'Masturbation is not a sin' - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 23 February 2012

'Masturbation is not a sin' - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

Saw this video a few days ago but ignored it...but it seems a lot of people want to discuss it...so lets! Pastor Chris Oyakhilome says masturbation is not a sin...you agree? Watch the video to hear his point...


  1. Replies
    1. buh com'on, he isnt right na, its a sin againt your body, but indirectly a sin against God, God owns our body!

  2. This is unbelievable! Masturbation is okay by Pastor Chris? Let me pretend I didn't hear that. By the way does he wear French tips or what? It's just inappropriate for a man to wear such long nails.

    1. am not even listening to his speech but looking for the french tips, lmao

  3. mschewwww! pastor chris i hear u!

  4. This guy has always been on point when it comes to the explanation of the bible and shit but this one he is off point because there is this part in the bible where God struck a guy ejaculating on the floor so i believe it is a sin to God though i was born a christian and i dont believe every word of the bible and quran because they were both written by human being and thus prone to mistakes , additions and subtractions. Its all part of a Big scam for Chris can say whatever he want.

    1. Point of correction. The Bible was written by the leading of the Holyspirit.

    2. The bible was written by people and edited in rome, before being publicised to xtians,who today worship it.

    3. No he is soo right!! Be open minded and do ur research ull know it wasn't just weitten by man but by idiots!

    4. Bro!read dat place again.he was struck dead 'cos he decided nt to initiate d reproduction process by planting his 'seed' in d woman,nt cos he masturbated.stil,im nt comfortable wiv wat he said

    5. Tell him o,if u knw ur Bible u Wud knw dat,its in 2peter 1:21,its d word of God and he doesn't make mistakes,he only spoke thru men,

    6. then,why is one version of the bible negating another.so all the 'more than 17 different versions are written by the leading of the holy spirit.shio

  5. Interesting,I totally disagree with you on that Pastor.Who owns the body?God of course and not the individual.After all the bible says our bodies is the temple of God and thus should be kept clean.A sin against the body is a sin against God.In my opinion, Masturbation is a sin, and a big NO NO.

    1. i agree with u. The body is not ours.

  6. #SPEECHLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    say W-H-A-T again????????

    NEVER LIKED THIS DUDE! There is something sinister about him!!! #long hiss#

  7. As in seriously? This is guy is bunkers!

  8. I disagree o. Thas how it starts. Besides, dont u have to be thinking impure and lustful thoughts to masturbate? Which the Bible is against. It is all in the mind. Also, i disagree that ur body is urs...it belongs to God. Our body is His temple. Wow. Is he serious? Worst of, he didn't even back up his claims with any scriptural verses...showing its all what he thinks!

  9. Replies
    1. i do nt knw wat to say, bt one thin i understand is that we are at the end time, and thins like this will happen, all i pray is that God himself will speak and give understandin to is own. becus my idea of the word of God is nt of evil.SO MY PEOPLE NA GOD GO ANS

  10. Does this guy really understand what he is saying/hear himself right? I think NO. This is fallacious and I pretend not to have heard this.

  11. You can call yourselve educated but ignorant of facts of life which is devoid of religious undertone. Masturbation by both Sexes is perfectly ok & normal. "My broda make u no follow book oh, read am and go your way" - Fela.

    1. Quoting the words of a dead man (FELA) who is probably where i don't know.

  12. I totally totally get him and no I'm not a Chris follower, I believe wen it dominates u, dats wen it becomes a sin

  13. Maybe this might help those rapists control their urge and stop attacking little girls!!...and their own daughters..

  14. what do you expect from a man with permed hair and bleached skin.

    1. Gbam.I know his foolish followers will believe him. In Nigeria they worship n follow pastors not God.

    2. Very true the day pastor is out of town no member com 2 church the day pastor make mistake everybody backslide. Just a way satan use in decieving church goers

  15. i am beginning to suspect u ohh chris.. ds wan u don de bend bible to justify ur saying...hmnnn..

  16. You can call yourselve educated but ignorant of facts of life which is devoid of religious undertone. Masturbation by both Sexes is perfectly ok & normal. "My broda make u no follow book oh, read am and go your way" - Fela.

  17. You guys are twisting the point. He said In itself its not a sin. Its like scratching your ear and enjoying it-you keep doing it. If you start thinking loads of carnal things in the process, then that is a bad habit and you need to stop. But in itself it isn't. That's the point I got from him tho.

  18. Pastor Chris is right and wrong. The act of masturbation on its on is not a sin, however the thoughts that accompany the act is what makes it a sin. There is no scripture in the bible that definitively mentions masturbation. People like to refer to the guy that spilled his semen on the floor. God was against that because it was a deliberate act to prevent his wife from getting pregnant not because he masturbated. Trust me if he did, it would have been stated. You can check several translation of the bible, it is never inferred that he pleasured himself. Masturbation with no illicit fantasies is not a sin. But the moment you fantasize(Matt 5:28-29) while performing the act, then it becomes a sin. I believe it is a gift from God just like sex, but once either one is conducted outside of the stipulations for the acts - it becomes a sin. That's my opinion based on all the biblical and theological research I have conducted on this matter.

    1. how do u masturbate without impure thoughts,its what actually leads to masturbation.be careful to follow Jesus nd not the pastor.on judgment day,d pastor shall stand nd u shall also stand 'DIFFERENTLY'.

    2. i wont even take time out to finish reading your post. how will you masturbate if u dont think and have the urge of sex???

  19. Na wa oooo! End time tinz sha! No be small Gheunnns!!

  20. 1 Corinthians 8:18: "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body."

    I'm not quite sure if that's the point Pastor Chris was trying to make, but I don't think he did a good job of explaining himself based on the clip that I saw.

  21. whether it s a sin or not,it s left for God to judge.all i know is that masturbation is a life saver...

  22. Did you people even notice how the two jerry curl pastors first laughed after 'Pastor' Chris read the question? Na wa ooo, he is coming out small small. Very soon he will say being gay and lesbian is not sin. Watch Out for part 2 #Hiss

    1. Spot on! D guy has hidden agenda & with his gullible followers, he might succeed. He just might.

  23. I av not seen this vid and so ll not like to understand him out of his context. Not proper yet to even judge him but since we av to taste b4 eating, I'll say his looks are a sample fruit of the tree he is. Anyone may call God Yet not be of Him. From my observation, most of his members av been indoctrinated by his persona thus wanting to dress, speak and style his hairdo. This has sift and shifted the personality of the word of God which he's supposed to bear away from the people. So the image before most people is no longer CHRIST JESUS but pastor chris. So many things For his likes are not a sin. Tares growing among wheat.

  24. He has to be right. He is a Pastor na. In that case, fornication and adultery is not a sin regardless of what the bible says as long as its mutual and as long as u don't let d devil make u feel guilty about abi? I once heard somewhere that d greatest weapon of d devil is his ability to convince people dat he does not exist. I see it @ work here.

