PDP South-West leader called out in Obasanjo's letter replies him | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 12 January 2014

PDP South-West leader called out in Obasanjo's letter replies him

In a letter sent to PDP Chairman Alhaji Bamanga Tukur on January 7th, former president Olusegun Obasanjo said he was withdrawing from party activities until someone he describes as a criminal wanted abroad to face criminal charges, is removed as the party's South West zonal leader.
"I believe that on no account should a known habitual criminal that is wanted abroad to face criminal charges leveled against him should be extolled as a political leader in a respectable and wholesome nation building political party. Buruji Kashamu has been so extolled in PDP in South-West geo political zone which I personally find unsavory. Politics played by any national political party must have morality, decency, discipline, principles and leadership examples as cardinal practices of the party." Obasanjo wrote
The man in question, Buruji Kashamu, has responded to Obasanjo's letter. See it after the cut...

Re: Chief Olusegun Obasanjo's letter to Tukur
My attention has been drawn to yet another letter written by former President Olusegun Obasanjo to the National Chairman of our great party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Alhaji Bamanga Tukur, frowning at my allegedly being made the leader of the party in the South West. He called me “a wanted habitual criminal…for whom extradition has been requested by the US Government…”

Ordinarily, I would not have responded to his latest cocktail of lies having sufficiently addressed the same issue in my response to his letter to the President only a few weeks ago. However, since he has shown that he is too embittered to be assuaged by that response, I am constrained to do another.
First, it is now clear to all and sundry that why I have become the target of Obasanjo’s wicked campaign of calumny and blackmail is his perceived loss of political relevance in Ogun State and the South West. In his 18-page satanic letter to President Goodluck Jonathan, I was the other person – indeed the only one (after the President) – that he singled out for his venomous attack. But if the truth be told, I am not the architect of whatever political woes that he is suffering today. Like David, I am just a tool in the hands of the almighty Allah Subhana wa tala. I am too small to confront a Goliath like him but for the almighty Allah who is the supporter of the suppressed and oppressed.
In his usual hypocritical manner, he talked about not being able to work with me because of his principles and decency. But the questions Nigerians should ask him are: where were these principles when he used me to fight Gbenga Daniel? Where was his self-righteousness when I took the party structure from Daniel and handed it to Obasanjo? Where was his decency when he brought Gen. Adetunji Olurin to me and asked that I should roll my structure behind his governorship ambition? Where was his morality when he introduced me to South West PDP leaders like Engr. Segun Oni, Navy Capt. Caleb Olubolade (rtd) and a host of others? Where was his discipline when he hosted me severally in his Hilltop mansion, taking me into his bedroom and innermost recesses? Where was his decency when he accepted donations from me to his church and other concerns? Where was his gumption when he mounted the rostrum to sing my praises, praying for me as he did in May 2010 during a reception for the former Minister of Commerce and Industry, Senator Jubril Martins-Kuye? I can go on and on!
Let me state from the outset that contrary to Obasanjo’s claim, I am not the leader of the party in the South West. I am just one of the party’s foot soldiers in the zone and it is in that capacity that I am made the Chairman of the Organisation and Mobilisation Committee for the party in the zone. It is indeed preposterous for anyone to call me the leader of the party in a zone that parades political juggernauts like Chief Olabode George, Alhaji Shuaibu Oyedokun, Senator Lekan Balogun, Senator Iyiola Omisore, Senator Teslim Folarin, Alhaji Yekeen Adeojo, Senator Clement Awoyelu, Mr. Ayodele Fayose, Senator Bode Olajumoke and a host of others. All these leaders know me and can attest to the fact that I defer to them even when we disagree a times.
Now, on the issue of my so-called indictment in the United States, I wish to state for the umpteenth time that there is NO request for my extradition for any offence whatsoever. I recall that in my earlier response to him, I have challenged him to produce the request for extradition, if there is any. Indeed, contrary to his lies that I am wanted in the United States for some offences, the purported and over-flogged case is that of mistaken identity, for which I had been tried and discharged after my innocence was established by the British courts. I am already in court in the US asking that the earlier accusation (NOT CONVICTION) against me be quashed. That process is ongoing.
As to the Nigerian leg of the issue, as I have often stated, I was the one that took the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) to court in 2009/2010 to ask for a judicial pronouncement on the powers of the AGF under the Extradition Act when I got information that some of my political adversaries were pressurising the AGF to allegedly cause my extradition on the basis of the mistaken identity case referred to above.
In fact, in an 11-paragraph affidavit deposed to by the Office of AGF and dated 16th September, 2010, it stated that, “No request for the extradition of the Applicant was made on the 20th day of July, 2010 or on any date to the Respondent or to any Federal Agency by the United States Government or any other country…The Respondent or any of its officers or any agency of the Federal Government has not received any request from any country for the extradition of the Applicant for any offence whatsoever.”
