogation!! She's hardened and as such that brutality fits her perfectly!

  49. Good for her. Have U̶̲̥̅̊ ever lost someone due to bh. Tell me are they lenient. It is now fire for fire. They should have burnt herself. If she is innocent am sorry but if she is guilty then that was a very small thing. Wicked woman. If it was in warri we would have killed her. I trust my warri boys

  50. In a country whr unemployment is high, illiteracy level is high, poverty is bad!, d margin btw d rich n poor gets wider each day, ow in Gods' name r dose living under $2 a day supposed 2 survive? I'm 4rm a law enforcement family n I HATE all law enforcement agencies wit a passion! Soliers r meant 2 protect d citizens of country, nt brutalize us! She cld av bin arrested n taken 2 jail! If thns were @ least kk 4 d masses dey'll nt result 2 selln demselves short jst 2 make ends meet! Linda, abi u dnt knw ow dese policemen n soldiers brutalize ppl even witout doin anythn wrong ni? God help Nigeria!

  51. Nne bia, y did u remove d "lesbian gel" post?

  52. I don't understand people saying it's a shameless way to treat a woman and all that. I really don't. So because she's a woman, she should be put on a throne and kindly asked to spill the beans right? You people are pathetic. Talk about Equality. MTSCHEW

  53. Nigeria is a bush country. How can people beat up a poor woman because they allegedly found arms in her garri bag?

    At times, I am ashamed to be a Nigeria. Take her to a police station since the police will not come there even if you call them.

    What if it was a set up? Let the police do their job, investigate and stop beating her up.

  54. ONOME says...............
    And this is supposed to be interrogation?

    Brutality at its worst.And by law enforcement officials?But why am I not surprised?it's Nigeria after all.
    Guns in sack of garri?

  55. Dis is nt an old woman but a young lady dressed like dis to fool pple so she knws wat she is doing can u see any tears frm her eyes wit all dis treatment being given to her. Me I just wonder wat nigeria is turning into. I dnt feel for her bcos she was paid for it.

  56. mortein dosen,t kill mosquito pls remove the advert

  57. nobody is to be trusted anymore! maybe she is an accomplice to robbers. N dats supposed to be someone's mother.

  58. Where are the human rights people when you need them? Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? At best this is a barbaric approach to policing, even by medieval standards!

  59. I'm a woman but I'm sorry, she deserved to be treated like that. What was she doing with the guns? Maybe going to give them to her arm robber son or husband that they'll use to kill innocent people. She should have told them whom they belonged to. Not even one gun. I have no pity for her.

    All you people that said she didn't deserve to be treated like that. Wait until one of your family members or friends is gunned down by the ruthless killers that she would have given the guns to.

  60. The guns were not planted on her, listen and watch the video. They asked her there were anymore and she said NO, so she knew what she was carrying and tried to hide them in gari.

  61. Linda you are advertising a product that does not actually work...very sad. I think you should try products before you advertise them.
    Anyway I don't care how many guns the woman was found with, those animals should not be hitting her.

  62. She confessed that it was a pastor who sent her, d pastor has since been arrested!

  63. i dont care if she had 1 million guns inside the bag of garri,nobody should be treated like that. as long as she didnt kill anyone. i just hope those hungry soldiers did not cut her with their knife.

  64. ***Guns dnt kill people buh people kills people***...........naija i hail ooo d only country dat always act below expectation in terms of gorvanance,state affairs,economy,security to metion but a d coming days end of BH will cum nd naija wil b peaceful again"let keep prayin for d country" big k

  65. NYC-1 says: I hate commenting twice on an issue, but sometimes you are compelled to do so bcos of the comments of other people.

    Mams Sontee and the likes: What we have is Dept. of Justice, not Dept. of Revenge.

  66. Great job by the security agencies with this find. But that is no reason to damage the woman's body. Simply charge her to court to handled by the law.

  67. This is rather disturbing!
    How dare they beat the woman like that!!!
    what if she is innocent?
    What if the guns were planted in the garri sack without her foreknowledge!
    Seriously this soldiers or mopols or whatever they are called are plain ANIMALS!

  68. She may be carrying a bomb with all I care, but she shd not be beated in that manner, shame to those security officers, they shd be taken into detention and charge to court for abuse of human right, it is very bad, we are ashame, that at this 21st century, we can still behave like this way. "Madam talk, or we shot ur leg" what a bad word to use.

  69. Some people have been abroad far too long..are we talking about the same courts that freed Tinubu..Bankole..Akingbola and must be having a laugh..Boko is Boko..they show no mercy why should we show mercy..cos she's a woman abi??

  70. na wa o may God hlp us o......amen

  71. :(
    d army shuldn't hv torn her skin datz bad*smh*dey tk laws into deir hands.. dey shuld hv just handed her over

    *if shez guilty #wondering hw many pple d gun haz bin used 2 kill*

    This woman should be investigated properly, she might be guilty nor innocent. most of this traders are not the ones packing the goods together, most of them buy in whole, they might sometimes taste the goods by using a sharp rod to pierce through the bag but not actually opening the whole bag, who knows, she might not be aware of the other content. All am saying is that thorough investigation with intelligence will make the law know the truth

  72. Linda mortein does nat work. I knw u won't post this buh plssss take it down. It like perfume for mosquito.

  73. Jezzz. I'm sooo tired of jungle justice in this country.

  74. Na only for dz kind cases wey nigerian force d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ show demselves even sef kill Ʊ witout knowing d truth. But call them up wen there is a robbery in d banks or in yur house and they won't show until d robbery is over. A̶̲̥̅♏ not surprised cz its der way of maltreating ppl guilty or not!

  75. Nigeria, we hail thee

  76. Wahala dey ooo, i wanna come back to naija but this kind things dey fear me eh, i really wanna come home but how i go do am if dis madness dont stop.



  78. She broke the law and so they would have allowed the law to take its cause rather than treating her in this inhumane manner. A guy in my neighborhood recently died two weeks after been bitten by a soldier for peeping through their family house gate while the soldiers gave order for everyone to get inside after a personal fight broke out between some other guys in the area. His hospital result showed he sustained very serious internal injury. Hope same did not happen to this poor lady.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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