Debbie has breast cancer and needs your help urgently | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 27 August 2012

Debbie has breast cancer and needs your help urgently

Idiagbonya Osarere Debbie is a medical technician who is suffering from 4th grade Invasive Ductal Carcinoma - cancer of the breast and its spreading really really fast. One of the breasts is condenmed already and it has moved to the second breast and her neck. She desperately needs N6 million for surgery and her family and friends say that she has barely one month more to live without surgery.

Please please, donate to debbie, no matter how small, please. Continue to see photos of Debbi's condition right now.

To donate to Debbie - Account details below
Bank: Access bank
Account no: 0000216933
Account name: Idiagbonya Osarere.

And if you need to reach anyone for more details about Debbie's condition, then please call these numbers - 08096682757 or 08030968033.


  1. This is really sad. Unfortunately, even with surgery, the prognosis is very poor if that is the diagnosis. But with God, all things are possible.

    1. Hmmmmm!can u imagine dis amount is wht some one can dash is girl friend all dose bad so call our leaders, GOD will surly do something Insha'Allah!!!

    2. Hmmmmm!can u imagine dis amount is wht some one can dash is girl friend all dose bad so call our leaders, GOD will surly do something Insha'Allah!!!

    3. Linda,if 2 say I know.I 4 kuku wait 4 u for Waterlines cos I no say na dere u enter bus 2 lag from ph ds morning..cos derez no oda explanation 4 d delayed updates..I tnk say u go dey board plane at ds stage of ur life..YOLO..chop ur money now o..e no go folo u on judgement day o..NEKS

  2. Oh God pls let's all donate to help this poor lady. Cancer is a terrible disease

    1. If Turai Yar Adua saw the vision of building a health foundation center for women and children of poor background, Patience Jonathan saw the vision of adopting that same land to build an African First Ladies Center in Abuja.

  3. This is really sad I pray she is able to raise the funds needed ....just wondering why the topless pics?....It is well...The rate at which people are raising funds for healthcare is really alarming, I hope this has gotten the attention of Asorock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Exactly my tot. In white mans country healthcare is free. Even in south Africa. Shame on our govt with all our oil wealth

    2. Health care is not free in the united states

  4. Really sad.. Buh one tin I knw is dat, She wil survive IJN..

  5. This is so sad..if one breast is already condemned then her chances of survival are very slim.She did not have a mastectomy and the cancer has already spread! My heart really bleeds for our nation and the state of health care.Se if this was a civilized nation, this girl will have health insurance and would be able to be treated despite the size of her account...All you people that act like Lekki and V.I and all your stupid fashion shows is what Naija is all about, NO! this is what the average Nigerian goes through.

    1. r u casting the 1st stone27 August 2012 at 06:50

      Have u donated since u left this comment?

      The fashions shows are not stupid because guess what life still goes on? How do u know if they dnt av a charity they make donations too?

  6. may God send helpers her way. I really feel for her.. it's sad but God is able to heal her. let us pray for her. All is well with her.

    cancer is very deadly and it is spreading fast in our community especially in nigeria. lets all pray for God's protection always.

  7. Surgery has no role in her case. The best you can do for her is palliative care, make her pain free until she passes. This is sad though

    1. It is sad but you are right. 4th stage in cancer is the worst, well God is a has done so many miracles.

    2. I'm afraid but Anon 3:35am is right.......the cancer has spread too far already.

    3. Stage 4 breast CA...definitely need palliative even with double mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy...given she didn't have any of the treatment...its all in God's hand...

    4. So sorry Debbie. God will grant u quick recovery and divine health, only if u believe. U can for special prayers and healing service @ Victorious Army Ministries, 22 Acme Road, Ogba Ikeja. If only u believe, thy faith will make u strong again. God will see u tru.

  8. may God send helpers her way IJN. all is well with her. it's sad...

  9. Don't tell me those are EKG leads on her? What role does that play for her with her cancer? All that one is so the doctor will look like he is doing work. God save our health care system

    1. Madam, its not EKG but ECG(Electrocardiogram) they r probably using to monitor her heart rate! Do u her other Medical conditions? Dnt say things u don't know. There r several HMO that takes care of patients like this. For instance in Abuja, there is Breast Without spot, stop cancer Foundation, Medicaid Cancer Foundation, Pink Foundation etc.this organisations help to raise funds for indigent patients.

    2. What if there's metastasis to d pericardium nko? Abi left breast ca cannot cause heart failure? Wot if d ECG was to check d integrity of d heart before any major procedure viz surgery or radiotherapy. Please don't be quick to condemn when u've not reasoned different scenarios.

    3. Even if the EKG was carried out for whatever reason the procedure would have been over before all these pix were taken. * some of our Drs are so dramatic. It is well Debbie, May God intervene; because even in countries with better facilities and breakthroughs, there is only so much they can do .

