Dear LIB readers: I can't stop cheating on my wife! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 27 February 2014

Dear LIB readers: I can't stop cheating on my wife!

From a frustrated male LIB reader
My wife and I  hardly ever have sex. We've been married for a year and the most we have sex is twice a month. I see her naked body everyday and I get urges, but she always gives an excuse. We had amazing sex when were dating, but now we don't even kiss. I just want to have sex. I don't mind even if it's horrible sex. That's why I've been cheating on her. 
For me, my wife's job is to have good sex with me. Simple. I can pay someone to cook for me and clean the house, but if I hire a prostitute to do what my wife doesn't want to do, then I am a bad man?
So why are women so selfish? Even if she is not in the mood, can't she try? Even if she is on her period, what happened to blow jobs or hand jobs? I need sexual release. My wife doesn't see this. Women just don't understand.

A study said that married couples have sex on average of 58 times a year. That's rounds off to a little more than once a week. This is very sad. You know the worst part? Married couples lie about their sex lives, and the actual numbers are much lower. It's the women's fault! We men are always good to go.

All I have to say is shame on all you women! Shame! You complain that men are dogs and they will always step out! Why wouldn't they step out Ehn? When you wouldn't let YOUR OWN HUSBAND STEP IN! why wouldn't they step out?

Do you even know  the worst part Linda? SHE KNOWS!!! she knows how much I love sex. Yet she deliberately, knowingly denies me. I can't tell you how many times I've laid in bed and I try to touch her and she immediately starts making excuses. So so so so so many times that I can't even count.

Then she will say "It's not easy to be a woman. I work so hard. I have to go to work and still come back to take care of the kids. I have to make dinner, wash the dishes, do the laundry, and I still have to wake up early to get the kids ready for school before I go to work." You see, If she didn't stop my sexual advances every night, then maybe I would actually get up and help her.

Women need to try this- Wear something sexy, ride your man like a cowgirl, and give him a blowjob like you're trying to suck out diamonds from his tube, then what will you ask him+ for that he will say no? Maybe for her sex doesn't matter, but it matters to me.

Then she will complain when I go out to get it from Nnenna, then she starts disturbing my life that who is Nnenna? Nnenna is the woman who is doing what she is too lazy to do.
I love my wife and kids, and I will never leave them. .But for me, Nnenna is the assistant wife, she will have sex with me so that I don't have to be shamelessly begging my wife everyday for what she is supposed to give that she keeps denying me"
This is how men think. I didn't know it until my marital sex life died, but from now, this is how I will start thinking too.  Please help me I a bad man?


  1. It's your wife's duty to make sure you're satisfied both at home and in the bedroom. If she's not doing her job then she's not serious about her marriage cos what does she expect you to do? If I were you, I would have a talk with her and tell plain and simple, if she doesn't fix up, then you're going to go out and look for a hot, thing that'll do her job for her and you won't apologise for it. Simple! She's going crazy for not giving up dat pumpum! Mchewwwww

  2. Dats nt hw men think !!dats how most men think... she's told uu its cos of d responsibilities dat cum wit being a wife... she's practically lost interest !talk to her,find out y,and 4d record, u are d selfish one here...

  3. Try and help your wife with some of the house chores, selfish man

  4. What if i tell you you may not be the only one cheating??? She too may be enjoying the dick of Ikechukwu since you are enjoying Nnenna! OLODO!

  5. No you are a very good bad guy.
    What you are committhing is fornication. would you take it if you're the one giving excuses and she decides to go get it outside.
    Mehn u're just playing god here.
    I guess your wife needs help,coz I doubt if she would decide to punish you sexlessly if she's not getting it outside too.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  6. Talk to her and pray to God!

  7. Have you tried discussing with her? Maybe she's seeing someone else or she may have a problem

  8. The things I hear about marriages makes me wanna remain single

  9. Lolz Dats funny

  10. Period ke? D dude is crazy and BTW most men can't help cheating!
    ~D great anonymous!

  11. No! You're not wrong or bad. If she's not sick or just had a baby, it's your conjugal right to demand it or go get some. But if you're feeling guilty, then leave! Having sex twice a month? Pfffff. Isn't that the real essence of getting married? To get quality screw on the regular? After holding my virginity for 29 years, my husband better be prepared. I have plenty lost years to make up for.

  12. ok first things first, I really need to stop reading lindaikeji's blog at work. im beyond stunned at this. and roflmmo at sucking out diamonds from his tube!

    women pls have sex with your husbands.

  13. Mr man are you asking us for solution or you're giving us advice? How I wish you can tell all this sermon to your wife,am sure your problem can be resolved.You raised a very good topic and I must say your wife bears most of the blame.But that still doesn't excuse your sexual misdemeanour.Sit your wife down and talk like adults or else divorce her.period

  14. You are even nice. .. as for me, I would marry a second wife to make regret her stupid action

  15. Sex is a major part of marriage, lack of sex can cause a marriage to break up, so I thinks its just lack of understanding between you and your wife, the two of you really need to seat down and talk extensively about ur sex life, or if possible see a doctor, a councillor to fix the problem, else ur marriage might be heading in the wrong direction, and the result is a divorce

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  16. Ɣ☺u need to talk to ur wife or consult a consellor let her know Ĥ♥̸̨W̶̲̥̅̊ Ɣ☺u feel! She knows ur person&she's hurting Ɣ☺u.. Ask her is she ready to receive Nnenna in her home? If not let her stand up&do her job b4 she lost everything! Pray abt it alosor @least watch porn together*******

  17. Yes you are a very bad man. Why not see where you can help reduce your wife's burden with the house chores? I reckon she will have more energy and time to satisfy you.
    There is absolutely no excuse for adultery.

