Actress Anita Joseph working on music album | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday, 24 June 2011

Actress Anita Joseph working on music album

I hear the sultry actress is currently working on an eleven track album which will be released before the end of the year. Nice one...we dey wait!


  1. Alicia says...24 June 2011 at 09:11

    okay, we shall wait and see. everyone in acting wants to do music too, abi?
    just make sure you come correct!

  2. Sorry but, Anita who?...

  3. Must they all show breasts to prove that they are stars? Mcheeeew!!!!

  4. how do dey wash der pussys with such long nails????

  5. this girl is a time bomb waiting to explode..who did she sleep with to even begin to appear anywhere??..Linda why shld u even begin to post up news about this riff raff?? is this what ur blog has come down to?? pls make sure u post this...what is going on??

  6. She should be on my "fucking" schedule!

  7. Abeg who be Anita again? Anita who??? This so-called supposedly allege actress or whatever WHORESALE it is she does is an attention seeker. She tries so damn hard to be in the news. The other time it was "a popular actress anita whats-her-name nearly died on location due to neglect" the most recent was "i just came back from south africa and found out an impostor is using my name to defraud my fans", biatch puhleeease! who cares, which kain yeye fans you get set, iranu like you .
    I'm not hating on her or anything. Let your work speak for you and stop pushing popular into our faces biko. No one has never heard of whats-her-name, smh
    Some girls are just shameless #longhiss

  8. From mediocre to non-existence acting career as claimed ,this anita whats-her-name is trying to assault our ears with her croaked voice. Ok o. . .me sef dey wait

  9. See "titties"!!! I like a lots!!!!

  10. Please you should all leave her to do music. She needs to be off the screen. Thats all I'm sayin.


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