Simply put, the AGF said nobody has asked that I be surrendered for any offence. Although the Federal High Court agreed with him, it went on to order that I could not be made to face any fresh round of victimisation, harassment and intimidation on the basis of the same alleged offence that I had been exonerated of by the British courts. This was what the AGF quarrelled with and decided to appeal. The appellate court upheld his appeal, saying the action was “premature”.
Even though my detractors are wont to twist obvious facts to suit their invidious motives, I wish to once again avail the general public of some documents that are the result of painstaking and thorough investigations by credible international organisations, such as the Interpol and the German Embassy.
The Interpol in a report dated 4th March, 2008, and signed by ACP Haruna H. Mshelia, stated inter alia “That all our letters written to Interpol London, Lyon, Washington and Cotonou relating to enquiries on criminal/drug/conviction records of the suspect were returned negative to the effect that the suspect was never convicted of such offence in their territory.”
Following my application for visa, the German Embassy also wrote that it was “informed by the U.S. authorities at the end of August that its search warrant has been cancelled. As a consequence the equivalent search warrant of Interpol has also been withdrawn with immediate effect.” So with which warrant of arrest is the U.S supposed to ask for my extradition, and for which offence?
The British court, as per Lord Justice Pill and Mr. Justice Bell of the High Court of Justice, Queen Bench Division, said the apprehending authorities suppressed exculpatory evidence and discharged me in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the European Convention of Human Rights and Human Rights Act, 1998. The District Judge Tim Workman in his 2003 judgment found from the evidence adduced during the three-year trial that I was not the person sought by the U.S. authorities and it was a case of mistaken identity. The U.S. Judge Norgle, in whose court the indictment was filed, also held that I am not a fugitive from justice. I ask again: on what basis will the US authorities justifiably request for my extradition?
Furthermore, District Judge Workman also held that, “As a result of the evidence that the Defence has placed before me and the evidence which the Government has tendered in rebuttal, I find the following facts: that the defendant has a brother, who bears a striking resemblance to that of his. I am satisfied that the defendant’s brother was one of the co-conspirators…
“I am however satisfied that the overwhelming evidence here is such that the identification evidence, already tenuous, has now been so undermined as to make it incredible and valueless. In those circumstances, there is then no prima facie case against the defendant and I propose to discharge him.”
Now, these are the reports and decisions of credible and well-established organisations. Yet, some wicked souls take delight in blackmailing and maligning me, all in the name of politics. When I was working with ex-Governor Gbenga Daniel and empowering PDP members under his administration with over 700 vehicles, grants and working tools, I was not called names. When I started working with ex-President Olusegun Obasanjo, fighting his political battles and mobilising for him, I was not a criminal. But now that he feels he has lost out in the political equation, he is raking up worn-out tales.
But pray, what is my offence when all I am doing, in conjunction with other like minds, is to champion a new order whereby our people would be free from the vice-grip of some self-styled political leaders who sit in the comfort of their homes to determine our collective fate, with its attendant consequences on the development and growth of the South West zone. They do not like a bold and courageous challenge to their outdated and warped style of leadership. Instead of coming home to work for the growth of the party, they have elected to mass around the Presidency where they go from one office to the other, blackmailing me and others in order to protect their “pot of soup”. I am even told that just like he did to Mujahid Asari-Dokubo, he has even gone as far as asking the Beninoise government to frame me up anytime I visit the country.
Unknown to him, I am inadvertently being made popular by his acts even when I am not into any leadership or popularity contest with anyone. Indeed, my resolve is made stronger the more Obasanjo and his associates seek to rubbish me, for as the French poet Michel de Montaigne said, “We endeavour that men should speak of us, than how and what they speak, and it sufficeth us that our name run in men’s mouths, in what manner soever…”
For me, the almighty Allah Subhana wa tala is the giver and taker of life. He is my shepherd and shield. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. I hold true to the inimitable words of Albert Einstein that “Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolised.” That is why I remain immovable and unshakable in my firm commitment to the principles I believe in, no matter the odds.
My mission is to mobilise the mass of the people, return the party to them and involve them in decision-making process in the overall interest of the people of the South West geo-political zone. And no amount of blackmail, campaign of calumny and intimidation will stop me, for as my people would say, “Ibaje eniyan ko da ise Oluwa duro” (meaning “man’s slandering of his fellow man doesn’t stop God’s work in one’s life”).
Prince Buruji Kashamu


