'Nigerian pastors need to be born again' - Etcetera writes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 19 July 2014

'Nigerian pastors need to be born again' - Etcetera writes

Another article from Etcetera. I have a feeling some of you will agree with him this time. Read below
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again” (John 3:1-7). 
Pastors are supposed to be the conscience of the society. They are supposed to be God’s representatives here on earth. Like Elisha in the Bible, they are supposed to warn the people about the dangers of disobeying God and guide them to the path of righteousness. They are supposed to lead by example.

Today, some pastors are the problems of the society. The lifestyle of some pastors is contradictory to what they preach. It has got so bad that when a man introduces himself as a pastor, he attracts immediate suspicion. Scandals and controversies have eaten too deep into the church like an incurable cancer. Like electric poles, churches are springing up all over the country and their general overseers or CEOs are fast emerging as the richest men in the country. Some Nigerian pastors represent their stomach instead of Christ. Churches have been turned into banks and business centres with branch pastors given targets for increased turnover by headquarters. Most of these new breed churches only preach prosperity because preaching salvation will impact negatively on the church’s GDP. Some of today’s pastors, after their failed attempts at finding a means of livelihood, hire a classroom and start a church.

Most Nigerians have been brainwashed to see their pastors as angels of light instead of the men of lies and hypocrisy they truly are. When I hear some of our so-called men of God talking, I hear a well rehearsed speech delivered with sugarcoated tongue. I see feigned sympathy and fake listening ears trying to milk their unfortunate audience. I see people being washed, rinsed, dried and ironed with rehearsed miracles wooing gullible Nigerians to their churches.

To some pastors, the church is no longer the stairway to heaven. It is more like the Lagos-Ibadan expressway to wealth. No trick is too dirty to enslave their followers. While many in their congregation cannot afford three decent meals in a day, pastors convey offerings to their banks in bullion vans. They use offerings to build schools their congregation cannot afford to send their wards to. They cruise about town in their exotic cars, and jet off to spend vacations in the most exotic tourist destinations across the world.

Jesus Christ fed the multitude with five loaves of bread and two fishes (Matthew 14: 13-21). He could have auctioned it to the wealthy and more privileged amongst the multitude but he asked his disciples to share to all without discrimination. Except for a few, the majority of pastors will not lift a finger to ease the sufferings of the poor in their congregation.

It was in the news how two girls from an Abuja church openly accused their pastor of having sexual intercourse with them and his followers said, “Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.” A popular Lagos pastor has married and divorced more times than the randy king of Swaziland and his followers said, “Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.” I wonder what a pastor who cannot keep his marriage has to tell his members during their marriage counselling classes. A popular UK based Nigerian pastor who was to be arrested for tax evasion in the UK, fled to Nigeria to escape the authorities and his followers said, “Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.” A flamboyant pastor in Warri bought a jet when people in his community were displaced as a result of one of the worst flood disasters to hit this country. And his followers said, “Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.”

Rev. King the self-acclaimed “god” and “Jesus of our time” was arrested and charged to court for using a girl for human barbecue. And the 69-year-old grief stricken father of the victim lamented that he went to the church to see his daughter, and followers of Rev. King denied knowing her. But one follower later told him that she was Rev. King’s wife and was in the hospital. Getting to the hospital, he found his daughter Anna Uzoh on the hospital bed roasted. After a long inquiry, she revealed that Rev. King set her on fire. And Rev. King’s followers said, “Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.” Apparently, Justice Joseph Oyewole of the Ikeja High Court thought otherwise and sentenced Rev. King to death.

It was in the news sometime ago how a man stole money and confessed to giving it as offering to a church. When asked, the pastor said the money was given to God and can’t be returned. Things like this can only happen in a society like Nigeria.