  18. Have you talked to her sincerely about the way you feel? Hopefully she doesn't read Lib... And no you're not a bad man, sex is really an issue for men.

  19. you complain she doesnt give you sex. if really she does all that you listed, then get her some help. a nanny, or maid and also help out. women are not slave drivers. i am not supporting your wife for refusing you sex but sometimes try and give a helping hand and see if her sex drive doesn't pick up.

  20. Yes you are a very bad man. Why not see where you can help reduce your wife's burden with the house chores? I reckon she will have more energy and time to satisfy you.
    There is absolutely no excuse for adultery.

  21. Just read it again, Linda I don't understand this. They've been married for a year and already have KIDS? And the kids actually goes to school(s)? I really don't get it then, is this story forr real or make up? Or they had children outside wedlock? And if their kids goes to schools that means they've been together for at least 5 years. Next story please.

  22. Keep it up is like person way dey use local lanter dey fine where petro dey smell he go still see am....

  23. hmmm, I feel your pain bro, but thats not an excuse to play away match. maybe what she is trying to do was to teach you self control.

  24. Oh my gaaaaaad!!,some women shuld shine dere eyes nd do Wats right joor,as 4 me I do all dese tins n more n dey stil cheat,anyway oga u re not a bad man but u need to help her wit some of d chores too so dat she won't be all tired al d tym.

  25. LMAO so datz wot married pple do, dey shud hav sex every week oh lord gv women d strength ooo e no go easy oooo

  26. I dont see the reason why people give excuses for wrong actions they take. You give your dog a bad name to hang it. You havent done anything to remedy the sex life and your hear, talking bullshit about liking sex. I bet your wife loves having sex as well. If only you will get a help, or give a helping hand to her as she does some of the chores, or help her get a job that isnt as stressful but pay better... I bet you have not thought about any of these, but you run off to look for the next Nnenna. Men ehh. *spits out* and runs away.

  27. Ride on sharp-shoter.

  28. Simply put 'u aint a bad man' QED

    1. Same on U and ur wife too...why do I hv d feelings I know dis writer???

      #That happy sister!

    2. Abeg make I climb ur own donate my contribution. Ehn! Aunty rinda, dis couple according to d story r just married for a year and dey hv had sex just twice in a month, hw come dey hv KIDS dat goes to sch already? N 4 d bros, hvn Nnenna as assistant wife hv nt b a badt hidea. But sha una two need counselling.

  29. Ure a stupid & foolish man looking for excuses where there is none. have u tried talking to her about it? seen ur parents, pastors etc to help talk about it? u no try oo..just a yr & ure alrdy cheating.u need to whipped
    * hiss*

  30. Sex is a major part of marriage, lack of sex can cause a marriage to break up, so I thinks its just lack of understanding between you and your wife, the two of you really need to seat down and talk extensively about ur sex life, or if possible see a doctor, a councillor to fix the problem, else ur marriage might be heading in the wrong direction, and the result is a divorce, and cheating on ur wife is a no no, u are shying away from a problem that will persist, a problem that will never go away, face ur problem and deal with it

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  31. you suddenly making me think cheating is not a bad idea afterall... however the truth remains the truth even on mars. cheating is bad buh i dont think that makes you a bad man.

  32. Ok keep on sleeping around until u get ur deserved infection. How r u sure nnenna sleeps with u alone? U r just tearing ur family apart.u better wake up to reality.why not help her out with house chores so she won't have to be too tired at all times instead of only thinking of sex.and who says nnenna will sleep with u everyday as she does now if u try living with her for just wise and go back to your wife.

  33. Oga point of correction, d fact dat u wife no allow u no mean say na all women b like dat. Ur persnnal prob dont generalize it. ¤Su•cre®

  34. Hmm,this story is really sometin,both sides are not to be blamed,I see d man loves his wife,my take on it,d woman shld try harder its nt easy but its her duty,and to d cheating husband,ur nt a bad man,but have d fear of God and stop that act,may God bless ur home....\ mz_Mohyour/

  35. Ur fustration no get part2!!! ¤Su•cre®

  36. Bia this man,you haven't said what ur problem is. Even if you give a man sex every hour he will still cheat as he pleases. PERIOD!!!

  37. I really feel for you, but to be honest this is not new, i do witness same thing as my woman doesnt care about me if she's not in the mood, but i cant remember any time i have said no to her whenever she want sex...... that's how i get myself in cheating on her and it becomes a normal thing for me to have sex twice outside in a week.

  38. Sex no be shere shere oo, the man shld take it easy,even the so called *Nnenna* will do worse if he marries her,men be support of ur wife,then watch her treat u like a king,hmm take am easy oo hiv/aids is real,be smart... \mz_mohyour/

  39. Ur not a bad man! Its ur wife's fault SHE'S SOO FOOLISH now she has lost her hubby..smh

  40. I really don't blame some men, sometimes d women push them out with silly excuses, while others just love to cheat.

  41. You are a good man Sir. A good man with a good heart too. It's only a foolish woman who does not have the interest of her home at hand that will so blatantly deprive her husband of sex.

    As an advice though, have you really cared to dig deep and know why she's suddenly so withdrawn from you? It's possible she has issues she's battling with all alone and she could do with a little more probe and attention.

    I apologise on your wife's behalf but I also encourage you to also make yourself "attractive" and available/open for discourse with wifey on this very very sensitive matter.

    I believe every issue/challenge has solutions and can always be resolved in the best possible way.

    Going to Nnenna and Beatrice et al will never resolve the issue. It only compounds it and exposes you to all sorts of health issues in the long run.

    May God re-ignite the fire in your home and lives.

