Sex Before Marriage + Other News | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 11 October 2007

Sex Before Marriage + Other News

Let me start by saying happy Eid-ul Fitr (hope I got the spelling right) to all our Muslim brothers and sisters. Wishing you all a happy celebration. (There's public holiday in Naija, today and tomorrow)

Now to today's topic. A comment from the last post inspired today’s topic. Sex before marriage.

We all know it's wrong, extremely wrong...but it happens...everyday. Most brides I see nowadays are pregnant brides...

Who has something to say about this?

I will leave you guys to discuss this…if I talk now, they’ll say Linda has started again lol

Ok, I’m sorry but I have to say something…

This is what I think about sex before marriage

I am totally against one night stands.
I am totally against casual sex.
I am totally against multiple sex partners
I am 100% against adultery…don’t sleep with another woman’s husband…that’s so wrong on every level.

But am I against sex in a committed relationship? Couples who love, respect, trust each other? Couples who make life meaningful for the other? Two people who share common interests, goals, ideas, love and walk the line together but are not legally married? Am I against sex in that kind of a relationship?

No, I’m not.

Why? Because in a perfect world, fornication and adultery is extremely wrong and against everything the bible teaches us...but the problem is; we live in an imperfect world. God knows that...probably more than we do...that's why he hasn't destroyed this world and forgives us everytime we ask for forgiveness.

Let me stop here. What do you think?

Other News

Here are pictures of Tuface recuperating in the hospital, courtesy Nigerian Village Square. He was shown on almost all Naija TV Stations talking to fans and well wishers

Prison News: According to our government, there's an on-going prison reform. Which is a good thing...but then they announced that as part of the reform, prisoners will now get N200 worth of meals each day as against N150 they used to get. That's something to celebrate? Hiss! I'm not hissing because of the money...some people who aren't in prison eat less than that a day... my grudge is that a large number of prison inmates are languishing in jail AWAITING TRIAL. Some of them are there without ever going to court or being convicted. They just remand them in prison until the courts can find time for them. That is so unfair. If they are serious about this reform business, they should go through prison records to determine those that should be in prison and those that shouldn't. And convict them first before calling them convicts.

Asa .H. Coon, a 14yr old white male, suspended from his school, Success Tech Academy Alternative School, yesterday Oct 10th, opened fire in his high school, wounding four, two teachers and two students and killing himself. Thank God no one else was killed. Seriously, how does a 14yr old have access to guns over there? Don't they have a gun control system in the US? How can almost anyone have access to a gun and start popping people because they're angry at the world. That's not nice. Anyway, get all the details online.

Living legend, Michael Jackson was recently diagnosed with Lupus...I don't even want to think about this for another minute.

They say BBC is planning to reduce its workforce by 12%.That means that 2,000 people are going to be fired very soon! Does anyone know why this is happening at BBC?

Singer and Actress, J LO is said to be months pregnant with twins...if this is really true, then I'm mighty happy for her.

Also Madonna is said to be leaving her longtime record label at Warner Music Group to sign a $120 million recording and touring deal with Live Entertainment promoter, Live Nation Inc.

Michelle Rodriguez was sentenced to six months in prison yesterday Wednesday Oct 10th, for violating her probation stemming from one of many drunk driving arrests and convictions. The actress failed to complete her community service, and lied about doing it when she didn't. That's wasn't smart of her...

Also, whitney Houston's estranged...or is it former husband? Bobby Brown was said to have been rushed to the hospital yesterday after having a mild heart attack. With his lifestyle and drug use, I'm not surprised he's having a heart attack at such a young age...but he denies it though...saying it was just a mild chest pain. I hear you Bobby.

They say Pamela Anderson is pregnant for hubby number 3, Rick Salomon, Paris Hilton's sex tape partner, y'all remember him? Hollywood...what a hood! The way they pass their men around is hilarious

Here's also saying big ups to Samuel Okon Peters, for putting Nigeria in the world map by defeating his opponent, Jameel McCline on Saturday Oct 6th, to become World Heavy Weight Champion. He is from Akwa Ibom and will be returining home soon to celebrate his victory and heal from the wounds he sustained from the fight. Very proud of him.

