Edo Youth Coalition Condemn Attack of Muslims in Benin City | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 9 January 2012

Edo Youth Coalition Condemn Attack of Muslims in Benin City

A Mosque that was set ablaze, but the fire was eventually put out
Edo Youth Coalition in a statement today, condemned the killings and burnings of Muslims and their properties, that took place in the state today. The statement below...
EYC condemn unequivocally the killings, maiming and burning of innocent people and their properties in Edo State under the guise of protest against the removal of fuel subsidy. We strongly feel that this conduct is barbaric, rancorous, criminal and unacceptable from a civilised society. Above all, it does not yield any GOOD fruit; it will only fuel hatred, revenge and anarchy in Edo State and Nigeria.
Totally agree. Continue reading...

This despicable incidences and conducts beg the following questions: 
• What has the removal of fuel subsidy got to do with killings of innocent Muslims or Hausas in Edo State?

• How will the burning of mosques or business premises belonging to the Hausas alleviate poverty in Edo State?

• What has the innocent law abiding citizens got to do with Federal Government policy?

• What has the burning of UNIBEN gate got to do with fuel subsidy?

These are misplaced aggressions, which must be condemned, denounced and rebuked by all law abiding citizens. Those who indulged in this acts are ill-informed and has brought the good name of Edo people in disrepute.

EYC also feels that the Nigeria Police Force and Edo State Government have failed in their collective duty to safeguard lives and properties in Edo State. In our view, the government should have taken all necessary steps and contingencies to anticipate, protect and secure all possible hotspots prior to today’s protest. We call on the Edo State House of Assembly to subpoena the State Police Command and Edo State Government to an emergency committee session to explain this dismal security breach and failure in our dear state.

EYC share the frustrations of millions of poor and underprivileged people in our state and country. We fully support the fundamental rights for a peaceful protest against unpopular government policy and measure. However, we are also duty bound to condemn unambiguously the unfortunate criminal acts which took place in Benin City today. 

Incidence like this creates the necessity to have CCTV cameras at strategic locations throughout our state to help in the policing and maintenance of law and order. The law enforcement agencies must do all in their power to ensure that the culprits are found and subjected to the full weight of the law. 

Long Live Edo Youth Congress

Long Live Edo State

Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Public Relation TEAM


  1. Linda, please post this link. A must read for all Nigerians...Please also post on this write-up so it can be read and the word can be spread...#occupynigeria


  2. @ anonymous 11.56pm...read the bog...beautiful and truthful write up....

  3. Join Naija Parrots at http://bit.ly/sGA5Ig on Facebook and receive news updates, jokes uploads & job vacancies notifications

  4. People that wrote this statement must have been smoking very cheap drugs.

    1. There was no killings in Benin yesterday. I challenge any one to tell me the place and number of causalties. I was on the ground throughout and witnessed the events unfold.

    2. uniben maingate was NOT burnt. That's figment of the writers infertile imagination. I dare you again to challenge me on this.

  5. http://payme-my2cents.blogspot.com/2012/01/is-united-nigeria-feasible.html

  6. A way of putting an end to these mindless killings..ethnic discrimination has to stop


    On a recent trip to West Africa, the newly appointed managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde ordered the governments of Nigeria, Guinea, Cameroon, Ghana and Chad to relinquish vital fuel subsidies. Much to the dismay of the population of these nations, the prices of fuel and transport have near tripled over night without notice, causing widespread violence on the streets of the Nigerian capital of Abuja and its economic center, Lagos. Much like the IMF induced riots in Indonesia during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, public discontent in Nigeria is channelled towards an incompetent and self-serving domestic elite, compliant to the interests of fraudulent foreign institutions.

    Although Nigeria holds the most proven oil reserves in Africa behind Libya, it’s people are now expected to pay a fee closer to what the average American pays for the cost of fuel, an exorbitant sum in contrast to its regional neighbours. Alternatively, other oil producing nations such as Venezuela, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia offer their populations fuel for as little as $0.12 USD per gallon. While Lagos has one of Africa’s highest concentration of billionaires, the vast majority of the population struggle daily on less than $2.00 USD. Amid a staggering 47% youth unemployment rate and thousands of annual deaths related to preventable diseases, the IMF has pulled the rug out from under a nation where safe drinking water is a luxury to around 80% of it’s populace.

