Did Obama outshine Romney in second presidential debate? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 17 October 2012

Did Obama outshine Romney in second presidential debate?

Someone please say yes! I've been reading the reviews online and it seems Obama regained his footing in last night's second presidential debate. What do you guys think? Did Obama win this round?


  1. oh yes he did....he brought his win game on...#yes we can#

    1. He kinda won
      Have U̶̲̥̅̊ visited http://naijamustchange.blogspot.com 2day?

    2. Illuminati jazz

  2. Yes, he won the debate.. So impressing.. #OBAMA2012

  3. I watched it and Obama gunned him down big time. GBAM!!!!

    That debate was HOT sha as they couldn't hide their beef for each other.

  4. go to u tube na,u kip asking us,aren't supposed to be d reporter?

  5. yes, i personally believe obama won this round. he must have really prepared like someone writing cambridge exams..heheheee
    visit beccasdelite.blogspot.com for your juicy stories.

  6. Yes oh.. Obama won this time :D

  7. Yes oh! President Obama brought the entire US military to a knife fight. He was aggressive, assertive, and showed glimpses of the Obama of 2008.

  8. to me Obama out shined Romney, he really proved his worth and he showed the pple that he has what it takes to be a president and a leader

  9. ijeh paul ayemenre17 October 2012 at 10:06

    yes, i think obama won the second debate from what i read from the reviews. i pray obama wins the election.

  10. yeah... He knocked d man down...

    + BBC said why romney won d 1st debate was coz obama was not himself that day...


  11. yes of course, obama did wonderfully well dis time.

  12. Obama won the debate,i watched it live .dont know why cnn said its a draw.

  13. Watched it live,he won 46% to 39%

  14. Unfortunately the answer in "No". Yes, Obama regained his mojo last night. But we may think he did very well, bcos we may be comparing him to his performance in the 1st presidential debate. But if we pause a moment, and compare him with Romney last night, at least you will say it was a close call.


  15. Obama won this round! i think he is back to his best form.

  16. Yes he did. He threw Romney off balance.

  17. Obama did outshine Mitt Romney in the second presidential debate. He was on his game last night.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Yes he did, with a slim margin though

  20. President Obama was forceful, clear, and persuasive on almost every question, save the assault weapons query. His final comment invoking the 47% was devastating in its effectiveness. Many of the post-debate TV pundits I watched--and why are they mostly men, and almost all white?--did not mention this at all. Do they agree with the 47% slur or does it really have no resonance for them?

    Mr. Romney seemed to be jarred from his comfort zone more than once. From the "binders full of women" comment (which was just bizarre) to his eruption about his "blind trust" to his misstatement about the Rose Garden remarks to his strange response to the mass shootings issue, he seemed lost at times. He comes off as very out of touch with regular people

    Just wondering, but when did it become okay for a major politician to refer to our trading partners in the Middle East, the oil-producing nations, as "the Arabs"? That was a sour note, but almost no one else online seems to have noted it.

    I'm sure Romney was a great businessman especially if money as a measure of success. I'm sure he is a great administrator which is one of the requirements of the job.

    However, that does not qualify him to be president. Nobody knows what will happen in the next four years. Hence we need to know what a person believes in to know that they will make a good decision.

    I can't for the life of me think of a single thing that Romney stands for other than being religious and making money. I can't think of a more opportunistic person either in my personal life or in the public eye. I don't believe he is 'severely conservative' but then again I don't believe he is anything. Maybe ambitious. I can almost see him running as democratic candidate for president. That would be reassuring but given how far right he went in the Republican primaries it's impossible to ascertain how he would govern.

    Eventually this election will go to Obama the way the last one did. He will take a stand and not waver and his cool will prevail over the hotheadedness of his adversary.

    Welcome to the First Manchester United Blog in Nigeria..