  10. Hey linda, can you please contact the family and set up an account on maybe paypal where people outside nigeria can donate. Many thanks

  11. Once breast ca is IN stage 4 , there's metastasis to other parts of the body.The fact she didn't ve a mastectomy, it's obvious it has spread to oda parts of her body. There's little or no survival rate. It's only by GODS MIRACLE dat someone can survive ds. Breast ca is a Killer disease, pls LADies once u notice der's a lump in ur breast, RUN fast to the doctor, don't ever keep it to urslf nd wait for mircale. A lumpectomy can save Ur life in d future.. Pls also try nd learn self breast Examination, it is necessary. If U ve Family history of breast Ca, always go for regular breast check up.. Dr O

  12. If she did not show pictures people will not BELIEVE her.

    In a western more advanced society YES including China South Africa and India with well trained doctors and equipments and treatments -
    She has a very good chance of survival. They need to give her a double masectomy ASAP (depending on how bad d other breast is) and chemo to kill of the cancer in other parts of the body.Simple no drama!!!!

    Shame on nigeria, shame on the leaders of Nigeria.
    Long live the honest hardworking people of Nigeria and all those who truly care about Nigeria God Bless Amen

    1. Prognosis is poor. 5yr survival rate is not encouraging at dat stage. As of November last year she was Nottingham prognostic index 2 which wld have worsened by now. What she really needs now is d healing hand of God. And my God's grace she will get it.

  13. But why is she chilling with CELE?????????
    Find a Scoan or miracle working church. God can use you to testify to his living power.unfortunately you are surrounded by blood suckers workers of iniquity and those lying in wait to rob your soul. Your hands are also not clean. Find the right church they cure these things all the time even aids. It is all spiritual. You can help yourself if not.....sorry for yourself.

    1. So my white neighbor that had breast cancer was haunted by cele people abi.. U see ur stupidity! Just pray ur family isn't affected and give the little u have and stop chatting shit! Religion religion religion.. Everything

    2. And how do u know her hands are not clean? Bro Holywenger nxt time u want to make a comment use your mouth instead of ur yansh.

    3. Her hands are not clean????? Who the hell are you to say such ignorant rubbish? So its her fault she has breast cancer? People like u make my skin crawl and my head spin, you are a pathetic judgmental piece of garbage!

    4. You belong in a mental hospital....or a Zoo.

    5. Really. U r a fool.

    6. Accuser of the brethren,I see you!!.. Na u know blood suckers and workers of iniquity,the kain case wey God go settle for heaven ehn,no be small case..

      All we are asking for is help no be say make u come dey point fingers.. Leave judgement for God!

    7. Anon 4:20May God punish u ijn 4 d@ stupid thn u wrote! All u pretentious ppl! Who r u 2 judge her cuz of d church she goes 2? Fool

    8. Anon 4:20am,u're very stupid 4 d rubbish u jst vomitted out of dose dull brain of urs!!!who r u 2judge?is it by force 2 comment on dis issue?if u dnt av nytin relevant 2 say jst shut d hell up!heartless MORON!*bighissss*

  14. Fyi there are spiritt problems wherebby Bill Gates can see your case and never step fwd to help you. Confess.repent

    1. ahn ahn! what is the meaning of confess! repent? u well so?

    2. Wow...Are you for real? You must be a saint as in? U must be without sin,ode!

      Thank God for his grace!

      Debbie,it is well with your soul dear,righT now,u need more that money,u need God's grace and that what u shall get IJN

    3. Smdh u must ba a real BAHBUWAH 4 d rubbish u jst wrote!who r u 2 judge n wot happend 2 ur conscience???if u're too POOR 2 help,y nt shut d f**k up n stop showin ur high level of stupidity here.may God help u heartless creature like u.*mschewwwwww*

  15. linda I know you read these things before they are posted, and I understand you are trying to help people which is good, but be careful, you do not want to turn your blog into a fundraising website. You may want to consider starting a foundation to help people on the side, or teaming up with an established foundation. I do not choose to ignore the human aspect of these appeals but if it gets too much they will loose their appeal to the public at some point.

  16. She will survive! God is Able

  17. Thank u linda for putting it up on ur blog..God bless you

  18. This is so bad. I really feel for her. But how did she let it get this bad before asking for help?!

  19. Chei such a young girlwith breast cancer,the end times are here,so unfortunate.may God help her,her condition is bad.

  20. i believe God and i know nigerians can help. osarere is a sister to me, we attend the same church. pls am pleading for help. May God help u all.
    pls pass d message so dat it will get to everybody, as at yesterday we were told dat she has just a month to live.pls God help.
    more pics and updates on my blog @

  21. Pls I'm catholic and I believe in d book called rosary of liberation. Linda get her a copy from a catholic bookshop. She shld read it and wait on God's will. She'd be shocked.

  22. It doesn't mata wat u see at d background or who she is chilling wiv....she nids help dats all dat matas now...God pls send helpers...

  23. I suPport the movement.....Please Save Debby!!! We need this healthcare system up in Nigeria!!!

    Ladies, please dont keep this kind of thing to yourself!!!

