You think they have it even envy them...then they commit suicide | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 12 August 2014

You think they have it even envy them...then they commit suicide

I've been trying to make sense of actor and comedian Robin William's death yesterday...from an apparent suicide. I asked myself why would a man who seemed to have it all...fame, money, successful career, children, wife, and some things many dream of and only a few have - Oscar win, Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, block buster movies, millions of fans around the world, star treatment anywhere they go..etc...and yet, they take their own lives after battling depression for years.

I'm not an expert on depression, but I used to think depression comes from not being fulfilled in life. When there's something you desperately want for yourself and you're unable to achieve it or when you have it all and then you lose it or you lose a loved one, or your business/marriage fails..stuff like that. When I battled depression for a few months back in 2010 it was because I was so unfulfilled. My dreams weren't coming true, everything seemed hopeless and I just didn't know what else to do.. but I eventually got over it. I've been asking myself, why wasn't Robin Williams able to get over it?

Diff'rent Strokes star Todd Bridges took to Twitter last night to criticize Robin's suicide, calling it a 'selfish act'. Below is what he wrote
'Suicide is a very selfish act. You don't think that my life has been hell and I've had so many ups and downs now. If I did that what am I showing my children that when it gets tough that's the way out? No you gotta buckle down ask God to help you. That's when prayer really comes into effect. Rest in peace Robin Williams I hope you found what you were looking for.' Continue

He's since taken the tweet down and apologized after he was bashed for the comments.
'I would like to apologize for the terrible timing of me comments that I made in reference to the untimely death of Robin Williams,' Bridges wrote. 'My best friend committed suicide a few months ago, and I was devastated to discover that he did not solicit my help.
'I am sure that my attitude toward Williams's death was a delayed reaction of my best friend's death.'
Robin is my all-time favourite stand up comedian and definitely one of my most loved actors. I don't understand the world inside his head, I just wish he had been able to fight his demons. He battled depression and substance abuse for most of his career...and you wonder, why? He could make the world laugh but he couldn't find anything to live for? I don't understand. Can someone help the rest of us make sense of this?


  1. Money nor fame cannot buy happiness

    1. Linda na because u never marry wan make u kill yourself ??

  2. Lovely profile message on my bbm is actually something quite similar..."wealth does not buy you all the happiness and satisfaction".. Look at chris brown for example........happiness is found in the simplest places.......its a journey of its own.

  3. Replies
    1. It is insensitive to proclaim 'I can't kill myself' whenever we hear of a suicide. They probably didn't think they could too, till they did.

  4. Only with CHRIST can you find all you need! PERIOD. John 14:6. BishopDammy#

    1. Enough with this christ nonsense, we do not all ascribe to the aforementioned belief pattern

  5. Depression is a form of mental illness and can affect anyone , most will go thru it but we Africans should get more education , u can have all the friends and money in the world and be lonely , no one knows why, I battled depression and if not for God and my best friend encouraging me always I would have killed myself , we should always check in on our friends and make them feel loved , love is the greatest act.

  6. Depression is a demon with heart of a coward and bravery of the foolish.It may seem the late actor had everything going on so fine for him but that's as far as an outside looker can assume.Not everyone has the inner strength to fight depression.only the deceased knew why he had to die.

  7. u will be shocked hearing pples personal struggle, d emotional pain dey go thru,money,fame,clothes,cars are jst a plus to life,having these dnt makes pple happy,its really sad, u will b shocked dat sumbdy like rihanna,beyonce is highly depressed despite having all dey wish for in life... personal happiness is a mystery..

  8. Me too I really need to understand this... cos it getting more confusing...

  9. That's life 4 u! Not all that glitters are gold.

  10. check ur mail linda...thank ya..

  11. Fighting and treating depression is really not an easy task. And I think substance abuse played a hude role in his case...those things can make you see things that don't even exist. This also goes a long way to show that money and material things though necessary are not the ultimate things in life. Also another reason we shouldn't start envying just anybody we percieve successful coz we really don't know what transpires in their minds and rooms at night. Let's try to find happiness in the little we have and continue to thank God each day we are alive and healthy. May his soul RIP

  12. Sad indeed but Linsweet life itself is a mystery. There are no explanations. RIP 2 him ----C21

  13. Everything happens for a reason.

  14. Dear modern pple. there is a part in our life only God can fill, not even your money or ur cute partner or kids can fill that spot so pls learn how to make God your friend and let this Hollywood suicides lives serve as an example to us all. Money don"t buy happiness. let those who have ears should hear.

  15. Linda The Rich Also Cry.... RIP Rob..

  16. Such is life. They have it all buh not their senses

  17. Depression is evil. No matter the height u attain in life, without Christ you are empty and open to destruction and all forms of devil's gimmick. A life without Christ is full of crisis. Life is full of troubles only those in Christ can sail through. so Sad! RIP

  18. Suicide is never the best way to problems, and depression is very bad, only a positive mind rooted in God's word can fight depression effectively and not all of the listed things above

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  19. now what happens to his wealth,thats the very part im interested in.

  20. Nobody has it all and i envy n0 one!!

  21. Such a fantastic actor/ comedian. This again is another opportunity
    to reflect on our lives.
    "what is the profit of a man who gains the whole world and looses his soul"? NOTHING.
    JESUS is the complete source of joy and happiness.
    Submit to him and HAVE IT ALL; have life more abundantly John 10:10.
    God loves you in spite of who you are.

  22. Even if you like be Bill gate ur life is still not complete!!

  23. The secret of happiness doesn't lie in "The world's view of success".The secret of happiness lies in understanding the reason why we as humans are alive . No wonder the question "Is this life all there is"? Continues to ponder in the minds of many, even the most successful of men.
    Living our lives in accordance with God's principles and understanding that we are temporarily not living the perfect live designed for us gives us a good measure of happiness amidst this chaotic world.

