How Two Kano Governors Exposed the Electoral Fraud of 2015 - By Reno Omokri | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 15 April 2017

How Two Kano Governors Exposed the Electoral Fraud of 2015 - By Reno Omokri

Read his piece below
Two Governors of Kano state have inadvertently exposed the smoking gun proving that contrary to the Electoral Act, No.6 of 2010 (as amended), foreigners were illegally used to win elections in Kano and other states. 
On April 13 2015, then Kano Governor, Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso (now the APC Senator representing Kano Central), speaking live to Channels TV (he cannot claim to have been misquoted in a live video) said, 'Almajiri votes were used to kick Jonathan out of the villa.' 

Fast forward to April 7 2017 and the current Governor of Kano, Abdullahi Ganduje, while speaking at the Kaduna Investment Summit said "In Kano, we undertook a survey and we found out that we have more than three million ‘almajiris’ and ‘almajiri’ syndrome is one of the serious problems that we have in the North West geopolitical zone. What we discovered from our survey is that many of these ‘almajiris’ come from Niger Republic, some from Chad, northern Cameroon ". 

If according to Kwankwaso, Almajiris were used to win the 2015 elections and if according to Ganduje, most of them are foreigners, it means non Nigerians decided the 2015 elections. This is particularly crucial considering that President Muhammadu Buhari got his highest votes from Kano, Kaduna and Katsina in that order and these are the three states also in that order with the highest number of almajiri!

This is not sour grapes. I am satisfied that the Jonathan era came to an end on May 29, 2015. I have moved on. I run my own business that provides me more income than the salaries of President Muhammadu Buhari's aides. I cannot be more Catholic than a pope who admitted his defeat. This is not about the past, but about the future.

In a post mortem of the 2015 elections it was established that the candidate of the All Progressive Congress, Muhammadu Buhari, won the presidency on the strength of votes from Kano, Katsina, Jigawa and Kaduna which gave him the edge over the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. 
At the end of the day Buhari polled 15,424,921 to Dr. Jonathan's 12,853,162 votes, defeating the incumbent by about 2,571,759 votes.
In Kano state, the APC candidate polled a total of 1,903,999 votes to the PDP candidates 215,779, a difference of 1,688,220. 
In Katsina state, the APC candidate polled a total of 1,345,441 votes to the PDP candidates 98,937, a difference of 1,246,504. 
In Kaduna state, the APC candidate polled a total of 1,127,760 votes to the PDP candidates 484,085, a difference of 643,675. 

In Jigawa state, the APC candidate polled a total of 885,988 votes to the PDP candidates 142,904, a difference of 743,084. 
These four states gave the candidate of the APC a total advantage of 4,321,483 votes over the candidate of the PDP.
Now ask yourself how many of those votes belonged to the foreign almajiri the Governor of Kano confessed to?

Imagine the portends for Nigeria's national security if foreign nationals determine our elections. What about our census figures? What about our National Identity Card Scheme? What about social security?

To put things in perspective, the biggest political issue in the United States today is Russia's alleged influence in the 2016 US Presidential elections in favour of President Donald Trump. Though I do not believe the allegations, the mere suspicion that a foreign and hostile nation may have played a role in swaying the minds of the electorate has given rise to a congressional investigation and dominated the mainstream media.

No nation can claim to be independent if foreigners can influence her choice of leaders which also influences her destiny.

By most reasonable estimates, including figures from the Federal Government itself, there are anywhere from 10 to 12 million almajiri in Northern Nigeria. 

For those who do not know what an almajiri is, they are itinerant Islamic scholars under the care of a Malam who teaches them Islamic studies and in return they support the Malam by begging, foraging or by doing odd jobs. In essence, they are the Northern equivalent of the apprenticeship system widely practiced in Southern Nigeria with the one exception that upon finishing their servitude, the Malam does not set them up in business like the apprentice's master is expected to do.

Almajiri are scattered all over Northern Nigeria and if you have not seen them, you need to take a trip up North. There are literally hordes of them in most major Northern cities. Children, youths and adolescents left to their own devices when they are not with their teacher/Malam. 

