Boko Haram menace is a temporary setback - President Jonathan | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 10 November 2011

Boko Haram menace is a temporary setback - President Jonathan

A message to you all from your dear president...he made this statement at the Presidential dialogue with Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of global corporations on Nigerian’s political leadership at the 17th Nigerian Economic Summit (NES) in Abuja today. Enjoy...
Terrorism is a global phenomenon. We are very much aware of what happened in England during the IRA uprising. We are doing all we can to bring the issue to an end. The issue of Boko Haram that we are experiencing today in Nigeria is nothing new globally. Most countries of the world had experienced terrorist attacks in their long history. These are temporary challenges we have and definitely we shall get over it.
“Let me reassure Nigerians and indeed the world in general that even with the limited technology we have, the Nigerian security agencies have done well. Look at the October 1, 2010 bombing experience, all the people that were involved have been arrested and prosecuted. Most of the countries that are more sophisticated that us have done nothing to that stage. 

 “Yes we have the Boko Haram challenge now, but just like other terrorist attacks in other parts of the globe, we are working on it. It is not as if the security services and the government are not doing anything about the situation, we are working round the clock to bring the issue under control. The challenge is only a temporary setback and we shall get over it,”
Please stand up and give your president a resounding round of applause. Wow! 


  1. Mtsheeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww


  2. I cant even begin to think of a way to construct all the things i want to say. As in? Are you serious? Lemme just go now but not without a sound ovation for Mr president

  3. My security is in God's hand no more no less

  4. Its not enough to say we are working on it. To assure the public you should list steps being taken to permanently resolve the issue.

    Hopefully negotiating with terrorists will not be an option.

  5. Stands up and give him a WOW knock on head

  6. Jonathan is a Bastard!!!! Pls someone....anyone, go bomb Asorock!! He needs to even die b4 his tenure is over. And to say I even know the corper that died...this thing is just so infuriating! No wahala sha, God is watching. Jonathan will never go unpunished! Shey na because ur family dey abroad! Alright. Ride on.
    Right now, I hate Jonathan much more than I hate Boko Haram. Die Jonathan!! Die!

  7. Stands up and give him a WOW knock on his head, den slams door and works outs

  8. temporary wetin. U beta act fast o! The evil you don't resist must surely persist. RESIST Boko Haram vehemently and they will flee away from our coast oh, Mr President

  9. This man needs to get his head checked. Does he live with the rest of us "masses" who are constantly in danger of being bombed or attacked and slaughtered like goats? He may have all the bodyguards in the world, but the rest of us have God on our side and every human being responsible for all this carnage shall be brought to book, including him! The worst president in the history of Nigeria.

  10. Yeye President stay there dey deceive urself.ur working round d clock my fight against terrorism indeed,just saw one thing uve done to better the security challenges in my beloved naija,just one N I cant think of any.all u do is give false hope N reassurance as if ur working .if ur on top of it y u run from eagle square on ist oct liverless jona.abegi go siddon make this tenure finish so u go comot there make people wey get liver enter.only if nigerians were wise N didnt vote u in.Goodluck indeed

  11. f**$k Goodluck...he can suck my big black c&**k for real....Nigerians are always complaining about the state of the nation. They all sit at beer tables, complain and do nothing about it.Why? Because we are greedy people, loving how the system is designed and hoping someday we would get our national cake...Stupid thinking, see where it's led us and it's only gonna get worse. Here is a quick trick to solve our problem in just 6months is what i call channeling our problems to our solution. Ask me how? we have thieves, boko haram etc as our problem. If we can form a new group or channel the thieves and harness what they do best and channel towards our stupid greedy idiotic politicians.Those guys F$$@K things up for real. With this group, killing wouldn't be acceptable but absolute torture will be the way. First step will be to beat them seriously continuously like kids for 10days straight cos they lack common sense and then cut fingers that they use to steal our national funds. If this happens, let's see if the nation won't change. Let us be our own EFCC and show them dey can't get away from bullshit

  12. I hope boko haram target this stupid president!!!!

  13. Are Nigerians of today cowards? I queries, This is another pogrom in the northern part of Nigeria. It may lead to another civil war if the plans of boko haram to divide the country along religious line fails. According to reports reaching me from non natives Community Association in Borno and Yobe State, over 100 non natives have been killed. Terrible, terrible, terrible! Those people in charge in Nigeria should know that no country survives two civil wars and therefore do something very urgently to safeguard lives and properties in Nigeria. The South-Sudan solution is increasingly looking very attractive as a panacea for Nigeria! Enough of the bloodshed. President Goodluck please be proactive. You dont fight crimes on pages of newspapers or Radio and Television. We need actions now not all these lies. I can't believe you guys a bit.

