'Don't play the race or skinny card. You're a piece of work' - Piers Morgan comes for Nicki Minaj in new article | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 23 July 2015

'Don't play the race or skinny card. You're a piece of work' - Piers Morgan comes for Nicki Minaj in new article

In an article for Mail Online titled 'Don’t play the race or skinny cards, Ms Minaj - you’re just a stroppy little piece of work whose video wasn’t as good as Taylor Swift’s' - Piers Morgan shared his opinion on the feud between Taylor Swift & Nicki and sided with Taylor. Read what he wrote below
Superstar rapper Nicki Minaj once worked at a Red Lobster restaurant in the Bronx. She was fired for ‘discourtesy to customers’. This followed a familiar behavioural pattern. By her own admission, Minaj was fired from ‘at least fifteen jobs’ for similar reasons. That’s a lot of jobs and a lot of discourtesy.
I experienced at first hand what a stroppy little piece of work she could be when she appeared as a guest act on America’s Got Talent when I was still a judge on the show.

My three sons, aged 16, 13 and 9 at the time, were keen to get a photo with her backstage. I approached her dressing room, where she was lounging and yawning on a couch, and made the polite request.
Back came the message: ‘No.’
‘Sorry?’ I replied.
‘Ms Minaj is not available.’
‘Not even to say hello?’
My audience with her goons was over and I had to break the news to my sons that ‘Ms Minaj’ was too busy doing nothing to grant them a second of her precious time.
She proceeded to scowl her way through her entire time with AGT, on stage and off.
I thought of this when I watched Twitter blow up last night with Minaj’s angry rant about her supposed snub at the hands of the MTV Video Music Awards.
The main thrust of her fury seemed to be that her Anaconda video should have been nominated for Video of the Year, and the reasons it hadn’t been were because she’s a) black and b) not skinny enough.
Her tweets exploded like toxic firecrackers.
‘If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies,’ she raged, ‘you will be nominated for vid of the year.’
‘If I was a different ‘kind’ of artist,’ she sneered, ‘Anaconda would be nominated for vid of the year as well.’
‘When the ‘other’ girls drop a video that breaks records and impacts culture, they get that nomination.’
And on and on she flounced.
The target of her tempestuous tirade was self-evidently Taylor Swift, who did get nominated in the Video of the Year category, along with 8 other nominations, and is both white and skinny.

The main thrust of her fury seemed to be that her Anaconda video should have been nominated for Video of the Year, and the reasons it hadn’t been were because she’s a) black and b) not skinny enough.
Her tweets exploded like toxic firecrackers.
‘If your video celebrates women with very slim bodies,’ she raged, ‘you will be nominated for vid of the year.’

‘If I was a different ‘kind’ of artist,’ she sneered, ‘Anaconda would be nominated for vid of the year as well.’
‘When the ‘other’ girls drop a video that breaks records and impacts culture, they get that nomination.’
And on and on she flounced.

The target of her tempestuous tirade was self-evidently Taylor Swift, who did get nominated in the Video of the Year category, along with 8 other nominations, and is both white and skinny.

By coincidence, I myself also ran foul of Black Twitter yesterday when I responded to the current popular activist hashtag ‘#BlackLivesMatter’ by tweeting: ‘#ALLLivesmatter.’
I was trending in America for several hours as Black Twitter vented its wrath at my supposed attempt to ‘delegitimize black lives’.

One person even dubbed me a ‘white supremacist’ as the bile spewed in, despite the fact that I spent much of my time at CNN - when I wasn’t confronting gun nuts – fighting for racial equality and justice for murdered young innocent black men like Trayvon Martin.

So I have every sympathy with Taylor, who did absolutely nothing wrong.
And I have no sympathy with Nicki Minaj, who emerges as a whiny brat that just doesn’t like losing.

Her charges of racism and big-bodyism are frankly laughable when you consider that three of the five nominations for Video of the Year are black artists.
And one of them is Beyonce, whose own body is far more aligned to the Minaj school of physical beauty than Taylor Swift’s.
Further, 43 of the entire list of 75 nominations for this year’s VMAs include black artists.

Oh, and Minaj herself gets three nominations in other categories.
So the central allegations are a load of old hogwash.
The reason your video didn’t get nominated for Video of the Year, Ms Minaj, is that it wasn’t as good as the others which did.
Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran and Kendrick Lamar all made better ones.

That’s not my opinion because I’m white.
Or because I prefer skinny women to more voluptuous women (for the record, I don’t…).

