Emmanuel Macron swerves Donald Trump to hug Angela Merkel instead...lol (video) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 27 May 2017

Emmanuel Macron swerves Donald Trump to hug Angela Merkel instead...lol (video)

Looks like Donald Trump is acting superior around Nato leaders at the Nato summit in Brussels and France president Emmanuel Macron wasn't here for him. In a new video shared online, the 39 year old newly elected president appeared to dodge Trump and walked to embrace German Chancellor Angela Merkel instead.

While walking towards the group of world leaders, it first appeared like he was heading straight to Trump, whose hand was outstretched but Macron swerved and went to Merkel and then shakes hands with other leaders before shaking Trump. I don't think Macron likes Trump. Lol. Watch video below..


  1. Replies
    1. Nothing to do week ladies first, Trump is due no respect. He insulted NATO, he's insulted Merkel, he even pushed a prime minister out of the way, to be in a picture.

      The man is an invalid, and a disgrace. He.is supposed to be the leader of the free world, not just the president of the USA.

      He is nothing but am uncivilised buffoon, and Linda has a responsibility to keep us all informed.

      The only news outlet to support Dullard Trump is Fox and they're on their way down. His son in law Jared Kushner is under investigation, for dodgy dealings with Russia, and Dullard is under investigation for obstructing investigations and abuse of power.

      He will be impeached.

    2. Forgive him Trump,he's just a small boy married to an old woman

    3. Forgive him Trump,he's just a small boy married to an old woman

    4. Trump is superior of course

  2. Linda, u ve now officially join CNN in the propaganda against Trump. This act of misinterpreting simple gestures suggest the fact that Trump is really going to win over and over again. There is no stoping him.

    1. And u are? Nobody so sit & be......... Complete am

    2. Nothing to do week ladies first, Trump is due no respect. He insulted NATO, he's insulted Merkel, he even pushed a prime minister out of the way, to be in a picture.

      The man is an invalid, and a disgrace. He.is supposed to be the leader of the free world, not just the president of the USA.

      He is nothing but am uncivilised buffoon, and Linda has a responsibility to keep us all informed.

      The only news outlet to support Dullard Trump is Fox and they're on their way down. His son in law Jared Kushner is under investigation, for dodgy dealings with Russia, and Dullard is under investigation for obstructing investigations and abuse of power.

      He will be impeached.

    3. No mind am nothing like dat he did no such to trump. Courtesy demands he greets d only lady in d group first

    4. Get over the Hilary loss Linda. Trump is here to stay

    5. Don't mind Linda. She's blinded by hate. Up Trump!!!

    6. I like trump anyway anytime! I didn't see anytn wrong Biko!

    7. dnt mind linda

  3. Ladies first, he is a gentleman. I did not see anything wrong.

    1. Exactly,he went to her first because she's a lady. He's a real gentleman

    2. sincerely see nothing wrong here

  4. Linda it's called Ladies first

  5. Linda he did the right thing it's Ladies first

  6. I didn't see any hatred here o, he hugged the only female there, Linda e be like sey your hatred for trump pass your love for feminism sha

  7. Thats a lesson in how to treat women.

  8. Like someone that more or less supported Marine? I don't see that happening!

  9. Like someone that more or less supported Marine? I don't see that happening!

  10. Linda if you covered the way our Nigerian politicians are looting Nigeria dry as much as you cover negative stories of President Donald Trump, Nigeria would be a better place! The man is a president and no amount of your hate would change that. For Gods sake your readers are tired of your constant Trump this Trump that stories, makes you look extremely biased...You hate the man we have heard, You as a media person should know better, the media should always be in the middle not lean towards anyone

    1. what more can anyone say....kudos

    2. There are enough news outlets covering Nigerian and local news. If you can't browse online, then get a radio. Stop disturbing us, you think Linda cares what the fuck you think.

  11. Linda its simple courtesy.. ladies first!

    1. Ladies first? For a handshake and a hug? Lol, seriously, move along.

  12. Linda, post the video of VP osinbanjo, ADB president akinwumi adesina stopping Trump for a photo at the G7. You wont see that one. It s only nonsense you will be posting here. The video is on youtube