    Best wishes.

  42. No my dear u re not a bad man I think, u kno wen thing aint goinnn on well in marriage, I tell u women are eighty percent caused of what's goinnn down

  43. Haaaaaa! You are bad but you are not bad. Its crazy that women don't realize the importance to men. And sometimes its the other way round. Please try and explain to her. Maybe you need to tell her about Nnena. Maybe it'll dawn on her.

    Na wa oooo...

  44. Stupid story! Uv been married for a year and you have kids? Did u adopt dem? Abeg dis story wasn't well lifted!

  45. Hmmm, na wa o. As for me, its the other way round. My husband has not touched me in almost a year. Na me dey beg, yet nothing. So what does that make me na, since all women are evil?

  46. Kids? But u said u've only been married for 1yr! Linda, ar u sure dis person is real? Pls, tell him nt 2 cum n insult our intelligence here o. Anywayz, I'll pass...

  47. My guy I support u jare

  48. This your story get k-leg,u said u have been married for a year and have sex twice a month! Where did the kids come from. Your story seems dis-jointed to me

  49. Oh dear!!! This is really sad. Why would ur wife deny u of ur rights?its not even biblical cos God instructed us to be submissive. I understand it can be really frustrating especially for a working mum to cope but wat happens to weekends?i heard once baby is involved women sexual desire reduces but this wat kills marriages especially in Nigeria.women are too shy to explore with thier husband in bed.My sister once told me she will Neva make the first move with her hubby cos she does not want to be seen as a prostitute this is someone that has been married for almost 10yrs...really sad. Women u need to wake up. I don't blame u for cheating at all she pushed u into it. Am also a woman and am definitely learning from this. But wat I will advise u to do plan a get away, holiday, break from work and home pressure u might possibly win her back from there hence save u from committing adultery.

  50. If wat u said is true den ur wife is d biggest idiot ever.

  51. Although, if she gives you whenever you want that wouldn't stop you from seeing Nnenna.

  52. You've been married for a year and you have kids? Ok

  53. This guy really luvs his wife...... He even wished he could stop his wife frm doing the house chaos and paying someone to do it for a fee all he wants frm his wife is just sex...... I feel ur pain man....

  54. You guys hav been married 4 a year but u already have kids + are u seeking for advise or are u insulting women?

  55. Ma bruva have u ever stopped for a sec to think of d reason she acts like dat? May be she doesnt really love u, or she gets it else where or ur sex is wack! Or just maybe she has health issues dat she doesnt want u to contact. Just saying....

  56. For you to have asked, you must feel a bit of remorse which is quite useless at the moment 'cos you have already deep in adultery.

    Have u ever considered helping her around the house and then maybe she wouldn't be too tired to have sex? Be smart! Meanwhile, u want it the other way round. Give yourself brain na!... She cant sleep with you and then expect that you'd help her in the kitchen. Basic ish is that she is always too tired...Either you get a maid or help around. Also, try to connect with her, be romantic! Many men aren't romantic!

  57. No dear.........since she does nt want to give it to you...pls help ur self with Nnenna...beside am a lady

  58. If this mandecided to leave her nw she will be crying 'i have sacrificed everything for yu but u still cheat on me' rubbish.. My frnd just leave that madam.....

  59. You are not a bad man at all. I think you should talk to your wife and a best friend and share your heart with her. The marriage might end up where you don't want it to end up. The issue of blowjob. I don't believe in it . But if you and your wife are into to it and both are cool with it. Good, but you need to talk to your wife.

  60. Never posted a comment before but I will this one time. Guys are selfish! Why don't I run out to cheat when my husband refuses me all the time? He counts 2, 3 or 5 days before he obliges me with sex. He's always tired or pretending to be asleep. Trust me I'm a sexy lady. Men still adore me after kids. I ride my husband like a 'cowgirl' when he allows it. But he still cheats on me even though he gets it good at home. How would it be if I am the one that write your stupid long epistle? Yes, you are a bad man and you are going to hell for it. Stupid selfish fool!

  61. Kids?........u've been married 4 just a year remember?

  62. Mr man there must be somethn чσυ use to do while dating that has stoped, do buy her gifts once in a while? Do take her to ur favourite hangout??? Do чσυ ask her opinions on ur future plans?? Maybe you've kept her far except so make part of чσυ & see changes

  63. hmmmm this is a serious issue o ur coperate wife,she has sure pushed u to wat u doin presently..we should alwayz take care of our husbands even wen we dnt feel d urge @least for his sake...and as for u mr hubby kindly stop ur sex life wit nnenna,assist ur wife since she complains of doin d chores alone(ch u suppos to be doin anyways even if its twice a a week) she wont have an excuse...n i sure hope she is nt a banker...try doin somethin nice of out d ordinary dt will make her forget her tiredness n want to please u,get her ha dos lovely n sexy stuffz u made mention off...and hey i hope u r not d too demandin type too.atleast 2ce a week minimum..goodluck in makin it work out like it use to be and even better off

  64. this guy. u r an idiot fah. so u even have a decent side chick(s) outside and u r complaining.

    what about me that i cant find...they all want me to leave my wife before they open pant.

    the ones that dont want me to leave my wife, wont give me the time of day because they dont know im married or that i have money...

    abeg leave ur wife for one corner, shag the side gals well well because those ones fit turn nuisance tomorrow...

    bladdy ingrate

  65. Nope..u are a very good bad

  66. guy shebi all men are why are u barking...go and find toh toh to bite

  67. Noooo u ar just helpin urself free dat conjee oo

  68. Hmmm! Well u̶̲̥̅̊ aren't, buh pls make her Ơ̴̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴͡ reason nd tell her point blank dat u̶̲̥̅̊'l go out to get it! Let her know its nt a threat, we women, abeg lets try satisfy our man, even if dey av d mind to cheat d 1s dat a conscience wil rethink nd know his wife do try 4 him during sex

  69. That is the big problem in marriage,seriously i dont kno the reason why women always complain about sex,they give too much excuse when it come sex........if u r a woman and u cant satisfy ur husband on bed pls kindly stay single,it not a joke

  70. 99 days for the side day for the wifey

  71. U claim to have been married for a year so what kids are you referring to? Bullocks! even if ur wife rode you to the wire you would still cheat on her.


