Janet Hubert blasts Wendy Williams over Whitney comments | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 23 February 2012

Janet Hubert blasts Wendy Williams over Whitney comments

You rememeber Aunt Viv from Fresh Prince of Bel Air? That's Janet Hubert and she obviously wasn't impressed with Wendy's heartfelt goodbye to Whitney Houston on her show last week.

In an open letter to Wendy, Janet calls her one of Whitney Houston's main tormentors and calls her a hypocrite. Drama! You must read o! :-)
Dear Wendy,

This past weekend was a very difficult time for so many of us.
Though I never knew Whitney Houston, I felt a profound sense of loss and sadness. On Sunday morning I took my dog for a walk in the park across the street and still could not shake the sadness I felt. I wondered if what I was feeling was perhaps related to losing my mother and brother this past year, but then I thought no, it was something else.
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I watched the funeral service with the rest of the world, and cried time and time again with each story that was told. I felt like I knew more about this amazing woman than ever before. We all watched her as a little girl, center stage, singing like a bird, she was destined for superstardom. To watch her center stage full circle in death was a feeling no mother should ever have to feel. I applaud Ms. Warwick, the pastor, and all others who formed a police line of love and protection around her that was impenetrable only to those who really knew her. We, the public accepted their decision to keep it private, but they allowed us to witness her Home Going ceremony, I don’t know if I could have been so gracious. WE felt like we knew her and we knew nothing about her except what we read and hear from people like you and other media outlets. I listened to her interview with you and was compelled to say out loud. “Go on Whitney tell her like it is,” when you pried into her life back then. I had my son in the same year as Ms. Houston; we did Ebony Magazine that same year, she introducing her baby girl and me my son. I am trying to be dignified, but here goes.

The Internet has become somewhat like the 10 commandments, and this is why… whatever is posted or commented on… is forever written in stone. Neither I nor anybody can stop anyone from making up stories, reviews, lies etc, cutting and pasting whatever they decide to put together like a bad buffet breakfast.

I have had some horrible meals shoved down my throat on the web that I had no parts of.

I still have a bad taste in my mouth from a recent cut and paste meal from your beloved TMZ (THE MUDSLINGING ZONE). I believe you said once “If you heard it on TMZ then it must be true,” really Wendy?

The Internet is indeed the information highway, but it can also be “a Forum of Hate.”

You said that morning with tears in your eyes, that you would not discuss Whitney any further, but you crucified her the whole time she was alive, as you do so many people on your show. I want to ask you why? What do you get out of this besides money?

How do you sleep at night knowing that you are one of the biggest bullies in the world disguised as HOT TOPICS? Celebrities are not topics we are people, just like everyone else, we hurt and we hear and we bleed real blood, not fake blood, just as you do.

How do we as parents teach our children to honor each other, treat each other with kindness when all they see are images of people like you who condone and promote meanness, rude reality TV stars, and your opinion as you berate world renowned people like Janet Jackson, Gwyneth Paltrow, and others you slam on a daily basis.
I keep asking myself why no one is saying anything about this. What the hell are they afraid of? Where are my sisters out there who feel as I do?

Well Wendy, I try to teach my son to stand up, shout, and scream when there is injustice. Yeah yeah, I know, I have been screaming for years and will continue to do so as long as there are images that depict black women as neck shaking, over bearing women who can’t get along.

A sister, a mother, a daughter, a star, left this world way too early; she was loved by the world. The world mourned, I don’t think that we needed you to try and take down another brilliant sister on that following Monday morning. (Your rude comments about Janet Jackson)

You started right back up without hesitation or pause… you need to stop Wendy. We need to stop, and the world needs to stop. I need to stop as well. There will be no more quotes from me to be misquoted. We need to join together, wrap our arms around our children, everybody’s children. Remember you have a child who will suffer every slingshot and arrow that gets thrown back at you Wendy; our public lives greatly affect our children.

I know I am going to suffer some arrows for writing this letter to you, I know you are loved by many, but remember this Wendy; they love you when you are up and they love to take you down. You will not always be up, you will not always be on the A list and attend all the parties. Ride the wave sister girl, but make sure you know how to swim when the ride is over. Artists are survivors, we work hard to build our crafts and careers and I ask that you simply remember that in the future.

I’m just sayin’ it like l mean it too.
Janet Hubert
Wendy and Whitney's infamous 2003 interview below...


  1. too many talk on d late whitney..

  2. This Wendy and her broad shoulders like bricklayers..silly cow made her name by castgating Whitney..enjoy whilst it lasts!!

  3. Wendy can Just shut her wide mouth. When she talked about her cutting her mother's budget I wanted rto smack her dirty mouth. She is a cow. RIP Whitney. Loved how she defended herself against that loud bully.

  4. Am a big fan of the wendy show,but seriously sometimes i feel the HOT TOPIC segment goes too far & too harsh on celebs. But what do you know,thats y its called showbiz!

