Moment officers swooped in to stop sham marriage between Nigerian student and Hungarian woman | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 16 August 2013

Moment officers swooped in to stop sham marriage between Nigerian student and Hungarian woman

This is the dramatic moment home office investigators put a stop to a sham marriage just minutes before the bride and groom exchanged their vows.

Nigerian Chinedu Amadi arrived at Leicester Registry Office to marry a complete stranger - Hungarian national Szilvia Basco-Porkolab, who donned a traditional white wedding gown for the occasion.

But unbeknown to them Home Office investigators who were tipped off by a suspicious registrar and lay in wait in a side room for the pair to arrive. These pictures show the moment the 'couple' were told they had been caught and were arrested. Shit mehn! Lol. Continue...


Amadi, a Nigerian student, paid £5,000 to an unknown 'fixer' to arrange the bogus wedding with an EU national to allow him to stay in the UK. After their arrest, investigators discovered Basco-Porkolab was involved in an earlier sham marriage to another Nigerian, Ikechukwu Egbe, at Greta Green in May 2011.

Basco-Porkolab, 38, living in Leicester, admitted two counts of conspiracy to breach immigration laws relating to sham marriages, and was jailed for 34 months.
Amadi, 27, of Livingstone Road, Gillingham, admitted a similar count and was jailed for 20 months.
Egbe, 34, of Narborough Road, Leicester, was convicted of one offence of conspiracy, and jailed for 30 months.
A fourth person, Rubin Durgos 39, admitted conspiracy, in the intended sham marriage of Amadi. She was to be the bride, before Basco-Porkolab stepped in at the last minute.
Durgos, a Hungarian, of Forest Road, Coalville, Leicestershire, was jailed for 20 months.
Sentencing at Leicester Crown Court, Judge Philip Head said: 'What you did in your own ways was to cheat all those who loyally and honestly abide by the system.'
Andy Radcliffe, a Home Office inspector, said after the case: 'These were brazen attempts to trample over both the immigration laws and the institution of marriage

'Amadi had such contempt for the law that he felt he could change his bride during the process of organising the wedding and still get away with it. Durgos and Porkolab thought they could marry as often as they liked. They were wrong.
'The message is clear - immigration abuse will not be tolerated and we will take the strongest possible action against those involved. 
'We work closely with registrars across the region and our dedicated crime teams will continue to make life as tough as possible for those who seek to abuse the immigration system.'
Neil Bannister, prosecuting, told the court: 'The offences came to light with the intended marriage, initially, between Durgos and Amadi.
'Both attended Leicester Registry Office to give their notice of intention to marry, on October 21. They met the deputy superintendent registrar for Leicester, Debra Webster.
'Mrs Webster recognised Durgos as someone she knew as Rita Durgos, a Hungarian who had acted as an interpreter for more than one marriage.
'These marriages involved Hungarians and nationals from countries outside the European Economic Area.
'Mrs Webster became suspicious as to whether Durgos and Amadi were going to enter a genuine marriage.

'Durgos struggled to pronounce the first name of Amadi and he struggled to remember his address.
'Mrs Webster also thought the couple were being excessively affectionate and gained the impression they were trying too hard to demonstrate they were a couple.
'Arrangements were made for a marriage on January 19.
'On that date, a woman claiming to be Rubin Durgos turned up but Mrs Webster did not recognise her. It is not known who that woman was.
'Amadi was an hour late and missed the ceremony, so a further date was arranged for 2pm on February 14.'
By then Mrs Webster had alerted the authorities.
Mr Bannister added: 'Meanwhile, information came to light Durgos had been married to a Godwin Okechuku, a Nigerian, on July 4, 2008, at Christ the King Church, Beaumont Leys, Leicester.'
On February 14, Mrs Webster noted the bride was different from Durgos and the woman who attended on January 19.
When arrested in a wedding dress, she initially told officers she was attending as a witness.
In mitigation, the court heard Egbe and Amadi had entered the UK legitimately on student visas, which had not expired.

Egbe enrolled at Leicester Business Academy, which then closed and he was concerned his visa would be revoked.
He was 'desperate' to stay in the country, the court heard.
All the defendants are likely to be deported after their sentences.

Culled from Daily Mail UK


  1. Lmao! Buhahahahahah
    Paro's gone bad

    1. Lwkmd!!! Look at the first pic, see as the woman open mouth in confusion. Looking confused like she just missed her flight. Lmaooo!!!

    2. I can't stop laughing. Each time I view the 2nd pic of the woman in white, I laugh for good 30mins. See mouth for up, and the one that killed it for me was when they said she claimed to be a guest witness at her own wedding. Lmaoooo!!! Yawa

  2. Hahahahaha! Nigerians, it's for this reason they require y'all pay for entry. Little do they know that's really not a deterrent! I trust my people. Hehe #JayBeyBlu

  3. looolz he almost pulled that one.

    ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

  4. why nauh!... thats wickedness jor

  5. which tribes are all these names from? they are spoiling Nigerians image abroad oh...

    1. Go to hell! Does it matter which tribe? It's ppl like u spoiling the name. Mumu

  6. Hmmmm na wah o, all ds jes to escape d hard life in our dear country, d guy wanted to play d sharp man buh d law caught up wif him! Happy 34months behind bars, hope u will learn a lesson or 2 wen u com out I.e if u r not deported! ~ ritty~

  7. I think this daily mail uk is on a smear campaign against nigerians. They never publish anything slightly positive or portray nigeria in d least positive way.

    1. Daily Mail is a conservative newspaper. Conservative newspapers are generally anti black, anti immigrant. If you ever send in a comment to them that criticizes white people in any form, they won't publish it. Oh yes, they are also anti Obama.

  8. Nigeria! This are some of the reasons why you wouldn't blame foreign authorities when they are very stringent towards the Nigerian passport. Nigerians anticlimactical nature is responsible for all this mess.

    1. "These" not "this" in your 1st sentence. "Nigerians' anti-bla bla bla" not "Nigerians...." Dear Prince Charming, get off your high horse and quit trying to impress people with barely-good-enough mastery of the English language. Thank you for your kind cooperation.

    2. Prince charming,first and foremost,its 'These' and not 'This'.Secondly,there is no such word as 'anticlimactical'The correct word is 'anticlimac',which does not even fit into the 'sentence' you composed.Your grammar is so 'uncalled for' and you are not impressing anyone here like you think you are doing...far from it!!!

    3. @All; Thanks! *These instead of (This) My bad! Funny how everyone wants to correct little mistakes but still complain that you use "big grammar"
      @Nova; Don't be stupid pls!
      Adj. 1. anticlimactical - of or relating to a sudden change from an impressive to a ludicrous style (source-

    4. Prince Charming,if I were you...God forbid!!!I'll jus cover up ma face in shame for making a big fool of maself...Ur choice of words are terrible,we both know that...and I should be the one asking you not to be stupid instead,bur its not necessary cos u sound like someone who's got no home training,more like a bitter person.Meanwhile,Anon 5.40 am's advice is jus perfect for you.

  9. Na by force to stay for uk?the land is green here

  10. interesting good for them. breeze blow fowl yansh

  11. ehya! all 4 a green card..., beta luck next tym...Mr amadi come n \____ (relax) wit us in naija..

    1. Green card in the UK? Smh

    2. Hahahahahahaha! Green card indeed

  12. I'm sorry,it's kinda funny tho.. the useless woman for better as picker..KMT

    1. Omo street tinz abi...or for TF.

    2. abi confam drop

  13. Why would you post this and put this young man on blast like this? This young man could be in a whole lot of trouble, therefore already has his hands full, and you think it's cute to add to his problem by posting this? Tell me something Linda, what exactly is your motive for posting this? You think it's amusing or news worthy? Don't be so quick to judge people or put them on blast like this is all im saying. Sometimes you need to take a second to think about how people and their families are affected by some of the stuff you put on your blog.

    1. Yes bro. Its very amusing and news worthy. Do they think of their families and how their actions affect them when they lie and play smart with authorities. The law is the law. He has £5000 to pay for fraud but cant work hard and do business in his country and work his way to the top. He must b jailed. Nice mog shot.

    2. Don't be silly. News is news and no matter how embarrasing it may ben every news is worthy of being publish and for several reasons I might add. People need to learn from d stupidity of others and if this guy had any sense he would have looked for other means to ''success''linda is only putting the information out there for Nigerians to know and learn. Infact whether she puts it up or not people will still hear about it afterall we are in an era where you neednt try too hard to access info anyway. Let's face the issue for what it is Nigerians need to take it easy with our insatiable quest to succeed overnight without hardwork. Especially the youths everybody wants to ride big cars and make it rain!!! Duh! Get a J.O.B

    3. @anonymous 4:42. i guess u knw dis Amadi guy dats y u r so passionate abt d issue. Don't u read other people story on dis blog? Now its ur turn and u r crying. Go hug transformer joooor! Oloriburuku.

    4. It is news worthy!!! It's for this and other sinister reasons that these countries even in Africa treat us like shit! Why should she cover it up?! It needs to STOP! so yes we will laugh and ridicule him so others will think about the shame and embarrassment to them and their family if they get caught. I bet u r one of them sef. Sigh! Go back home! No be by force #JayBeyBlu

    5. U're right! But Maybe Linda thinks that she wants 2 bring awareness to naija guys willing 2 embark in same plan just 2 stay in UK or somewhere else abroad. She may have a point, but somehow 2 her post like this makes this guy look like a criminal which embarrasses him n his family.

