President Muhammadu Buhari, What Expectations Have You Fulfilled in 2 Years? By Reno Omokri | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 16 April 2017

President Muhammadu Buhari, What Expectations Have You Fulfilled in 2 Years? By Reno Omokri

As shared by Reno Omokri on Facebook


Anonymous said...

Funny how Jonathan is just sitting in one corner forming innocent yet sending this idiot called Reno mumu message.Jonathan is probably the most thieving president Nigeria has ever can you sell something worth $500b for $1b and think it won't catch up with you?

Anonymous said...

Based on Logistics Linda, none. Naija use your kidney now . Apc is no good

Anonymous said...

A fool at 40! what expectation do you expect when your hero of corruption said that no government can fix Nigeria in one year.

Oskirin said...

Wailer are dey: Security.corruption.transparent in governance.odas to folo suits.oya begin look for anoda tin to say.

Unknown said...

The sick old man has accomplished nothing, always creating distractions everywhere to divert our attention away from him..

Unknown said...

Reno, you have been hatred indoctrinated .Only God can clean your blind heart ,Pls kindly remove pastor from you title your bitterness is second to none . Move on the 2015 election is gone another one would still come in 2019.

Anonymous said...

Ride Reno. Buhari is the biggest joke of the century. Ewu awusa nwuru anwu

Unknown said...

Expectations fulfilled in two years:
1. Boko haram which terrorised Nigeria under your helpless and corrupt hero, Jonathan has been tackled head on and decimated by Buhari. Though they still try to commit minimal havoc, they've been largely degraded. If not for Buhari, by now the evil group would spread to Abuja and even down south with the fare devil acts, while the Jonathan government will continue to loot the treasury in the name of fighting boko haram. 2. The anti corruption war has recorded considerable success, and all the billions of dollars stollen from our treasury by your mock hero and his conniving family and friends are being recovered on a daily basis. 3. Since 2012 all contractors handling federal road projects abandoned sites because the Jonathan regime owed them about 2.5 trillions naira debt, even when Nigeria was earning huge revenue from crude oil, Buhari has remobilised them to site. So, in the midst of recession, virtually all federal roads in Nigeria are being rehabilitated. 5. Under the Jonathan regime, so many states couldn't even pay salaries for many months due to mindless corruption and treasury looting of the Jonathan regime. Now, even in recession, Buhari is assisting states to pay salaries by giving them bail outs.. A first by any Nigerian president. 6. Buhari has taken steps to diversify Nigeria's economy and move away from sole dependence on the mono product, oil, to agriculture and solid mineral. In the first farming season of the "agric revolution'', Lagos and Kebbi states came out with Lake rice.Many more states and individuals have keyed into the agric revolution.
I can go on and on. Now, these are very tangible and visible achievements that are audible to the deaf and visible to the blind. They are easily verifiable. I don't want to delve into other huge achievements in areas of diplomacy and other intangibles because Omokri lacks the mental and intellectual capacity to comprehend those. Now, miss Ikeji, ask your bosom friend, Reno Omokri to mention one tangible achievement of his master and the ultimate mock-hero, Goodluck Jonathan, in his close to six year's reign, apart from democratising corruption and corrupting democracy. Facts are sacred.

Unknown said...

Reno,are you not tired of posting all this your disgusting comments against Buhari,you spent five Yeats with that Empty Jonathan without achieving Anything,not even in Bayelsa state....please,let him be ok,He became the president because of mediocres like you who sorrounded GEJ...

Anonymous said...

Wow, well said @Reno. I can guarantee you that the government is currently looking for any possible dirt on you. Keep it up #ISTANDWITHRENO
If Jagaban, Fashola, Amechi can and are walking freely then it's a big shame. Where did Amechi get funds to finance your campaign? Now his name has been mentioned in the IKOYI DRAMA, they say money is for Nia. Homeland knowing where CIA stash is or FBI, you lots need to wake up seriously. We as Nigerians need to pray against war in our land.

FRESH said...

Reno Omokri, my one expectation met is that our national treasury is not being shared by PDP contractors/politicians.

Anonymous said...

MUMU, he turn down the vanguard paper, Olodo.

Unknown said...

And amaechi name is being mentioned by who? Ffk and wike? Are those ones sane?

franco said...