  24. pls can someone tell the causes of cancer and how can it be prevented

    1. CAUses OF Breast CA: Estrogen effects like- Early menarche, late menopause, Oral Contraceptive Use, Hormonal replacement therapy.2) Diet: increased saturated fatty diet, 3) excessive alcohol 4) cigarette smoking 5) Irradiation Exposure 6)GENETICS: family history etc. PREvention: avoid smoking, alcohol intake, use of oral contraceptive pills, avoid exposure to irradiation, avoid excessive saturated fatty food , most important regular breast examination nd once a lump is noticed ,don't wait for a miracle rather run faster than Usain Bolt to see a doctor ..

    2. Google it hun!

  25. It's really appalling to know that our leaders send themselves and their families abroad for treatment of headaches when they can actually revive the healthcare facilities here.

    Poor Debbie...i pray that meaningful Nigerians come to her rescue....I believe she's more than a conqueror. wishing her speedy recovery.....

  26. No one is clean...we are all sinners...pls do not condem her... this is not the time to do so, for the bibles says: he without sin shuld cast the first stone!!!...let's all save a life. For our reward is in heaven!...I decree by the power of the HolyGhost,that Debbie shall not die but live to fufil her destiny on earth.God will do it.if u believe sa AMEN

  27. **sorry for urself??? Dats too bad...Nobody knows 2mrrow*

  28. OMG save this girl. This is sad. Wat kind of country is this?? Where are all those "rich people"? Where are they? This is time to act. Where are all these so called big boys and big girls?

  29. It is funny when i first saw all dese on twitter,i thought it was a scam,cos i've always knwn debbie(on twitter). I'm sorry i thought wrong.
    We have ur back my dear,bt тнє fear is her chances of survival is slim.
    And i think she should involve God too,nt just people.
    Bless you.

  30. Who knows if she got exposed to carcinogens from occupational exposures and environmental pollutions....
    May God save us from all unknown carcinogens in the air, water and food we got expose to daily....
    All in God's hand

  31. May the Lord GOD turn around this situation and bring healing upon her body in Jesus Christ name, Amen.

  32. I wish she had cried for help earlier. Stage 4 of Carcinoma means that the cancer has become terminal and she may not have more than a few months to live. God is a miracle working in time of despair is a good thing. I think she should make her life aright with God and seek her purpose. Nothing that happens to us was not predetermined to happen by God. We are afraid to leave this world forgetting that there's a higher elevation waiting for us when we do.......God bless and guide her!

  33. oh! ........ Tears on my cheeks. God heal Debbie for us all. It is well with her. Amen!

  34. *sigh* IT IS WELL...


  35. According to my Doctor cousin, there really is no hope for the girl. I'm not saying people shouldn't donate, but it looks like the cancer has spread, like really bad. I feel bad for her.

    Women really should be more aware of these things. Go for breast cancer check up, whether or not you think you have it. Don't wait until you start seeing ish like this before you act, because by then it will be too late.

    So sad.

  36. May this satanic arrow of cancer go away by the power of God.

    Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women excluding breast cancer.
    I can't blame her for not checking for lumps earlier as she's definitely not up to 40.

    Please women, do regular self examinations. Early detection is the key.

  37. God every time I think of the pain and condition she is in. I feel really bad. I wish we had a good government, I wish we had good hospitals. I wish our Government really cares about her citizens. It is so disheartening that our government really don't care about us but would rather embezzle monies. I pray the wrath of God descends on all the people making life difficult for we citizens. I'll keep praying for Debbi. Linda Thank you so much, I was beginning to feel u wouldn't put it up. God bless you.

  38. Na wa! This girl is very ill and people are here talking about her hands not being clean and her having spiritual issues and at the same time we wonder why there's no medical progress in the country. She has cancer!!! It's not spiritual. Please educate yourselves.

  39. The bible does not condemn medicine but only the name of Jesus can make u whole. pls lets donate for this cause, but pls if u can, get to the Healing School of Christ Embassy. miracles are real.I feel for her cos no one knows d pain she is going through right now.

  40. its really sad! i pray she gets better after the surgery! God help us all

  41. she'll survive...there is a GOD :(

  42. My first time of commenting,god have is wicked.if our hope we're to be n this world we re of all men most miserable

  43. I hope next month end is not to far.I wish to donate and that's wen I wld av month.kai.2bad

    1. Wat do u mean next month end as in end of september? Like really??? I don't think u should have commented then. Do u know the meaning of urgent?? God will hepl her IJN. Debbie God shall not leave u. He is ur guide n protector. The God of possibilities.

  44. Oh my God, cancer everywhere! I need to go check my breast as soon as possible.

  45. This is very sad. God is the only one that will heal you just put ur trust in him

  46. What a wicked goverment we have in our dear nation. While billions re wasted extravagantly everyday lives re deteriorating day by day. God will judge u o

  47. linda,many thanks for putting this up.May God bless you hands.I told my friend that is debbie's friend to send you a mail.There is nothing impossible for God to do and am sure he will do wonders if we can assist no matter how small we think it is.For the person that says she is chilling with Cele,the poor girl is in her home at ilupeju as the family cannot even bear the brunt of medical bills.
    Debbie, you will fulfil destiny in jesus name.
    Thank you all.

  48. Linda u shld plz do sometin,talk to ur celeb frnds.shebi u and dbanj na friends also.abeg do sumtin.even ur blog shld raise like 1M sef.

