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Sunday, 23 January 2011

See JAMB question...

Yes of course...I want to withdraw 2naira from that...thank you!


  1. Linda, are you that broke that you have just =N=2.60 in your bank account? Please send me your ATM card no and PIN no so that I can send some money into your account. LOL

    JAMB question is not this difficult o.

    The machine is programmed. For every action taken there is a response the machine must make. Even if your balance is zero, the machine will ask question whether you want to perform another operation.

  2. LMAO at jamb question. What if the machine spat your card out..heheheh :p

  3. What's the issue here? Another operation could be checking if a debit or credit has taken place, could be to get a statement, could be any # of things...

  4. lwkmd! Linda where did you get this pic from biko? some broke person somewhere must have a sense of humour!

    LOL @ Surprise explaining how ATM works to all of us. We know darling, that's not the point of the joke.

  5. i was actually with the dude that put up this pic #okbye

  6. @meeee..... i bin tink say na only me get ATM machine for inside my room, i no no say other pipu sabi use am. tanks 4 letting me no say oda pipu sabi use am. I no be your darling o, na only Linda i be im darling. LOL


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