Pastors should be judged by their words as well as their actions. This is a country where a pastor organises a healing crusade for his members but jets off to the United Kingdom the next morning for a medical check-up. In Nigeria, pastors pray and ask God to protect their members but employ the services of bodyguards. It won’t be a surprise when Nigerian churches get enlisted in the Nigerian Stock Exchange for the public to buy shares. It is a fact that when you scare people badly enough, you can get them to do anything. I wasn’t surprised to hear that a South African pastor ordered his congregation to eat grass, that it would bring them closer to God and of course, the members obeyed and ate to their fill. We heard of how a Kenyan pastor ordered all female members of his church to attend church services without bras and panties for Christ to enter their lives. My brothers and sisters in the Lord, do not be deceived by these pastors. Seek God’s face, pray and read the scriptures and ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and interpretation. The Bible says you should study to show yourself approved. As I end this article, my prayer is that rapture takes place on a Sunday during first service so that all fake pastors will be caught pants down. Amen.


  1. Dude has a point. Unfortunalety ur article is falling on deaf ears. I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***

    1. God bless Etcetera,he says the truth mkpori!
      Who said he was a failure?
      God would soon expose all the Private jet pastors one by one!

      Ezenwa via Samsung c3222.

  2. Lol,my prayer is that rapture
    takes place on a Sunday during first service so
    that all fake pastors will be caught pants down.

    1. Someone needs to shove a tissue into the mouth of this coma guy

      This post on wicked women killed me lmaooo

    2. Etc or whatever, is looking for relevance outside music. I hear people say he's a failed musician.

    3. @ Anon 10:35, precisely why should someone shove a tissue into his mouth rather than gag u to death? If u are a blind follower, just shut up and let critical educated minds say their piece!

  3. Lmaooooo at "my prayer is that rapture takes place on a Sunday during first service so that all fake pastors will be caught pants down. Amen.". Hhhhaahaaha this Etcetera guy is a case.

  4. Lol,my prayer is that rapture
    takes place on a Sunday during first service so
    that all fake pastors will be caught pants down.

    Moye B

  6. There will be a lot of surprises in heaven...

  7. This guy self......., take several seats and fix ur ass. This your constant piece of trash is becoming boring.

    1. U call this trash? U must be dumb,Na your type pastor will tell to eat grass n of course u will obey!

    2. Go and die!!

  8. this attention seeker don come again....bros go studio and do a HIT song....so we go knw u weller.

  9. What matters is to follow christ not human.whatever anyone does or is doin,let them continue,there'z a reward 4 it.follow the example of jesus christ and don't judge.nobody holy pass. *** CROWD * PULLER * PLEASER***#

  10. Just like Karl Marx rightly asserted "religion is the opium of the masses" and many Nigerians are so high on this opium that they could rarely differentiate fake from original even when its staring them in the face.
    We boast of being the most religious country and having the highest church building in the world,but our country still remain one of the most corrupt. Our actions are far cry from the physical religious structures we have.
    Our level of hypocrisy is so alarming that it can help sound a bell at the West ministers Abbey.
    Even politicians are now cashing on our religiousity, that they now throw in the dagger of religious sentiments in other to achieve their gains.
    Due to the economic condition of the country, teachings these days are centered on prosperity, exploiting gullible members,and after they will be asked to shout "let the poor say I am rich and the weak I am strong"
    Et cetera don't be surprised to see many of them go for your jugular,for what they perceived an attack on their daddies.
    On the last day,judgment will start from the house of God.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Best comment mr Bonario. Its a shame some religious Nigerians have been so brainwashed,if u speak ill of their pastors,they attack you. I don't blame them tho,so many years of constant brainwashing has left them blinded and they will do anything to defend their pastors who they believe is a man of god that u dare not touch. Oh gullible Nigerians,hahahaha your pastors stands on the altar and judge u and scare u with the stories of a burning fire,but no! He is a representative of god therefore whatever he does or says, is right and final and so u have no choice but follow his teaching and hate those who disagrees. what other ways can one define gullibility?

    2. Very well said @bonario, sentiment shared.

    3. Bonario can I hug you? Please fix a time and a place. I just feel sorry for Nigerians. Religion is one of the biggest problems in the country today, this is what I have been shouting on my blog. Our mindset has to change. Nigeria has no innovation today because everyone believes the supernatural will solve our problems. How did we get here? Pastors. Please don't let's pass this attitude to our kids or else the country is further doomed.

