'Beauty, Brains And Talent' - By Stella Damasus | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 23 February 2012

'Beauty, Brains And Talent' - By Stella Damasus

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 5pm and I still had one more homework to finish with my 9-year-old daughter. My phone rang a few times and as I saw the name of the caller, I didn’t pick it up.

My daughter noticed my constant glances at the clock and said to me “mummy you can go you know. It’s Friday and I don’t have to submit this in school till Monday”.

I really didn’t want to leave the house but she went into my room and brought the invitation card to me. “Mummy you have to go because this person has been calling for this event for the past one month.” I took the invitation card from her and looked at it again; it was for a movie premiere and a lot of hype had been done about this movie. It was the rave of the moment and everyone who mattered in showbiz was going to be at this movie premiere. Well, everyone but me.

“Mummy I know that look. You have to be there”. So I jumped in the shower, looked through my wardrobe and got the first thing that my hands could grab. A simple but beautiful dress…comfortable for the evening.
As I arrived at the Silverbird Galleria on Victoria Island, the car park was jam-packed and my driver had issues with parking. “This movie must be amazing,” I thought to myself. As I stepped into the atrium at the galleria, I was greeted by a swarm of pressmen. Flashing cameras, microphones and more questions than my brain could process were coming at me like bullets. The red carpet was packed as I saw colleagues, good friends, not-so-good friends, producers and ‘everybody’ looking like a million dollars. “I must have stumbled onto the red carpet at the Oscars,” I thought.
In my normal tradition, I tried to avoid the red carpet because my mission was to come and see a good film. I didn’t come for paparazzi drama. I tried to make my way upstairs to the cinema hall but the producer grabbed me by the hand, and informed me that the movie wouldn’t start showing for another two hours!
“Two hours?!”, I exclaimed. What was I going to be doing standing around for another two hours? Quietly, I walked into an adjoining door that led to a store. I chose to rest my legs there till the event would start. From where I was seated I could see the entire red carpet and the activities happening.
I saw movie stars all ‘glammed up’. Those who were not noticed by the paparazzi did everything they could to get the attention of the press. Someone even caused a scene as she was upset she was ignored by a photographer from Ovation Magazine. How bizarre! My mind began to wonder as I saw actresses dressed in $2,000 clothes and carrying $3,000 Louis Vouitton bags. I wondered to myself, “I hope her mother does not live in a rented apartment while she is carrying that bag o.”
The truth is, this is now the norm in the entertainment industry. People try so hard to live the glamorous life, thus struggling on a daily basis to maintain the high life. Entertainers in Nigeria today now want to live like our American counterparts who obviously earn more money and have a better structured system where they are paid royalties. A system where credit facilities are available, such that you can drive a $100,000 car without having to pay the full cash for the ride. Why would a Nollywood actress choose to buy the same dress that Angelina Jolie wore to the Oscars when Angelina earns a whopping $20 million per movie and she earns about N800,000? Besides, Angelina did not even pay for the dress and jewelry because a certain designer just made it available for her to use for the event in return for publicity and brand association.
In a bid to stay ahead of our colleague and be the ones to shine, most entertainers will give an arm and a leg to adorn the latest clothes, shoes and jewelry. They take tons of pictures and Blackberry and Twitter are the quickest ways to promote their new outfits or show the world that they attended certain events. They live for the glam life with little or no focus on their craft.
At 8:30 p.m., I started making my way into the hall that the film was going to be screened. As I made my way through the crowd, I noticed that the red carpet was still crowded and the movie was scheduled to start in a few minutes. I entered the hall and it was quite scanty because the people who were meant to see the movie were still on the red carpet…including the producer and the cast of the film. That was rather disappointing but at least I had time to get a great seat for the best view in the room.
Seventeen minutes later, the hall was packed as the cinema management insisted that they would shut down at a certain time, irrespective of when the movie started screening, so the producers and their guests were forced to come into the hall for the show to start. Hmmm….finally, the movie started (without us hearing a word from the producer, director or executive producer). Fifteen minutes into the film, I was still wondering “what the hell was going on with these filmmakers?” The acting was horrible, cinematography was crappy, the plot was equivalent to watching a snail in the NASCAR race and the actors were speaking such poor English in their bid to sound foreign (mind you, the movie had nothing to do with anyone that lived in the US and returned home to Africa).
You could tell from the response and silent whispers from the audience that they all felt the movie was absolute crap and a total waste of their time. Slowly, people started to make their way out of the cinema just 20 minutes into the movie. That did not come as a surprise to me because I was tempted to get up a million times but I really wanted to see where the movie was heading because as a filmmaker too, I know that some plots take a while to pick up but this one was taking a fast downward spiral into the disaster zone. The story line was weak and extremely porous. The actors that I just saw on the red carpet showcasing all the expensive dresses and jewelry proved that they were made for the red carpet and not the big screen. What a downer!!
If the producers had put half the effort they put into the planning, coordination, glamour and attention to detail of the red carpet into the actual film itself, this movie would have cleared a minimum of 5 Awards at the Africa Movie Academy Awards.
Compared to how showbiz was in Nigeria in the 80s and 90s, entertainment in Nigeria today has been extremely polluted with negative lyrics. Movies now celebrate obscenity with total and absolute disregard for the moral values we hold dear and sacred in this part of the world. Entertainers are more concerned about the size of their bank accounts and how they look in front of the cameras for the paparazzi. Nobody cares if they are having a positive impact on their fans and generations yet unborn.
These days, celebrities have made it a norm to celebrate their birthdays in orphanages. They make a media event out of it and make the world believe that they really care. The question is, before and after the parties, do they ever stop by these orphanages to find out how they can help improve the lives of these kids. How have they given back to the society or helped people who genuinely have problems that need to be solved.
We grew up listening to songs by Onyeka Onwenu, Ebenezer Obey, King Sunny Ade and these people had songs that taught moral lessons and remained ever green in our hearts. Before the era of home videos in Nigeria, we saw plays on stage that made us go home in deep thoughts of how we should affect our communities.
I want to give a shout out to a man like Ali Baba who has helped raise a generation of comedians in the entertainment industry in Nigeria. 80% of the comedians in Nigeria today, at one point or the other, either lived in his house or got assistance from him in anyway, shape or form.
Another shout out to Richard Mofe Damijo who took it upon himself to change the lives of people from Warri by creating a platform for them to showcase their talents with the “Made in Warri” series.
A few minutes to the end of the film, I slowly made my way out of the now “half empty” hall. The red carpet that was packed early was now as deserted as a haunted house. As I sat in the back seat of the car on my way home, I was full of regrets because I could have stayed home to be with my family. Instead I had to endure the torture of seeing one of the most horrible films ever.
What do I want to be remembered for? The Prada shoes, Gucci Bags and glamorous red carpet photographs…..or my service to humanity and the number of people I have affected positively. I want to be remembered as the woman who used her talent to affect her generation positively? The woman with beauty, brains and a whole lot of talent that was put to good use.