Also, here's condoling the family of the AIT reporter who died in Geneva, Switzerland. She was part of the entouarge that accompanied Senate President, David Mark for the World Parliamentary Conference in Geneva. Nigeria made a withdrawal from the conference as a mark of respect to the deceased AIT (A TV station in Nig) Senate correspondent. I don't know how she one is telling us that. But it's sad...may God grant her eternal peace.
Another big news has it that the governorship election in Kogi state has been annuled by an election tribunal. The governor's lawyers are going to appeal against the ruling. Read all the details on Nigerian newspapers online.

Meanwhile, our home girl, Tonipayne, was nominated for Fox 11 Hot list. Pls show some support by voting here So proud of her

Finally, here's wishing a very special someone, Olula, a happy birthday. Wishing you everything you wish yourself, everything you deserve and everything God wants for you. Kisses!

That's it for today...Naija Entertainment Gists coming tomorrow. Cheers.


  1. Sex before marriage is wrong in every way. No matter how we want to justify it. As a Christian there is everything wrong with it...Kill me, Fire me, sue me...its wrong and inexcusable, unjustifiable and unacceptable!

    If u love someone to the point that you share everything with that person...well, walk the aisle with that person and be legally married before God and man. Sex goes beyond the physicality to the spirituality where you share not only your body but you soul with someone.

    We are not angels but we shouldn’t excuse a wrong. We are humans and we make wrongs in life, but that doesn’t mean our wrong decisions are justifiable. God condemns it but he also forgives if we confess.

  2. I agree with you 200% linda Ikeji. You hit the nail on the head. We live in an imperfect world. My husband and I had a kid before we got married. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think so

  3. The question thqt begs to be asked is this: Should we continue in sin simply because God's grace abounds? Should we continue to consciously do what we know is wrong simply because we THINK God is going to continue forgiving? What's the poin in calling oursleves ''christians'' and saying 'we love God' when we try to justify our sins. 'Body no be firewood','we're all sinners','everybody is doing it', 'we don't live in a perfect world','God understands', 'God will always forgive' are excuses that hold no water. It's one thing to strive to do the things that are pleasing to God and fail sometimes, then accepts,confess and repent of your faults and then continue to walk the God walk; it's a whole different thing to willfully do what you know is wrong and then try to justify your actions.

  4. I totally agree with your stand against casual sex, one-night stands and adultery. The bible frowns on sex before marriage; but we all need to remember that in Biblical times people married at about 15-16 years of age; so it only made sense that they waited till they got married before having sex. I will still frown heavily upon anyone under age 18 having sex.

    Truth is, people now wed in their 20's even 30's and being intimate with your partner is NOT a sacrilege. If you are both committed to one another and have plans to marry, then I think it is okay to get intimate. What I disagree with is to have intimacy with everyone you find yourself in a realtionship with. I strongly believe in bonding first with the person on a friendship level before anyform of intimacy, that way sex just becomes an added bonus and not just 'one more guy' syndrome....

  5. First of all, I want to say your page rocks

    I believe pre-marital sex is wrong
    but it's a very controversial issue that I hate to address. I howevr believe if you truly love someone, he/she is worth the wait.

    Let your union be ordained by GOD. Let your steps be ordered by him.

    I am happy for Jlo. It is true that she's pregnant. I don't know about the twins portion, but I pray and hope everything goes well for her. You know how celebs are now...relationships get rocky easily.

    I was shocked to hear about tu face incident
    but I am glad he's getting better
    To God be the glory

  6. I must commend your courage. I am too shy to blog about all the stuff you blog about. we all no pre-marital sex is wrong, we also know that lying, stealing , gossiping is still wrong but we all have lied today havent we? I dont know about you but i was taught that sin is not measured, for example you cant say fornication is a heavier sin than lying, because a sin is a sin. ABI?

  7. ask ureself this question "what would jesus do?

  8. Sex before marriage is wrong according to Christianity...

    However again, i know people who decided to wait until marriage and found out that they were not SEXUALLY COMPATIBLE with their partners...

    Tough thing there...

    I will leave that one.

    I am glad TuFace is getting well!