    4. May I also stress that women are the most gullible.

  11. nwa ma how far19 July 2014 at 10:05

    Lol @ rapture on a Sunday

  12. People keep critisizing this guy, but believe it or not, his always on point, he killed it in this article.🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫

    1. You know truth is bitter but the guy said it all,but blind followers won't listen,Christians youths read bible only wait to be fed cabbage by fake pastors

  13. and are u perfect?..patoswife@gmail.com

  14. Lol @ pants down. No other comment.

  15. Mr man any thing that have fak have original too,stop generalizing "pastor"

  16. Very well written,d average nigerian is a slave to their pastor....nig pls wake up and c d light,we should stop being short sighted...mr etc u nailed dis 1 I swear,doting all your I's and crossing d T's,not all d jagbajantis you've written in d past.Now I can applaud ur efforts...moral of dis my own article?stick to d facts,when u do even nay Sayers will c d YES in their NAYS and u will be given some credit and may be taken more seriously....slowly people won't c u as a failed artist anymore but a constructive critic....well cos all ur articles are steered in d direction of criticism....I'm out........

  17. I am sooooooo loving this guy's articles but it's unfortunate it will only fall on deaf ears,truly may God help us

    1. This guy is 200% right but like you said it will fall on deaf ears !!

  18. Is like this guy want to joing Politics, because his attention is geting wild this days. Anyway, I dey look, i dey laugh o. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

  19. The bible says judge NOT.

    1. The same bible will say u should not be a fool. If u see a pastor shot someone, will u say judge not. Itz common sense pple

    2. The bible says JUDGE NOT but didnt say be STUPID/IGNORANT. Pastors should be called out for doing the wrong things

    3. That doesn't mean u should be blind,if your pastor told u to come without wearing pant n bra, will u still go n say judge not?? Dumb people!!!

    4. Typical foolish stupid ignorant Nigerian that has a brain but fails to use it to think critically. Smh

  20. Seriously in naija pple worship deir pastors lyk dey ar god.. Smtims I often ask if God is watchn .. hw can a pastor av 3 private jet nd cannot boast of a charity organisation.. we ar jus blinded by religion. . U wil see ur neighbour suffering yet u wil give a tithe of 1m to d church. . I av feel dat once God gives u d gift of healing , preachin etc he cnt tak it frm u cos some of dis pastors ar highly anointed.. I dnt evn believe tithe must b brot to church. . I feel dat once uv usd one tenth of ur income to d Gods work dat he wil still bless u.. u can give ur tithe to d less privileged evn to d sick.. I was neva in support of tb Joshua until I watchd his tv.. he is d only man of God dat gives to d extent dat he has thousands of people hes sponsorin deir education plus he visits d less privilege wiv money nd bags of rice..

    1. Doby you're right about giving to the less privileged because it's very biblical, However there's a distinct difference about Tithes, Vows, Seeds and Special offerings. The biblical principle behind tithe is that one tenth of your income should be brought to the HOUSE of God.. And we all know the house of God is the Church. (Mal 3:10). It's a specific duty we all as Christians must observe. You can sow into any area you want to and that's where the less privileged can come under, Vows are pledges you make that's must be redeemed. All these have their meanings and blessings. Although I must say that there's great truth behind etcetera's article. Forgive my slight twist and long epistle to this post.

    2. God bless you real good. Your tithe must not be brought to the church. Help the less privilege, your hungry neighbour etc. The rate at which people are being deceived is alarming.

    3. The house of God? Read Malachi well. It said the Store house. Biblical Tithing isn't what they are doing these days.

  21. Everybody is claiming to be holy,bt does that are worshipping him in truth and in spirit are few.Rapture will take many pple unaware.May GOD help us to differentiate the sheeps from the goats.ETC is always on point,take it or leave it.

    ######################GOD bless################################Naija

  22. If you do not agree with him opinion argue with facts and not attack is personality. All his post does make sense however it is not GDP it will acfect as the churches are not countries. It will affect their profitability and turnover.

