Barrack Obama's vindictive half-brother releases photo of Barrack's alleged Kenyan birth certificate and declares his support for Trump | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 10 March 2017

Barrack Obama's vindictive half-brother releases photo of Barrack's alleged Kenyan birth certificate and declares his support for Trump

Malik Obama's recent behaviour towards his half-brother, Barrack Obama, brings to mind that Yoruba proverb that translates to 'It's people who know you that betray you".

Malik has not made secret the fact that he is not in support of his brother and in a recent attack on Barack, he posted an image of a Kenyan birth certificate which he claims belongs to the former US president. See it after the cut...

During Barrack's presidency, he was plagued with accusations of being born abroad, hence not a true American. Donald Trump promoted the birther movement that made this allegation to question the legitimacy of his presidency and now, years later, Malik is bringing it up again. The older Obama brother tweeted a birth certificate photo that has the letterhead of the Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa and claimed it was proof that Barrack was born in Mombasa, Kenya.

Turns out the birth certificate was a fake. In 2009, a man called Lucas Smith had put up the same forged document for sale on eBay, but it was removed because the website has a policy that bans the selling of purported government documents. Beside, Barrack already replied to the allegations about his birth by releasing a copy of his long-form birth certificate in 2011.

Malik also tweeted his support for Trump. Since before the election, he's been very vocal about his support for the new president, saying Obama had done nothing for his Kenyan family so doesn't deserve his support and this got him an invitation from Trump to attend the October 19 debate against Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas where he got to meet and take a photo with Trump's adviser, Kellyanne Conway.

Malik's opposition of his half-brother is believed to be because Barrack did not meet his expectations by providing financial support for him and the other Kenyan family members and also because he had run for governor of the southwestern Kenyan county of Siaya in 2013 and Barrack did little to help him.
"I'm very proud of my brother, but I would like for him to do a little bit more for the family on this side. I would like to say he could send some money. I give money when asked. That's what family is for. We're not well off, though people think we are," Malik had said in an old interview with The Post.


  1. Libers please i need your help of 20,000 to bring myself out from so many debts that have been pile up for me and lactogen 2 milk for my baby. I just regretted marrying my husband. I can't have a good sleep as a result of over

    1. I think it is stupid of u to have said u regret marrying ur husband due to lack o funds for now. The rich pe of today that you're celebrating if they tell u what they went through u wouldn't open u dirty mouth to say d rubbish u said.

    2. Give him pap! Lactogen for thus hard time in Nigeria. Marrying a husband that Failed u is the more reason to get real! Live and Learn!

  2. He's a failed brother.

    1. I'm telling you, very failed. it's an African behaviour sef that's why he's Kenyan always feeling entitled to another man's money he worked hard to make in the name of family.. smh ----C21

    2. If Obama didn help his family tthen it's not cool...

    3. See this fucked up people saying nonsense...:ere if u were his bro and he couldn't do anything for him u wil feel bad al dsame....its blood if don't help dem who u go help..?? See tthis folish people saying it's african mentality to ask help from ya family....

  3. Lol whats the gain now. Loosers and haters

  4. The African mentality....Always assuming they are entitled....If Barack was nothing, am sure they would not even relate with him....

  5. Americans don't care about what an African man is saying.

  6. Na who know man dey kill am.

  7. Black like devil.... Brown teeth... Where were you when your mate was making money....oloshi.....and ms Linda am tied of this your etisalat advert that don't allow me to make use of my you them come na me dey suffer am?

    1. I Taya ooooo the thin just dey dance

    2. Hahahahha😳😂😂😂😂😂,u funny o

  8. You know Africans always expect you to shoulder their problems if you're a successful relative. In America, if you're an adult, they don't take care of your problems unless you're a minor or a charity case. Malik, Barack might be your brother, but he's an American, and will behave like an American. Go and get a job or better still, ask Trump to make you one of his cabinet members if he cares about you. Stop being bitter about your brother, this thing you're doing will hunt you in future. Barack is highly favored of God, there's nothing you can do about it. He's the first,not only black, but first colored American president, came out highly rated and well liked. Americans are asking him for a third term irrespective of his color. All over the world are celebrating him, you should be proud of your brother for taking your family name to such dignity. And not letting poverty and bitterness control you. That's why Africa is still in this present situation. Evil!