  25. omg, d world is becoming something else. imagine a supposed man of God who millions of youth worship with, publicly stating this... i bet he has a bible passage to back it up...it may not be a sin but him saying it is like giving a license to his congregation like "brethren u are free to masturbate anywhere, anytime, anyday cos its cool u know cos u aint sinning"

    perhaps, the next thing we'll hear from him is that fornication is not a sin as well..

    i dont kw whether masturbation is a sin or not, but i dont support its advocation by a pastor who seems all so worldly to me.... i mean d jerry curls, i bet he sleeps with a shower cap to prevent soiling his pillows, d expensive suits n all

    BTW, as a matter of fact some doctors recommend masturbation as a treatment for patients in some cases.

    1. choi, linda ikeji thank u o, am laughing uncontrollably, please can pastor chris view this blog? he needs to read this. btw, y do all boiz/men in his church curl their hair? oops sori, he's a role model. very soon they'll start wanking in church, sori pastor, i nid 2wank, brb! lmao #endtime!

  26. This is hilarious.... End time is near.

  27. just for this nonsense statement he has just made - i will make sure my mom throws him out.

    We will not release his lease -

    he is a false prophet

    He rents a shop from my mom - which he uses for a christian bookstore, he pays his rent on time and everything but there is something about him i cant pinpoint. Seems like a fake prophet to me. We dont need his money. I will make sure his lease is not renewed.

    1. Hmmmnn don't ooo! Remember that karma is alive !! She doesn't want to know who is guilty! Just act asif he doesn't exist.. At d end of d day 'he pays rent on time' so just don't interfere before demons that are pursuuing him start chasing u too!

  28. What d heck?Pastor Chris can nt say what is/not sin as God's ways are nt ours,neither His thoughts are ours.We should all wrk 2wards perfection & abstain from immoralties.God help us.

  29. people should really stop listening to dis man.

    nothing about him speaks christianity yet many gullible Nigerians choose to follow his misconceived, fallacious, porous preachings...BTW who ordained him sef.

    i hate being judgemental but av neva subsribed to dis dude...sorry i know better..read Cor 6:12-20


  30. @ anonymous {ist comment}... yeah right, he's right my ass..


  31. I really hate to admit that I am agreeing with this man.

    For clarification, go back to the bible and read the ENTIRE story. God struck Onan down because he refused to impregnate his brother's widow, Tamar. A child to be raised as his dead brother's child.NOT because he "pulled out" but because he disobeyed customs. Further on, she pretended to be a prostitute and slept with her father in law, (because he did not allow his third son to impregnate her) and had his children. The bible called her righteous.

    Yep, righteous, she slept with 2 brothers and their father.She even born twins on top the matter

    For inquiring minds, that is the entire Genesis Chapter 38 for your ass.

    If this is not a twisted tale of sex and wealth in the bible , I do not know what is.


    P.S. the nails tho?

    1. Just shut up. Mr gullible.

    2. Ha! Nna this bible must be made in china! Onan?! And d story too choii!! I'm gonna go and read my bible ! I have missed that part!

    3. Ha! Nna this bible must be made in china! Onan?! And d story too choii!! I'm gonna go and read my bible ! I have missed that part!

    4. Errmmm oga...u do realise Esau married his sister and for d world 2 b populated, there was a lot of incest going on. Does that make alright for you to sleep with ur sister now?

  32. If you analyze it from the angle of what goes on in a person's mind which involve wicked imagination,lust and blah blah, you would see why its a sin.

  33. People dön't mastubate to bible pages, but galz which is lust, so itz a sin...pastor, there is nothing u can tell me on this one,,,by their hair we shall know them,,,first anonymus, only God knows hw many times, u fuck ur hand daily!!!

  34. A lot of people aren't listening, he said 'masturbation in itself is not a sin'. The question is what does he mean by 'in itself?'This might sound outrageous, but keep an open mind. You don't have to agree but be open cos the man is not stupid and ignorant as you think.

    1. Yes, keep an open mind but not so open that Ūя̲̅ brains fall out. 'In itself' doesn't need translation, dats just semantics!

  35. Wooooow!!!! Wot a shame!

  36. Guys, choose 1 - someone who masturbates or a rapist? Please think beyond Chris & his comments.

  37. Pastor Chris is teaching that masturbation is not a sin (the disclaimer is that lust is and talks about how the two go together.) 'In itself', masturbation is not a sin.

  38. Have never belive dis man for a min God 4give me,but to be honest dis is rubbish.May God help us from all dis pastors

  39. All i can say is let one person who can masturbate without having impure thoughts come forward.

    1. Gbam....all dis rubbish abt wat u have in mind is wat make it a sin is just story.....chris u r so wrong.

  40. ...From the Very Beginning, I have always suspected something very sinister about this man and his church. First, they are believers(that) love(the) world(apologies to all his faithful); then his atmosphere for miracles generated so much controversy it had to be banned from national TV; then people started coming up and saying they were paid to stage-manage what happens during the 'miracle sessions';then of course there was the controversy about the Sheraton emloyee; then our "man of God" suddenly shows up with permed hair! And like an epidemic, all his senior pastors follow suit; before our very eyes, he suddenly turns Bishop with PhD attached to his name; not also forgetting his romance with TB Joshua at one time etc etc; and now....THIS!!
    By their fruits u shall really know them. I am sure his (blind) followers may wish to crucify me for this post but seriously,if ur biological father was surrounded by SO MUCH controversy, would u not ask questions rather than just blindly supporting him? Its called brainwashing.
    Regarding this most current controversy, I am thankful that we have the Bible and the Holy Spirit to tell us what sin is and is not. WE DO NOT NEED pastor anything to tell us his mind on what sin is after all, the bible says the heart of man is desperately wicked!

    1. May God bless u 4 dis post till u hv no room to contain all d blessings...amen

  41. Pple u don't hv to agree with him ... Remember mose n his brother n sister in d bible ... Mose did something wrong n d sibling said bad thing abt him n God punished the silting for saying bad things abt moses... N b4 u judge him take tine to listen to wht he is saying ... N don't get carry away by d way d media pose it ... Media pple .... I laugh for my rivers language

    1. Moses just chose to marry an Ethiopian woman not that he did anything 'bad'

    2. Moses just chose to marry an Ethiopian woman not that he did anything 'bad'

  42. "the act is not a sin but its the thoughts that accompany the act that is a sin" ......are you guys shitting me? It is the thoughts that bring the act to life. You aren't going just go and masturbate if you don't feel like it or think about it. Neither will you enjoy the act if you don't mentally commit sin. So in essence, if you have to commit sin, to masturbate then masturbation is a sin.

  43. @ anonymous 9:21, the Quran was never written by a man, how can you explain someone that couldn't read or write able to tell stories of old? Or write out a 114 chaptered

    1. Pahahahah that's what they told u abi?! Please go and doo ur research!!

    2. Pahahahah that's what they told u abi?! Please go and doo ur research!!

  44. Masturbation...a sin? Of course its not. Infact I just came out of the Bathroom now. It was satisfying. My ex girlfriend used to place her phone on her punanah, set it on vibrate and call the number with another phone. She didnt have to think of anything and she would cum. So how is that a sin?