  21. Aunty Lin...Speaking Life from the event...***Seatdownletyarnyhu** Obama really whipped Romney"s ass yesterday Ooooo...lol

  22. I think Romney still whooped his ass, Gas prices and Electricity bills have tripled since Obama took office and he still talks about running the same policy he has been for the last 4 years that has landed north america where they are now. -_-

  23. Yes, It was powerful, how I wish our president will watch this

  24. Yes, It was powerful, how I wish our president will watch this

  25. yeah he won..so proud of him!!!

  26. yes he did...though witha little margin.

  27. Obama was on his game last night. He came out on top.

  28. Hey I would expect u to av watched it having been involved in journalism.i mean everyone looked forward to it and u Linda should not av bin an exception never mind d time it was on.

    Wch one be say u de follow online reviews?
    If na Kim k matter we no go hear
    I bow to u oh!

    Try watch it and make a decision for urself

  29. outshine is an understatement, he wounded him. Aggressive Obama was out full flesh

  30. Watching it on YouTube as I speak. He did much better than the first debate and Romney did just as good. But 'outshine'? That's going a bit too far!

  31. Obama really dealt a devastating blow to mitt romney. He saved the best for the last by mentioning what happened about the closed door event on the 47 percent issue. Obama had d upper hand yesterday.

  32. #TeamObama2012 He proved his worth abeg.....

  33. Barack was much better than the last debate and got Romney on the defense. The CNN poll put Barack as the winner of the debate with 45 percent saying he won and 37 percent saying Romney won. The elections are still too close to call but at least with this, Barack can put a pause on Romneys ride on the polls.

  34. I watched it from the start to the end. Obama won big time,

  35. I think both of them scored points, but obama won by a little margin unlike how immense romney won at the first debate. But I think the scar that bush left on US economy as a whole and the fact that he's a republican might not favor romney.

  36. yes o he so did apparently,

    flirt with me lol at


  37. Trust me Linda i watched it from 2am this morning(even though am suffering the consequence now at work....drinking loads of green tea and coffee)It was SLAM DUNK in the ring. Obama TOOK ON THAT thug CALLED Romney. The daft guy didn't hold his own almost turning into the moderator asking Obama direct questions. I mean what is his business asking Obama about his pension. I love my Obama,he gave a polite African snobbish answer. Linda it was a near theatrical performance, they made good use of the stage moving around from side to side a remake of Ali and Frazier boxing bout, you could feel the animosity oooooooze through. Obama being Ali of cause, knocking the grey of off Romney. Americans need to open their eyes and see the difference between a man who means well and a mean man. See Romney oh forming christian all of a sudden, the same Romney who in 1994 endorsed legalizing abortion is suddenly speaking against it. You missed Linda OBAMA SHOWED UP LAST NIGHT, THE REAL OBAMA THIS TIME.

    1. Pls check d meaning, infact google legalized abortion. Utunu. Is dt not better than throwing babies in d waste bin. Abortion can be done for different reasons n legal abortion is safe, ur womb won't b punctured or turned to a sewage. Read to learn not to judge.

    2. Pls check d meaning, infact google legalized abortion. Utunu. Is dt not better than throwing babies in d waste bin. Abortion can be done for different reasons n legal abortion is safe, ur womb won't b punctured or turned to a sewage. Read to learn not to judge.

  38. Yes o! All guns blazing! Who be Romney!

  39. That's what am talkin about..when he said he was been polite the last debate they thought he was lying.Go Obama!!
    Sidenote:Linda abeg u don hear tonto's songs? Una go laff faint lool!! After boasting on twitter mtschew.

  40. Obama is back,absolutely smoking!


  41. I knew Obama would soon surpass Romney in the polls ...We can't shout Barack.

  42. He did better than the first debate, but that doesn't change the fact that he has no achievements to campaign on. He's the only president to have run the US for almost 4 years without a budget. Bush spent 4 trillion on two wars, Obama has spent 3.5 trillion on God knows what.
    His who campaign is based on tarnishing Romneys image, if he was a good president, his campaign would be based on solid achievements.
    PS everyone who supports Obama just because he's black is racist.

