Question of the day: Can you truly be in love with TWO people at the same time? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 25 April 2012

Question of the day: Can you truly be in love with TWO people at the same time?

Seriously, can someone love two people equally at the same time? When some ladies say they love two men at the same time, and don't know who to chose, I don't understand it. Please share your thoughts on this!


  1. yea linda baby....its very possible.....tins of d

  2. You can love two/three/four people at the same time for different reasons BUT you can't be in love with more than one person.

  3. Absolutely not!! there's nothing to explain, it is what it is, period! Uzee

  4. I don't think so,u can be inlove with one person and like another person that's ur frnd cos u guys spend time together.if you truly love someone your heart won't even give u d chance to love another person. They will be d only person u want to talk to or be with but then again true love only happens in Indian movies.

    1. Yeah so tru. If u think u love two people @d same time, den trust me, non of it is love. When u love, u love wit everytin in u and will not even let urself get to close emotionally wit anoda. Many people don't no what love is. Its a very rear tin.

  5. Hmmmmm!!!!!!!!!! A tough qst bt i'll say that I believe that it's only possible 2 be in love 1 person nd be lustful 2 d other person due to several reasons which includes sex, money nd e.t.c bt usually it's sex related

  6. Yes you can !you love each one for a different reason but its stressfull and you have to live with guilt especially when one or both are faithfull to you.

  7. yeeeeeees ohh. in a way u can wish for two diff guys. nobody is perfect. one of them may have all d economic and Godfearing abilities u need in a man, and the other can have d personality, intelligence, persistence and attitude u need in a man. in the end, we choose the one that has the most of those abilities tht we want cos we cnt hv them both. in the end it all comes down to choice and selfcontorl really...js my opinion. XTY

  8. Do not mistake love for lust and vice versa!

  9. Those ladies are just dubious, nothing less than that.

  10. I have loved two men at the same time. I didn't love them equally but differently. It felt like a had split personalities.

  11. I think its quite possible cos its likely that they both have something u love about them, the question now would be, which of d qualities can u live without if push comes to shove?

  12. Hmmm, i actually don't believe in some one being in love with 2 people at the same time, what i think happens is that you always though you loved the first person then you meet another that has all what the first person lacks... because if you were in love with the 1st person you would never give the second a chance up to the extent of you thinking about the 2nd.. I think am in that boat now

  13. Yes. You can be in love with more than 2 people

  14. either u are loving one and lusting afta d oda.Can't say but can one wit one eye look up n wit the other eye look down?

    1. Dont tink so unless one eye is bad

  15. It not possible to love two people equally at the same time, you can only love them for different reasons

  16. Its not possibe...girls who say they are inlove with two guys at the same time are the ones that just cant accept that no guy has all the qualities they they think they love both guys bcos one guy has some of the qualities they want and the other guy has the rest...

  17. Its not possible. If you now find yourself in that situation then leave the first one bcos there won't be any need to love another person if you truly love the first one.

  18. Sweetim but you should know that God made Adam and Eve. Not Adam, Alex and Eve. Baby'm one is love, the other is lust. O tan.

    ~ Menakaya's Baby.

  19. I think that love isn't always equal; you can love two persons but one love will be slightly more than the other.
    Even a parent can't always sincerely love his children equally, there'll be a favorite one

  20. hahahha i laugh in pikin mehn that one nah lie there would always be one that you love more shikena

  21. Hey linda ur blog is really addictive anyways ts a lie wen s1 says thy luv 2pple at once..thr has to b one amoungst th 2 tht has an advantage b t great sex o lots f cash ova th other an z more usefully..

  22. Impossible. one of them has to suffer. If you start giving both of them equal attention, that's not love. You are a player

    1. Offshore offshoree26 April 2012 at 01:46

      You hit the damn point here.

  23. she must be confuse!!!!!!

  24. Seriously, if u truly love the first man you wouldn't fall in love with the second man.

  25. no way; that is wot we call longer throat.girls mostly use such moment 4 sample/check 4 rite person but it is completely wrong cos they always endup gettin non of the guys.

  26. I dnt think a lady can love 2 men at d sametime.most tymes u genuinely love one an u love d other for sum particular stuffs lik money,xter wise etc

  27. Yes it Happens...100%....But you always have d Power to make a Choice....The Fittest...

  28. Den itsnt love,its confusion. One myt b luv n d other infatuation.

  29. some pple will insist it happens/happened to them. who am i to say it ddnt. Have i ever been love with two dudes at the same time? I won't say i have. I have been attracted to two or more fella roughly at once, or one join the others, but eventually i chose one and dropped the rest.