    Although Nigeria produces 2.4 million barrels of crude oil a day intended for export use, the country struggles with generating sufficient electrical power and maintaining its infrastructure. Ironically enough, less than 6% of bank depositors own 88% of all bank deposits in Nigeria. Goldman Sachs employees line its domestic government, in addition to the former Vice President of the World Bank, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who is widely considered by many to be the de facto Prime Minister. Even after decades of producing lucrative oil exports, Nigeria has failed to maintain it’s own refineries, forcing it to illogically purchase oil imports from other nations. Society at large has not benefited from Nigeria’s natural riches, so it comes as no surprise that a severe level of distrust is held towards the government, who claims the fuel subsidy needs to be lifted in order to divert funds towards improving the quality of life within the country.

    Like so many other nations, Nigerian people have suffered from a systematically reduced living standard after being subjected to the IMF’s Structural Adjustment Policies (SAP). Before a loan can be taken from the World Bank or IMF, a country must first follow strict economic policies, which include currency devaluation, lifting of trade tariffs, the removal of subsidies and detrimental budget cuts to critical public sector health and education services.


  8. CONTINUES.....

    SAPs encourage borrower countries to focus on the production and export of domestic commodities and resources to increase foreign exchange, which can often be subject to dramatic fluctuations in value. Without the protection of price controls and an authentic currency rate, extreme inflation and poverty subsist to the point of civil unrest, as seen in a wide array of countries around the world (usually in former colonial protectorates). The people of Nigeria have been one of the world’s most vocal against IMF-induced austerity measures, student protests have been met with heavy handed repression since 1986 and several times since then, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths. As a testament to the success of the loan, the average laborer in Nigeria earned 35% more in the 1970’s than he would of in 2012.

    Working through the direct representation of Western Financial Institutions and the IMF in Nigeria’s Government, a new IMF conditionality calls for the creation of a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Olusegun Aganga, the former Nigerian Minister of Finance commented on how the SWF was hastily pushed through and enacted prior to the countries national elections. If huge savings are amassed from oil exports and austerity measures, one cannot realistically expect that these funds will be invested towards infrastructure development based on the current track record of the Nigerian Government. Further more, it is increasingly more likely that any proceeds from a SWF would be beneficial to Western institutions and markets, which initially demanded its creation. Nigerian philanthropist Bukar Usman prophetically writes “I have genuine fears that the SWF would serve us no better than other foreign-recommended "remedies" which we had implemented to our own detriment in the past or are being pushed to implement today.”

    The abrupt simultaneous removal of fuel subsidies in several West African nations is a clear indication of who is really in charge of things in post-colonial Africa. The timing of its cushion-less implementation could not be any worse, Nigeria’s president Goodluck Jonathan recently declared a state of emergency after forty people were killed in a church bombing on Christmas day, an act allegedly committed by the Islamist separatist group, Boko Haram. The group advocates dividing the predominately Muslim northern states from the Christian southern states, a similar predicament to the recent division of Sudan.


  9. CONTINUES....

    As the United States African Command (AFRICOM) begins to gain a foothold into the continent with its troops officially present in Eritrea and Uganda in an effort to maintain security and remove other theocratic religious groups such as the Lord’s Resistance Army, the sectarian violence in Nigeria provides a convenient pretext for military intervention in the continuing resource war. For further insight into this theory, it is interesting to note that United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania conducted a series of African war game scenarios in preparation for the Pentagon’s expansion of AFRICOM under the Obama Administration.

    In the presence of US State Department Officials, employees from The Rand Corporation and Israeli military personnel, a military exercise was undertaken which tested how AFRICOM would respond to a disintegrating Nigeria on the verge of collapse amidst civil war. The scenario envisioned rebel factions vying for control of the Niger Delta oil fields (the source of one of America’s top oil imports), which would potentially be secured by some 20,000 U.S. troops if a US-friendly coup failed to take place At a press conference at the House Armed Services Committee on March 13, 2008, AFRICOM Commander, General William Ward then went on to brazenly state the priority issue of America’s growing dependence on African oil would be furthered by AFRICOM operating under the principle theatre-goal of “combating terrorism”.

    At an AFRICOM Conference held at Fort McNair on February 18, 2008, Vice Admiral Robert T. Moeller openly declared the guiding principle of AFRICOM was to protect “the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market”, before citing China’s increasing presence in the region as challenging to American interests. After the unwarranted snatch-and-grab regime change conducted in Libya, nurturing economic destabilization, civil unrest and sectarian conflict in Nigeria is an ultimately tangible effort to secure Africa’s second largest oil reserves. During the pillage of Libya, its SFW accounts worth over 1.2 billion USD were frozen and essentially absorbed by Franco-Anglo-American powers; it would realistic to assume that much the same would occur if Nigeria failed to comply with Western interests. While agents of foreign capital have already infiltrated its government, there is little doubt that Nigeria will become a new front in the War on Terror.

