Tweets of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Tweets of the day

Is she the one really tweeting this? lol...she's either high on some cheap drug or she's just messing with people ...I believe the latter is the case...check out more of her tweets after the cut...


Naija person tells her she's the greatest mumu and she says thank you. Obviously she doesn't know what mumu


  1. 0_o i dont even know who she is. its a pity.

  2. I really hope She was pirated!! Otherwise she has a missing thing in her beautiful head!!!!

  3. hahahah naija pple no dey slack!! Linda u obviously are just noticing nonhle thema on twitter.. she is the craziest lady ever! I believe she has some kind of mental illness. babe is mad deluded!

  4. LOL you are the greatest mumu. maybe it's an insider jokes only southies get? otherwise she would be quite delusional

  5. she is a very stupid girl ...who does she think she is ..and she is not all that..all her so called followers should untweet her if that is possible...i have never heard anyone equate themselves with God....she is a big fat fool with no core..ppl like this should be wiped off the surface of the earth..some of these east and south africans are really clueless...there was a lady who said she didnt beliueve in God somewhere in east or south africa and she died a horrible death i think she was burned..ppl think bcos they have mouths they can say whatever they want not knowing that their breath can be snuffed out of them at anytime....idiot local champion...some years ago she couldnt even dare to do this when south africa was still under the apartheid speech does not suit everyone..onyeala!!!

  6. Lol. Mumu girl indeed

  7. this girl is really crazy.. i think she's doing it for the attention. no1 can be that conceited....ever. Not even the richest person in the world..
    and if she is indeed serious, her downfall will be sooooo nice and enjoyable to watch.. God dnt like ugly.
    and for to say she's a walking 'God', may the good lord forgive her

  8. LOL @ "greatest mumu"
    She is a pretty girl but I think she is just being sarcastic with her tweets or what do you guys think? She wants to stay relevant by being controversial. I was actually laughing out loud at her tweets. I won't take them too personally.

  9. lol at the naija dude. she is a real MUMU

  10. gal got major issues needs to see a shrink. i unfollowed her my timeline was full of her shit

  11. dis gal is an idiot,she's a dumb fool,dat naija peson did good.she's mumu number one.she's not even worth much

  12. lol isn't it obvious she has issues? i wonder what her problem is but i guess MFM would solve whtever her problem is!:)

  13. Damn. She's such an attention seeking dummy

  14. She clearly does it for the attention...I mean we are talking about her on here after all. #caseclosed

  15. Pride comes before a fall. Who is she anyway?

  16. Nigerian females are the last people on earth to be calling anyone conceited or arrogant. A Nigerian's favorite topic is himself/herself. Nigerians always think they are perfect and other people have issues.

  17. She's just playing. Duh. Some people take life so seriously. It's her tweets and she can say whatever she wants. Nobody forced you to follow her.

  18. @random anonymous most importantly please refer to a person as an indivual and not as a whole nation, your quick to mention apertheid and all, yet not knowing the stigma it caused, by just refering to south and east africans because of paticular individuals is already discrimination! She has the right to tweet what she feels, her beliefs are hers and yours are yours! But don't crucify a nation because of an individual! You seem educated, try use some of that education instead of spreading hate!

  19. So anon 12 05

    Your God punishes people simply because they don't believe in him.

    What a stupid and childish god you worship :(

  20. Buhahahahaha, I love dat naija guy, he presented the "MUMU" wit a smiling similey and de crazy girl said "thank U" like she knows what Mumu means, I smh for her (over sabi dey worry her ) biggest mumu on twitter yesterday

  21. those still following her on twitter are as foolish and pagans as she is

  22. she is a wacko! i wish God can slap her from above. silly silly girl!

  23. shes from channel o and some time last year there was a rumour that her and d'banj where dating also theyve taken pictures together while he was in south africa

  24. Weird thing is that her followers actually tweeted that they loved and worshipped her. Aren't they worse? I read it this morning and wondered.

  25. Anon 8:11 are you serious? Linda why would you let this anon post rubbish like this? May God have mercy on you...dumb kid!!!

  26. She is one of the sexiest women in Africa. She is beautiful and vain but nobody's goddess.

  27. The girl is pretty o. Her body is better than her face.

    She is super hot and now an Hollywood actress therefore it went to her bush head.

    She looks like Omowunmi Akinnifesi but with a much sexier body. Wow! From bush to Hollywood.

  28. Anonymous Nov 20 8:11 how dare you call our living God stupid and childish? You can incur the wrath of God so don't bite more than you can chew. Repent and turn away from your wicked/evil ways. A word is enough even for a fool.

  29. its 4 real o. dat's how she is. lots of ppl hate her in her country, cos of her arrogance.

  30. Lmaoo....but without no doubt,dis babe na MUMU....she needs to calm d eff down..make she allow us hear word jare....eleribu

  31. she's sooo crazy, the psychiatric hospital will reject her...Nonsense Child!!!

  32. Who be dis razzo??? Begging for attention i guess.. Abegii, go and tango with a mango tree jorr.

  33. I'm gonna follow the fool on twitter and fcuk her up.

  34. She reminds me of another South African chick Thandi Modise. A little success and they think they are better than the whole world. What a pity, she doesn't even realise what a MuMu she really is.

    By the way Linda I'm really enjoying your site today. Not bad at all. But do control some of the venomous comments, its within your power to not let it get out of control.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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