Anonymous said...

Every tin she said is d truth.
But one question, is he not among dem?? Tomatoes, Tometoes... na same same.

Dis one go bring critics oo. I swear!!

Anonymous said...

i love this lady, may the good Lord continue to strengthen, uplift and upgrade you to higher and better grounds. you would forever be an inspiration to me

Anonymous said...

Good sermon

laolu said...

Now this was worth reading! When I see people like this I smile because I know we still have hope!

Anonymous said...

This article is so on point, I am speechless. Thank you Stella for this.

SOLA said...

hmmmmm... A time of (sober)reflection I guess... comes to us all.

afsheen atique said...

i am really moved to read your article. to tell you the truth almost all the world's film industry are having same problems. we here in pakistan have same scenes dirt valiance worst story line and worst acting you could find is here in our films also. hope that these film people correct this and we all could see some thing real called talent

Anonymous said...

Hurray!! Its story time with aunty stealla sorry stella!! Mtchee.........w. Gbenga

Steve-Obi Maureen O. said...

this is indeed a great write-up. am so proud of Stella and all she wrote is factual. May God help us as we try to touch the lives of people positively, no matter how small.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Very deep but i knw some peeps will come here and insult her.

Anonymous said...

Truth is bitter Stel,wait for LIB to eat u up but at the end of the day you have passed your meessage!Shikena!

*Will be right back wth my popcorn*


Anonymous said...

Great write up and deep thinking from a wonderful observer. I hope your colleagues in the industry will read this and look inwards because a majority of them need to get real,go after the essence and not just the glamour.

Anonymous said...

Splendid.. Clap 4 yaself

Anonymous said...

wow!...impressive post. i hope she does practice what she preaches though.