They are vulnerable to the weather and to unscrupulous adults who have often times used them for their own devices. They are often hungry and of course that means that they are often angry. It is very hard to trace their origins because many a times they have lost contact with their parents and extended family.

Indeed, it is easy to agree with Governor Abdullahi Ganduje that many of them are foreigners because our borders are porous, the language spoken around the regions of Niger, Chad and Northern Cameroon is Hausa and the economy of Kano and other major Northern cities attracts immigrants from the poorer areas of those countries.

This is one of the reasons why Northern Nigeria is far more volatile than Southern Nigeria. Because as these almajiri grow up and are unable or unwilling to go back home and are unable or unwilling to find work to support themselves in Northern Nigeria they will become idle and hungry, which is a perfect condition to ignite ethnic, religious and sectarian strife.

Before I go further, I urge my readers to take in the words of no less a person than the Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II, coincidentally made a week after the comment by the Governor of Kano. 

Emir Sanusi said:

"The majority of technicians in Kano are from the South while untrained indigenes beg. How does that make sense?"

So now, we have foreigners, according to the statements made by the two Kano governors, living as almajiri in Nigeria, voting in Nigeria and quite possibly partaking in the many ethnic, religious and sectarian strife that have engulfed Northern Nigeria at various times.

That is the problem. The question is this: What is the Federal Government doing about this? From my investigation, nothing.

The last time the Federal Government of Nigeria intervened in the life of these almajiri was between 2010 to 2015 when the Jonathan administration set out to build 400 almajiri schools complete with Malam's quarters, laboratories and classrooms to enable Northern Nigeria's almajiris get not just Islamic education, but also Western education and do so under conducive conditions. Eventually, that government succeeded in finishing 165 of such schools.  

Ironically, it was the same administration that was trying to help them that they were used to vote out, according to the testimony of Kwankwaso.

What efforts are being made to secure our borders? What efforts are being made to discourage trafficking of children without their parents by persons who want to profit from them through begging or other means? That is not even the worst case scenario.

Imagine that some of these foreign almajiri join our military, police and paramilitary institutions. Who is to stop them? Nigeria does not rely on or have a reliable citizenship database. Anybody who can speak perfect Hausa can claim to be from most states in Northern Nigeria.

What is to prevent foreign born almajiri of non Nigerian parentage from running for office from the local government level to the highest levels in Nigeria? 

In the light of this, it is not impossible and it is even likely that a foreigner could conceivably become President of Nigeria. If a foreigner becomes President of Nigeria, he is not likely to govern with love for Nigerians and may even govern in the lines of a conqueror.

In fact, looking back to some of our most brutal military dictators and their physical features and the strong similarities of their names with names from Niger Republic especially and also Chad and to a lesser extent Northern Cameroon, you and I cannot really swear that a foreigner has not ruled Nigeria in the past!

I will give you an example. Between 1996 and 1999, the President of Niger Republic was a man called Ibrahim Mainassara. That name is almost indistinguishable from a name many Nigerians bare. I have a friend from my youth named Mainassara.

Now it does not stop there. Ibrahim Mainasara, the late President of Niger, was from Dogondoutchi. That word Dogondoutchi is the francophone version of the Hausa word Dogon dutse, meaning high hill (dogon means tall, big, long, or high) (dutse means rock, stone, hill). 

You can imagine how easy it is for a Nigerien to pass for a Nigerian and vice verse. In fact, there was a very strong belief in Niger Republic during Mainasara's regime that he was a Nigerian from Argungu in Kebbi state.

Some of us may remember the Maitatsine disturbances that led to tens of thousands of deaths in Northern Nigeria from the late seventies to the mid eighties. These disturbances also led to the destruction of much of ancient city of Yola in present day Adamawa state. 

It may surprise many Nigerians that Mohammed Marwa, the founder of that sect which wreaked untold hardship and brought cataclysmic killings and destruction to Nigeria was not even from Nigeria. He was from Marwa, a town in Northern Cameroon.

He came to Nigeria as an itinerant Islamic scholar and gathered a very large following which he turned against the Nigerian state and almost succeeded in destabilizing the Shehu Shagari and the first Muhammadu Buhari regimes.