    Keep up with the writing. Nigerians do not like the truth.so be care where and how you mingle.

    Wish you the very best

    1. Jeeeez!!!! Do something about your English mate.

    2. Yea the 'GDP' was a joke, he was speaking figuratively. Everyone knows gdp Is used when refering to countries.

  23. Wow! Wow!
    I like the fact he didn't mention names..
    Ermm, I'm still surprised some crazy ppl are still taking jabs at him..
    Lord have mercy.
    Why do Nigerians love the word HATER?

  24. ok mr etc..I wont attack u dis tym around..u actually gat a point here.......................................................#KingOfKings

  25. Hehehehehehe!!!!! I read this article and I enjoyed it...... Nigerians are foolish.....#cheEzyjayne

    1. Mr Anonymous,not all Nigerians are foolish,pls watch ur choice of words.

    2. *I see feigned sympathy and fake listening ears trying to milk their unfortunate audience. I see people being washed, rinsed, dried and ironed with rehearsed miracles wooing gullible Nigerians to their churches.*
      Hmmmmmmm well said bro. Only God will help mankind from fellow man.

  26. So this guy can not write any article that does not point fingers at anyone!

    1. Dorobingo, get your head out of your ass. Learn something from this article.

    2. Oga get out joor see d truth n agree it is.....so of all d things he said na pointing of finger be ur own itiboribo

  27. ojerecordz2@gmail.com19 July 2014 at 10:50

    these is the best article of the year@linda ikeji blog weda u lik it or not that is the fact who say daw shal not judge dat one na old testament o cum to new testament our churches now adays preach ego instead of eternity y wil a pastor divorce more then three times and stil b conducting marriage counsellin pastor chris i no call okoti na pastor chris i say o these guy is always on point nice 1 bro

  28. And you are perfect?

    1. He never mentioned that he is perfect. Bottom line dnt preach your self acclaimed perfection in God while conning others. As afar as am comcerned any church that has not added postive values to the society should be scrapped. PFN should mind how their give lincense to con men with the titlt pastor.most churches are found out of greed and power taste

  29. Well only God knws those dt are His.E.O.D.

  30. Yes,dude is right.Suprising even educated and intelligent ones can fall to the spiritual scope of some pastors who their only motive is to enrich themselves."Sow a seed,if u don't the devil will take it."Nevertheless May God prosper the real men of God and grant them more grace to do their jobs well.

  31. Well only God knws those dt are His.E.O.D.

  32. Ok, we haff hear.

  33. I don't know why Nigerian always shy away from the truth.... Bro, I hail you.... Well said !

  34. D ways of God is different frm men ways. Pretex4luv@yahoo.com

  35. Well written, keep up what you are doing the truth must be said.
    thanks for the article.

  36. Am loving some comments here, I guess mr ETC Is trying to remind them dat there will b a judgement day, and its soon..buh d truth is that not all pastors are the same, I know of good ones..

  37. 100% truth, this guy should be applaud.. I thought am the only one seeing naija pastors on the scope. .the actual problem is that most Christians don't take their time to read and digest their bible very well..the truth is there to be seen....all naija Pastors are Wolf in sheep clothing period.

  38. And after all he has said, some self acclaimd rightoeus people will still come out nd say "do not judge"/"touch not nd do my prophet no harm" forgetting dt d same bible says "be as gentle as a dove bt also as wise a serpent"...wif all d christianity we claim in dis country...evil still befalls nd we call on d devil rada dan check d ones close to us even our dear selves!! ETC spoke d very rare nd hard truth...U̶̲̥̅̊ mite tell him to take several seats behind bt in d real sense, U̶̲̥̅̊ are d one WÊ°áµ’ ll take millions of seat,mopping nd wishn U̶̲̥̅̊ had listend!!!

  39. Asking a pastor to help flood victims of a state that gets so much revenue from FG is a stupid suggestion! Delta state got over 100 billion from FG last year,why re u not blaming our corrupt executives that keep looting public funds endlessly.

