"They call you beautiful but act differently when they see your scars" Burn survivor writes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 5 May 2017

"They call you beautiful but act differently when they see your scars" Burn survivor writes

A burn survivor, utbbae, took to Instagram earlier today to share her pain and challenges . In one of the photos posted, she wrote:
"They call you beautiful but when they see your scars, they start acting different"
 Read the full post after the cut.


  1. okay. it is only normal for people to act strange when they see something different that is why.
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  2. Who's she referring to?!🙄🤔

    1. You're just soo bitter!! can't u be sympathetic for once?? u think it's all fun sounding like a piece of crap all the time?? Just wait till u have a life changing experience like that ☝️️, then you'll ve a comprehensive understanding of what the word 'Cruel' means!! Keep at it and am glad you're not too ignorant on how Karma works. Like seriously, your stupidity can break a scale cause it can't be measured.

  3. UTBBAE I guess the scars are not too old. It'll feel less painful & itchy with time, I know, I am a burn victim myself. About the stares and comments, the'll bother you less also with time.I used to play basket ball a lot and it was largely exposed whenever I put on my jersey being that mine was largely on my arm and back but I got less bothered and went on to do my thing. I am a man and I know it must be more difficult for you being a woman but take solace in the simple fact that every difficult situation will always get better. CHEERS.

  4. That means so many men have bedded her to have discovered the scars. She sounds so desperate to have a man.....Pathetic

  5. My dear be grateful to God that you are alive. Be strong just believe that you will meet your best friend soon, a man who will see beyond your scars. Be bold and have confidence in yourself, and believe that you are beautiful. I know it's not easy but you can choose to be happy.

  6. okay this is my picture and i was just recently linked to your blog. you have no right posting about me this way. and i haven't slept with anyone i'm a proud virgin, and i'm not referring to a specific person. i'm referring to those who have called me beautiful in a conversation, but when they saw my scars they started to act in a disgusting manner. sort of like what you are all doing right now. i can't believe you have nothing better to do with your time than to make up lies and read gossip that isn't true. smh. delete my pictures off of this blog.

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