  5. Puff Daddy HATES Wendy. She is a gossiper but thats how she makes her money. You can't really hate her for that. Jayz made his millions by calling Black women BITCHES for years..... So good for the goose is also good for the gander.

  6. Whitney went hard on this interview, obvious these two didn't like eachother.. and Wendy is crying on her show bout Whitney's death.. Na wah oh

  7. Linda ikrja take a good glue from this write up ... I hope u will b humble enough to post this ... It's just me u n God that knows I post this still u post my comment

  8. They're both attention seekers.

  9. Diz is sooooo touching! Waz almost in tears.

  10. Wendy is a fool and anybody that watches her show is equally stupid. she was almost put out of business when she went up against puff Daddy. She also messed with some other rap artistes in the past and she was put in her place.she is just an unintelligent person put in business by unintelligent viewers..... @ anonymous 7:17pm . your comment is the most unintelligent comment i have read in a long time. who told you JayZ made his millions or sold records by calling black women bitches? do you listen to his song at all? please stop talking from ur a$$!

    1. Bricks u get bad mouth sha!

      What's with all the abuse,who offended u!

      Na wa oh!

  11. Wendy Williams is so ugly and hateful....... just a bully under all those wigs. She needs to shutup

  12. if you were also as ugly as Wendy you would be as hateful.

  13. ONOME says.................
    To be a celebrity is not easy sha what with all the microscopic viewing of every minute detail of your life;but this is what celebrity life is all about:the good,the bad and the downright ugly.......... Several other people in the world died that same day but Whitney's death sure carried much more recognition than them:why:so obvious;she was a celebrity;GOLDFISH HAVE NO HIDING PLACE.
    I like what Janet said"our public lives affect our children;i guess this rings all too true in the case of Bobbi Kristina.
    RIP Whitney,no matter how bad you slipped;no matter how much the drugs took over,your songs touched me.I pray God comforts your family and friends;most especially your mom and daughter.
    And I guess its about time the media become a bit more "gentle" with the celebrities:it really does get to them####

  14. I agree with some of the stuff she says but dang! So many (specific) Wendy quotes tell me she religiously watches the show...Could someone be enjoying Hot Topics? Just saying.

  15. Everybody should leave wendy alone,when you sign up to b α celebrity,you should know you have signed up to use both ur talents and ur life as an entertainment to others and you make α lot of money out of it so why complain,if you are α celeb and no one is saying anything about you good or bad that means pple я done with you and the cash starts declining dts why most of them start reality shows just to b relevant, so why are these people complaining? This is the prize for fame and fortune. Wendy is α hustler and trying to make some change off dissing whitney doesn't mean shez not human like the rest of us to feel grief when her life was cut short @ such α young age...dissing whitney was all business for wendy and nothing personal...if you want ur privacy and you have thought about ur kids future sanity you wld run far from α camera! Simples

  16. I honestly dont tink wendy wud turn a new leaf. She gotta do her job. Its pathetic dis is d price celebrities pay for fame. She aint d only culprit. Journalist and bloggers do write and post articles lacking in substantial research only to issue rebuttal and apologies afterwards. My advice to Wendy and co is simple: Do unto others as u would want em do to u!

  17. @Str8 From.. Wendy made her name by castigating Whitney?

    Do you even know anything about Wendy? Obviously you don't so why not just STFU.

  18. Puff Daddy nearly put Wendy out of business? I take it that some just write for writting sake.

    I've known Wendy for over a decade, and I can say you don't know what you're talking about.

    Out of business ko, inside business ni.

  19. Take a look in the mirror Linda, they are talking about you. You will not post my stuff as usual but hey, bow for entertainers cos they made it possible for you

  20. Omo the story long die *Yawns*

  21. Linda I know all ur foulmouthed readers would kill me if I say this but I think there is a lesson to learn from this. I am a fan of wendy and all this time wendy had always made bad jokes about houston until her death. her tears looked fake to me;it didn't cross my tv .publicity! dear linda, I really love ur blog but pls ease a bit on making other people look bad. Remember those orange twins in blue you posted; what if they commited suicide after reading all the insultive comments from lib fans.and because we don't know the people we blog about, we all assume they are emotionally balanced. Would you post up an apologetic video, then, would you be like wendy.

    1. But she said they looked beautiful tho! Aren't u d problem here?! D one who assumes and assumes .. Aren't u d one thinking linda had a bad plan! When in honest fact she could have subjectively admired those twins..y assume d negative ! Why !! ?? Its not like linda insulted them ...

  22. i dont why everyone takes wendy so seriously... cos i think she's as fake as her plasticised ugly face.

  23. Whitney sounded like she was not totally together in that interview...

    It is sad to see a great human being die that early but the truth is that it was no surprise. She brought it upon herself, just like Amy Winehouse and countless others... Drugs will ruin and kill you far before your time. The sooner these celebrities learn this, the better for them..

  24. But why is Janet Hubert joining herselves with the celebrities? Really are we seeking relevance by using Whitney's death to further our "I gasta be big" agendas?