  40. Who is saying judge not. Really? Jesus as man judged the hypocritical Pharisees to correct them. Paul even called out peter when he found out he was not treating Gentiles equally. Go and read what the bible says is expected of Bishops/ church overseers as they are set apart. They will be judged by that standard. We are all sinners yes but they are called.

  41. Etce u have really spoken well!! Don't mind all these pipl criticing u...all u wrote is so right! Nigerians r so dumb and blind even crippled!! Everysunday church! church! church! Yet they r highly being decieved!...as for d pastors God will definately come for them on judgement day! Thank God no thing like settlement on day!if like have 50 jets!! Ha ha ha

  42. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Dude drop one track bcos am dying to hear ur track...

  43. can this guy just shut his basket mouth, he go just sitdown for toilet imagine tins 4 him empty head, then say "gbam mek i go write am publish for internet".U critique all,but what av u achieved 4 urself? goatish

    1. U r sooo stupid,and daft.....shut up if u can't understand the writeup.

    2. My friend if you like insult him from now till the end,he has said his own, some pastors even associate themselves with politics which the bible said we should not associate our selves with things if this world,how will a man of God own three private jet, we Nigerians are just brainwashed

    3. BS:am surprised @ ur comment ,obviously u are one of d blind followers.u better say d truth n shame d devil bcos pastor no go carry u go heaven. Accept JESUS!!!

    4. U must be a real mugu for insulting him...U call such a brilliant piece daft...

    5. What is brilliant about this piece u stupid fools.... Any fool with know rev king and the people he mentioned are not even pastors in the first place. We all know what qualifies a church n King sis not even qualify in the first place....if u want to critisice use churches we all know and then use biblical principle to point out what is wrong... Every sinner now wants to come and critisize the body of Christ

  44. Thats what am talking about, some body with some balls. Every body wants to b a saint, no body wants to say what ecxetera is saying cus dey dont want to b castigated. Bro Godbless ur hustle. Ur articles r always on point

  45. *I see feigned sympathy and fake listening ears trying to milk their unfortunate audience. I see people being washed, rinsed, dried and ironed with rehearsed miracles wooing gullible Nigerians to their churches.*
    Only God will help mankind from fellow man.

  46. Etecera.....ur article so on point..... That Mr Vigho

  47. Dude is a waste of life. SMH

  48. There is nothing he said on this topic that has not been said by others. However it is pertinent to note that Jesus Christ said these things will happen,hence it is for the elect to take heed. Nuff said,it is worrying to see a lot of people agree with him on an issue such as this but label him all sort of names when their obscene idols are talked about,'perverse generation'.

  49. Nice on point. Many nigerians are so blind to see.

  50. Nice write up and so true.......God help us all.

  51. hrm paul ojeih19 July 2014 at 13:52

    for once i agree with this man this is the only write up of his that makes sense still we all hate his stupidity

  52. There are fake and there are originals ! For everything original,there is a fake somewhere out there. The devil will only succeed in making most of us believe that original has gone into oblivion and we too will make a mess of our lives as a result of that.It behooves God to identify the original HIMSELF. God has told us in Mathew 13:30 what he will do to the originals and fakes alike. ''Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'" So,i urge you Etcetera and any one who care to take this advice to try to make peace with God and leave the priests/pastors alone! At best,pray for them and don't go near them if you like but remember that they might be saying the RIGHT things and doing the wrong things and it is not our responsibility to STRONGLY demand what is wright from them becos we did not call them but ''GOD did'' !As the president of this nation is accountable to man(the electorate)so is the 'man of God' accountable to God.They are accountable to God and not man for we did not choose them. Jesus said,listen to what they tell you but don't do what they do ! -Mathew 23:3''So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don't follow their example. For they don't practice what they teach.'' A word is enough for the wise for we may think that some of these jet flying pastors won't make it to heaven but will be very surprised to see them with gold crowns with our Lord Jesus Christ on judgement day having flown their jets here on earth for years while we stand in judgement for our idle talk !- Mathew 12:13'' And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.''- Shalom

