President Jonathan's acceptance speech at PDP Convention | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 11 December 2014

President Jonathan's acceptance speech at PDP Convention

Below is GEJ's acceptance speech on his victory at the PDP 2014 National Convention Dec.10th-11th
1. Mr Chairman, our dear delegates, today is another great day in the history of our great Party; The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), and indeed in the history of our great Nation. 
2. Nothing gives me greater joy, as leader of our party, than such an opportunity as presented today, for direct interaction with so many enthusiastic and dedicated fellow party members, and may I add, all proudly dressed in our party colours and regalia.
3.                It is also my pleasure to be here as a delegate today and I welcome whole heartedly all our delegates, party members and all Nigerians, from across the country and beyond; including those joining us by television and online, as we gather here in the Eagle Square, to reaffirm the noble democratic traditions and foundations, that bind us together.

4.                I thank the Party and the Organizing Committee for a successful convention. I thank all the delegates for a smooth nomination process.

5.                Let me congratulate, the Chairman of our great Party, the game changer, Alhaji Ahmed Adamu Muazu. I have no doubt that the democratic process we have witnessed here today, and his confirmation as Party chairman, are both pointers to the consolidation of democracy in our country as a whole.

6.                There is no doubt that his commitment to the ideals of our party, his consistency and hard work, has helped to reposition the party. And today we are stronger, bigger, and more in tune with the yearnings of our people. Let me also congratulate Professor Wale Oladipo and Alhaji Adewale Adeyanju whose appointments as National Secretary and National Auditor, respectively, have been ratified at this Convention.

7.                Nigeria is undergoing great changes at this time, and also experiencing great challenges; so, political parties must rise above the fray, to provide hope and clear direction, to propel the development of our country.

8.                As expected in every contest, especially political contests, the journey to this convention has not been without issues in some constituencies. Indeed, Party Congresses from the ward to state levels, and the legislative and state primaries, have produced both triumphs and some misgivings.

9.                Without prejudice to various on-going resolution mechanisms, we will take steps, after the elections to review and refine the candidate selection procedures within our party. An appropriate committee will be set up to work on this, with contributions across board.

10.          I commend the efforts of the supervising and appeal committee members, who travelled across the country to conduct and oversee the primaries and congresses. I appreciate also the dedication of the various working committees and special committees engaged in organising and delivering all aspects of the election season programmes.

11.          Fellow delegates, dear party members, while we congratulate our candidates who have emerged at the primaries, we must reassure all our members, that our party remains a large, accommodating and responsible party.

12.          We will make sure that conflicts are amicably resolved and that the genuine interest of every member is respected and assured.

13.          As party members, we must be conscious of the responsibility we hold to our Nation. The political party is the vehicle for national organisation, and the PDP is the foremost political party in Nigeria.

14.          For the sake of the entire nation, we must, at this time, more than ever, stand together as one united party. We are all joint stake holders, this party belongs to all of us.

15.          What we have achieved today should be a lesson to all who care about Nigeria. What we have done exemplifies our unity. What we have done exemplifies our determination. What we have done exemplifies our purpose.

16.          We are a Party that accepts challenges. We are a Party that confronts those challenges. But above all, we are a Party that resolves challenges. And it is exactly these qualities that will lead us to victory.

17.          Distinguished Delegates, ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you as your humble servant, to accept your nomination as the Presidential candidate of our great Party, the PDP.

18.          Having placed great faith in me and chosen me as your candidate, I assure you, that I am truly honoured tonight, to lead another electoral contest.

19.          This will be a campaign, and an election, that will serve to consolidate our successes. 

20.          I will give my all.

21.          I will not let you down.

22.          I will not fail the PDP.

23.          I will not fail you.

24.          Above all, I promise, I will not fail our great nation, Nigeria.

25.          This convention shows that we are ready.

26.          The PDP is ready.

27.          Nigerians know we are ready.

28.          And today in Abuja, we begin the next phase of our mission.

29.          Our mission is to secure Nigeria’s future.

30.          First of all, let me give gratitude to God Almighty who has sustained the nation.

31.          There is much to say, but permit me some special words of gratitude. These last four years have not always been easy, but through it all, my wife has effortlessly taken care of our home. So to you, my companion and my foremost supporter, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
32.          I also want to thank, the Vice President, my brother, Arch Namadi Sambo, and his dear wife. You have both provided loyal support and commitment to this presidency; working with you for our people, has been a pleasure.

