11 Year old Michigan boy, hangs himself after he thinks his girlfriend had committed suicide | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 8 April 2017

11 Year old Michigan boy, hangs himself after he thinks his girlfriend had committed suicide

An 11 year old boy, Tysen Benz, was at home when he saw social media posts indicating that his 13-year-old girlfriend had committed suicide. The posts were a prank, but the 11-year-old boy apparently believed them and thought his girlfriend had really died. Using a cellphone he had bought without his mother's knowledge, Tysen on March 14, read texts and other messages about the fake suicide of his and decided he would end his life too, his mother Katrina Goss said.
After seeing the posts about his girlfriend, Tysen replied over social media that he was going to kill himself, yet no one involved in the prank told an adult or even told Benz that it was a joke, not even the supposed girlfriend, Goss said. Moments later, his mother found him hanging by his neck in his room in Marquette, Michigan.

Now a prosecutor is pursuing criminal charges against one of the juveniles accused of being involved in the prank, which Goss described as "a twisted, sick joke." Goss described her son as appearing "fine" just 40 minutes before she found him.
"I just want it be exposed and be addressed," Goss said of school bullying in general and cyberbullying in particular. "I don't want it be ignored."
Authorities would not release the age of the juvenile charged or comment on what relationship the person had with Tysen. The juvenile is being charged with malicious use of telecommunication services and using a computer to commit a crime.

After Goss found her son hanging, she cut the rope and immediately called 911. They were able to resuscitate him and rushed him to a Detroit hospital where he was placed on a life support.

Doctors informed his parents that he was brain damaged and most likely would never recover from the coma. His parents decided to take him off life support. The boy died Tuesday at a Detroit-area hospital.

The girlfriend whose death was faked and friends who were in on the prank attended the same school as Tysen, Goss said. Even though the prank occurred outside of school, she said, the school should have done more to protect her son. She said:
"The principal, the assistant principal — that's their job, especially for little kids," she said. "Kids take things to heart."
In a statement released Thursday, Marquette Area Public Schools Superintendent William Saunders agreed with Goss's concerns about the dangers of social media. He said the district has been educating students and parents through its health curriculum, health fairs, community forums and other efforts.
"After the gut-wrenching loss of a student, we ask ourselves, 'How can we do more?'" Saunders wrote.
Most states in the US, including Michigan, have enacted legislation designed to protect children from bullies.

Michigan's anti-bullying act, signed in 2011 by Gov. Rick Snyder, requires school districts to have anti-bullying policies on the books. It was known as "Matt's Safe School Law" after Matt Epling, a 14-year-old who killed himself after a 2002 hazing incident.

The law was updated two years ago to direct school districts to add language to those policies that address cyberbullying.

Former Republican state Rep. Phil Potvin, who sponsored the original bill, said schools have a responsibility to do more than include anti-cyberbullying rules in their written policies.
"They have to have a person — spelled out — to make sure that policy is followed," said Potvin, of Cadillac in northern Michigan. "Some schools have failed to do that. They may have put something in, but there is no follow-up. There is no checking up on these things."

Source: AP


  1. Suicide everywhere. Hit cool money! Get soccer prediction tips for Saturday & Sunday 8th & 9th April 2017 @ www.fortunatusblog.com 

  2. Why would he just run and commit suicide that quickly? The girlfriend needs to spend time in prison to reminisce on what she has caused.
    Get a bigger penis here

  3. Replies
    1. Nenenne George is the sttyupid girl. How can you call a dead person a stupid boy? OLODO girl!!!

    2. Nnene George, you're a classified idiot. Did you see how old he is? Children take things too dearly and clearly, he hasn't reached age of knowing right from wrong. I can't emphasize how stupid you are. You should be banned from using social media

    3. Changing your picture and hiding your face behind the glasses still does not help Nnenne.🤢🤢🤢

  4. the mother should go and rest. Her child was mentally unstable. first he should not be dating at all or at that level of emotional engagement at 13. Second he should not have as a first reaction suicide if he is mentally stable. His first thought should be I have to tell an adult. His mom should focus on asking herself where she went wrong so that she can take betterr Care of remaining children. Teens are going to be teens. The prank though harsh was clearly perceived as a prank which is why his peers did not do anything about his threat. They did not expect such a response from any kids in their group. This is why parents should learn as much as they can about their children. He felt the need to be affirmed by a female and he found it in his fellow teen. where was mom?

  5. Romeo and Juleth

  6. i sympathize with the entire family, but then, what's an 11year old doing with a girlfriend? and then so emotionally intoxicated and entangled with a girl at just 11? in fact...i'm tired!

  7. A joke taken too far, those behind the prank are responsible for his death. The supposed girl friend should be watched cautiously in order to avert any suicide intent.

  8. I blame the parents. How can u allow an 11yr old to have a girlfriend. He is abviously too immature and young to handle adult things. This isthe outcome. Now, ur looking for someone to blame for ur lack of good parenting. May his soul rest in peace.

  9. I blame the parents. How can u allow an 11yr old to have a girlfriend. He is abviously too immature and young to handle adult things. This isthe outcome. Now, ur looking for someone to blame for ur lack of good parenting. May his soul rest in peace.

  10. Hmmm imagine 11yr old in love! Wht do u no abt luv

  11. No long story, , who teach am??

  12. This is what happens when an 11 yrs old get a girlfriend. Imagine absolute nonsense

  13. hmm
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds


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