5 terrorists armed with knives kill six and hurt 20 others with a van then went on a stabbing frenzy at nearby bars in London | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 4 June 2017

5 terrorists armed with knives kill six and hurt 20 others with a van then went on a stabbing frenzy at nearby bars in London

Five jihadi terrorists shouting 'this is for Allah' have reportedly killed six people and left about 20 people injured in a horrific rampage around two locations in central London. The men, described as being 'of Mediterranean origin', mowed down up to 20 people with a white van on London Bridge at 50mph on Saturday night. One of the casualties is reportedly a police officer. At least 20 people have been taken to six hospitals across London.

After mowing innocent people down, the jihadists then began 'randomly stabbing' people with 12-inch hunting knives in the nearby Borough Market area of bars and restaurants in what authorities described as terrorist incidents.
One man was reportedly stabbed five times in the chest, he has since been rushed to a nearby hospital.
Witnesses said the gang, with metal canisters strapped to their chests, smashed bar windows and cut the throats of drinkers.
Another witness said a 'dark-skinned' man in a red tracksuit 'calmly' stabbed a man three times.
 Armed police rushed to the scene where several shots were heard.

Authorities took to twitter to encourage Londoners to 'run, hide, tell' if they were caught in the 'utter chaos'.
Two suspects were shot dead by a marksman outside the Wheatsheaf pub in Borough Market and one was gunned down and believed to be killed, as the remaining two suspects are on the run.  50 armed police entered Monument station with police dogs and bystanders were told to run. Bank and Monument tube stations have been closed. There are also unconfirmed reports of gunfire on Southwark Street.
A terrorist with canisters strapped to his chest was shot by police by Wheatsheaf restuarant in Borough Market (pictured in the foreground). A witness said he was still alive. A second man, believed to be a terrorist, was pictured lying on the ground in the background.
This is the third terrorist attack in three months.


  1. Britain got messed up the moment they joined that Euro-trash and the place became overrun by the Pols and those other ones who believe in Virgins shaggging them silly once they kill on earth and then get killed and go to heaven - hell. Plus people don't come after me. Nowhere is safe anymore,

  2. London bridge is falling down. God have mercy. Sharumi

  3. yet you dumb ignoramuses malign Trump for his radical views against these animals. More will come unless we wage all out war on these animals. Scrutinize all muslims regularly, impose travel bans etc No measures are too much for these delusional demons

    1. @Uv dumb idiot this is London not Nigeria or America, hence trump's dirty voice shouldn't be heard and we don't ask for his dirty ideology. The same ideaology that drove this insane terrorist drives the orange man. In years to come it that idiot called trump isn't checked , me as a black person will be stabbed by a white imbecile. So shut you mothers mouth. Trump views are not welcomed in the world. Did you hear the fool call trump talk if a white man stabs someone. Please am black and detest trump.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This killing will continue... it will become a norm in London as it is in Germany already. Thanks to President Trump for trying his possible best to protect the American people from this ongoing Islamic terrorist attacks.

    1. Just shut up, this is not the time for Islamaphobia, all you religious bastards are all the same. You are all fucking terrorists and the world would be a better place without you and your death cults.

    2. It will not continue in Jesus Mighty Name Amen. Stop talking trash

    3. This Islamic problem. You and your moon god kill innocent people everyday and all you care about is islamaphobia? Every soon all the Islamic jihadis will go and meet prophet Muhammad (RIP) in the hottest part of hell.

    4. Its always muslims killing innocent souls during terror attack. What kind of religion is that. God does nt support killing. Those who dont know Jesus are lost.

    5. This type of religion that they fight for their god ....Na wa o.

  6. Open more borders for these unrepentant murderers for political correctness. Yea.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Yea Linda is a huge part of the problems now..she's either promoting anti Trump,promoting divorce & directly attacking d marriage institution,hyping bobrisky and other type BS...she's sick in d head

    2. Exactly!!! Bunch of ignorant fools.

    3. Don't insult Linda..you trash talking trash

    4. Anonymous at 06:23... God bless u for ds statement..I've noticed that linda has been doing her best to make donald trump look like a devil..she has NVR posted anything good about him, infact she's always happy to post negative things about him.. I wonder y

    5. Why u sayin bad about something you no nothing about???? Read about what Islam stands for.

    6. You said it all, Thank God you noticed how Linda ikeji is spreading hate against trump.

    7. You're the real demon, idiot. Big fool. Calling Linda a demon,did she beg you to come on her blog,animal. Sorry for you, illiterate.Cant you pass your hopeless comment without insulting her.Lunatic,see your bad English with which you are insulting someone. Everyone is talking,you are talking too.Senseless comment.

    8. Donald Trump does not need Linda "to make him look evil" he does that all by himself.

      Your ignorance does not need to be encouraged by Linda. Thank Osun, the mother Goddess that Linda is enlightened and using her light to expose darkness.

  8. Linda get your facts right, is 3 terrorists not 5, and all 3 were shot dead by the police.

    1. That Waffi babe4 June 2017 at 18:00

      Idiot! There were 5 terrorists, 2 escaped, 3 were killed. She did her research, you're the one giving misinformation.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Support Trump scrutinize these demons everywhere at all times

  11. The religion of blood suckers. And these bastards are supposed to be fasting? What kind of god demands blood from his worshippers? There is nothing holy about muslims and everyone who knows them should be very weary. Their hearts and minds are evil.


  13. Were are the stupid muslim that coment rubish concerning christains. Its time to say some thing

  14. It was three linda .. I know you are a blogger but still do some research .. you are always spreading the wrong information

    1. That Waffi babe4 June 2017 at 17:59

      Idiot! There were 5 terrorists, 2 escaped, 3 were killed. She did her research, you're the one giving misinformation.


  16. @anonymous 6.23am and you are a double demon! Linda is an Angel. U will die out of jealousy soon. Why hiding under annon. Show yourself your beast

  17. Lord have mercy. God help the injured to recover quickly. Amen

  18. If people keep misunderstanding what is written in a book to mean violence and also quote this book before beheading a fellow human being then something is definitely wrong with that book. Or have you ever heard someone shout 'In Jesus name' before detonating a bomb.

    1. You know nothing of history, Christians have done worse, the inquisition, the crusades, the wich hunts, colonisation through missionaries, the holocaust sanctioned by the Catholic church.

      Everyday we see pastors stealing, molesting and impregnatinh congregants, how women are killed over accusations of witchcraft, how many more people die, because Christians lie and claim they can heal people, whilst giving them water instead of sending them to doctors?

      Should I continue?

      Stupid illiterate.

    2. Christians have done a lot of evil and no one disputes that, the holocaust thing you said is a damn lie though. And why do you people always bring up what others did wrong instead of working to eradicate those parts of your religion that is taken up by a few to use to justify such acts? Christianity had a reformation and Islam needs the same.

  19. While condemning this kind of despicable act! their aim will only be achieved when majority of non muslims start displaying hatred towards the vast number of muslims that have nothing to do with this kind of Mentality!

  20. God bless Trump

  21. kai nawa
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  22. Not 5 terrörist is 3 they were shot dead on the scene. 7 people dead and 48 injured

  23. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10.

    Thank You Lord Jesus. You are the Saviour of the whole world.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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