  72. *************************************

    Truth be told, SHE JUST ISN'T INTO YOU

    anymore. She can't bear your touch &

    will make any and every excuse to

    avoid you.

    If you weren't married, you'd be




  74. I think ur wife needs some good counseling I am female and I love sex a lot too I can't tell u dat if my husband slacks I won't cheat on him oooo am no pervert but I like sex!! So my advice... Get someone to slap some sense into ur wife! She's not d only woman dat is busy biko! Maka chukwu bible sef talk am say u must not deny ur husband somtin! If u sick now we 4 understand!

  75. U need a very attractive help. Am sure she wud come by then.

  76. you are doing the right thing cause someone is giving your wife outside mehn..... and I think its I.K - the dude that drives that Ranger Rover...

  77. hey bro u aint a bad man at all, ur wife suppose to dey give u dat thing since u like sex 24/7 n don't make her a jacky, but I wat I don't understand is dat frequent excuses, oh well if the excuses is getting outta hand then nnenna shud continue the job since she is playing u wayo on sex, lol dis ur story nawah

  78. You're not a bad man, just a confused one. So let me ask u... When your most prized car breaks down on the road, do you abandon it there and walk into a car shop to acquire a new one?
    Have you tried marriage counselling? Reporting her to someone she regards like her mentor or mum? Have u tried to woo her like when you were still dating? Or Nnenna was just convenient?!

  79. My guy,your wife deserve it thumb up!!! But at the same time try to show your wife that you care

  80. That's not very wise. It's a marriage. You should tell your wife all what you've written here and end your relationship with 'Nnenna'. Good luck and God Bless

  81. fake story; married a year ago but mentioned kids severally on subsequent paragraphs. this is uncoordinated fake story. your wife is seeing someone else if the story is true cos no married woman ll eva do dat

  82. Yes u are a bad man!!! Nnenna doesnt have kids, in laws etc to take care of. In fact if we check nnenna is not working cos u take care of her financially so she has all the time in the world for u. Meanwhile madam is working cos u are giving nnenna all ur money. Shame on u. Bad man.

  83. Loool @ Sucking diamonds out of your tubes! Oh my days. Brother you are not a bad man, but a real any relationship a man only understands love in the physical things, be it a hug, deep sweet kiss or mind bending sex... however what I dont support is you cheating on your wife and thinking its the only way out. you know what? Have a talk with her, let her know she is driving you nuts, come to an agreement, whether you will help with some of these chores or get a house girl or boy(preferably an old dey fear U). And try to fill her love bank i.e. show her love, appreciate her efforts, write her notes, send cards, buy gifts...those legs will eventually open wide yakata! me. I wish you the best.
    Linda,I take God beg you, post my comment!...seriously, I take God beg you. biko

  84. Confuse! Married 4 a year n u write u have kids etc.hmmm!

  85. ****** Is that you ?

    Well maybe if you would stop treating me like your house girl I might actually feel like f*** you.

    The reason why Nnenna doesn't mind your THRUST THRUST THRUST technique is because she isn't married to you ...and well it's a job ...she gets paid to do it.

    You thought all you had to do was marry me and then that would be it? Sex on tap for eternity. I'm sorry I though the same thing to but being dry f*** by an unimaginative man every day takes it's toll.

    Sex doesn't start in the bedroom. It starts when you walk in, when you call from work too see how I'm doing today , when you take an interest in me outside the bedroom , when you share the responsibility of running our house and household instead of leaving everything up to me.

    You see women that aren't being paid to have sex with you have to be TURNED ON to want to do it.

  86. I am no misogynist,but a lot of my friends that are married to working class women,always complain about their wives feighing weakness when it comes to lovemaking.I pray to God that my marriage does not get to this.On the other hand my brother,my advice is that you help her out with family chores.Furthermore,you sounded like one who is resident in Lagos. I know how chaotic Lagos is for people with white collar jobs.One has to wake up as early as 4 am to go to work and come back dog tired by 10 pm.She is a human being.You people should therefore make use of the available time you have during to fulfil the conjugal debt you both owe each other.N:B ;This advice is only feasible if all you said is true,because you said you have been married for one year, but kids were mentioned in your write up.It 'seems' you people had kids out of wedlock.( I am only giving you benefit of doubt)

  87. Errr... Where did the 'kids' come from? After just a year... I smell bull****

  88. stupid man...alot of men really don't understand hoe difficult it to do all this things my suggestion take over for a month let her have some free time and then plan a small vacation ...Instead of cheating ...All you men have to do is work,bring money,eat and fuck and you are complaining ...take over the house chores for a month let's see if you won't appreciate her more ODE

  89. You've been married for a year and u have kids? Am confused

  90. Laff wnt carry me throway frm storey building(LWCMTFSB)
    * in Charles Inojie's voice#the Johnsons*

    Linda,kpele...d guy just dey express him frustration giv u.
    I think he shld sit his wife down and rant all this to her.

