Kentucky church bans interracial marriage | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 2 December 2011

Kentucky church bans interracial marriage

A small Kentucky church has chosen to ban marriages and even some worship services for interracial couples. The Gulnare Freewill Baptist Church, located in Pike County, made the vote in response to a longtime member who is engaged to a man whose birthplace is in Zimbabwe.

In 2011? Wow! Read the rest HERE


  1. This is racism. In this age and time how could a 'House of God' discriminate against God's creatures?

    To hell with them and their church.

  2. shebi..people would come on here and run down 9ja is this and not always as tolerant as people think it is..most na oju aye(superficial)..Laws differ from State to State..people dey confuse film with reality!!

  3. .Linda don blow!!..even for the BB molestation thingy..Online Punch were quoting your posters by name sef!!

  4. Make them go look bush.....They are not serious

  5. Na wa o. In this day and age. They don't want interracial marriage. They don't want interracial couples and black people in their church. Any member that marries a black person will be "ex-communicated". They're only changing their mind because the world against their racism and bigotry. They're supposed to be a church ? Are there 2 different Christian God? God of the black people ? God of the white people? There's only one God for everyone. The so called church is worse than a heathen shrine. The "church" should be demolished, tarmaced and turned into a car park.

  6. Why are you acting all suprised Linda? You think living in predominately white/caucasian countries as a black person is a piece of cake? If most Nigerians only knew how much rascism is in the western world, they will seriously think twice before spending all their time, finances, and energy to go and que up for hours and days on end to apply for a visa. Also, with all these western economies going down the drain, these oyibo heffers are displaying their hatred more and more in the open. Lastly, more african and black men should learn to date and marry thier own for a change. Inferiority complex is what drives many to think that marrying all these old, ugly, fat oyibo women is like winning a trophy. And then to top it of, biracial kids are neither fully accepted by blacks nor by whites. When you compare all the headache you will experience being married to a caucasian in comparison to someone who is black or African, you can't help but wonder if it is really all worth it. My 2 kobo

  7. Hmmm. Since it's ok to outlaw gays just because they are the minority (therefore considered abnormal), then it's also cool to outlaw blacks (african,considered animals, abnormal, inferior) who are the minority in america from marrying white people. I'm sure the church was led by God and the holy spirit through the bible to come up with this. so let's celebrate it. all white churches should outlaw interracial marriages between whites and abnormal ungodly blacks.

  8. Linda why are you surprised? why are you asking in 2011? Yes it's 2011 and the world is still full of religious (christian) bigots, who hate and will condemn anyone who is different from them. I have never seen so much hatred in my life.

  9. Why do these stock fish/ okporoko/ panla looking black men like hooking up with fat white women when they move to foreign countries? I'm just curious to know.

  10. Na wa oooo, this is sick, in this time and age???

  11. Just when you think America has achieved a modicum of race-related civility,dumb wa ooh even 4church

  12. "To hell with them and their church"

    That, my friend, is a pure CLASSIC line. Hahaha.

  13. and this is the america that Chude Jideonwo raves about? LOL

  14. Their values are their values! No be that mantra una dey support since? Why the uproar then ? LOL!It's what they believe in, allow them nah!

    Bigotry is bigotry! Y'all get indignant ONLY when it concerns slights from whites against black people! SMH!!

  15. Foolish Idiotic Nigerians! Just a few posts ago you guys were busy championing oppression and hiding behind Bible, God and religion in order to oppress gays. Now you are complaining. Why are you complaining? Perhaps these guys feel that it is 'unnatural' for black and white to mix - "do not be unequally yoked" - do you guys remember that quote?
    Sebi una like to use Bible quotes to pass judgement. This is just the beginning, the senators will destroy you and take all your rights. Subhuman FOOLS, cursed from the womb, Bloody Zombies.
    Una never see anything. IDIOTS!!!

  16. Hehehe and up and down Africans will be quoting the bible.....

    Such things make me laugh....anyway best it is out in the open so everyone knows where they stand.

    Better go and consult your Ifa priest.

  17. Anon 8pm....I totally agree with you! You can't have said it better.ITS UR COUNTRY!its ur affairs!d majority agreed.God hates gays.its 4 the wellbeing of the country n majority opinion.....SO also its their church! Their business not urs!its 4 their well being and peace of assembly and majority there agree hence the result of the poll .So why the complaint?MIND UNA BIZ let's aLl sink 2 the middle ages.shikina

  18. whites and blacks shouldn't marry...after all gays can't!

  19. childofthemosthigh3 December 2011 at 10:30

    @emy your post shows that you are hopelessly confused for you don't know Christ, and this is truly sad. First off REAL Christianity is not a 'religion' but is d pulsating life of a living God made manifest in man,it is a REAL relationship with Our father.Christianity is LOVE!it is TRUTH. God has already mentioned that in the last days the earth will have amongst them fake prophets(as seen in this church)
    and emy I'm only saying this out of nothing but love and i can only pray you step out of ignorance&darkness and into the light so that you may begin to know what Jesus Christ has done for you . Homosexuality is nothing but a deceitful and perverse spirit from satan used to trap God's creation from entering His kingdom,it can not be compared to race (black/negro-which you claim as 'minor') which God has wonderfully created.