  1. Replies
    1. You pray in Islam and then use parts of the Christian prayer.shows what type of man u are as I'm sure you will also swear by obatala and sango.

      That said,your write up expertly written by maybe the presidents media crew....abati and co is detailed and well written.but I know you people too well,you will site and quote cases.till the American and British release a statement to the effect,I will look at you as a suspect of something because sir,where did you suddenly appear from and which business are you into that's funding all this people.Daniel,obj,now Jonathan.700 cars,tools etc.its def not from that hotel.

      You also named sw leaders.please I beg to differ.chief bode George,omisore,teslim etc are hardly the type of men that one should aspire to emulate.
      But having said all this,you are all the same.

    2. This man is a wanted criminal in the US ..

    3. Oh, Buruji nw u v an identical brother abi? Is he ur twin too? Shameless man. Baba myt be vindictive buh sha carry ur 2legs n enter US n send us pictures den we ll believe u r innocent. All of you shall be exposed and soon this country will be rid of ol u old goats.

    4. Ogunnnnn ti De ooooooooooooooooo Lmao.
      Next story

  2. And who wanna read all all this??? That's their own cup of tea!

    1. @Fase,if it were about sex it wouldn't be their cup of tea. This is your country. Be serious for once. Please read,it doesn't kill. Back to the matter, this buruju guy keeps company with like minds Bode George and Co. Please remind me your source of income again. Am not buying all these your long stories. Something about your Bible and quoran quotations looks like you want us to be gullible but we aint buying. We will be rid of all of you soon.

  3. Ain't got time to read this sh*t! Mud slinging bastards!!! I got better things to do. My advice to bystanders? Duck!!! 2014/2015 is gonna be very BLOODY!! Hilary Obiorah

    1. Maybe you would be used as a sacrificial lamb them because I dont know why all you could think of 2015 is being bloody. You dont own tomorrow God does

  4. Lili serious war in phc since at rumuola and water lines. Over 20 death live wish I can send pix but that area na no go area.

  5. Its a shame dat two overgrown n overfed men chuz 2wash their dirty linens outside b4 d toiling n angry masses.I blv tym is comin wen revolution wil bring dem back 2their senses.Am watching!

  6. WAit oooO is it jst mi or dis year is goin 2 b abt open letters#bbm confused face

  7. I just wish this season of writing letters will create more jobs in Nipost.

  8. Lool but aunty Linda where did you get this exclusives though? *shaking my eyes*

  9. Nice response to the elder statesman OBJ...is this how much OBJ wants to remain relevant in the political cocoon...It's a pity that it has gotten to this as every iota of respect is lost for the nigerian political structure on my part...I think OBJ should be made to back his allegations with proof else shut up and stay where he is ....

    Mo'banks. **next to blow**

  10. Too long to read.
    bigger than the bible passage we read today at the church.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  11. Common what is this, mshwww

  12. Next pls. They will never stop 2 wash their ''pata'' outside.

  13. Chief Kashamu we believe you wholeheartedly that you are not a US wanted criminal. Please shame OBJ by visiting the US,UK or any European nation.Dubai is OK too but while at it remember Chief Ibori.