TWE 🙌🏽 said...

nice piece aunt Stella but its sad that a lot of people will not get the message you are trying to pass on but rather they will attack you like ferocious animals.......starting from this blog.

you sure did hit the nail in the head concerning the lives we live on the red carpet, media and public. its really sad how far we all go to prove what we aren't and its sadder how some people believe its better to die trying.

the upcoming artistes of the entire entertainment industry don't give a hoot about morals, am sorry to say this but its obvious in their musical videos and roles they take up in acting. its now on every lips that the Ghanian industry sells pornography in all of its entertainment.

i prefer to admire than envy any one of them both national and int'l ....... that's my piece.

Anonymous said...

what with the epistle? how does this demonstrate beauty and brains???? i know if stella had dat kind of money she would blow it to show off too, thats how they all are in the industry. What with this fake PR to make her look like a responsible mother? kmt. is it now he remembers she should be doing homework with her daughter? When she was banging RMD a married man and chasing different different men around hotels she didnt not bring out an apistle then o. All what she has said is not news but for her to condem the rest as if she is different is a joke. She is a horrible liar.


Anonymous said...

I've always loved this lady....she just gave me another reason to!!!!

Anonymous said...

well! Aunty Stella u have said ur own, truth be told we all know how annoying most of these new Asaba actors can get, but i must say u sounded like a bitter person in ur article, u just made it known to us how sad u feel ur time has come and gone, i still remember clearly in ur days of glory d stories i read about u, just as we are reading d stories of those people u refer to as Angelina wanna be... sorry! stop crying and move on, na so life be, turn by turn. KAPISH?

Anonymous said...

beauty and brains are never enough. I am sure you would never want to be remembered, as the flippant who cared less about her husband's death, got remarried so soon and divorced so quickly and began gallivanting with a junior lapdog in no time!

Anonymous said...

Awesome content! Good to know that some pple can see beyond all these fake "Nollywood" people. Emulating Hollywood???? Una never begin! Kudos to Stella for this write up.

Anonymous said...


Immanuel Odeyemi said...

This is thought provoking to say the least...

Anonymous said...

paragraphs exist for a reason,Linda

Anonymous said...

wooow 100% right..

Misseducationofyinyin said...

Preach Stella, PREACH!!!! one love.!

kcee said...

Abeg tell them ooo !!!. All those wannabes.Thats why after some years you hear so so person is just struggling to survive. They don't know that all fingers are not equal. Sow your cloth according to your size.

Anonymous said...

Good talk Stella, may God bless u for bringing this on. This is like telling yourself the truth. We all know how producers are doing a 'wishy-whasy'kind of movies these days inorder to make quick money, not to talk of half-baked celebreties who want to be seen at all cost even when they cannot deliver. Its the life of u pple, and its going from bad to worst these days, bad English, fake life style and poor delivery is all we get. What is the way 4wrd??????????

sakara said...

when is this book coming out? or its one of those 'life as a celeb' think u already v all that - beauty, can sing, can write, a mother....kudos

Kenneth said...

This is a lovely piece Linda.

wale said...

Linda, wherever u may have dug this up, kudos to you! A brilliantly well done job!
I'm so happy that someone out there still has it in her. I couldnt help but finish the whole story, well articulated and structured! Every line with informed message!
I wish others would take cue from this lady and make us proud rather than mess around!
Nice job Linda,
Thank u stella.

Anonymous said...

i love this.

Anonymous said...


Payme said...

Enjoyed reading this and she is spot on!

Support http://payme-my2cents.blogspot.com please :)

Anonymous said...

Moral of the story please? i know all these happen but what is your point exactly? you have done better? i dont understand..

Anonymous said...

I know she will come across as a "hater" to some people but she has said basically what most of us think about but don't say. The entertainment industry in naija is growing in quantity but not quality. When was the last time we got nominated for best foreign film in the developed film industries. Meanwhile S.A doesn't produce as many movies but constantly get nominated in these awards coz the acting and content of their movies is superb. For instance i recently read about a South African movie called "Life Above All"which has been nominated for several awards and featured an unknown 15yr old actress who is now being offered roles outside their country. How will Tonto replace Joke Silva or Jim Iyke replace Olu Jacobs? There are few good actors and they aren't being celebrated.

Damilola said...

