Female Genital Mutilation | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 8 October 2007

Female Genital Mutilation

I was Circumcised. Me and all my five sisters. When I said this on my 'Faking it', post, people lauded my courage for openly admitting to being circumcised. Then I started wondering if it's something to be ashamed of?

I've heard all kinds of negative things being said about female genital mutilation, but I've never paid much attention to it. Why? Because it was done to me...and my sisters...so thinking about how callous and wicked it is to cut a female's genital part, is thinking my parents are wicked and callous. Two people I love most in the world.

I first heard about FGM in secondary school when some girls were discussing sex. I remember vividly a particular classmate saying circumcised girls don't enjoy sex, circumcision means your ability to enjoy sex has been cut off. I reflected at that moment and remembered that someone, maybe my older sister, once told me we were all circumcised.

The thought of never enjoying sex was so horrific to me that I went out of my way to discover the truth about circumcision. I asked around and one trusted older relation told me the theory was baseless as she was circumcised and enjoyed sex. I heaved a sigh of relief and never thought about it again.

Over the years, I've heard people state a million and one reasons circumcision is wrong. They say: it's barbaric, inhuman, etc...if this is true does it mean something something inhuman happened to me? If it's so wrong, why are some parents still letting this happen to their girls?

I remember asking my mum why she circumcised us and she said circumcision was to stop girls from being promiscuous. When I really think of it, my mum didn't particularly believe in it, but when you have a kid in the village, the family do what they think is necessary for/to the child. I think my mum didn't have a say about the circumcision being done to all her girls, it was the norm then, so she must have just played along.

My question is: What made our fore fathers think that circumcising a girl will make her less promiscuous? Who the hell came up with this crazy Idea? This people must have been insane.

Anyway, here's all you need to know about FGM
Female genital mutilation (FGM), often referred to as 'female circumcision', comprises all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural, religious or other non-therapeutic reasons.

There are different types of female genital mutilation known to be practised today.
They include:

Type I - excision of the prepuce, with or without excision of part or all of the clitoris;Type II - excision of the clitoris with partial or total excision of the labia minora;Type III - excision of part or all of the external genitalia and stitching/narrowing of the vaginal opening (infibulation);Type IV - pricking, piercing or incising of the clitoris and/or labia; stretching of the clitoris and/or labia; cauterization by burning of the clitoris and surrounding tissue;scraping of tissue surrounding the vaginal orifice (angurya cuts) or cutting of the vagina (gishiri cuts); introduction of corrosive substances or herbs into the vagina to cause bleeding or for the purpose of tightening or narrowing it; and any other procedure that falls under the definition given above.

Health consequences of FGM
The immediate and long-term health consequences of female genital mutilation vary according to the type and severity of the procedure performed.

Immediate complications include severe pain, shock, haemorrhage, urine retention, ulceration of the genital region and injury to adjacent tissue. Haemorrhage and infection can cause death.
Long-term consequences include cysts and abscesses, keloid scar formation, damage to the urethra resulting in urinary incontinence, dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse) and sexual dysfunction and difficulties with childbirth.

Psychosexual and psychological health: Genital mutilation may leave a lasting mark on the life and mind of the woman who has undergone it. In the longer term, women may suffer feelings of incompleteness, anxiety and depression.

Who performs FGM, at what age and for what reasons?
FGM is usually performed by a traditional practitioner with crude instruments and without anaesthetic. Among the more affluent in society it may be performed in a health care facility by qualified health personnel. WHO is opposed to medicalization of all the types of female genital mutilation.

The age at which female genital mutilation is performed varies from area to area. It is performed on infants a few days old, female children and adolescents and, occasionally, on mature women.

The reasons given by families for having FGM performed include:
Psychosexual reasons: reduction or elimination of the sensitive tissue of the outer genitalia, particularly the clitoris, in order to attenuate sexual desire in the female, maintain chastity and virginity before marriage and fidelity during marriage, and increase male sexual pleasure.