  53. There are fake and there are originals ! For everything original,there is a fake somewhere out there. The devil will only succeed in making most of us believe that original has gone into oblivion and we too will make a mess of our lives as a result of that.It behooves God to identify the original HIMSELF. God has told us in Mathew 13:30 what he will do to the originals and fakes alike. ''Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'" So,i urge you Etcetera and any one who care to take this advice to try to make peace with God and leave the priests/pastors alone! At best,pray for them and don't go near them if you like but remember that they might be saying the RIGHT things and doing the wrong things and it is not our responsibility to STRONGLY demand what is wright from them becos we did not call them but ''GOD did'' !As the president of this nation is accountable to man(the electorate)so is the 'man of God' accountable to God.They are accountable to God and not man for we did not choose them. Jesus said,listen to what they tell you but don't do what they do ! -Mathew 23:3''So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don't follow their example. For they don't practice what they teach.'' A word is enough for the wise for we may think that some of these jet flying pastors won't make it to heaven but will be very surprised to see them with gold crowns with our Lord Jesus Christ on judgement day having flown their jets here on earth for years while we stand in judgement for our idle talk !- Mathew 12:13'' And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.''- Shalom

  54. ...so on point. Etcetera, that would be nice if pastors sell shares in the Nigeria Stock Exchange...at least the dividends would be shared to the shareholders. I bet you they wont list their stocks. I do not have anything against churches springing up from all nooks and crannies of Nigeria, what I found nauseating is how opaque their financial dealings are. For Christ's sake, every church should be fiscally audited. There should be transparency in churches. When these happens, churches birthed and driven by pecuniary gains would evaporate. The soul winning-driven and socially responsible ones would precipitate. Monies brought into churches are monies held in trust by the church trustees. Its spending therefore should be reviewed by all the contributors or shareholders if it is to be shared...yes after all tithe proceeds is to be shared.

    1. If the religious houses springing up were manufacturing houses, what will the state of unemployment in our country be like? Then insecurity? Nigerians you need to start thinking deeply, I am so vexed.

  55. Can we say Christains ar bad bcos of all dis act.. d ansa is big NO... d fact dat sum sect ar creatin bad image fo d Religion doesnt mean d religion preaches all dos evil act...dat brings me to point of Islam d fact dat sum morons ar comitin a serios atrocity by killin inocent soul doesnt mean d religion preaches such evil act..pls good ppl of Nigerian use ur sweet brains to tink well dat BH is a scam to tanage Islam image.... one tin is fo sure Allah (God) is wachtin de ll all be xpose insha Allah ....let dere b peace and unity in dis sweet Country calld Nigeria

  56. Linda plsssss pos my coment

  57. There are fake and there are originals ! For everything original,there is a fake somewhere out there. The devil will only succeed in making most of us believe that original has gone into oblivion and we too will make a mess of our lives as a result of that.It behooves God to identify the original HIMSELF. God has told us in Mathew 13:30 what he will do to the originals and fakes alike. ''Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.'" So,i urge you Etcetera and any one who care to take this advice to try to make peace with God and leave the priests/pastors alone! At best,pray for them and don't go near them if you like but remember that they might be saying the RIGHT things and doing the wrong things and it is not our responsibility to STRONGLY demand what is wright from them becos we did not call them but ''GOD did'' !As the president of this nation is accountable to man(the electorate)so is the 'man of God' accountable to God.They are accountable to God and not man for we did not choose them. Jesus said,listen to what they tell you but don't do what they do ! -Mathew 23:3''So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don't follow their example. For they don't practice what they teach.'' A word is enough for the wise for we may think that some of these jet flying pastors won't make it to heaven but will be very surprised to see them with gold crowns with our Lord Jesus Christ on judgement day having flown their jets here on earth for years while we stand in judgement for our idle talk !- Mathew 12:13'' And I tell you this, you must give an account on judgment day for every idle word you speak.''- Shalom

