Soldier sentenced to death for killing Boko Haram Suspect in Borno | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 9 June 2017

Soldier sentenced to death for killing Boko Haram Suspect in Borno

The Army General Court Martial in Borno State today sentenced a soldier, Lance Corporal Hillary Joel, to death for killing a suspected Boko Haram terrorist.

The condemned soldier was found guilty of killing the suspected terrorist during a cordon and search operation by the army in Damboa Local Government Area of Borno State. Lance Joel allegedly set the suspect ablaze, leading to his death.

Other soldiers who were tried along with him were handed different sanctions including jail terms and demotions.


  1. Sentenced to death? That's how messed Nigeria is.

  2. You guys are mad, kill a solder over a Boko Haram? Maybe you guys are really not ready to fight them... Fools how do you expect other soldiers to do there work well after this?

  3. They're now protecting boko haram criminals in the North. I hope he's not a southern soldier.

  4. these people are fools, do they want the rest of the soldiers to defect.

  5. I don't understand mbok
    Why death sentence biko?
    Nigeria Army.

  6. How sure are you that the man is a Boko Haram terrorist, he was a suspect before his death, that doesn't make him a Boko Haram member. Perhaps the man disrespected them,they killed him and tag him Boko Haram suspect.

  7. Why won't you sentence him to death... Because He's a Christian and Has killed your terrorist brother

  8. Predators judging preys nonsense

  9. I saw no to this sentencing. These terrorists deserve more than jst burning. Review d sentence

  10. He will be sentenced to death. Becos, his name is hillary joel, n nt abdullahi or kazeem. Nonsense country, nonsense pp

  11. These terrorists deserve more than jst burning. They deserve more than just burning. Free the corporal

  12. Plz our government should intervene in dis judgment,4 killing a boko haram? Abeg our military should please in God's name do something

  13. Are they not supposed to kill them? If not why did they bomb and killed the suspected bokoharam terrorist in sambisa forest.?

  14. How can we win war against BH devils when it's glaring that that the high & mighty in government supports them? What's crime for soldier(s) to kill a terrorist? The court martial can call it extra judicial but cases abound where uniformed men kill innocent civilians and nothing happens. The APO 6 is a clear example where the DSP that authorized the killings mysteriously disappeared. Top officers siphoned money for anti BH arms purchase.Now cos Cprl.Hilary is Christian, he's been given death sentence. Mind u, Army court martial isn't regular court ruling, the hapless guy maybe executed immediately. Thank God BH menace is restricted to the North/NE. Kill urselves there .Bustards.

    1. Think before how speak. Execution of the suspect without proper trial nor conviction is unethical and way outside the soldier's jurisdiction. And it's even more disturbing to know that he executed the suspect in one of the most inhumane and barbaric ways - Burning. This isn't a Muslim-Christian thing but outright justice and rule of law.

  15. How can we win war against BH devils when it's glaring that that the high & mighty in government supports them? What's crime for soldier(s) to kill a terrorist? The court martial can call it extra judicial but cases abound where uniformed men kill innocent civilians and nothing happens. The APO 6 is a clear example where the DSP that authorized the killings mysteriously disappeared. Top officers siphoned money for anti BH arms purchase.Now cos Cprl.Hilary is Christian, he's been given death sentence. Mind u, Army court martial isn't regular court ruling, the hapless guy maybe executed immediately. Thank God BH menace is restricted to the North/NE. Kill urselves there .Bustards.

  16. How can we win war against BH devils when it's glaring that that the high & mighty in government supports them? What's crime for soldier(s) to kill a terrorist? The court martial can call it extra judicial but cases abound where uniformed men kill innocent civilians and nothing happens. The APO 6 is a clear example where the DSP that authorized the killings mysteriously disappeared. Top officers siphoned money for anti BH arms purchase.Now cos Cprl.Hilary is Christian, he's been given death sentence. Mind u, Army court martial isn't regular court ruling, the hapless guy maybe executed immediately. Thank God BH menace is restricted to the North/NE. Kill urselves there .Bustards.

  17. Imagine bullshit. U killed a boko and u have to die for it

    1. He had not been declared a criminal by any panel of court. It's just like a mob setting a suspected thief ablaze without proper trial. The situation is no dissimilar from jungle justice.

  18. Sentenced to death because his name is 'Lance Corporal Hillary Joel'.I pity Nigerians, killing one of them because of a terrorist.

  19. Wat nonsense!...dse top army officials r d top boko haram members.god punish u all severely.Bu wen boko harem kill soldiers n children.u gv dem amnesty.bastards

  20. It's obvious that many of the people who left comment on this article don't understand the rules of engagement when you join the army.

    It is a criminal offence for a soldier to kill a suspect who has surrendered.

    And under martial law, many crimes contain death sentences.

    There were UK soldiers who were court-martialled and sentenced to life imprisonment for killing an injured and surrendered Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.

    They were not sentenced to death because the UK has abolished the death sentence, hence why they got life.

    As a soldier, it is a crime to kill a suspect. You are only allowed to engage and fire your gun if you were fired on first or someone points a gun at you and is aiming to fire.

  21. My manhood and I are shocked. U kill a humanbein bcos of boko...I pity u all children

    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  23. They want Boko Haram to live so they can use them against igbos

  24. U ar not educated why would he killed a suspect that has information in his mouth...the soldier had a motive so he deserve death...

  25. U ar not educated why would he killed a suspect that has information in his mouth...the soldier had a motive so he deserve death.

  26. There must be a reason for him to kill the boko haram suspect like that. Death penalty is not the answer. There should be a thorough investigation to know what actually happened. These people fight for us everyday and you want to kill him just like that, all in the name of court martial? That is cruel. This country is fucked! FG should not sit down and watch this happen. Some of these army superiors are devils and demons

  27. The investigation showed that the man he burnt wasn't book harm but an innocent person this the sentence to kill hom

  28. Truth is coming out gradually. that APC is the sponsor of boko haram,if not how can u sentence a soldier for killing a member of boko haram u calmed u want to eradicate

  29. Am lost here....

    Neeyo Linda Ikeji Birth Mate

  30. What nonsense evidence or trial is needed before prosecuting book haram when they kill without a blink. Sentencing the soldier is harsh when he could have been punished. Those at the hem of affairs in Nigeria should be flushed out and new laws should be set up. I love my country and the youths should brace up before it becomes a failed country. This is our only home.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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