  91. You have been married for a year yet you talk about kids and all that . Very disjointed story. Make it real then I will comment

  92. When a woman is fed up,no matter how hard u try,there ain't nothing u can do about it. Listen to one of the greaatest hits R.Kelly aka Robert Kelechukwu sang n I pray u get d hint

  93. Hahahaha this is actually not funny but the part that he said "she knows I love sex" makes me wanna crack my ribs.... This post made me rememeber one man I dated back in school then chai this man na horse oh he was going to kill me with sex, he's never satisfied I had to run away oh I ran like a goat to ti fe sinwin. Sex is very sweet but it can be tiring sometimes just take it easy with your wife and look out for the times she won't say NO to you. Do you know your wife's G point???? I'm sure you might not even know. Find out her G point and touch her there I'm sure even if she's dog tired she go still shake body small cos she no go fit hold am. All the best in ur marriage and cheating is NOT the solution.

  94. Lmao. U r both silly
    Get ur acts right
    Y don't u tell ha this instead of us

  95. You have been married for a year yet you talk about kids and all that . Very disjointed story. Make it real then I will comment

  96. Tot its 1 yeye guy that's always complaining abt his wife wheneva he wanna cheat on her, but he doesn't av kids. Guess he's not alone

  97. Interesting.Cheating on one's partner is wrong buh your situation really made me speechless.

  98. Yes u are a bad man. Why can't u zip up. Later when u are infected, u will start running helter skelter to get treated. U guys are so shameless and very greedy.

  99. It's either u re stupid or u re just trying to crack some jokes

  100. U re evn worst..look at ds idiot callin al women shame bcos of sex..dnt u hav a mother or is it gay parents dat produce u..ur mother,sisters,wife n daughters are shame n i hope d must be ashamed of u by now..anu ofia i ga aragbu onye gi nike

  101. You've been posting whatever Reno Omokri has to say for years now. Now that he has been exposed to be a fraud, through his own incompetence, the cat has got your tongue? You are quite an embarrassment.

  102. Oga Sir, you've 'been married for a year' and you already have kids? Please ehh, are they twins or triplets?!?

  103. Our wives need to help us out here .Sex is important in a marriage,even if you dont feel horny let your man touch you and you will get wet.Then the sex won't be painful.
    Ladies satisfy your man,then you can get the best outta him..

  104. You are a very stupid bad man. Have you tried to have a sit down with your wife and have a deep meaningful intimate conversation about how you feel regarding the situation? And find out from her own part what the problem is? ..May be if you weren't doing tit for tat by saying maybe be if she gave u sex you would help out around the house..that's a very foolish, selfish, and shallow thing to say...I can go on and on...but I will stop by saying again..YOU ARE A VERY FOOLISH AND SELFISH MAN!!!.

  105. you are a very selfish man,most men are anyway.
    Have you stopped to ask yourself why your wife is given excuses,do you even treat her nicely during the day,do you call her from the office to say sweet nothings to her,do you buy her gifts or take her out.
    if you treat ur wife nicely and make her feel special she will be ready for you every other nite.
    Women sexual urges are tied to their emotions,work on her emotios and you will see a difference in her attitude.
    PS get her a maid to relieve her of house chores so that she is not over worked.

  106. biko ooo, its not my nnenna abeg ooo. i already felt guilty with that name. lmao

  107. It is either she's not sexually attracted to you anymore or maybe she's giving it to someone else because i can't phantom women in a marriage starving a man and yours is a sorry case. I feel for you bro. Ndo!.
    Some girls in a relationship ,when their men ask for sex their reply " is sex the only thing you want,can't you think of better things to do other than sex"

  108. End the marraige unless u still love her u can work it out

  109. This is a lesson for working class women. The equation must be balanced. Gee.

  110. Maybe u just a sex freak dat Nnenna will soon give u aids Dont worry

  111. What's new? Welcome to my world.ive gotten used to sleeping with my hoes I don't care anymore.Cook she can't cook F--k she can't I tire o.Body no be firewood, the strippers are also cashing in at least they provide a girlfriend experience occasionally .

  112. haaa! and u go and get from my name sake! Madam pls go n "do" ur hubby o

  113. u know the answer so askn d public

  114. If ℓ̊ were U̶̲̅ ℓ̊ would av don worster

  115. That is one common problem with most women..and if d man cheats they will complain..its fair..WICKED AND WOMAN


  117. You need to get close to God,be active in church by the time you wake up 12midnite to pray where is d time to ask for sex

  118. No! U re a not a bad man. Try helping her out with chore even if its Just cooking..get some sexy movies..clean up urself guy and look eat able..seduce her and deny her sex..she will strive to come back..1year is toooo early to give excuse for sex and U mentioned "kids" U ve being married for a year and had"kidS"? Maybe see thats why its wise nt to involve In premarital sex, she's used to ur "cowboy" stuff U knw..lolz. C'mon guy! U can do better than cheating.NNenna is sleeping with men having same problem oo! She go gv U HiV or accuse U of pregnancy, which c, destroy ur joy for life!.

  119. I feel ur pain,its hard for men not to cheat even if they are satisfied always . Your wife isnt rily doin her job as a wife,she nids to entice you in bed at least to minimise cheating on ur part.its sad dat she knws u like sex n deliberately starves u,its unfair. My dear pls talk to her ,really talk to her,let her see reasons with u,even if its for u guys to schedule wen n hw many times in a week fine . compromise,dats wat marriage is all about.pls try to stop cheating as well bcos b4 u knw it u might end up lovin ur"second wife" and ruining ur marriage. Ur not a bad man but ur not good either.

  120. As wife,she ought to see dat d husband is not complaining especially on d issue of sex,she should be able to give it anytime,unless she is sick.