  24. @Linda, you overcame yours because you believe in the existence of the Supreme Being, God. Most of these celebs in the Western World neither believe in the Almighty God nor life after death... Consequently, they lack the Divine Grace to persevere.

    1. U are absolutely correct, one million likes for ur comment, that's what happen in a country where teaching about God in schools is a taboo, majority of them don't know anything about God, # I live in the US# and I keep telling people my children will never go to high school here, I am sending them to boarding school in Nigeria, because the kind of things I see people do here, makes me appreciate the way we were raised back home in Nigeria. RIP Robin Williams

  25. Depression is sometimes a medical times you don't have to be unfulfilled to be depressed....sometimes its just like having Alzheimer's or any other disease...peace to the dead!!!

  26. Depression is a mental illness. In moments of depression that is when one should surround themselves with loved ones, friends and family. That is when one should be more prayerful and draw closer to God seeking his healing. If possible seek professional help. **

  27. I do agree with todd bridges, suicide is totally selfish! you escape your troubles and leave your family to deal with your death! that's totally SELFISH!! but Linda you can't compare your psyche with that of a white person, we have being toughened up by the society and our environment. most Africa are born struggling and struggle till they die! white people have everything handed to them, so they just invent their problems, so never compare, it is never the same thing.

    1. Hilary obiorah, you're kind of backward in your thinking concerning this, depression does not recognize race or which country you grew up in. Just pray it doesn't happen to you or your loved ones and if at all you experience it, it doesn't overpower you. I'm sure just in the last 6months, even on LIB, we've read about 3 to 4 students/people in Nigeria who committed suicide because of one reason or the other. All this happened to Nigerians in Nigeria, not whites, not foreigners. We need to create more awareness about this mental condition and educate ourselves more so we can easily recognize the signs and offer a helping hand instead of tagging it a 'white man's' ailment thereby ostracizing sufferers because they'll feel impure/contaminated for having something a normal Nigerian shouldn't even have, which will further push them into their shells and make them hide their struggles and suffering when someone could have offered a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, friendship, encouragement or even a trip to the psychologist..... Just Me

    2. What do you mean 'they just invent their problems'? *sigh* you've made another stupid comment again.

      Anybody can be depressed. Be it white, black, brown, asian. ANYBODY. It doesnt have to rely on whether you have resources or not, it's your soul. If you feel you have not yet accomplished what you were here on earth for, you may feel depressed no matter the money you have. Some people just equate success with achieving life purpose(e.g. SOME nigerians) so that is why they may not be inclined to feel that way. Depression can also come through stress(me at the moment). i was diagnosed with stress-induced depression because I was yet to recover from events that happened in 2013, and now we're in 2014. I was ready to abandon everything and go far away and leave everything behind. But to where? I didn't want to kill myself or die, but then I didn't want to be on earth. Everything felt fake, only nature brought me solace. The news, as you know, was not helping. What is helping? Meditation and Prayer and taking things easy. Another thing that is helping is that I see what is happening in the rest of the world, and I see that I don't have *real* problems..not compared to those people dodging bombs..

      So please, don't be ignorant.

      From a depressed but healing Nigerian

  28. I have battled depression before and I still drift in and out once a while, it's a terrible thing, that no one should pass thru, I went thru it all alone and at a point someone told me to be positive about my thots, that word positive, changed my perspective.... once a while I still drift, I got close to Allah, he saw me thru, but I only can take absolute control of my life! Depression is a very terrible disease and i pray Allah sees everyone going thru such through... It's not easy battling such, for 3yrs I battled and wrestled my demon.... im still wrestling, it's not something that goes easily...

  29. Sometimes you have problems that you can't share #bright bravo#

  30. I grew up loving his movies.. From his voice as Simba in the lion king to his other movies like "Jumanji ",the bicentennerian man.. Thanks for the memories,Robbie.U inspired this African child. RIP

  31. Depression is evil. No matter the height u attain in life, without Christ you are empty and open to destruction and all forms of devil's gimmick. A life without Christ is full of crisis. Life is full of troubles only those in Christ can sail through. so Sad! RIP

  32. Only God is perfect

  33. A MUST READ The weakest part of a man's life is his psychology the devil uses d weapon so good it the cause of so many vices in d world the urge to rape,steal, abuse and sometimes suicide etc and only when u hav christ that u can turn down the devil and break free from the bondage of the mind.

    Breezy_p via MTN finest

  34. I really dnt understand how someone will kill him self

    1. It is insensitive to proclaim 'I can't kill myself' whenever we hear of a suicide. They probably didn't think they could too, till they did.

  35. Vanity is the daily living of a man without Christ. King Solomon had it all, yet depression forced him to seek for more, trying different things. Truth is, when u don't have Christ, all ur achievements are tailored by the devil; & when he's tired of u, he disposes u any way he deem fit. - O.I.O.

  36. Linda thats d irony of life. No body has it all!

  37. what a sad suitation for him. I cant jst understand why people jst take away their lives tinkin they owns it all. U dnt owns ur life ur self no matter wat bothering ur mind u jst hav 2 share it wit someone that can help u out peacefully. R.I.P #ROBIN

  38. The quest for perfection I guess... When we forget as humans there are limitation to what we can be. The end is suicide or a terrible and untimely ending like MJ suicide seem to be the easy way out for the self absorbed. A selfish act.

    Dream as human, don't stop dreaming but also remember it may not come to pass and also appreciate the little you have been able to achieved.

