Lagos Police Parades The Man Who Stabbed His Wife To Death | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 5 July 2011

Lagos Police Parades The Man Who Stabbed His Wife To Death

The Lagos State Police Command this morning paraded Akolade Arowolo, the man who stabbed his wife to death before journalists at the state Police Command Headquarters in Ikeja. Briefing the press, the State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Samuel Jinadu said the case is currently being investigated by the state CID, Panti, Yaba, Lagos, while the autopsy report on the late Titilayo was being awaited.

In the meantime, Jinadu said that Akolade will be referred to a psychiatric hospital where he will undergo a test to ascertain his state of mind.

I'm looking at him and I can't wrap my head around what he did. How could he keep stabbing and stabbing and then start cutting? He can't be sane!


  1. Crime of passion?

  2. He is still looking well-fed? Who dey give his man food?

  3. I don't care if he's sane or not. That man should be locked up in prison or in a mental hospital for the rest of his life.

  4. God will definitely judge this man. Karma is a b!tch! He who kills by the sword shall die by it.

  5. is he in custody of police or what? please tell me he is not on bail

  6. the bastard even had the audacity to pop his collar! arrogant murderous beast!, i hope they make those little bush rats feed on him slowly so he can die a slow agonising death! baggar!

  7. all that glitter is not gold, who would believe that such a man will be heartless

  8. Why is his face still looking normal?? They should've beaten the crap out of him by now and disfigured his nasty face! Devil incarnate!!!!


  9. Male- Casey Anthony.

  10. I won't be surprise if they found him not guilty.
    With that Casey Anthony case today, anything is

  11. My argument is in no way for or against the accused, please. I REPEAT, I'm in NO WAY in support of the accused or whatever he may or may not have done. My argument is on a point of law. The foolishness of the police can arm any crafty lawyer representing the accused. If the accused is guilty of the allegations, then he should face due process of the law and not this trial by the media and public opinion. What's with the PRIMITIVE / JUNGLE "justice" of this yeye press conference??? What next? Lace tyre around the neck of the accused and set him alight?? Naija justice system ought to don develop pass this one oh! It is FOOLISH of the State Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Samuel Jinadu and whoever authorised his decision to parade the accused to the media and the public before the accused has been tried or/and found guilty by a court of law. The foolishness of the police may have prejudiced the case against the accused. They may have poisoned the accused chances of a fair hearing. The stupid press conference may have created a "toxic" atmosphere that could make a fair trial impossible. It's like Naija love press conferences. Haba! Wetin! Should the case collapse, the family of the deceased must take serious legal action against the police. Couldn't the police be patient till after the court case before carrying out their meaningless press conference. What's with a press conference with an accused that should be in the cells awaiting trial? What's with the rush? What's with the rush to judgement? The accused may or may not have confessed, but he's not been found guilty by a court of law. If this is how it is in Nigeria's justice system, then Nigeria has a long, long way to go, really.

  12. I'm so mad at this photo!!! He has time to pop-up his collar abi, someone who is being accused of murder. He is a vain SOB from what I see. That his story is bullxxxx, if she killed herself then who mutilated the bosy as alleged?!

  13. The bastard is even still flying his collar....I don't think this idiot even feels any sort of remorse for what he did.

    It is at times like this i want the naija police to put in their garment of violence not when they harass poor Nigerians or shoot conductors and drivers for bribe.....Bynow i was expecting to see one of his eye out of its socket.Oloshi Oloriburuku .....

  14. Maybe now all those idiots who rush people to marry will stop all this nonsense. If she was single she may still be alive.

  15. where are his own 'stab' wounds? this man is not insane but wicked!!! any lawyer in his or her right mind should not defend this man even for the publicity sef our culture bad publicity is bad publicity o!

  16. To think this person allegedly took the life of another in such a barbaric manner! Unfortunately, this will serve as a lesson for men/women who physically abuse women/men. Rage goes on until such a time when common sense sets in to prevail; most times, its too late like in the present case.

  17. As glaring as it is, what if he didn't do it? The fact that he was caught with blood doesn't necessarily mean he perpetuated the act. It breaks my heart to look at him, it breaks my heart further to imagine what happened to titi. It kills me to know upfront that the Nigerian Police will as usual make a mess of this case also. Even if he's guilty we want to know what motivated/prompted him to do such a thing. We want to know how and what exactly happened. 1e deserve to know. #smh

  18. Any psychiatrist that instigates or supports and insanity plea will have God to contend with

  19. The guy is insane that I am sure of, but it does not matter. He has to face the consequences, he should be punished. He disgusts me.