    Itz one of those things one gets to do a lot when one is married anyway. Cos na so u go dey see fine fine bros everywhere. But, as u don't commit, u go just respect urself dey face ur front.

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  31. Seriously,when we talk about love,we should no there is no love than just mere feelings we can control n express according to our believe or want. So when saying in love with two people is just our want and satisfaction towards each attitude n physical possession.

  32. if you think you love two pple at once,choose the second.because if you reali loved d first,you wouldn't have a second option.**my opinion**

  33. You can love many people but only in love with one

  34. Not really! becos both have different charaters there most be something that will make you to differciate.

  35. Obviously you can love 2 men at the same time, but the love can never be equal, you'll definitely love one more than the other.

  36. Yeap, i certainly believe individuals are more than capable of being in love with two people at the same time, BUT one must NEVER be sexually active with both of them at the same time, back to back or hopping from one to the other n vice versa...My take applies to both male and female.

  37. Truth is most times we love one and lust after the other,we can actually love two people @ the same time afterall we all love our framily friends,fans and celebs, the problem lies in understanding the what we feel i.e. If we feel a crush,lust,parental or spousal love for the person in question, it's a psychological thing and the solution lies in how developed/matured ones brain is in detecting the diffrence between all this sensations,unfortunately though,these sensations send almost the same sort of signal to the brains and individual brains interpret them diffrently,this explains why we have peadophiles (when parental love is mistaken for spousal love), incest (when brotherly/sisterly love is interpreted as spousal love) sometimes we just love a single aspect of a person's character e.g. Sense of humour and our brain interprets it as we loving the person as a whole, so basically we dont love the whole being of two people at the same time.

  38. Really, It makes no sense. Its not possible.

  39. Linda, Naija girls can love 100 men equally at the same time as far as the men are loaded money wise.Although you can still find a minute number of those who will love unconditionally and are sincere and will be with a man no matter what the man is going through.Most of these naija girls are worst than Kim K and they are the world record holders when it comes to pretending.


    1. You cant "like" a human being,you can only like in-animate objects,Saying you like a person is bad English,you can say you like the person's character or swag or walking step or sense of humor or dress sense, but you cant say you like that person as a whole,it's bad you either love or hate a human being or better/worst still be indiffrent to a person (that's a situation whereby you dont love them but you dont hate them either), basically you just have to identify the kind of love you have for the person i.e. If you love the person just as a friend or as someone you'd love to have a relationship with.
      N.B. Pls am not trying to make fun of your grammar or insult you,i just feel if we understood this words better we'd be able to express what we feel better.

  41. Yes u can it happens all the time. Explains why most African men have wives, mistresses

  42. it is possible to love 2 pple,but comparism of different uniqueness should make a lady know who she loves most via loves her most.

    Be it as it may,EVERY women loves to be respected for who they are by seeing the imperfections in them as been perfect for him,to learn to bridge the gap in a calm manner of approach, and understand the venocity of been heard.

    This could be confusing when found in the middle but as i have said in the 1st paragraph(comparism comes in). Time out with self would make you know what you really want in your spouse(we can't serve two masters and we all are unique in different ways. thus,no two masters can treat you same)

  43. Absolutely not!!! It is what it is! you simply cannot love 2 people at the same time.

  44. Tht love can't be equal

  45. I believe people can for sure. It is not for me but it is possible

  46. not possible.....u can't love two @ a will be true love and d other will b for something else....e.g money or ow good u are on......mouth sealed

  47. if u think you can love two pple at once, choose the second. bcos if you really loved the first,you wouldn't have a second option.

  48. My take on this is; u can't possibly be in love with two people at the same time, that means there is something wrong somewhere. We are rational beings not animals. I would suggest that the person ask the right questions and do a truthful check is it love or selfishness. Truthfully check yourself.

  49. I don't think its possible to love two people equally at d same time. How is that possible?? You must prefer one over d other. You might love two people but just be "in love" with one. So nope, you can't be "in love" with 2people at d same time


  50. impossible.....true love,money or sex.....

  51. impossible.....true love,money or of d above

  52. it is practically impossible.atimes it do appear that one is in love with two people,but to me it is a confused fellow in disguise and that is why we have alot of marriage divorce here and there today bcoz people nowadays do not really understand whom they are really let alone understanding their partner,so the two ends can never meet.two way love is simply not real coz every body is i think the two teams and even the referee has no goal to achieve.

  53. true love and money or true love and sex

  54. yes, you can truly be in love with more than 2 people at the same time. WHat is love anyway? fickle emotions to some and selfless actions to others.