  121. Oga ur tori get K leg. U have been married for a year with kids abi NA twin u get? And they are already in school wetin one year? This story NA make believe no bis real Ada Agulu said so.

  122. Both of U̶̲̥̅̊ need counselling. Obviously sex i̶̲̥̅̊s important i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ marriage, however, two wrongs don't make things right α̲̅πϑ G̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ frowns at adultery. I think both of U̶̲̥̅̊ should seek for help to enable U̶̲̥̅̊ understand T̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊ role of sex i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ marriage. Ur wife no try at all!!!

  123. Eeerr who is Nnenna? *Straight face*

  124. Sally p said there is a wise quote which says that "men marry women hoping they won't change n women marry men hoping they will change.and in the end both are most evidently disappointed". If the wife is reading this take care of your is your job!....buh then again come to think of it are you doing it right? Abi is to mount n unmount without reasoning that she too wants to have sexual satisfaction? No body wants to stress them self to make love if they won't enjoy it. MY GUY SITUP!

  125. Oga chop life go jare..

  126. They was one time my wife started acting like dat..i end up sleeping with our sexy calabar nanny..the sex was so great that i wasn't thinking straight..i fell in love with the nanny bcos she was so young and caring but when my wife noticed she changed totally..and i ended the secret affair..we later drove the wife knew i slept with the nanny but she never asked me till today bcos she knew it was her fault .."Body no be fire wood"

  127. NO I mean N O.I ώɨℓℓ do the same if I were in ur shoes


  129. You are not a bad man. Perhaps you should sit your wife down and talk to her seriously. It might be that you are not doing the right things in bed and she feels you are selfish in bed. Nnenna is not the solution, but you guys need to communicate...

  130. Her job is to have sex with you? Mad man

  131. Get her a maid!!! Do you think its easy to go to work and still come back to take care of the kids,make dinner, wash the dishes, do the laundry, and still have to wake up early to get the kids ready for school before she goes to work? She'll be exhausted! If after getting her a maid to assist in the chores she still complains, then you guys need to go for counseling.

  132. There is nothing that happen btw u $ ur wife that can't be discussed, I believe there is a communication gap in ds issue. If u let ur wife know that if she continue denying u sexually, u'll grab it somewhere else, she change her mind b4 it's too late. No reasonable woman will be informed that her pot of soup will be handed over 2 another woman that won't seat tight $ make necessary adjustment. U don't need 2 resolve into ds terrible option, it'll surely break ur home $ family's happiness whether u like it or not. Pls make ur home, don't mare it by ur resolution.

  133. You and your wife should see a therapist or rather let her knw ЂO̶̷̩̥̊͡w̶̲̥̅ U̶̲̥̅̊ are suffering by keeping late nights den if she ask you why you why you keepin late nights you tell her dat your ar trying to keep urself busy so dat U̶̲̥̅̊ can keep ur mind off sex since she's not giving it to you..believ me a sensible person will knw dat if she should continue denying you sex den sooner or later U̶̲̥̅̊ will start seeing someone else..

  134. You are married a year and you have kids that are been taken to school already. Story. Check your lies before you post

  135. some woman shai..How do u expecvt him to satisfy his urges? by chwing chew stick? ..*hiss* wickedness in d highest order

  136. Hmmmm, is hard to draw up conclusion without hearing frm ur wife. Judging from ur story, u ain't a bad man. No matter what or how hard she wrks, she should atleast have sex with u twice a week. What happened to weekends? R u sure she is not having an affair? Oga, make sure is only Nnenna u dey fuck oo.

  137. You just need to have a marriage counselor to talk to her or better still, have a one on one discussion with her, make her to understand what you have been passing through and the sex huge. let her know your plans of hiring a sex partner to do the sex parts for her, and get to hear her response. ladies are very understanding... is well

    1. Ojai says" diane u r quite rite, they nd a counsellor to talk to an u r not a bad man. She is luring u into whta u r doing. Of course, sex is one of the things that holds a marriage, so when u dont get it from ur partner, she is definitely luring u into temptation. Pls make her undastand what she is pushing u into and that u really dont want it to prevail

  138. Eh Yahhh!!!! I am a woman oo but i feel you die. God, please help my hormones ooo!!

  139. Come Mr. Husband, Of all the names in this naija na Nnenna you see. Take your time oooo hehehehehehehe!
    I think you can still talk to ur wife, why not start by assisting her in some of the house chores to take off the stress from her so that she can have more free time to relax with you. There is absolutely no justification for sin.

    1. Help me tell d fool,u tink being a woman is easy?u wnt help out but expect sex wen one do all d wrk u better put ur act togetda or u wuld b cheated on too

  140. U are not a bad man!

  141. You have been married for a year and you have kids going to school already. Your story is not adding up

  142. Come Mr. Husband, Of all the names in this naija na Nnenna you see. Take your time oooo hehehehehehehe!
    I think you can still talk to ur wife, why not start by assisting her in some of the house chores to take off the stress from her so that she can have more free time to relax with you. There is absolutely no justification for sin.

  143. No, you are not a bad man. You have tried your best but I suggest you have a serious discussion with your wife.

  144. StArt helping her around the house. You said if she allows you maybe you will get up and help. That's where the problem lies.

  145. Liar lair. You've been married for a year and have kids not even a kid? Except one of you had kids out of wedlock. But I dont believe this story jare. Another tell tale. Mssstchew.