33.          The work and progress recorded these past four years has been possible because we have had the best team possible. The Ministers, Advisers, Assistants and staff that have formed the Transformation team, have shown great dedication, creativity and loyalty.

34.          They have put in extra hours when necessary, and always gone the extra mile to ensure delivery. Today, I thank them fervently for their patriotism and hard work.

35.          Our Party, the PDP, has been the foundation of our Transformation Agenda. I thank the Chairman and Party Executive at all levels, the Board of Trustees and National Working Committee, the PDP Governors Forum, Federal and state legislators, Secretariat Staff and volunteers, across the country. You have played your part well, and I am indeed very grateful.

36.          It is not a mere coincidence that our National Convention this year starts on the same day as the United Nations World Human Rights Day. This government, led by our Party, has made the respect of human rights and individual freedoms, the cornerstone of our administration.

37.          I did say during my declaration on November 11, 2014, that we are proud that no Nigerian has been exiled or imprisoned on our watch, for holding contrary views. We must ensure that we continue to water the tree bearing the fruits of freedom, for our beloved people.

38.          In the last 16 years, the PDP has kept faith with the Nigerian people by promoting and projecting a united nation, under God. We have united our people around common national goals for the good of our citizens and the development of our nation.

39.          Through its years of office, our great Party, the PDP created the Anti-corruption agencies, that is, the EFCC and the ICPC, the Excess Crude Account, the Pension Reforms, Fiscal Responsibility Regime, the Sovereign Wealth Fund and various privatization programmes.

40.          We initiated Debt Relief, the Amnesty Programme, the Presidential Jobs Creation Board, Power Sector Reforms and the National Infrastructure Master-plan; the Nigerian Industrial Revolution Plan, the National Automobile Policy, the Freedom of Information regime, the Nigerian Mortgage Refinancing Company, and the Infrastructure Bank, amongst others.

41.          At the advent of democracy in 1999, Nigeria’s GDP was 35.9 billion US dollars. Today, it is 510 billion US dollars - and we have become Africa’s biggest economy.  In 1999, our debt to GDP Ratio was 93.1%. Today, it is 13.6 % of which external debt to GDP ratio is 1.89%.

42.          As at 1999, only 400,000 telephone lines were active in our country. Today, we have about 120 million lines, which have created many more jobs for our youths.

43.          This administration is also working to revitalize our insurance industry. Compared to other emerging economies, our insurance industry has not achieved its full potential. Today, only 3 million of our citizens are insurance policy holders, and overall insurance penetration is less than 0.5 percent of our GDP. We want to transform this sector, just as we have done for our banking sector and our pensions industry.

44.          Our goal is to grow the total insurance premiums in our country from 300 billion naira currently to 1 trillion naira in the next three years. And to increase the number of direct jobs created in this sector from about 30,000 people today to over 100,000 people in the next few years.

45.           My brothers and sisters, the PDP as a party has delivered on its promise.  In the last decade, it has seen to the largest expansion of the middle class in Africa.  Certainly, our Party has a rich history of enduring legacies. 

46.           For those who defected from the PDP, I enjoin you to tell the truth in your campaigns. Many of the developments in your States were initiated by the PDP. So be honest with the voters and give credit where it is due.   

47.           In adopting the umbrella as our symbol, we have become the umbrella of the nation.  Our politics has not been defined by our differences, but in forging the bond of oneness.

48.           After our victory at the polls in 2011, we articulated a TRANSFORMATION AGENDA, which we have faithfully implemented. The agenda has created the framework of our desire to promote and deepen access to economic and social benefits, through equal opportunities.
49.          The Transformation Agenda is helping to secure Nigeria’s future. Thanks to this Agenda we have remained focused, calculated and measured in our decision-making. We have focused on sustainable gains, rather than quick fixes. We have remained committed to our national maxim of Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress.

50.          Today, it is to our collective credit as a nation, that in spite of our challenges, our unity remains solid. All across our nation, the positive gains of the Transformation Agenda are being progressively enjoyed by our people.

51.          During this campaign, some office seekers will say it is “time for change”, but while they were changing from one name to another and from one party to the other, we had already brought change to Nigeria. 