  14. Storys that touch d heart..can't belve I wasted my time reading dat crap.. 4**##**** ok bey*#####

  15. I am totally in support of harnassing this so called society menace to deal with these stupid politicians,that way I and anyone else who has been nurturing the thought of someday stealing public fund will think more than twice abt it,cos EFCC aint doing shit to stop them!#amsopissedrightnow#

  16. Linda pls is this message for real? Where did you get it from?

  17. You lost you loved one? Get over it? You are shit scared of being blown up or shot dead by terrorist Boko Haram? Get over it? People are systematically being slaughtered in Nigeria by Boko Haram? Get over it? Nigerian government's handling of terrorism and violent crimes in Nigeria is diabolical. Maybe Nigeria governmet should get help from the Afgan government or Somalian government or Albanian government. There's a big difference between "... get over it" and overcome it, destroy it, do away with it, terminate it, eradicate it. Mr President, permanently destroy / annihilate Boko Haram and their financiers. Do it NOW, please.

  18. Mr President's speech is insensitive, partronising, a slap in the face to those who lost their loved ones at the hands of Boko Haram and this statement is very discouraging to people in Nigeria who are filled with fear of (they, their friends or family getting killed by terrorists.

  19. Fuck him and fuck u linda for posting ds badderdash i v js been posted to d north for nysc v to nw deal wt d late nights travelling and those northern freaks as wel i am as scared as hell right nw and all u do is post ds i mean does it wipe d tears off my mother's face or give me reassurance. Damn u all. He said everyone serve in ur state wch he didnt fulfil nw ds bunch of shit. U all sud go fuck ursf

  20. Get over what??!!!@@@*** If he lost a very dear loved one in all this would he say that? Meanwhile Ministry of defence has just awarded a contract ( and i have good genuine and sincere information from a brother of one of the people who won the contract) to the tune of 350 million DOLLARS for bomb detecting equipment, the bribe they had to pay back was 25 percent, and thats the they care at all? Just another way to siphon funds to their foreign bank accounts. This man is clueless and at worst is totally insensitive to the mood of Nigerians at the moment, doesnt he have a PR Adviser or something??? Cant he just shut up and go way? Where is the EFCC??aLL THEY CARE ABOUT IS THEIR OWN SAFETY, ABILITY TO FIND THINGS THAT WILL JUSTIFY AWARDING HUGE CONTRACTS AND MAKING SURE THAT THEIR GENERATIONS TO COME HAVE NO MONEY WORRIES. They forget that one day the worm will turn...


  22. 3 Scientists, An American, A German and A Nigerian were bragging about technological advancement in their countries. D american said " In Washington a baby was born without Hands and we attached artificial hands and now he has grown to be a gold olympic boxer. D german smiled and said " In Berlin, a baby was born without legs and we attached artificial legs and he has grown to be a gold sprinter. D Nigerian laughed and said " in Bayelsa, a baby was born without a Head and we attached coconut on d neck, now he s d president.

  23. FUCK YOU!!! So what if terrorism is a global phenomenon.. Does that make it okay for us to accomodate it? Fuck off! Stupid speech, Stupid president.. Instead of you talking of ways to end this bloodshed, you're defending it's existence.. fuck off again! Sincerely, a concern citizen that cares just a lil bit about the fuckin country..

  24. I'm asking an honest question here so please answer maturely. We all sit here and say what the president is not doing right about this situation. Now, please tell me your suggestions on how you'll proceed if you were president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Let us join heads and think constructively to see what solutions are possible.

  25. Goodluck. Why did you keep away from eagle square on independence day. You too dey fear and yet you say a temporary set back. Mscheeeeew.

