The story of North Korean leader feeding his uncle to 120 dogs was the imagination of an impostor blogger | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday, 6 January 2014

The story of North Korean leader feeding his uncle to 120 dogs was the imagination of an impostor blogger

Oh dear. An impostor blogger with a wild sense of imagination has deceived the world, if the article from BBC today is to be believed. The story culled from Chinese newspaper Wen Wei Po and carried by a lot of the major online news sites, including Daily Mail, NYTimes, and LIB (hehe), claimed that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un stripped his 'traitor' uncle naked and fed him and six others to a pack of 120 dogs that had been starved for three days. (If you missed the story, read it HERE)

Apparently nothing like that happened. The originator of the story is a blogger who calls himself Choi Seongho, and claims to be a North Korean newspaper editor now studying in China. Thing is, there's another Choi Seongho, who is way more popular and recognized as a reporter. The real Choi told the BBC that the other Choi is an impostor. Read BBC's report on the fake story after the cut...

A cautionary tale of dogs, imposters and North Korea -
Written by John Sudoworth for the BBC

An anonymous blogger is a tenuous enough source for a news story. But an imposter posing as that anonymous blogger?!
Perhaps not since "curveball" - the now discredited Iraqi defector whose evidence was used to make the case for war - has an unreliable single source had such a field day.
The extraordinary claim that the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un had his uncle fed alive to a pack of hungry dogs comes from this posting on a Chinese microblog.
It's been pointed out by those who've unearthed the trail that all it took was a bit of Chinese and some basic curiosity. But as the sensational story was splashed around the world the original, extremely shaky sourcing on which it was based was lost.
The post containing the gory details of the alleged execution is from a blogger calling himself Choi Seongho and claiming to be a North Korean newspaper editor now studying in China. His blog on Tencent, the country's second most popular microblogging platform, carries satirical comments about life in North Korea. He has 30 thousand followers and he doesn't reply to direct messages.
He also has a namesake. There is a Choi Seongho very much alive and blogging on Sina, China's leading platform. The content is very similar, a mix of seemingly tongue-in-cheek North Korean patriotism and mild satire. But he has more than 2 million followers, was the first of the two to open an account, and although he keeps his identity anonymous, does reply to direct messages.
When asked by the BBC whether he was the source for the dog story, he denied it, saying; "The person on Tencent is someone trying to be me, who is not me."
Admittedly, many of the news organisations carrying the North Korean execution story have wondered out loud at its authenticity. Now we know the original sourcing, a single anonymous Chinese blog masquerading as another, more popular, Chinese blog, the story looks too weak to be worth the ink.
In the end, what all this tells us, as others have pointed out, is that when it comes to North Korea we're too ready to entertain our darkest imaginings, even if we don't quite believe them ourselves.
It is certainly a dark and secretive place, but that makes it all the more important that we report the truth, not a sensational parody of it.


  1. Smhw I blv dis kin Jon-un is capable of doin evn worse..I blv there's no darker place dan his tots,d moonless midnyt of his mind.

  2. If I hear! Ndi ojoo.

  3. Dis story no concern mi, I jst dey pass o

    1. I dey follow u 4back jare

  4. please what's the truth, bcos we know he killed his uncle

    1. The uncle was killed by an anti aircraft gun,50calibre machine gun that is for fighter jets n it's armour pearcing as well.

    2. Jeez...that's a painful death o

  5. whatever! when it comes to North Korea, anything is possible, believe me. they can be brutal and heartless.

  6. So is never get to be real source News shall

  7. Fed to d dgs or not,d fact still remains that he executed his Uncle. A resounding WOE unto him.

    1. You this she goat mgbeke feeling funky n hunky. Must u comment ol d time? U tink u wil win 100grand. Trying to be noticed. Jobless fool. Cute g my ass

    2. Anon:6:09. Why the abuse. The last time checked, G cute has a right to her own opinion. What is the mgbeke jobless fool abuse for?

    3. Anonymous u r so stupid n fucked!
      Pluck out ur eyes so u won't see Cute G's comment again.
      Pained goat!

    4. @ anon 6:09pm,how dare U attack my Cute G.She's one of d best commenters on lib nd she's a learned ur miserable face let's see how U look!

    5. @anon 6:09,Cute G has been on Lib b4 ur existence.She cud even be one of the 100k winners.You are here ranting.Nerd!!