    Toni Payne surely rocks...
    you have to check out her AKANKE faceless tees
    I just bought mine yesterday! LOVE IT!
    She is what i call, a business Tycoon. With her own store in Hollywood at all, and the babe aint even old at all. YOU ROCK TONI!

    Good for JLO...she has been wanting it.

    Michael...oh my Michael...nuff said.

    Linda keep it coming!

    And as per Guns in Yankee, that is why my child is getting shipped to IGBOGBI COLLEGE (exaggerating) after his grade 5 or 6.
    freaking yankee meennnnn!

  9. i like you for always keeping it real linda. show me a 21 old virgin and i will show you a liar.

    we all know sex before marriage is wrong but it has come to stay lets not all pretend we are not doing it.

    like linda rightly pointed out, most brides get pregnant before their wedding day.

    Have some of you not heard that some men will not marry a woman until they ascertian she can give him babies

    and how do you make sure? by reading the bible, abegi! nuff said!!!


  11. hehehe, Linda e bia kwa! In the eyes of God/Allah sex before marriage is wrong period. Whether you're a professional sex worker or you have sex with that one boyfriend who you think you really really love, outside of the covenant of marriage it is sin period.
    As far as thinking God is going to forgive you each time you ask for forgiveness you also need to repent, not just say "Chineke my bad, but body no be firewood" and go and do it again that night.
    What you're defining as a committed relationship sounds like casual sex with one partner long term.

  12. I sent the comment bout sex b4 marriage and i am glad at the attention u ve given it linda,like fellow bloggers ve said the fact that everybody s doing it does nt make it right,i am no saint but i know i never had sex b4 i married my husband ,i was 27 so omolara dont go on believing everybody s doing it,i have a 25 yr old sister and she by God s grace she s 'saving it' and she s preaching it,i made up my mind a long time ago,my catholic upbringing helped me i loathed abortion,couldnt live with the thot and i told myself the only way to avoid it is not to ve sex and i made a vow to God that if i ever found myself on a doctor s bed with the aim of aborting may i never come out alive ,and i knew that God heard me,i m saying that there s grace available for everyone to abstain,if God had made it in such a way that once u sin,u re struck dead but thank God he s a merciful God i ld probably be dead by now too but the level of sin in the world would nt be so muchtrue love waits ,i belive when u re truly in love,u see more than sex in ur patner that shld be an after wedding bonus just me take note,i believe if role models like u linda lead a crusade like this not everybody will follow u but i m sure u ll be able to convince some pple and God will bless u 4 it ,annonymous the fact that u had a kid with ur husband b4 ur marriage does nt make u a bad person as a matter of fact there s no Bad person in God s sight ,it s only the things that we do that re out of his precepts for us that pisses him, u know what they say,he who has ears................

  13. for me marriage is an ultimate compatibility agreement between two people...the hell with church (or mosque for that matter) and tradition. once two people are in league to share the most intimate aspects of their life...that's it.who the hell is anybody outside that bond to say what they should do or not do?

  14. You left a comment up there... sex before marriage is wrong.. .completely wrong... WHY?

  15. All religions I am aware of preach marriage before X, all the truthful peeps have said it all here, sin is sin, no excuses. Peer pressure has destroyed this world, young 'uns are not allowed to be comfortable with themselves without the need to be wayward and sinful. When I sinned for X sake, it was calculated because i wanted to feel among. Adrenalin rush at the point of sin makes it easy to discard and discredit any religious believe one may have/hold, our parents and elders have not helped either, look at the examples they portray. One thing I know is that the more we consult the world rather than the holy book on all matters we are heading further and further down the "toilet", the world that is. Imagine how irrelevant this topic would be in the next 100-200 yrs, if we are spared that. May Gods grace abound and long may he continue to forgive our per second misdeeds.


  16. i own up to being unmarried and having sex. Do i enjoy it? hell yeah i do. Is it wrong 2 have sex outside marriage? HELL YES. I know some pple are wondering what does this person mean. How can this person be saying it is nice but wrong at the same time. Sex outside marriage is wrong and we all know it in our hearts. But it is left for each one to decide what they want, but religiously we all know the bible does not condone it.