  26. Nigerians, please wake up. Your President, Goodluck Jonathan is an eunuch. He does not have the balls, know how or determination to deal with Islamic terrorist, Boko Haram. Mr President is scared of Islam, the Hausa / Fulani Muslims and the terrorist sympathisers and financiers within Nigerian army and middle eastern Governments and organisations. This president is not man enough to take on the powers that be

  27. Yes Mr. President, we are very much aware that terrorism is a global phenomenon. Tell me what I don’t know! That this occurs in various parts of the world does not make it right and does not mean we should sit down and watch innocent Nigerian get killed every day and do nothing about it but simply accept it. No way Goodluck! Please save that story because it makes you look like the confused man you are. You sound defeated already. You are mentally deranged. Please o, those of you who voted this man in, see the problem you guys have put us in. I refused to vote because, when this whole thing started with the killings in a Jos village Jonathan kept quiet because he was seeking votes from Nigerians and maintained that silence because he was being careful not to say or act in a way that will jeopardize his winning the elections. This fool shied away from making a comment about the killing of theses innocent villagers who are the only ones who would go out there to queue under the hot sun to vote for him. I refused to vote because, his silence was an evidence that he does not care for the masses who would vote for him or better still votes don't count, the elections would have been rigged in his favour, as always. Jonathan, wake up, you are obviously in a slumber. You are indeed bad luck to Nigerians but good-luck to yourself and your family because you are surely enriching them. I HATE YOU. U ARE TOO DULL! R U SURE YOU WERE A LECTURER, OBVIOUSLY NOT A GOOD ONE. I KNOW YOUR TYPE, THOSE LECTURERS WHO GET ANGRY FROM BEING QUESTIONED BY STUDENTS JUST BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THE STUDENTS WANT TO MAKE A FOOL OF THEM!

  28. Reporter:Mr President, what's your plan to improve electric power production?

    Jonathan: we are not the only country with epileptic power issues even the USA had blackouts during the last hurricane.:O

    Reporter:Mr President, is there a plan by you to reduce unemployment rates and increase access to education?

    Jonathan:Unemployment and inaccessibility to good education is not only peculiar to Nigeria, even the UK, has high unemployment rates.:/

    Reporter:What actions have u taken to curb Boko Haraam menace?

    Jonathan:Terrorism is a global phenomenon. We are
    very much aware of what happened in
    England during the IRA uprising. We are
    doing all we can to bring the issue to an
    end. The issue of Boko Haram that we are
    experiencing today in Nigeria is nothing
    new globally. Most countries of the world
    had experienced terrorist attacks in their
    long history. These are temporary
    challenges we have and definitely we shall
    get over it.:x
    Oshi!! This president is confused. He cannot even answer the questions and he keeps comparing Nigeria to Developed worlds when his BRAIN is underdeveloped. Oshi! Oloriburuku>:O

  29. na wa o! who wrote this speech for him? please he should get a new writer.

  30. GEJ is clueless, liverless and legless.

    His actions and words are extremely dull and uninspiring.

    He really needs someone to give him a thorough thrashing so he realises he is incompetent and destroying the hopes of millions.

  31. is he trying to excuse it by saying it is happening all over the world so therefore ..we should relax...this man is in over his head and needs some serious international assistance..seriously!!!

  32. Linda Shut your f£cken mouth, yeah I drop the F word on you on your own F$cken blog. You supporter GEJ throughout the election period on a sly! You will repeatedly post his FB post in a supportive way, you didn't do that with other presidential aspirants. Why are you criticizing him now.

