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Tuesday 4 December 2007


Let me officially say that I got my highest number of blog visits yesterday. Almost a thousand five hundred hits. That's like twice what I get every day!

Na my picture cause am?

Na so I fine reach?

No be small something o!


Anyway, thanks for your comments. What I heard most was that my head is bigger than the rest of my body. Lots of laughter. I know, I'm working on that body.

I'm going back to the studio. Will let y'all see the new pictures when it's ready.

Meanwhile, I got this email from someone

Read and let her know what you think

Dear Linda
Great thing you are doing with your blog. Well done
Want to sort your opinion. Have a friend who I met on the Internet and I like and he likes me as well. We have been friends for the past 7 months, exchanging emails, phone calls, chatting et al. He's asking me to come over to his country, Poland, for our first meeting. Quite skeptical about it coz the idea is great but I'm scared, going to a strange land to see a stranger. Would you advise I go? Please ask your fellow bloggers.
Thank you.

My advise to her was NO. I gave her my reasons...I think he should come here first...with all the things happening around, one can't be too careful.

But what do you think?

Please let her know.


  1. can't he come at visit her? Isn't it a man that finds a good thing, so why is she looking? Besides, isn't Poland one of those Eastern European countries known for sex trafficking? She better just chill o, if the man wants to see her so badly he can come for a visit and if he can't, oh well.

  2. This is so funny me and my coworker were having this exact conversation less than 3 hours ago... she said she lost a friend due to an incident exactly like this and that she adviced her friend not to go. I agree with you Linda the guy should come to her...

  3. Great blog. You were right in your advice to her, he should either visit her first(she should make sure he stays in a hotel o and not with her) or they should meet in a neutral country, even if its just Ghana. Nowadays, you can't be too careful, what if he is a murderer and rapist, or someone who thinks he has met a gullible Nigerian girl?

    My honest opinion......

  4. Linda,

    Compliments of the Christmas season.

    Well done.
    So far so good.

    I have seen the pictures.

    You need to relax and avoid executive stress.

    Let the advertisers and clients come to you and you do not need to lobby.

    Just let your works prove how capable you are.

    Your magazine should show them that you are capable of greater things.

    Take care 34/7.

    Cheers and God bless.

  5. I agree with you Linda.One cant be too careful!My dear sit down for Naija if the guy wan see you,make him show first.OK?

  6. person might even be in

  7. I've got a friends friend who is meeting her man in Nigeria from Perth here ( Internet dating.LOL)...she has planned her trip and all that stuff and when my friend asked my opinion, I asked her to process the visa for the guy to visit her in Perth so at least she doesnt get stuck there.

    Oh well, long story short, she insisted on going to meet the knight in shinning armor and am praying so badly for her...because of what might possibly ensue. I gave her my number and have contacted a few friends who would help her if she gets stuck..but am worried!

    A woman being the weaker sex shouldn't make the first venture in a foreign land unless she has plan B...Where would she run to if he isnt what he was meant to be or a kidnapper, a crazy person....God help her sha!

    I didnt wanna push cause he might be a good guy afterall.

  8. hello linda, u are indeed doing a lovely job even though u refused to ask me how d seminar i told u about went, i will tell you. it was okay and am proud to be d cordinator of imoorg. well looking at d issue on ground, marriage is not TRADE BY BARTER. i do not know why some of our ladies do render themselves so cheap why? how could u just meet someone on d net and fall in love with such person. our friend should think twice. i advice her to avoid such fellow completely even though d guy comes down to visit, she should still look at it very well before going into it thats if at all he would come. who knows he could be one these fraudsters on the web. my dear, do not go to poland. do not sell urself out! dis is KWASI JAMES.

  9. I don't think she should go. Let the man come and visit her first.

  10. Ofcourse he should do the honors first. Oh hard as it might be for her to believe, he's still somewhat a stranger.

    Lol. Omigosh, i'm quite puzzled that she's even considering that....

  11. A daring act is like a chess move; you could lose a piece or it could be the beginning of a winning gambit.

    Loved ur pics. Now you officially have one more stalker.

  12. tell her not to go anywhere oh !!! these days that people don dey enjoy the taste of human flesh .. AH !! she should either get him to meet her in a neutral environment, or not go anywhere at all..

    my two cents..

  13. i live in poland and last year there was a case of a nigerian girl who was lured to poland under false pretenses,when she got here she was forced to work as a prostitute on the polish-german border.after a few months she was rescued by the border police but turns out she had already being infected with HIV and other STDS. My advice is she shouldnt go. Oh,Kpakpando poland is now classified as a central european country not east:)

  14. i just wanna wish u merry xmas and happy new year in advance and i will be coming home for plz keep me posted on event thats gonna take place this season,i:e comedy nights and musical shows cos i would like to attend them...bye LINDA babe,keep ur head up,an inlove!

  15. like the others I would also say NO being that she doesn't really know the man except the picture he has painted for her to believe. In a time like this one has to be very careful you don't just trust like that.... I will advice that she should be prayerful and let God reveal and also direct her path.


  16. Hmmm...i can't believe some people still do dis internet dating thing. I was in similar situation back in 2004, i met a naija guy on a naija site then, we chatted for a few months online, spoke on d fone et al. Later i decided to go and visit him in Germany then, i spent two weeks with him. We had a fab time together but when i left, things just fizzled out. Although we still speak from time to time, he's in London now. God, i can't believe i'm exposing myself like dis.
    Thinking of it now just makes me cringe and i just wonder how i fell for such a stupid thing. But it's one of those life experiences dat's really changed my opinion on some things.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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