Joro Olumofin on Okafor’s Law Myth: Real or Imagined? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 10 March 2017

Joro Olumofin on Okafor’s Law Myth: Real or Imagined?

Relationship blogger and consultant, Joro Olumofin shared about Okafors’ Law on his Instagram page. Nollywood actress cum producer, Omoni Oboli is set to release a movie on Okafor’s Law. So, do you all think Okafor’s Law is real or imagined, or have you ever experienced or used Okafor’s Law on your ex? Let’s discuss. Read his post after the cut...

“Omoni Oboli's Okafor's Law Ruined My Chances With my Ex Whenever I feel like having sex I just reach out to one of ex and before you know it we will get down to business. I actually never thought of it until I saw it happen with my buddy and his ex who visited him. That was how I planned doing the same with Ada whom I had done it repeatedly with o. It was a disaster. She visited me but she was in no mood for all my emotional talks. She ate and laughed when I faked teary emotions. 
This was the same thing I did with her the last time that helped me nack her o. How come it's not working today?  
You won't believe that it was the trailer of one #OkaforsLaw she saw that triggered her interest and helped her realise what I was doing. I heard it's Omoni Oboli's movie. I suggest every guy must boycott this movie and ensure their ex or even current girlfriend sef no see am.  
As you have spoilt my runs with Ada na God go punish you o Omoni. Leke from Abuja”.


  1. Omoni well done...

    Stylish way of promoting your movie.

  2. Lol... well done Omoni.O 👏🏽

    ~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

  3. This is the reason, most people will watch the movie

  4. Childishness! Am glad he has been arrested finally.

  5. Lolxxx! This is like a player put at the business end of a double barrel gun. Chei!!!

  6. Promotion things...Lol

  7. Even if we want to discuss it, Linda, ur late approval and posting of comments, would ruin the fun. so i would just passagodi by

  8. Even if we want to discuss it, Linda, ur late approval and posting of comments, would ruin the fun. so i would just passagodi by


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