Video: Dino Melaye refuses to answer question about his graduation from Harvard  | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 2 April 2017

Video: Dino Melaye refuses to answer question about his graduation from Harvard 

Senator Dino Melaye, during a live interview on Channels Television today declined to answer whether he graduated from Harvard University or not. Dino who had claimed that he earned degrees from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts and London School of Economics (LSE) in London, refused to answer the question during an interview on Channels Television telling the presenter that he did not want to be ridiculed.
Watch the interview and how he evaded the question below...


  1. Oga no get certificate jare

    ... Merited happiness

  2. He obviously didn't, cos if he did, he'll be proud to say that

  3. He never attended Havard. Sowowe through Sahara reporters confirmed it directly from Havard that he was never a student. Dino Melaye's whole political career is based on lies. (get a bigger penis @

  4. An idiot deciding the fate of Nigerians.

  5. I'm proud to be an okun man, if you checked the history, my people are well educated from time before independent. I'm still imagine how this man defeated Mr, Smart Adeyemi. Former chairman of NBA in an election. Look at how people call my senator clown. This is an insult to both Okun, Bede and lokoja.

  6. U are already ridiculed bloody Liar...
    Why would he lie he earned a degree the b4..
    It will forever hunt U..

  7. Honestly this man is just a dumm ass. what they asked him is different from what his answering. Who told him NIGERIANS are proud of the so-called senate? I thought he was to appear in court at NYC with the case he filed over SRP? For you to know is just a lairs and is not confident in what is saying, he should have defend himself on air. Idiot... una days are numbers.

  8. Dino melaye is a no nonsene person , he is the embodiment of a poltical god...lots of people are trying to ridicule him but he is standing strong as ever .if you look at dino melaye he is someone most nigerians should learn from . From a humble background he rose to the top and he is still rising . Dino melaye should not be criticized but praised for his sagaicity . How many senators have openely criticized the wrong doings of the present administration? Dino more grace to your elbows

    1. Anonymous of the ROOTs, at least help your children, save them from slavery.

    2. Anonymous of the ROOTs, at least help your children, save them from slavery.

    3. Ode buruku dey talk.

    4. I hope you and your kids do whatever nonsense he had to do to get to power. There is life or damnation after death depending on how you lived on earth. MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING.

  9. hahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahahahhahahhahha

    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  10. I don't comment here but I was moved by this man's bullshit. What a liar. You went for a certificate training and not a degree. You don't put that on your resume as an alumni. Those of us who went to Ivy league Schools pay over $74,000 for single years. You paid $5,000 for a training and you are an alumni? My gosh, Nigerians are truly gullible if they believe your hot air.

  11. Senator senator... I like him as a senator no matter what. Although you lie for this one sha but carry on sir!

  12. He's a Shameless He goat and so bold with his lies too..
    Gosh.. I detest these inglorious Bastard can't even keep up with his Lies and ge thinks Nigerians are gullible..
    Oya go Newyork go lay ur complain abt Sowore ..
    With his Bragging like a He goat. .

  13. Even his American accent is fake...

  14. Dino melaye is my coursemate while in school back in those days.... Abu and Harvard.

    For more info.. Reach me on

  15. Let God be the judge. Nothing last forever.

  16. Hahahaha. Bros no go any Harvard abeg.

  17. Kai! See him fidgetting. Channel death with him ooo. Of course he does not have any Harvard degree.

  18. Well said @ Anon.10:34

  19. Fucked dude called senator Dino

  20. Truth is very far from this guy

  21. I say d word truth no anywhere near this man

  22. Nigeria is led mostly by criminals and stupid people like melaye. This is why that country is far from where it supposed to be.

  23. Nobody is perfect. Dino is a very courageous man and many corrupt thieves will do their utmost to pull him down. They won't succeed. His fight is on behalf of the common man. He attended a course at Harvard. That's not in dispute. He doesn't have Harvard degrees but he must have a certificate from the programme he attended, bearing the impress of Harvard. Leave Dino alone.


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