    However, the key word in your question is EQUALLY!!!! my answer to that is NO

  55. impossible.....true love,money or sex.....

  56. Love isn't that complicated. Often we confuse infatuation, lust and attraction for love. Love is pure, it's childlike, it's blind i.e, if you love somebody it blinds you totally you can't see anybody else.

  57. Impossible! One person gets more love than the other if it should be.

  58. You can admire two men for different qualities they possess but when a lady really knows what she wants it will be easier for her to choose one.

    The problem with most women is they can't make choices easily when they get to d shOe shop,dress shop or even choice of what to eat when they glare at d menu list.
    So ladies transfer this attitude even to d choice of a man to settle for.

    Its largely indecision

  59. hummmmmmm.....true love and money or true love and sex

  60. It is totally possible. U can â„“♥√ع both as intensely but for different reasons.

  61. C'est ne pas possible! Period!

  62. For me, it is not possible to L♥√ع two @ d same time if ur L♥√ع is pure. †Ñ’ξ problem is dat L♥√ع is now subjective & all sort of funny feelings is bin tagged L♥√ع. If u ask dose caught in it dey will tell dey L♥√ع dier partners 4 diff reasons & L♥√ع in dat contest has bin conditioned which ideally ought not to be.

  63. I got one in each area code so when my mind went in this area its forget the one of the previous area ^_^

  64. Its just infatuation...nothing more

  65. Which Kin que be this, linda? O possible baje baje!

  66. Of course is not possible to love two men at the same time....
    is either one is richer, more caring, or handsome but one thing with some of us i dont no why we dont love the man that genuinely love us maybe beacause he is not boyant or not looking good like our friends husband, but rather die for the handsome one that is just tricking us wanting to lick us like orange and throw inside the dustbin

  67. It's nt possible...d truth is dat u don't love any of dem.u're jez attracted 2 dem and dat's y u're avin a problem choosing.

  68. If you ever truly loved someone, you'll always love them so yes, you can love two people at the same time

  69. people don't know what love really is. Love is not butterflies in ur tummy e.t.c that Is dopamine, lust, infatuation. Emotional good feelings. Now love is a choice because when you are truly inlove with somebody when all the passion lust amazing feelings go away when they piss you off when they hurt you and you want to hate, kill or hurt them you don't you choose to love them instead. You choose to still be there for them no matter how hurt you are this is real love! To truly love 2 people equally if in a relationship sort of way would be a difficult task. Yes you cannot help who you fall for as per lust, connection emotionally and all but these thing pass with time give or take 2, 3 yrs after this time the true test begins honeymoon phase is over. If lucky tops 4 yrs honeymoon is over highly unlikely tho. True love is forgiving true love thinks with the head. Let it be known people love is a choice and not a feeling.

  70. people don't know what love really is. Love is not butterflies in ur tummy e.t.c that Is dopamine, lust, infatuation. Emotional good feelings. Now love is a choice because when you are truly inlove with somebody when all the passion lust amazing feelings go away when they piss you off when they hurt you and you want to hate, kill or hurt them you don't you choose to love them instead. You choose to still be there for them no matter how hurt you are this is real love! To truly love 2 people equally if in a relationship sort of way would be a difficult task. Yes you cannot help who you fall for as per lust, connection emotionally and all but these thing pass with time give or take 2, 3 yrs after this time the true test begins honeymoon phase is over. If lucky tops 4 yrs honeymoon is over highly unlikely tho. True love is forgiving true love thinks with the head. Let it be known people love is a choice and not a feeling.

  71. Hmmm its actually very may love one person soo mch bcos shez calm nd gentle nd loving and at d same time love another girl becos she is soo jovial happy nd makes you laugh. So on the longrun,one makes you relax after a busy day nd d other makes you come alive when you are unhappy. Who doesn't like Salt and Pepper!! Jst imagine if one can make traditional dishes well nd d other Engish food well or one can give d best blowjob evr nd d other can fuck yu well. Let's not decieve ourselves all dis in summary leads to love.

  72. Sharp sharp paste am...Don Jazyy don reply Dbanj.....ngwa ngwa paste linda

  73. Think 1 cz of looks n d oda money ..

  74. Its never possible to love two people at the same time. People (ladies or gents) who do this or profess this merely want to "eat their cakes and also have it". You can put it another way, what Bankers/Stockbrokers call "Hedging your bets" so if one does not perform the other will. But loving someone is not the same as trading stock. I guess the interesting question is do the 2 guys or 2 ladies know that their lover is two timing. As is usually the case, the person two timming will refer to one as their friend and use all manners of emotional blackmail to hang on to the friendship. Linda, its cheating, its lying, its toying with other peoples emotions and worst of all the culprit is destroying himself or herself emotionally.