  49. My prayer 4u is dat ǦØD̶̲̥̅̊ will send U̶̲̥̅̊‎​ a helper dat will take responsibility of ur promblem:IJN

  50. Let's not condem her to death already,God works wonders,let's do our part by contributing what we have and also remember to say a prayer for her on a daily basis..God has never failed,his word is yea and amen and I have a strong belief that debbie will survive is well with us...

  51. Please take her to T.B Joshua or to Pastor Chris of OUR Daily Manner. Don't let her die, there's nothing the Lord can not do. He is a miracle working God.


  53. Oh dear!
    This is really sad :(
    would donate all I can, and to Debbie keep your faith strong and unwavering. God would heal you...

  54. This cancer stuff is really getting out of hand o...very sad, i lost my mum months back to the dreaded cancer, so i know how it feels to have a loved one in dis condition. Hope she pulls through

  55. God,i wish i hv money,wht is 6million?i would'nt hv mind giving all.i feel 4 her,but i pray may God touch so many souls 2 Giv her even more dan that 6 million.God please help her.

    1. I hope u ll have this same mind set when u become rich.

  56. God said HE will raise helpers for our sake. Helpers will locate you. You shall not die, IJN.God bless u.

  57. U mst'nt giv 6mill. A note of N5000 ll add value

  58. Wow, Dr Debbie what medical school trained you.'Good survival rate' at stage four, 'mastectomy asap'. You must be a joker or an original QUACK. To the patient i pray for GOD'S MIRACLE, a pain free period and the best of the little medical intervention we can offer in this country.My heart goes out to you. God bless you.

  59. Hello Linda,

    Please can you get some update from them on the amount left for donation? Is it still at N6M? A couple of friends want to put some money together and are asking. I've called the two contact numbers given above but none is going through. The Etisalat is ringing invalid and the MTN is switched off.


  60. I tink a note of N5000 ll add value 2 her. May God keep u safe. Am talkin 2 my dad abt u

  61. All I can say is dat she is healed by His stripes....

  62. August 27, 2012 4:20 AM

    "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed"

    Her hope should not be on those who donate and the surgeons but on God.

    1. God bless you o. I could only laugh at the way they castigated me. Something I hav experienced in my own life ! Spirits are still departing from my body up till now followed by immediate miracle as result of FORGIVENESS HUMILITY nad opening my eyes to my error.
      Anyway not everybody can have the knowledge the thirst the hunger or desire to know we live not in a physical existence but along with powers and principalities.
      I give God the glory and I command her MIND be uprooted by the shackles of fear destitution and worry. For she is free. It is time to redeem your healing AND NO ONE WILL DO IT FOR YOU. Pls invest 10k transport fare to the few places of miracles mentioned and watch that rubbish diappear.

      Please nobody should abuse me. I respectfully digress. This will be to your benefit which is all that I can say. Fuul stop

  63. My frnd died yestrday of ovarian cancer. *crying* she was jst 19. I pray debbie survives in jesus name. Amen.

  64. God Bless RUGGED MAN and other's who donated to this.

  65. Is well wit ur soul debbie..God wil see u tru.


  67. I feel for her and even her family n loved ones...there is nothing to big for God to do..when dere is life derz hope.I don't know her personally but we have had opportunity to chat thru twitter even b4 dis whole sickness n she's a sweet girl...She is in ma prayers.


  69. Please please people imagine if she were family and donate. I just read about this and as long as she can have surgery ASAP to remove tumour followed by intense adjuvant therapy like chemo and radiotherapy she may still be fine. What's 6 million if it would save the life of a daughter, sister, friend and even if it doesn't we know we did good.

  70. This so sad. Debbie, the healing hands of the Lord will be upon you. Fact is breast Ca stage iv is poor prognosis. Surgery will be of no real use now as the Ca would have metastasized to other body areas. She should have had mastectomy ( removal of breast tissues) done earlier. Now she will require more of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.She should also go to good hospitals like UCH, Ibadan, LUTH or OAUTHC, Ife. These hospitals have breast surgeons and necessary back ups for less amount.Also, she should contact BRECAN (Breast cancer association of Nigeria) because it is a meaningful NGO via Will send in my widow's mite.

  71. At some stage, its best to make peace with God and go to that better place in the sky. I pray that you find peace with the Prince of Peace. Not even Steve Jobs money can save her now.

  72. Wow. This is indeed sad. When do jazzy startd posting recharge card,other celebrities followed suit. I wonder y dey haven't seen d donation of 2 million by him as a paveway and follow suit as well.wheres psquare?chocboiz? Wow.

  73. 6000 nigerians contributing 1000 each-lets do this

  74. I wud advice u all 2 eat soursop. It is readily available in Nigeria and it is a gud and cheap way to prevent cancer. U can check it up

  75. Friends, let us help dis lady cos she is one of us. Linda, d prognosis in regards to her diagnosis is extremely substandard... Well, God is alive.

  76. Friends, let us help dis lady cos she is one of us. Linda, d prognosis in regards to her diagnosis is extremely substandard... Well, God is alive.