  146. Lmao, sounds like my hubby tho but I know he won't post anything like this on a blog. What u men should understand is "body no be firewood" haba! Am a pregnant working wife with a kid n I'll have 2 wake up as early as 5:30am 2 prepare my son 4 school and afterwards, make breakfast 4 my hubby, make my breakfast n lunch cos "I don't eat outside" and after all these, prepare myself 4 work. And when I get back in the evening, I'll have 2 assist my son with his homework, make dinner, feed him, bath him and put him 2 bed, then I'll go n sort out the dishes, get ready 4 the next day, have my bath n sleep. Most of the time, I go 2 bed around 11pm or even past 12am n after I've started relaxing my tired self u wake me around 2:30 to have SEX! Really? Who does that? And when I deny u of this, u'll start ranting... Biko, I don't care how u feel but I just need 2 REST!!!!!

  147. mkay:::hmmm guy ur not a bad man but ur human.... time your wife gives you the list of chores tell her your getting a maid for her and lesson teachers for the kids to free up her time....that way she cant use her tiredness as excuse then try being abit romantic to remind her of the reason she fell in luv with u in the first place. pray and then talk to her some more. it may not b easy but she will eventually respond... except she is not human or she never loved u in the first place. and cut off nnenna coz if u dont u will destroy whats left of your marriage and life .

  148. Your wife aint trying...true. Its really really hard what you are going through and I understand but try as much as possible to make her see reasons. She will change with time. Also try to eliminate what makes her tired, maybe its house chores, get a nanny so she can have more time to rest and have time for you. Consider getting a driver. My two cents

  149. Your wife aint trying...true. Its really really hard what you are going through and I understand but try as much as possible to make her see reasons. She will change with time. Also try to eliminate what makes her tired, maybe its house chores, get a nanny so she can have more time to rest and have time for you. Consider getting a driver. My two cents

  150. Well, i am exactly in your kind of situation but i am the wifey here. My hubby has the same complaint as yours and i have tried in the best way to explain to him on ways to turn me on and instead he mocks me. I simply explained to him that i need to escape from doing house chores i.e cooking, laundry,sweeping, taking care of the kids, and all, the list is endless. My escape is just for him to once in a while take me on a date or even take me to a hotel and lets spend the night there (i can easily get someone to take care of the kids). And all he goes is me i am a jaiye jaiye woman and that he doesnt have time for that. So what else does he want me to do, i have turned into a grumpy wife with no sex zeal at all. How can i be intrested in sex when from the moment i get home from work i am cooking, washing plates, feeding thw kids, bathing the kids,putting the kids to bed, packing their lunch boxes for school tmrw, doing laudry and sooo on and so on. So my advice to you is ask your wifey what she wants even if it is to get a house help for her, and you will see changes.

  151. Yes u are , y don't u try to do all the house work with your office work and take care of the kids then see if u wild find it easy satisfaygn ur woman on bed.

    1. This isn't the 60s wench. Sex is a mutually enjoyable activity between a couple. And read the post again, they've been married for a year. That's too soon even if she was going through what Jona is at the moment. How much longer do they have to be married for? Haba

  152. U are nt a bad man. Pls check if ur wife v a spiritual husband. Again women needs pating, plead $ pet her she wl giv.

    1. Exactly he should pate,plead and dollars her she will give. Ndi banyi kwenu!

  153. Hmmmmmm,I feel your pain but that doesn't give u the freedom to cheat on her, just work things out!! Shikena!!

  154. Do u av 2 conclude dt all women are d same? "Shame on all you women" dt part was just so funny lol

  155. Ur wife is bin unfair nd bin selfish so I dnt blame u...

  156. I experienced same with my girl friend. In the beginning it was fun filled with sex and love, but now it's kinda boring cus she ain't fucking me like she used to, but she always scream a loud & say stuffs like I'm her best when we make love. So man your woman might be wrong but Cheating ain't the best. I feel your pain...

  157. You've been married for just a year? Where did the 'kids' come from tho?

  158. No u re not...I understand how u feel

  159. Stupid man, is marriage all about sex?

  160. I am a married woman and I totally agree with you. Sex is major in marriage, some will say its not all about lie o. I think you should talk to your wife about how you feel or talk to her closest friend or even her mum. I work hard and have kids but I always make sure that when it comes to my man, there is no excuse. yes, there are nights when I am very tired and he understands but I always make sure I make it up to him by giving him something extra special. pls married ladies, don't deny your husbands o, if not you will be giving room for the'MAHEEDAS'out there. And if you know you are not physically fit, see a doctor or look for other things that wont take soo much energy from you but will still satisfy your man. afterall, these men work hard to give us the best too, so why cant we?

  161. u are not bad man my broda u try

  162. Fake story linda why now??

  163. It is mr. Hv u committed dis ur problm ind hands of God.....nd see 4 a change, b4 going 2 bang oda woman?huh

  164. Kids? But u said u've only bin married for 1yr! Is dis real @all Linda? Pls, tell dis man nt 2 insult our intelligence biko. Anywayz, I'll pass!

  165. I don't usually comment but for a grown ass man to sit and write this nonsense, it shows ur wife aint the one wt the problem. You sound like a perve. Sometime is wrong wt you no kidding. She's your wife not your ho. Maybe u don't satisfy her sexually but yourself. There's a different btw loving sex and sexually satisfying ur partner. Maybe she does all the work while you lay there like a log of wood. Or u r to obsessed with sex it drains her of all the energy that was left after a long day of work and taking care of the kids while you were out there scoring Nnenna. Guy you need deliverance.


  167. its a pity Man that your woman is giving excuses. and glad to know that you are willing to stop cheating on her if she can give you even hand job. glad to know you are willing to make sacrifice of getting cook and house help so she can do the sexual duty to your satisfaction. I am thinking that of you both had amazing sex life while dating, something would have happened. women are complicated beings sometimes proving difficult to understand. I suggest you take her out for a weekend and plan it with much romance during the week so you can put her in the mood. then take her out and get you fill of luv for the weekend. then after that, have a long undisturbed discussion on your frustration. i feel things will change. all the best man.

