Why did Tameka Raymond lose custody of her two children? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 27 August 2012

Why did Tameka Raymond lose custody of her two children?

First she lost a son and now Usher has full custody of the little ones. How Tameka lost custody of her children is amazing to me. I thought the courts were more sympathetic to mothers? This must be hard for her; losing one son in death and two more in a custody battle.

Anyway, after losing custody of her two sons to Usher, Tameka Tweeted this...
Kinda feel bad for her


  1. Is hard for me to sympathize with this woman. After her son died, usher asked her for an amicable settlement where they both share joint custody of the children & he will increase her monthly child support but tameka refused. She wanted primary custody because if she has primary custody usher has to pay her @least $30,000 a month. Why did she refuse 50/50 custody? Doesn't she want usher to spend time with his kids.. This young boys need their father too. & also this lady is NOT acting like soneone who just buried her child, the last thing i will be doing after laying my son to rest is bickering on twitter.

  2. Karma is thundering ppl anyhow this year. Lords reckoning at hand

  3. Usher asked the judge to postpone the case because this lady lost her child but tameka refused. Usher also asked for shared custody & tameka also refused. It is really hard to feel sorry for her. She still gets visitation rights but that hefty child support she was hoping for is not going to happen.

  4. Now I confirm the rumour about LINDA IKEJI been a sexist .

    1. Abeg! Who be this one?? Who gives a shit what you think?
      Anyway, Tameka deserves what she got, she has been nothing but trouble since she came into Usher's life, she caused the strain between usher and his mum who used to be so close. The only good thing about her is that she gave him those 2 beautiful boys. She should go and take several seats abeg!

  5. So usher bought his way through the custody battle? Im a woman and I know when one is in a custody battle, one should conduct him/herself in a respectable manner; it always helps. Engaging in street fights with ex husband or ex husband's girlfriends only diminishes the presumption that one parent is more fit/qualified to raise the children over the other. She was always in the news for fighting her ex's gf's. So i think she should absorp some of the blame for playing into the stereotype of the 'angry ex' ; frankly it ruined the little chance she had.

  6. Dis kolo woman!!which feel bad for her?abeg its beter

  7. Twitter is the devil,killing stupid people and their lives n careers,see this woman,I am not trying to judge her but she used twitter to show her real colors to the world,as you see she lost a son recently,she wasn't there,usher chartered a private jet for her to go see her son but she sent press release claiming usher never came buy,bitch it's not his son,bitch u his ex and butch he has a choice to come or not,when her son was dying people were so sad for her,she was nice on twitter,wait oh after she hurried him,she went back to her old self,fighting n insulting and cursing people I mean the same damn day.even worst usher tried to postpone court trial she denied and said it should continue bitch is $$$ hungry,instead of fighting for kids she's talking about saks fifth ave card wtf?she is pyshco for real,bitch still has usher's last name n she's out there fighting him??who does that?i can go on and court,she is unstable and never with the kids,she has 5 kids and no custody speaks volumes

  8. She has never bin a good mum, she was very violent to Usher and always on surgery to look younger. She lost consciousness while undergoing a surgery in Brazil, Usher had to cancel a major event to fly there for her. And most importantly none of his family members and friends supported the marriage in the 1st place. Then read what she did to her previous husband. She just wants steady and stable supply of funds from Men. Abeg make she drop Usher Raymond's name abeg.

  9. Awww! I'm sure derez a reason 4 loosing ur kids 2 deir dads n its not jez usher bribing d judge! & yz is she stil bearing raymond...talk bout being in it 4 d fame ryt?

  10. She is a psycho been fueled by jealousy,anger and rage.

  11. Am not surprised,afterall d drama she displayed in court.smh* 4 her.young guys try nt 2marry *Homebase*women,i.e oldmama" cos all u wil get is frustration n Drama

  12. Eya....I feel bad for her to coz it is easy o. She would permission to see her children. Hian! Buh when my mum and dad seperated, custody was granted to my dad buh in naija is as serz as it is in the US. God dey sha....