9ce observation. I hope this will sink into the heads of movie producers. The Nollywood industry would have gone farther than where it is now but considering our imitation of the westernized world we have come to ignore our culture which would have been a gr8 selling point 4 d industry. Bollywood is celebrated worldwide becos Indians have bin able to sell their culture. They wont wear westernized designer dresses or foreign bags and shoes to their own red carpet but their Saries and lovely slippers which further sells their culture which is unique and gvs them an identity. I cant wait 4 d day we get to see out Nollywood actors dress in beautiful african prints on the red carpet, its high time we make a change.

Ocharlyie said...

The Piece was great Stella -- Impressed!1 and the message is clear-we need to bring back excellence to our screens. and Linda- U rock!!

Luciano said...

very deep. All them celebrities should read this. life is more than prada, gucci and ugly photo shoots.

Anonymous said...

wow! i'm speechless.

Anonymous said...

i like and i agree....but the woman don do some yeye movies tooo. make she no hammer them too much

Dee said...

Lmao!! You're better than a few, I'll give you that but don't get carried away, love. As for the others, continue displaying your "talents" or lack of. I rate their confidence. Lord knows if I was in those movies I would have to hide my head in shame.

Anonymous said...

Great thinking frm a woman of substance. Wish most ladies embrace ur path.

smiles said...

God bless u ma'am. May u see things better than u already do and may God give u grace to do all that he has proposed for u to do in Jesus' name, Amen. keep being a blessing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lovely piece, pls tell them!

Anonymous said...

Omg! God bless you, Stella! you took the words right out of my mouth...

This piece captures the Nigerian entertainment scene in its entirety and the clowns that are caught up in the fake life.

Those who have ears, let them hear...

Anonymous said...

Mind Blowing.

Anonymous said...

Great article, good write up. She's really got the brains, beauty and talent.

Anonymous said...


Atobatele said...

What a word.. I just love it when a piece touches me personally.You are an intelligent woman. I doff my cap for you Ma'am. She has said it all, absolutely correct.

Abiloye Tolulope said...

I love this, the life God gives you is not just for yourself but to help humanity and make impact because you will give account when the time comes.

Aisha said...

i love it!

Anonymous said...

I salute you ..Stella .. Amazing piece..100% truth

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, simply beauyiful

costello said...

Deep thinking as against the vain people we see these days on the screen. God Bless you!!! But will they read..... or listen.... What a waste!!!!!

lolo uno said...

shhhiiiooorrrrrr kettle calling pot blackkkkk

techygirlsonline said...

wow !!! Word !!! plz tell them !!!

Anonymous said...

ok we have heard,,,,another attention seekin piece i must say.....next

Sharon E said...

Good one Stella cheers

Sharon E said...

Good one Stella cheers

Anonymous said...

Talk abt being beautiful. No cosmetics surgery, no botox injections and no private chef, trainer or diet specialist. She's a natural but I don't know wots up wit u and RMD

Anonymous said...

I've got mad respect for dis woman, she just wrote how I feel bout stardom... Gos bless you stella. I wish ur colleagues cud see tins d way you do. Ricky.

Anonymous said...

Well said and about time!

Anonymous said...

Too long can some1 pls summarise wat she is saying?

YukiMarshal said...

Best piece I have read from a nollywood star in a while.. They just wanna cash the cheques & look glamorous,they dnt take out time to read the scripts & see how it reflects on their personalities. Lemme not even get myself started. Mschewww!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, you indeed are a beauty with lots of brain power. Damasus.

Anonymous said...

True talk! We copy everything we see on the surface trying to be someone else and displeasing ourselves.

Anonymous said...

nice write-up stella. makes a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

wow!...stellz dats an awesome piece

ayodeji olaide said...

This į̸̸̨ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ touching and true , what do we wish to βε̲̣ remember ƒσя, i feel U̶̲̥̅̊ stella ,pls tell them.

mariam said...

keep it up girl...respect for you,hope other artist will read this piece and get their priorities right but i doubt it anyway.

Anonymous said...

lovely write up... nollywood is now a place to show how "rich" you are... mumu people. especialy tontolet and co.

Anonymous said...

I just love this woman!!

Its a shame that as Nigerians we are slowly loosing our identity. We are forgetting who we are and where we come from. I too have noticed the trend of visiting orphanages on birthdays, valentine's day etc and making it headline news (it really questions ones motives). I also have noticed how everyone and their mama is starting an NGO just because their counterparts have done so(SMH)God help us!

