FG to ban public officials from seeking medical treatment abroad | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 15 April 2012

FG to ban public officials from seeking medical treatment abroad

The Minister of Health professor Onyebuchi Chukwu said recently that a law would soon be passed to stop government officials from spending public funds on foreign medical treatments.
What he said below:
I am preparing a memo which will soon be presented to the council to stop public officers from foreign medical treatment. If a public officer says no, I don’t want treatment in Nigeria, I want to travel abroad for treatment, no problem, you are free but you will not use public funds for that so long as it can be done in Nigeria. People travel out of this country to treat kidney stones which we do not even need surgery to treat anymore at the National hospital Abuja. The only exception will be given when it has been certified that we do not have the capacity to address the problem here in the country and the official can prove that he/she will be using personal funds.


  1. If they can, its better.

  2. Gbam!! ibianu! but while you are at the ban, pls fix our health system, fix our health system ooooooooooo! biko nu!

  3. They shuld fix our broken health care system.. If we had good hospital nuffin wuld stop a foreign doctor from coming to Nigeria to consult or carry out more invasive procedures..

    1. Yes they will have to fix things now. We don't neccessarily need a foreign doctor to come here, so many Nigerians study medicine so let the facilities and pay be always available to them

  4. Story...d guy dey try loook good,where as all of them are evils...either ways its all just a formalty,those funds will still roll into there hands,that's politics.

  5. Fix our health system pls.Public funds or not,if our health system were in perfect condition,people won't seek medical attention for headache abroad.

  6. story!
    save dat for the birds

    1. Even you dey talk like this. I tire for you. Persin go think say u fit c smtin gud in govment no mata hw small n mke u commend. Ryt no gud left no gud. Wetin u come want. Shior, mscheeew.

  7. What nonsense is this one yapping about. I know of someone that just died in their so called national hospital cos of their incompetence n negligence. Same kidney stone issue to b precise. Pls focus on fixing ur health system ur memo no get head abeg.

  8. Unfortunately that law will never see the light of day. No be Nigeria? Only God knows how many progressive motions are gathering dust in the national assembly. On the other hand if it's 14yrs jail for homo now..........

  9. You and I know dat shit is not going to work! who is deceiving who? Dey know say nah the thing una won hear b dat Abeg abeg

  10. Haba! Folks should just say AMEN! to this instead of using their foul mouths and negative minds to say it wont work. I pray it MATERIALISES in JN.

  11. HATER IS BACK!!!!15 April 2012 at 13:43

    can it be effectively executed?

    good decision but if it is the country i know very well, then it is all propaganda!

  12. This is what i call crab. A big crab. They cant even employ those that write and qualify to work at their so called National hospitals. What we are talking here is the medical sector. Where we play with our health. Eyes are watching. Let them swin first just like obama did. That shows love and caring.We are still yet to learn how to care and put our health system in order. We are watching. Pleace remember Nigeria in your prayers.

    1. Crab ke! What does dat mean? If na Crap, message understood. smh!

  13. Misleading title! The memo has yet to be submitted talk less of being approved. Fix the entire shoddy health care system 1st and then those clowns won't have any excuse. Stop wasting taxpayers' time, money and intelligence with a bill you know will either take eons to pass or not at all!

  14. Well, are they not meant to fund the treament from their own pocket in the first place? Don't get it
    And yes! people are right, they should fix the health care system in that country for goodness sake.

    I live in the UK, even with the free health care (NHS), Myseld and my husband have a private care which we pay for monthly and if we pay from our pocket, we get the money back from our insurance.

    Is such a shame that Nigeria is still in this state.

  15. Well Prof Chukwu was one of my paediatric lecturers in med school 14 years ago and I bet he knows that there has to be a considerable increase in positive health care delivery with evidence based practice as the standard of care before his wish can be made effective, afterall who wants to die when they can afford to live by hook or by crook!

  16. Story Story......who are they fooling,deir own fore fathers...

  17. he says he is preparing a memo.that means he is just preparing it......................so why announce this and we are not illiterates,how long tdoes it take to "prepare" a memo as we know he most likely wont even be the one to prepare nor even vet it.absolute waste of media time.

  18. and as we hear that jona wants to overhaul is cabinet,this man i hear is among those that willbe axed so he has to "act"like he is working.

  19. FG TO this, FG TO that, FG TO those. It is always FG TO do one thing or the other, always TO, several years from now, it is still FG TO, they never do anything.

  20. Good!...hmmn...if they will actually effect it.

  21. Easier said than done. Let wait for some few weeks and check the caption on news again if there would not be any of the official on medical trip abroad.

  22. Lyk its jus nw u realize dis, its really a plausible idea if it wil b passd 2 law although i av ma reservations. Dese pple use public funds 2 travel outside d country n treat demselves n their families whyl d common man die everyday due 2 poor healthcare services. Unfortunately i went 2 one of state hospitals in Lagos 4 checkup, my God u wont blve hw long i spent dere from one process to another jus 2 c d doctor. I was nw feelin sorry for dose wu were terribly ill or on d verge of death, dey will probably die b4 dey r allowed to take a card to c d doctor. Wen it got 2 ma turn i was told dere was no light n gen was bad so i had to come d nxt day only 4 dem to tel me ma appointment 2 c d doctor will b nov. 2012. I jus felt sorry 4 maself n country. Where else dose such thn happen, pls dey shud do smthn about it nt every1 has access 2 public funds or can afford 2 pay wat private hospitals charge.......Miss J

  23. Fair enough but how about improving the national health care system to ensure that ALL Nigerians don't have to travel outside the country??? But then again, I doubt if Nigerians themselves are prepared to stay at home to be treated by Nigerian doctors if the treatment is available at home!!!

  24. Seemingly good intentions but for now, these are just words. Will it ever come to pass? We'll just have to wait and see (and hope and pray).

  25. This one is just saying it to save face cos it will never see the light of day.they know what they ought to do yet they will rather go abroad,if u ask me govt offficials shouldn't be allowed to travel abroad except once a year for holiday if atall.maybe then they will see the need to develope the country mtscheew nonsense people.-Palo

  26. David mark just left for medical treatment in israel wondering what your take will be on that . -- olodo prof abi minister you get the liver to tackle am .

  27. BEST NEWS I'VE HEARD FROM NIGERIA!!! if they know they don't have a choice, they'll fix the health care in Nigeria.

  28. very nice initiative,but ill be a total "Thomas" on this one.lets see it work first before i believe.my faith in the Nigerian system withers..

  29. Note, they have enough private funds to fund their medical trip abroad anyway.
    In as much as I cant stand the misuse of govt funds, as a doc, I dont think this is the best method. Why force someone, anyone really to use a run down system.

    The last time I went to national hospital in Abuja 2 yrs ago, the ED main door was locked...smh! Hubby and I, both doctors, laughed like "what if someone drove here for an emergency!!!" Absolutely no security too, we wandered around, and no one asked us what we were doing.

  30. abeg make him park for corner jor nonsense talk as if that would apply to him who is talking. common cold they run overseas to buy the tissue paper they would us to clean the nonsense and he is hear runing his mouth abeg linda jare next news as this is not news worthy because it is sometin he cannot achieve in this naija way we dey

  31. Its about time and the same should be done for generators. All government officials should not use generating plants or should fuel it with their personal funds. this should affect the power sector positively

  32. And how does this fix your useless health system that has claimed thousands of lives that could have been saved?

    As usual, nigerians chasing shadows. Toursim of any kind is a free will of anyone, anywhere in the world; be it education, health, etc.

  33. Linda ibori is been sentenced to 13yrs today so look into


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