  168. you are a very selfish have no excuse to cheat.. if your wife complains she's tired then help her out..its really not easy for women

  169. Are you sure u haven't developed mouth or body odour? Eczema,scaly skin? Cos I can't do a man that has eczema o! Anyama! Check your mirror. 2. Probably you are just after having an orgasm and you r not bothered if she gets one. Or better still she's getting the lamba from someone else.

  170. Try helping out with the house chores so that she has spare time. Most men think being a working mum is simple but its exhausting she might be trying to pass a mssg across for you to assist her. Don't be the architect of ur downfall by seeing someone outside.

  171. You are not a Bad Man. But You have to take it easy and try to calm your nerves. She is your wife and you must speak to Her about it.

  172. There is obviously some problems within your family. I think the both of you are wrong and not getting something right. On your wife part, she is not suppose to be giving excuses every time you want to have sex with her, then on your own part, your wife have more things to offer you and seeing her as just a sex object is totally wrong. You both need to seek God's face in this one. It sounds more of spiritual problems than physical
    HTC One declared the best smartphone of 2013, can you tell the phone that it succeeded?

  173. Women sef... They get married and relax... Shey una see ?? How women change when they are married.... Anyways my guy simply put marry another wife.. If she's not listening to your plight... Yes she get tired but she doesnt go to work everyday..or maybe she's sleeping with her boss??

  174. I can quite understand your frustration but all these things you've written here, have you discussed it with your wife? Cos she needs to understand this. Have you tried helping her in the house so she wouldn't have any excuses at night? Maybe be proactive rather than reactive. Something's gotta give.If she's not the type that likes sex and just uses housework to cover up, then I don't know what to say to ya.

    But cheating though...that's adultery and it's frowned upon whatever the circumstance. People may say you're not a bad man because your wife is denying you your rights but if you were the one denying your wife, would you be happy if she went out and got a fine Chinedu as well? You need to pray and seriously talk to your wife.

  175. i don't know d the problem we women has,as for me i don't know of other's,after 2kids i fuck d life out of my man that one sure pass,am doing dis jez to let him know that i i should caught u with any babe,me no dey fight ooo but mine is i will drag u home fuck u till u pass out,we women should learn ow to satify our men,give then blowjob,diff styles on bed,if he says he wants anal give him,raise ur legs up,let u legs round his neck,turn him on,touch ur toes,diff styles i swear he will never come late from work as he usually for me have been giving my man n i wil continue giving him cos he usaully tells me something.Habebi i can dye because of u.THAT IS OW IT SUPPOSE TO B FOR EVERY MAN WITH THIS EVEN U TALK SAY U NEED 1BILLION U WILL GET IT.WOMEN PLZ LETS SATISFY OUR MENNNNNNNN

  176. U are a bad man indeed too much of everything is bad ,even too much sex is bad and also if ur wife did not cheat on u why cheating on her .

  177. You are not just a mad man, you are a pathetic idiot, stupid, pervert. Try n marry Nnenna n see if she'll fuck you every day like she does now. Men thinks women becomes selfish after marriage. No We don't live with u everyday wen we were dating, we don't cook, wash, clean, n take care of the kids while we were dating, can't u see dat things have changed? Y is men always concerned about sex especially after marriage. Useless men! Have u ever asked you wife how much she needs for her up keep, have u ever asked her if she's well health wise. All u know is touch her at night n satisfy ur urge. You r dam lucky she sleep wit u 2wice in a month. For. Sex menaic like u u shouldn't even see her body 1 in 6 months. Foool. Nneka is d reason for ur badluck which is affecting ur wife n making her unhappy. If u always make ur wife happy by providing her needs n wants, you'll always get her in d mood. Be rest assured dat soon you'll die on NNeka's bodY. N ur wife will remarry. Linda Ikeji if u like don't post my comment. Mwtcheeeeeew!

  178. There is obviously some problems within your family. I think the both of you are wrong and not getting something right. On your wife part, she is not suppose to be giving excuses every time you want to have sex with her, then on your own part, your wife have more things to offer you and seeing her as just a sex object is totally wrong. You both need to seek God's face in this one. It sounds more of spiritual problems than physical
    HTC One declared the best smartphone of 2013, can you tell the phone that it succeeded?

  179. I am a oman u ain't a bad man your wife is at fault. I know its not easy being a woman with all the responsibilities, but she is your wife she shouldn't deny you sex.

  180. Give her nothing to use as an excuse. U said if she have sex with u, you will do everything for her? Why wait? Do the dishes, help with the cooking, wake up early and help get the kids ready, im sure she will have no excuse then and hump like a dog

  181. Bros, now this is gonna be a hard truth but u asked. Hv u tried to balance this equation, u are sex freak but ur wife isn't, try and strike a balance, that is wat marriage is about. If she complains about work and house stress, then surprise her by waking up at 4am to bathe ur kids, help her all the way and see that miracle u are seeking happen in an instant. By the time u divide those chores, she wld have a reserved energy and much affection and gratitude to fuck your brains out. But when you abandon her in her so called "fate" of domestic suffering, she can only punish you the best way she knows how. When you were dating, you were just two adults, even if u lived together u had no kids, you can only understand the stress a wife with kids and no help from husbands like you go through if u step into her shoes for 24 hours. So, by the time you try out wat I just told you and see the result, trust me, you'd turn around and scream with me "Shame on men!" take your mind off sex for a day and show your wife some real love! And yes, you are a bad man for not knowing how to show love to ur wife, it goes beyond the words "I love you". Pls show it!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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