Sociological reasons: identification with the cultural heritage, initiation of girls into womanhood, social integration and the maintenance of social cohesion.

Hygiene and aesthetic reasons: the external female genitalia are considered dirty and unsightly and are to be removed to promote hygiene and provide aesthetic appeal.

Myths: enhancement of fertility and promotion of child survival.

Religious reasons: Some Muslim communities, however, practise FGM in the belief that it is demanded by the Islamic faith. The practice, however, predates Islam.

Prevalence and distribution of FGM
Most of the girls and women who have undergone genital mutilation live in 28 African countries, although some live in Asia and the Middle East. They are also increasingly found in Europe, Australia, Canada and the USA, primarily among immigrants from these countries.
Today, the number of girls and women who have undergone female genital mutilation is estimated at between 100 and 140 million. It is estimated that each year, a further 2 million girls are at risk of undergoing FGM.

This is what I think about circumcision: When you read extensively about the consequences of circumcision...some kids have been known to die from this practice...you wonder why parents, especially mothers, allow their children to be mutilated in such a manner. It is wrong and their reasons for doing it is extremely stupid. It needs to be stopped.

This is what I know about circumcision: It doesn't stop your ability to enjoy sex. I've been circumcised and I've had sex...circumcision my ass...I enjoyed myself plentifully...if you aren't enjoying sex...change partners lol. But seriously, a lot of circumcised women complain about their inability to enjoy sex, I guess those women must have been extremely mutilated. It's sad.

All I can say is; find positiveness in a every bad situation. And the only way you can avenge your being circumcised is; Don't do it to your own child.

Who has anything to say about circumcision? Were you circumcised? Do you enjoy sex?

Also they say from now on, our Senate will start monitoring punctuality by it's members...there will be like a register or sumtin? Laughable or a good Idea?


  1. unbelieveable heard the stories never thought it it was true!

  2. I think female circumcision is cruel and an abuse of a woman's rights. How is the painful operation on her private parts supposed to prevent a woman from being promiscuous? If she wants to be, she is going to be regardless of her situation.

    I think the idea was thought up by some useless men in ancient times as a means to control women. That was the only way to guarantee your virginity (in the method where the vagina lips are sewn shut) so they could bargain it and barter it. Many women have been scarred. You are fortunate that you enjoy sex, there are millions who don't because of this practice. Their husbands then tell them that they are frigid and move on to other women.They don't enjoy sex but their men can. Now, that is a double standard if I ever saw one.

    I can't speak for your parents as to why they allowed that to happen to you. I guess if you don't know something, it doesn't seem so odd.I however will fight against it and work to have it outlawed. I feel it is barbaric and in line with the maltreatment of widows and other kinds of abuse of women. you don't agree. it's ok.

  3. Female circumcision is not even biblical.....in the first instance.
    I think it is being practiced out of ignorance,and for selfish male-chauvinistic reasons.

  4. This is a really eye opening post. FGM first got on my radar when I read Waris Dirie's story. She's a Somali supermodel who was deeply injured when she was circumcised as a child, and she's now a UN special ambassador against female circumcision. I've since read a lot about women left with permanent scars and needing lifelong medical help as a result of being circumcised. I'm happy for you that you did not face that result. I agree with you that it shouldn't be done to children (too much risk; uncertain gain). I'm impressed with your courage in sharing your perspective.

  5. i must say i enjoy ur blog. u tell it like it is...no sugarcoating

  6. Hey Linda,
    Have been reading your blog since sept. and i love it. Keep up the good job.
    Circumcision or FGM whichever one wants to call it. I think is wrong and should be stopped. I never knew i was circumced as a child until my parents were talking about my older brother's circumcision and from there my mum moved on to say my sis and I was also circumced I freaked out. I asked her why and the only answer she would give me was everyone was doing it. I guess in those days that was the way to go. With that been said I do enjoy sex

  7. Linda, i forgot to mention this under my last post. I've noticed that you don't have site metre. You can get it from my blog.
    The funny thing is, all these people posting insulting comments anonymously really think that they are anonymous. How foolish of them!
    This particular site metre is very very good in tracking down visitors to your blog and whether or not they live comments anonymously, you can find who they are from where the comments came from. Put it first on your blog. If you're stuck, just holla.