  75. That's impossible. The problem is that you don't want to get one annoyed or something and they probably adorn you with material things. You are to go for the second one for it you truly loved the first one, you would never have considered a second option

  76. Linda, why do you have to moderate all comments in these day and age. Doing this wastes your time and you need only moderate on occasions just for QA purposes!!

  77. its a messed up world, so i think its possible..

  78. Truth is you can't b in love with 2 pple @ the same time. If u truly were in love with d first guy then u won't fall in love with d 2nd guy nd still claim to b in love with d former. Pple often confuse being FOND of sum1 with being in love. U can b fond of sum1 nd not b in love with him/her.

  79. I tink beig in luv with 2 pple comlicates ones emotion.I dnt advice it @ al.It's either u're in luv with 1 person or u're single.I stil dnt no wht sompple gain wen dey engage demselves with such tins. 2 me it's bad.~La belle~

  80. i have lots of friends GALLLLLLLLLLS with such attitude ...i boy frnd nt so cute

  81. One has to be love and the other lust!

  82. Linda post my comments o! Before I vex

  83. Linda I love the way u always come up with interesting topics when there's no news. U nor dey slack!!! I think its possible sha but no man should love me and someone else at the same time o!! I don't know about ladies but I've had male friends that genuinely love two chics at the same time and say they love them equally....... For me my love na die o! When I love a man he's the only man that exists in the whole world to me. Valerie.

  84. It depends on the type of "love" and the level. Men can love more than 2 women and their is an easy outlet for that, polygyny according to the standard of d Most High God. Both men and women should continue to seek the face of God ( of the Bible ) and not worry about man's opinion and the world's shallow standards when it comes to issues of true love.

  85. yes you can....the reason been that it is hard to find everything you want in one person.and if u r a lucky girl you might find specific things in 2 diff ppl esp if u r physically attracted to both it can be really hard to choose.most times though i dnt think you love them equally,you always love one more than the other.the choice is just hard cos you dont want to make a mistake.and even when you are most likely still gonna be in love with the other person.painful situation...

  86. Yes u can. Am inlove with 2 wonderful guys right now as I speak to you. I can't let go. Cos d are both awesome. Haters go and hug a wet transformer. Am sure u have none. Am sorry

  87. My thought is simple.Linda in love with peter and paul okoye

  88. Hmmmmmmmm!!!! Share your sentiment actually, its nt possible... Likeness abounds for a number of reasons and wht the person (him/her) stands to benefit espcially for a Nigerian Man/Woman.
    In all honesty you can BE IN LOVE with two pple at the same time.

  89. *typo error I meant CANT

  90. Totally impossible. There is no way anyone can claim they love two people the same. For the most part, people have different attributes u can like about them so how can u love them the same? I have 5 kids and as much as I try to love them equally, my fave are my 2nd and 3rd born. May God forgive me but its the truth. So how can a women claim to love two men at once. One may be loved cos of money and the other for his big mandigo. Period

  91. ummmm....not possible. Ladies get too emotional and confuse their liking a guy to loving him

  92. Its impossible....

  93. Linzy, it all boils down to d fact that a lot of ladies dunno wot ‎​D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ really want.They want Mr.A cos he's rich Mr.B cos of his sense of humour, Mr.C cos of his Position or Power and probably Mr. D for his KOKO, then they get caught in d web of who to choose. But claim to love them all so they won't be tagged a Slut. Often times, lotta ladies get married for the wrong reasons, not to d wrong guy cos he was never right in d first place. Moral of d story, search ur heart, use ur head to decipher what u̶̲̥̅̊ really want.

  94. I think one has to be deeper.

  95. Linda dear, in real terms, it is impossible to love 2 people at the same time, it is even out of place to conclude the person loves one person more than the other. The real truth is that the person has no real love within them, to give to any one for that matter. The emotion in this instance is not love but FEAR. It is when the person digs deep to understand and address their inner fears, will they then find the state of love within them and then be in a more enlightened position to give love to 1 person only.

    The opposite of LOVE is not HATE, it is FEAR!

    Lanre R

    1. No actually it's selfishness not fear. Read what you wrote again and you will see it describes being selfish fear of being selfless.

    2. The person could be getting two different forms of satisfaction from two different people and might be too scared to let go of what the other person offers. Hence selfishness and fear from letting go and hence has no real love hence in lust.This person is fickle!