Anyway, lovely write up. Very well said Stella

Anonymous said...

after reading this write up ...the bad impression shaped mainly from tabloids and hearsay has changed.God bless you my dear stella and guide you and yours as you make a change in this country

frank uche said...

Hi Stella Nwannem Nwanyi, u've said it all. A word for the wise. U're always a role model. Remembering all d travails u went thru'after d demise of ur late Ex. May God Almighty continue to guide & guard u 4 ever. You're darling. Frank Uche.

bbakre said...

Well said Stella. Well said. However, I don't think u should put ur colleagues down. We the fans observed all what u celebs do including the "showing off" part. Also, don't forget u were once in dat category of acting in silly, weak and ill-plotted movies, until recently.

J-BOY said...

Stella i luv your way of thinking and doing things. You are really a Woman of Beauty, Brains and Talent.

Okezie Kingsley said...

Fabulous! Fabulous! Fabulous indeed. wow! I wish a our celebrities can read this and have a change of mindset.

Amaka's Notepad said...

Lovely lovely write up!

Ogheneovo Erhuvwu said...

this is really a good write up.I mean she is right, nigerian movies these days have lost the morals once impacted and there is so much interest in fashion and bid to be like foreign counterparts especially in entertainment industry.

Anonymous said...

being a bit self-righteous Stella, aren't we ?

devour said...

i loved stella way back n still love her

ABI said...

im flawed by ur writing prowess.but im more flawed by the act that you spoke the truth!but meanwhile not just those inur industry wants to look like a superstar,even the babe that earns 70k @ glo for instance also wants to carry a real gucci bag.how sad!!!

Adele said...

Very nice write-up. I sort of figured she was intelligent but didn't know she was also a good writer. I totally agree with her about the materialistic and attention-grabbing antics of today's celebrities. But as I read it, a part of me wondered whether she feels this way now because she is no longer as relevant? Which makes me wonder what she is up to these days? How does she get by? I wish you well Stella. I have always loved your movies and think you are very talented. Besides, I have got a soft spot for you cos we were in unilag at about the same period.

Anonymous said...

And dats how yu'd ßε̲̣̣̣̥ remembered....God bless you

Anonymous said...


Femiluv said...

Waaay too long and too lazy to read.

Also, Linda next time can you paragraph long pieces such as this one properly? It's easier on the eyes.

Anonymous said...

I love this woman; I,ve always done and will continue to do so. So much truth in this article. Am also glad actresses will read this coz I no they read this blog. FACT

O'Yinka said...


UgoBabeeee said...

i like the article, very good points...and Ms. Stella looks stunning in her picture

itk said...

well put Stella. Unfortunately Nigerians love to pose, they love fashion and want to always rock the best - and they try to outdo each other - with material things, with education with even common english - now american and british is the norm.
We can change the next man but we can change ourselves - so do you well

Anonymous said...

This is real food for 'tot' for the likes of .......

Anonymous said...

Stella I must say well said love u dearie .u just hit the nail on the head gbam.fake people.

Nneka said...

Love! Love!! Love!!! STELLA!!!!!!!
P-r-e-a-c-h it. You are a genuine role model. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

This is a very well articulated article and she has spoken the minds of many nigerians and mirrored the huge social issues that plague us today in Nigeria.I personally love acting.I always wanted to be an actress!I acted at school,i acted in church,I love stage plays and creativity that goes into entertainment,unfortunately the moral decadence and the unrealistic glamour that is being portrayed in d industry is nothing but a complete turn off.I can't fanthom how these actresses are buying hummers,gucci,etc. Travelling around d world on their earnings as actresses? Are they glorified prostitites? Publicity hoggers?one visits da grins grave and takes pictures? Another visits enebeli elebuwa and puts it on twitter! Goodness! What happened to d kate henshaws,the stella damasus? The liz bensons? Who acted cos dey loved it? And they married too! Instead of prostituting for gucci bags? Pls God turn our Nigeria around! Something has gone terribly wrong wit our youths.God bless u stella.

Anonymous said...

uhmmmm so inspiring

kemybaks said...

wow,full of truth. thumbs up to Stella. i am really proud of you.

phyll said...

wow...another level of respect for stella..ive always loved her anyways, very true about the celebrities of today, all abt the glitz and glam and no substance..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow Stella! Well said! I'm glad some movie stars in Nigeria like you still have brains. You are one of my very few favorites there, if not my only...lol. Love you Stella. You are a true epitome of beauty. Love from ATL , GA

Bellaz said...