  39. People NEED to understand that those with depression are not quitting, they are simply trying to fond peace. You cant even fathom the amount of pain one needs to be in the even consider taking their own life, talk-less of a life filled with everything youve ever wanted. People who are depressed carry such a sadness that it oozes out of them and into the lives of those around them, and this in turn adds more guilt and intensifies their experience. So in the end they feel like theyre doing everyone a favor including themselves. DEPRESSION IS A MENTAL ILLNESS. ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY GET OVER IT. SO FOR FUCK SAKE HAVE SOME SYMPATHY YOU DEMONIC HEARTLESS HEATHENS!

    1. One of the best comments here

    2. Best Comment on here

  40. Depression is a chemical imbalance, it's irrelevant whether you have everything: it is a mental illness. I used to think like you until I suffered from it and life became unbearable. Sometimes you really want to live but you are unable to see beyond the darkness. I have been there so, I get it. If not for the grace of God, I would not be here today.

    1. Where's d like button biko?

  41. Don't be deceived. Whosoever commits suicide can never rest in peace. As for what he was looking for, he would find lots of it in hell but he would hate it with all his soul for it would be a constant reminder of what took him to hell. On the other hand he must have been looking for peace & fulfillment in the wrong places, for only Jesus can give these in a lasting format. - O.I.O.

  42. This just shows that only God has the power to make us truly and genuinely happy, not money, not a highly successful career, not even the perfect spouse or family because all these things are very very temporary, people die (some are even alive but care more about themselves even if they are your family), careers can hit rock bottom and money comes and goes but God is always and would forever be there, our happiness should not depend on things or people but on God alone....

    Gods child :)

  43. Taking your life is very selfish,whatever it is that you're going through,you have someone who loves you,someone who cares,someone who is probably dependent on you,someone you didn't tell of your plans,someone who is going to miss you,whatever your situation,there is someone out there in somalia,ematiated and sinewy,malnourished and dry,living in a war torn country,all forms of hope lost and don't even talk about his dreams,what dreams,yet clinging with all shred of strenght left to life,and am not trying to get all self-righteous or religious here but the holy books say that anyone who takes his life would keep killing himself over and over till the day of judgement,robin,how wouldi ever watch your films again and laugh,knowing (except God pardons you) you're neither in heaven nor earth,taking your life over and over again and your kids never forgiving you for rudely taking your life,totally selfish about how your feelings alone,kids who loved you,demons and all! RIP! Keep up with d adagiris,the male version of the kardashians,3 brothers,1 mixed half bro and the drama of their lives,

  44. Suicide is shit..Only cowards take dia own lyf..No matter what u passing thru in lyf dia is a way..whites n depression..Linda dnt compare urs to dis pples own..Dia own na anoda tin all 2geda.......................................#KingOfKings

  45. Taking your life is very selfish,whatever it is that you're going through,you have someone who loves you,someone who cares,someone who is probably dependent on you,someone you didn't tell of your plans,someone who is going to miss you,whatever your situation,there is someone out there in somalia,ematiated and sinewy,malnourished and dry,living in a war torn country,all forms of hope lost and don't even talk about his dreams,what dreams,yet clinging with all shred of strenght left to life,and am not trying to get all self-righteous or religious here but the holy books say that anyone who takes his life would keep killing himself over and over till the day of judgement,robin,how wouldi ever watch your films again and laugh,knowing (except God pardons you) you're neither in heaven nor earth,taking your life over and over again and your kids never forgiving you for rudely taking your life,totally selfish about how your feelings alone,kids who loved you,demons and all! RIP! Keep up with d adagiris,the male version of the kardashians,3 brothers,1 mixed half bro and the drama of their lives,

  46. is only JESUS that gives Joy n Peace of mind


  47. Pls my people suicide is not an oyibo thing like I used to think. It is chemical and you can't just snap out of it.
    I got married and it took me two ye as to finally get pregnant. It should have been the happiest time in my life because I had everything but I became depressed. No one understood. Even I could not understand why I spent the day crying like my world was about to end. At about 6 months into the pregnancy, it subsided. Two years later I got pregnant again spontaneously,to my surprise I became depressed again. It cannot be explained. In theory everything is ok but your 'spirit' feels weighed down. It is not the same as being sad because you have financial problems. It is a dark morbid hole. For me I wrote a note to my self to never ever forget what pregnancy does to me. I am lucky to have two lovely kids but will never ever get pregnant again. Luckily my husband always wanted two while I wanted more. Depression is horrible

  48. depression is a bad thing but suicide is never the dear

  49. I still tell people that suicide is never a solution because in life there are good and bad times, so if you find yourself in any just pray to God and have faith that things would get better. For me suicide is just mere stupidity and i don't see any terrible thing that would make me perform such stupid act. Please be wise and turn to God whenever you are in difficulties and remember to have faith.

  50. This is what truly irritates me about human beings!
    Just because you have a certain definition and understanding of what depression is or should be.. Doesn't mean that's what it actually is!
    Depression can happen to anyone, for various reasons. If it's hard to understand why someone that "had it all" could be depressed then I think it say a lot about yourself and outlook on life. Too many people attach so much meaning to material things of this world... Money, fame, fortune does not always equate to happiness and it is not the only measure of success just because that's what the world's perception of "Happiness" Is.
    There may have been a LOT Missing in his life that many of us take for granted such a privacy or people not knowing who you are... Or maybe he simply felt ALONE.. Not matter how many millions people knew his name. Another things.. You never know how he felt in his marriage and generally behind closed doors.. So please... Let's respect his memory.. It's not our job to try to understand his reasons for taking his life based on our ideas and definitions of what depression should or shouldn't be.
    Whether you understand it or not, depression is a TERRIBLE disease that affects people differently.. And until you have walked in his shoes, NONE of us can judge! We are not God! All we can do is thank God for his grace and mercy... And just thank God that he gives you the strength and understanding to get through life's struggles that some do not have!
    R.I.P Robin Williams... Your legacy lives on!