  13. Linda 2day is my birthday oh
    Nobody not even my mom has wished me a hbd-gift

    1. Gift are you yellow with biiiig yansh??? If you know who this is you for die. HBD Mi luv say elloz to your stuupid oga ;*

  14. American courts give custody to the "most fit" parent. Meaning, they look at all factors -- unless the child(ren) are very, very young such as an infant that needs to be with its mother. Finances and the parents' emotional health are the two biggest determining factors.


  15. there is a very clear difference between sentiments and interpretation of the law.

    because al-mustapha lost his mother does not mean the law should release him from prison.

    because tameka lost a son thought sad is not automatic right of custody.

    she fail to prove her case in court. beside you forget that some men can be a far better 'parent' too. fact that you are a woman no mean o.

  16. Linda,u sef.its not as though all guys are bad at raising kids na.i hope Usher does a great job wit d kids.
    for another week,they're still recruiting.$1200 a week,part-time job.you'll be needing some bit of training for this.hit me up on schineme@ymail.com for more info.u can as well text or call 08135242346

  17. Their marriage is more like a contract marriage, have two kids and get out, so not surprised she lost them kids...
    She was a baby making machine for him..

  18. Their point against her must have been that a child already died in her custody..... Oh dear, dat's jst emotional torture.

    1. If u don't know what to say, just STFU! How do u know? Do u know anything about their story? If u did, u won't be saying all these BS!

  19. Well i dont feel sorry for her. Im glad Usher won.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  21. Well i dont feel sorry for her. Im glad Usher won.

  22. guess usher is trying to be safe...she lost one alredy! sorry 4 her tho

  23. Noone knows why...but from what i've read, Tameka isn't a nice person at all....shes pretty much a glorified gold-digger.

    for example, she wanted 15,000 usd a month for 'nanny fees'....are you kidding me???

    she made sure usher renewed her Saks fifth avenue card, claiming she used it for a stylist career, whereas in most cases its the clients who pay for the clothes, so having a credit card is totally irrelevant.

    I feel bad for her aswell, only because Kyle passed on, but before Kyle did I wanted Usher to win.

    I doubt the judge was 'bought', if she wants she can appeal....they both put themselves in this mess, as adults I would have expected them to come to a reasoned conclusion amicably.

    right now, i feel more sorry for the boys

  24. It's good for her abeg. She's been acting bitter and irresponsible lately. She basically shot herself in the leg with all her rants

  25. But y is she still called raymond,tot dy r divorced

    1. Kimora nko? Demi Moore nko? Fathia Balogun nko? Lol

  26. As the Court pleases ... Like I have been saying , there is more to this Tameka/ Usher thingy!! This kinda case in which the man wins custody is rare .. ! And Linda , I understand you shaa, but remember its Usher's Son too!!! So , Sorry for THEIR lost!

  27. Linda,first this woman acted hot headedly and reacted harshly to a lot of things the court took consideration of. African American women often look far down on humility n respect,and later act as the victims when the tides turn on them.
    I feel so sorry she lost a son,that alone should have calmed her down and make her put reason before anger. Usher's present love life shouldn't have affected her that much.
    Even the name sha,she should drop off sef

  28. You misandrist!
    Firstly, why should the courts always be sympathetic to the women and let the men suffer by paying them huge sums monthly till they're 18? Shouldn't a man have his joy at least once a while?

    Secondly, I'm disappointed in you for not knowing that the son who died was Usher's stepson not son. Thus meaning he belonged to his current girlfriend before he died.

    Nice reporting[Sarcasm].
    You really should find a way to defeat your Misandry. It's not helping you.

    NB: If you decide not to post this, one thing's for sure, you'll still read it. Good day.

  29. Fuck! That was mistake in my previous comment. The kid that died was for Tameka but not Usher's.

    Still! I stand by my first point: You're a bloody Misandrist! Good Grief! I'd like to know what you have against men. There's no post I've seen without you being overly biased towards (women against men). Why is that for God's sake?

    1. you are a nitwit!! Look around u, its a man's world yet u still whine.