    1. Are you for real? Who is wanting a third term for Barack? Let me tell you, I am American and Nigerian as well and I was so relieved when it was time up for Barack and I support trump 100% and so many blacks as well as brown and whites don't want Barack back, he destroyed the foundations of Christianity and morality that held America up high. Even Hilary is not welcomed to the White House so stop saying what you don't know.

      As for his Kenyan lineage it is wrong that he did nothing to help even his family, I am American and I support my family no matter how little and I know where to draw the line for that as well.

    2. But there is nothing wrong in a favoured brother helping those who don't have.........every one will not be rich at the same time.

    3. Barack did not loot American govt's money, so where does this agbaya brother expect him to get money from and give to him? African mentality. That's why Africans loot govt money so that agbaya brothers like Malik can get rich overnight. Cry me a river Malik.

  9. mumu illiterate! ODE
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  10. Be money palava. Blackmailing brother.

  11. Nawa ooh. Join the Money Team! Get superb soccer prediction tips for Saturday 11th March 2017 @  

  12. Before you crucify others, what have done for other & yourself ?

  13. Barrack no try on the not providing for his Kenyan family. U can't be that high up and ur family is still poor.

    1. He is not a Nigeria. You expect him to give out American tax payers money to some African man that refuses to help him self.

  14. Linda, it's like u have been bought over. Where is the story about today's press conference of Miss Otobo? Have you been paid not to carry it? Every other blog has it except your blog. Meanwhile, you were the one that announced the press briefing to us yesterday. I'm suspecting you seriously and I will be disappointed if you have been corrupted.


    1. Hmm.
      Hope its not true o Linda cos some of us depend only on LIB for juicy tea.
      Need 2 troll somewhere for the News.

  15. Noo'he would have said Obama w born in kogi state....koshi'kuro jare!...#swegbe!

  16. Success attract envy,while poverty attract pity,which of the two do you want?

  17. I was born in England but I have a Nigerian Bc as well so what is he talking about? You can get any docs in Nigeria.

  18. This one is only looking for appointment from Trump.....And they somehow look alike only that one is fair and other is dark in complexio


  20. Good that Barrack has cut him off...this man is a true African..with little common sense...ok..not all Africans have no sense like him

  21. I that young man should be ashame of himself for betraying his brother. Barak ubama need to visit the plate of his brothers though but shouldn't be reason why his half brother should behave in such unafrican manner.

  22. Dis kind of sibling, Obama don't drink and dine with him, he is a traitor. Almost like Judas! Uhm

  23. Black man with black brain how do think that because ur brother is American president for that reason he must give u all America money,now that u made Trump ur friend wait for him to give you one dollar,u Will regret ur action by betraying ur brother

  24. In Chinua Achebe's classic 'Things Fall Apart' a man was told the spirit of his dead father demanded a cow as sacrifice before his crops could blossom. The man simply directed the dibia man to ask the spirit how many fowls the man killed in his lifetime. Where were the brothers when the senior Obama died? What role did they play when BHO's mother had to go back to school to support her children? Did they reach out when she died? The family he knew was the grandparents that cared for him. BHO could not steal from the state and did not need any worthless traditional title or doctorate like other African despots. Malik forgot that America keep records but in Kenya, things are different. He supported Trump. Trump gladly suffer fools.Let him ask the billionaire for just a million dollars for his support. Senseless man.

  25. Obama should sue this basta*d brother of his once and for all. Drag the fool to court so that Trump can foot his expenses! Mad fool; envious loser of a half brother.

  26. I have never known any American that will go all the way to know his roots like Obama did.He is just too much. Malik is just a bushman in a different environment and does not realise that Obama identified with them because he is not an arrogant guy.What has Malik done for his people in his village or what did he ever do to make Obama become what he became.Foolish bushman.He is an older brother and an irresponsible one for that matter.


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