  58. You are such a scholar dude...
    One of the greatest challenges facing mankind is the ability to say No without feeling guilty about it. Majority of these church goers are so washed that they have lost their self image and esteem. We create for ourselves grave danger when we refused to be sincere to ourselves. The increased poverty rate in Nigeria today is the inability to take swift actions to get rid of imminent challenges at the edge of our breakthroughs. Instead, we wait to seek our pastors consent and probably allow him to pray against the challenges thereby allowing it to fester
    beyond mmeasures. Its revealing to note that you can pray, bind and unbined through prayers and even more effective than most of the so called pastors....its all about applying the same word of God in the Bible.
    We have to wake up and decide our destinies by ourselves and not pastors telling us otherwise. Let truth be told, majority of the pastors cannot survive if they can't stop manipulating you for their own selfish gain...

  59. Why always Christians and Christianity?

    Someone attacks artists and politicians, he is crucified and abused.

    The same person attacks Pastors and Christianity, then he is hailed and told 'he has a point'.

    People goe to the studio, picks up the microphone and sing about things like ass, weed, women, money and its ilk, people dance crazily and hail it as a great song.

    Another person sings Christian songs and praises God, the same people will term it boring and the song making them nervous.

    And you wonder why corruption, prostitution, kidnapping, armed robbery and boko haram is everywhere?

    My people, there is something wrong with the society called Nigeria and this one is not caused by government. We the people have simply elevated the wrong things to be good and the good bad.

    I pray God help you out of this state of mind so that we can turn a new leaf.

    1. Ogbeni move jo, america wey get plenty bad thing sef better pass us. You point don't make no sense abeg, our government is the root of our problem not the level of bad things we support

  60. D earlier d beta we kno d Truth Imagin Ayo Orisejofore wit Private jet HABA na wow wich Busines he d Do GOD ll Judge all accordiling weda una like am or Not..ppl wey suport dem no go Xcape God Wrath As well ....derefore wash ur Hands of evil pple and said d truth to save many souls includin ur self.....Peace Naija

  61. Well said Bonario#26247c63

  62. Hmmmmm.......true talk anyway. We tend to fall victims of this kinda so called Pastors cos we cannot take time to read our bibles instead, we listen to someone else's interpretation of the Word. God help us

  63. Bonario spoke ma mind. It was meaninful, objective and balanced and not this shallow, brainwashd minds chantin kill him! Kil him!! For notin!!!#26247c63

  64. no wonder Naija is as backward as it is, with all this kind of negative comments, when the guy is only saying the obvious truth.

  65. I Don Talk My Own19 July 2014 at 16:20

    For some reason, I find this article disturbing. Mr ETC, I do not have an issue with you airing your thoughts, but be careful how you air it. If you feel you will make a better pastor, I think it is only wise if you take up the mantle of being the kind of pastor you've always wanted to see. That way, you can lead by example.

    If you meditate or do half of what the bible instructs to do, you will know better and seize to write all kinds of article.

    If you are truly a Christian who's heart is full of love, your prayer would be that these pastors you have in mind that you have cleverly omitted their names in your article would be that they see the light, change and actually be the people that God want them to be.

    The truth is you have no clue what it takes to be a pastor so you would not know. I'm sure you don't know that we are in the end times so it would not make sense to you why some things are happening. But if you read your bible properly and you are filled with the HolySpirit, these things would not bother you. So please Mr ETC. Be sure that your articles are well thought of and most especially if they have anything to do with religious leaders, you might really want to ask for the GUIDANCE of the HolySpirit before you send it out.

    Remember, the bible said, touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm (either in words or by physical contact).

    1. Lol, 'touch not my annoited' am guessingureapastor or a wanna be. !

  66. @anonymous 2.20 God bless u truelly spoken well. The heavenly race is a personal one, we all have our Bible as a guide here on earth....pastor or no pastor we all going to stand individually on the judgement day.so live your life pleasing to the lord and not to ur pastor,God help us.

  67. Well said my man, u r on point.....


  68. Pastors should hung dia coat according to dia seizes bcos God almighty is waching every move der ar making ,,,,,,,,,,.............,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  69. My thoughts put together.