52.          My dear delegates,

53.          Has change not come to our railway system?

54.          Has change not come to our airports?

55.          Has change not come to our roads network?

56.          Has change not come to our agricultural sector?

57.          Has change not come to our electoral process?

58.          Has change not come to Almajiri education?

59.          Is change not coming to the power sector?

60.          Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, what we need today is to consolidate on our gains in order to secure our future.

61.          Our focus now must be on the future and not on the past. We have challenges but we are determined to overcome them. And this we will. 

62.          These last four years, my priority has been in building a strong and stable economy. We have created the enabling environment for businesses to thrive. These are essentials for securing Nigeria's future.

63.          Back in 2008 and 2009, the country faced strong economic challenges arising from unstable oil prices, but we confronted it consciously and overcame.  As the economic challenges of oil price-fall, looms in the months ahead, Nigeria needs tested hands that will provide certainty, in an uncertain world. We have a strong and capable economic team, which has already worked out strategies to manage the oil price volatility and curtail its effects.

64.          Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, our fight against corruption is on course.  Our systematic efforts have been acknowledged   and we will do more in the coming years.  Corruption degrades development; we will continue this fight, without compromise.

65.          In the past four years we have run our administration with respect for the principle of separation of powers between the different arms of government. The judiciary and the legislature have independently and introspectively pursued their own reforms and greater self-expression.

66.          With a fresh mandate, we shall push for increased intra-party and bi-partisan harmony, within the legislature, and between the executive and the legislature. The duty of national development must never be hindered by the over-politicization of interests; this is what we owe our people, and our nation.

67.          Dear party faithful, beyond security and corruption, there exist environmental challenges, such as desertification, which is threatening the lives of our people, especially in the frontline states of Adamawa, Borno, Bauchi, Gombe, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Jigawa, Sokoto, Yobe and Zamfara. We have responded most appropriately by implementing the Great Green Wall Programme for which we have released over 16 billion Naira.

68.          Our determination to provide a buffer of greenery that will stop the advancement of the desert and reverse the many losses of farmlands and grazing grounds, streams and aquatic life, among others, remains strong. Similar programmes are being implemented to save communities from erosion in the West, East, and the South-South parts of the country.

69.           On my watch, the security of all citizens shall continue to be of utmost priority.  With the exception of the civil war, never before in the history of our country have we faced the level of threat we see today.  I assure all Nigerians that this Government will continue to do whatever is required to provide the security we deserve. It is encouraging that the security situation is improving, and by the grace of God, elections will be conducted in all states of the federation.

70.           I call on all Nigerians, irrespective of party or belief, to join me in this fight against insurgency and terror.  We must be united. Bickering and quarrels only serve to send the wrong signals to terrorists and insurgents, that we are divided in this fight. More importantly it can also demoralise our dedicated and brave armed forces. This would be wrong. For this reason, we must remain united.

71.          I believe that together as a people and with God on our side, we shall defeat terror and emerge an even stronger nation. 

72.          The experience in many countries shows that there may be a tendency for the escalation of violence in an election year. We must not succumb to blackmail.  We must be vigilant – every one of us. Only by united action, can we defeat terrorism.

73.          I salute our gallant armed forces and security agencies who are doing their best to keep our people safe. We shall continue to ensure that they have the best in terms of equipment, training and conditions.  I appeal to our countrymen and women to provide them with the fullest support, and not to fall victim to those who fan the embers of terror.

74.          As a political party, we must rededicate ourselves to the work of securing our future. We are the party of the people, and not just the elite.  We must lift the poor out of the depth of want, onto the ladder of prosperity.  We will work to ensure that no child suffers from basic needs. We must create equal opportunities for women and the physically challenged.  We must give a voice to all Nigerians.  

75.          And we can do all this!  Nigeria is not a land of despair. We are a people who show commitment and unity of purpose. Just look at how we stood up to the Ebola Virus Disease.  We are a hard-working nation. And we will go from strength to strength.

76.          Our best days are before us, not behind us. We must continue to move forward.

77.          In accepting your nomination as flag bearer for the Presidential Election, I once more accept the challenge to serve our party and nation. I will continue the work we have begun with the Transformation Agenda.

78.          I will work to secure Nigeria’s future. I will serve with humility and moderation, with simplicity and forthrightness; with openness and inclusiveness, and with firmness and strength. I urge all Nigerians to support me, to finish what we started together.

79.          Fellow citizens, what we need, more than anything else, is to secure our country’s future, by building, and not by destroying.  

