Donald Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Price | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 3 March 2017

Donald Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Price

US President Donald Trump has been nominated for the 2017 Nobel Peace Price. According to Economic Times,Trump was nominated by an unidentified American who wants the controversial US leader recognised for "his peace through strength ideology".
318 people and organisations are in the running for this year's Nobel Peace Prize, including Pope Francis and Syria's White Helmets.  It is also believed to include jailed Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, and Edward Snowden.

 The names of the nominees are usually kept secret but those entitled to nominate candidates are free to reveal the name of the person or group they have nominated.

Pope Francis was nominated by a Norwegian member of parliament because "he is one of the rare ones to stand up to Donald Trump".

The Nobel committee is expected to announce the 2017 laureate on October 6 though that date has yet to be confirmed.


  1. Is this a Joke or they juat wanna Taunt the Bastard...They should strike out that Uncouth Bigot Name Asap Joor ...

  2. Prize not price agbaya

  3. a.k.a EDWIN CHINEDU AZUBUKO said...
    Oky seen...

  4. Beware of a 'Trojan Horse'.

  5. I go with Syria's White Helmets. Those volunteers are totally humane for choosing the most troubled spot of today's world fearing neither Russian war jets, government bombs rebels' bullet, nor minding the love for family and self. You can nominate Trump all you want, I stand with those who lost or put their lives on the line for those of others.

    The Aficionado

  6. If he ever wins it the children of Nelson Mandela should return their Dads Nobel Peace prize as it is an insult to what he stood and fought for and I am afraid the racist Trump cannot share the same platform with Mandela.

  7. LWKM
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  8. What an irony

  9. This is definitely a sick joke

  10. news of 2017........
    Him whom God has bless no one can curse.......Go on Trump, make America Great Again


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