  43. Look at, Mitt Romney was able to pull off that husslers stunt on the first debate cos Obama was looking Presidential and hoping that it was going to be a civil debate without d unnecessary interuptions and interjections by Romney!
    On this second one,Obama clearly held down his turf then shook and rattled Romney in his hustlers aisle.Yeah I'd give it to President Obama. I pray and hope he does even better on the third debate. Its a tight race but btw now and November is a long time in politics. May d winds sail behind Obama's back! May he emerGe victiorious! Ppl encourage fellows to go out and VoTE!

  44. Laugh my butt off....I was cracking up throughout the debate. Seriously Romney is a f,ing joke.....smh


  46. Obama wiped the floor with Mitt "the liar" Romney. The death blow actually came from Candy Crowley who fact checked Romney in real time.

    1. Fact Check. Candy Crowley and the president lied.

  47. I think Obama did better this time, i mean with Romney and his "binders full of women" talk and all. However i still feel his usual charm is missing, that Obama thing that endears u to him. Even then, Romney is a no no for me!

  48. Bad belle for this blog don succeed to chase bonario out. I pray it wl never happen in Jesus name. Bona where u dey eeeeh see where comment dey waste. Amaka ph

    1. Are you minding them? Bloody touts! Bonario please comment freely! Don't mind the stalkers

    2. Bonario, where r u, pls show.

    3. Bonario, where r u, pls show.

  49. Linda you removed or didn't approve my comment because i believe Romney won the 2nd debate? I thought you wanted viewer opinions?? But please don't mind me this is your blog and anything and everything you wanna do...goes. Cheers.

  50. Well I think Obama won this time around, I was quite impressed. Obama all the way. Mitt looks like he's got no respect for women.


  51. More lies by that Romney guy. Obama floored him this time.

  52. Obama is a charmer when ever he speaks

  53. My man Obama! whoop whoop! This Guy will shock the world, I so love him!!! Mitt Romney is just a selfish punk...

  54. Linda, when you say Obama regained his footing, then I take it that you meant Rom was thrashing Obama in the first round. Obama is not stupid. What he did in the first round was to study Rom completely, allow him to taste what he felt was "victory", so that when the defeat comes, he will be more pained and suffocated!
    I kept telling people all these weeks ago but no one believed me until yesterday during the debate!
    Obama allowed Rom hang himself with his words and baseless promises in front of the whole world.
    Romney was painting rose colored dreams to everyone, but what he failed to do was to say the HOW he would implement his ideas, and Obama did it for him.
    Obama surely watched all the tapings of Rom's rallies and understood what his Achilles his is.
    Don't mess with the bamarama!

  55. Michael freesoul17 October 2012 at 14:00

    who cares who out shined who? Whether Obama is re-elected or ousted will not improved our nation. Heck our so-called president didnt even attend the debate during his campaign. all of you are here screaming teamobama like its a popularity contest

  56. na obama. http://cash111.com/ref.php?page=act%2Fref&invcod=86703

  57. I may say that if we juxtapose president Obama's last night performance with the first debate,we could see a lot of improvement. Albeit,I still think he didn't bring his A-game. However,it was refreshing to see him put Governor Romney on the defensive from the get-go! Maybe it's the Nigerian in me or because of of Obama's African descent,(I can't tell now)but I find some of Governor Romney's attitude being plain rude! He kept trying to talk down on President Obama. It was so annoying for me. But, over all,I just hope the debate helped in reassuring a lot of the American people & the 'uncommitted voters' that Obama is still the right person to be in the White House for the next four years. (Black Pundit)

  58. Romney is smart though. It was not easy to win the first debate and still held the President spellbound in the second debate. My question is, do we encourage gay marriage? Developments without morality is disaster. Americans cannot go far without fearing God first.

  59. Hell yeah!! Obama brought back his winning formula. I was impressed with him. He won by a clear margin

  60. For Romny to sit there and talk shit about women is ridiculousness I wasn't gonna vote for him before but his word about women should think about marriage before having babies has certified my mind that I am really really not voting for him and I will tell all my friend and family not to vote for him cos I am a single mother with a child who was abused and that pissed me off

  61. OBAMA WON HANDS DOWN...and wiped the floor with MITT ROBME behind!
    Now he can go back to the CAYMEN ISLAND full-time to count his TAX EVADING million$$$!!!
    What a draft dodging pos?!!!