80.          We can continue to build upon the foundations we have laid so far, we can continue with our economic progress, we can continue improving our infrastructure, we can continue delivering better health care, we can continue to improve our agriculture and we can continue to safeguard individual liberties and freedoms.

81.          The choice before Nigerians in the coming election is simple: A choice between going forward or going backwards; between the new ways and the old ways; between freedom and repression; between a record of visible achievements and beneficial reforms - and desperate power-seekers with empty promises.  

82.          Fellow Delegates, dear Party members, so much is at stake. Let me remind everyone – party leaders, mobilizers, members, men, women and youth – that the hard work has only just started.  

83.          As your Presidential candidate and Party leader, I hereby commission all delegates and party faithful, as my campaign mobilizers, to take our message of unity and development back to your respective states and communities, and to ensure victory for all candidates of the PDP in the forthcoming elections. Working Together, we will do it!

84.          Our political opponents shall assail us with the fury of their desperation to win power.  They will use every means – intimidation, false accusations, hostile media and more. Do not descend to their level. We must stay focused on the mission at hand – to secure Nigeria’s future.

85.          Let me emphasise again, that nobody’s political ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian. We must eschew violence, even in the face of the most outrageous acts of desperation.

86.          We must make sure our supporters have their voter’s cards.  We must get them motivated and eager to make their mark. It will be a mark for our children. It will be a mark for a stronger economy. A mark that will secure Nigeria’s future.

87.          So my dear Party Men and Women, let us take this campaign to every Nigerian, every home and every community.

88.          We will campaign in peace.

89.          We will campaign with hope in our hearts.

90.          We will campaign on the facts and the truth.

91.          We will campaign with issues and ideas.

92.          We will campaign on our record of performance.

93.          We will campaign to win.

94.          Mr. Chairman, Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

95.          Let me at this point invite to join me on this podium, the Chairman of our great party, Alhaji Ahmed Adamu Muazu; the Chairman of our Board of Trustees, Chief Tony Anenih; the Senate President, Senator David Mark and his wife; my dear brother, the Vice President, Architect Namadi Sambo and his wife, and particularly, my dear wife, the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan.

96.          I seize the opportunity of this occasion to formally announce that as we commence the campaign for the 2015 Presidential elections, Architect Mohammed Namadi Sambo, a loyal and tested partner, a dependable, trustworthy gentleman and a true patriot will be my running mate and Vice Presidential candidate once again.

97.          With your continued support and the blessing of God Almighty, Vice President Sambo and I will campaign together to win another resounding victory for our great party in the coming elections.

98.          God bless you all.

99.          God bless our great Party, the PDP

100.     God bless Nigeria

101.     I thank you all.


  1. Hope say no be reuben abati write am

  2. Act like a president dis time around##God bless NIGERIA

  3. Too long! Will read it later!

  4. Biko who where his opponents

  5. He shouldn't forget his promised ooo

  6. Same old story...all talk and no action

  7. Mctheww.

  8. Same old promises by same old man....»»QUEENMAYA»REPORTING LIVE»

  9. Jona, why looking so old in dat pix? Abeg o, ds politics waka nor easy o. See as e mk Jona old pass him age.

  10. Ok

  11. Shamefulness...

  12. This to long I can't read abeg Next plss

  13. GEJ! hw many times i call u.

  14. Linda is to much joor

  15. Ok

    #Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

  16. That is how a learned someone should speak...
    GEJ till 2019

  17. Am not sure if dis man will win 2015 election.pls linda bless me dis month so I can pay my school fee. Pls oo I dey beg u


  19. Dats his biz! See as d speech long!

  20. It's too lengthy pls, Linda I d hail ooo


  22. Gibberish as usual ! who get the tym

  23. Chai I pity my fellow editor that typed all these....

  24. i wish him the best next year..he will battle it out with Buhari..



  26. 1st of all giving gratitude to God @ number 31... SMH .... so , number 1-30 are irrelevant ??