  96. I hv love two different people for yrs for two diffrent reasons ... Marriage is not d end of love , u can love someone u will may never get married to ,

  97. Lanre R-cyber hug to you!!!! Soooo true!!!

  98. Na wa ohh see the comments herE it's very clear a lot of people have no idea what love is so sad.


  100. Sex is so so so overrated. Everything people do this days is because of sex?? Kilodeh? After the two minutes ehn ehn what next? Abeg if it is because of sex or any material thing it is NOT LOVE! Love goes beyond he gives me this, he buys me that!

  101. No you literally can't love 2 pple at the same time. if there was to be some sort of competition for example and you told the person to choose one person out of the 2, he will choose the one he loves better. never be fooled!

  102. Linda, Love did not live here any more.People love people for different reason.l love Linda because she is sexy is that real love can someone help.........

  103. thats so nt making sense...its nt possible

  104. True love has no space for two, even the bible reflects this, you can't love God and Mammon at the same time.You choose one.

  105. u can be in love with one person and have a relationship with the other

  106. Yes! I love Jesus and __________

  107. Yes it's possible: maybe they're both nice to you and you like them for different things.

  108. yea, one can be in love wif 2 pple at the same time...buh the tin is one cant luv the two pple equally

  109. From a guy who has been there...
    With ma babe, whom I am quite sure she loves me (cause I am not blind to the things she does for her love for me), she came around to confide in me about the situation on ground. She said I just was never around when she needed to talk, which in truth is right. So I was not always there to listen to her which was due to work things. Then came the other guy who had all the time in the world, crawling o'er her. It was simple, I gave her time to clear her head and decide what she wanted, the guy who only listened to her and she knows nothing of or me who had always been in her life with sure banker love. She chose me in the end....
    Yes it is possible to love two guys for different reasons but it is best to stick to the one whom your heart clicks to, especially the one who has been there for quite a while.... But if they have both been there since kingdom come, consider the pros and cons of both, weigh it right and choose the one that makes you happy the most but have in mind that you can't love them equally,NEVER is that possible........ And please don't base your decision on money, he could be broke today, but is love is a fountain that won't dry up and the rich dude could also get broke tomorrow and in frustration, beat you up and regrets start coming in..........
    Linda, if it is you? Be wise**winks**

    -Anonymous Just Passing By

  110. you can love 10 girls at the same time for sure. Abi na lie

  111. very possible!

  112. Of course you can! And many people do!

    Just that people (especially women)like to decieve themselves into thinking otherwise.

    The only true form of love I can attest to is what you feel for a parent, a sibling, a child, a really good friend...

    When it comes to attraction to the opposite sex you bet your ass there's a lot of lust intermingled in there, and as such, you can feel it with quite a few people at a go!It can never be equal though,but definitely for diff resaons you can love more than one person.

  113. Linda my dear,
    Love did not live here any more, people love people for different reason. e.g I love Linda because she is sexy and she make money Lol.. is that love. u did know the type of person LInda is, l love Mike Adenuga son because he from a rich family what type of person is Adenuga son ? people married people and sign p.nut is that love. l love my black guy because they are very good in bed or my parent want me to marry a black man or white man is that LOVE. lam a ibo lady l love ibo man is that love, iam yoruba man i love yoruba lady because she can cook very good amala for me if i want to eat and so on i work as customer service in U.K I say l love you to thousand of people everyday and people say that to me too. Linda sweetheart post my comment.

  114. In love with two guys...I hope not...but interested in two guys...I'm sure it happens.

  115. dts nt possible...u can only be in likeness wiv 2 or more pple..

  116. dat's nt possible...if u luv mr dan a person dt means u luv dem for der diff xtics..nt 4 hu dey are...

  117. this is practically possible especially when sex and lust is not involve, I heve been in love with both of my sutors, and I mean equally, and was looking for frankily any reason to say no to one, but dramatically, I ended up marrying a different person, that was heart broken to them, but I had to move on, it's as simple as that

  118. In lust.....yes

    In love.....never ever till the world will end. Some pple never feel love till they die sef. All they feel for their spouse would probabaly be respect, attraction, admiration and peace.

    Love itself is a gift from God. And God would not bestow it twice.............. except if He wants widows or or widowers to love again.

  119. its called polyamory....simplesss but most nigerian refuse to even consider the possibilty that they r that way.

  120. people say that for their own selfish reason. u can love different things bout them but u cant b in love with two people at the same time. shikena!

  121. people say that for their own selfish reason. u can love different things bout them but u cant b in love with two people at the same time. shikena!


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