  62. It was a slam dunk in Obama's favour

  63. How does this stop corruption or the killings or bring food to your table? Show me your voters card? Instead of y'all to channel your energy on improving your country, you are minding another country's business. mtschewwwwwww

  64. Linda, Wettin concern u with Obama? Na him dey give u Visa?

  65. Lol. Obama won what debate? With what demographic? Winning a debate with his base is a given, with Republicans a no-no, with the middle , independents, undecideds, absolutely not.

  66. Anon. 1.35 pm
    Thank You! You took the words right outta my mouth!

  67. Polls Obama had a 7 point lead.

    Plus poll was taken from a debate audience that was more republican.

  68. Obama won this time any opinion to the contrary...TO HELL

  69. i wonder how Americans and the world will look like,if Romney two horns with 4 sons won this election,,and become there president,menhhhh,Americans should never make this one mistakes,Romney is a fake guy

  70. Good afternoon Linda. Hw can I reach u? There's some bit of information I would like to get across to you.

  71. Like hell Obama Baracked the debate this time around. Romney was just being overly disrespectful but Obama sure put him in his place.

  72. yeah obama did outshine romney

  73. 90% of people who commented here didnt even watch the debate live or the after analysis, they only saw the highlights, any way, i felt it was a close call, they both performed extreamly well, i give it to Obama, but we aint done, come Monday, we make sure Obama kiss the dust.........

  74. 4yrs After the Nigeria’s Attendance In the Democratic Convention, Did We Really Learn Anything?


  75. he did, but the guy called romney is so RUDE

  76. Obama won both rounds in my opinion.

    Check out onakachi.blogspot.com.

  77. The question is wat has Obama done for Ameerica in the last Four years in office?

  78. Romney supporters hear this! Your boy got knocked down! Plus I have my absentee ballot in hand, and its Barack Barack Barack! Deal with it! Mine is going out in the mail in a few days.

    To person who made silly comment about gas prices, go look up the facts, its only because the recession made gas prices drop right before Obama's last election. The President has absolutely NOTHING to do with the price of gas in the USA. The problem is that ignorant people like you dont know what the president is in charge of.

  79. Obama won hands down...!

  80. Who cares, na my country talk concern me

  81. obama is back on track,but more improvement because mitt is litter behind him.....more news and gist here at www.gistyinka.com

  82. yes he did well this time around


  83. Closing remarks....47.47....haha. Good for him

  84. wetin concern una and Romney? if una like no go concentrate on your thiefinf politicians. Dey there dey analyze yankee politics

  85. It was a close call.. Wit Romney in his old tricks of trying to get in on Obama's face "his 4yrs bad record", and Obama pullin som smart defensiv retorts lik d pension one.., dat one was ril funny, in my book. D 2guys brok som rules by gettin on each odas faces tho even tho dat made it mor theatrical., d moderator- Candy Crowley had no business whatsoever fact-checkin in dat debate; durin d "Benghazi nd Rose Garden 'T' word" she was so.., wrong as it smacked off as if she were takin sides. It was rili a gr8 show, albeit Theatrical,..u misd.
    Noble Chinwendu

  86. Obama worked on Romney's weak points and this time around, he trounced Romney. This whole thing is just a charade...Obama will get his second term... all na arrangee!!!

  87. obama nailed it mehn....

  88. anon October 17, 2012 5:08 PM your stat is flawed. Let people leave their opinions and respect it. Obama won fair and square. I watched it & the after show up until 6 am this morning.

  89. there was bias from the moderator, bcos, she later apologised for confirming falsehood, and reestated the fact that Romney was right on the Lybia attack issue

  90. hmnnnnnnn, u pple dont understand american politics, its too early to conclude on whether obama will carry d day.

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