Ugandan pastor who sets thousands of Holy Bibles ablaze for misleading his members, has been sued | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 8 July 2017

Ugandan pastor who sets thousands of Holy Bibles ablaze for misleading his members, has been sued

Recall in April, we reported the news of Pastor Aloysius Bugingo of House of Prayer Ministries in Uganda, who allegedly burnt thousands of holy bible in his claims that they were misleading his members. See photos here
Now a lawsuit has been filed against him in Nabweru court for violating Christian’s freedom of worship by burning several versions of the Holy Bible.

In the lawsuit, some pastors representing over 200 Christians are seeking a court declaration that Bugingo’s acts or omissions of burning and destroying the Holy Bibles are illegal and unlawful, as it injures their religious feelings.

The pastors also contend that Bugingo’s actions are an attack and insult to all Christians who believe in the Bible.

They want the court to issue a permanent injunction, restraining Bugingo and his servants from further burning and destroying Bibles of several versions and making utterances, speeches, sermons or statements concerning the Holy Bible in a way that attacks, violets or insults their faith or religion.

The pastors also want the court to award them damages at a rate of 25 percent from the date of judgment until payment is done and costs of the suit.

In the court document sighted by New Vision, it was stated that on April 4, 2016 (Easter Sunday), Bugingo collected or gathered several Holy Bibles of different versions, translations, and languages with the word Holy Ghost or missing scriptures and advised his flock or followers who are ‘not strong’  to burn or destroy it.

Nabweru court chief magistrate, Esther Nasambu who will preside over the case, has given Bugingo 15 days to file his defence on allegations of violating Christian’s freedom of worship by burning several versions of the Holy Bible.


  1. Some pastors are terrible. Make them continue.

  2. A pastor burnt thousand of bibles for misleading his members? How come? Something is wrong somewhere because as a pastor,he should believe in bible.#Endtimepastor#

    1. It shows is a fake pastor

  3. Stupid man..
    Am sure he's a Muslim

  4. Mad man
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  5. why are they suing him,they should leave him and watch how MISERABLE his life will be, NOBODY MOCKS GOD AND GO SCOT FREE,

    1. You're absolutely right. Anyone who mocks God will receive his due reward.

  6. Demonic Pastor.

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  7. God will meet him and give him what he wanted, stupid man

  8. He should be burn the same way he burnt the Bible....

    1. He should be burnt to death because he burnt books he bought with his own money? That's so sad of you terrorist.

      Wait! What would you then make of Christians who burn thousand copies of the Qur'an every year for years? (They even have a name for the day called "Burn the Qur'an Day").

      I'm quite sure your double-standard mechanism will start kicking in now with this question I asked.

      It's a pity we now live in a hypocritical double-standard world.

      How did we get here?

  9. Prophet of doom! So sad that ignorant members believe in him. People are really perished for lack of knowledge.

  10. The signs of a false prophet are sometimes loud and clear for all to see.

  11. The pastor should wait to see how the Lord will make suffer for this he has done,because the bible says God honours his word more than His name

  12. "Bugingo collected or gathered several Holy Bibles of different versions, translations, and languages with the word Holy Ghost or missing scriptures"

    You people should take cognizance of the pastors reason (with the word Holy Ghost or missing scriptures). They are now producing bible that are distorted where they remove different scripture pages, words like HELL, SATAN, PUNISHMENT FOR THE WICKED, etc. It in circulation and many who don't know are falling victim. Satan is using people to distort the scripture.

    That a book is been made to be a bible with the inscription of HOLY BIBLE on it makes it worth using it or reading it if they have changed, distort and added erroneous teaching that shouldn't be in it. It is then no longer called THE HOLY BIBLE but a "satanic adulterated bible"

    Have help us

  13. I don't think sueing this impostor is the answer let no man fight for God as he is stronger than all the forces in the world put together. He is Jehovah' watch what happen to the Pastor.
    Sueing him is like helping God.

  14. The man is sick, taking him to court will only make Satan feel important. He should be prayed for,so that his insanity can be cured.


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