  17. anyone looking at these comments would think to themselves that nigerians are so morally righteous, but lets address something more important than sex before marriage. why are so many of our people dying of AIDS, why are married men hitting on university girls, why are nigerian women being exported to the west for SEX work. we all want to act like we are doing the right thing but the truth is that our HYPROCRISY IS DESTROYING US. sex is the highest form of communication between two individuals and therefore it was designed for marriage. marriage was esteemed as the ultimate way to publicly display our love for our partners. now since the concept of marriage has been reduced to "weddings" and financially secure unions, what do you think happened to sex? instead of preaching about how things should be, we should focus on correcting the wrongs now. Yes sex is made for marriage, but more importantly it is made for the one you consider your soulmate.
    Random fact do you know that lack of sexual education has led to the our young women being ignorant in their marital relationship and thus not asking for their soon to be husband's sex status. DON'T LET UR SELF BE BAMBOZZLED.

  18. HI LINDA,





  19. Linda your blog is amazing and so addictive...It's like a must read thing for me everyday...hmmm this post...Im half and half, Where in the bible does it say sex before marriage is wrong? I know somewhere in the old testament is says that fornication is a sin, but that is the old testament. You sort of need to examine the wrongs of it, with every other sin there is obvisouly someone who is been wronged by the sinful act..and with sex? No one is wronged, there is no difference with having sex before you get married to someone or after you get married. I think it partially has to do with the upbringing of people, pre-marital sex is just one of those things you were told not to do because it could lead to unwanted pregnanices, STD excetera. If you are grown up and responsible then the choice is yours. I don't think even as a christain that there's anything wrong with pre-marital sex.

  20. hi .Just testing if it will be published b4 I can write my reall comment

  21. The issue of sex b4 marriage,like someone said in one of d comments dat once u are serious with ur partner u can have sex.How many serious relationship has got broken after dat u get hooked to another serious guy and is broken b4 d real perso, u might have had sex with 29 people.What does dat mean? we have heard of a lady that have had sex with the present husband's cousin that was during d so called intimacy b4 she ever met d present husband how do u think her state of mind will be whenevr d cousin of d husband comes visiting.

  22. D lies of d devil to make sex b4 marriage real are numerous like u may not be sexually compatible.Who told u?I wedded as a virgin at 30.I dated my husband for 12years we were within dsame area for 7years b4 he travelled out,which left us another 5 years apart.Yet he still came back to get hooked to me .Do u want to tell me there are no hard babes beautifull babes dat he can marry abroad?But will write me each time that since u have made up ur mind to keep ur virginity pls let no man defile u.Those words really gave me re-assurance.Behold when we are discussing sex issues with my friends they do call me slot cause I dont play with sex and my husband has never complained that am a novice.Tell me all d styles am there to explore it.In the kitchen, under d stair case we are all doing it 24/7 we are at it.GOD IS WONDERFUL I TOLD GOD D 1ST TIME I WILL HAVE SEX I WILL SURELY BE PREGNANT DAT SCARES ME OFF SEX BEHOLD THE 1ST TIME I HAD SEX I WAS PREGNANT MY HUSBAND JUST CAME FOR 3 WEEKS IN BETWEEN I HAD MY MENSTRATION YET HE GAVE US BEAUTIFUL BABIES.DONT THINK THIS IS STORY OF THE 80'S THIS HAPPENED JUST 2004.
    All sins committed MAY not deal with conscience but the bible says all sins of fornication/adultery is committed against our own very body.We are God's temple dont let us defile his temple.Thousands are still out there that are virgins.I can bet it with u.Some are not even christains/Muslims but they are too numerous to count/ abound.Is a matter of determination.As JAMB/WAEC can't lower their standard cos a lot of people are failing the exams GOD CAN'T LOWER HIS STANDARD ON SEX B4 MARRIAGE COS D WORLD IS CORRUPT.We are to meet up with God's standard not God meeting us to continue to joke with his rules.It is for our own benefit.

