Photos: 5-year-old girl raped in Anambra State, suspect's mother offers N100,000 to her parents to bury the case | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 10 June 2017

Photos: 5-year-old girl raped in Anambra State, suspect's mother offers N100,000 to her parents to bury the case

Favour Ilo, a 5-year-old girl in kindergarten and daughter of a carpenter and akara seller was raped in school by the Headmistress' grown son in Awka, Anambra State on Monday, June 5th.
The suspect's mother, Mrs Onwuzulike allegedly wants to close the case by offering N100, 000 to the victim's parents. Below is the full report by lawyer and  human rights activist, Emeka Ugwuonye:

DPA has just stopped an attempt to bury the case of the rape of a 5-year old girl in kindergarten in Awka, Anambra State.
Yesterday, DPA got involved in the investigation of a rape case involving a 5-year old girl. We got the wind that the father of the girl was offered 100k by the owners of the kindergaton where the incident occurred in order for him to bury the case. I warned the man not to accept the money, but to work with DPA to ensure the arrest of the rapist.
At the same time, DPA dispatched a team of investigators to the crime scene. Our investigators swooped in on them as they were exchanging money to cover up the case. They even wrote up an agreement to close the case . DPA operatives took pictures of their illegal agreement and pictures of them exchanging money.
We shall now be seeking the arrest and prosecution of all those involved in this macabre deal. We have the picture of the girl and her father and the owner of the kindergarten handing over money to him.
DPA is going to crack down on all those who harm innocent children in this country. The rape of a 5- year old and the use of money to cover it up are crimes we must fight against. I will be heading from Abuja straight to Anambra State where I intend to meet with the Governor over this case.
Point of clarification. We knew they made the offer of money. We needed the evidence. So DPA set up the plan to capture the evidence of their plan. We needed those who made the offer to put it in writing to remove their plan from the point of deniability.
When it is safe to do So, I may reveal the names of the DPA operatives who carried out this operation, Operation Young Shall Grow.


  1. Height of Wickedness and Self Centredness. Thy don't want their son to face the wrath of law by covering the Despicable act he committed to a Minor.They all deserve to be Prosecuted even the Witnesses

    1. Greed in that land ehh.., no wonder that self imposed leader can but the poverty stricken igbos over.
      May that little girl find justice. Please release names and pictures of those involved and the grown son too

    2. The mother is a useless woman,why not allow ur son face the full wrath of the law???some motherz r d problems we havr in this society my child does that and i will personally bring police to arrest you.and b4 any fool types wait till ur a moda,am a moda of four kids.nonsense

  2. Please and please. I can not say enough please. This matter should be pursued to a logical end. I beg you. If financial help is needed, request on this forum and I will contribute. The Mother and her rapist Son are beasts.

    1. please contribute to my needs oh. Me am here dieing of hunger. Please any amount would be appreciated. Account details 0141739925 Nwigwe sandra Chisom gtbank

    2. Indeed it is greedy and useless people like you that are making naija a terrible place. All you can think about I'd contributing to your own needs. I am sure you are not the 5 year innocent soul that was raped. If you are in need, why are you buying data plan to access Internet??? Is that your priority? Let good and compassionate people offer their help to others without asking for anything in return. This situation is NOT a funny one that you should ridicule. This is the life of an innocent fold that has not even started to see the world yet.

    3. Indeed it is greedy and useless people like you that are making naija a terrible place. All you can think about I'd contributing to your own needs. I am sure you are not the 5 year innocent soul that was raped. If you are in need, why are you buying data plan to access Internet??? Is that your priority? Let good and compassionate people offer their help to others without asking for anything in return. This situation is NOT a funny one that you should ridicule. This is the life of an innocent fold that has not even started to see the world yet.

    4. @Sandra Nwigwe Indeed it is greedy and useless people like you that are making naija a terrible place. All you can think about I'd contributing to your own needs. I am sure you are not the 5 year innocent soul that was raped. If you are in need, why are you buying data plan to access Internet??? Is that your priority? Let good and compassionate people offer their help to others without asking for anything in return. This situation is NOT a funny one that you should ridicule. This is the life of an innocent fold that has not even started to see the world yet.

  3. Poor child! Incompetent and parents and guardians and school teachers. Lord pls save all children around the world from such parents and pls protect them

  4. Tufiakwa....ndi-igbo na ego. This is why other tribes and races keep underrating us. The father that received that money is a sale out. Tufiakwa!!!

    1. Shai igbos and money

    2. @Delight not sure u know how to read. Did they tell u d father accepted d money or it was all an ACT to get them put it into writing so dey don't denied it. Not sure u read d last part before commenting

  5. This is soooo...
    I don't even know what to say.

  6. $30million will never make up for the damage caused. The poor victim is even being put on parade, name and all in Nigeria? The accused will suffer for the rest of his life. May God bless the child.

    1. The parents didn't collect any money,it was a planned deal wit barrister Emeka Ugwuonye of due process advocate to have enough proof n d pictures was take by them without d proprietress knowledge

  7. Every bad news come from Ibo people

    1. Are crazy for saying dat y pointing an accusing finger u tribalism dump brain

    2. Ms Essien, its people like you thats the problem with Nigeria

  8. What is DPA? Are they a NGO? Well done to them.

    1. Due process advocate, u can join them on Facebook

    2. NGO is non governmental organization.

  9. Lemmie yia any baskat come hia and say abokis are paedophiles.

  10. The woman Offering Money might not be bribery ,it may be for d treatment of d girl since her grand child was involved,don't destroy her yet,investigate further by asking the woman

    1. Imagine what a fellow Igbo man sly John is uttering? Big sighhh

    2. Dis you not read the letter saying to cover up the rap case. Mumu

    3. Mr John,even if you are too dumb to have made that comment of yours, are you also blind to read the agreement they made? Stop jumping to comment.