Oh please.....any educated person can write. Even kids and teenagers write jounals and diaries. When she writes a real book...thats news.Not some diary.Mscewwwww

Chrisilicious said...

Hmmmmn word

Chrisilicious said...

Well sed dearie, dey all live fake lives just for a few of dem dat are real

yetty said...

wow! thats deep. I just hope she doesn't make more enemies because of this article. Nigerians (Africans) do not like being told the truth...wow stella!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Amazing! Amazing!. . . . Gos bless you Stella and I pray you fulfill your destiny here on earth...

Anonymous said...

There goes a woman, who is not only beautiful, because i have seen her in person., but also very intelligent. I wish they can think like you Stella, but the problem is, you can't change anyone. Nigerian entertainers are becoming plastic, fake, egocentric, etc, all in the name of being in the limelight. It will all fade someday, because in the end, they will always regret. They are not OYIBO, they should remember that. When their careers slows down, what will they say they did to affect the people POSITIVELY. Will they be remembered like ONYEKA ONWENU, EBENEZER OBEY, KING SUNNY ADE, ETC.?Thank you Stella, atleast some of you are still sane. I just pity this new generation, All that glitters is not gold.

Pjobaby said...

Hmm... She's a deep personality. Wish her best of luck in her quest to contribute to humanity!

AbujaKenneth said...

Actually she is beautiful I am one of her admirers. Again from the tone of the write up she has the brains. The story flows, made me remenber Ken Saro Wiwa. And of course she is talented. Kudos ST

Anonymous said...

Stella.... you b good person. Tell dem let dem hear o.

nelia said...

A thought provoking piece.we all strive for perfection and forget to leave indelible marks in the sands of time.

Anonymous said...

This is too much,I really see reason in this...

LPS said...

Nuff Said! Nothing to add or subtract


laide said...

it's post like this that nobody comments on...since 10.52! smh...nyways wud happily b d first to comment.
This is really a beautiful piece Stella..good to know we still ve entertainers like u.
linda post this oo, coz mayb u bin preventing pple from postin comments.

Anonymous said...


Oge (NR) said...


Nollywood Forever said...

Great post! I wonder if the reference to spending birthdays in orphanages was a dig at Mona Lisa Chinda... Hmmm

streetly naijan said...

mmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhh so so inspiring, stella dat was great. and its d real fact

streetly naijan said...


Anonymous said...

Well said Stella. I am proud of you!! Just keep being yourself and God's grace on all you lay your hands to do.

bloglord said...

stella very well said..much as some will hate on u for this, u have hit the nail at the very head.
God bless u. u are true to urself and the whole scenario.this is why u are my most sought after actress...

Legendkid@ Get mtn free recharge card said...

Wow! I did spend my good 5mins reading through all this... I really love this actress. Wish you love.

Nigeria university said...

Great article... Stella you are more than an actress.

Free airtime said...

You hit the nail on the head... We all love ya.

Etisalat free cheat said...

This is a sweet story i have just read! Good work mrs stella! Good you.

How to browse free said...

Oh mine oh mine.:):-) this is really really sweet...

Futo movie audition said...

My good stella... This is really awesome...

Jay said...

Why do I feel like she is referring to tonto dike

laide said...

lool..just reloaded the page and saw the no of comments that ve bin made b4 mine..when i first saw the article der were no comments. ..sorry 4 accusing u guys falsely lol

Anonymous said...

I am impressed with her writing.


Anonymous said...

Hmm.Sounding a little pissed off n jealous,aren't we?.
It's a good write-up give it to her.Or r u one of d fake-ass stars referred to in d write-up?

HISS said...

Agree with you Jen.

Please, people should learn to separate her PROFESSIONAL from PERSONAL LIFE ok???

The truth is always BITTER, though i don't waste my time watching nollywood films!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope she read the article though

Anonymous said...

This just a reality check for every one of us ... Thanks stella

Anonymous said...

Her rants make. Sense but she is an integral part of the industry and if i am not mistaken I have seen her strut her stuff on the red carpet .......even though well intentioned...there is a double standard ...those are her people ....I am a little suspect of why she is distancing her self from her crowd all of a sudden is.there some snobbishness?