  27. I like his 30th stanza..First of all, let me give gratitude to God Almighty who has sustained the nation.

  28. >>>>> Longest speech I've seen in my life, election should come and go, I'm tired... <<<<<

  29. >>>>> Longest speech I've seen in my life, election should come and go, I'm tired... <<<<<

  30. Story 4 d

  31. Chai I pity my fellow editor that typed all these....

  32. >>>>> Longest speech I've seen in my life, election should come and go, I'm tired... <<<<<

  33. I have only one thing to say.For donkey ages the elite north controlled d polity through the reaources from the south.They made the country what it is today, especially buhari who truncated democracy but now wants to gain from it. If the north by making northern nigeria ungovernable for the president think they can continue to enjoy their birthright.then i dnt believe the union should continue.Even in d present administration the north is unable to do any meangingful change despite having the bulk of appointment.I am anti party, but i find it grossly disturbing that the north think ruling Nigeria is a birthright.They have ruled for over 37years and damaged Nigeria beyond reason.Give d south their time or go ur way.Linda post my

    1. Kindly grow up and realize priority is about country and not regions or sections of the country.

  34. Abegy mk he go sitdown for toilet

  35. pdp pdpnised in choosing him, he just said pdp's statement.

  36. Copy and paste

  37. Mr. President Sir, change in railway and trailers and tankers still block our roads? Hmmmm, change in power sector ke? For where? change in agriculture yet prices of food stuff never come down. Na wa ooooooh.

    1. Lol. Don't mind him. We have to sleep and dream before we can see those "changes" cos in real life,we won't see them under this president. Lies upon lies and he still wants to be president? Obviously,this man and his PDP handlers take Nigerians for fools.

      God Bless Nigeria.


    Odinigweh@ gmail. Com
    Am getting this today no doubt,so help me God...Amen

  39. Can't read all pls.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#


  41. Too long nah.. Pls..ISSOK..

  42. THIEF!!!!!! & LIER!!!! ....


  43. And who'll read this?

    Jesus is Lord.

  44. good for

  45. We r ready to vote u back....

    ~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

  46. record of performance my foot...pass me that OBJ book jare

  47. More grace to excel, our beloved President.

  48. Hmmmm can someone please read and summarize Cuz I no get strength to read a whole text book in the name of acceptance speech.

  49. This man is very humble.

  50. Summary pls... i hate reading long speech. GEJ 2015

  51. Dat one nor concern me I nor go vote for u

  52. No comment...(

  53. e no concern me ooo #sipsindomiepeppersoup

  54. Ok now that's a really long speech....

  55. We are waiting for 2015 election. God please help Nigeria.

  56. Good luck on your journey out of Aso Rock oga presido. You have tried and may God Bless you. Now, we,Nigerians deserve a real leader not some ball-less and out-of-touch-with-reality ruler.

    God Bless Nigeria.

  57. Damn that man can talk.
    He actually read all DAT?.


  58. Ok o.

  59. Good luck to him

  60. It is too long joor!!! Haba

  61. Pls mr president,can u go and rest enough of dis buhaha

  62. He has started again..

  63. Mr presido. Ah long speech (ok heard)

  64. Good speech...buh dey don't keep to dier words..

  65. bayooladimeji1@gmail.com11 December 2014 at 10:31

    May God help u to lead us to promise land Mr president

  66. "Nobody's political ambition is worth the blood of any nigerian". How I wish this will be the case. With God all things are possible.

  67. story

  68. Mr President, we are at a historic cross-road, please lead us well. God bless Nigeria

  69. Long epistle

  70. opelope annointing11 December 2014 at 10:39

    Mr Jonathani

  71. Too lengthy, can't even read it. Start working already sir n stop all des talk

  72. Issok we are waiting and watching

  73. story for d gods....uncle jona we r tired of ur empty promises

  74. Too many english. chommysteffie@gmail .com

  75. Yes ooo let the game begin elovi said so

  76. Aunty linda no be sooo I drop ma comment in dat linda give away around 9.38 how come persin wey win am na 10.37 mehn no be soo oooo still bayor.adebayor

  77. Jona come 2015.


  78. "Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, our fight against corruption is on course. Our systematic efforts have been acknowledged and we will do more in the coming years. Corruption degrades development; we will continue this fight, without compromise."

    Can we reflect the mans only reference to corruption here...???

  79. No vacancy in aso rock

  80. I dey vex

  81. Whether you like, or no like he is already there.

  82. Sahara Reporters will never share this! God bless the President! God Bless us all. God bless Nigeria.

  83. vote for Buhari,our economy cant just depend on foreign currency,we can produce our natural resource and make use of it.