  45. Wonders shall not cease23 February 2012 at 20:52

    Oga oh! what will we not hear? It is you own body?...So therefore it is not a sin?

    No be so e dey Bible oh....

    (1Corinthians 6vr19-20)What? know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have of God, and you are not your own? For you are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's (KJV)

    (Roman 6vr 13)Stop offering the parts of your body to sin as instruments of unrighteousness.

    Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

    I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12 vr 1).

  46. Thank you Pastor for clarifying this. I have been masturbating since I was 13 and I am 29 now. I have never had sex with a woman because I only ejaculate when I masturbate.

    1. For u...Masturbating is a sin! Freak oshi...Me

  47. Laugh wan turn my hair to Jerry curl

  48. @ anonymous 9:21, the Quran was never written by a man, how can you explain someone that couldn't read or write able to tell stories of old? Or write out a book of 114 chapters (with the highest being a 286 versed one), or you want all prophets should be like Moses, getting the 10 commandments directly from God? God does wonders, and one of it is revealing Revelations to people of His choice. So, it'll be nice to do a little research before coming in to post your - grossly inaccurate - affirmation!!!

    1. Soooo u know had to mock moses ! Ahh religion in this world SMH!! Damn! U and ur allah and ur stupid koran I spit on it! Go and worship dead body in mecca and leave christians n their moses alone!

  49. dt person who talked about him renting a shop n being "thrown out" has to be the biggest fool on the planet,so nah only ur mama shop dey abi...rubbish,people r talkin about one thing ur der making foolish announcement

    1. I agree with u jare, that was just chasing shadows. The mugu is feeling pompous because of a miserable shop.

  50. Masturbation might be a sin,i dunno, but what i do know is as a gal i never slept wiv any1 till i was 22 and dat was bcuz i pleased myself and rili never saw the use of having sex wiv another man. But the devil is a funny person, when u start getting comfortable wiv masturbation ,u'll ofcus defend pastor chris, i would have defended him,just dat 2 touch myself i must actually tink of the act of sex,which is a sin. Look @ it anywhich way, God knows best,lets just pray for God's'mercies

  51. What Pastor Chris said is not wrong, only a person with perverted mind and a religious mind will see this as wrong.

    Linda Ikeji..your downfall will be encouraging people to insult men of God. It doesnt matter how innocent you may think your post os, u need to refrain from posting comments that will project pastors in a negative light.

    I am just throwing some advise to you. If the pastors are fake, let God be the judge. Do not use ur forum to encourage pple to insult men of God.

    God Himself knows the fake and real pastors and He knows how to handle them His way.

    You seem to forget the scripture..'Touch not my annointed...'

    I've said my piece and anyone who decides to curse me on this...MAY YOUR CURSE ROLL BACK AT U WITH SO MUCH SPEED AND MOMENTUM AND MAY UR CURSE(s) STICK WITH U AND UR GENERATIONS TO COME.

    1. Dunce. Before insulting the messenger (linda). Pls talk to ur curly haired long fingernail pervy Pastor. Tell him to stick to the effin script! Thers soo much more to talk about in the bible. Olodo pastor. Olodo congregation

    2. and please what did linda do here? and you the righteous man throwing curses at people??? sha remember this when ur generations will be cursed! karma!

  52. God forbid ,So to draw prick and shook hand for toto no b sin,​:D.•´¨) 
    ¸.•´ ¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸¸.•´(¸.•´(¸.• :D нaнaнaнaнa=D =)) pastor chris na wa O°˚˚˚

  53. I totally agree with pastor Chris . He laid it straight .You can apply this same analogy to having money or being rich

  54. Anon 7;07 said and i quote 'Its like scratching your ear and enjoying it-you keep doing it. If you start thinking loads of carnal things in the process, then that is a bad habit and you need to stop'

    Abeg, no vex o. For you to masturbate, thinking carnal things must come first to get the juices flowing not afterwards. let us call a spade what it is and NOT a big spoon. This man has millions of followers, he shouldn't say such things in public cos loads of kids out there will get it wrong. The amazing thing is that his church members see him as a demi-god and anything he says is the LAW.

    It will take Jesus himself coming down physically to get his church members to believe that masturbation is indeed wrong. I'm sorry, ive always had this vibe about this pastor sha....

    This is so not cool.

  55. ... my brethen fill your minds with those things that re good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honorable (Philipian 4;8)Good news translation

    I do not talk about "men of God" or critize them because they are mortals like me and i make mistakes as well as they do. One thing i know for sure is that in the end,those that will go to heaven will go and those that will go to hell will. my mind is focused on heaven. so masturbation or no masturbation, pastor or no pastor. it is what i believe in, i will do. i dont take everybody;s word hook line and sinker. Na God know every.

    i rest my case.

  56. Na wa... Chris oyakilome u don cum again.. He is encouraging his followers to become seasoned wankers.. Dis one senior me..wankn in itself is not a sin but d tots.. Wat am I Hearn? The end result of penetration(SEX) and wanking is to cum.. They bof r ways n means of pleasuring ourselves.. Chris said is just like any oda habit.. Why den do people do in their closets..
    Nwoko Benin kwulu alu.. God forbid.. Is as bad as any sin.. Pls ndi Christ Embassy wake up n start readn ur bible.. Chris hence wankn is just like any habit.. We expect u to cum on ur tv channel n wank... I suppose u were high on some hard drugs wen u gave dat answer, unbelievable..

    1. laf is just going to finish me here ooooooooo

  57. So, all of you saying that masturbation is a sin...what about the case where a husband is out of town and masturbates to the thought of him and his wife having sex. Is that a sin? Is he thinking evil thoughts? If you say yes, then the act of a husband and wife having sex is a sin. So, please clarify.

  58. did I miss something? Why is masturbation a sin? If having sex with yourself is a sin, how about infidelity, philandering, whoring, polygamous etc????

  59. ,,, i started mastubating the day i saw my teachers'(ss3) white pant...hehehe that was the day i disvirgind myself...i began 2feel dirty whenever i do that, and loss of weight,, there was no time for pussy,,the first day i had sex with a gal, i did not cum throughout the process,, lata went to the batroom and soapd myself,, was nt easy to come out, #pastor Chris, Nigerians are nt dummies,, follow ur mind, make nobody dcieve u

  60. So when a married couple mastrubates each other or around each other it's a sin?

    Or when a person in a relationship masturbates because the other can't or won't fulfill their obligations i.e post birth or during period or illness, that's a sin?

  61. I'm not surprised. There are a lot of body language exhibited on d pulpit that supports this his weird opinion.
    He's had his life driven right through the very throat and life of his followers. They; in their thousands I pity. The pastor has spoken!
    He never really preached anything good and the little anyone can add up he just set fire to.