    Celebrities need the media machine to make a living, a huge part of that media machine is the gossip. So in as much as we regular people couldn't imagine these things being exposed about us, celebs court the coverage. So in as much Wendy might seem evil in this old interview, Whitney's camp who was always present didn't stop it because they understand it's part of the celebrity game.

    Aunt Viv be quiet

  25. i just don't like her. i lack words to describe her as a person. i hate her show.

  26. Com'on guyz, Wendy aint no Opra....she sayz it as it is, little wonder she's got lots of enemies amongst celebrities. Reminds me of MC's line about Wendy's vicious and Nosy styled interviews: "coz they be all up in my biznes like a wendy interview". .lol. .like seriously, aint that what the audience wants? Let's stop acting all holier than thou, it is a frigging no-holds-bar interview, I am sure the Celebs that submitted themselves for their interviews knew beforehand that she is unorthodox in her method and style of interview. Like seriously, why will I sit to interview a celeb without prying into every sleazy details of her private indulgence and affairs? May be Wendy does it without finesse and the classy refinement of Opera Winfrey but again, they all knew she was vicious and unrefined. Dem for turn down the interview offer na...why blame the shitman for your shit???

  27. this wendy williams is very silly ohhhh....what kind of questions are those....jane hubert im with you on this 1

  28. @bricks, well said..@anonymous 7:17 pm, ur'jst an Hediot! when did start listening to Jay Z? Peopleloike u listen to the back of songs and come here talkn trash.. Hediot!


  30. I love how whitney responded with "y'all keep me in the headlines" which is so true. Wendy Williams sounded like a floundering idiot on that interview, asking the most stupid questions. Whitney tried sef, if it was me i would av cussed her out and gung up since.

  31. OMG!!! I mean i love Wendy Williams but Whitney sure did give it to her 2 pounds for 1. I mean she was so prepared for the interview and I love how she defended herself and her family while still being polite.

    The interview made me love Whitney even more....RIP

  32. Wendy was harsh on Whitney for years, at least 80% of her radio show in NYC was dedicated to making fun of Whitney. Go to youtube and find out when Whitney called her and gave it to her - Whitney was like "Wendy dont talk to me like am a child I am not your child" Whitney had had enough and just gave it to Wendy real good - its on you tube. I HATE WENDY - no wonder Omorasa whom she got in with on her radio show one day told her off and said "Wendy You got a face for Radio - not TV" LOL LOL

    You think she is worse on tv - she was triple horrible and worse on radio for many many years.

  33. wendy is kinda like linda ikeji - they gossip about ppl to make money. I am sure they can both relate

    Both Trannies

    1. WOW ur such a bitter and hateful person u better go and get medication!

  34. At last a celebrity defends its people,Good one Janet they should hear more truths about celebs.

  35. I have neva really liked dis Wendy lady...I just change d channel wheneva I see her

  36. Wendy is a witch, she's fake, she needs to take her nonsense controversy self somewhere else... Respect is reciprocal, being sneaking, cunning,an hypocrite might take u there but won't keep u there for long! Wendy,ur so dump and misplace... Peace out.. Bonny chic!

  37. Read it on eurweb.com, she couln't have said it better.
    I even watch the wendy show by mistake and I thought what a stupid hypocrite.
    Showbiz doesn't mean you should kill someone with your mouth while they are still alive.
    This goes to others that Whitney called friends and family, they should have step in and help this woman in the time of trouble.

    What a shame.

  38. Linda take note, this letter was for u, u r no diffent from the person she described in this letter. who uses her blog to tarnish others. if u like dont post this comment. the truth is bitter

  39. But people comparing Linda to Wendy here. Are they really similar like that? I dont think so. All i know she does is to give the news and withold her opinion. It's commenters like you and i that will then proceed to tear these people into pieces. So maybe it we the readers that needs to moderate our hate for these so called celebrities

  40. @Anon Feb 11:52

    Silly cow..how would i know!!..I obviously don't cos I don't spend hours watching and following such drivel like you do..as you find it convenient to come on here and defend her..get ur phat azz off the sofa and get an education..
    For the record she was just another Radio Jockey..and Whitney was her claim to fame..ode!!

  41. and this goes to all of you that have thrown mud at beyonce.she is human.she bleeds and she hurts.so before you say something about others that you dont even know their rmiddle names,please take time out to think.

  42. From Radio DJ and then BET, she has been like this. Always talking evil of people. I remember when she messed with Will Smith's family and then Diddy and they both put her in her place.
    I completely lost all respect for her when she licked Method Man's wife cancer sickness on her radio show when the family was still trying to cope with the sad situation and keeping the sickness away from public domain.
    She hurts people just for her own gain, very sad! I am shocked that BET allowed her to air such vile of a progamme. She belongs to E! News and all shallow minded people that watch such crap.

  43. No wonder..Kola Boof slapped her! Wendy is such a hypocrite...seriously why crying over Whitney's death after all she's done to her?


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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