  20. Alicia says...6 July 2011 at 08:07

    and this just goes to show that marriage is NOT everything. i hate when i read comments like marriage this, blah blah and so and so should go and get married, yada yada yada, and then get butchered like titi did? thats why i believe if women are really happily single, then LET THEM BE. Society and other gossipers should stop trying to put pressure on women to get married. Marriage is not the be all and end all. i have said my piece.

  21. this guy's so in his right mind,abeg dey should remove this psychiatric teswt issue from this case,cos at the way am seeing this they'll argue he's mentally unstable

  22. @anon 6:49 how would you say or even think he did not do it you might be capable of doing such yourself idiot iranu

  23. I feel so saddened that their daughter will grow up to learn of all this one day :(((

  24. Hmmmnnn... @secretdiary,thanks for the earlier clarification of intent. I do not care whether the judge and the jury find him "not-guilty". We run an already corrupt system where "who-do-you-know?" Is the prevailing question. We all know that left to the justice system, that beast caan walk away with a "not guilty" verdict thanks to someone who knows the presiding judge or something.
    He claims she stabbed him and then herself? I guess her spirit took the knife to perform the surgery he performed on her. This dude is as guilty as today is wednesday in nigeria!

  25. Only one possessed by the devil can do this (if he truely did it though he hasnt done any senseble thing to the contrary). Psychitric evaluation will not find the demon. I wonder what is going thru his mind right now.I just feel sorry for him cos he has just nailed his coffin (literally and figuratively)

  26. In his statement he said 'He said: “The woman was possessed that day and while we were quarreling, she went into the kitchen and brought out a knife with which she overpowered me and then began to stab me all over my body and head.'

    He doesn't look like someone who's been stabbed in the head nor does he look like someone who's been critically ill in hospital. He looks healthy and well fed. That alone tells me he's guilty and trying to lie his way out of jail. Disgusting! He can't be that intelligent if that bullshit story is the best lie he could come up with.

  27. where are they always comments about marriage this and marriage that whenever theses sorts of things happen?!!!! My parents have been married for 50years and this has never happened! point is, this has nothing to do with marriage, only recently in NYC a boyfriend cut of his girlfriend's head and it was a similar situation. He didnt have a job she had a good one,etc. This is just about making wrong choices in partners whether as a husband or boyfriend period!So all the Babes out there don't say this is the reason why you are not married!

  28. @ Alicia, you better change your attitude if you want to get married which I am sure you do despite your comments to the contrary!

  29. hopefully justice prevails in this situation.

  30. Thanks be to God, who see and know all things,Let his will prevail this issue, because this is not the question of marriage, so if u have bad attitude don't try to hide under the cover of this story, change for the better u still have a chance,To the story that is wickedness in practice,Maybe it was his inability of getting a job made him feel incompetent as a man, of there is a girl some where that he feels he love( well he his incapable of love)and know the wife will not grant him a divorce,he thought the easy way out was death, then the church could allow him to remarry, or maybe he envy her job most men are afraid of their wife success (stupidity) it was a crime of hatred, in pain of something he alone know about BUT HE IS CERTAINLY NOT MED HE IS LOOKING FOR A WAY OUT, wetin dey do d lawyer, if the woman was his or her sister? let me live them to their heart.

  31. lets check out the actual circumstances that led to this. at the same time, no one has a right to take another's life but what is the root cause of this nightmare????....this is the result of forcing a man and woman to marry because a girl gets pregnant for a guy she had no business dating let alone sleeping with. let's count back shall we? they got married in november 2008, that means the marriage is not 3years old yet but their daughter is. possible she got pregnant and they were TOLD that the right thing to do was get married. were they both ready for this? was it their willing choice. there have been talks that he claims he was forced into the marriage, maybe he never loved her and their fling led to an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy. not all of us are mature enough to handle all the pressures that life throws at us and we can't possibly react the same way. So, you are forced to marry a girl you never loved or had the intention of settling down with, there is a sexual relationship but not necessarily intimacy and you two barely know each other inside out and here comes a baby and family/people telling you you MUST marry since you were mature enough to have sex. After the unwanted marriage, he loses his job....questions??? Was this the right decision? isn't this marriage a sign of evil or bad omen. She keeps working and bringing in the money, he have nothing. the resentment grows into hatred. How was she dealing with the situation? Did she evaluate his psychological state of mind, did she notice the dangerous traits and what did she do about it. this is not something that just sprung took time for this level of evil to brew.i am definitely not making excuses for this act and the perpetrator....truth be told, he's gone over the bend...but we should realise that we are not all the same, we deal with life's issues diffently, some are weak and some are strong, our experiences and choices in life shape us. this guy had suicidal tendencies which turned homicidal, the hatred he should have felt for himself and situation was directed at his wife whom he only accepted to marry because of the situation and because he couldn't say NO!i support the psych-eval but what can that do? what's done is done sadly.
    Titi was an ex-girlfriend to a close friend of mine. RIP

