My or not? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 2 December 2007

My or not?

I need y'all to give me your opinion on something. I wrote some weeks back that I was supposed to do a photo session for my TV show but my director refused to take me to the studio, saying I was too skinny and needed me to add a bit more weight before going to the studio.

Well, I checked my weight last week and found that I've added 3kg to my 49kg. I now weigh 52kg. I told him and he still thought I was still skinny...but the thing is, if we're going to wait till I'm as bootylicious as Beyonce before hitting the studio, then we're gonna have to wait till I'm pregnant with my first baby...I don't see any way around it.

So last week Thursday, I took myself to the studio.

My director didn't like the pictures...

Went back on Friday....he still didn't like it...

His reasons
1, Too skinny...yeah well, whatever! lol
2. The poses don't have a message...Yeah well, I'm a little rusty, I haven't done any modeling in two years.
3. The pictures are not professional. He wants me to do a session at a studio where I was asked to pay N25grand for about ten pictures. (I paid N5grand for almost a 100 of this pictures'm so cheap I know, but N25grand for just 1pix? That's painful).

We need just one picture for the posters, handbills and website. I understand professionalism but it's easier to put that into practice when it's not your money being spent.

It's not like I don't have N25grand, but I'm saving up for the print of the mag's third it's painful to part with such an amount. It's times like this I wish I had one rich boyfriend somewhere...just kidding! lol!

So, we've changed the title and theme of the TV programme. It was initially Catwalk with Linda (we already shot 2 episodes), a TV modeling contest. Now, it's called Nigeria's Top Model Search With Linda Ikeji. A reality TV modeling contest...sorta like Tyra's ANTM. We're already talking to some sponsors...

So the picture is meant for the promotional campaign for the show

Check them out and let me know what you think.

Do I have a good photo to pick from? If yes, tell me which...


















Give me your sincere opinion...if it ain't fly, I can cry for a day or so, then go pay N25grand for a professional photograph (so

But don't forget that the background doesn't matter. It will be cropped off and placed on another background and the picture will be worked on by the graphic artist...

BTW, that's me and Gbemi Mowarin. He just joined the company and he directed the shoot.

So what do you guys think? Go back to the studio or...?


  1. Dear Linda I want to say the pics look good but am really finding hard to...with your chest and shoulder exposed, frontal isn't looking good becos yur collar bone and chest areas aren't working for me at all, it's all sticking out too much making you look too slouched, noticed that in your last pics you posted, a bit dipped chest area would have pulled it off a bit, much preferred the back and side pose.

    from your thighs down loving it , as for your weight you are just right in my opinion for what will make a good cover model...with a bit of Photoshop trust me flawless..

    And pleaseeeee lose the armpit pose, hardly attractive.

  2. 17 was the only one that worked for me because of the sly smile and body position.

    looks like its going to be 25 grand linda.

  3. Hey! girl!

    You work it sister girl!!! You look goooood!!! Loving the poses / pics.. Modelling is still good for you but! u know ur aspirations and then again its all gooood!

    Don't let the comments dissuade u. You are da bomb!!! Talk to ya soon. I holla!

  4. anjugrasay gettin all professional with us!
    do your thang mami! I'm loving 7, 9& 17. Around when is the show gonna air?

  5. pic # 9 and 17 is definitly print quality.

  6. I like Nos 5, 13 and 16; but they still need some work though, I understand when the guy says it doesn't look too professional. You can work on them urself- use photoshop.

    Some tips - Change the clothes, get something bright, maybe flowery, but in a mature way. Get some with sleeves and a V- neck, that will hug your assets. Mix it up, not digging the bedsheet/blanket too much.
    2) Change the hair - too flat, some shots with that hair is ok, but get something with some body(hair) at the top, and some color if u can, long is good though, so leave it long.
    3) Loose the armpit pose, you could change it to an 'arms wide open' pose with you smiling/laughing.
    4)Stick to one expression, you should either be happy or looking fierce (lol)...seriously though, and i'll be sending you my info so that you can pay me for the tips.

    Anyways hope they help and I need more Naija gist.....

    PS: Weight wise, I think u're fine, homeboy doesn't know what he's talking about, we can't all be one size. Flaunt it, it's fabulous.