  33. CAN MOST OF YOU CONDEMN ISLAM, THE OVER ZEALOUS RELIGIOUS ANIMALS WHO MURDER IN THE NAME OF THEIR GOD before you chew the president out. I still can't get over why other muslims are not condeming in large numbers these animalistic crap. How can they call the religion of peace? these muslims have caused and wrecked so much havoc in the world we need to wipe them off the face of the planet. Jonathan is not the one bombing people. Muslims are the ones doing it. Northerners are the ones doing it. cONDEMN them and work on destroying them

  34. its happens in other countries so its ok mr president, wat a statement, how did you win the election anyways, all your family dey abroad abi, u dey inside aso rock dey enjoy aircondition, and wat about the electricity he promised us during his election campaign (within 6 months )

  35. that's why i like boko haram will never messed with Obj. dem dey craze? cos by this time him go bomb them finish.stupid. then they r sending pple to go and serve and die. God pls protect all corpers at Northern
    pls we need to impeach GJE cos he only cares abt his australia love affair wit his wife. mtsheeeew

  36. Concerned citizen11 November 2011 at 04:44

    I can't believe I stood in line under the scorching sun and vote this numbskull in as president ...... Kai ....... What have I done? That is imagining that my vote counted..... Weak president ....

  37. @ anonymous were posted to the North and you are going?DOyou know NYSC camps will soon become a target for these blood thirsty killers.Your life is more importants than some stupid NYSC.

    btw, what are you angry at linda? i dont get it


  39. says what atypical Nigerian explanation in a trapped situation? Instead of trying and even begging for help to solve the Boko Haram menace, Mr President is being defensive by equating BK with the Irish Republican Army. He however forgot that IRA were Irish people fighting for their homeland free of British occupation while Boko Haram are Nigerians who are bent on Islamizing the whole country and introduction of sharia. It is indeed very unfortunate the type of people always at the helm of affairs in Nigeria; people who are either unprepared for the job or are too inept to effectively articulate solutions to the myriad of problems afflicting a Nigeria stalled. In a country worthy its name, this defensive explanation of the scourge facing Nigerians would be sufficient to deny the president a second term. But thanks to Baba Iyabo, Mr Goodluck Jonathan might go down in history as that president of Nigeria who never got his bearing right and who was mired down in a daze throughout his tenure. IGP Ogbonna Onovo was fired because of kidnapping problems barely six months on office; now Boko Haram terrorists have taken over Nigeria but the president could not employ the same rationalization to let IGP Ringim go. When an employee cannot do or is incapable of doing the job fro which he was employed, the normal action is to fire such employee; but with IGP Ringim, only Mr President knows the type of pact they reached; and it does not help matters that the IGP was a commissioner of police in Bayelsa when Mr President was governor there; so go figure. Oh Nigeria; what a nation under a president that promised fresh air but is now suffocating Nigerians with rancid air.

  40. This news is kind of old though, but Mr President & citizens have to understand terrorism is not a "natural disaster" the world must witness at certain time.
    There's no room for terrorism & incapability

  41. This news is kind of old though, but Mr President & citizens have to understand terrorism is not a "natural disaster" the world must witness at certain time.
    There's no room for terrorism & incapability

  42. Temporary setback??? How temporary does he think the pain is for the ppl that lost loved ones. This dude is more stupid than i originally tot.

  43. R u sure this guy get brain so? Maybe his Phd na honorary.

    Shey i was telling people not to vote for him but they were going sentimental cos na southerner.

    Now see what u voted in.

  44. @ANGRY your so right, that 'religion' is demonic that's why we must never stop praying for Nigeria but our president should just shut up we are tired of his speech

  45. hating on the president wont do y'all any good. i wonder if u know that there are some people who are doing everything undoable just to sabotage this government and its activities. was boko haram not in existence during yar adua's administration? why were they 'calm' and didn't press for their demands? what is it that changed when GEJ won the elections that automatically triggered this spate of violence? there are people who will do anything to make sure this government is a failure. what they want to achieve is get people divided, turn their frustrations and vexations on the president, pass a vote of no confidence and eventually impeach him, thereby paving the way for one of their own to take over power. we can choose to courageously keep our hopes and faith alive in the midst of all these, knowing that light will triumph over darkness, or choose to be cowards, pour all vexations on the president and sack him. so as a matter of fact, if u feel disappointed and angry at the president, that's what they want to achieve. come to think of it, in 2001, after the world trade center attacks, people still went to the U.S.A, even when the attacks were followed by anthrax attacks, people still went to the USA. they didn't turn on their president who had been in power for less than a year (even considering the election outcome btw Bush and Al Gore).
    now is not the time to hate on the president, now is a time to hate on evil, stick together and be courageous in the face of evil. just in case u don't know what to do or where to start from, u can start by singing/reciting the 2nd stanza of the national anthem (it is an official prayer for Nigeria)