  70. I love all his articles,he is always on point,for me he is not judging anyone,he is just giving is own opinion on things that matters in the society. We all have the right to freedom of speech and he is not doing bad at all. I love his music from the first time I watch him on tv,all is music make sense compare to some others.

  71. Please what's wrong with a Pastor/ministry owning a private jet?

    Is it a sin?

    Why is it that people are so against it?

  72. I swear Nigerians stay getting defensive.. He took y'all to school n half of y'all are butt hurt... Anyways folks better open ur eyes the devil comes in different shapes n color n churches.

  73. A pastor that has more than one wife, can never be my pastor. There are originals and there are fakes.

  74. i want to thank God for using (Druwagbale@gmail.com) as my source of salvation after 2 years of unemployment and my lover left me alone for 2 years, only broken heart until I met a Dr. druwagbale on a ladies testimony how he was helped by the same Dr. uwagbale, so i decided to contact him and when I told him all my problems he laughed and said this is not a problem. everything will be fine in three days. Exactly on the third day of my ex lover call me and surprised me and what surprised me was that a company i applies for more than four months ago they called and said I should return to work as soon as possible.Am very grateful to Dr. uwagbale, if you wish to contact him, his email is (druwagbale@gmail.com) it makes the spell as follows (1) If you want your ex back. (2)you need a divorce in your relationship (3) Want to be
    promoted in his office. (4) Would you want men and women run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6) Do you want to be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband and wife to be yours forever. (8) If you need financial assistance. (9)you want to adopt a child,(10)you want to be a member of illuminati.
    Herbal Care Contact him today (druwagbale@gmail.com) Be Useful judge sin emphasize Today

  75. The truth is always hard to accept, and this guy kept hammering on it until those deaf ears were left with no other option than to open and am happy that people are now beginning to see reasons in this gentleman's opinion...NICE 1 ETCETERA

  76. Linda dearie, pls introduce like button and unlike button i beg you. be the first and other blogger will join. lead the way biko, i trust dear. my regards to your sister.

  77. Truth be told... this guy is so right and on point... and @DOBY DOBY... Nice comment.. love what you said.. and i use to dislike that T B joshua too.. but i think hes far better than many with the charities he does, he helps the less privilege alot.... T B joshua might be a controversail pastor... but i think he should be applauded for his charity

  78. this etcetera is getting on my nerves!!!!!!!!!!!11 everytime i see his face i just want to slap it. Linda ikeji are you sure you are not sleeping with this man? he has nothing important to say gadammit!!!

    1. Wow! There really are some foolish ppl on this blog.

  79. You don't even need to like Etcetera to agree with all he' s said...I'm not a fan too but am with him 100% on this one.He' s not exactly judging anyone, all he' s saying in essence is basically '' Practice what you preach" *NICE ARTICLE

  80. This is the first time I've taken time to read this "etc" write ups and I must say he speaks the truth! Shame y'all screaming touch not my anointed!

  81. Brother u are always on point .if every 1 that comes to these blog and read ur articles they will not be deceived by any pastor. reading the bible also helps us a lot.I have been reading ur articles and it seem u take your time to study the situation. In these country b4 writ en kudos to you .expose them all

  82. I totally agree that most of our pastors' ways are disappointingly heart breaking. We should however know that when we go to church, our business is with God and He alone. We go there to commune (not that we cant do that elsewhere) with God, give/pay our offering and tithe. However my people i wonder and marvel that people go to some churches. Why go to a church where the Chairman (not GO) divorces one to marry another and divorce again, where there is nothing wrong with the Chairman perming or jerry curling his hair,lightening his skin and of course keeping his nails. Where the Chairman looses his wife only to remarry after six months.

  83. As long as we have people who defend and worship them and criticize a straight to the point writeup, pastors will remain unaccountable and Lord it over the fools who follow them.


  85. The article is spot on....The
    singular problem is that both the pastor and the congregation are motivated by one common denominator....GREED!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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