"President Muhammadu Buhari said yesterday that in the almost two years of his administration, he has worked hard to meet the expectations of Nigerians"

The above quote is taken from the Vanguard newspapers as quoted by Reno all intents and purposes, Mr Omokri, it appears you lack good knowledge of English language....President Buhari has not said he met the expectations of Nigerians, but "has worked hard to meet the expectations of Nigerians" He is still working hard to fulfill all his electoral promises. The key words here are "has worked hard" His fight against corruption is excellent and second to none in the history of the country..74 billion naira recovered from thieves like youself within four months. Pls note the fight against corruption is directed against all looters of Nigeria treasury irrespective of party affiliations. The fight against insurgency is as good as won..all the local govts hitherto occupied by the dreaded boko haram sect have been liberated...the economy is beginning to take shape having been battered/looted by your fellow party members for make reference to Forex. Note, the era of the govt funding bureau de change outlets which are largely owned by your principals with our commonwealth is country in the world funds bureau de change outlets...this is part of the corruption your PDP govt planted...Mr Omokri, pls come live in Nigeria to express your one is after your life because you are nobody.....all what we are saying is things must should not be business as usual...I still remember the situation in Britain when the conservative party took over from the labour revitalise the economy the conservative govt took some drastic and draconian actions....benefits were slashed, people lost their jobs in millions, companies and industries relocated from Britain, housing market crashed, inflation rose, the country was in recession for couple of quarters. Now things have beginning to take shape....that is what is called change...Mr Omokri...your PDP govt and Havard trained finance minister succeeded in deceiving Nigeria for so long with fake and fallacious economy figures even though it was obvious that the economy had nose-dived, whilst they were busy looting the treasury. Pls tell me the relevance of your role as a special adviser on social media to the president when at the same time there were several advisers to the president on media publications....You were recruited and paid fat salaries for years by the government...what a waste of public funds! Mr as much as you are entitle to your opinion, pls allow this govt to work for the good of all

Anonymous said...

Buhari and APC have achieved nothing in 2 years but poverty, insecurity and mass suicides. They cover their inefficiency by revealing fake money up and down to deceive Nigerians into believing that they are "working" or they are fighting corruption. My people I ask you is "fighting corruption" an alternative for governance? No. Give us roads, railway lines, light, security, healthcare, jobs etc not anti corruption

Unknown said...

shut up Mr man
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

peterpan said...

If all u idiots on this platform where staying in bornu I'm sure u would not be saying this rubbish. Yes the economy is bad, but if not for Buhari intervention in the boko haram insurgency I'm sure they would have gotten to all parts of the country. The current situation we find ourselves is because Jonathan and his cohorts where busy sharing our resources between themselves. Buhari has better plans for this country Than the anini with a phd.

Anonymous said...

Please shut up! Here is one fact, dispute it if you can you blind Buharists!

Now, under Buhari, 27 states got N338 billion as bailout between August and September, 2015 to offset arrears of workers’ salaries. What did they do with it? Many of them failed to use the money for what it was meant for. Instead, they looted the billions of naira again. Then the first tranche of N522 billion Paris Club refund was shared. What did they also do with it? Many of the governors once again pocketed a large chunk of it, while others appropriated it to advance their political ambitions in 2019. And these governors from hell are already salivating and waiting for the second tranche.

Anonymous said...

At least you should respect a man that defeated your looter boss clearing his corrupt mess gradually with a better accountable leadership,not our ex Mr & Mrs Gej Fraudsters.

Anonymous said...

Any body that is critising reno is a fool. God will soon punish you and your buhari soon. Idiots

Agbomen said...

Reno is a joke. Inspite of all the treasury looting by criminals in the GEJ regime, that are being exposed daily, he still finds it necessary to shamelessly point fingers. Thankfully a lot has already been said by some right thinking individuals on dis platform, so no need to belabour the issue. We are not there yet, nd it will take awhile to fix what ur principal nd all his cohorts broke. The damage was too grave, nd there are no quick fixes to the problems of the Nigerian state. Reno wants to stay relevant by all means. He said yesterday it wasn't a sour grapes, but truth be told, it is sour is!

Anonymous said...

Someone told me that APC has some internet warriors to counter any discerning mind in any blog or Facebook page and I doubted it, but events in recent times have proved my friend right. It is also evident here. See the truth Reno is saying here, yet those internet warriors are all over this blog, writing nonsense. Can u imagine. No wonder there's no hope in Nigeria, no hope whatsoever! God bless you, Reno for being fearless before your enemies.

Anonymous said...

Reno is do unpopular he'll pass for a tax collector

Linus said...


Unknown said...

Buhari achieved nothing, except corruption. Meanwhile, he's d father of corruption

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