  46. Most definitely, that is all you going to say. ( Look at the October 1, 2010 bombing experience, all the people that were involved have been arrested and prosecuted…) how true is this? The police make arrest of the innocent masses in other to extract more money to their self’s. It is easy for you say this because your families are not in Nigeria and you haven’t lost any. Mr. President, Why at this age you still allow yourself and your office to be controlled by some failed godfathers living millions of Nigerian in pain? We know you are only there as a president but you have no decisions of your own. I will advice you resign because Nigeria need a president who is brave.

  47. So what if it happens in some places around the world??In many places it DOES NOT happen, why cant we be like those countries?
    IRA was different, they fought for freedom from the British and did not slaughter theor own people.
    Until ALL the muslims and ISLAMIC ORGANIZATIONS in Nigeria rise up with one voice to condemn, fight and war with these BH people I can only believe that they support them secretly in their hearts. If they would point them out, turn them in and fight them, the problem would be half solved, after all their are doing all this nonsense in the name of their religion.

  48. pls how do we impeach dis guy?

  49. I'm too sure GEJ is mentally sick.....he needs to examine his brain.............the only wish i have for GEJ is that may his wife,his children and any other person close to his heart be a victim of Boko Haram's too sure that if it happens to him dat way,,then he will feel what other nigerians are feeling and without teaching him,,he will know what steps to take to curb dis whole shit......u are the worst president in the history of Nigeria,,,thank God i didnt vote for u cos i have never liked u....all ur past records as a leader had no achievements,,,,,u should cover ur face in shame cos u are a national disaster!!!

  50. Just reading this makes my blood boil. I don't even know where to begin. What a fucking disgrace.

    God is not going to come down from heaven to sort out Nigeria or the useless thieving politicians. We have to sort ourselves out, starting from our way of thinking.

  51. Nigerians love to rant and rave without thinking... Will the president turn to a magician to know where and who the bokos are? These things take time. It took the US over 10 years to find Osama and this is with all the technology in the world. It is very difficult to fight an enemy who is willing to die and believes that there are 72 virgins to fuck in heaven.

    It had to take negotiations for the British Government to overcome the IRA and it is taking negotiations for the Spanish Government to stop ETA. The US with all their sophisticated technology have not been able to uproot the Taliban in Afghanistan. In-fact, they are thinking of negotiating with them. These things are not something you can just snap your fingers and it will be taken care of. They take a combination of time and intelligence.

    Funny the way people are quick to say that if it was Obj, he would have leveled the place. Was obj able to solve the niger delta crisis?

  52. n una get una mouth do ur own and leave him do his own or go there and do it, bad belllllllllles

  53. I don't blame nairalanders for addressing him as a RETARDEEN. *enuff said*

  54. Jonathan is a weakling!!!
    I regret voting for him.

  55. I'm...I'm..sniff, so inspired! NOT!

  56. Terrorist Islamists in Nigeria are linking up with jihadists-armies worldwide to intensify the terrorist attacks all over Nigeria.

    The Hausa / Fulani backed Muslims of northern Nigeria are using Boko Haram to force out a southern born Nigerian president so that they can install a northern born to the office of the president of Nigeria. Behind this evil and tribalistic plot are General Buhari, General Babaginda and others. Boko Haram is a Hausa / Fulani led plot against Nigerians. Too many people are dying. Too many people are dying. Too many people are living in fear. We have had enough rhetoric from this lame duck President who is only in office for his own selfish interests and that of his thieving associates such Olusegun Obasanjo and other crooks. Terrorism must be immediately eradicated in Nigeria.

  57. The less this clown says, the better.

  58. this guy called ebelle jonthan is confused, he had better advised himself. so tiered weak and indicisive. it a mistake one is a nigerian. with the level of poverty and unemployment in the country, of which he knew all this before he ascended the throne, now he is just confused. i wish him quick recovery. because nigeria is sitting on a time bomb. i love this country.

