"How I lost my 18 weeks pregnancy" - Actress, Uche Iwuji | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 18 April 2011

"How I lost my 18 weeks pregnancy" - Actress, Uche Iwuji

"You have heard that I lost my pregnancy, so what else do you want me to say again? I tried to keep my private life private until I saw it in your magazine that I am pregnant. But the most painful thing is that I lost the pregnancy few days before your publication came out. People didn't know I was pregnant and I would have preferred to keep it that way. But I know sometimes it's better to clarify things with you guys than keep mum. Well, I had complications. I was going to use the toilet when my water broke. I was rushed to the hospital and was forced into labour, so I lost the child. I was 18-weeks gone never expected this to happen." Uche Iwuji in a telephone chat with Afolabi Oyekoya of City People Magaine.

Asked about the man responsible for her pregnancy, uche's reply when you continue...

"I met Raphael in 2006 through a friend and we got talking on the phone. He came to Nigeria and we started dating. We had a good relationship but between 2007/2008, we didn't see much of each other so there was a break until 2009 when re connected and have been together since then. That I got pregnant for him doesn't mean we were serious but he is the kind of man I can love forever. There has never been any marriage plans, we were just dating."

You would get pregnant for a man you're not serious about or serious with? She was probably misquoted.


  1. Hmm na wa o
    It seems it was a relief that she lost the baby
    The babe didnt sound so excited about the baby daddy either
    She was all defensive in the interview

  2. Sorry Uche, but please may be it a blessing in disguise, from what you stated below...you are not in serious relationship but you got pregnant...this is another case of abroad guy who is most likely have a wife in abroad, but you will be the naija wife...shine you eyes ladies...look for your own husband, stop opening your leg, unless you use protection...you can't tie down a man with baby.....Uche there are decent guy in Nigeria give them a chance, don't let abroad money and gift messed you up.

    "That I got pregnant for him doesn't mean we were serious but he is the kind of man I can love forever. There has never been any marriage plans, we were just dating."

  3. NA WA!!! wow these journalists are vicious. if someone takes a crap in a toilet and forgets to flush, they will make it their headline.
    i feel really sorry for her loss, but i do encourage her to get married to him. i mean, was she expecting to be a baby mama? seriously?


  5. eerrrmmmmmmm *confused face* as in .......am lost.

    my apologises for her child loss........but errm....all that

    information was absolutely unnecessary.

  6. All these nonentities that we call celebrities in naija!!!!isnt this dump of an adult to say this rubbish.Just learn to keep shut...your word stinks

  7. Oh my God, please shut up all of you.

    What if the man had genes that she wanted for her child but she didn't want to marry him?

    Obviously she wanted the child but not the man. End of story nothing to see here.

    What the hell is wrong with you stupid people?

  8. Haters yapa sha...'Cos she said it like it is now, y'all wanna chew her up and spit her out. Uche sorry for ur loss oh, and kudos for keeping it real b4 ur amebo 'friends' sell the story to the media.

  9. I hope she was misquoted. sounds very dumb. like why did she grant the interview in the first place?

  10. I'm not surprised at her TMI! She's fond of going over board with her so called interviews! Kai.... So much for a celebrity cum role model! kmt

  11. Hello Linda, I don't know if my original comment came through because it seems like I'm having technical issues here...
    Anyhow, I don't know why there is so much judgement on this girl. If we consider that a lot of people are having sex within more or less serious relationships then we should understand that some of those same people will get pregnant.
    Secondo- Not all relationships are altar bound and am sure we all have been in relationships we knew had no future....
    Tercio - let's also acknowledge that condoms break and that some women have been impregnanted under the pill
    Given these 3 facts why would you ask "You would get pregnant for a man you're not serious about or serious with?" There are a lot of women out there pregnant from men they never intended to marry, some of them will marry them for the kid's sake some other will keep things as is: meaning, handle their responsabilities as far as the welfare of the child is concerned and not really care much about the mother. There is eve a third kind that goes completely M.I.A / 404 url/ dead bit.
    The truth is Uche is a grown up who earns a decent living and can surely decide to keep a baby wanted or not. Life happens, accidents happens, and people make mistakes as much as they make choices.
    when I was a freshman in college, a friend of mine got pregnant from a co-worker she had been dating for barely 2 months. The guy would not have any of that,a total jerk: he typically coerced her into having an abortion. She could not afford the baby alone, being already a struggling student; On the other hand, the religious person inside of her made her very uneasy about terminating the pregnancy. On the eve of the procedure, she wept and she prayed so much she did not sleep. As she was leaving home she was so pale she looked like a ghost.When she returned, she was in scrubs. She told me that she was so freaked out about what she was about to do that the baby came out in the subway and the hospital just had to dispose of her blood stained clothes and clean her up. I felt relieved because I knew that had she gone under the knife, she would probably never have forgiven herself. Do you think that if you ask this girl what happened she will tell you anything different than what Uche Iwuji told the press? NO. Life happens.

  12. The guy lives abroad in a world where it does not matter if you have a baby out of wedlock.

    Are you lot saying that the girls that have abortion are better than girls that deliver out of wedlock?

    The world has moved on. It serves her right for opening her mouth to the press.

    So what if you lose a baby, move on! Don't let people laugh at you. Don't let fame get to your head.

  13. madam diarrhea mouth
    you get what you dish out
    Keep your mouth shut!

  14. No she was probably NOT misquoted. The more I hear of this girl the more useless she sounds. Maybe it is all the joblessness that is spinning her head and making it empty.

  15. Chei! This girl talks way too much, this is the same girl who gave an interview on how she couldn't date a man who couldn't afford to give her money to get her weaves and nails done etc. She did not have to give this interview but I guess this is the only way to remain relevant in the business? I feel sorry for her loss but she really needs to take this time to reevaluate her life, lay low, work on her public image and her career.

    This is the same thing that just happened to Rod Stewart's crazy daughter and Benecio Del Toro. Nobody even knew that they knew each other or even ran in the same circle but she got pregnant for him and in their joint release statement, they both agreed that they are no dating but will care for the baby as responsible adult. I think that in our world today, people put more thought into purchasing a car or home than whom they have a baby for. It is what it is, wetin we go do except try and live our own personal lives the best way possible and let others live their own, shebi?

  16. @ Sugabelly,i think u r as dumb as she is.
    What the F**k do u mean by
    "What if the man had genes that she wanted for her child but she didn't want to marry him?".

    So what is the gurantee that she will have that specific "gene" she needs from the man. How sure is she that her genes wont dominate the baby's.

  17. well i have nothin to say abt her TMI. bt d chick looks razz and trashy to me,i have never watched her movies and i never will.

  18. what kind of English is "the man responsible for her pregnancy"? Just like people will say someone is pregnant "for" someone. Please edit your articles before they reach us. Thanks.

  19. lol how does it concern us,if she is pregnant or not anymore,pls

  20. sugabelly you are the dumbest idiot i had ever seen comment here!

    you throw insults without common sense or thinking!

    your words are so full of bile and never make a comment without insulting people!

    you think you are intelligent?

    as a 22 years old, i expected you to be wise for your age but you think with your yansh and have no iota of respect for the nigerian people!

    if you hate so much to be a nigerian, you can change nationality and become an oyibo as you so desperately wish from all the comments i had been reading from you in blogs!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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