    6. Are u mad?. Or guilty of the same crime?

    7. Sure he is mad! Lol!!! Can u imagine him asking if a sm1 already judged and sentenced to jail is a criminal. LWKMD ooo.

  14. lmao, how can the lady lie she was jxt a witness of the wedding wearing a wedding gown! are u talking to monkeys or humans? WOMAN!

  15. Wetin passport dey cause. Lol

  16. This is sad :(

  17. we ll keep oushin no matter what.
    since our government has refused 2 make sense...+boiz no won carry last.
    everybody need 2 make am.either by legit or the other way round.

    1. @anonymous 4:55. Dats y people like u ll keep going to jail. Mtcheeeeeeeew

  18. Haha... So sad 4dem!
    ~D great anonymous!

  19. Our economy has pushed so many Nigerian youths to alot of rubbish.

  20. Our economy has pushed so many Nigerian youths to alot of rubbish.

  21. "'Amadi was an hour late and missed the ceremony," African time don cause wahala for the guy.

    1. Yes-o, the dummy could't even show up on time for his own wedding and couldn't remember where he lived. What a douche bag? To make matters worse, he and his bride implicated the other fellow who had already scaled the process.

  22. Haba! Na by force you go stay in Europe? Abegi, just come back home joor and stop disgracing your country!

  23. What`s wrong with these immigration people? They should come to Canada and see how Indians get married to even their sisters,bring them over without being arrested and then divorce them after sometime. What`s their business? I wonder why people still go to the UK.

  24. What`s wrong with these immigration people? They should come to Canada and see how Indians get married to even their sisters,bring them over without being arrested and then divorce them after sometime. What`s their business? I wonder why people still go to the UK.


  26. Nice one guys,let us continue to disgrace ourselves all over the world..That is the only thing we are good at.

  27. Oh Nigerians!
    How desperate can one fella possibly get?

  28. KILO DE...... This is so sad to jail someone just because they want to stay in a country. The British and other foreign nationals are allowed in our country anytime and we even worship them here but they jail a man for 2 years because he married someone. Who did he harm in the process to get that kind of punishment?

    Our leaders should take note of what they are making us do to just to get away from that useless Country called Nigeria.

  29. smh!! disgraceful ish,nawa oh! only igbo pple will be doing shits like this,Idiots!!

    1. Your post indicates you're not so clever

    2. Your post indicates you're not so clever. What does being Igbo have to do with it?

      I'm not Igbo by the way

    3. Shut up asswipe.....ur no beta than them idiots.

  30. Two words - "Igbo kwenu!!!!"

  31. #Gobe

    amazing stuff here on my style blog

  32. Nigerians are too desperate

  33. LOL See trouble

  34. All in the name of abroad. Too sad sha

  35. 'LOOOOOOOOOOOOL i hope she'll refund his 5000 pounds tho

  36. Sorry mate, shit happens. UK immigration policies are very tight now and I wouldn't advice anyone to risk so much quid for any marriage that is not genuine. If its not genuine you will be caught out. There's no two ways about it. Time has gone when people do away with such arrange marriages. I benefitted from it as well but its not working anymore. Anyways, take heart mate, heroes never fall. You are a hero and success awaits you in naija when you're done with your sentence. Ndo nwanne!

  37. I actually feel bad for the guy. All he wanted was a better life for himself. Sad he didn't have enough faith in his own education to get him to where he needed to go.

  38. Ugly bastard. See as hin face resemble carton of indomie. Dey give honest Nigerians bad name. Baba go do hin wedding for prison showers

  39. Amadi na Ibe dis isu a badh mahkate! Ndi ocha aku goru unu olu. Soli u hear. Better luck next time.

  40. Jesus, see Amadi oo.....Got popular for the wrong reason man. He was an efiko in Uni o

  41. Too long 4 me to read. Dis woman's face shaaa oo

  42. What's wrong with nigeria young men, Of all countries, UK? One actually makes a better living in naija than UK. Working to pay govt tax n nothing more.

  43. Lol .... Man must chop na . No tym .

  44. What's wrong with nigeria young men, of all countries; UK? One actually makes it better living in Nigeria than in UK where one only work to pay govt tax n can hardly achieve any meaniful thing from year to year.

  45. Guy, would be unfair to blame you because same situation forcing you out of your country has cuased many promising young Nigerians to either pick up arms against the State or plunged into economic sabottage as a means to survival. Please serve your terms and come home and let's wait till the revolution is ripe to rescue Nigeria from the hostage takers in Abuja. Same advise goes to all Nigerians in diaspora who have been rejected and facing a shameful consequence far from home.