It’s my opinion based on watching them all, and agreeing with the nominations.
In one final dig at Taylor Swift, Minaj moaned that whereas Taylor was applauded for leaving the music streaming company Spotify, she herself was ‘dragged’ for launching a rival called Tidal.

What she failed to point out was that Taylor put her new album on Tidal, thus directly supporting it.
There’s no doubt that in the past, the music industry was, like Hollywood, rife with racism, both overt and covert.

There’s also no doubt that many of the world’s top music stars today are black, and command both the financial reward and respect that such status and talent deserves.
For Nicki Minaj, who is indisputably very talented, to play the race card just because her video didn’t get the nomination she wanted is a cheap piece of faux outrage deliberately designed to stir up unnecessary racial tension where it shouldn’t exist.
Shame on you, Ms Minaj.


  1. Replies
    1. I guess your brain cannot Carry the words in the article. You don't even read it. Aboki ode

    2. Their cup of tea and personal business. Biko they should park well so dat we read better post. Hiss!

    3. If it's their cup of tea then u dnt need to comment. Dem force u. Dumb asses. Hopeless people

  2. Replies
    1. Wow! Well, nicki shouldn't hv started a racial war. U can't win all d time.

  3. Hahahhahhahahhahha...lipseal


    1. Choi!! Piers Morgan dey write shaa... TF!! He's absolutely rite tho, move on Nicki, ur video wasnt nominated in dat category, cos sincerely, I also do not think its better dan any of d videos in da category.... all d rant abou race nd size was jst cheap girl... shame on U!!

    2. I so much love reading anything written or said by thus guy. He controls the language, English. Yeah that's his language but how many of u control ur in such manner?

  4. Dis fool get time....all these for nikki? Wish she cares!

    1. Fuck that hoodrat entitled plastic bitch Nicki

  5. Wow piers has got some real personal deep sh*t spewing at Nicki ...thats some balls man. To say the fact, piers never liked Anaconda, hence this piece. I remembered him tweeting some negative tweets last yr bout it. Well get off it man, sign ur autograph for ur kids, afterall yall superstars

    1. Gbam! How should I send your kiss?

    2. You are dumb and stupid, that's all I can say. So this is the best response you could come up with after reading? SMH!! Dumb I tell ya

  6. wow................................ read to the end and all i can say is ms Minaj should just chill jare there are awards cominnf and stop all this trouble.............

    1. Why should it get nominated ? Because she was naked? Lol, it takes more than a few packs of silicone to make a good video.

    2. Yea right.... takes more than silicons to make good video so she should just take a chill pill

  7. I agree with him, shame on her. Thr was nothing abt dt video sef, just alot of ass shaking.

    1. Thank you,same here. That Anaconda video was pure smut! Not everything is about race or body/size sometimes rubbish is rubbish!

  8. Replies
    1. Dumb Bitch.
      N u call urself a blog operator.
      U r jst pathetic.
      Ugly thing.

    2. But your own spacing sef is too long.

  9. He has said it all. Nicki is just a sore loser. Linda take note!

    1. Can't help bt agree with ur Retarded flat ass on this.

    2. Very soon linda's note will be full, wonder what u will ask her to 'take' next.

  10. He read my mind.. why do black people throw tge race card at every chance the get. I expect artist/ celebrities to use their power/ influence to help and change black minds that using the race card should not be a way of getting sympathy n should not be used anyhow. Nicki (like she will read my comment..lol) get over it! Your video was not good enough.. period!!

    1. Yes. Piers is right...100%. Backward blacks just have a way of blaming everything on racism. Beyonce and Jay Z don't even act that way, they are way past that slavery mentality.
      I'm happy that video was not nominated. It's pure pornography

    2. Yes. Piers is right...100%. Backward blacks just have a way of blaming everything on racism. Beyonce and Jay Z don't even act that way, they are way past that slavery mentality.
      I'm happy that video was not nominated. It's pure pornography

  11. He has said it all. Nicki is just a sore loser. Linda take note!

  12. He has said it all. Nicki is just a sore loser. Linda take note!

  13. He has said it all. Nicki is just a sore loser. Linda take note!

  14. He read my mind.. why do black people throw tge race card at every chance the get. I expect artist/ celebrities to use their power/ influence to help and change black minds that using the race card should not be a way of getting sympathy n should not be used anyhow. Nicki (like she will read my comment..lol) get over it! Your video was not good enough.. period!!