    1. Good advice, but the note of warning will make him think twice.

  14. Trouble wahala for PDP

    Your comment will be visible after approval

  15. U know he had no morality and u allowed him to be using u for immoral purposses. Idiot. U are an immoral and a useless man yourself. And for ur warning, dont use bible to quote quran next time. If u want to make references, u better lift ur references from the quran. Idiot. U all has destroyed this country. Shameless people

  16. The party PDP has already fallen its only sure thing in 2015 is just the presidency post
    click to checkout today''s top naija adult nasty gists

  17. hmmm, nawa 4 Nigeria politicians

  18. I don't get that part he said obasanjo took him to his hilltop mansion, wen he took him to his bedroom, the question is are they Gay? Is obasanjo gay?

  19. Alright, we have heard, who is next to write letter?, seems it is writing letter that is in vogue now. Lolz.

    Signed by Orobo

    1. Can't wait 4 one of fani-kayode's daughters to write him an open letter.

  20. Na dem sabi

    See what these two beautiful Black girls are doing on camera

    Hidden Camera Expose a Gate Man and his ‘Oga Wife’ Doing Things

    Prophet Caught With a Married Woman in the act.

    Best Ass Shake Ever

  21. These politicians hv turned Nigeria to dier personal property... obj shud hide in shame... embarrassing his already rubbished reputation.. baba ni,papa ko

  22. Yea! 9ce letter... Xo bera dan Gudluck,s own... He made so many points... Dis man is so onpoint... Fyn, evn if he was/is a criminal, dis krazy sorrowful obasanjo used him... Didn,t he knw he was a kriminal den... Obasanjo is xo f**king pained... Lyk his ass is hot n abuh 2 xplode dat,s y he,s saying all dis... U knew wu he was n u kpt him under ur administration, using him 2 wrk.... I rightly agree wiv u Kashamu '' man,s slandering kannot stop d wrk of God. Dis man Obj shldn,t tell us wu a kriminal is bkus he is a kriminal.

    1. Which country are you from? We don't write like this in Nigeria.......you mustn't comment too!!!!!

  23. Obj take several back seats joor

  24. OBJ is correct though. The accused leader of a heroin trafficking ring shouldn't be rubbing shoulders with the political elite. Furthermore, US court cases aren't resolved by selected quotes from judges or decisions in the European system. His only credible recourse is to turn himself in and submit to a trial for an innocence verdict. Until then, he vindicates OBJ.

  25. Talk is cheap..Buruji clear your name by visiting America.We all know Baba is never tired of trouble,so nuffin knew in ur reply.Plz visit America 2 clear ur name

  26. May all of you be judged by God!!..no one is innocent. ..thieves! Thieves!

  27. Did he just write that obasanjo was talking him to his bedroom? That means obasanjo might be gay or bisexual sef... Jeeeeeeeez

  28. I may not know this guy but it's just a case of OBJ trying to blackmail him for his selfish reason becos he knows the stuff the guy is made off. OBJ is just an extremely evil man that from all prophesy will be reduced to nothing, it only God that will decide how all this drama will play out, Will OBJ take even a tenth of the insult he is heaping if people wld not have been assassinated. Nigerian never see anything good jst interested in promoting evil men and people. For the first time we have a president that allow freedom of speech and actions and if we build on it then our leaders we soon become more accountable cos people will speak out against their vices.