  77. please where is Betty Irabor in all of this? last i checked she had a foundation for breast cancer

  78. @debbified,I'm shorta words buh al I can say is-u won't die in Jesus name.Michellina,God bless u 4 bein a friend in need.

  79. Dis is so sad...Debbie d lord is ur strenght

  80. I believe and I say Amen to all the prayers of the good minded people on this blog. SHE WILL SURVIVE. and none of us and our family will experience this May God keep us all save IN JESUS NAME. AMEN

  81. by His stripes we are made whole. Debbie will live and not die. She will testify about God's healing in her life very soon IJN.

  82. Please stop discouraging people that are willing to donate! This particular story could happen to anyone no matter how careful/rich you are. Keep your discouraging opinions to yourself even if you are a specialist and knows that medically, nothing can be done to save her. God is still in the business of saving lives!! someone also posted that she should be given palliatives until she passes on, OMG please lets not be insensitive! The pics alone makes a human cry while some are haters even unto death. I've no money to donate but I pray that God Almighty would be merciful unto her and her family IJN Amen.

  83. God save her soul.

  84. D lord is ur strenght. Believe in God n he will be ur help in times of trouble

  85. I feel sorry for her but I am sick of all these begging ads asking for our donations. The solution really for Debbie is to cut off her breasts- surely surgery for that is available is Nigeria for this? My two aunts got cancer yet not one of them went public to beg for help

  86. Hi Everyone,

    thank you for your prayers, God bless you.
    The correct numbers are 08096682957,08030968033.

    Thank you..we have faith, that Debbie will survive.

    Please stay positive. God bless you.

  87. I cant imagine the pain she's goin through. May God touch our hearts to donate willingly.

  88. Everybody and their own cross, I pray God helps her with this. Amen

  89. This is really so sad,cancer of the breast,we have rich & prominent pple in this country dat has threw away moni unnecessarily,some buys or rent houses more than dis #6million,buys jets & buys 2-3 cars yearly,while someone needs #6million 2 save dead.I wish God will bless me with a Job,even if its 2day,so as 2 get moni any amount 2 save dis girl from dying.My dear girl,silver & Gold hv i not,but will remember u in prayer which is the only thing i can afford 4 now, o.k.By God's stripes, u are healed.

  90. Davido donated one million 2 her, so all hail Davido

  91. Linda u refused 2 post ma comment, dats nt gud n am a daily reader of ur blog.

  92. my heart is broken, the tears refuse to flow. most of you dont know debbie, lemmi give u a little insight abt the debbie i know............she is playful, smart, hardworking and down to earth. she listens and make you laugh no matter what the situation may be. i cant recognize my friend again. with a heavy heart i plea to you Nigerians home and abroad to help save a friend and sister she would do so for others she has a good heart. lets not criticize or condemn her to death already. there is still hope all she needs is the funds and our prayers! its coulda been me, you, relatives or love ones...............LETS SAVEDEBBIE.

  93. and you talking about cele hope you know there is a God that watches us all? May he answer u! COW!

  94. Debbie, you are healed in Jesus name,I feel so sad about this and I hope u get well soon....helpers are locating from now on

  95. GOD WIL HEAL U,I BELIVE,wish i can hlp.

  96. i wish her fast recovery,i can understand what she is passing through

  97. God is able,pls linda while donations are in motion,pls kindly contact the cancer foundation in Lagos,it was established by a group of ladies.God will heal her,he has done more than this.

  98. God will give her dinive healing, let the rest of us take our health seriously, check ur breast at interval, do pap's smear test for cervical cancer. take wellness tab for good health. detox as expected

    God bless us all.

  99. @ ANON 4.20, u trully need DELIVERANCE OF D MOUTH. Who made u a judge. D bible says, judge not n ye shall not be judged. U spoke like d devil without feelings for a life. May God help u. As for ppl who spoke about dis person (i.e. anon 4.20pm) we r not to be like him/her by abusing or raining curses. Lets leave d person to God's hands instead of sinning against God by cursing. Linda, God bless u for dez charitable posts u've been having on ur blog. You shall surely be blessed. I will contribute my quota and I hope God will touch d hearts of as many as read her story to do something no matter how small. But I believe in one thing, dat d Balm in Gilead will heal her if she can just believe n trust God with all her heart. May d Lord touch her miraculously in Jesus name. NB. Can I get to talk to u on fone Linda or how I can get to reach u. Pls I'm a lady oh, so don't get d wrong impression. Tx

  100. At the time I typed this comment, 65 people had commented on this post plus mine, 66. I'm sure there are several other comments Linda has not posted. I'm sure if all commenters on Linda's blog and other blogs this story has been posted on, gave N5000 towards this cause, Debbie would get the required funds in no time. As salaries are being paid (some have already been paid) spare a thought for Debbie and others like her that are in need.