  7. You are beautiful gurl. Abeg,u too fine.
    I liked most of the pictures, especially the ones with the back and side views. Go gurl.

  8. I like the ones with the blknwht dress... So I think 9,12, 15 or 16 (can't remember) and 17...

  9. Linda, angles are so important to create the illusion of curves and fullness you seek. Your shots standing r not flattering and do make you look quite thin and in some instances the angle shot makes it appear like your head is bigger than the rest of your body. I'd go with pic #7 & 16. These pics give you more of a firm, slender and healthy look. I do not care, at all at all for the wrap around you. I think you could still do the wrap but maybe a richer textured fabric and the seams maybe sown so it's almost like wrapping a shawl around you rather than what it looks like now--some cheap bed sheet cloth.

    #16 I think I like best. There is no escaping that you are quite thin but this pic looks more normal. For the future, since you are so concerned about appearing even thinner than you look, avoid poses where you are crossing your legs like #3. It makes you look even thinner. I think #16 is a marketable image. That is the one with you looking away. It looks good. I do not care for the expression on the face and the positioning of the hand plus the crinkling/ruffling of dress but I think it works best and is marketable.

    Hope the above helps.

  10. And please Mr/Mrs Anjugrasay, just because Linda asked for your opinion does not mean you have become her creative director. Say the ones you like, no one is asking for your excess negative criticisms!

    @ Linda Ikeji: I didn't know you were that skinny?! lol WHAT?! Don't mind the manager or whoever joh! Which weight does he want you to lose? If that's what you look like, that's what you look like. He has to deal with it. All body types must be celebrated.

  11. hi,
    dont think the pics are bad, i agree with the director about the message you are trying to convey.. its not clear, once u get a cohesive message, u'll b good to go. I dont think you are too skinny. Also, i think a a hairstyle with bangs, would work well on your face. Goodluck!

  12. Hi Linda,

    I prefer pictues 9 and 17. Try working some photoshop magic with the help of a professional and see how they turn out.
    All the best, you are beautiful.


  13. 4,6,10, or 16.All the pics with non- frontal view and u facing away appear good.The ones with u looking direct into the camera are not as good.Meanwhile tell ur director he's just talking BS.Gurl u don't need to be adding no more flesh.U're just beautiful they way u are.All you need is a good photographer that would photgraph u in the right poses and smoothen the sharp angles a lil.

  14. I agree with previous post.

    If you're looking for sexy go with #7, if you're looking for hot girl next door go with 17.

    I do not think you're too skinny for being a model, at least by american standards not sure about in Nigeria. You just have to bring out your best properties (definately legs) and try to pose with out focusing on parts of your body that your director might consider too skinny (front shots).

    hope this helps.. I think you're beautiful though. Good luck with everything.

  15. The pictures are really cool u are so gorgeous however i think u need to put on some weigth cause ur collar bone is protruding too much and the armpit thing is not working for me.CYNTHIA.

  16. They are all well taken pictures.
    1 2 4 9 15 17 are my picks.

  17. i agree with your producer .. these pictures will not fly.. u asked for a sincere opinion so no vex, and this is it..
    they just werent as good, so pls put hand for pocket and let the other studio take the photos..
    p.s,, those poses were not flattering at all oh linda

  18. Very beautiful pictures no doubt but i have to agree with anjugrasay on this one, lovely from thighs down, abit skinny up top. Side poses were slightly better as they didnt show too much collar bone.
    You could try and have them airbrushed or filled out, or use you hair creatively.
    But you are beautiful without doubt.

  19. i beg those pix re not 'werking' for me at all,

  20. 2, 7, 9, 13,& 17 are lovely
    like anjugrasay said...armpit poses r no nos....they almost always come out wrong.
    gurl if u are on a budget then u shld stick 2 it..afterall its just ONE foto u need.

  21. i like #7, the way the new name for the show, not loving it, the old one was better. good luck with everything.