  59. Most commentators on this LIB are illiterates claiming to be educated. People are blaming the President for Boko Haram bombing in the North is he the chief security officer of those states? Why can't we think like people that suckled our mothers breast for once?
    Some of us opening our mouth here have this Boko Haram members as brothers or friends, what have we done to expose them? Sometime I read this Linda's blog with amusement of the rubbish people say about the President of Federal Republic of Nigeria. No wonder we are called underdeveloped because in other countries, citizen suggest ideas to the government in a more formal manner but here in Nigeria, we only condemn, castigate and insult our leaders. How do we want them to think aright with all these negative thoughts of ours.
    It is high-time we start praying for our leaders instead of cursing or abusing them. Hope we will learn and do the right things.

  60. How can you blame the President in everything that happens in this country? If road is bad - Jonathan, if there is armed robbery - Jonathan, if there is corruption - Jonathan. What have you done as a citizen to bring solution in your own little way to the problems of this country? Don't we have State Governments anymore? What are they using the billions they collect monthly to do in their various States? Are they not collecting security votes from the Federal Government, and what are they using it for in their various States? Sometimes I wonder what underdevelopment and illiteracy has cost Nigeria as a country. Someone mentioned that he/she knows about a contract inflation running into millions of dollars going into the pocket of few what has the person done to expose these corrupt individuals? Let us stop and think wisely.

  61. Crook in power. God save Nigeria. Amen.

  62. Mr President, please find a way to save lives rather than making irrelevant political statements. Simply divide the country. Villainous people please go your own way & leave we children of the most High God to live in solitude. Women can not continue to loose children brutally over your WICKED acts. The bible says the wicked shall not go unpunished may God in Heaven arise & fight the battle for the innocent lost lives. The battle is of the Lord. We wrestle not against flesh & blood....

  63. @ Zizi - I must say you really asked the best question! I belong to the school of thought that the president should do something fast before these guys annihilate christians in the North. For me, I believe that before being a president of a country you should have an idea of the kind of problems that country has and could have in the future. You should also have adviser who will advice accordingly. If this man is true to himself, he knows he should be acting fast instead of this lukewarm stance he is bringing to this case. The painful thing is they know these guys yet they are taking a careful approach to solving the problems instead of moving in to destroy them before they kill all christians in the North. This issue is deeper than you think, some people think the solution to this problem is have all the christians leave the North forgetting that this same North is the only home they know as they come from there ethnically. Is it possible to relocate a whole village to another location. If Mr. President is clueless on what to do, he should ask those countries he mentioned in his speech to tell him what they have done so far to curb terrorism.

  64. @ Zizi - That is why we are not the president. He should have a solution. Didn't he know that we have our expectations of him as the No. 1 man. He must have a solution for this issue and if he doesn't he should resign because, that position is not for dullards. If it were Obj, don't you think that this whole thing would have have been settled since. i miss baba at times like this. You don't need to take a by the book decision for these animals. Something brash will do!

  65. 3 Scientists, An American, A German and A Nigerian were bragging about technological advancement in their countries. D american said " In Washington a baby was born without Hands and we attached artificial hands and now he has grown to be a gold olympic boxer. D german smiled and said " In Berlin, a baby was born without legs and we attached artificial legs and he has grown to be a gold sprinter. D Nigerian laughed and said " in Bayelsa, a baby was born without a Head and we attached coconut on d neck, now he s d president.

    November 10, 2011 9:52 PM

    The best comment I evere read on this blog!