So entrenched was Mohammad Marwa's maitatsine movement that even after he was killed in 1980, his movement refused to die and his disciple, Musa Makaniki, continued to instigate trouble for Nigeria and when his movement was smashed, he ran for cover in Cameroon until 2004 when he returned to Nigeria and was arrested and tried.

From the above incidences, it is clear that if we do not police our borders and we allow millions of almajiri into our country so they can help us win elections or perform other nefarious roles for us, what happens to national security when they turn on us just like Mohammed Marwa did? 

That is a question I leave for the Federal Government that, according to Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso, owes its ascendancy to almajiris, to answer.

Now on to other issues. 

On Wednesday the 12th of April 2017, President Muhammadu Buhari did not show up for the regular weekly meetings of the Executive Council of the Federation.

According to Lai Mohammed, President Buhari did not attend the Executive Council of the Federation meeting because he was attending to "other issues"! 

If that is Lai's best excuse, then he must really be running out of lies (or lais). It is better for the spokesman to a government not to give any excuse than give such a lame one. 

The most important meeting in Nigeria is the Executive Council of the Federation meeting. Leaving Executive Council of the Federation meeting to attend to other issues will be like a CEO leaving a board meeting to attend to visitors. Can such a business thrive? Of course not! No wonder Nigeria is in the shape she is. "Where there is no vision, the people perish"-Proverbs 29:18.

The President must show consistency and stability by attending these meetings regularly. The only excuse that should allow for non attendance of these meetings is when the President is out of the country or when he is ill. Other than that he MUST attend these meetings. 

This is why I have always maintained that stability of character is perhaps the most important trait in a leader.

That is why I believe that Politicians who have changed parties multiple times lack the moral authority to condemn prostitutes! 

If women who sleep with many men for money are prostitutes why should men who join many political parties for power be called politicians? 

That is why I admire Chief Olusegun Obasanjo and Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. Obasanjo is 80 and Jonathan is 59 and in all their time on earth, they have belonged to only one party. That is a character trait I admire. 

Who in the APC has such a character? Not one person. From the President to his cabinet, you can trace their history from APP, to ANPP, to CPC and now to APC. And these are the people that are pontificating today. No wonder Nigeria is so unstable today. How can you have stability with politicians who are not stable?

Reno's Nuggets

Due to the popular demands of my readers, I have covenanted to end each of my writings with one of my Nuggets so here goes:

 A few months ago Efe was a nobody. Today, he is the most popular Nigerian. Believe in yourself even if nobody believes in you. And very importantly, don't wait until you are successful before dressing for success. Don't wait until you are broke before you start managing your money. And Efe, now that you are rich and famous, when the time comes, marry a prayerful wife because no matter how beautiful a wife is, her beauty can't help you deal with tough times when they come, and believe me, they will come  #RenosNuggets


  1. Reno Omokri is just blinded by the fact that Jonathan lost his 2nd term re-election bid.Everything he says is always biased and anti-APC. He doesn't have objectivity in his statements and thought pattern.

    1. You just sounded like a blind fool.... Try to understand before commenting on people's post... Enough said... Reno nice one there..

    2. From your name it is understandable why you are brainless.

    3. Shut up and use your head to think for once.

    4. All the things Omokri said are they all 100% lies?
      From politicians jumping from party to party or Almajiri wahala?
      Just asking oooo

  2. This Bonga fish still take himself serious, why not Port Harcourt and Malabo thieve. Awu. You think you fool people.

  3. Wendel Simlin, still can't get over the fact that Nigerians butted out his ineffectual, corrupt, buffoon boss.
    Stay there and continue pouring saliva allover,stay confusing and contradicting yourself. No matter the tantrums you throw, the ineffectual GEJ is gone and will never come back.
    If not for anything we have a President who is not stealing our money just like your principal, we thought boko haram will never be silenced, now we have relative peace in the Northeast.
    Quit wailing, your paymaster is never coming back.

    . ~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA LUMIA

    1. Your stupidity must be genetic

  4. Reno Omokri should go and hang himself. When PDP was winning the Northern States it is the same Almajiri they used to win. These same people are were now being used to win the election by APC. What about Rivers where a whole professor could not read the scores even when they sun closer to the result sheet.