    Nile Bowie is a freelance writer and photojournalist; he's regularly contributed to Tony Cartalucci's Land Destroyer Report and Alex Jones' Infowars.

    Global Research Articles by Nile Bowie


  10. Nigerians, please read the insightful article by Nile Bowie. Educate yourselves because it will be too late to cry when the head is off:

    On a recent trip to West Africa, the newly appointed managing director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde ordered the governments of Nigeria, Guinea, Cameroon, Ghana and Chad to relinquish vital fuel subsidies. Much to the dismay of the population of these nations, the prices of fuel and transport have near tripled over night without notice, causing widespread violence on the streets of the Nigerian capital of Abuja and its economic center, Lagos. Much like the IMF induced riots in Indonesia during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, public discontent in Nigeria is channelled towards an incompetent and self-serving domestic elite, compliant to the interests of fraudulent foreign institutions.

    Although Nigeria holds the most proven oil reserves in Africa behind Libya, it’s people are now expected to pay a fee closer to what the average American pays for the cost of fuel, an exorbitant sum in contrast to its regional neighbours. Alternatively, other oil producing nations such as Venezuela, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia offer their populations fuel for as little as $0.12 USD per gallon. While Lagos has one of Africa’s highest concentration of billionaires, the vast majority of the population struggle daily on less than $2.00 USD. Amid a staggering 47% youth unemployment rate and thousands of annual deaths related to preventable diseases, the IMF has pulled the rug out from under a nation where safe drinking water is a luxury to around 80% of it’s populace.

    Although Nigeria produces 2.4 million barrels of crude oil a day intended for export use, the country struggles with generating sufficient electrical power and maintaining its infrastructure. Ironically enough, less than 6% of bank depositors own 88% of all bank deposits in Nigeria. Goldman Sachs employees line its domestic government, in addition to the former Vice President of the World Bank, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, who is widely considered by many to be the de facto Prime Minister. Even after decades of producing lucrative oil exports, Nigeria has failed to maintain it’s own refineries, forcing it to illogically purchase oil imports from other nations. Society at large has not benefited from Nigeria’s natural riches, so it comes as no surprise that a severe level of distrust is held towards the government, who claims the fuel subsidy needs to be lifted in order to divert funds towards improving the quality of life within the country.

    To be continued....

  11. continued....

    Like so many other nations, Nigerian people have suffered from a systematically reduced living standard after being subjected to the IMF’s Structural Adjustment Policies (SAP). Before a loan can be taken from the World Bank or IMF, a country must first follow strict economic policies, which include currency devaluation, lifting of trade tariffs, the removal of subsidies and detrimental budget cuts to critical public sector health and education services.

    SAPs encourage borrower countries to focus on the production and export of domestic commodities and resources to increase foreign exchange, which can often be subject to dramatic fluctuations in value. Without the protection of price controls and an authentic currency rate, extreme inflation and poverty subsist to the point of civil unrest, as seen in a wide array of countries around the world (usually in former colonial protectorates). The people of Nigeria have been one of the world’s most vocal against IMF-induced austerity measures, student protests have been met with heavy handed repression since 1986 and several times since then, resulting in hundreds of civilian deaths. As a testament to the success of the loan, the average laborer in Nigeria earned 35% more in the 1970’s than he would of in 2012.

    Working through the direct representation of Western Financial Institutions and the IMF in Nigeria’s Government, a new IMF conditionality calls for the creation of a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Olusegun Aganga, the former Nigerian Minister of Finance commented on how the SWF was hastily pushed through and enacted prior to the countries national elections. If huge savings are amassed from oil exports and austerity measures, one cannot realistically expect that these funds will be invested towards infrastructure development based on the current track record of the Nigerian Government. Further more, it is increasingly more likely that any proceeds from a SWF would be beneficial to Western institutions and markets, which initially demanded its creation. Nigerian philanthropist Bukar Usman prophetically writes “I have genuine fears that the SWF would serve us no better than other foreign-recommended "remedies" which we had implemented to our own detriment in the past or are being pushed to implement today.”

    To be continued...