  29. We all know u guys attended GES111 lecture.

  30. Grammar Grammar Grammar, that's all. Abegi make una fight jari.. PDP era is about to come to a Halt..

  31. Please summarise, it is too long. I am tired of reading. Gbam. It is their own cup of tea anyway

  32. I hope they pay who ever writes these letters well,

  33. This movie ιƨ titled Obasanjo ghen ghen prt5.

  34. Please summarise, it is too long. I am tired of reading. Gbam. It is their own cup of tea anyway

  35. Good write up..hmmm good English and obj..hope u dont reply cuz dis write up is very clean snd clear. Prince buruji I think u re paying back for what he used u to get. Dirty game. See how they're fighting in rivers

  36. Omooo wahala dey ooo, me hate dis fuckin OBJ!!!! Black fool

  37. Oh pls ..evribody knws u to be a drug baron n. Bloody womaniser.so please quit with d nonesense reply..

  38. Obasanjo should go and test. He is truly tired and his political will has expired, am not calling Buraji a saint. But I think former president Obasanjo has lost it and need to openly apologies to Nigerians for contributing to the problems we are facing, that going about writing letters. Who cares if he leaves or stay's in the party. He has his business running from stolen task payers money, and he is busy opening his mouth.
    I think it is time for him to go back to prison the second time. Old irrelevant man. He should be talking about Lagos ibadan express way that he abandoned during his 8 years in office. The Ajeokuta steel company that gulped over USD160M and had nothing to show, not to talk of the power sector. This man is just wicked i can go on and on.

  39. D fact remains dat he was a criminal, still a criminal, and will still be a criminal, he was used by OBJ to cause havoc for OBJ opponent but now he has bitten d hand dat fed him &is godfather is ready to expose & deny him of any deals they had together

  40. Prince Buruji you are as guilty as your god father Obasanjo, my prayer is that God Almighty should find a way of removing all of you evil doers that doesn't want to give the youth the opportunity to Serve, you all are dirty and evil,leave the government for the young and talented mind to bring innovations and development to Nigeria.Mandela did that.

  41. Confam nd Seal..Steadyman Say So...

  42. Oga shaaataaap, British police is not like naija police. Mistaken identity ko, abeg park well joor. Why does US not believe it's a case of mistaken identity? Mtcheeew.

  43. Ghen ghen,I get test for sch tomorrow,I no get tym fr una

  44. Hmmm. So all these are happening in 9ja. Ok. I c d defence as being excellent. OBJ over to u. How is he wanted?

  45. This guy should close his mount jor... Still sucking as old has he is.

  46. Linda pls publish my comment about obasanjo am yet to see it.

  47. I swear down, this man called buruku or na buruji is a REAL criminal. Na only u dem dey mistake ur identity, why getting from one problem to the other, must u av issues all round? Must u be so daft and gullible? Must u b agebt of the devil?God that is ready to expose you people is the one bringing about all this. Moreover, was dre no editor to help u out in this ur letter? Its obvious u ar a yoruba man jst as I am. Bhu must u put yourba in ur open letter? This is absolutely a letter from a butcher man. All of u ar evel doerz, may God reward each and evryone of u accordin to ur handwork and may the hrts of the evil knw no rest till death.u wicked people living ur lifez @ the expense of the inocent soulz.

  48. Gben gben.................open letter part †̥wo. We can't watch it finished

  49. I have this question to ask our so called leaders of today, if Zik, Awolowo, Tafawa Balewa,and the rest of our founding fathers handled the government in such a bad way that you people are doing today, will there be any Nigeria for you people to govern? With the way things are
    going in our government and politics I am afraid of our Children's future. You people will account to God and our founding fathers

  50. WOW! GOD IS GREAT! Can you imagine?

  51. Bla bla bla....summarize nided pls....

  52. Please don't comment if you know you have not taken out time to read both letters from Obj & Prince Kashamu. Hmmm I pray this 2015 Elections does not divide this country. How can these political leaders be telling us about all the dirty deeds they have done within the politics of this country via letters and we are watching? these men should be locked up for Life!!!! Why are these men still in our polity?....

  53. I don tire for all these their yeye letters.

  54. na wa o..dis is becoming 2 much...interesting anyway

  55. This fellow has brought about a strong ethical issues here. If indeed is actually endowed with guardian principles then let him speak out.It is not about I don't respond to small boys criminal, that I am elder statesman therefore I don't react to cheap talks. This is about justice, it is even spells whether Obasanjo is himself a corrupt man or not. Let him roll out his commitment to conduct, if there is any and diminish this man's propositions.