  66. The dreadful and murderous terrorist group, Boko Haram speaks, and is speaking, through violence, for North –Groups of Nigeria, Islamic Hausa / Fulani of Northern Nigeria. Let's call a spade a spade. We must stop kidding ourselves. The muslim Hausa / Fulani people have been calling for the practice of Sharia law in the north and they are strongly in support of islamic terrorists Boko Haram. The majority of people they've killed are Christians from southern and eastern Nigeria. Boko Haram should be seen as northern opposition to the administration of President Goodluck Jonathan. They are what they are. The Hausa /Fulani Muslims are hell bent on wrecking the President of Goodluck Jonathan - a non muslim. Boko Haram is an extension of the Hausa / Fulani determination to dominate the leadership and office of the President of Nigeria. The puppet masters Boko Haram are prominent people of Hausa / Fulani origin who want to use violence through Boko Haram for the 2015 general election. No Hausa / Fulani should ever be elected as president of Nigeria. Boko Haram thrives in Nigeria due to Hausa / Fulani support it enjoys. MEND would be within its rights to  retaliate against islamic Hausa / Fulani people if Boko Haram carries out further bomb attacks anywhere in Nigeria. Regardless of what anyone think, President Goodluck Jonathan is the president of all Nigerians, must be respect and not hounded out of office. The must be an end to the Islamic Hausa / Fulani dominance of the leadership of Nigeria when the contribute nothing economically to Nigeria. Boko Haram menace a systematic and well orchestrated opposition of the northern nigeria against President Goodluck Jonathan. It will be justified should Niger Delta militants retaliate if Boko Haram carry out anymore bomb attacks. Boko Haram is being used by Hausa / Fulani billionaires who are criminals and cannot win election anywhere in Nigeria to position Hausa / Fulani presidential candidatez for 2015 general election. We must see Boko Haram as an extension of Hausa / Fulani domination of the leadership in Nigeria.

  67. I hope Boko Haram blow his head off next time.
    What kind of stupid speech is that from a president. I'm done, Jonathan is officially a "FOOL".
    For other moderate muslims who are NOT CONDEMNING these actions says a lot about you that you support terrorism, jihad. TO HELL WITH ALL OF YOU GUYS for practicing an evil religion.

  68. At all cost, Nigeria will be liberated from Hausa/Fulani’s strangle-hold. The power hungry Hausa/Fulani people have been lording it over the rest of Nigeria and causing havoc in the name of Islam. What type of horrible religion is this that supports the killing of people? Maybe Islam should be banned in Nigeria. Boko Haram and their criminal activities has nothing to do with religion. Religion / Sharia Law is just their excuse. Boko Haram is a tool formed, financed and operated by money hungry Northern Nigerian to gain power at all cost. All the stupid mallams, mullahs, the Hausas, Fulanis and northern Nigeria ever contributed to Nigeria rice rice, tomatoes and beans farming. For over 38 years, the North ruled Nigeriaand there were no bombings, but now that President Goodluck Jonathan is in power Boko Haram (Hausa / Fulani) sect suddenly is being used by Hausa / Fulani people and Northern Nigeria as a tool to disturb the Jonathan administration, humiliate President Goodluck Jonathan out of office and hand power to a northerner. They are using violence and intimidation to make Nigeria ungovernable (by Goodluck Jonathan) so that a Hausa / Fulani can succeed Goodluck Jonathan. Heaven forbid. Sudan, Niger, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Mauritania are the evil fools funding Boko Haram and the nationals of those countries MUST be kicked out of Nigeria. Akhwat Akwop and MEND must retaliate against Boko Haram, Sudan, Niger, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Libya and Mauritania and their businesses and interests in Nigeria. The National Youth Corps members who were slaughtered in the North were mainly Christians from Eastern and Southern Nigeria. All these violence and killings intensified after Goodluck Jonathan won the election and that hopeless and disgusting Muhammadu Buhari rallied his terrorist Hausa / Fulani people. Buhari must be banned from ever standing for election ever again. He still thinks he can come into office, as he and Tunde Idiagbon did in 1983, through the barrel of the gun. This is 2011 and not 1983. Muhammadu Buhari is only clamouring for power just to enrich himself and his murderous Hausa / Fulani associates. Muhammadu Buhari is not above the law and his ambition to be president at all cost, including slaughtering of hundreds of innocent people, must be permanently frustrated, at all cost, including locking him away in prison where he belongs. Northern leaders such as former Heads of State, Generals Ibrahim Babangida, Muhammadu Buhari, Abdusalami Abubakar, and ex-Vice President Atiku Abubakar and others have done nothing to stop the attack or made any attempts to call the Boko Haram men to order. In today’s and future Nigeria, there must no place in public office for people such as Muhammadu Buhari and thieving Ibrahim Babangida and thieving Abdusalami Abubakar, and ex-Vice President Atiku Abubakar. They and their evil and thieving associates are the cause of Nigeria’s current and economic problems.