  8. The point is Is the uncle alive or dead? I'm not interested in this impostor issue

  9. Wow! Me sef talk am say d story get as e bi... Anyways didn't believe d 1st story sha

  10. Na wa o so wat reali happend den!

  11. I was sure d 1st story was not true

  12. Looks like that blogger will be executed.

    1. My thoughts is capable of anything cruel and callous

    2. Akuko,, the main question here is whether or not he did it . It doesn't matter whether it was the real or fake Choi Seongho posted on their blog and what not.

  13. The Uncle was executed for treason.

  14. Whether he fed his uncle & co 'traitors' to starving dogs or lions, d end point is he executed him -QED. Dat country's is dark & living in medieval tyms. Obama & d West, can't u guys plot his systematic elimination? Linda, if u lyk, puplish ma comment- u don't do it, rather u lyk publishing stupid & abusive comments. Happy New Year.

    1. U are very very stupid for your statement fool

    2. U are very very stupid for your statement fool

    3. Hannah, you are so jobless. Why yab him because of 100K? Forget it. You won't get it.

    4. Hannah, u are a stupid child for ur own comment! Pls secondary schools have resumed. Go and face ur studies and think of how u want to pass. Bloody donkey!

    5. God purnish ur entire family do I look like some1 who need money u must be insane I don't blame you unidentified bastard like you I guess u nid d money to help ur miserable generation bloody rat

  15. Now all ye dat av threw stones @ D North Korean Leader should apologise, cos ultimately D story isn't real

  16. Bunch of confused fellows.choii senogho Ko chaii emeka ni.

  17. And then I'm famished. Next...


  18. the blogger and his family should better run cos they fit execute them too, d guy is a devil in human skin.killed his lover and his uncle, then what would he do to a blogger! SMH.

  19. All I see her is Linda think of ways to avoid ur impostors oo.

  20. Nawa ooo... story story. .... story

  21. It is the true just trying cover up as nobody wants deal with the country soon see this in nigeria

  22. Do you see why we can't trust your breed, you bloggers eh?!

  23. hian. so what's the true story?

  24. Aunty Linda follow carry d fake news

    1. Find a life and stop commenting around. No 100K this year.

    2. Hannah is looking for 100k that will continue to be out of her reach!

    3. Free dis babe,all u anonymous pple.
      This is a blog and everyone has a right to his/her opinion.

  25. Aunty Linda follow carry d fake news

    1. How many times would you comment? Haba!

    2. How many times u wan comment bitch? El stupido

  26. All na wash.....he killed his uncle brutally and that's the point if dem lyk , make dem continue to dey publish denial statements.

  27. Now, is the uncle still alive or he has been executed? That is the summary we need to know. If the uncle was not fed to the dogs, what was he fed to?

  28. #just passing#

  29. different countries with different laws. if u find urself in Nigeria , behave like a Nigerian, if u find urself in north korea pls respect urself and behave like a north Korean. leave the kid to rule his country.

  30. weather it was Jona dat swallow d Fish,or it was d Fish dat swallow Jona,d point is dat there was a "Swallowing"...d method of Execution is not relevant,d point is dat he execute d Uncle......d Man is Death..,dats d point...Linda "swallow" my comment-o

  31. It was blivd cos es capable of doin worse..

  32. He is a very big Choi. Chooooiiiii to him.

  33. Story story.... Story, even in Naija some reports are figment of some lousy pressmen imaginations...

  34. The media and China is the problem of the world.

  35. So no be only 9ja bloggers dey jonze people. Hoax of life.

  36. True story....he was fed to hungry lions in an arena for the North Koreans that far fetched enough.

  37. nawa ooh,jrt pasing while read my bible.

  38. As for me a story could only be fake when their is original or true story....Until the yarn us the real story I still believe he fed them to dogs! QED

  39. Abeg u guyz should just leave d guy alone and face our own problems

  40. How we address each other people matters a lot, too many insults just to put up a comment.

  41. if d blogger z an impostor, North Korea shud tel d world wot hapend 2 choi's uncle.

  42. @anon 6:09pm u re really on cheap ur type de pour pipo acid,skinPain!!!

  43. Let the North Korean leader show the public the corpse of his uncle before burial Shikena

  44. Gbam ~maureen~

  45. Gbam ~maureen~


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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