    1. U hit it right there.. pls where's d like button?

    2. Thank you. RIP Robin Williams.

    3. One of the best comments.Linda,may you never know depression,now that you feel you have arrived and achieved,so your own depression is gone.It is usually a mental issue and material.

  51. This goes beyond the ordinary understanding.Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity upon Vanity. This was a book written by Solomon a man who had it all.
    There is a longing in the heart of every man who has a soul, when you think you have what you have been longing for, then comes another yearning for something else and the circle keeps going on. This yearning can only be filled by God who created the soul of man through Jesus Christ His son, unless there is a genuine personal relationship with Christ, a man will never find true satisfaction.

  52. People are quick to judge people because of committing suicide. Is all BS as no one ever cares when things are bad for you. When you rise in life, your friends will rally and stay with you night and day.
    When you fall, in life then you will know who your friends are. I have been going through some financial difficulties in my life and all my friends that I used to help financially were nowhere to be found. Some of them that couldn't look into my eyes were being rude to me or talk in a way they wouldn't when I was financially solid. I have no one now except God and I cried myself to sleep many night. I used to receives calls non stop and now, I only get maybe one call in a month from same people that calls me every minute. To be honest, if I have a means or a way to end it all, I would have. I'm in such a bad place with no one to cry on his or her shoulder. Is very hard for me to even put gas in my car this days. I used to have my own business then that was doing good through getting contracts and consultation but now is nothing for nothing. The church that I helped to built and give so much money to weren't there for me now. The Pastor of the church that calls me on a daily basis and jumped when I called him then, doesn't pick my calls again and when he does, is only for a second. The man promised to
    Call me back the last time I called him and haven't heard from him since 6 months ago. I'm owing people including the bank in millions and the creditors calls and threatened me day in day out. Is so bad that in haven't been out for almost a month. My heart is so heavy laden. Here is my point, unless you know someone pains and how people have deserted them just like myself. Although I have thought about committing suicide many times because of being lonely and hopeless but I didn't because I didn't know how to. what about someone that is in my situation and knows how to end it all? Life is full of wicked people that were only there when things were rosy and when thing were bad for you and you ended it, the same people either families or friends that you called not to ask for money but to cry on their shoulders and they weren't there, will be the first people that will blame you and cry most. I am in financial pains, emotional pains, health pains, and psychological pains, with no one except God. People pray for people going through trials and tribulations and the only thing they are looking for is someone that calls and ask them ARE YOU OK? Very simple 3 letter words. Please take a minute out of your time and say hello to someone today as you never know if that is the word that will save that person's life .

    1. I felt a sharp sting reading your comment can I know you better??? Please ? If You need someone to talk.

    2. Pls be strong,everyone of us goes through some difficulty at different times,even the rich also cries.The Lord is your peace.Restoration cometh In Jesus Name.

    3. Dear Anon 12:42..... do send a mail to me please......

    4. @ A big thank you to both Taibat Hassan and dark 'n lovely for your love.
      May I have your email address Taibat Hassan. (2). Will get in touch dark ' n lovely.
      God bless you both

    5. @ A big thank you to both Taibat Hassan and dark 'n lovely for your love.
      May I have your email address Taibat Hassan. (2). Will get in touch dark ' n lovely.
      God bless you both

    6. Dear anon here's my emai addy, I would love2 be ur friend! It's

  53. It's simple fact that those who put smile on peoples face rarely have people who put it back on theirs.

  54. Linda u'v mentioned career,wife,children,fame,money,awards n many more,what of Christ?Life without Christ is crisis no matter ur level in life.ask me about my experience dis last two yrs.

  55. Linda, it probably started with episodic depression but eventually became about prescription drugs. In the US, those battling various mental disorders are often prescribed multiple strong medications that cause chemical imbalances in the brain. Those side effects send the person's senses out of whack and worsens instead of improves conditions.

  56. When an Individual like some of these celebrities dont believe in the true God Jehovah, dont follow bible principles and dont belong to the true religion then they find it difficult to get fulfillment in life. True peace of mind and a good heart condition does not come from wealth but God gives it. When he had depression, in addition to receiving treatments from hospitals if he had gone to his church and his clergy explained to him from the bible how precious life is and the love God has for all of us. And gives him the encouragement from the bible and through prayer and encourage him to pray to Jehovah, He would have overcome the tendency and desire to commit suicide.

  57. Depression is not quite as simple as feeling "unfulfilled", it is actually a medical condition that can last for weeks, months, years depending on the level of depression and the cause. unfortunately it can lead to suicide if not treated properly and especially when the person is also abusing substances. One can have all in life and STILL be depressed as its not a condition that you can just "get over" no matter how badly you want to...its a case of the body is willing, but the mind is weak.

  58. When an Individual like some of these celebrities dont believe in the true God Jehovah, dont follow bible principles and dont belong to the true religion then they find it difficult to get fulfillment in life. True peace of mind and a good heart condition does not come from wealth but God gives it. When he had depression, in addition to receiving treatments from hospitals if he had gone to his church and his clergy explained to him from the bible how precious life is and the love God has for all of us. And gives him the encouragement from the bible and through prayer and encourage him to pray to Jehovah, He would have overcome the tendency and desire to commit suicide.