  62. @ Amarachukwu, I havent laughed sooooooo hard in a long time. Thank u. ROTFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  63. question for all those talking about "your body being the temple of God":is igbo smoking & cocaine sniffing a sin? majority if not all would say no ..but is your body not the temple of God when you smoke igbo or sniff cocaine bearing in mind that you are actually physically destroying your body mind and spirit when you take these hard drugs...? I am not a pastor Chris fan but i think people should try and read between the lines of what he is tying to say and not crucify him.

    1. U all forgot something o. If any of these things u mention are not frowned upon by right thinking members of the society or has some consequence from the Law den it is not a sin. If u can do it openly and get away with it den it is not a sin. U talk of igbo and cocaine....do i need to tell u what it does to d body of d user? If it is ok why is it frown upon wiv grave consequences? If u pull ur trousers down in ur office, pull out dat slimy vaseline for dry skin and start to wank...and ur boss walks past u and smiles @ u....ha...den its not a sin niyen! U say it like its picking ur nose or burping/farting in public...even those ones are gravely frowned upon!!

  64. Is sad that people obiviously Christ Embassy members could not actually use their heads well not just dem.. Alot of Christians in Nigeria r fanatics.. Even here in England the Catholics and Church of England sumtimes merge Deir church services ie on Xmas and oda times no segregation and all but we Africans r so blind n ignorant.
    We segregate, we can't question the pastors if u do like sum dickheads who r warning Linda 2 b careful as to avert d wraf of God..
    Makn reference to Moses and dose men of God in time past, hw can we compare men wiv fear of d almighty 2 sum randy men of nowadays.. Wiv jerry curls, private jets and millions in Deir accounts.. While deir members die of hunger.. I don't get it.. False doctrines n teachings.. A man of chris OYakilome's level who pretends to sing in tongues, potrays himself as HOLY GHOST filled can openly tell people dat masturbation is any oda habit and NOT a sin in itself.. WONDAS SHALL NEVA CEASE..
    Once u finish masturbating u feel dirty and is even more pleasurable than sex itself.. Is a sexual activity and in that case a sexual immorality.. Y r nigerians gullible.. 2 many churches and yet d level of wickedness is so high in Nigeria.. When r we going 2 learn?? OH MY DAYS!!!!!! is such a shame.. Well now I knw y brothers n sisters shag d hell out of themselves in Christ Embrassy.. Shag arena..
    This is not judging anyone, is a state of fact..

    1. True talk,their
      Shaggin in dat church is something else .....

  65. To respond to Sand4garri - I don't know about you, but you can be horny without thinking about anything sexual.

    I'm not sure if you're aware of the hormonal changes a woman's body experiences during her menstrual cycle. During ovulation (14 days before the period), there is a high surge in estrogen and increased level of testosterone this tends to lead to women having an increased libido(horny) during this time. For some women, they experience increased libido during their period not during ovulation.

    My point is the change in the hormonal balance in the body can make a woman horny without thinking sexual thoughts. A woman can masturbate during that period without thinking sexual thoughts. However, we all know masturbation without sexual fantasies is difficult if not almost impossible.

    For everyone who is saying masturbation is a sin, I am assuming you guys have all never or don't masturbate since you perceive it to be a sin.

    If we're all really perplexed about this issue, I would say why don't we individually ask the Holy Spirit for interpretation and understanding vs. relying on assumptions or what others tell us it is suppose to be.

    1. gst 101 on rpt. mr anonymous, please what is being horny? when ur horny u have heavenly thoughts abi? so y den do u wank to cum? sexual thots are what? mstcheewwww?

  66. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8uJRJLnmjo&list=UUvshBpMFNM8R--n7d-fhM3Q&index=1&feature=plcp

  67. What you can't picture Christ doing when He walked this earth is a sin. That's why He once came to live as man. The end is near fellas!

  68. if you can masturbate thinking of jesus working with his nail and hammer as a carpenter's son, or you can do it thinking of your job as a plumber fixing a pipe, or u can do it while you say ''ride on pastor chris'' then masturbation isnt a sin, if not...

  69. ONOME says..............................
    It's sad really...................

  70. Whatever you guys think. It is your business.

  71. So surprised......he said it has to do with one's body,,not with God .....who created the body in the first place????,i guess the part of the bible that says the body is the temple of God and shouldnt be defiled was omitted from his own bible.......

  72. I don't know what to say... Am just going to keep reading all ya comments...
    God help us.

  73. People talking about married people, masturbation between married people, and single people are different things! In a marriage as long as it doesnt take the place of your spouse, and your spouse consents to it, it is fine. If the married person is now thinking about someone else other than their spouse, then that is a problem and a sin.

    For single people, it is a sin because no way can a single person masturbate without thinking of someone in a negative manner. Plus where do you draw the line???

  74. I wish the clip played further...There were stuff he said to explain this stand better. We already jump to our various conclusions born out of our feelings or state of mind towards him as a Pastor. Some like him, some don't...some see his hair as an issue...
    I like to read or see the whole clip before i can make mine.

  75. men i tire 4 oyakhilome he grows his nails lk pussy cat meow!!!!!!!!!!!!he accused okotie of jerry curls nw na im do am pass...life is a b****...eyes rollin...

  76. Some people will even mastubat on this topic...hehehe,,,Mastubation is a big sin, weda married or unmarried!!!

  77. I will not be indoctrinated by the dogma of falacies that spluff the gift of procreation and illicitize its primary objectives in sectarian paradoxes. What stands my total hairs and subjects me to eccleptic heavens is sinquanon to total surrender and should not be slaughtered on the slab of mundane redicadations. My candid opinion: Imaginative creamations in solitude is suicidal and competent courts of ecclesiastic jurisdiction are critical to judge validities. However, promotional manifinities to a followership crowd is subject to the teachers grammatical lexicon and the hearers predetermined correlated interpretations. My name is Electric.

  78. I guess u r a member of his church. I dnt knw wats wrong wit ppl nowadays. So we shud fold our hands n pretend dat we didnt hear him? Afterall, d bible said we shud test every spirit. Linda is just a blogger who posts news, whether it pertains to a pastor or nt. And u were wrong to predict her downfall as well as curse ppl dat'll reply u.

    Otis Redding


  80. I think this link would help;


  81. @ amarachukwu....you haff just killed me with laugh ewoooo thanks sha...lmaoooo

  82. Well, this is I guess one of those grey areas...Just like drinking alcohol is not a sin but being drunk is and some get tipsy after just half a cup while others only after three. I will not judge Pastor Chris as being right or wrong but I think he made a point.Remember he said like any other ('bad') habit, it should be replaced with another ('good')habit. He also said one should not allow the devil and use this as a tool to make one feel guilty, that's important. And if you develop the habit of not masturbating, the body has a way of diffusing sexual pressure e.g 'wet dreams' for guys. Being obsessed with anything (including masturbation) is bad. The bible does not state masturbation as sin and similar to an above comment, a happily married couple that actively engage in sex might be separated from each and masturbate each other over the phone for example, I don't think that's a sin.Teenagers or women who have hormonal and biological cycles may be under pressure to masturbate to relieve the pressure (not necessarily thinking evil thoughts - if you masturbate while watching something you should not be watching, that's wrong). Some are driven by the pressure of the moment to pornography or extreme cases fornication,rape etc, better to masturbate than to engage in such. In conclusion I would say, if you find yourself masturbating habitually e.g to the point of losing weight (like someone indicated) you obviously have a problem and should stop it. I hope this helps

  83. Everyone is trying to be all moral and religious....typical nigerians....we have so many problems in our society, despite our religiousity....rather than focus on the corruption that is killing us, everyone is concerned about masturbation! Y'all need to get real!