  56. I knew dat d war has only bequn. More cominq. God save our dear country from ppl who finkits their inheritance or ancestral stool IJN. Amen

  57. Very well said. Obsanjo should take a chill pill.

  58. Imagin old men washin der dirty linen in public,I wonder wot nigeria's future is?its a pity.

  59. Kccydon via de galacticos

  60. Gooossshhh!!!! Y'all just shuutttt up! We don't GAF!!!!!

  61. Questio

  62. Obj is frustrated nd I can say it witawt fear of contradition**iranu***divy

  63. Dia man don gbagaun for em letter like linda ikeji.. Its not a unwanted man but an unwanted "mr gbagaun! Make una right una brains out there, witty doesn't give a hoot. (Witty lady)

  64. Whoever is a Nigerian shd know that these are all "political game strategies",we shdn't be much concerned abt there unreasonable αηδ immatured exchange of words αηδ public attention cuz there shd even be better things to comment about! Come 2015 election,â„“̊ advice everyone NOT to waste his or her time to vote,only ǤÕ̳͡D̶̲̥̅̊ knows what's gonna happen.F*** politics in this country!

  65. Evils dt men do live with them....on2 d nxt victim saint OBJ...plz keep d letters komin

  66. A big shame! Look @ how leaders of a nation are going around fooling demselves...

    Beer palour leaders

  67. Oya nah! They have just started washing their dirty linen in public and very soon all their evil deed will be made open, thieves and killers they are. Nde oshi

  68. Obj. Leave dem alone, it won't kill u 2 leave dem alone

  69. More letters,politics and more politics

  70. First thing; Obj never mentioned any country..yu did..pls clear ur name en stop all d long stories..second yu never rily explained why he took yu to his bedroom or his immermost recesses..pls do dat!!

  71. Haha stupid ppl so fucking crazy write ups from both sides

  72. In this life and the one to come, CHANGE would always be the constant factor of human race. I think the Tsunami of change is about to sweep off OBJ in political terrain. And I strongly believe his past would one day come to visit him.

  73. I read it.

    The gentleman laid out his case in a very structured and irrefutable way.

    Well done sir!

    If OBJ cannot produce anything to the contrary, then he should withdraw quietly to a dark corner and we'll pretend (out of respect and possible suspected senility) that the 2nd letter didn't happen.

  74. Mistaken identity Habi? Fly go Yankee come back.Onigbana jatijati!

  75. OBJ should go and sit down. He will regret his actions when South west realises the kind of person he is. I strongly believe that he is fast loosing his relevance because of his greed. This same greed made him loose being Mandela to Nigerians.

  76. Season 2 .....light,paper,pen,blog,comments, ACTION
    Obj of lyf

  77. Dis pple una no go kiL person I don read sotel sleep de catch me

  78. Too long to read......***sleep calls

  79. Articulate. Well written. Let Obasanjo's camp take him then on his claims and evidence.




  83. Politics is a dirty gameAnn

  84. Working tools? Fighting his political battles? Sounds like guns, murder and thugery!

  85. Its a shame to see a Political Bigwig as OBJ withdraw party activities for a Zonal Chairman. OBJ is threatened and seems to be losing out in the south west I presume.

  86. Lkwmd! we're now in d book of lamentation chapter in this country...everyone's now lamenting and pointin accusing fingers,how do u point a finger at people and not point at urself?dey're now exposing their fowl 'yanshes'...let the confessions roll biko!!!

  87. Pls my fellow Nigerians try to read so that u will not argue blindly

  88. does this fool really think we have the time to be reading letters and replies, who cares if you are the leader of the party or wanted in the US, all ur headache

  89. this bamaga tukur looks like one Mr kola ayanwale o

  90. "LETTER WRITING" has taken over Nigeria political arena.Why don't they discuss issues like this during party sessions? This is a shame on Naija Politics. Dirty politics !!!!

  91. This is good for our politics. When every looks normal when it is not, it then means there is trouble. I see a turning point in our political system. Every secret in the past will be laid bay and will now know who is who?

  92. This is good for our politics. When every looks normal when it is not, it then means there is trouble. I see a turning point in our political system. Every secret in the past will be laid bay and will now know who is who?


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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