  22. omg gush linda honey u are smoking this is woman to woman no lie. am in usa n we need more strong focused women in those idiotic magazine. abeg ooooo come america lol. neways ur pictures are banging and makes me proud to even be naija. seffff. ima about to write an article about u on my blog. ciao

  23. :) hunie you know its love right???

    the green wrap pose, the lipstick kinda stood out, like the red and the green just werent working together!!! i liked the black and white dress cos it was realllllllly beautiful!! i think out of all the pictures 16 and 17 are the nicest, but go and get some better shots jo!!!!! look at you, God will bless you dont worry :) or get the director to try other outfits/makeup, different looks, different settings


  24. Hey Linda...good to see that u r doing big things...i have not left a comment in ur blog in a while but decided to do so today since u r asking for our opinions...I like pic 9 and 17...and personally, I dont think u r too skinny..u r just right as a model...hope this helps...btw, did u get my email about my wedding?

  25. As for me oo, i like the picures...come are you sure that producer guy is okay in the head?

  26. 7 and 17 are my favorite..

    and it would had helped if u stopped sticking ur head out...and yeah the armpit

    but u have a flawless body and gorgezz

  27. Linda

    I dont understand how somebody who had body weight before suddenly can start to lose it by magic.

    Seriously, What are you doing to yourself now that you were not doing before??

  28. #7 & 17 are the best..the armpit ones dont look good at all, except those white marks would be photoshopped....a few standing ones kinda make you look like a stick.

    I'd had prefered you have some more glamourous african look...than some western wannabe esp for the intended use.

    Nonetheless, great photos...not many of us have great body nor great skin!


  29. hey missy, please pray tell..where did you pay 5k for these pics...I need to visit when I get to Naija.

  30. Linda, i must confess that i'm finding it hard to choose and that's simply cos i love 'em all. I almost chose the first one, but became more confused as i saw the rest cos they are all gorgeous.

    And i really don't think you're skinny. You look like a typical supermodel and this is the way they look.

    Beyonce isn't a model, so she embraces her curves. Please don't binge on junk just to put on weight. What if you don't look as good when you put weight on?

    Please you look okay and 52kg is very good for your height and is actually perfect for your BMI. I have calculated it.

    I was a size 10 and weighed 58kg before baby making. Now i fluctuate between 69-71kg and am a UK size 12. I even had to struggle to remain this size as there was a time i was 14-16.

    Please forget about your weight. You are not unhealthy and are very energetic. When you get pregnant, you'd put on a l'il weight so forget about it now abeg. It's not even important now.

    Please publish your pictures like that jare. Why is your director tryna put you down? You are not skinny, just slim.

    You're a UK size 8 like my sister and i have many friends that are also size 8. If people want to know what skinny is, they should talk about posh spice who is a UK size 4- so you are even double posh's weight.

    Stay cool babe.

  31. Okay just went through them again. My best three are numbers 1, 4 and 14.

    However i think you should choose number one cos the posing and attire are best suited to modelling. The idea that you are only partially clothed with a sarong coupled with your pose looks typically model like.

    Also, darker colours bring out your beauty more and you look smokingly sexy in it. Your pose is wicked also and equally sexy.

    Please don't be mad at me, but cos you said we should be honest, it would be hypocritical of me to pretend to like all of them, especially as your friend. Truth is, i also don't like the armpit pose. It makes me feel know, when someone sits a l'il carelessly and shows their undies accidentally and you want to quietly tell them to close their legs.

    It may be okay, but i felt a tad squeamish like i wanted to cover you up protectively. Apart from that, you look really beautiful as usual.

    Rock on girl. Love ya.

  32. Pictures 7 and 13 are my best.

  33. though you're on the very slim side you have a lovely skin. i like pic 1,2,7,9,13,17 and 13,17,7 being my best

  34. though you're on the very slim side you have a lovely skin. i like pic 1,2,7,9,13,17 and 13,17,7 being my best


  35. i think your last picture alone is the best pick.

  36. i'm feeling pictures 1 and 9... Goodluck!

  37. hullo linda,

    Nigeria top model search with linda ikeji? sounds to mee like u a gonna have some huge incentives for this, u know like a big modeling contract for the girls and all that, do u have this planned for? catwalk with linda sounds betta to me.

    the pix, they are not bad but can be betta too, nos 7 , 13 and 16 looks good to me.

    all the best girl !