  23. Wow Linda shame oh you sha.
    You are using this topic to draw people to your blog. Please jo. Just be yourself.
    So if you find someone that you love and you are going to get married, its okay to have sex with them? thats your opinion. how many times have such relationships ended with breakup and heartaches. common people, dont lets jump on the bandwagon of everyone is doing it. We all know right from wrong and we will be judged in the end. God is all-loving and forgiving but remember there are consequences for sin. Maybe not now but later... enjoy sex now but dont forget remember in the latter years.

  24. abeg sex before marriage rocks,just use a condom.i mean how else will u knw if the bobo can shag or not!....em em em linda how far nah?did u see the dissing?lol

  25. @nameso, shame on you for thinking its a shame to talk about sex b4 marriage...
    @overwhelmed...the bible tells us fornication is a sin, just like lying, stealing and cheating are sins...but most of us still do it.thats why i said we live in an imperfect world
    @the anon who commented on overwhelmed, sorry I didnt upload ur comment.if you'd identified urself instead of being anonymous, maybe i would have.besides im begining to think i have more friends than foes, so i dont bother with the latter anymore, but thanks.
    @stella, which dissing?

  26. Is sex before marriage wrong?
    It's a question of beliefs. If you are a professing to be a Christian or a Muslim then no doubt about it by your own beliefs you have condemned yourself, it is wrong.

  27. hi...
    I found alot of comments interesting....for different reasons...some groups who were frank and very un-nigerian (means they are not hypocrites!) some who hid under the blanket of religion and some who are typical nigerians..(Hypocrites, Fakes and ready to point fingers..)
    which is the best group?...neither!..its an individual decision...and no one is in the position to judge...LIVE AND LET LIVE...simple.
    everyone has a reason for their decisions...if its wrong ..theirs a prize, likewise if its right..
    Linda...u are doing a great job in ur blog...lots of maturity...and societal issues that needs addressing...u encompass, news (both local and international) and social problems and issues...
    dont let ignorant self-righteous, unexposed people like NAMESO (d name says it all) discourage u!!
    Bring it on!!..dig deep into controversial issues and bring it up for discussion!! Its need to be said jare!

  28. Sex before marriage is so so wrong. For so many reasons God says its wrong and this is true of most religion I know- Christainity, Islam and even traditional religion. What's the guarantee that the relationship will end in marriage? we see folks co-habiting ( another No No)for 5 years or more and the guys walks out of the relationship and marries another girl or he says something as petty as she is now fat or she is dirty. What happens to the girl? all the 5 years gone down the drainand who deals with all the emotional issues from that relationship ? the next guy she hooks up with and then she sleeps with him again and the cycle contiunes. I think sex should remain exclusively in marriage. its easier to get over a guy when the relationship is over when you have not had sex with him.You can look at things objectively and deal with issues and not wonder after all you went through and if he is not worth it you can walk out not feeling a reason to stay on and make it work cos you are sleeping with him and you dont want to be called a slut.Lets face it we are all just want to eat our cake and have it.
    If we will be honest with ourselves and stop all these modern day independent woman moves Sex before marriage just isnt worth it. All that issue of 'test running 'is all degrading and making us feel like 'cars'. Cos really how do u know it will work? and sex doesnt mean it will work? so lets all focus on the more imporant issues e.g character, and all the issues attached to that. After marriage and the emotions become calmer and sex isnt every minute on the hour its the other 'issues' that will sustain the marriage and not how much sex you had before marriage.

  29. hey by d way Linda i thot i saw some post in which u said u wuld wait till u are married b4 doing d deed. wetin come shele now?.

  30. Hmmmm sex b4 marraige is wrong...but if you both are committed, love each other,nd certain HE/She is the one then i dnt think it counts...i have biblical facts to patch it up.

    Am happy Tuface is doing fine.

    Am happy for JLO. At last.

  31. @anon 5:50.I had sex in a relationship that I tot wud end in lurlar said, u'd think u've found 'the one'...but that didnt work out. Im not in a hurry to have sex again, I'll take my time...but will I wait till im married before...? God better make that marriage happen soon...wink!
    @olamild and others, thanks.