    I have to say though, that it is such a terrible shame and disgrace to the Nigerian government (not just GEJ's government but previous successive governments) that citizens have to source for funds to fund their medical treatments, yet a handful of people in government are feeding fat on our collective wealth. I remember when I was watching the London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony and the NHS nurses part of the ceremony came up, the narrator said that the UK's NHS was founded on the principle that "NO SOCIETY CAN CALL ITSELF CIVILIZED IF A SICK PERSON IS DENIED HEALTH CARE BECAUSE OF LACK OF MEANS". I guess this makes us the worst sort of uncivilized barbarians in this country, thanks to clueless (no not clueless actually, but wicked, selfish and greedy)leaders.

  101. @chimeka wateva 2012 10:15 AM, ur very very stupid , u nd ur dad shud go nd fuck a mad aladura . 5000 add value ,if u cant pray 4 her or ur going 2 insult her cos of 5k dat wud b in circulation nxt yr pls dnt let God giv u prostrate cancer okay .
    this can happen to anybody as in anybody , my grandmum had breast cancer , my aunt died of it nd trust me dis is not a jokin matter . if u cant donate u just put her in prayer . cos at this stage its just God oh , jus God weda she gas 1month to live or dey do d sugery or wateva , its just God nd nobody else. this is jus toooo sad my heart is broken for this girl . nd govt is spent 40 billion 4 d 5000 naira note nd our coins . nd people havent even seen 200 naira . please God show us d way forward nd please save this girls life please .

  102. This is what our government shld take not and do....Almighty God pls safe her for us.

  103. she should be flown abroad.....meanwhile is rugged man abi baba crying?

  104. For those paying in via internet banking and abroad use dis code: 044150039...Tnks.God bless u all 4 ur support #TeamsaveDebbie#/

  105. Nna Nigerians like God oh!! Ahn ahn!! If everyone commenting is as "godly" as proclaimed, this world will be a better place oh!

    I walk around every day, every week, every month, every year and the manner in which we treat each other is appalling. We do not have compassion for our fellow human beings.

    It shows in things as little as driving. Every1 always wants to be ahead of another, without giving a cahoot about fellow road users.

    Don't get it twisted. God IS Alpha & Omega and can do ANYTHING...

    But omo, all this fake godliness turns my stomach!!

    I wish Debbie the best!!

    1. I agree wit everytin u said maybe its cos I'm atheist or just a realist.Believe me we are usually d most reasonable pple in dis wor wor country

  106. Hi Linda, can you please make some sort of arrangement to facilitate your blog readers based overseas to be able to make donations via a service like paypal? This would be very much appreciated.

  107. Its a pity sm girls/ladies/women do nat take 2 advice. It is advised that yhu rub the breasts whyl in the bathrum errdae tew chck 4 lumps.Well, nat errbody is aware. May God Heal her. I wish i could hlp buh i'm a student n i stil depend on ma parents. Only a Miracle can pull her thru frm wha i'v cin.

  108. at this morning she had 1.8m,1m from davido.and donjazzy just donated please your help and that of your friends r highly needed.thanx alot and God bless.the account number is on this page .

  109. Lord have mercy, my big mum also died as a result of dis disease,she was admitted in luth. Lord will take absolute control over debbie. Cries


  111. Wow I have never seen breast cancer look like that. I had a friend with stage 3 aggressive and you could not physically see the tumours. Stage 4 is terminal and by the time it is secondary and spread to the lymph nodes and neck surgery cannot do anything. Its just a waiting game and pain killers needed.

  112. Debbie wld nt die.She wld live n testify by God's heart bleeds 4 dis nation.Only God can heal ow land.

  113. o lord my God pls heal debbie i know u can do it Jesus is the same yst today 2morrow nd 4ever i knw u can do it.nothing is impossible wit u my prayers ar wit u

  114. Davido just donated one million naira to her.long live obo

  115. justlikeme@live.com27 August 2012 at 15:26

    People in 21st century still believe cancer is spiritual??? Shey una no go school ni abi its just pure ignorance!!! Oga ooh!

    Thats how people with small headache will go to TB joshua and Pastor Chris when all they need to do is just buy aspirin or at worst artesunate! Nigerians killing themselves with ignorance!! MTCHEWW
    And for that guy talking about cele, so she should come to your church abi.....and get ripped and raped by your sex straved pastor??

    Please 'un-ignorant' Nigerians, donate jare and God will bless you more more....Big ups to Davido, i don dey hate you before but this stunt you pulled with donation 1milli to the girl, BIG UPS BRO!

    Naija i hail oh, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read especially anon 4.20 stupid comment

  116. I hate when people bring God into pure medical issues. Even if she gets a billion dollars, its just too late.they ( "superstars") all claim to have foundations helping the poor but weknow what happens. Haba for her Y. Wait this late. Just too late... Yes I am a doctor and yes I belive in God. What's the breast cancer awareness for then. Save the next victim and prepare her for death ! God bless

  117. He that is the balm of Gilead will go forth & uproot every cancerous cell from her body. She will be a cancer survivor & a testimony to the healing power

  118. Wow! Davido just supported wt a million naira sm minute ago! So kind of him. Even took pictures wt her at home. Debbie, d lord is ur strength. Slikky

  119. The cancer has mestasized already and this makes it even harder to treat. The breast did not get to this stage overnight. She probably thought someone had put a hex on her and did not go ahead and seek medical treatment at the first notice. Now things are harder and much more difficult.