  11. Justice where are you!


    Daily Newspaper Headlines

  12. There is no point covering her face if you've shown her fathers now Linda, please cover bother parties. Poor child imagine you send your child to school and she comes back raped Hian hell hath no fury o

    1. Don't come here and expose your ignorance. She's a minor and you can't expose their faces nor mention their names in issues of such.

    2. Anon 8:20
      U are the ignorant one here.
      Why show us the father's face and hide the daughter's? When thru the father u can get/know the identity of the daughter.

  13. Chaiii...poverty is a bastard, abeg both the witness in that agreement should be arrested..

  14. Hungry no good.hungry fit make person do the Unimaginable.when e con follow ignorance na e be say the matter go wear trouser.
    What a pity.

  15. Wow.CCTV in Heaven and Hell is recording for day of Judgement! 100k for this despicable act?? Pls carry on and make sure they go the whole way in court! bastard infidel to have done this!

  16. What a mother and we all wonder why the society has turned out so bad in the last 10-15 years.
    They should slam a charge on her alongside her useless itchy dick son and shut down that hellhole she calls a school. Obviously the children there are not safe.

    1. Chinyere they are your people

    2. Anonymous dies that matter???? We should condemn the person not the tribe. This is why Nigeria can never move forward. Na wa ohhh.

  17. Linda so you hid names of the DPA operatives but didn't think it sensible to hide the name of the victim the little 5 year old girl . What if the community stigmatises her for the rest of her life ????!!! Please remove her name promptly and even the suspects name as it's an allegation .

    *** apologies to you if you didn't use their real names or used fake names for purpose of the report

  18. Confidence essien, if every bad news is attributed to the igbos then what do say about your backward calabar pple that kill innocent children on daily basis in the name of witchcraft. You are so daft.

    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  20. The kind of comments people put up is alarming, slamming each other cos of tribal differences. This case is more of a personality psychological disorder and not because of tribal or religious differences and you guyz already know how such cases in this country ends after all this hullabaluhoo...... It'll be over by tomorrow!

  21. chaiiiii wat a pity 4 dis young girl buh i blame her parents by collcting that money.infat 100k is too small!!infat can 100k bring back her virginity???? bro tk sence

  22. BLOOD MONEY! That child's innocence was bought with how much??? That child will be traumatized for the rest of her life. Yet her parents received N100,000 to keep quiet? OMA SE OH!
    God will forbid such a thing happening to me, AH! Gbogbo aiye loma gbo!

  23. No one has even said if the girl went to be checked if she is ok even just physically that there's no on going complications to her let alone what she emotionally will go through

  24. BLOOD MONEY! That child's innocence was bought with how much??? That child will be traumatized for the rest of her life. Yet her parents received N100,000 to keep quiet? OMA SE OH!
    God will forbid such a thing happening to me, AH! Gbogbo aiye loma gbo!

  25. Justice must prevail not poverty and wicked people...chai!igbo and money no hausa or yoruba will collect dat money its a curse! Big shame

    1. How did u manage to pass tru school? As in how did you pass exams without reading the questions????

      It must have been expo you used. Bcos if you read the article, you would have seen that it was all a plan to catch the criminals in the act.

  26. Why show the picture of the girl?? Why why? people in Awka read this blog. This will stigmatize her for life.

    No no, Linda you are wrong for this. Please remove her picture

  27. So daft indeed! Confidence Essien or what ever you call yourself, it is people like you that brings problems in this country. What the hell are u talking about? You are so stupid & foolish for saying that " every bad news is attributed to the Igbos" come to think of it, worse things happen in other tribes, both seen & unseen, so why say the rubbish about the igbos? Am very sure you were delivered from witchcraft, that is why you have the audacity to come here & rant. Please, leave the igbos alone & keep praying for your people that believes almost all the children in calabar are witches & wizards. Onye iberibe!!!

  28. U pppl should read d part dat said d girl's father accepted the money be cos he is working with d DPA and they needed evidence. So don't crucify d man. It's dat headmistress dat I can't believe her actions. What a mother.

  29. Don't you pple understand English, the lawyer is aware they offer money to the family through the family themselves, he needed evidence to nail those bastards, so the family has to play along.

    My prayer is that they jail those idiot, the women among them most pass through what that little girl pass through severally, they will never know peace forever. And the men, another man will rape them. And for contemplating bribing the family because they are poor, money will be their worst enemy for all of the, with their eye they see money but can never handle money again. I rest my case

  30. Her school should be closed down,cos the children there are not safe. Imagine covering up for the son,they can do anything. Justice must take its full course.

  31. The father didn't collect any money,it was a planned deal wit DPA operatives to have enough proof to prosecute d proprietress. D pictures were taken by them without d woman's knowledge.

  32. The headmistress & her son will die in jail

  33. She's not the first girl that bastard has raped, I'm sure he's been doing it and only just got caught.


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