  32. Agreed,marriage is a beautiful thing BUT it is just not for everybody - Most people go into it just because they feel society expects them to do so, or as a sign of Life Fulfillment / achievement. Again, the choice of potential partner becomes another cause for concern. It's frighteningly easy to choose the wrong person, which of course becomes a source of enormous eventual pain. Attraction and chemistry are easily mistaken for love, but they are far from the same thing. Being attracted to someone is immediate and largely subconscious. Staying deeply in love with someone happens gradually and requires conscious decisions, made over and over again, for a lifetime. Too many people choose to get married based on attraction and don't consider, or have enough perspective to recognize, whether their love can endure. For both Men and women, it's not a MUST that you must be married or be in an abusive relationship for any reason, either ways. What a shame for these two good couple who were not good for each other. If he/she is not what you want, stay away,for someone meant for you will definitely come along who will make the WAIT worthwhile. And in the meantime, BE HAPPY WITH JUST YOU.

  33. Hmmm,reasoning from the point of Law,I think this case is already prejudiced by this irrational press conference. An accused is innocent until proven guilty......and for exposing him to the public / media without concluding the investigation would affect the accused from getting a 'Fair Hearing' which is within his rights.

    Defence Lawyer to the accused,take note.

    Will the jury in naija be fair,objective and neutral? Will they examine all the relevant evidence on the table?So far,95% of the respondents here have already condemned the man without being objective.

    Judging from the responses so far on this page,it's obvious that 95% of the respondents here have already condemned the man without being objective and critical.Agreed, a crime was committed,murder or manslaughter to be established,sentiments apart, you don't condemn yet until you see or hear all the facts. And so far,HE will never get a fair hearing.......Who does anyways in Naija Justice system?

    Lesson to be learnt - Marriage is not for Boys/Girls - Is not a lifestyle or trophy to add to your lists of achievements. It's an institution that takes serious handwork,tolerance,commitment etc to maintain.If you are not spiritually strong,(Not just joining one of the Pentecostal Churches),emotionally and financially ready to face the storm,NEVER EVER get into it.Be happy with being YOU and trust me,the right one will come.They always do.....however you miss them when you misplace your priorities and look for those ephemeral traits that don't sustain relationship.'Compatibility that is enduring'.And also worthy to note, 'We Nigerians need to change or desensitize our thought processes on the way we see Marriage........It's not a MUST that you must marry.Lets stop giving ourselves stress and focus our minds on things that will make our community a better place.

    BTW,have you gone on holidays lately?When was the last time you gave yourself a nice TREAT?Today,find one reason to be grateful and happy with your life rather than moaning about your friends who are 'Married' and you are not.

  34. @ oga or madam Blacknight, before you get carried away with your rambling, Nigeria does not operate a jury system!!!

  35. I be Man,and not a Madam And am not rambling.Deep inside your informed mind,you know that am saying the truth or do you have your facts to prove me wrong?

    Shame, Naija Justice system doesn't operate a jury structure.They would have been convinced that this is a case of manslaughter - Let us sit back and evaluate the lessons therein.(Which of course is the most important issue here)


  36. This silly guy is not feeling any remose @ all........see him still doin guy,,collar up,,like in his mind he is saying."i don kill her,,i don kill her be that,,wetin una wan do me"..........This guy is 100 percent sane.......

  37. Oga Blackknight and Alicia,

    You both have spoken well. Linda just posted another news of a 30 yr old woman who stabbed her husband for trying to bring in another wife. I do NOT admire Naija marraiges to be honest so I don't know what is up with all this pressure to marry. Most married men especially in Naija do not stay faithful to their wives. Infidelity is high and so are cases of STDS and AIDS. In addition, domestic violence is becoming worse and alot more Nigerian people, men and women will die at the hands of their unhappy spouses in the next decades.

    @Annon July 6, 2011 9:08 AM

    That your parents have been married 50 years means NOTHING! Its not how long one has been married but rather, how happy is one in that marraige really? Your mother may have stayed with your father because of "what will people say", but this is a different generation. Even if people stay, it would not be long before they begin to hack, stab, and punch each other to death. I am begining to see a trend....a deadly trend at that! Keep forcing people to marry and we will continue to hear this kind of stories. Luckily, I do NOT live in a society that pressures men and women to get married so I can care less what Nigerians do with themselves back home. After you all are done killing yourselves, I will come back here to say R.I.P to the supposed victim. A relationship is suppose to be something you genuinely want and not something that is forced upon you. Not everyone is willing to or comfortable with giving up their privacy and space. Not everyone can deal with in-laws and their headaches and not everyone can deal with infidelity and cheating which men, especially Nigerian men are synanimous with once married. So live your life and let others live thiers.