  59. People are fighting to stay alive, wanting the deadly illness they have got just to disappear and someone decides because he feels depressed and all he has the right to take the same life people are fighting to keep??? Yes i do respect the dead and all but there are some things i read up and just cant understand.. We have people saying rest in peace and some going as far as shedding a tear, are we forgetting the fact that the man wanted to die? Didn't care about how you would feel about it. I sympathize with his family and all affected by his death but other than that its goodbye Robin Williams.

    1. You're very ignorant! Educate yourself a little. Geez!! You mean you haven't picked up or learnt a thing or two from all these comments trying to explain depression? Just pray you never experience it and find somewhere to park your ignorant selt.

  60. Depression is all u said Linda and more but it comes in stages there is an acute depression and pple with depression are advised to be around pple at all times.... Anyway I don't know what he was thinking, nor can I see his world from his eyes, he alone knew his demons but ending his life isn't d answer to d questions he sure didn't think if those he was leaving behind and how his death would affect them but all d same I pray dat God console them.... RIP

  61. The devil is a liar. He can twist even a successful life and make you hate yourself. Depression is a bitch with no mercy, and it makes no sense to you sometimes why you're so down and why you feel so trapped, all you know is that you have to escape. Sometimes it's voices inside your head tormenting you. Drugs and alcohol make it all worse.

    Those without faith are the most vulnerable. I feel for Robin Williams and I'm sure he wouldn't have chosen suicide, but he just felt he had no choice.

    I disagree with those who say that those who die by suicide won't reach heaven, cos in times of such torment and pain, Jesus is closest to you and understands. Why would he then punish you because you were weak? God is merciful.


  62. This post's heading reminds me of T.I and Christiana Aguilera's song 'castle walls' u need to listen to it if u haven't... PTSD related suicides are growing at a bemeaning and a larming rate. This retrogressive menance has to be curbed before it causes universal hullabalo...


  63. It's not him but the demon inside that committed the act

  64. Shockingly surprising and saddening at the same time. The big question remains WHY?

  65. I normally get depressed when I think about my life, current status and all the dreams I had, growing up. When that happens, I cheer myself up with the fact that I am Hale and Hearty, No Kidney problems, No eye issues, Arms and Legs all complete, Family all alive etc. I have a job, (even if it pays peanuts)........And when I get in that mood, I feel sorry for myself, miserable etc....I then try to be around people that love me and will cheer me up. I also tried to read about it and realized it is more common at certain times in my cycle. EVEN WITH ALL THAT, I WOULD NEVER CONTEMPLATE SUICIDE....NAIJA GAL PROPER; WHERE THERE IS LIFE THERE IS HOPE O!

  66. My understanding of depression is this. It has nothing to do with achievement in life although plp experience temporary depression when life doesn't go there way. But in d case of chronic depression u can ve it all & still feel empty inside. From experience I think there's this inner spirit in all of us that seeks more. That is were religion comes in. U ve to belive in something u ve to belive there's a subprime begin that's above u that helps a long way. If only he knew God in whatever capacity (Muslim Christian buda whatever it would ve helped in overcoming it. I believe it's a demonic influence that needs a spiritual solution.

  67. Depression envelopes your total state of mind, it wont even allow you think of anyone else,but yourself alone. Its sad,unfulfilled life ambitions are mild depressive episodes.The very bad ones are when you have other issues tied to it. Drugs,family.. and all the other stuffs attached to stardom. I was even querying if introduction to God at this stage could help revive the mind,but maybe i was only thinking aloof. I hope people battling depression could come out and talk to people about it before its too late.Its sad

  68. Guess he was being real when he acted "the craziest man in brooklyn...Happiness is all that matters in life but what makes us happy differs. everyone should stick with only what makes them happy.

  69. This thing comes lik a shock, God never created 1 2 give up dats the reason life its self is a battle nd God in his infinite love olways reveals himself whenever one is on the knees in prayer, 1 finds out that ol the depression becomes a distant bluer there is this saying dat goes thus "new level new devil" buh God is there 2 help chai...buh most tyms pple don't give God a lil chance, I don't wanna sound lik a pastor here cuz am not am not even righteous 2 begin with buh mehn can 1 ever disregard the importance of God c'mon wuld one b existing if not 4 God? We all want 2 form bad guy in d open, 2 prove how controlling we r of our lives nd every thing in it, buh there r tyms we need 2 wake up in the middle of the night nd seek for help in prayers to the heavenly father sm1 whose love is endless c'mon, do we thing he doesn't hear us? The depression might not vanish instantly buh with time it vanishes that's y he is not a magician, many pple hv left seeking his face cuz they may think he is 2 slow or 2 dull 2 deliver us from our problems, buh we 4get that nature take time, that's y a baby takes 9 months in the womb b4 being born that's y u don't plant a corn nd it germinates immediately, God is nature, nd nature is not mechanical nature is not magic it takes a process, I hope this foolish words of mine can help a brother who thinks he is fed up hang on there just pray, cry if u lik while doing it buh make sure u do it in sincerity nd u'l see how u'l feel with time I think dats only the therapy u need 2 deal with depression. God bless us. Rip Robin Williams sha.

  70. One could really be depressed..especially when you are a married man without good sex from your wife and can't cheat....