    2. You certainly are unwell.

      Thank God you corrected your intial rubbish about "he belonged to his current girlfriend before he died"

    3. Lmao...tell her how u feel. U do have a point but y r u so mad

    4. James or what the hell do u call ur miserable self, must u call Linda names cos she expressed the way she felt for this woman. Come to think of it, u sound so sad and stupid, real men don't talk to a woman the u did. Try and get a life, u woman beater. Nicompoop Jamed ass james. Foolish he goat

  30. Choi..ds is enuf 2 make any mother suicidal..feel so sad for her..her life wld feel so cold now...NEKS

  31. By the way Linda, that greedy Tameka Foster bitch should be happy. Usher has taken his two sons. She still has two more so... :)

    The two sons are both theirs. Without him, they can't have been born so please... STOP WITH THE MISANDRY!!!

    Good day.

    1. Wow! You are hopping mad , the comments really got you. But easy, boy, no need to burn youeself out. Its a blog, so don't rupture a vessel Jor!!!

    2. Broda james,u obviously just learnt d word Misandry.U've been looking for how to use d word since ehhh,linda now gave u an oppurtunity..Linda thank u o

    3. Think you just heard this word "Misandry"

    4. Go get a life u homosexual beast and stop hating on women. Olodo like u

    5. James,like U̶̲̥̅̊ just learnt d word?get a life.mumu




  33. Why won't she lose custody of the kids? She can be very aggressive, fighting him whenever he comes around to see the kids. That's no ay to treat your children's dad. And if she cared about the kids, she won't want them growing up seeing her constant fights with their dad. Surely, that's not in the best interest of the kids..
    I wasn't surprise. And what's with the tweet? Abeg, she should take a back seat. Giving her custody= milking usher dry. At least now the kids can have their grandma, ushers mum & Usher raise them in peace!

  34. Abegi,sorry my ass,after making his life hell,everybody knows Usher was at his worst when he was wif her + she made d whole divorce nd custody thing messy even going all d way to call his Gf barren.Serves her right sorry abt her dead son,but the system was right to give Usher primary custody.She's such a bitter woman and a Fame whore,if she hates Usher that much why iS she still Using his Last name???

  35. awww. so sad for her. it's any mother's nightmare. It's just money that 'bought' Usher the custody, no other reason. But he should have just sympathized with her and drop the stupid custody battle, after all, he'll just put those kids in the care of nannies. he's mean. Poor Tameka.


    1. Are you really serious? Because she lost a son, usher should sympathize & drop the custody battle? We are talking about his children not some material things. Will you do the same? I swear people talk out their ass sometimes

  36. cos Tameka be acting like a trailer park b***h all the time dats why. with all her ratchetness no judge would give kids to a mother who acts unstable, attacks her ex's new gf in public, verbally abusing Usher and his gf in public. she needs to clean up, act right and set a better example for herself and her kids.

  37. She lost her kids coz she crazy....cuckoo for coco puffs

  38. Sorry to say this, this is what happens when a black sista thinks marrying and having kids for a rich and famous chap, in order to live a flambouyant life! Pity no cheques every month! Wise move Usher.

  39. Abeg dis Tameka has mental problem...ofcos I sympatize with her on d loss of her boy but doz kids need more positive energy...she's so full of bitterness.m.In her mind, its her against d world

  40. I agree she's a gold digger but granting usher sole custody was very wrong, she's a mother, she lost her oldest son, they should have at least agreed on joint custody.
    I believe usher being rich nd influential had smth to do wiv this

    1. Sensible talk. Makes sense, she is still a mother no matter what. Pple who think Usher is an angel, remeber, *he who feels it knows it best* am not excusing tameka.

    2. Rich and influential has no effect on their legal system. No be Naija.

  41. She lost to her 1st ex husband her kids in custody too, this is not the 1st time, in short third time, 1st to ex man no 1, then to death (i felt for her in this case) and now to ex man no 2, she should check herself and give us a break. court abroad do not rule on sentiment but on evidence on ground.