    The only thing I can suggest is for her family or loved ones to research Dr. Johanna Budwig's protocol. Flaxseed oil mixed with organic cottage cheese taken 3-5 times daily. has a lot of options on there that even poor people can use. Cancer does not have to be a killer. I am too far away to do anything for her. But I hope someone close to her can get on it.

    Maybe the bride, or her father who just had that luxurious wedding in Paris can reach out to this lady and make holy use of their wealth.

    I am highly annoyed with those clamps her body. I am 100% positive the doctor treating her has no clue about what to do. The last thing she needs is clamps on her breast to burst the cancer so they spill out in the rest of her body and spread even quicker.

  120. I don't believe it's too late for Debbie. Only God knows. My sister passed away from cancer recently, yes money couldn't save her but it did m

  121. Ii don't believe it's too late for Debbie. Only God knows. He is a miracle working God and is able to heal Debbie. My sister passed away from cancer recently, yes, money couldn't save her but it did keep her comfortable to the end. No one should have to suffer.

  122. The Nigerian government should provide quality healthcare system .for instance, getting a mamogram and a pap smear done in Nigeria is quit expensive bt in UK and US its free. Why can't our government do same for us.

  123. ....God bless Davido for his donation..just read from a blog that he donated 1m.. hopefully more to come. We can all assist with our prayers too.. God the perfect iller would surely;y work a miracle out IJN.

  124. I just contributed my bit. No one deserves death unless they are around 90 and above....Prayers with you Debbie. God speed!

  125. God will save Debbie from this. Amen. People please donate to this cause no matter how hopeless it seems at this stage.
    Linda, its not only to brag about how successful you are and how much you're making, this is the time to show how successful you are.
    Donate and broadcast your self praising post here as usual so we can clap for you.

  126. This is sad.. Stage 4 very bad prognosis.

  127. The prognosis is poor already so 6million naira is like throwing money down the drain.all she needs now is supportive care and her family should be prepared psychologically


  128. What state is she from? Who is her governor,House of Rep etc? They are all on facebook. Linda, please fwd these pics and the plea for assistance to them. The fact is that if we as the public are now playing the role of a much needed free medical system that a country as cash-rich as Nigeria should have in full working mode. We can never change what we tolerate. Its great that our artistes/celebrities have been humane in their gestures but is it really their responsibility? Apart from praying for this poor lady, what is really, actually our responsibility as ordinary citizens? It is not the responsibility of TB Joshua or any well to do Nigerian. She is a ward of her state. These wicked men and women who call themselves our leaders have been failing us since most of us were born. This cancer she is dying from should have been prevented. Nigeria can afford the machines. Nigeria can afford to train the doctors. Nigeria can afford the awareness programmes.
    I once had an abnormal smear test result on the NHS. Even though I thought nothing of it they bombarded me with letters until I was compelled to go in for a second look. They saved me from future Cervical cancer. Another person's country. In Nigeria, foreign doctors are offering free medical services and our wicked so called leaders are attending weddings, birthdays with no fear. No shame. Showcasing our inheritance on themselves.

    Linda, be bold. Speak against them. The portion of public audience you have been given is a gift from God. Be responsible with it. God will never let you be supressed. Or are you going to be talking pure entertainment for life?
    Shame on Nigeria.

  129. Are we here to judge debbie or religion or to simply help a fellow human being???? What makes the anon that talked about white garment church that D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣y are not "concerned" who heard abt her plight like you and you? For you all who talked about christ embassy and T.B Joshua, only a few words for in God and not man nor church. Pls let's stop all these analysis of d different stages of cancer. With our donations and God our her side, healing is quite sure. God bless y'all!

  130. Abeg Linda make we hear word.this ur blog has become charity organization.everyone with sickness and diseases,inshort problems generally na him u dey advertise.if u no get news stop blogging....msheewww

    1. You must be a witch... Wicked soul... May God save you because you are headed for doom... People are talking about somebody who has barely a month to live and has no funds... And you're here talking about entertainment news ... Ewu Hausa!

  131. Oh God help her

  132. May God touch this soul.....

  133. She needs our prayers too..

  134. The person sayin she is chillin @ cele is a big bastard and shall xperience wat the poor girl is xperiencing,useless baggar. I believe God will do a miracle in her life and she shall live 2 testify IJN.

  135. God will help her oo

  136. ....and some useless politicians with lots of money are busy paying for china teenagers.

  137. Linda, what's this rubbish I'm hearing about KSOLO AND HIS WIFE saying they were only playing pranks on us?? Abeg go to Ladun's blog to watch the video. Liess! Hiss

  138. Very sad,


  139. Everyday causes of cancer - from insecticide to treated mosquito nets. A1, Ajinomoto seasoning. Refridgerating cooked food in metal pots, Generator and car fumes.
    Our leaders do not care about us. Don't wait for the government to take precautions. Use your Blackberry for research. Google - foods that cause cancer or any other health questions you may have. Save yourselves and your loved ones.