  71. If robin Williams is killing himself what should the likes of Kim k, justin beiber or other celebs who get hateful comments everyday. People should not let this money take over their lives

  72. Todd Bridges is right. It is a selfish act. He should not have apologized

  73. You cannot understand because none of you is in his shoes. Linda you have a loving family that I believe they love you unconditionally as a result, just like you said, you might not make sense to you if someone tells you that his or her family have no love for her. I have a family but since my parents death, I have not heard from my siblings and we have no misunderstanding . I happens to be the baby in a family of 5 girls and for almost 3 years, i haven't heard from my sisters. It saddens me every time that I have no one to turn to. Everyone around me were there for their personal gain and have no one that cares about me and sometimes when I get depressed I really feel like giving up because i feels that no one cares if I'm alive or not. I remembered one time that your sister Laura came to your defense when someone attacked you on internet. That day, I wish I have someone that can defend me same way she does. As a matter of fact my sisters were more jealous of my success than a stranger. They were never happy for me and they will be the first to attack me and my progress. Everything that I have ever done that involves my Sisters failed. My wedding,business and investment. The only ones that succeeds were the ones that they weren't aware of. I do not condone people committing suicide but sometimes when you are in pains and the people that needs to give you a shoulder stabs you, it takes the grace of God to stay in this sinful world

    1. Be strong ,and be happy.Just make sure no bad news is heard about you.You will be surprised they will come crawling back.We all have people like that.My mum in law doesn't talk to her son whenever money is not involved and that is annoying knowing you have to always buy her love

    2. @Anon 4.37am.. Thanks. Really appreciate your comment. God bless

  74. Research has shown d richest pple r not d happiest far from it sef.
    Dépression comes from being unhappy & after having battled dépression i know that its ONLY Jesus that can give u true happiness.

  75. You could be very very successful in life and still be depressed. It's not something that has to do with the state of things in your life exclusively. Something is missing in your life. A form of emptiness. And nothing can take that away. We have different outlets when we feel such. Like you Linda, I thot it was my inability to achieve things. But I went hard, masters degree at 25, bank job that most people my age would kill for among other things. But you know, I still lay awake at night fighting the urge to put an end to it all. I still see a shrink and I have no friends because they know that I'm depressed and I always end up pushing them all away. Robin was depressed in ways words cannot describe. He did his best to live a normal life, but it still didn't heal that space in his heart

  76. Growing up in a nigerian home i heard suicide was a sin. We didn't lack much but if suicide wasnt a sin, I feel like i wud hv left this scene a long time ago

  77. na wa oooh, nothing is worth it in this dam world. him for come give me small of the money before him kill himself na. chaiiiiieee

  78. All those expensive stuff,shoes,bags,clothes houses,career etc dont make u hppy if u already have an existing sadness in ur life,its only you that has he ability to make yourself happy,each and everyone of us holds the keys to ir own life fulfilments and happiness

  79. All those expensive stuff,shoes,bags,clothes houses,career etc dont make u hppy if u already have an existing sadness in ur life,its only you that has he ability to make yourself happy,each and everyone of us holds the keys to ir own life fulfilments and happiness

  80. His last movie I watched, angriest man in Brooklyn was so well played out,I missed the humorous side of him.only goes to show money and fame do not guarantee happiness! Rip Robin Willaims...suicide shouldnt be an option @all.

  81. Your heading is ignorant. This attitude simply exacerbates the problem & isolates sufferers of depression further.

    Depression is a mental illness and when people start to have irrational thoughts, nothing you say or do can make them happy. It's a very dark place and they don't believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. They feel ending their lives is the end of the spiral. Very sad. Not good.

  82. Linda what you experienced was a bad mood. Even a deep sadness over a tragic event is not as powerful as depression.
    Depression is a disease. It takes over the mind and then the body until the sufferer loses connection between the two. So it has nothing to do with your dreams and aspirations. You can achieve all and more than you ever dreamed but still feel an aching empty void. The Bible says that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. The enemy will steal your joy. He will numb you so you are incapable of feeling any emotion. When you suffer depression you are unable to derive even the smallest joy from all the so called good things of life. Many people at the early onset of depression turn to drugs and alcohol to dull the pain or to escape from their sadness. Eventually the potency of the stimulants wear off and they begin to seek stronger substances and overdoses are imminent. Case in point, Heath Ledger.
    Depression is not a condition you just get over as you say you did. Depression does not go away when situations improve.
    Thank God for His grace and mercy because only Jesus can save us from the spirit of discontent.
    SJo - receive the grace of God and the trials of the world will pass you by.

  83. Depression is a battle of the mind. Everyone may find you successful and even envy you but the paramount thing is what one thinks of himself or herself when left to their own thoughts.

  84. We need to raise awareness in naij. More men commit suicide than women, all the pressure we put on our Nigerian men to raise heaven and earth is unbelievable. Then someone will send you to a pastor. A pastor is not trained for this, he/she is not a psychologist or whatever. It's not only God all the time, we need to help our fellow Nigerians- helplines, rehab centres, etc and then God will do the rest for us.

  85. Plus, anyone who comes here to say it is selfish needs an education on mental illness. It's got nothing to do with talent, money, status, family and so on.

  86. Linda you have absolutely no clue. Depression has absolutely nothing to do with your desires. Its a mental condition is actually an illness. The second someone says they are depressed "because of" thats not clinical depression. Just as a person can get cancer, clinical depression can find you also. This one just lasts longer and lives in your head at all times no matter whats going on in the world around you

  87. Robin williams suffered from bipolar disorder and not depression. God rest his soul. I know Nigerians will start commenting all sorts of insults and slandering the poor man. What you should take from this is Mental disorders are just as bad if not worse than physical ones. We should all take time to educate ourselves.

  88. If you have everything and you do not have God it is ZERO but if the world + the media view you as having nothing but YOU HAVE GOD THEN YOU HAVE IT ALL. Remember that song I have Jesus in my Life....... Bcos the truth is no matter what you deemed you have, people go talk, twitter go full.GO FOR GOD MEEEN

  89. I was very saddened by the this news... Linda, did he really have everything? Everything but GOD who happens to be the source and centre of man's life on earth.

    Solomon had it all but yet he said vanity upon vanity, all is vanity.