  13. Nevertheless, that does not take anything, they are all great men destined to rule the World. Congrats to them.

  14. Lolz...French don't joke with 'Femmes d'abord'- Ladies first courtesy

  15. Fool. Instead of you to report on issues concerning your corrupt government, you are here following an already made Man from a well developed country anyhow. what stopped you from reporting the latest ish about the health of your dead President? Every time, Donald Trump that, Donald Trump this. Trump did this, Trump did that. Failed copy and failed blogger. 'I must report what the western media are reporting blogger' face your underdeveloped country and leave already developed countries alone. You have been reporting almost all the developing stories on the Manchester bombing that took place on Monday. Tell me, TMZ, Mediatakeout and Dailymail wanna be blogger, how many boko haram well detailed cases can you report like that? You call yourself so-called most popular African blogger but you still look amateur in your profession. If the amateurs are the most popular bloggers in Africa and most paid in Nigeria, then Africa/Nigeria Journalism is wack. Talk more about your country, her ecnomic, celebrities, etc than other countries. How many times have you seen the white press reporting about your country/economic/football/celebrities the way you do? Promote the voice of your country and leave others to do so for their countries. What a shame that your copy and paste habit has gotten even to the point you copy (from foreign websites) and paste (on your blog) things that are happening in your own country (Chibok girls ish for example). SHAME! If you like post my comment or not. Thank God, you've already read it. Change your ways ASAP!

  16. I don't like this blog because I think Linda is a highly biased bitch who promotes sins and have a way of painting those she doesn't Fansy personally black while always praising the ones she like irrespective of their short comings!
    For Linda is money as usual: she just worships money !
    She has no standards!
    Copys and paste every rubbish corrupting our youths and normalising sins.
    This blog sucks
    Not my spec
    For most of them : I just jump, never bothered to read as I don't want my mind to be polluted!
    I will never allow my children to read this blog : not a good example!
    Her money to me is ill gotten
    First and only comment

  17. Trump your average kid,lol!!!always want to have the last say

    1. Like he had to pat the guy on the shoulder repeatedly to show 'superiority.' And pls all those calling this a 'ladies first' incident should be more discerning. Look at the body language of both parties and the people present after it happened. This was a clear case of showing discontent, or even worse contempt for a particular person.

  18. there's no news here,he unarguably did the right thing,exchanging pleasantries 1st wt d woman amongst men

  19. Stop unnecessary mischief making. Linda as a woman you ought to understand simple protocol. Greet the lady first. And that's what Macromedia did

  20. Linda this Trump guy will still ask for ur hand in marriage as second wife. Make we come see wetin u go do.

  21. That is our problem.we have more intractable problems here in Nigeria not beamed at. please come back home so we know what we are in to and think of the possible "solution" Linda.f

  22. Linda is not here for Trump at all. Lol

  23. No Linda. He did ladies first.

  24. My dear Linda, you know I love you. Please cover more of the looting going on in Nigeria! Where is Buhari for example??!!

  25. That's no surprise Marcon is into cougars.

  26. OK....

    Neeyo Linda Ikeji Birth Mate

  27. I think Linda Ikeji is just a fool.

  28. Linda what's Ur own with Trump. Ur post abt him is distasteful

  29. No guys. This is not simple courtesy because he saw where she is when coming towards them . It was well planned and acted out. Guess Trump will do him back. That guy na bully

  30. Donald Trump is the most powerful president in the world. In the event of a world War, those European leaders including France would rely on America for their survival, Pls check history. Any European leader that dishonours Donald Trump is making a big mistake.

  31. Can't see anything wrong here. You have to greet or hug ladies first then others follows

  32. Deep, Emmanuel Macron my new beau.

  33. Linda grow up there nothing wrong with what marcon did , i am simply disappointed you could add such a sh*t article to your blog

  34. And so bloody what
    Pls leave Trump alone. Trump and Macron even had a press conference. The 2 men have a good rapure even though they are just meeting for the first time. Trump always likes a winner

  35. You are now embarrassing your self like CNN. The most biase new channel

  36. Linda you are trying too hard to make us hate Trump but it's not gonna work he remains the authentic choice and Gods chosen one. Do you work for CNN?

  37. Donald Trump is the most powerful president in the world. In the event of a world War, those European leaders including France would rely on America for their survival. Any European

    want to get a bigger manhood? ckeck this website now.

    leader that dishonours Donald Trump is making a big mistake.

  38. Madam Linda, you dey read the comment section so? Everyone here understands that Macron did what a gentleman should do but since Trump's victory is too hard for you to swallow, you are the only one not seeing it.

  39. Ladies first, they say. So whete did Marcon go wrong ?

  40. I was impressed with how Trump handled it with the smirk and also smiling with the firm handshake and tap on Macron's arms....It was obvious Macron decided to shake hands last with Trump after greeting everyone else.

    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  42. Kk mark better have ur own blog abeg.main market Amaro na ofu onye abiaro afia.bye bye.ka omesia ezigbo mmadu.

  43. If you check properly you will see that it's mostly abominable people that hate Trump. So no wonder Linda Ikeji does.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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