  38. Linda dearie,
    The pics u posted are not good enough for your status and me thinks u should listen to your director and pay the 25k.
    Plesae don't get me wrong about your beauty and all. You are exceptionally beautiful, it's just that the pics just don't do you justice, PERIOD.

  39. Howdi Linda.
    i vote for pix no 7.
    u look fab in all but i say no 7 looks appealing.
    Good Luck!

  40. The pics are nice however please do not use the pics that show your collar bone. Aside from that, i personally do not think that you look too skinny in the pics, I also prefer the pics with the dress on, it kind of does more justice to your figure
    Good luck!

  41. #8 & 13 r the only good ones i see.

    Ur body is too skinny for ur; ur body woulda been ok if it was attached to a smaller basically, i'm tryn to say that ur big head makes it so obvious that u're toooo skinny...its almost as if ur head was copied and pasted to ur body. Gain aboit 10-15 pounds and u're good.


  42. "from your thighs down loving it , as for your weight you are just right in my opinion for what will make a good cover model...with a bit of Photoshop trust me flawless.."

    Motion seconded! Legs never looked hotter! And this hasnt even been photo-shopped and airbrushed yet - yeee!lol. Linda did you say you were still single?!lol

  43. The pose number 16 is the best.
    The arms are the problem ...... too skinny and should not be the focus of attention as they are in most of these pics.
    Pay the N25,000 and you will reap more than ten-fold for a job well done !
    Good luck.

  44. ur director sure knows wat he meant when he said u should add some weight......sincereley,i think a little weight wont be too bad cos uve go a lovely face and complimenting ur face with some flesh in d body is actually not a bad idea.......i'm not trynig to pull u down or anything but do go for a proffesional pix.......not dis ones abeg.

    before i got preg,i've always weighed 62kg..fat lol.....when i got preg and i had to go thru d 4months morning sickness,i went down to 52kg and everybody thot i was a ghost.some didnt believe i was preg.they thot i had some terible u saying u weigh like 49kg or so.......jeeeez....that is so so so skinny

  45. girl, it's back to d studio!.........the armpit pose was really not it

  46. Also Linda, just thought of something - you could use some of the pictures on your page as inspiration for poses. I personally like Halle, Naomi (make sure you put some clothes on though), JLo, Whitney(This one I particularly like and I think you can pull it off and add a little bit of your own twist to it.

    Still need more Naija gist (lol).

  47. hey Lin-Lin! I really like the first pic....very nice...i like the curve of ur hips in the really looks like u have figure 8!lolololll! and ur legs look beautiful...also, the 'cloth' doesnt look much like bedsheet/wrapper as it does it the other pics

    all the others are just average although u look nice in all...but i understand what ur director means when he says u need to take quality photos...

    anyway, my pick is number 1!

    and i beg dont mind ur director...if genetically, u are not supposed to be fat,what does he want u to do??? i think African men are obssessed with this 'meat' thing...its very annoying...av weighed 48kg all my life and am 25 now and ppl still try to tease me...telling me about how an 'african woman' is supposed to have meat etc WTF???!!

    abeg nigerian men, be warned oh!


    OLU "LA"

  49. dear linda, your director is right you need to add weight no doubt about that.

  50. if i was the one who was loving you, i would never cheat on you. ur a strong black woman

    keep it up

    maybe oneday, we will meet


  51. Lots! 4,5 7,9,10,11,13,15,16,17(this totally rocks).You're are still pretty as the good old days (winks)

  52. I like pic 17... the best...

  53. Can I be honest? I feel that, like me, relative to the proportion of your body, you have a big face. Your top is also quite small. A little weight on top would look nice but I don't know how you can do that except by creating an illusion of fullness with the your body poses.

    Your face....that's easy, experiment with hairstyles...I'm thinking of a bang or a fringe or some style that chops a bit of your face. I know that can be hard when you have a straight weave in so you are going to have to change your hairstyles a few times. That's the price, I am afraid.

    Other than that, you are beautiful, veryyyyy beautiful.

  54. 1 and 15

    A little more flesh wont hurt babe, just small o..

    All the best with your show.

