South African woman narrates how her Nigerian husband has been battering her for years! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 13 May 2017

South African woman narrates how her Nigerian husband has been battering her for years!

A South African woman named Nonhle Mamthembu Nweke, took her her instagram account to expose her Nigerian husband who she said has been battering her for years.
"I didn’t want to publicize this but this is beyond my control. iIcant even go to the shop without fearing that a man I once called my husband could come and kill me and leave me by the street to be eaten by dogsHe cheated multiple times i forgave that……all throughout the years he beat me up even while pregnant with his own children …..GUESS WHAT I FORGAVE HIM FOR THAT TOO.
He stole from me, from my family LOL HE EVEN stole the ring he bought me and pawned it IN FACT HE PAWNED EVERYTHING WE OWNED EVEN A CAR FOR R5000 ……i still forgave him.even when his girlfriend sent me unclad pics of them in bed and harassed me i still forgave that.AM I NOT HUMAN?????DON’T I HAVE A BREAKING POINT??? STAY FOR THE KIDS SAKE THEY SAY!!!!!! UNTIL I’M DEAD???? i moved out and stayed alone with my kids i cant even go to the shop without fearing that the will come and attack me.
APPARENTLY in their culture there’s nothing like divorce, well in my culture there’s nothing like domestic violence……… YEAH IM SNAPPING COZ I’VE HAD ENOUGH….this morning i locked the flat went down and come out of the gate no knowing he now knows where i stay GUESS wgat he attacked me again and i’m bleeding once again..AS USUAL. HE took my bag took my phones and slapped me….his last words I WILL DISTURB YOU TILL U DIE NO ONE LEAVES ME AND GETS TO MOVE ON IN PEACE………well even while still married to him i never did find peace,but he wouldn’t know coz he spent most of his nights out with friends, even christmas days were for him and his s***S ……
IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO ME ,AT LEAST YOU ALL KNOW NOW…….my kids will grow up without a mother,,,,,and yeah i did try the police and got zero help from there i guess it true what people say the police only act when there’s a dead body. I guess SOON MY FAMILY WILL BE UPLOADING FUNERAL#NONHLE’SFUNERAL.


  1. Madam keep staying you hear.

    1. Didn't u read where she said she has moved out ?

    2. Domestic violence is becoming too prevalent nowadays

      Afrocandy caught on camera giving blow job to 90 year old man

      What's wrong with our men?

    3. Domestic violence is not becoming more prevalent; it has always been there. Some brave women broke the norm and spoke out to the chagrin of a pretentious society. Celebrities joined in. Social media has been a big help. More women should speak up if they are victims...and men too who are.

  2. Speaking out is the best thing, at least, you can no longer die in silent..

  3. all of a sudden, women are now reporting their cases of

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    no woman has to put up with a man that beats her up as if she was a punching bag.

  4. Na wa oooo everyone is been abused! For year he battered u ... u still still down ba?

    1. Fear and pressure, especially when you've been brainwashed to believe it is acceptable for you to be abused.

      The moment you allow it to happen once and you have nowhere to turn to, after others have told you to stay and work it out, all that is left is either to suffer in silence, end up in a body bag or run away.

      Ladies, please! Your life has value, you owe no one any explanation, and your life will go on, there is no shame in being brave enough to take back your life.

  5. Joyous babe, Linda Ikeji FIrst Cousin13 May 2017 at 21:05

    OMG! What is that thing on her head? Madam pls involved sm human rights activist,and run for ur life,sm men are beast.

  6. Joyous babe, Linda Ikeji FIrst Cousin13 May 2017 at 21:05

    OMG! What is that thing on her head? Madam pls involved sm human rights activist,and run for ur life,sm men are beast.

  7. Keep praying to God to change him and you should learn to summit yourself and beside your manner of approachment matter most.

    1. Yours is the worst kind of idiocy!

  8. You need to fight back,break a bottle on his head. That is the only time fear will make him leave you alone.WTF

  9. I admit this is not right but still I wouldn't judge. I'm currently in a relationship who have experienced domestic voilence and now I can say you don't have to judge without hearing from him too.

    I've never and will never raise my hands on a woman but I can tell that this girl I'm dating wants all this kind of man and not a gentle man like me. I've been instigated to misbehave several times but I will rather walk away instead.

  10. Domestic violence is becoming too prevalent nowadays

    Afrocandy caught on camera giving blow job to 90 year old man

    What's wrong with our men?

  11. This is too much nah!!! She took too much from the start, so now he sees it, as his right. Keep screaming this, go on TV if possible. Draw pples attention to what's going on, don't stop. Talk to any, nd everybody you think can help. Speak out, so he backs of. Horror stories.


  13. So so sad.
    I'm so sick of this domestic violence shut.

  14. So so sad.
    I'm so sick of this domestic violence shit.

  15. I called him Monster,Even at eight months pregnancy mine beats.His mother even said women don't leave their marriage bc their hubby beats yet she ran from the husband's house to her fathers house.Most of the Beast are up bringing.Like father like son.Madam,relocate with your kids so that they will not grow to be like him thinking that's what every man does. God will definitely provide for you.

  16. Madam, Move on with your life fast assuming him dead.In this, life you reap what you sow.God is not a man.

  17. Why not report him to SA or Nigeria police as the case maybe let them take necessary action against him before it's too late.

  18. She should leave the country, seek asylum with her kids in another one. Leave the city move to a village. Your kids deserve to grow with their mother. Run. This is why the first world has shelters for abused women that offers them protection and anonymity.. Africa should start the same. An underground network..

  19. Hmmmmmm Nawa oooo.wife battering everywhere.make una stop ooo

  20. Now I'm scared of getting married

  21. Abusive men are on the increase. My sister got her portion last night when the husband came back from a friend wedding. They stay at onitsha


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