  15. And piers too wants part of the attention charade? He wants to stay relevant by all means even if it means slandering someone

    1. Relevant???... Lol he's already relevant...this is Job tho so what are you on about

    2. Chill Kid.
      Dude Morgan jst call ish 'Black n White'.

    3. Ode leleyi sha... Msssccchhheeewww cc oynx.. Slander you say??.. Damn girl!!!

  16. Ok

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  17. Can some black fools stop this " I didn't get this or that cos am black " thing.... Gosh , low self esteem is what most blacks have in them .... Out of the 5 nominations, they nominated 3 black artistes but u still not satisfied.....carry that ur ikensi orobo fake body comot for road

    1. Anon 9:21 shut up n don't say what u dunno. Blacks in America go thru a lot. Especially now. So many hate crimes against them. N it makes them act in sporadic manners. Why shouldn't she be angry? 3/5 blacks won and ur there spewing proud trash like a fool. Stop kissing white ass, NIGERIANS. Ur what blacks will call a coon. Black man belittling his own people to get approval from whites. Which will NEVER happen. Whites don't give a fk about u. N never will. When you wake up n realize that, then u can talk. Idiot

  18. Some sense here... Niki, take some good advice. there really is no need for this fight.

  19. Tell it like it,Pierce!u go,man!!!s'far as am concerned,Nicki is an obscene ,disgusting human being.yes,she's beautiful but life does not start and end on ur stupid back-balloon!I don't like stick figure Taylor much either but if she beat u fair and square,leave it be,sicko.and NO,other black ppl eg Kanye; are not goin to jump in with you.take several,several back seats!!!!!we haff c u!!!

  20. U've spoken well dear#My Onika please behave maturely#no dey fall my hand oooo

  21. He gave it her in a hot plate. The Anaconda is just a waste of time and energy. she should change her game.

  22. I totally agree with him,black americans like playing the race card yet give african musicians awards back stage!all lives matter..and ps anaconda is a shitty song with a more shitty music video.

  23. NIkky needs take some chill pill.... that twitter rant wasnt needed at all afterall she got nominated in other categories which clearly shows the validity of the whole process

  24. I comment my reserve. Nicki is "hat"

  25. WORD!!!
    Maturely put.
    Perfectly Written.
    Excellently Analysed.
    WORD Again Dude Morgan.
    Bitch Minaj should quit Whining.

  26. Oyibo una get plenty time Allah. What's the meaning of all these? Piers Morgan enough of the ranting pls. Spare us

  27. Wow! Very well said...Piers always make a good read.


  28. Please How can I like this a million times..
    Too many children as stars, sad.

  29. Well, He does have a point.

  30. As controversial as Piers Morgan might be perceived, I must confess he made sense on this one. Blacks need 2 stop blaming all their woes on their color. Its a lame, overly played out card.

  31. Nicki minaj is my lady any say any time......but Morgan just made a billion sense with his comment, damn that guy is good with writing, hoping and praying i would be this good someday

    1. WORD Dude Eze.
      I once told u that u ve got some Dose of Genius in u.
      Jst channel those Energy positively and Fuck off those Anchor Chains u once rocked on ur DP.

  32. Nicki minaj is my lady any say any time......but Morgan just made a billion sense with his comment, damn that guy is good with writing, hoping and praying i would be this good someday

  33. And why is piers morgan taken it so personal oooh yea he is still angry nikki minaj refused to take pictures with his 3 sons mtewww haba take a chill pill joor!!!

  34. I absolutely agree with him. I understand that racism must be very hard to take in especially for blacks in countries like America, UK and Germany but sometimes I think we over do it and make what is right sound like what was done to stigmatize a group. Nicki like seriously?? How will you even bring up the "skinny girls" talk after claiming so many awards with your group of "not so skinny girls"? Pls drop it already with the attitude and twitter rant and start discussing serious relevant issues like how we can capture this ISIS, devil serving group.

  35. And why is piers morgan taken it so personal oooh yea he is still angry nikki minaj refused to take pictures with his 3 sons mtewww haba take a chill pill joor!!!

  36. i agree piers...SHAME......Stupid anaconda song dat dosnt evn make no sense or posses any content.

  37. I love Piers Morgan!

  38. Hmmm dz one z strong

  39. Ha! Ha! Real shame on u Miss I-need-attention

    1. Someone please nicki minaj Anaconda video and lyrics defines the word TRASH. She should get over herself already.

  40. I agree with him. Blacks like to play the race card when something does not favour them. (though in some instance). But come on, that anaconda is a piece of shit. Shaking ur silicon ass doesn't mean ur video is dope.

