Prince Gbegi Ojora buried | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 18 April 2011

Prince Gbegi Ojora buried

Late Gbegi Ojora's wife and son at his burial
Prince Adegoyega 'Gbegi' Ojora, the first son of Otunba Adekunle and Erelu Ojuolape Ojora, who died on Sunday April 10, 2011 was buried today in Lagos.
More pictures from his burial on Niyi's blog


  1. Rip Gbeji
    May God grant you eternal rest Amen
    @Toyin saraki
    This woman has got to be one of the classiest women in Nigeria
    Her composture is legendary
    I cant stop looking at her and admiring her
    I also hear shes a beautiful woman inward
    The Ojoras really tried in bringing up kids with good attitude even tho they are silverspoon they are mostly humble

  2. May his soul rest in peace ....

    I digress here....i watched the funeral on Ben TV today and Bukola Saraki showed No iota of emotion on her face considering she just lost her brother. She seemed more intent on looking cool and beautiful for the paparazzi than be in mourning.

    Don't shoot the messenger oh. Watch the video yourselves...

  3. I meant Toyin not Bukola

  4. @anon
    She is prolly still in shock
    It will hit her real soon

    Besides she strikes me as a stoic person
    You cany get any form of emotions from those of us that are stoic esp in public
    Am sure shes mourning privately


    I feel so sorry for the son
    Hes so young

  5. My sincere condolences, May God grant him eternal rest.

  6. RIP Uncle Gbegi :( :( :(
    No words.Such a bittersweet picture :(

  7. Guys,don't let photographs and videos lead u to insult people.The pixels in a camera cannot correctly portray the sadness felt by EVERYONE at this event.Honestly.I know firsthand how inconsolable the people you speak of were,her brother haba,but do you expect her to be freaking out rolling around on the floor just to get the point across that ah come and see,I'm sad.Can you see her bloodshot eyes through her shades?At the funeral it was purposely said to be strong so that the wife and son wouldn't be even more distressed.So haba guys,not today.Lets just respect/ mourn a great man.

  8. May he rest in perfect peace. He was such an epitome of good manners.
    Ola, i agree re-Toyin Saraki.
    I'm sure she's still in shock like the rest of the family. So sad.

  9. Trust me...her eyes were not blood shot during the service At All. Must be that she wore the sunglasses during the procession to the burial ground. But she certainly didn't wear them during the actual service in the church. Thats why i got the impression that she was aiming for the this-day style poise.


  10. I pray that God will uphold this family at this painful time of their lives. May God uphold and keep them in Jesus name, especially his wife and son.
    Anon 8:54 PM remember this man had been ill for 6 years, if you had read earlier reports. So the family I am sure had an idea of what would happen eventually without Gbegi having a liver transplant.
    Toyin does not look to me like someone who displays emotion in public. You were not with the family at home when they took the man's body for his last visit. so pls do not make hurtful assumptions that could hurt people's feelings. We are talking about a family who have just lost a son here. Let's be a little bit more sensitive. Unless you know more than you are saying, do you Toyin in person or have you had an encounter with her in the past?

  11. some people here are worse than the scum of the earth.
    this is a woman that just lost her brother that you are castigating like this.
    are you human?i mean flesh and blood??
    may you die a miserable death if you stick tot this kind of satanic attitude.

    To the Ojoras' may you find strength in God's grace.

  12. it is because of silly comments and sillier people like you that people put up a show for others? are you in her heart? how do you know she is not grieving? and even if she is not...!!! do you know the kind of relationship they had???

    Who died and made you judge???

    May God have mercy on you, that's the only prayer i can pray for you now

  13. ANNON 8:54 PM... Never ever judge how a person chooses to mourn their loved one.DONT DO THAT.
    Everyone mourns differently. do you expect her to roll on the floor and cry because she lost her brother? DO NOT JUDGE. it is NONE of your business pls.

  14. anon talking about toyin saraki..... ur a fool

  15. @ Anon talking about Toyin Saraki - . Look at the Ojora pics and u will see that her eyes are bloody shot from crying in many of the pics. Hope it satisfies you now.

    Funny how you referred to him as Prince Ojora. If he was alive, he would insist you call him Gbegi or Mr Ojora. Gbegi Gbegstar!! RIP.

  16. I think Tunde is stupid and a fool, to think he will escape this blog without getting some insults with his baseless commments is totally wrong.
    TUNDE PLS GET A LIFE..idiot,
    am close to the his nephew here in london, he seems to be doing okay so far, he was misdiagnosed for cancer, apparently he doesn't have cancer, so the chemotherapy he has been receiving is why he went into a coma

    I Saw him 2 weeks ago and he was speaking to all of us gently

  17. Anon April 20, 2011 6:42 PM
    Pls I seriously hope you were joking about this man receiving chemo when he did not have cancer. Which rubbish doctor caused this problem and chaos for this lovely woman and her son.
    I believe this family have enough money to give their son the best medicare in the world. Something ought to be done about this devil of a doctor.
    Nigerian doctors and nurses should start taking responsibility for their acts of omission and commission. This is what happens in the UK

  18. Gbegi was a good friend of mine, I just stumbled upon this blog, and I just have to add my two cents to the following.

    Ola said...
    Rip Gbeji
    May God grant you eternal rest Amen
    @Toyin saraki
    This woman has got to be one of the classiest women in Nigeria
    Her composture is legendary
    I cant stop looking at her and admiring her
    I also hear shes a beautiful woman inward
    The Ojoras really tried in bringing up kids with good attitude even tho they are silverspoon they are mostly humble

    April 18, 2011 8:52 PM

    Ola, I agree with all you have said, they must miss Gbegi's presence, May God continue to comfort them.

    As for Anonymous digresser who commented below, God should forgive you this shallow stupid twisted person.

    Mrs Toyin Saraki was devastated but carried herself in a composed manner quite particular to those of noble birth used to the eyes of the world upon them. Such people grieve in private. How obsessed are you with Toyin Saraki that you are commenting she did not wear glasses inside church but wore it at burial ground? Do you wear sunglasses inside your church? Only vampires and witches hide their faces from God, you this anonymous must be a coven member, idiot. A family was burying their son and you were talking of 'this day style poise'? Anonymous, you are wicked, were Prince William and Harry aiming for GQ when Princess Diana died? Mrs Toyin Saraki is not only classy, she is dignified and beautiful inside and out. May God continue to comfort her and the entire family.

    Anonymous said...
    May his soul rest in peace ....

    I digress here....i watched the funeral on Ben TV today and Bukola Saraki showed No iota of emotion on her face considering she just lost her brother. She seemed more intent on looking cool and beautiful for the paparazzi than be in mourning.

    Don't shoot the messenger oh. Watch the video yourselves...

    April 18, 2011 8:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I meant Toyin not Bukola

    April 18, 2011 8:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Trust me...her eyes were not blood shot during the service At All. Must be that she wore the sunglasses during the procession to the burial ground. But she certainly didn't wear them during the actual service in the church. Thats why i got the impression that she was aiming for the this-day style poise.


    April 18, 2011 9:54 PM


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