  84. Well, this is I guess one of those grey areas...Just like drinking alcohol is not a sin but being drunk is and some get tipsy after just half a cup while others only after three. I will not judge Pastor Chris as being right or wrong but I think he made a point.Remember he said like any other ('bad') habit, it should be replaced with another ('good')habit. He also said one should not allow the devil and use this as a tool to make one feel guilty, that's important. And if you develop the habit of not masturbating, the body has a way of diffusing sexual pressure e.g 'wet dreams' for guys. Being obsessed with anything (including masturbation) is bad. The bible does not state masturbation as sin and similar to an above comment, a happily married couple that actively engage in sex might be separated from each and masturbate each other over the phone for example, I don't think that's a sin.Teenagers or women who have hormonal and biological cycles may be under pressure to masturbate to relieve the pressure (not necessarily thinking evil thoughts - if you masturbate while watching something you should not be watching, that's wrong). Some are driven by the pressure of the moment to pornography or extreme cases fornication,rape etc, better to masturbate than to engage in such. In conclusion I would say, if you find yourself masturbating habitually e.g to the point of losing weight (like someone indicated) you obviously have a problem and should stop it. I hope this helps

  85. Some comments here are really baffling,The mere that some individuals are of the opinion that masturbation is a sin doesn't mean that they are exonerating themselves or trying to be righteous.The mere fact that I lie doesn't mean that I should say Lie is not a sin.So no one is trying to paint himself or herself as righteous and perfect but the most important is to say the truth as it is and let the devil be ashamed.We all have sins/habit we are battling with and the mere fact that we do it doesn't mean it is right.Lets get it straight and try to walk towards perfection.

  86. D only people dt will agree with this man r those dt want 2 justify wot they do... Go ahead n masturbate, defy ur body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit... Den on d last day u'l say Pastor Chris said its nt a sin n let's wait n c wot happens... *Rollin my eyes*

  87. See below what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says about MASTURBATION. No wonder the Catholic Church has been around for nearly 2000yrs, with close to 2 billion followers and counting!
    '’By masturbation is to be understood the deliberate stimulation of the genital organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation is an intrinsically and gravely disordered action." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, copyright 1994, p. 564, #2352

    One Catholic web site plainly posts,
    Masturbation is against the biblical teachings which always talks about sex with respect in the marriage context and to have children. To pursue sexual pleasure or orgasm in manner not associated with marital intercourse that is love-giving and open to the creation of new life violates the will of God and is immoral. (www.biblia.com/sex/masturbation.htm)

    Sometimes these new churches just begin to self destruct.Because they are not founded on the whole truth, they lack authority and they find it almost impossible to make a real impact in people for a long time. I hope nobody is saying Church of God Mission...

  88. He fixed his nails oh! Hahahahahahahaha!!!! Vanity upon vanity

  89. Without watching the video, I would say I understand where he is coming from. Masturbation in itself might not technically be a sin but remember the bible says that something might be lawful but not expedient. There is something wrong with this mass declaration rather than allowing people to work out their issues regarding masturbation with the help of the holy spirit. Especially with the set-up of his church, where his word is law. Members of his church think he is the second coming of Christ and his interpretation is the final say.
    On most campuses, most people who attend BLW are usually people that are not really ready to be fully committed to living a consecrated and holy life. Add this go-ahead and all I see is trouble. All I see are babies forever drinking milk.
    It is well.

  90. From reactions to the question posed by linda i surmise every commentator had masturbated at one time or the other. If not? Hw were they able to forcely submit dat d M word is a sin. For once Chris got it react. As for us nigerians to dont question, we are not the curious type, we so love the badwagon. Simple biology wil tell dat M can take place without the mind - thought.

  91. This is my problem with Nigerians.GOSSIP. STFU and stop judging the guy,most of u would call him fake which no one is allowed to say shit, if given the opportunity to preach B.S for 1mil a month more than half of y'all would do it. Illiterates. That's why the white man keeps progressing and we remain backward.


  93. Chinaemerem Joshua Ibezim24 February 2012 at 05:03

    My take on masturbation: After studies on the subject, the said benefits, risks, countries like the UK encouraging it, etc, considering the fact that "masturbation usually involves fantasy, visualization, and often pornography", I'm still of the opinion that it is sinful and I strongly believe it can be linked to demonic activity. "Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?" Proverbs 6:27,28. Masturbation is like taking fire in one's bosom: he who engages in it will be burned. Self-control and mental purity should be encouraged. Thank you.

  94. You guys r so quick to drop comments...even you Linda..u guys just picked out what you wanted to pick out from the video and you left the remaining...He said masturbation is not a sin against God...yes it is not rather it is a sin against your flesh i.e your body..and since u dint create yourself, God being the creator owns us all, so a sin against your body still ends up being a sin before God.. your body is the Temple of the Lord remember 1Corinthians 6:19-20 and we are meant to honour God with our body...If you listened carefully to the video he said in-order to be able to get over it don't see it as you doing something wrong so that way the devil won't be able to condemn you after u do it and make you feel bad and inefficient in the things of God..that is just a strategy he is giving to help overcome the habit..which makes a lot of sense..its the things that we know are bad that we find ourselves doing all the time and we are not able to control ourselves over...but the things we know that are good like praying, reading the bible we so easily forget to do , u hardly hear that people are addicted to such good things rather when it comes to being an alcoholic, having sex, using drugs and all that stuff we find ALOT of addicts...So that is basically pastor Chris's point, don't just pick out the part that is sweet in your ears..You guys should better be weary the end time is near and the devil is ready to cause a lot of confusion, he is ready to divide the church, and occupy our minds with unworthy things and make us focus on mundane things, like talking about what a certain pastor bought or how he said something and how one church did some other thing, that way we would be distracted and won't focus on our own relationship with God...Fine we are all entitiled to our comments but come on dont dwell on it, as u hear the jist u can pass your comment but let it end there its not worth debating over, it isn't going to reduce the price of petrol so focus on greater things like if you will make heaven and how many people you would take along. Be careful about what u say about men of God. Anyway i just thought i'd share a word or two and this time i am bold enough to add my name....Modele Omotayo :-)

  95. Bunch of Hypocrites sayiong trash here. Its a pity that some of u so confused. including devils are quoting scriptures and saying so many things that doesnt make sense. Insulting him because of what he said. Did u ever Watch the full Clip to see exactly what he was trying to say? Nigerians will jump into conclusion and assume for the Rest of their Lives. Asumption is the Begining of all Fuck Ups

  96. 1st it was dat women shudn't cova thier head in church, den dat we hav no need of d ten commandments, den dat we needn't say The Lord's Prayer since its 4 gentiles, now this. I found it difficult to watch this video cos of slow connectivity, but if this is what mr. Chris said, then surely he has to retreat into himself and make his peace with The SUPREME. Since he claims 2be a man of GOD, I can't judge a man of GOD, but advice him seriously on his teachings. BE VEEEEERRY CAREFUL CHRIS. HELL IS JUST 2 REAL.