    1. So that makes it right? Why are you so daft?

  5. Reno, this is one of the major issues destabilizing Nigeria. Believe me, the political leaders from the south knew that 40-45% of northern population are people from Niger, Chad, Northern Cameroon and other places, even Mali. But they dare not raise the issue. The likes of Alfa Belgore, are not Nigeria but originally from Mali, of course, you will agree with me that Belgore is a French word, and not Hausa or Arabic. Even here in Lagos, most of the 'mallams' are from Niger and they voted during the last election. I've personally done a cover up survey on them. Also these were issues Festus Odimegwu raised before suggesting that the north cannot have more population than south, and people like Kwankwaso threatened fire and brimstone if he was not removed from the population commission.
    Please, do you know what the north do during census?

  6. Well said. I don't see the write-up as an attack on the APC government rather, I see it as a wake up call for all Nigerians. Please, BONARIO & Co. stop the insults already!!! They sound like a broken record.

  7. Fool y not say sometin abt Rivers n Delta's result , Linda sha dey push us down our throat...Mumu Wendel

  8. You guys do the same thing you accuse Reno of doing throw tantrums. U guys should learn to disagree with is point with facts, most importantly constructively. Major problem here dat have seen is dat people don't want to reason, put buhari and Jonathan on one side and learn to face d real issues. Can you imagine u saying at least he is not eating our money. No wonder we have buhari has our president. U are has bereft of ideas as he is. Rubbish u guys should beta put all dis rubbish aside and see how we will make dis country great. I don't agree with Reno completely but someone is waking up our consciousness

  9. For the Very first i read bonario nnag, comment and it lack objectivity and maturity so dissappointing, please dont reduce yourself to gutter polictic there are alot of People there already if you dont agree with Reno, point out his flaws not Yours 'atlease Nigeria has a president Who is not stealing our money' can you bet Your life on it,

    1. Please read more of his comments. They lack logistics. The guy is a foolish fool.

      APC supporters cant come up with facts. only insults.

  10. Many people enjoy and share the views of Reno. Those that enjoy his right ups are often so satisfied that they have nothing extra to comment. Those that are filled with fear and hate most times are energised enough to type hateful comments. The haters are often more desperate and obsessed in hate, and more often would comment in fear of losing their base who may be convinced with Reno common sense

  11. Mtcheeeeeeew! This fella has come again?

  12. Mtcheeeeeeew! This fella has come again?

  13. Mtcheeeeeeew! This fella has come again?

  14. Mtcheeeeeeew! This sick fella has come again?

  15. I cant stop admiring this man Reno. I wish i can meet him personally. He has won my heart. He writes with finesse and full of facts. I just love you broh. God bless you & your family. U get power for ur brain(intelligent) jare!

  16. Wendel simlin.aka.reno.u b mumu.dos almajiris Av voters card or not? It's left to u to go n prove to d court and say bcoz d gov said most of Dem are not Nigerian so d court shd cancel d vote.ode nla.look at hw u are reasoning.
    Let ur jona come back one million times,buhari will flaw him again n again.awon oloriburuku wailers.
    Whn ur mama piss n mad man fanny dey yarn rubbish Una no call Dem to order.pls go n die in oshio voice.

  17. I HAVE been to the northern part of Nigeria. Hence, I totally agree with him.

  18. Woooow!
    This indeed a wake up call for the FG. Those that have ears let dem hear! Oga u have spoken well!!

  19. The northern political elites are fraudulent their conduct, the almajiri phenomena will never end in the north because the not
    north uses them to their advantage, the northern elite are the most wicked set of human beings on earth and are willing to sacrifice any body and any thing for their selfish end, thank Gos for Emir Sanusi of Kano who is now burn again but they will stop him for sure. I have spoken my mind , feel free to abuse me.

  20. Thank you Reno

  21. The lesson here is that LEADERS should think before they TALK IN PUBLIC...Based on logistics simple DEDUCTIONS have just been made from facts and statements out there. Good one Reno...


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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