    St. Augustine of Hippo puts it this way, that man is made for God and man will remain restless until he rests in God.

    Not every who says to you when you greet them that they are fine are really fine... even you and me, have a burdened that depresses us but our relationship with God gives us hope and joy for us to continue living.

    No matter what you have or are going through, get close to God.

  90. Deoression is real, its jus a feeling of bn empty on the inside in the mist of everything in the outside world... I av bn fighting depression since oct 2013... Each time i tink m out of it, i jus see myself crying in d middle of d night... Only God can heal d depressed soul... RIP Robin

  91. depression is an illness

  92. Just too sad. Depression is a life threatening demon that has to be battled with over there

  93. Wow this is shocking, but then again, I kinda thought that he's portrayal of a sad, angry man in the movie "The angriest man in New York" was a little bit too realistic.
    Sad but Todd Bridges is right.

  94. Strange enough, the last movie he did was about a man who eventually died in the movie.

  95. Life without God is a hopeless life. With God you find hope. You find solace. You know tomorrow can usher in a new era. And when you know God, you know he hates suicide and you'll fear the burning gates of hell!

  96. Only jesus can feel in the void and emptiness inside.. No matter how much you get many batter with insecurity and depression because they have seen it all and ask themselves what else..many take to drugs and get involved in mystical organisations like church of science and their likes.. Jesus is the only answer that gives the heart of Man through peace

  97. Linda the simple truth of every thing is this- a life without Christ, is a life full of crisis.No matter what you have and the material possessions you acquire, until you have a relationship with Jesus, your life will still be empty. But he that has Jesus, even though you might not have any material possession you will find a peace that passes all understanding that only Jesus can give.

  98. Those are not nice word Lindex, remember these individuals neva craved ur envy, so don't blame them for ur obsession. R.I.P Robin, miss U already

  99. I dnt understand too Linda.. R.I.P Mr Williams

  100. clinical depression cannot be explained by simple failures in life, it's a much deeper thing, almost a form of psychosis

  101. Its a very sad thing. Chronic Depression isnt something to joke about.It has no cure at all.Robbin Williams really made my childhood a memorable one indeed,will never forget him.May his soul rest in peace. And please libers dont crucify dis man,cos if u knw wat depression is,u will all be in a very sober mood.

  102. It all boils down to the question. What is the meaning of life? From what you said, you believe that depression is caused by lack or not having enough material possession, but that is because material things bring you happiness. In my journey of life, I have come to understand that being successful makes you happy for sometime until it reaches a point that the happiness starts to decline. Depression is caused by many things ranging from mental illness, substance abuse, prescription drugs to having unresolved issues from one's childhood. It impacts on a person's mental and physical health and even affects other family members. I guess for us Nigerians, 'RELIGION' and 'HOPE' play a large part in keeping our sanity even though many people suffer depression. In any case, suicide is never the answer.

  103. Linda its so true oooo. There was a time I saw. A post here about a motivational blogger that committed suicide what about the guy that sang don't woirry be happy he committed suicide too. My dear success does not buy happinesss.

  104. He spoke depth and gave life behind those painful eyes.

    »_»_• \0/ ^FORTUNEDEXC£L@REDIFFMAIL.COM^ »_»_• \0/

  105. It is said that Clowns are the most unhappy people and i have also often wondered why??? But i suppose psychologist will say they are so good at clowning because they cant ingest any of the fun, they project it all out... Suicide is always a selfish act, a cowardly way out..

    As Whitney Houston sang, "Sometimes we laugh, and sometimes we cry" thats life... We cant have it all. We all get depressed and anxious at some point in life... but no need to take life, ours or someone else's for that matter!!!

    Rest in Peace.

  106. Everybody canbe happy butnot everyone will be joyful. Happiness comes from things, like you buying a new car, or just getting an award etc. You get happy for a while, but then the happiness disappears cuz that feat you attained has already become past tense. But joy.... Joy comes from within. It comes from God inside of you. It comes from knowing that you have a GOD, a father, who truly loves you. A God that gives you hope, that gives you promises, that fulfils the pronises. I hope I have answered you, Linda

  107. When they have and see it all, money,fame etc, The void and emptiness that only God can fill,the word of God gives hope and lifts our spirits,most of these famous people don't even. Believ in God,so when they are faced with these problems they just can't handle it on their own.

  108. accute/clinical depression has to do with chemical imbalance, thus is a medical issue, just as cancer, diabeties, high-blood pressure, etc......

  109. mehn Linda, only the wise can scale through this world.tru the word. RIP sir #Spiritual

  110. All these comments shows how little and behind we are with mental health issues. It's not about fulfillment, it's a disease that led him to drugs ,comedy etc to cope with it. Hyperinflation of certain parts of the brain can affect hormone or chemicals resulting in different ailments

  111. More than ever before, the world is in need of a saviour. from ebola, isis insurgency, gaza war, boko haram, suicide bombers, depression etc...dont resist Him, receive him - Jesus Christ.He died so we may live in victory. For more info. 07063378611

  112. oh Jesus some of you are dumbos. the anon who said this has no clue oh; Robin Williams suffered from bipolar disorder and not depression.
    you just saw a big name and you don't even know the meaning. FYI, "bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by periods of elevated mood and periods of depression"
    go back to school ode.

  113. he was on drugs...enough said...

  114. For the first time in my,life I feel like slapping u Linda ikeji. U weren't depressed in 2010, u wia just upset becos of some delays mtcheeeeeew. This post puts u in d same shoes with Bridges.......if u reAlly have ever suffered depression, u would understand better. It is beyond fulfilment......Na Only God fill pull person out. People are on meds for the rest of their lives becos of depression and u r wondering if he was not fulfilled. Do u think a man's life consist of only material things? Or you who think you've got it and it has "cured" your depression, doe that make you fulfilled? My friend look beyond your nose before you talk jor. I don't support suicide, neither I'm I saying it's a way out. I just don't like your "insensitive" approach abi Na post about the whole thing abeg. No b every time you suppose show yourself biko.