    Stay cool babe.

  8. I am sorry you went through that but i am also happy that you enjoy one of th emost important intimacies to the human race (sex).

    Your honesty...is off the chains!

  9. I admire your honesty and courage to discuss issue like this particular one.

    I believe FGM and other forms cultural practices that inhibits women's right such as footbinding is totally totally wrong and I don't support it in any way or form. Your case is probably a few out of millions of women that don't enjoy sex, have issues with childbirth and in extreme cases can lead to death. It is particulary severe in countries like Sudan, Somalia and Ethopia where women are required to go back for stitching after each childbirth! Now my dear...that is HORROR. I'd rather live in haunted house than go through that!

    What you've disscused is just tip of the iceberg. One of my final year essays was on FGM and women's right. If you are interested, I can mail you a copy or direct you to links and academic infos on FGm and related matters.

  10. my mom was circumcised but refused for any of her 5 daughters to be circumsiced.Pls don't circumcise your daughters.You know better than your parents.Lets stop this bad practise one generation at a time.

  11. I think the whole circumcision issue is nonsense. i was circumcised...nd it did not affect me at all.I can't even imagine the pain mature women feel while being circumcised.

  12. You enjoy sex. Good for you! Enjoyment is subjective. But have you had a real orgasm despite being circumcised?

  13. i didn't buy the idea of circumcision, i believe is a bad idea. God created us and HE knows the reason why every single part should be in our body.
    Is really nice of you girl to come out with this topic and educate other people about it,
    Take care

  14. my mum mentioned also that i and my sister were circumcised.
    "mum? how could you?"was all i could say....
    well, she said "it" was just trimmed a lil bit
    dat being said, ihavent actually had sex, but baby....dat clit is soo on fire!

  15. my mum mentioned also that i and my sister were circumcised.
    "mum? how could you?"was all i could say....
    well, she said "it" was just trimmed a lil bit
    dat being said, ihavent actually had sex, but baby....dat clit is soo on fire!

  16. honestly, every time I hear someone talking about this, i get a little sick feeling and i squeeze my legs together as hard as I can. I cannot imagine the pain. A lot of people talk about how this procedure is a part of some cultures and that we can't call it "barbaric" or horrible because we are being insensitive to a culture's norms. This is called cultural realativism and I think it's wrong. Just because something is specific to a culture does not mean we should go along with it and say it is okay. It's been proven that women experience a lot of un-neccessary pain, emotionally and physically. I don't think that morality and values should be subjective. Rather, I'd agree with the UN, and say that there are some objective morals that all cultures should follow, in order to prevent suffering. The only reason it may prevent promiscuity, is due to the fact that women are in so much pain. If a culture wants to prevent this, maybe they should find other ways to teach it. I think this is barbaric, and a strategy to manipulate women into giving up their sexual pleasure. And child birth can be painful enough, without something like this.
    I am grateful that I was not a part of these cultures that beleive in this stuff. You are very lucky you survived and that you can function sexually. However, that's not always the case for a lot of girls that go through this and it really makes me sick.

  17. Nice article you got here. I'd like to read a bit more about that matter. Thnx for sharing this info.

  18. i am 17 years old i asked my mom about female circumcision around age 15 and she never explained it to me fully. she told me everyone in our family gets it done ...i will never understand this .

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  20. Its funny how you still love your parents so much, after i saw your car post, i started to think how you must love your father so much even after allowing you to get mutilated. I will never understand. Cheers


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