  97. Anon 7.09 pm wrote 'The act of masturbation on its on is not a sin, however the thoughts that accompany the act is what makes it a sin'...But na wa ooo...ow can u masturbate without any thought accompanying it? can u masturbate n keep ur mind blank. u r obviously thinking lustfully while maturbating. Please in all thy gettings, get understanding and stop contradicting urself. a sin is a sin. be guided.



    lol linda i already knew you were going to post this video last week when i saw it. Satan is simply going to propagate this video to attempt to turn against a MoG but yet again he fails as he can only deceive those who are STILL lost in this world

  99. Anon 7.09 pm wrote 'The act of masturbation on its on is not a sin, however the thoughts that accompany the act is what makes it a sin'...But na wa ooo...ow can u masturbate without any thought accompanying it? can u masturbate n keep ur mind blank. u r obviously thinking lustfully while maturbating. Please in all thy gettings, get understanding and stop contradicting urself. a sin is a sin. be guided.

  100. A question for you Pastor Chris. If masturbation is not a sin, why dont the guys who indulge in it do it in public?
    Anything you cant do at the full glare of people is most likely a sin.
    From my interaction with CE members over the years, i find it ridiculous when in the midst of discussions they pop up with replies that begin with 'Pastor Chris said ...'. If your members are that trusting of your messages and would place it at par with the Bible itself, i believe there should be more decorum in the way you explain the scriptures on matters like this.
    You talk about the mind oga, even kids know that to masturbate, you need erotic images from your mind to get off.
    Another question for you Pastor, Would Jesus masturbate????

  101. That's why my reply to CE members is always the same .. 'Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith'. Being a christian is really very simple. Ask yourself this question before doing anything out of the ordinary... 'would Jesus do this?'. If your conscience says no, then never do it.
    With my conscience working under the influence of the Holy spirit i don't need a pastor to tell me what is a sin and what's not. Afterall 'For as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God'. Chikena!

  102. May God ve mercy on him 4 he doesn't know wat he's doing,D only tin he nids is prayers

  103. This same topic and video was discussed in another Nigerian discussion forumn, Nairaland and it is still on-going. It is a heated topic and has people divided on both sides. I, personally think masturbation is bad as habit to be encouraged but I refuse to be dragged into the bandwagon of those who criticize the pastor out of context.
    Pastor Chris was very right in his submissions, if you say it is a sin against God please root your claims from the bible and not your own set moral principles. Show in the bible where it was condemned or even talked about directly as a sin. I am surprised as well that inspite of the bible's very strong and clear condemnation of pervasive sex, it gave a very uncomfortable silence to the issue of Ma.$.turbation, a $exual act that obviously was even more prevalent amongst humans than say homosexuality and their likes. Could it be for a reason he chose not to give any direct or clear reference to the act of ma$turbation as a sin?. I believe it is more a question of the thoughts behind the act and not the act itself, for the act is almost a natural impulsion not any more differnt than a response to urination. This leads us to ask the very important question that no one has asked: IS IT BIOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE TO ma$turbate WITHOUT THE IMPUT OR STIMULUS OF WHAT GOES ON IN THE MIND? To put it succinctly:IS IT MEDICALLY POSSIBLE TO self-service WITHOUT LUST IN ONE'S HEART OR BEING THE STIMULANT. That way, we can all come to an agreenent. But if we are to go by what the bible says, then we can conclude that at some point it can be a sin and at another point it is not a sin. And the bible has no dedicated chapter or verse that says anything specifically to deal with the act of self-service, let us get that fact clear. Whatever it is that is said about the act, are inferences and conclusions(which could be right or wrong) from other verses dedicated to the condemnation of other pervasive sex and in their case, they were explicitely mentioned.

  104. mastubation is having sex with yourself and that is sinn!God commands awoman thather body should belong go her husband and the same to the hubby!!the same Bible says we be sexually pure and its Gods will for us to control our sexual desires in a pure manner!its this simple guys, if you are maasterbating and christ enters the room what will you do?mastubation is enslaving and addictive!God want s us to be filled with the holy spirit not lust!most ppl masturbation feel empty and guilty after,but some have already killed their concience thats why good is bad andbad is good.guys let me remind you that thefact that something feels good it doesnt mean its not seen!!

  105. There are people that masturbate without impure thots.Sometimes , even married couples engage in this act especially when the woman does not attain orgasm during sex. So i think it just makes some of us relieved of the fact that we're not sinning.

  106. I am gonna have to say i agree with him somewhat.
    i married a virgin. i married at the age of 28. i mastubated until i married. not profusely when you cant help yourself (God forbid). if i had not i am very sure i would have had sex before marriage. i was soooooo hard on myself then. anytime it happned i felt i had ruined my day. it took a very long time for me to realize i was not doing anything evil or wrong. oh well thats life to each their own belief. believe ur own i believe my own. end of the day let God alone judge us. by d way i am a born again child of God.lol

  107. Masturbation and immoral thoughts are intertwined. Geez! when you masturbate, your mind does the action. It's like you are physically doing it with a partner, but on your mind. So for those saying it isn't a sin, have a rethink. Be ye transformed (on the outside) by the renewing of your mind...

  108. Chris is simply right, some times people take religion a bit too far, as what you do with your body is your decision. Masturbation is mostly a thing of the mind and it goes a long long way weather one wants to do it or not. besides making it an habit is could be that: the person in question is could be super hyper active or perhaps see a whole lot of uncensored stuff around. And in this world of today i doubt if any one can say he or she had never been once or twice or even more turned on. Masturbation beside that could be a good thing as in most cases its called Self-SEX and making or have a self sex according to research could be one of the safest ways to keep away from sexually transmitted disease.
    On the religious part of Masturbation i just think people or most religious people want to believe its a sin simply because who ever masturbates is either idle and since for the religious ones believe that saying which says "an idle mind is the devil's work shop . The fact for me is that masturbation in no ways is a sin, it's just an habit which is easily created if care is not taken

  109. Na small small clap take de enter dance.......IMO, Pastor Chris is entitled to his opinions and am sure he knows there will be an outrage over his statements about this..... Now where there is a problem is that millions of his followers even under age will start practicing it and they will boldly say that they are right even when masturbation isn't healthy. Secondly anythin he says goes, so tomorrow if he says that homosexuality and lesbianism is ok, just imagine what will happen. He should please be careful so as not to lead his weak minded members to hell.