Anonymous said...

Abeg Stella respect ur self o, u can only fool some people not everyone sha. Now that younger girls hv taken over from you it's time to preach abi, don't we know of ur own numerous escapades eh? Just keep ur mouth shut please and don't let people open a can of worms on you o. Simply bcos no one gives you roles anymore, you are simply jealous. In your own time you did useless films too. If peeps are producing bad films, you sef vex produce good one now. Rather than pretending to be richeous please grab the next available man and keep yourself busy as usual. Hasbeen. Two faced pretender. Aunty agbaya jatijati.

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful piece, everything is getting out of hand ans it's not fun anymore. Pple start looking like mannequins instead of human beings. You can tell they are leaving above their means, that's why no matter what they put on, from elle saab, micheal kors, red bottoms to birkin;something always looks off about them, cos they stressed themselves to buy these things, they look haggard, never relaxed. I mean, how can a girl buy a bag for £3000 and still be moving around in cabs? Our actresses are just lost cases,with their less than a mil salary, they buy clothes and shoes that actress in the U.S.A get for free, it's just stupid and shows lack of self esteem. Don't get me wrong, I love good things, and I know I spend a lot on clothes, but I'm not a slave to fashion. Our actresses don't even look good in clothes, always looking gloomy( probably cos they r thinking of what they spent). An actress that is sup to be good in my books, lately I don't understand what she is doing, all she does is appear in one event or another or take pictures with one foreign designer or musician; is that sup to be an achievement? Pple with real money are always understated, that's how u tell class from crass. Check out the adenuga or dangote girls. All these actresses make my blood boil, no matter waht car, clothes or make u they buy, their fakeness will always show.

Anonymous said...

For pple saying stella is among them, you pple must not have been watching her, she has never been an over the top dresser, I remember when I was younger, I use to ask why she was always dresses in ankara designs.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Stella. Love i love it loveit

But some of the fault goes to linda. Before anything, she will put "who rocks it better"? lollll.

Anonymous said...

Pple should stop saying if stella had the money, blah blah blah. I'm sure she has money than all these walking ghost. Don't be fooled, these actresses/ lagos society girls have next to nothing in their accounts, only when two friend quarrel will you hear the truth abouth how they stole/slept around/ borrowed, to buy these things they flunt. They don't really have liquid cash or savings, all of them are in debt. How many times have pple joked about linda's dress sense and hair? They should keep on joking, while living from hand to money and linda's account is growing. Nonsense!

cutie said...

Anonymous 10:56- Actually you do sound like you are an actress and one who flaunts fashion and flashy stuff. Odun epa! Orbiii! Go and siddon somewhere jo. Your opinion is BIASED, without question.
Epic win writeup, Ms. Damasus.

Anonymous said...

You have spoken well. God Bless you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is the truth GBAMest!!!

Another one that is promoting materialism is BLOGGING on fashion. May babes not steal or prostitute to buy expensive stuffs they can wear and show off on blogs!!! AMEN.

Ogg said...

You're Pakistani? On a nigerian website? Dayum sista, that's sikk.. I'm pleasantly surprised :))

Anonymous said...

Yes o, prostitution for material things is wrong but bed hopping just after ur husbands death and extolling the deeds of your former boyfriend and croonies is also wrong. A good notice me write up though.

Anonymous said...

I swear, some people on LIB chug haterade all day every day. Well spoken Ma.

Chikaka said...


Anonymous said...

@cutie, mistake babe,am not. Just that we heard her own stories too,she is no saint. Besides instead of her Condemning others she should have been producing positive movies now haba. Still remember seeing her at the galleria not too long after her hussy passed on looking fly. Her weave was damn long and her black net top was meant to attract biko.He who lives in a glass house should throw no stones. If someone like Joke Silva wrote the epistle to the romans,it would be better appreciated. Snuff said.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmh Tontolet,, Halima Abubakar, Rukky Sanda, Susan Peters, Chika Ike abi na who she dey talk about na?
@the NGO/orphanage piece Omotola, mercy johnson,Jim Iyke.

Please Stella why do you want to belittle your colleges?
Beauty - yeah you got it
Brains - Conde ing your peers is a smart thing abi?
Talent - you sabi write English not so?

Anonymous said...

Stella has no right writting stuffs like this mehn.