    1. On a second thought, i quite agree with him. The video didn't make any sense. People just watched it to see all the nudity, but when it comes to real videos, I wnt blink twice at anaconda. I cant believe she got other nominations and yet she was playing the racist card.
      Blacks and our pathetic inferiority complex. Why wnt whites keep seeing themselves as supreme when blacks are so eager to put themselves as the maltreated ones even when the situation doesn't warrant it.

    2. Spot on!!!

    3. nicki minaj like i read from her followers on instagram is a very saucy and disrespectful bitch.she shud take a chill pill amd learn some manners

  41. Hmmm.. Lemme finish my food I'll come back for u Mr piers Morgan

  42. Gbam....lobatan ooo Oya nicki reply piers

  43. Yea he is sure saying the truth....nicki sit ya ass down and do another music video

  44. They are all idle minds.Coming for each other.

    1. Do you know the meaning of idle? You with all your wisdom and busy mindness-Ness how much are you worth? OK fine life is not all about money, but what legacy have you made.. mscheww

  45. I love this.Nicki pls grow up,old baby and attention seeker.

  46. I laff in pidgin when I read this "And one of them is Beyonce, whose own body is far more aligned to the Minaj school of physical beauty than Taylor Swift’s." this guy get mouth sha

  47. Its a shame with the amount of skin she has been displaying. Great

  48. I agree with Mr Piers the race card can sometimes be over flogged by some people when things don't go their way or when they feel they should be treated in a type of way.

    However, Piers including the part of Nicky not taking a pic with his children is petty and shows his dislike for her based on past encounter.

    My point is make a point with getting personal Mr Piers Morgan!

  49. Lol he nailed it,sometimes we black need to understand that if it dont go your way you dont need to be playing the Race Card!

  50. Well said Morgan!Shame on Nicki.

  51. nice one piers...you spoke well

    inbtw i hate that song anaconda and nicki is filled with bullshit and fake life..

  52. i'm with piers morgan on this one. I love Nicki tho but her twitter rants were totally lame, stupid and immature. And then that dumb boyfriend of hers meek mill throwing shades yesterday like he was high on anambra weed is totally silly

  53. Etcetera should read this, this is how you do a constructive criticism! This is great work.

  54. Hmmmmm this is so deep but after reading all this I kind of agree wuth mr pierce morgan and all the write ups in as much as am a black woman and I will surpport my race anyday but I guess its time we stop bringing race to everything we do in our life!! My opinion though.

  55. It's worrisome that I find myself agreeing with Piers these days.

    He's unusually making sense these days.

  56. He couldnt have said it any better...i totaly agree.

  57. Mehn dis guy is thorough, I see his point sha, very intelligent man, people take note EDUCATION is important it opens ur mind, n makes u a better version of urself.

  58. You never see asians do this racist nonsense.

  59. I hate this guy for the anti arsenal comments he makes even tho he is a goner, but this is spot on. Nicki thinks twerking is a guarantee for best video...and why didn't she pick on Beyounce?

  60. I was riding with him till he talked about tweeting that all lives matter. A. That barely even applies to the issue at hand in this particular conversation and B. We all know that all lives matter. A series of alarming events led to the focus on the importance of black lives in particular. So yes, you do delegitimize the objective of these protests and social concerns when you choose a time like now to point out the obvious fact that all lives matter. That being said, Nicki is a nut job.

    1. U missed the point.
      Search again pls.

    2. Nice one,im with u on all points

  61. Dat anaconda song is CRAP!!!and d video is even worse Nikki should shut d hell up..

  62. Ok. The battle has just begun

  63. Honestly I don't know why she thought the anaconda video should be nominated for VID, it's just a piece of shake ur bumbum and trashy piece, abeg taylor swift makes better video than nicky joor

  64. I agree with Piers Morgan on this one. I never really liked Nicki's personality. Her arguements with Mariah Carey brought American idol to a screeching halt. She is a brat if sorts.

  65. Why should That porn video be nominated . Rubbish. Piers is right.

  66. Piers oviously has a person vindetta against Nicki, na him sabi sha

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. @linda there are also articles that support Nicki's claim, y ain't they on your blog? Shame on u with your 24/7 bias journalism. Stella dimoko says it as it is supporting no one in any article she publishes

  69. Nicki Minaj needs to grow up, abeg.

  70. Am with Pierce on this. Nikki go suck some c**k abeg. That's what ur fake backside deserves

  71. This is obviously personal! Piers should give it a rest, what is his biz....

  72. You all keep saying the Anaconda video was/is crappy...please does anyone have an idea on the criteria for analysis of video of the year?...justasking

  73. Down to earth piece!! You must learn to be a better loser! You sure don't have monopoly of excellence!!

  74. I actually agree with him...


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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