  55. Actually i meant 16 not 15...:)

    Please dont waste your 25k...

  56. its kind of hard to pick linda it all depends on who is doing the back job for the poster,but if u aint cool with it u can still take another one at least u haope to have a website for the show in the near future it wont be a waste ,keep up the good work babes ur an inspiration for us to do more and be creative

    meanwhile i tagged u

  57. For the business Linda is in people, I do not think she is a bit skinny but rather she is SLIM AND REPRESENTING. We are all built differently. Anyway, back 2 d basics. Spending 25 grand and still airbrush the pics aint worth it. I think any of the pics can be a cover pic with some air brushing and all :)) It all depends on d theme you are going 4. Linda soak up all d criticism and accolades make ur decisions based on what will work 4 u.
    Just stay grounded and remain blessed

  58. I am going to be the only truthfull one here abeg,
    The only problem i could see is that you had a wrapper and things on, just take it all off so we may appreciate the background better and watch your director squirm. I voluntare if you need anybody to do you more el-chipo photo shoot.

  59. Linda I will not lie 2 u ur head looks bigger than ur body in many of the pics. ur best ones are no 2 (although d Beyonce armpit pose aint nice), 7 and 17. get it done pro, abeg and u wont regret it.

  60. No 7 is werking for me. Remember Dbanj and the Ghananian gal at the Hip Hop World Awards.Lol Dat was so funny. SERIOUSLY 7 IS KOOL!!!

  61. Darling your lower half (legs) is perfection but your upper isn't that nice in these pictures so blame the photographer!!!

  62. I think # 13 will work... I like the pose

  63. hot 3,7,13 and 17 were best. Pick 3...

  64. you are pretty, in a giraffe kind of way. Long legs sticking out of your shoulders with no hips nor butt.. Nice one. Have you considered modeling.

  65. everybody please stop lying to the poor girl. You guys are wicked, You dont want to tell her the real truth of what you see. Be bold and honest and tell Linda the truth.

  66. Linda,
    I promised to drop a line for you. Well, honestly, you need to go back to the studio and work on your pics.
    I liked only one or two pics there and it was mostly your side shots. I quite agree with some of the previous comments advising you to drop the armpit pose and that your head is bigger than your body, lol.
    Using Photoshop to edit your pics could work out just well, but that doesn't encourage professionalism and as a professional you know where I am driving to.

  67. Thanks for all comments. really appreciate it.
    @Ms O, yes I got ur email..congrats!
    @shola, what does it mean to tag someone?

  68. Was hoping down the line you would lose the flimsy wrapper...


  69. Hello, ur pics look ok

    but i can hook u up wih smtin really tite,really professional for free

    im a graphic designer and photo editor, my partner is d photographer

    if u r considering, pls lemme know by email

    i could also send some of our works


  70. The quality of the pictures were good but with my experience watching America's next top model, you had the same facial expression throughout (no variety) and the smile wasn't working.

  71. I am not going to say muchabout the pictures because I guess most people have said all there is to say, get it done professionally. I am shocked no one mentioned the make did no work for me....I can't describe it...maybe you should get that done professionally too.

  72. Linda, you look great, need to consider going back to do more pixs for your fans like me. Ruslan like them too. Makes him want to travel to Nigeria.

  73. i agree with the Dara guy. the pictures are lovely, i believe your weight is ok,how else do you want somebody we call a model should look like? but if you think you can add more,is fine. i like no 4,13,16 & 17. i love 13 cos the posture is good with sexy look and the soft smile.
    pls don't laugh in a picture, a soft smile with a bit of your upper teeth showing( not everything)will do the trick. best of luck babe

  74. Oluwa mi oooooooooooo....where in d world have i been all these while? D oucs are giid byt #7 and #17 are better.

  75. I think you're sweet....may I be like u wen i grow up(lol)

  76. 4,6,7, & 16
    i love ur pictures!! This babe, e di kwa hawt oh.... no homo
    Congratulations on ur nomination!

  77. I like some. Cannot remember the numbers. You are really pretty and quite small. Fashion designers and modeling agencies would love you in Canada/ U.S

  78. The pics are beautiful.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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