  32. Linda i really like you and love your blog. I discovered you through my former secondary school's forum. I am not a very active member but like reading mails from the person that introduced you to us because she's so much fun and her mails are always interesting and hilarious. When i opened this particular mail and saw her inviting us to read your blog, i was curious and have been an addict since. I live in California and would be coming to Nigeria this xmas. I would really love to meet you. Please would that be possible?
    Love you

  33. linda, why do I get the feeling you and your ex are back together but you just aint telling us anything about it.I saw you guys together a while back. Maybe one day, you will come out of the closet.

    Anyhoo, sex before marriage is NO sin. If you love someone, there's no sin in sharing your body with them.

    The sin therefore is when you mess your body around and give to any TOM, DICK and HARRY.

    And thanks for being against adultery. I'm married and would not want any lady anywhere near my hubby.

    Love your blog, love your post.

  34. @stella, saw the dissing lol.dont mind me, will do something about that website soon.
    @Ifeoma, would love to meet u too.this xmas will be so nice
    @mrs nwapa, when I come out of the closet, I will tell you a new love story.

  35. oh pls!!!!!!!!!!!!
    sex w/o marraige is wrong?? ok let's not make a list of how many things that are wrong that we all engage in.

    Ms virgins, do u guys want 2 honestly tell me u have neva kissed, madeout, or performed oral or even anal sex with a guy b4? i'm guessin those things are allowed hence there's no penetration right?? BULLSHIT!! those are things that eventually lead to sex. ITS HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY...IT'S NATURE! RARE A TIMES CAN WE CONTROL IT!

    Now like linda said, we live in an imperfect world. heading back 2 history and biblical days. there wasn't really anything like courtship..boyfriend, girlfriend was basically boy sees woman and marries her probably that same day...however, the story isnt the same anymore today. Lets face it! Marraige itself isn't even what it is again today. maybe 4 d 1st yr or so, it's wonderful but very seldom do u see a married couple still very happy in love after so many years of marraige ESPECIALLY in the nigerian society.

    So, no one has he right to come on here with some holier than thou attitude as if he/she is jesus christ and holds the key to our lives when we all know every single one of us are sinners....from a religious standpoint that is.

    so if a man or a woman feels the need to engage in intercourse b4 marraige..SO FUCKING BE IT! If he/she decides not to have sex b4 marraige then SO FUCKING BE IT.

    NOW GO 2 BED!

  36. You've made my day Linda. I can't wait to see you. Egor if you're reading this thank you for introducing this lovely lady to us. You always seem to have really cool friends. I appreciate this. Linda I would mail you about a week before I leave. Take care.
    Love ya.

  37. linda, you're such an INTERESTING lady.waiting for your NEW love story. YOU desreve every happiness my dear.

    One day me & u will meet properly in this Lagos sef.

    Becoming addicted to your BLOG

  38. Linda, great post as always. I think sex b4 marriage is a sin against God and agasint our bodies. it takes the grace of God to abstain though.

  39. Hello...? I'm 27 and proud to still be a virgin...I rest my case

  40. Linda, all this sex talk na waa, i think you are gagging for it. Anyway sex before marriage is not christlike however its hard to have a serious relationship with someone without sleeping with them.On the pther hand some people are able to control their urge for sex until they are married.

    Linda, is Toni Payne nigerian?

    My love to tuface, am glad hes getting better.

  41. ya'all saying sex b4 marriage is a sin but una no dey do am?too many preachers here b4 marriage rocks oooooooooooooooooo!(sue me)

    linda una don settle?as per d dissing,stay tuned,mores coming!
    this ur yeye blog sef,am JEALOUS

  42. U know what u all,God never forces anything on anybody,in as much as he ll want us to live according to his precepts,he said iput b4 u today life and death ,make ur choice.i m a babe and all pro sex b4 marriage crusaders deep down in ur hearts even if there was no bible there s something that tells u it s wrong b4 and whil doing it,some thing bears u witness,so no one has the power to convince u ,mrs nwapa ,do u ve a daughter?re u going to give her this kind of advice/may God help us all.
    God bless u fellow annonymous ,like u i was 27 b4 i got married God gave me grace,save 4 the 1st few pains,we ve a wonderful sex life ,.