For real though, this stars ova do it smtimes but truth be said most of them still shop @ cheap places as well so stella no need hating. What hurts me most is that she is criticising a system she is so involved in. Im sure this is a publicity stunt cos she aint getting roles and most def cant afford the LVs.

Stella if u call urself a diff filmaker then biko what on earth have u made. Bring make we watch.

Dont ever come out writing shit, especially wen it has a disconnecting tittle. If dem giv u role now u go grab am. Fake U

cutie said...

@anonymous. Either way, you shouldnt have come across like that. I mean you were so insultive. You referred to her as "aunty agbaya jatijati." I just think one should respect others, regardless, cuz u sounded so cold. Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Lovely article. God bless you Stella. For those insulting her and questioning her motive for writing this, look inside you. We need to stop living artificial lives. Of a truth "WHAT DO WE WANT TO BE REMEMBERED FOR?"

Anonymous said...

Thank u very much, I was about to say that, she is part an parcel of this same nollywood industry, what is her business if they wear gucci and prada is it her money? she has been in a lot dumb movies too and also sleep around with men why the sudden turn around? Abegi lemme hear Aunty stella

Anonymous said...

Thank you dear,I feel she has no right to vomit trash from her mouth, she won't say she doesn't wear luxury bags n shoes or even weaves, she should plait patewo when next shez on d red carpet so others would emulate her, Pls how good are her movies biko? Yeye dey smell

Anonymous said...

Oh please... Like she hasn't acted a couple of crappy movies herself

Keke said...

u guys really put these acmcorder so called actresses on a stupid pedestal...i mean who dash monkey coat ..u really think they can afford ellie saab, vera wang and all the other high end designers???? imean seriously?? do they really look so well dressed???? they wear their cut and nail with whorish garrish weaves and agege pancake on their faces....none of them ever looks polished or classy...abeg we are giving them way too much undue credit, just bcos they happen to be seen on tv....stella damasus is part of the silly crowd, but i am happy she is coming to her senses and wants to tone down the foolishness!!!!

inspired said...

well i will not say there is no truth in what stella said.....but at the same time there are somethings that actually pointed to her too.....its better to encourage than codemn...selah!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice article stella the best I ever read about our actress.kip it up

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, pop Corn eater, you are always running off to get some more like Oliver Twist. Please learn to share with other peeps so that we will share d weight...always enjoy your take

Anonymous said...

Now I hope you learn from this Linda. You dont have to show off your ''wealth'' or I went to America. There's more to life than that.

blink 2ce said...


abby said...

so so true...and i don't think its about Stella bin done with her "time" and jealous of the others having their moments like some1 said,most of these "celebrities" sell lies 2 us and are role models 2 most young people who now think you get into d entertainment industry and make it so easily...when it then doesn't happen like they thought,they get involved in vices just 2 keep up...

Anonymous said...

#gbam...na truth u talk abeg.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, well done Stella.

anonymous said...

Why do I get d feeling she's sounding off bitter? Well put together article though, truth is,despite d moral deca dence in d films n lives of her counte rparts,her seeming departure to "sane, good girl" must be quite recent!!man in d mirror abi?

anonymous said...

Why do I get d feeling she's sounding over d hill n bitter? D moral decaden ce in Nig films and d lives of these wannabes is no news,some of us hardly watch dm for lack of professionalism. Stella's new status of miss "goody goody two shoes"must be nnewly acquire d.PLEEAASSEE!!

Anonymous said...

Mtscheeeew(very long hiss). Madam Stella if you don't want to walk on the red carpet, don't. Stop condemning those that enjoy all the attention.
But seriously, Stella is an aproko. Why did u sit in a corner where u can see people walking the red carpet. I'm sure you wish you could wear those expensive things and show off like them.
Biko if u have a good story to write, from dis write up, I think you'll make it in the writing business. Stop the bitterness and hating.

Park Well joor.
Madam self righteous.

Anonymous said...

She also acted in a lot of crappy films in her days. Now that she's past it, she come dey preach. She's just beefing.

candylove said...

OMG! Are u so dumb that u cnt get d msg passed?did u go 2 school atall? U need help ooo

candylove said...

Are u so dumb dat u cnt get d msg,did u even go 2 school atall?a high school student will read and understand this.u need help oo

Anonymous said...

That's an ego trip. Self glorification. She is better-off with her mouth firmly shut!

Anonymous said...

well said...

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