  140. The lord is still in d business of performing miraclces. There is nothing too much 4 him 2 do.I pray d lord will heal her IJN. I believe in d report of the lord nt that of d doctors. Healing is urs in Jesus name. Help will come IJN. Nigerians let's pls help her no amount is little. Also rember her in ur prayers. Pls let's stop words that re nt encouraging. Dnt shift blames on any1.

  141. @ Ken pls try her nos again. A friend just called her now. Thanks and God bless u ijn.

  142. It's one cancer patient or the other, what is the govt doing to help people that can't afford surgery. I suggest Linda set up a NGO to help raise money for cancer patients instead of waiting weeks and weeks to raise money individually. That way u help investigate the best hospitals for cancer treatment... ASJ

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  144. Linda, I continue to love you

  145. im kind of we have to wait until cancer has eaten too deep before we make noise about it?
    as someone has rightly said,wen cancer gets to stage 4 believe me that person's chances of survival is very slim.
    All these millions donated MIGHT BE a speaking from experience,i watched my mum die of cervical cancer!
    Looking at Debbies pix brings back memories dat i dont want to relive.
    It is very painful to see your loved one suffer,and wats worse is there is no cure.
    Lets stop decieving ourselves,you can only fight cancer and win if you get screened early and the cancerous changes are detected on time.
    For all the celebs and pple who have donated,well done and God bless you,but u can only truely say you saved a life if these monies are channelled to getting free breast and cervical cancer for your female loved ones,mums,girlfriends,concubines,sisters,friends,church and mosque members,market women,local govt etc.screening cost just N1000.come on,we can make an effective change this way,not by crying over spilt milk.Debbie i feel your pain,i wish you total recovery.God bless you,ur family and all the wonderful,kind hearted pple who have given to your cause,amen.

  146. Pls let's contribute o as ur led. Never say never. There r pple given 6mths 2 live and 25yrs after they are still alive. Let not all those saying chances are slim hinder good intentioned contributions. If u never take your chances how will u know what's possible or not.

  147. So sad.. Aw I wish our gov can help. I blive in God.. Debbie u are healed in IJN..

  148. sup wit d cancer tinz now???

  149. Debbie all you need is Gods mercy believe me even if they spend 20 million Us dollars it's all a waste
    If u hv faith my dear as small as an ewedu seed u will be made whole By the power of God and meanwhile ask God to forgive you of known and unknown sins
    Right now you are in denial but I pray with you that the remaining stage will not show face in your life
    God bless you with supernatural healing in Jesus mighty mighty name

  150. May God heal u totally and send to u an helper. I feel so sad when I see things like this.
    As long as God liveth, u are healed.

  151. My boss was given 2yrs to live because his type of cancer does not have a cure and the survival rate is very slim.

    Well, this is 12 years later and he's still here and strong. So, please let us not lose hope, health can be restored to her.

  152. Anonymous August 27, 2012 4:20 AM
    Its obvious hw mentally retarded U̶̲̥̅̊ α̲̅я̲̅Ξ. Wow, what a waste of cyber ink.
    serzly, people ℓi̶̲̥̅ke this still exist??
    Well, i pray Fǿя̩̥̊ Debbie Α̲̅πϑ wish her more helpers that'll contribute to H̲̅E̶̲̅r cause.


  154. God pls heal her, n put smiles on d̶̲̥̅̊ faces of her family.

  155. I have donated my token. Please let us all donate for Debbie, no matter how small.

  156. please all u davido PR consultants dat r singin suprano 4 him cos he paid 1m abeg rest now . he has given yes hes not d 1st abeg nd wont b d last. its so irritatin . talk of damage control . pls let d girl live den we wud no u contributed 2 her survival .

  157. A stage4 invasive ductal carcinoma has a very very bad prognosis....... We shld be praying for her and hear family cos nothing can be done again . Which begs the question, is d donated money for what !? Her burial ?? We should pray for a miracle here cos that's d only way forward now (pls I'm just stating facts)
    Also, our young ladies should see the need for self breast examination cos cases like dis shld have never gotten dis far !
    After all said , my heart and prayers go out to Debbie ! God will make a way where there seems to b none.

  158. Hi there, I believe debbie is healed in Jesus name. Just to add to all the comments here... I believe no one can understand what Debbie is going thru except u are in her shoes urself. I can say this as I was diagnosed of the very same stage of breast cancer a few months ago. God willing I'll be alive to testify to his healing when I am 100years old & so shall it be for debbie in Jesus name.
    Having said that, as God perfects his work spiritually, treatments need be given in the physical too. Chemo need be given 1st and then once that kills the cancer, surgery may be given followed by radiation despite the prognosis. Hormone therapy may need to be taken too to keep the cancer under control.. Long & short of this message is that money & prayers do go along way, nothing is impossible for God. I got lucky as I didn't have to pay for treatment here, all free. I've also met a few people with stage 4 prognosis of BC and they are still alive many years after metastasis! So love, don't give up. All will be well & you are not alone! God is with u!

  159. Really unfortunate. She shud have sought for help eArlier than now. At stage 4 it's very much unlikely that she can be saved. It would only take a miracle for that to happen and not even surgery. My prayers are with her.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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