  42. Linda there is nothing to sympathesize about, them being in america doesn't make them any special than we are.when marriages end in Nigeria, the mother always tries her best to take care of her family, proving to the world they can do better,buh When their's marriages end, they use their kids as bargaining chips for the latest Birkin bag nd red bottom heels, nd their bitterness just oozes out of them. Usher may not be the better parent than she is but positively I think they are better off with him knowning their grandmum will take care of them. To me, Tameka is just crazy, bitter and unforgiving. If you ever loved someone, u won't see them hurt or try to paint them in a bad light even if you're no more together. Hell, this guy even cried in court for her and all she could do is tweet her amusement. Buttom line is, petty isn't pretty! I wish them well in their lives.

  43. James you really do have bitterness in your heart to make 3 comments on this issue and all are hateful, Linda is not perfect and has a right to her own opinion kindly state yours and reasons then take 70 seats behind. life is too short to waste it on being aggressive.

  44. you MEN,MEN,MEN
    How many times did I call una?
    what an elder can see sitting you CANNOT see standing
    I guess Usher's mom saw through Tameka
    If only he listened,his life might have been drama-free

  45. Usher can spoil the boys and get them 24/7 nanny care, and still will be less than half of what Tameka would have charged him for child support!!!! The woman has a bad history!

  46. Custody battle in Atlanta is a bad move...lmao. Too many gold digging chicken heads the judges are immune to sympathy

  47. I wanted Usher to win but honestly, I must admit I did not see it coming...THAT WOMAN IS A BIT LOOSE IN THE HEAD from certain stories

  48. i bet she must be feeling bad now.

  49. i really care less about this story, all i care about is how delicious Usher is looking in dat pic. i could eat him for breakfast,lunch,dinner,buffet, 3course meal, brunch,snacks just name it. *faints*......loool

  50. celebrity hype...

  51. Well, I have no sympathy for Usher's ex-wife- she is vindictive, bitter, loud, unreasonable and plays to the stereotype of the angry black woman, so I am sure the judge made the right call. She needs to take a big break and go and reflect on why she lost custody of her kids. There may be some element to the motto: 'silence is golden'

  52. This not a case of motherhood, its about what's best for the kids.

  53. But y would she want custody of the kids she has for Usher? She gave her the 2 son she had for Glover to him, y would Usher's case be different? Maybe Usher should get the Lawyers that Glover used. Apparently Usher's kids will generate more money and easy life for her. I dont pity her ass joo.

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  55. Kai LI you are so ignorant. Anyway, thanks to your commentators who educate you.

  56. Why is she feeling bad?she would even hv all d time to move on.When d kids grow,they would look for their mum,she could visit and spend time too,is not easy raising kids,as long as she is certain of whom's custody there,is fine.

  57. Serves her right. That is all. I love you usher, wishing you and ΰя̩̥̊ girlfriend ​a good life together.

  58. Tameka was, is, and will always be a GOLD DIGGER. Iam glad she lost.

  59. Why is she still bearing usher's name? She definitely has no self worth. By the way, she looks so much like Charles ahinze's wife

  60. Linda you are an idiot. So a court's decision should be based on sex right? it is funny how women want equal right with men yet don't want to be treated the same. One of the foundations of the legal system is equality before the law dummy

  61. Drop the Raymond name Tameka, then get a JOB, then go back to court and request part custody.

  62. Serves her right. Usher got custody because he's always cared more for the kids. He's a hands on father. Which is more than we can say for ratchet and vain Tameka. She abandoned the younger one and ran off for a tummy tuck only weeks after he was born. Usher didn't even know until he was called when complications arose.

  63. na winch she be..the judge took note and gave custody to the father..chikena..note that she also lost custody of her other child to the father of that child so there must be sum tin there to consider