  43. anonymous... i neva said i was pro sex b4 marraige. i am basically just tired of pple thinking that they are saints cos they didnt have vaginal sex b4 they got married.

    sex is almost inevitable.
    for 1, the whole marraige institution isn't d same anymore and thngs have really changed from the past. i think i mentioned that earlier.

    in my opinion, the fact that u were able to keep ur virginity b4 marriage doesn't make u less righteous than the next chick who didn't. your views/circumstances and hers just probably happened to be different. u probably met mr right and married him in a short while which didnt neccesarily give u d chance 2 have sex b4 marraige anyways or u were involved in a long distance relationship but very seldom does some1 stay in a long-term relationship and not engage in sex or atleast anything sex-like. i can definitely put my money on that.

    and then again its funny how when we speak on virginity, it's solely dependent on females. i it is ok 4 a guy 2 have sex b4 marraige but its not 4 a female??


  44. and anonymous u said w/o a bible something tells me it's sweety i totally disagree with that.

    the ONLY thing that makes me feel sex b4 marraige is wrong is religion and that is it.

    if i am in a monogamous relationship with sum1 i luv dearly and i kno he feels d same way abt me...i see absolutely nothing wrong in being intimate with him. heck! these days, pple get married and divorce and then probably get married again nd again...but im sure u think sex is right then cos atleast he/she was married even if it means gettin married over a hundred times.

    im really just being realistic abt the topic...truth is u dont even kno if i am still a virgin or not.
    i am a realist bcos i believe when being realistic, everybody can relate instead of only christians.

  45. i have a personal committment to follow christ, which means I follow Him and His ways and rules...He created me, He said sex before marriage is not good for me and not beneficial, so I believe sex before marriage is wrong, not because He wants to punish me, but because He wants to keep me safe, train me to have self control and have all things beneficial to me.

    It takes God's Grace, but it is do-able. Abstaining.

    That's my personal belief as a true follower of Christ.

    Linda Darling, How r u?

  46. God bless u mimi ,so im a babe ,u c ,it s doable,and 4 the records i went out with my fiance for 7 gd years,pastor bimbo[God bless her soul] 's testimony is one we all know it that points to the fact that it s do able,i ask again i'm a babe suppossing God did it in such a way that once u indulge in sex b4 marruge he strikes u

  47. Sex before marriage is a personal choice.

  48. @bimbylads darling, how now?
    @meadows j, toni payne is Nigerian.
    @stella, settle? no chance.pls dont diss me again o abeg lol...i promise to work on that website soon.
    @mimi,im doing so well.thanks love

  49. Anonymous, there's no point going back nd forth with u.
    u have ur opinions and i have mine..YOU definitely wldnt change mine so u can stop now.
    she has a new post so pls do read that and comment on it and stop worrying abt God striking anybody.

    that statement alone shows me d kind of person u are...i mean WHAT REASONABLE PERSON SAYS STUFF LIKE there really isnt any further reasoning with u.

  50. A I wrote before on your sister's page, the reason why tuface was attacked is because of bad belle on the part of another rapper who is a member of the Eiye cult. If you remember, tuface was also attacked a few years back. Same mofo, differnt attackers.
    How do i know, I know. the mofo knows, Tuface knows.

  51. (1) Can some please tell me if sex before or after marriage have any thing to do with the lenght and success of the marriage? (2) If you marry a virgin does it mean you will have a happy marriage? (3)If a man tells you , you have to be a virgin b4 he marries you, ask him if he is a virgin too if not tell him too fuck off.
    Sex after marriage doesnt mean you will be happy in your marriage. thats she is a virgin doesnt make her a good wife. I will rather marry a good wife who will be make to be a home-maker than A VIRGIN.

  52. Hmmm....too much talks on sex. Anyways, it's healthier and more honourable to abstain. I'm a big girl in the Nigerian ramification and I married my husband, a very big boy at the age of 27 in 2003, a virgin. He couldn't believe a wild chic like me could be a virgin. He discharged all the other big girls to marry me! Who says am not enjoying sex, he taught me several styles, and am sooooooo hot now.I remained a virgin out of determination not to be used and dumped by my fellow club guys. Moreso, there was a prophesy when I was a kid that once I abort, am dead, scary enough to make me zip up. I've 3 boys now, and am not regretting anything.


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