  12. EYC is talking blaaa. Its Blood for Blood bw christians and muslims.

  13. Waves of sectarian violence have swept the country, both before and immediately following the assault on Nigerians by the government. It has taken the dimension of attacks and reprisal attacks. This has caused some to be spreading messages of hate, unfortunately even among the rank and file of those in the struggle of #occupynigeria. Not all northerners are Muslims and not all southerners are Christians. In fact not all Hausas are Muslims just as not all Muslims are Boko haram adherents. Anyone who supports this senseless killings - whether by the so-called Boko haram or even equally senseless reprisals must be as animalistic as the murderers on both sides. Simple. Secondly, we must be able to differentiate between these barbaric attacks and the genuine protests for change in Nigeria. These barbaric attacks done in the north and the south have nothing to do with these genuine struggles. There are very poor and wretched Nigerians among the Muslims as there are among the Christians. The same among those from the north as well as those from the south. If we look at those struggling for equality and social justice, we will see that there are both Christians and Muslims, and are also both from the north as well as from the south. We must resist the temptation to condemn a people as a group simply by their religion or the region they come from. That would be grossly unfair! For instance, if we condemn all Muslims just because some are Boko haram what would we say to well known activists that are Muslims like Gani Fawehinmi for instance? Boko haram are bad because of what they do, not because they are Muslims or are northerners or Hausas. If we condemn all Muslims for instance that will affect adherents of Islam like Gani, Tinibu etc. do we also condemn northerners or Hausas all in a swoop then what can we say of the teeming Christians of northern and Hausa extraction? What will happen to such Hausa and northern people like Balarabe Musa struggling for social justice for all? I think we better sit and give a thought to all this rather than spread hate blindly with our comments and actions. Now it is very important that all pieces of evidence need to be well documented. We must look for the perpetrators of such acts - attacks and reprisals - and one day bring them to justice when the struggle succeeds in removing this corrupt and insensitive government. The government has failed in all it's responsibilities to the people of the south and the north, be they Muslims or Christians. This government is composed of Muslims and Christians from all regions of the country. I have this nagging suspicion that the government, through acts of commission or omission, directly or indirectly have either allowed these attacks or permitted them or encouraged them or even carried them out! Oh yes! It stands to benefit them in more ways than one. We are distracted from the struggle we should be doing to free ourselves. We perceive other fellow wretched people as our enemies and vent our anger against them rather than them and so on and so on All this is why we Must clearly think before we talk or do something. We must clearly identify our enemies and direct our anger appropriately against them! Not against some equally miserable but innocent souls anywhere they are and from anywhere they may be!

  14. See how the Edo Youth Coalition immediately came out to condemn the act in very clear terms. Why is it so difficult for the Nigerian Supreme Council on Islamic Affairs, Sokoto sultanate, and other major islamic bodies to issue immediate and clear condemnations of all attacks by boko haram? I just don't get this muslim religion!

  15. EYC una don drink petrol..Common sense shoud tell y'all that people are on the streets not only to protest the fuel issues but out of pent-up frustrations from the insecurity in the land...Out of anger that the govt is clueless to solve the Boko wahala.If you get papa when each time the bullies beat you,he does nothing,will you not one day ignore him and fight back to save your life???

  16. A beg carry go...in fact the killings is just about to start. They should wipe out the northern barbarians from the south.

    It is only the beginning. An eye for an eye, we have been silent enough.

  17. @ Jaja, you are totally right, and this is coming from a Muslim! It is disgusting, that these so called Muslim leaders cannot even make a public statement, one can say that these people know those who are behind these boko haram fools! The religion is really not like this, but can I blame people for thinking like this? No!

  18. @jaja. That is why the Yoruba name for Islam or Muslim religion is I M O L E ....everything is by force and violence to them.

  19. Please no no no. You shouldn't retaliate like this. Instead set up a task force to fish out the evil supporters. Look it is obvious the northern politicians are still bitter that jona won. They want to make hgis tenure a living hell. We must not give them the chance to do it. Let us support jonathan's govt as best as we can and for steps he is taking that we disagree with, our voices need to be heard just like we are doing now. But please do not give religious war a chance. Shame on powerful islamic clerics, nothern leaders, emirs, kings in the North that haverefused. To come out and speak against this horrendous genocide. It makes you wonder the mind of the average and even advanced muslims. Quite full of hate if u ask me

  20. The killings and burnings of Muslims and their properties, that took place in Edo is unwarranted .


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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