    1. Dd I hear u say til d revolution is ripe? Like it aint already

  46. very good for them. Linda please more of things like this should be posted on ur blog to allow young nigerians who intend to seek greener pasture to do it by the rules

  47. Mumu ibo boys I be ibo but I no dey like this

    1. U be idiot,that is how u insult ur brothers by calling them is teacher n every day we learn.nobody is above mistake.

  48. Slow news days huh?this happened weeks ago.duh!

  49. Lol...what a mess. One man's palava has kobalised another man.

  50. chei!serious wahala...

  51. Don't know y madam Linda posts stories and it takes forever b4 she uploads the comments. Consistency is key.

  52. Caught in the act. Nigerians, you will not kill yourselves in another man's land o

  53. Our Igbo brothers have done it again

  54. The struggle for Papers *smh

  55. The struggle for Papers *smh

  56. Lets just say that,Nigerian nationals are suffering. our citizen will not have to do this if their country was livable.

    1. Pulease don't make silly excuses! Suffer where n how? Yet he has £5k to pay ba? That aside do u know what suffer is? There r loads of African countries where more than half the population can't even afford to eat! Do u see them in d news everyday for frauds, scams et al? Spare me that bs talk abeg. Stupid excuse for doing wrong. Naija isn't that bad, he won't die from starvation if he was here. We are never content! Not until he is buying ace of spade in d club with money scammed from an innocent person will he feel accomplished. Nonsense! #JayBeyBlu

  57. Unfortunate...a poorly executed sham anyway.

  58. Lol. Pls visit if U love fashion. Its awesome!

  59. Well his dreams have come through. He will remain in the country. In prison. Congrats.

  60. Zoe...

    Its not by force to be living "in the abroad". Go back home. Nigeria is embarrassing already, don't embarrass her any further.

  61. For dat mugshot, e be like say d bobo dey say 2 God, "God, why has thou forsaken me...?" And all that wey I'm for come home n use 2 start a good business don just go 2 waste now.

    Smh! That's what lack of vision n creativity causes.
    I really don't feel sorry 4 him, but I just hope sey this palaba go just open his eye well well

  62. Its pple lik dis dat destroy our image over there...omg wats d meaning of all dis why won't dis pple refuse to give us visa wen dey know africans nigerians esp r cheat and nt trustworthy mscheww

  63. Nigeria is a gud place to live...come back to ur country and stop fooling urself...chikena

  64. What's with all these people who say that the guy is giving Nigeria a bad name? Nigeria already has one of worst names in the world and its not about to change any time soon!! The guy was just trying to stay in a better country than Nigeria and many people are doing what he tried to do every day in Europe. What he did is illegal but I'm sure most people on this blog have done far worse, even though they wont admit it:)

  65. I feel really sorry for him. He was on the right path and then his school got closed down and landed him in the wrong

    He looks like a good fella actually and not a hardened criminal

    His family will be so ashamed........I just feel for them cuz all he wanted was a better life.

    Nigeria is not a country so I do not blame him

    I repeat, Nigeria is not a country.

    Too bad he has to go to prison for this. Everybody just try and obey laws wherever you are. UK hates sham marriages so just avoid it. Pele nwa m o.

  66. @Prince Charming: so after all d grammar u dey blow ud write "this are" instead of "these are"... #GSP 101

  67. This is not a Nigerian issue. People of all nationalities do it all over the world. He was just unlucky. He will try again, I swear!

  68. i think its wrong that you Linda is publicising this! alot of people r running that evil corrupted country nigeria....ONLY a small amount of people have benefited from yes there r alot of desperate ppl looking to get stay here in the uk

  69. Rlly feel sorry for him. After paying so much 4 sch fees I can understand y he did this. Coming back to nigeria with little chance of a job. If only he had bn on time d 1st appointment, he couldve gotten away with it. Poor guy.

  70. Bad market!

    -Blunt Ibo boy-

  71. Linda...You didn't have to post this...the guy is already in enough mess...just being Frank Here!

  72. Dear Linda, I strongly suggest you use false names next time. This is quite embarrassing to his family especially if they were not aware. #just saying

  73. Idiots all of them, dem no dey watch film....

  74. thank God this is not a yoruba name, the comments here could have been on his tribe... anyways its all about the good life, hustle is hard, he who is without sin should throw the first stone"

  75. How can he turned up late to his own wedding and forgot his address, it was because of that the authorities was tipped off, very silly of him, n did I read the bride was changed? Dnt knw why but I can't stop laughing at the picture of the bride and also remembering she sed she was jst a witness, too bad he's going to be deported and banned from the uk for 10yrs

  76. lmao..... no comment yet... just cant stop laughing.... lolz

  77. chai caught with your pants up.

  78. na wa 4 naija o... Always ready 2 tackle...


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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