    1. Lol thank you jare. When she was outlining all the things he had accomplished, I was like what does that have to do with anything concerning depression?!

  115. Have been trying to get pregnant now for a year,and I can't even understand...I cry everynight,I just feel dis sad cloud envelope me,I feel am not complete as a woman,I feel its my fault,I feel d burden so heavy on my shoulders..have been able 2 hide it wit a smile,bt soon as I enter my room,I just get drawn into my world of sadness..I v no1 2 talk 2,have spent all my savings looking for solution,sometimes I just feel so weak from within,I just want 2 slp and nt wake up,dats d only calming effect on me sleep,when am unaware of my I take medications 2 induce slp,I take it as early as 6pm now so I just dnt evn v any time 2 think or cry...I gt a text from a gynae today and he is sooo expensive that I just started shedding tears..yes !I pray,I pray always..I wish I cld see God and ask him,why the delay?what am I doing wrong?...its easy for you all to define depression,quote google,castigate,question and all...its a search for inner peace...d only tin dat stops me frm ending it father!it will kill him..just typing dis feels good..RIP Robin...God have mercy on you

    1. It is well with you
      There is an answer to all these questions you ve asked God.
      There is a solution than will not cost a dime....

      Do contact me

  116. Depression is a terrible feeling that creeps up on an individual regardless of status. It is a place of hopelessness and that is why people take their lives. It is a silent killer....when a person feels like there is no hope in whatever it us they are going through. I have battled depression and won but only because of God ....the day I woke up and prayed to die was a turning point in my life ...I cried and asked the Holy Spirit for help cos I was tired of feeling suicidal. I think Nigerians should be educated on this and be sensitive. Don't dismiss individuals who say they want to end it all. It is not restricted to the white man. Please anyone battling depression on this blog right now should believe me when I say....your only cure is God and his WORD. No amount of drugs or therapy or friends or partying will help you only GOD. Ask Him for help today and watch Him make your life brighter. RIP Robin Williams.

  117. Rubbish, you guys in Nigeria ain't got a clue of what depression is. It has got absolutely nothing to do with money, fame or class. It is a mental problem (a serious psychotic issue)

  118. Why are you Nigerians so judgmental and such dimwits sometimes, especially you Linda Ikeji. I have heard several terrible things about you but you know I disputed them and called everyone a hater. Today, you proved you are an utterly stupid person and indeed have no sense. Clinical depression is a real problem. It's not the lame ass depression you feel when things are not going your way. That is just sadness! People are actually on prescribed medication for depression. Several lives are claimed yearly because of this psychological disorder that most people, especially dimwits like you take for granted. Depression does not come from an unfulfilled life. And if you had any sense or cared to know what depression causes you could have googled it! Agreed, it is not easy to understand, but don't write a blog post if you don't know what the hell you are talking about!

  119. Just dissappointed at this post an the majority of comments. It just shows how much we like to stay ignorant and go spiritual without thinking or getting insight for a second.
    Biko, Depression is a major health problem not your passive feeling of sadness from unaccomplished goals, IT IS A DISEASE THAT IS DIAGNOSED BY A DOCTOR!
    Simply googling 'Depression' or even 'suicide' will let u know what a problem this is, affecting about 20 million Americans, not much data for Nigeria. smh.

    Dr. Stan

  120. Depression is not an easy thing to get over. And his own was complicated by his alcohol problems, financial debt, his show being cancelled and expensive divorces.

    My prayer after almost having a slight depression has been no matter what my situation is always make me happy Lord. Let your joy continue to be in my heart and give me the courage and ability to fight back.

    Mental illness is no joke but stigmatization has made it even difficult to combat.

  121. Money doesn't buy happiness.

  122. Some of you are being too hard on Linda. She's asking questions because she's searching for answers. Plenty of people get on here talking shit claiming to base their ignorance on the Bible. Nobody learns if they pretend to have the answers when they don't.

  123. Don't mind Linda,she needs to read about depression before writing rubbish.You can achieve and still be depressed

  124. Please Guys, don't be so quick to judge the dead.
    When people are struggling against depression and consequent suicidal thoughts/ attempts, it does not necessarily mean they are undergoing insurmountable personal problems (whether in their family, relationships or career) that leaves them sad.

    It is not the same momentary feeling of sadness you have when you fail an exam or lose a loved one in death or hear a glum story or lose your job. Granted, any of these can eventually cause depression. However, not everyone who's hit by a sad event suffers clinical depression.

    There are people battling with nothing - as in no major problems - who are depressed. They have not lost anything or anybody; they have not failed in any specific endeavor; yet, they have recurrent feelings of worthlessness, self-blame, irritability, sadness, loss of interest in virtually everything and ultimately suicide. This is clinical depression.

    Clinical depression results from biological (including natural and acquired brain defects), psychological and social factors, which occur either together or as separate entities to affect the overall mood of sufferers and how they react to even seemingly small problems. Chronic alcohol over-use and abuse of some drugs can also cause clinical depression. (Robin Williams battled with alcoholism for a long time)

    People suffering from depression may otherwise be facing the same day-to-day problems everyone else faces but because of the inherent harm or abnormality in their "psyche", they are unable to handle the "ordinary" problems and become hyper saddened with very low moods.

    So depression is an illness and sufferers require medical/psychological help, and not mockery, ridicule, judgment or condemnation!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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