  38. @Annon July 6, 2011 9:11 AM

    I have a feeling you are one of those backward thinking Nigerians who view the world through a one dimensional lense. You don't even know Alicia so how can you conclude that you know what she wants? Not everyone who visits this blog was Nigerian bred or lives in Nigeria or is even from Nigeria. We don't all have the same cultural mindset like you do. Moreover, we don't all live in societies like the one you live or come from where marraige is viewed as an achievement and something every man and woman desires. In western societies, no one gives a hoot if you are married or not. It's your perogative to marry or be in a committed relationship (without officially signing documents) or stay single. That is how things suppose to be in an orderly society but you would not know anything about that now will you?

  39. Anon 5.23pm, and in my opinion that is how men in the western world use their live-in girlfriends to cook, make love and do whatever without being commited and conveniently dump them before moving on. It unfortunately has a psychological impact of lack of commitment.

  40. The man still looks very ok to me. He doesn't look like he received multiple stab wounds like he claimed.Linda i've read about two versions to his story now. We need to find out the truth. Pictures if possible as there doesn't seem to be any claim from him that she was mutilated. All in all Check this one out in 234next:

  41. in continuation, we need to shut him up once and for all thats why we need pictures. as huge as he is he's trying to say that he did not overpower her or she's the one that has been beating herself?

  42. @anon 5.23 pm As a matter of fact I currently live in NYC and have lived in the UK for several years. 90% of the young couples who live in my apartment building are either married or have kids and are living together. I do not think marriage and child birth is a Nigerian societal thing it is what is acceptable world over! Even gay couples are fighting to get married.Celebrities who used to say they did'nt want to get married and have children are doing so lately. Look at the recent baby boom in hollywood! What do you think is the reason for that?!!! I am yet to meet a heterosexual woman who genuinely doesnt want to get married!

  43. Alicia says...6 July 2011 at 19:39

    @ 9:11 AM
    oh please! what does my comment have to do with what I WANT for my future? mind yourself, i made a comment on the issue of MARRIAGE in itself, and nothing to do with my personal preference.

    thats why i get sick and tired of hearing people say genny and rita dominic and this, that, and the other should go and get married, their clock is ticking, blah blah. i mean, should they get married to just anyone and for the sake of being married? what if the marriage is not a happy one? i think more than 50% of the marriages in Nigeria are forced, whether they be forced upon by the parents/family or by society's pressure. and I'm not even including the Muslims, where most of their marriages are arranged.

    I'm not saying Titi was forced, but when you see cases like hers, what wouldn't make you second guess the idea of marriage?

  44. I no sure say this man dey cell. Why dey no comot him shirt like common criminal?

  45. @Anon 8:18 ko ni da fun e! This is anon 6:49. Didn't you go to school ni? abi o ya were ni? Can't you read, no body found anything wrong with my logical line of thoughts cept you. Abi are you a zombie ni? You are the type that would follow a mob to 'jungle-justice' people on the road like an illiterate. Ode oshi. Dead mofo. Conscience asks questions,if you're alive you should ask for reasons why things are. Go check yourself into a mental care facility- and one final question, can you be cured of your craze? I wonder! Kiss snakes

  46. Odaran eye tin sun le!!!! he still get time to dey fly collar ogaaa o

  47. Kemiismyrealname7 July 2011 at 04:37

    There is no good or bad marriage, but there are good people and bad people.

  48. @ Alicia, for someone who claims to live in the US, your english is appalling, 'gossipers', society's pressure etc!

  49. @anonymous 6.45 :ki la gbe ki la ju,ko ma ni ro gba fun ee oo ROTFL,ti m ba yawere iwo sef tin sinwi niyen now,i just read your comment well now dnt get to finish reading it cos of the first few words i read sogbo ko to bere sin she epe fun rae...

  50. like...i dnt get!Will u stab urself n stil hv d energy or strenght to dismember in such way?WTH!

  51. there is nothing wrong with what i said. gossipers as in blogs, tabloid magazines, etc. mister or misses anonymous, get a grip.
    besides, you assume that everyone in America has proper English, abi? LOL i dont comment on this blog as if I'm writing a paper, its a flippin blog, abeg.

  52. ooh my God, wot a world we are in, well the Lord will pay every1 2 hi/her deeds dat all i no, but akolade will not see peace even if his is sent free.
    peepz did isnt time 4 arguments or marriage is not dis or dat but pray dat bad thing dnt come ur way.
    May Titilayo's soul continue 2 rest in peace-AMEN


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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