  110. Blasphemy!!!, I think God is just trying to make him expose himself. It is written in the bible, that in the end times, many shall come n do wonders in my NAME (GOD'S NAME), HEAL THE SICK AND PERFORM MIRACLES BUT ALAS,NOT ALL OF THEM SHALL BE FOR ME.Masturbation is a SIN. and if Mr. OYAKHILOME DOES NOT AGREE, IT ONLY TELLS ME 1 THING...HE'S NOT AS SPIRITUAL AS WE ALL THOUGHT.

  111. You people need to understand where our Pastor Pastor is "cuming" from.

    Masturbation is not a sin as long as you are thinking of holy thoughts while wanking away.

    Following the same logic, grabbing of a woman's breasts while casting and binding in church is no sin as long as you are just thinking of your prayers.

    Peeping at the lady's skirts and panties from the pulpit during sermon is no sin as long as you're concentrating on ministering the word.

    Wanking on top of one of Pastor's daughter (assuming he has one) is no sin as long as all you were doing is telling her bedtime stories.

    You see, it is all in the mind. The man who shot 69 people in Norway the other day may not be guilty because he was not thinking about his actions during the whole time.

    And when next you try to kpai this Pastor, I doubt if he will mind so long as you were thinking and meditating over his last Sunday sermon.

    Wonder shall never end!

  112. Half the commentaries are from people who failed listen and understand what he said! His saying the act of masturbation is not a sin.. but it's when it controls your mind i.e its all you think off and do day in and day out .. Then it becomes a sin...

  113. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2YUaeyditU

  114. Please forget the guy he is just looking for cheap publicity. Its just a shame and a pity for those who follow him blindly and stupidly, as for him he would answer to Him who gave him life one day. I have nothing else to say I have better things to do with my trime than to think of what Chris has to say.....

  115. I can bet all my 72 teeth that 90% of the guys criticizing this pastor all masturbate. it is ussually hypocrites that are too quick to judge the truth. Thanks Pastor Chris for clearing the air. I'm not a xtian but I love you just the way you are

    Laraba Hassan

  116. And now I have found something to like in this man. He is right.

    But then again, anyone who endorses this position is cool in my book. Physician heal thyself and all that, MU-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!


  117. May be this is what Pastor Chris meant as written in 1corinthians6:18 which says FLEE SEXUAL IMMORALITY. EVERY SIN THAT A MAN DOES IS OUTSIDE THE BODY, BUT HE WHO COMMITS SEXUAL IMMORALITY SINS AGAINST HIS OWN BODY.

  118. This man is deluded. He makes out as if as if he knows God. From his so-called teaching to his sloganeering and jerry curls, he has shown without doubt that he is running a huge scam in the name of church. How can masturbation in itself not be sin when sinful thoughts give birth to masturbation? Out of the heart proceeds evil thoughts...the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes...they lead to masturbation!

  119. I think he has a point, however masturbation comes with watching pornography...thats where i'd fault him

  120. well i had a wonderful time reading the comments....i cant judge pst chris, i dont even know the pastoral school he went to. but one thing is sure tho, he interprets the bible his own way. that is what he does! so u can choose to be blinded by his teachings. but God has put his words into our hearts(true believers) when u even think of masturbating, the Holy Spirit in u reminds u its a sin.....BTW dat 9;17pm anonymous u're very STUPID to have said those words about linda, and am sure the generational curses has bn pursuing ur family even before u wer born

  121. pls everyone who loves God and wishes to spend eternity with him should shut his or her minf off the broadcast.
    Stilll strongly believe Pasor Chris is very wrong for making this statement. But what can i say?
    Its good he said it out so we now know histake in it... Then plssss, dear readers. Let he that nameth the name of the lord depart from iniquity.
    Govt is preaching abstinence form sex,why are they doing dat? dis is becos evreyother measures has failed. Then a man of God prepared himslf and came out to tell us dat Masturbation is like evryother habiTS'.
    my brothers and sister, its time to rely on God and His spirit to guide us and direct us to where we can worship Him in spirit and truth...

    END TIME IS HERE........

  122. The Bible spoke against any sexual immorality and this includes masturbation.

    Masturbation does that send you straight to hell. I've masturbated, but I'm not addicted to it. After it, I always feel uncomfortable, then I ask God for forgiveness. But, a friend of mine told me she can masturbate all day while watching porn. That right there, she's enslaved to it. She doesn't see anything wrong with it, and she continues to do it.

    For example, drinking wine is not a sin but being drunk is what is a sin. This is where your logic, self control come in. At the end of the day, we are going to sin, but the most important thing is we are to repent, ask for forgiveness and turn away from it relying on GOD'S GRACE.

    Our natural instinct is, how far can I go? Once you start something, it's easy for it to become part of your life. So, you might as well stay completely away from it, knowing that this will lead to sin/destruction.

  123. Azin!!! Very ludicrous-next will be on Gay and Lesbian,may God help us not to fall.

  124. well...in my own opinion masturbation is not a sin,its even the best way 2 abstain 4rm sex n i bet dose hypocrites in dis blog site do it in their closet so i see no reason they shud be critising 'masturbation'.

  125. he said God is offended by any habit that takes a hold of your mind e.g mastubation, smoking and excessive drinking.If you read your bible smoking was never mentioned but we classify it as a sin now even though its not a sin against God boy your body

  126. So no more message of Salvation left to be preached for the pastor. Heresy has started. By their Fruits we shall know them

  127. Itz Freedom of speech coz we all got right to our own opinion. Only God cannot make mistake, so do what t believe is right & make sure people gain positively 4rm ur wordz. Am out.

  128. Really?! so his logic is that masturbation is not a sin because it's between you and your body. Okay. But isn't your body the temple of God? He needs to find a way to reconcile those two facts otherwise his argument is flawed. And i don't even want to get logical about this because i think deep down, we all know something's not right with masturbation. The Holy Spirit leads us for a reason, so let's not discount that still small voice...

  129. Can this man that called himself Pastor explain to me what the Bible says by acknowledging our body as a Temple of GOD n why/how we can do anything about it?

  130. It may be a sin, but it does not make you a sinner - for you have been saved by the Grace of God - you are free.

    The topic of sin is rarely well understood.

  131. @Anonymous Feb 23 12.17pm, What's with all the cursing?? Is that the Christian way to go?? cos i'm sure u are a Christian. What's the point of cursing people who have something to say about ur post?? SMH!! I seriously doubt ur Christianity but hey...who am i to judge??God help us all to live right by Him and His standards. Amen!!!

  132. Chai Illuminati has entered church o!

  133. Na wa o. Linda, this man is n oracle of God and you dare try to get pple to bad mouth him. I thought you knew better. I know you want to be popular but this is crossing d line. Pastor Chris is sound scripturally and whatever he says is already researched and true. I am a catholic but must be honest.