  64. See this very beautiful black woman wey Usher leave. Na wa oooo

  65. Tameka is crazy. As many have pointed out she is a Golddigger. She came between usher and his mum called usher's new gf barren all because usher was fighting for custody. To begin with, usher never wanted full custody of those children he wanted joint custody but tameka wanted full custody because she saw those children as her meal ticket anybody could have seen that about her. The house she lives in, in ATL usher pays for with no bills from her. She is living good and all that. People around ATL do not like her because of the way she is. She has a nasty attitude my friend met her at this same saks she was fighting for the card and she was extremely rude. Moving on to a more serious issue her other two sons she lost custody of them too. How don't you have custody of any of your children? Doesn't that say a lot about her character? The court usually grants custody to the mum money has nothing to do with it because if she got custody of those kids, she would have been getting no less that 20k a month so they would have been living great. The problem is her greed would not allow those children see even half of that money because she will be too busy keeping up with the latest fashions. Men need to realize you can't just be getting just anybody pregnant. Just cause she has a vagina does not mean she is going to be a good mom. Get to know the woman you want to make a mother first. These men need to learn this and stop ending up in court going through this crazy experience. As someone mentioned earlier the people I feel sorry for are the kids and that's it. People need to do better. I've said a lot but shit like this really grinds my gears

  66. Yes Linda the court used to favor the mothers before but they are now realizing that most of those women are gold diggers.Wade too won the custody of his kids.itz a pity the tameka just lost her son but where was she when the incident happened,she wasn't there so there is no assurance she wld be able to look after the two kids.happy for usher

  67. Ivory Chi, the way u are just calling their names is like you live next door! Na wa for Nigerians o. SMH

  68. This Linda girl is a frigging feminist. In this case she used the word sympathetic. No girlie biased is the word instead! The court are usually more biased with hoes in mother's clothing...

  69. Mr James Misandry, did you happen to stumble upon this word today? Cos in all youur silly posts you didn't fail to show us you just heard/read it. If our men today didn't really toy with our women I don't think there would have being any need for misandry of any sort. So don't blame linda blame yourselves who treat women as a piece of clothing. Am a woman and I think wat happened to tameka is her fault, that's the price for being a bitch!

  70. Well usher won da case, share and earn http://incomepart.com/ref.php?page=act/ref&invcod=16953

  71. I live in atlanta and the word around town. The judge is a shady judge who usher donated to her campaign to get re elected.

    Tameka is appealing as we speak today. She has all evidence to back it up.

    Why give the kids to usher when all he's going to do is hire nannies to take care of em while he's on the road or while he is on his fcuk fest with diddy and ems. Ok let me stop talking.

    No matter what Tameka is a better fit, just that Usher don't want to give her money.

    That judge is in big trouble. Stay tuned.

  72. James y u dey vex now? Pls dnt spoil ur fone/system cos i'm just imagining d punch dey received in d cause of typing ur comment. C as u dey tok lyk say u wan beat Linda up. Bt @ dis point wetin concern us concern custody? NEXT!!

  73. if not that the devil is a liar, what was usher doing with her in the first place. fine shes not, character she doesnt have, class=0 and no one can tell me that it was the sex. that aunty doesnt look like she knos what to do. praise god for clearing ushers eyes. this is the final loosening of her chains.... mimi out

  74. For s US court to grant custody to the father, there most have been some glaring evidence.

  75. The legal system in the US here favors the mother in most custody cases. So I believe that something serious must have been revealed that we do not know for the judge to award the kids to Usher.

    The guy has a touring lifestyle which in itself if not very conducive for kids, so whatever they discovered about Tameka must be so terrible that they think the kids will be better off in that environment instead of with their mother.

    Not every woman who is able to pop kids out is a mother. May God help her to become the kind of mother that her remaining kids need.

  76. Linda, lower your standard and the right man will come. Stop feeling sad for others. Tameka still going to get some tonight. Tweet is a front.

  77. The owner of this blog got me responding on this one. First you say she lost custody of her children. Are they not Ushers children too?

    Second you feel sorry for her, and that is ok but I am just disappointed in your blind loyalty to a female even if she is so foolish and as selfish as this Usher;s former wife is.

    Maybe someday if you humble yourself you will find a husband. When u do because I know there are many men that wants you, please humble and submit yourself before u end up like the person you are felling sorry for.

  78. @ Anon 7.24pm, you must be low-life ghetto with no green card to back ur sorry life up. The judge only got $1,300 added to his campain by Usher's lawyers in 2008. Politicians and many others get donations all the time, so i doubt the judge would get swayed by that little amount from 4 yrs ago.

  79. Linda, you need to put down the crack pipe and slowly walk away. Or better still, check your facts before taking sides

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