  69. Bomb detecting machine! Where would they use these machines? Aso Rock and public premises? Can they use it in the open air like on the streets of Damaturu, or could that have curbed the UN bombing where a car filled with bomb ran into the office? Wrong approach. They are obviously clueless about what to do. The only thing the are sure of doing is enriching themselves. God riddance to bad rubbish!

  70. Most definitely, that is all you going to say. ( Look at the October 1, 2010 bombing experience, all the people that were involved have been arrested and prosecuted…) how true is this? The police make arrest of the innocent masses in other to extract more money to their self’s. It is easy for you say this because your families are not in Nigeria and you haven’t lost any. Mr. President, Why at this age you still allow yourself and your office to be controlled by some failed godfathers living millions of Nigerian in pain? We know you are only there as a president but you have no decisions of your own. I will advice you resign because Nigeria need a president who is brave.

  71. Mr President, my candid advice to u is that u review our outdated constituition! Make the country a de-centralized entity! Stop this centralized power BS! Its not helping! Let each states av its own laws,amenities,security etc! There is too much power and resources concentrated at the federal level which is under utilized for the good of the masses, I know its like that cos of corruption!( You don't want to release enough funds and let each states manages its resources hence exposing your deficiency at the federal level) Look at U.S, Russia etc, these countries use a de-centralized system of power and funds! Let each state stand on its own, fix their own tax rates, av their own identity numbers, drivers license (which can b used in other states if they av a common agreement or a Lagosian will av to register his I.D and license after 24hrs in Kwara state),have every information on all its citizens,(presidency will av access to all the information) this way, the police will av adequate access to all the citizens in their host states...pls tell me, how can crime thrive in such a place? Am not saying there wnt be any o( b4 bad mouthed pick on my comment), how can we not hold gov Fashola if our state is being attacked by aliens? I can go on and on but its difficult typin so much wit a fone... GEJ pls and pls review our constitution!!!!! I know you understand what am saying, you are only concerned about the levl of income and power thar will be at your disposal (typical black man mentality of "I want to be in charge"! So I can av access to steal all!) God help us! Nuff said jare!.....Meggy

  72. People kill me when they say terrorism has nothing to do with religion.
    What is wrong with you empty heads? Don't you get it?
    can you tell me one time or one muslim that has condemned these extremists action, which says a lot about the mindset of every muslim.
    When a so called christian does extremist stuff, christians come out to condemn his action.
    Half of my family practice Islam, and they don't see anything wrong with it. Their mindset is the west and many others are against Islam, and they are just defending themselves. So, most muslims are in agreement with things like this.
    One of the major problems in Nigeria is religion. Hausas want to rule Nigeria their way, with their backward thinking.
    The goal of Islam is to convert everyone to their religion, and that's why they are fighting so hard.

    If anyone says again that religion has nothing to do with it, I hope you are not that blinded and naive. Wake up!!!

  73. "...... how come no Hausa/Fulani of significant profile, such as the Sardauna of Sokoto, the Emir of Zaria, the Emir of Gwandu, the Emir of Maiduguri, Ibrahim Babangida, Mohammadu Buhari, Abubakar Atiku, Abubakar Umar, etc...have openly denounce the Boko Haram? Their quiet acquiescence should not be interpreted as cowardly or coincidental. It is calculated."

    ".....It is clear that since Nigeria's amalgamation, the Hausa/Fulani Muslims of the North thought of themselves as superior beings, compared to the Christians of the South, and particularly the largely-Christian Igbo people. In fact, if you have the trust and confidence of a Northerner, you will frequently hear him derisively refer to Igbo people as "impure" and "lower-than-dogs". This may sound like I am fanning the embers of ethnic crisis here. But I am stating the facts. I know that Igbo people in power today are aware of this, and so are their Yoruba and, of course, their Hausa counterparts. They are just too timid to say it in the open. "

    ".....The hatred of Igbo people and Christians by the Hausa/Fulani people remains palpable. Northern Muslims just manage to tolerate them. If they thought they could harm a Christian or an Easterner and get away with it, they would do it in a jiffy, without compunction and without remorse. And they would do it in the name of Allah."

    Abiodun Ladepo


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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