  134. What that lady wrote to Wendy Williams on Whitney, stands true and same for you. Change Linda!

  135. Linda e be like say I don offend U,abi?abeg na! we write so our comments can be posted!I think it is a sin O....like any other sin. Even if the greatest pastor says its not! Its basic its cld be a habit,a sickness...call it whateva....it is still a sin! It doesn't mean ppl don't do it,or hormones can't cause U to do it.Its basic,its pleasure for matrimonial bed.but trust me,masturbation is more rampant than sex and as natural as lying and fantasising is. So U'll av to ask for grace to battle it. For a saint is justa sinner who fell down n got up!-DY

  136. The guy that ejaculated on the floor in the bible did it because he did not want to perpetuate the lineage of his older brother that died, that is the sin. In those days when a brother dies without a child, the younger brother is to marry the wife so the lineage of the dead brother continues because the world was still in dire need of people to populate it, not the way it is now that we are overpopulated. Masturbation should not be a sin especially when it is done to relieve the body of its excesses. One can masturbate without thinking of lustful thoughts. I say masturbation is better than sleeping around with different people. It is quick, it is efficient and it gets the job done. No regrets in the morning, no pregnancies and definitely no STDs. This has a lot to do with religion and and what we have been told about masturbation. If you need porn or lustful thoughts/imaginations to masturbate then perhaps that is where you need to check yourself and should train your mind to not wander into lustful imaginations. Wouldnt it be better if all the pastors in the catholic church and many churches that goes around molesting kids masturbate? Since there is no clarification in the bible about this, I say as with everything else, do it in moderation. Use it to relieve the body so you can be alert and so that your mind is not clogged with lustful thoughts. Pastor Chris could have done better with why he thinks it is not a sin. Masturbation is proven to be good for one's state of well being. If it becomes a thing that dominates your mind like the pastor said, then check yourself. Isnt it better than what they say some
    college kids are doing nowadays by letting people have anal sex with them because they dont want to lose their virginity but in the process acquire all kinds of diseases. SMH at people that debunk this but would go around sleeping with different people just to relieve themselves. Besides, there are people in marriages that are not able to reach orgasm and still have to masturbate in the presence of their husbands,is that a sin? Puhleeze.

  137. Majority of u ere av no sense....d one dt has a shop is d biggest fool ere cos he's speakin off point. Nigerians r sumfn else....was dt nt ow sum pple wea insultin all pastors dt have schools and sayin ow they are usin tithes and offerings to build schools,do ur part and leave d rest.as xtians,u shudnt b caught in dis type of gist.....

  138. i understand where pastor hris is coming from.

    he has been seperated from his wife for like ever. he lives in Nigeria while she operates from the UK.

    we have a way of justifying the wrong we do......

    Maybe he wanks?

  139. Masturbation is a sin against your own body, which is a sin against God the creator of that body!!! This isn't rocket science or philosophy, that's what the bible says. Anyone sinning against his body is sinning against God- 1cor 6:18

  140. ALL OF UNA WEY DEY HERE ARE ALL MASTURBATERS!!!!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  141. @Anonymous 1.41pm. I agree with ur perspective. Ur comment is the most rational, sane & objective response on this post. It's time Christians in Nigeria get back 2d Bible and stop idolising & worshiping Pastors/Bishops/Prophets! The Bible is the Hallmark & standard of our faith,not the words of any living person-including myself.

  142. OMG, i cant believe this is said by a PASTOR..........Wahala Dey oo

  143. OMG, I cant believe a PASTOR said this...Wahala Dey oooo.
    But for me he does not have the right to say that because He Is Not God....Abi????????

  144. Everyone who has accused Pastor wrongly I pray God to forgive you. Most of You have not even watched the video. I met someone on Friday and he was among those critizin him then I asked him one question if he has watched the video, his reply was no. That is the same with 99% of u. Learn to listen more, slow to speak and slow to wrath. God bless u all.

  145. February 25, 2012 4:46 PM U JUST SPOKE MY MIND,GOD BLESS JARE

  146. NOW this rigght here is why NIGERIANS are some f*cked up individuals .. we have to many dullards in this country who unfortunately have internet access and have seemed to mastered the QWERTY keyboard to post JUNK!

    but seriously are you guys deaf or what? did you really hear him say it's alright to masturbate?did you even watch the video b4 displaying ur stupidity ?PITIFUL LOT YOU ALL ARE.

    AND I BET YOU 99.99998%OF THOSE AGAINST THIS PST CHRIS VIDEO HAVE MASTURBATED OR HAVE ENGAGED IN PRE-MARTIAL SEX,how then do justify your having sex b4 marriage to God???
    ??until then... BLOODY HYPOCRITES


  148. Hmmm, save the front seat for me Chirs...I see myself wanking on Sunday service and shooting all that load up your face LMAO. Seriously I'm suspecting your sexuality.


  150. He says "masturbation is a thing of u & ur body" which is true but then there's the bible says "our body is the temple of God." So what is his point exactly...HE'S TOTALLY WRONG!!!

  151. ''in the last days knowledge will increase and many will be lovers of themselves'' my bible say so.watch ur back and try to scrutinize all what u hear from any MOG,relate it with ur bible and choose what u blieve in.Tanx to God i dont av a role model but jesus is my standard.

  152. ''in the last days knowledge will increase and many will be lovers of themselves'' my bible say so.watch ur back and try to scrutinize all what u hear from any MOG,relate it with ur bible and choose what u blieve in.Tanx to God i dont av a role model but jesus is my standard.

  153. for all those 'virgins' who claimed wanking enabled them to stay virgins till their wedding nites, i have got news for u. i am 31, still a virgin and i have never in my life wanked myself! it is disgusting! masturbation is a sin. dat u wank yourself doesnt make it better. dat is the point 'pastor Chris' has to get instead of excusing his lack of self discipline! Mscheeeeeeeew!

  154. the guy actually makes sense about when it dominates your mind. he was only trying to explain where the bible says nothing can separate us from the love of God. it's only people with deep understanding that can understand his angle. i dont attend his church but i understand what he is trying to say. let us not twist his words...

  155. I wanna touch upon the question did Jesus masturbate. The word implies doing something with hand, and technically most likely He did not, for various reasons of moral character and customs. But then, how He would ejaculate His semen? Being fully Man incarnate (1 John) he must have all male physicality as well. We are warned we should not deny He came into flesh because whoever denies it, has the spirit of the antichrist - that's what John tells us.

    Having in mind that Jesus had semen that should be ejaculated, the possibilities remain: wet dreams or prostration prayer. The first is out of question since it is a natural process. The second, the prostration prayer, is a very common form of prayer in the Bible. Read for example Joshua 7:6. Joshua, together with all men, prostrated for HOURS, with first tearing their clothes on the chests. Both the tearing and the prostration appear to be a part of a solemn prayer practiced in special moments. If you get into that position for long, you will eventually ejaculate. What is described on many occasions of the most prominent people is likely to be done by everyone. Furthermore, the Gospel says several times that Jesus prayed the whole night, and in Gethsemane garden, Matthew 26:39 "And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed". So Jesus prayed in prostration, recorded in the Gospel. That explains it all.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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