  20. childofthemosthigh3 December 2011 at 10:44

    @December 2, 2011 10:19 PM
    GOD DOES NOT HATE GAYS!whoever said so lied.If He did, he would not have sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross for them,so that they may exchange their life of sin &infirmity and have Jesus life of righteous,salvation,abundance and more. God only hates the perverse sin of homosexuality used by satan to deceive those whom God love. But that's why he sent Jesus the solution so that when we accept Jesus we are automatically cleansed from all form of sin and catapulted into His kingdom.God bless

  21. i knew the gay coalition would be up in here to yarn dust as usual. You're comparing homosexuality( a learnt behavior) to race ( a genetic trait)?Getouttahere!!

  22. anon 10:08 you are quoting the bible out of context...why didnt you finish the bible verse? it says 'don't be unequal yoked together with unbelivers' (2 corinthians 6:14) did it say with someone from a different cultural background? nawa for people oo...some people just twist the bible to suit them sha, may God have mercy oo cos revelation 22:18 warns us about adding/subtracting from the bible.

  23. nawa oo this blog is turning into something else sha. What exactly did the bible do wrong to you lot? So because most people condemned same sex marriage everyone wants to accept racism? You lot actually forget that you are black and it affects you, you can live in denial for all i care but the whites can never be in denial of your skin color.

    The so called developed world (america)are still under the slavery of racism. Im doing a dissertation on diversity and its funny how they say something else and practice something entirely different (rhetoric and reality)

  24. the actual irony is in their name -'freewill' would be funny, if it wasnt so sad!

  25. to evry homosexual or gay supporter who places cures on people who do not support their lifetyle: those curses you spew will go back to you a million folds. Perverts oshi

  26. Still doing this in 2001

  27. Still doing in 2011

  28. shocked! if it was from our 'backward' country as called by many because of the anti-gay law, i won't had been surprised! Since inter-tribal marriages are even frowned upon in naija by some people.

    all the same, they have their reasons, could it be as a result of so many SHAM MARRIAGES in the country lately huh?

  29. @childofthemosthigh. it is only typical of christians to call names and dish out abuses because thats all they have apart from excuses and lies. Islam and Buddhism are also relationships and whichcraft are also intimate relationships with your most high god. it is the life of the living GOD made manifest in them. the same nonsense is claimed by all religions. None agree that they are religions. by the way christianity is a religion and wont stop being cos u said so. Everybody else claims to be the custodian of truth and love too. so there is nothing special in urs. your last days have been coming soon since jesus told his disciples that some of them will not die before he comes, guess what 2000+ years later, you guys are still afraid of the lies and life continues.
    Save your futile prayers for people in hospitals and ur fellow christians that are suffering. sad thing is that it doesnt work. if it does hospitals should be empty. Homosexuality is as natural or as unnatural as being black or left handed or albino. i'm sure ur ignorant christianity wont let you know that over 1,500 animals exhibit homosexual behavior. Yes thousands of animals created by your God have sex with the same sex. maybe they have free will too. Christianity can be summed up as this: ignorance and hatred wrapped in lies.

  30. @HISS ignorance and bigotry is displayed by people everywhere especially christians who believe they know more than other. there are white ignorant bigots who hate others because they are different. Foolishness has no country.

  31. @ Annon Dec 2, 10:08pm, you are a fool, an Idiot, Olodo, Aturu, Ekwensu. Who do you think you are that you can open that smelling mouth of your's to insult Nigerians? We dont want gay or gay marriages. Take it or get to Yaba B/stop, take BRT stop @ Idumota Bridge, just jump into the water and become history. Ode oshi.

  32. Not all whites are okay with blacks and sometimes it's not racism. It might just be their preference. So, what's the big deal? Go to another church that will allow it, it's that simple.

    Just because whites smile in your face, and blacks get carried away does not mean they are cool with you.

  33. A people or race are strengthened when they maintain the purity of their genes. As such when black people marry amongst themselves, their genetic make-up is protected in their offspring. When on the other hand a black man and white woman produce an offspring, the effect is a mixture of genes and therefore a weakening of either genetic type. This is actually contrary to the natural order in creation. This can lead to mutations and susceptibility to all sorts of diseases. for those who studied biology, that should be obvious and elementary

    So, as much as it seems absurd that the church community would not marry a black man and a white woman, they may be actually doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

    The sad reality is that we humans try to blur too many facts of life in the name of civilisation and progress. Birds of the same feather should flock together.

    My two pennies worth


  35. @emy
    U nid help rily.U beta repent before it is too late.I hope u don't have to enter hell before u realize dat God is real.I just hope God opens ur eyes before it is too late my dear.If gay is natural,hw comes they can't have kids?

  36. Am sure that church in Kentucky still think we are in 1911, this is 2011 you know.

  37. Its Kentucky, like who really wants to live there. The only thing going for Kentucky is the alcohol and fort knox military base.

    They are small minded people thats all, love rules all.

  38. Look at the smile on that girls many white women de smile like this? She knows what she has found and you know what they say..."once u go black, u ain't never going back" This babe would rather die than give up her new loooong hmm hmm hmm. No be fine the boy kuku fine. Another point i find interesting here is that a lot of oyinbo women now want dudu bloodline since Obama became presido they all believe there's something in the mix

  39. @Emy December 3 8.40pm. As a Christian, I can only pray that the eyes of ur understanding will be enlightened cos the bible says in 2Corth 4v4 "  In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them".

  40. Hope you all are now happy....Just read that due to the loud uproar that greeted their decision, the church congregation were forced to quickly recant. They could not stand the barrage of calls and emails describing them as bigots and racists.

    Did they understand what they did and why? Did they really have any conviction?....I wonder.


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