  84. Nobody's blood is worth any political ambition,,,,how I wish BUHARI n his crew dat r trying 2scare cowards wt der BokoHaram toys ll understand dis.. Dat being said,we r ready 4 wateva dy can bring,,,,Bomd dy pass Bomb,,,,Atiku openly lied dat he has canceled his Birthday party,while it was going on... Goodluck is a saint compared 2D lies distributed daily by dis oda politicians...Am from d Big Heart n I don't coward,,Plz,go n tel dem

  85. Even if I'm paid 2 read dat script, I won't.

  86. Nwaokorojacy@gmail.com11 December 2014 at 11:06

    Linda I get bullied in my office for always preaching about your blog. a
    You dnt publish my comment. I dnt win any of your giveaways. Whats my crime?

  87. I have heard u

  88. That's my president !!! The devil you know is better than the angels you dont know... A word is enough for the wise

  89. Difficult election coming ahead but 2015 goes to Jonathan

  90. @gej,measure ur performance from the day ur tenure started till date and not from 1999... virtually all the sectors in the economy went on strike,insecurity is at its peak,unemployment on the verge of implosion,corruption according to u is not stealing of public funds,impunity is encouraged,... pdp isnt even a democratic party for them to have fielded just one candidate at the expense of the rest and u wanna uphold democracy here in naija?

  91. am beginning to despise Jonathan...its an involuntary feeling i guess (

  92. I just hope killing will stop.. Maybe God help us all.

  93. It well wit naija

  94. Heard u.May God strengthen u.

  95. The shadow of Reuben Abati hangs all over that speech.

  96. What an inttelectual, but that's where it stops. GEJ has no future with this country. Oh... You forgot to remind us that you'll increase the fuel price on the 1st on January.

  97. Money n power ...not letting go


    its a pity ooo....oga jona, after u say u no want elongation

  99. Dis is too much Mr president Sir I reserve my comment


  101. See his mouth, he was emphasizing on (has change not come) then on power sector is change not coming, see Johna as i am commenting on my dear Linda's blog my generator is running now, so as a matter of fact no disrespect but you only read through files, you don't know how life is outside the rock, just change your ways and stop reading through scripts,Art. (

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.


  104. He was the only candidate at the convention..


  106. No need for this long speech you don win already oga boss










  116. hmmmmmm Please 2015 come oooo

  117. All these nonsense to justify failure! It is not a coincidence that the longest ever speech written by Jonathan was not written in response to Boko Haram's attacks, stolen 20 billion dollars but for accepting an inordinate ambition to run for president again. what a clueless and self-centred president. if Nigerians love one chance, I dare them to vite for Jona.

  118. Thumb up my president.

  119. The problem with Nigerians is inpatient. He said in 2011, he started a Transformation Agenda. Which he has mentioned the sectors where the impact has been felt. Believe in 2003, a lot of Nigerians voted OBJ because of the privatization of telecommunication system. Which we are enjoying today but Nigerians have forgotten that the first few years of the implementation, SIM cards were expensive to get basically few people had a mobile phone but now even a secondary school student has a phone. Understand that Jonathan administration. Is just 4years and if you want to judge his performance judge his performance with in the 4years. He has mentioned his achievement. If someone feels it's not true you are free to make your own research and present your facts. Nigerians we need to grow beyond sentiment and let us not be used by some political parties deceiving people with propaganda. God bless our Nation Nigeria.

  120. God bless Nigeria! Only the will of God shall prevail. The rebels shall not, and cannot overrun our great country!

  121. I'm really really scared..PDP might win again.

  122. God bless us with a great leader who ever that person is should win the 2015 elections, cause GEJ hmmmmmm,

  123. chai! change to which power sector.....this man is just a failure.....pls, go and resign to avoid embarrasement because YORUBA and HAUSA will vote for BUHARI....

  124. hmmm mr goodluck and

  125. Jonathan is lacking in broad vision, knowledge, confidence, understanding, concentration, capacity, sense of security, courage, moral and ethical principles, character and passion to move the nation forward on a fast trajectory. Although he might wish to do well, he does not know how nor does he have the capacity to. OBJ

  126. An elder statesman who formed a close relationship with President Jonathan very early in his presidency came to the conclusion, after six months, that the president has not got what it takes to lead. It was the same elder statesman who reportedly tried to jolt the president into action by telling him that there were five presidents in Nigeria, and these were his wife the first lady, Deziani, Oduah, Ngozi and the president himself, and that he was the weakest of the five.

  127. If in the past corruption was in the corridors of power, it would seem now to be in the sitting room, dining room and bedroom of power.OBJ

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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